Phrases with the word nightmare

(one’s) worst nightmare

1. A situation that fills one with anxiety, dread, or fear. Often used facetiously or hyperbolically. She has a fear of heights, so being suspended over a ravine on a rickety old bridge was her worst nightmare. A: «I was stuck on my own with my girlfriend’s parents for nearly three hours.» B: «Oh, God, that sounds like my worst nightmare!» That’s not a pet, that’s a tarantula! Spiders are my worst nightmare, so get that thing away from me!

2. A person or thing that will cause one an untold amount of difficulty or hardship. As a teacher, the overbearing parent of a kid who isn’t getting good grades can end up being your worst nightmare. This scandal might prove to be the senator’s worst nightmare in her bid for reelection. As your supervisor, I can be your biggest advocate or your worst nightmare. Choose wisely.


informal Something that is quite annoying, challenging, or stressful. A: «So now I have to copy all this paperwork and organize it by five o’clock tonight.» B: «Wow, good luck to you. That sounds like a nightmare.» Our flight to Disney was an absolute nightmare—just screaming and crying kids left and right.

nightmare scenario

The worst, most detrimental thing that could possibly happen. Losing one of our sponsors at a time like this would be a nightmare scenario for the company. The loss of Tom’s salary created a nightmare scenario for us in the face of all our outstanding debt.

out of a nightmare

Very scary, surprising, or unpleasant. Walking through that giant web was like something out of a nightmare. If I have a spider in my hair, I’m gonna lose it! This creepy old house is right out of a nightmare—it’s the perfect setting for our movie.

the stuff nightmares are made of

1. That which is especially disturbing, grotesque, or horrific. My grandparents’ cellar was always the stuff nightmares were made of when I was a kid—dark, dirty, and positively crawling with spiders. What we saw when we knocked down the rotten wall was the stuff nightmares are made of—a huge, writhing mass of rats.

2. That which is unbearably unpleasant or distressing. The things that disease does to your body is the stuff nightmares are made of. Having to endure the death of your children—I can’t stand to even think of it. It’s the stuff nightmares are made of.

the stuff of nightmares

1. That which is especially disturbing, grotesque, or horrific. My grandparents’ cellar was always the stuff of nightmares when I was a kid—dark, dirty, and positively crawling with spiders. What we saw when we knocked down the rotten wall was the stuff of nightmares, as dozens upon dozens of rats came pouring out.

2. That which is unbearably unpleasant or distressing. The things that disease does to your body is the stuff of nightmares. Having to endure the death of your children—it’s the stuff of nightmares. I can’t stand to even imagine it.

the stuff of which nightmares are made

1. That which is especially disturbing, grotesque, or horrific. My grandparents’ cellar was always the stuff of which nightmares were made when I was a kid—dark, dirty, and positively crawling with spiders. What we saw when we knocked down the rotten wall was the stuff of which nightmares are made—a huge, writhing mass of rats.

2. That which is unbearably unpleasant or distressing. The things that disease does to your body is the stuff of which nightmares are made. Having to endure the death of your children—I can’t stand to even think of it. It’s the stuff of which nightmares are made.

worst-case scenario

The worst possible thing that could happen. We don’t expect it to happen, but we need to plan for the worst-case scenario. The worst-case scenario here is that we lose the next three games and miss the playoffs. The best-case scenario is that we win out and get a bye in the first round.

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

worst-case scenario

Cliché the worse possible future outcome. Now, let’s look at the worst-case scenario. In the worst-case scenario, we’re all dead.

McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

worst-case scenario

n. the worst possible future outcome. Now, let’s look at the worst-case scenario.

McGraw-Hill’s Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

worst-case scenario

See best/worst case scenario.

The Dictionary of Clichés by Christine Ammer Copyright © 2013 by Christine Ammer

See also:

  • (one’s) worst nightmare
  • be in fear of (one’s) life
  • be/go in fear of your life
  • crippling fear
  • crippling fear of (something)
  • go in fear of (one’s) life
  • fear
  • in fear and trembling
  • tremble

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


Be prepared for your worst nightmare.

И, конечно же, будьте готовы встретить свой самый худший кошмар.

She was 23 when this nightmare began.

Марии было всего двенадцать, когда начался этот кошмар.

Probably a nightmare like both our fathers experienced.

Вероятно, страшный сон, как говорит опыт обоих наших отцов.

He is a real nightmare for his opponents.

В общем — он был настоящим кошмаром для любого противника.

And through all of that nightmare

И до поры до времени весь этот кошмар

Either commit suicide or escape from this nightmare.

Либо покончить с собой, либо бежать из этого кошмара.

That has become my worst nightmare.

Это стало одним из моих худших кошмаров».

Chickens raised in big factories live in nightmare conditions.

Цыплята, поднятые на больших фабриках, живут в условиях кошмара.

If you suffer from astrophobia, space travel is probably your worst nightmare.

Если вы страдаете от астрофобии, космические путешествия — это, вероятно, ваш худший кошмар.

But the logistics would be a total nightmare.

Но с точки зрения транспортной логистики это будет полный кошмар.

It is every child’s nightmare.

Это кошмар, возникающий в жизни каждого ребенка.

What I saw was a nightmare.

То, что мы увидели, было кошмаром.

Please, someone wake me up from this nightmare.

Кто-нибудь, разбудите нас от этого кошмара, пожалуйста!».

It was a nightmare (laughter).

В общем, это был кошмар (смеется).

Sleeping through this nightmare like a baby.

Спит, невзирая на этот кошмар, как младенец.

His dream is becoming a nightmare.

С этого момента её жизнь превращается в кошмар.

You can go wherever you want, but end this nightmare.

После того, как вы покинете это место можете отправляться куда хотите, только прекратите этот кошмар.

Trying to figure out this bound magic nightmare.

Пытаемся разобраться в этом кошмаре со «связанной магией».

My worst nightmare is cats walking on two legs.

Мой худший кошмар это кошки, которые ходят на двух ногах.

I told you I had a nightmare.

Я же сказал, что у меня был кошмар.

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A nightmare, also called a bad dream, is an unpleasant dream that can cause a strong emotional response from the mind, typically fear but also despair, anxiety and great sadness. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Light hearted Comedy, unoriginal in its dysfunctional dynamics that start of fine but then turn into a nightmare.


As can be glimpsed above, baby pets are cute and everyone loves them but the cuddly ball of fur you have now can become your worst nightmare if the pet turned out to be totally different from your expectations based on breed characteristics.


Supposedly a happy, carefree 17 year-old, Heather is in fact blighted by her worst nightmares almost from the game’s kick off.


This includes dog fighting (where kittens are often used as bait), poisoning, and anything else that should be confined to your nightmares.


If you have a nightmare on an overnight train and something happens to your pack or your valuables, make sure you’re covered with travel insurance and that you keep information on your policy, as well as copies of your passport and other vital information, in a few locations.


As Liam’s nightmare grows darker, Justin must find a way to rescue him before it’s too late.


The «he-said-she-said» claims would be a nightmare to unravel.


I’d like to think it’s all a joke, that far from a dream this is actually Linklater’s idea of a nightmare.


Following a smugly loquacious L.A. podcaster (Justin Long) into an old dark house in backwoods Manitoba (and into a pothead’s nightmare come to life), Smith ought to know that his gore-soaked, wounded beast of a movie needs to wind up with its paws outstretched, howling in existential pain.


Which is going to give you nightmares if you do not follow the right path!


There is also the nightmare of stretch marks which endure long after the fat is gone.


It won’t be long after Chuck’s arrival before the zombies escape the arena and turn Fortune City into an undead nightmare.


In Roman J. Israel, Esq., they’re equally adept at nocturnal disasters and waking nightmares.


After a few sessions, my client, Jamie, tells me that he and his wife can stand together against the dragons that come for him in every nightmare; he can now call for her and she knows how to calm him and hold him until the panic subsides.


Which seems like overkill, but from the horror stories I’ve heard, identify theft is a nightmare.


But if you are a nursing mother and have frozen milk, it can be an all-out nightmare.


»… Homeland centers this week’s episode on a bloody nightmare in the heartland.


But beneath that surface, there is a complex psychological thriller churning its way into the reader’s nightmares.


What remains to be seen is how the US online retail giant copes up with the tyranny of Russian geography that is vast and equally varied, something that can easily be termed as a logistical nightmare.


Took it off roading and nearly destroyed the front fender… Hit a patch of snow at 25 mph and slid all 4 wheels spinning for 90 feet through traffic… blew the rear strut assembly driving over a speed bump then ended up only getting 17 mpg on average costing me almost $ 6000 dollars a year in gas… I recommend finding an older Cherokee or Grand Cherokee and sticking with that this thing was a nightmare for me and my family glad were trading it in for a Dodge… good ridance.


The owners have been slow to acknowledge obvious mistakes in previously discussed realignment plans, such as the geographic folly of putting the expansion Tampa Bay Devil Rays in the American League West and the scheduling nightmare of creating two 15-team leagues, which would have effectively required interleague play every day of the season.


These are the nightmare outcomes that Atlantic Financial founder, 20-year Wall Street veteran and Bitcoin Financial Association member Bruce Fenton believes could befall the bitcoin industry, should US lawmakers heed calls for regulation from the bitcoin community.


Better your journalist friend be mad at you than the potential legal nightmare you are about to craft.


With 4 countries involved, this adventure might sound like a logistical nightmare.


Tax reporting for cryptocurrency is still a nightmare, from Seoul to Chicago.


Have you ever had an online dating nightmare before?


So why would any mental health professional who cares about providing targeted parents and their children with a solution to their nightmare, a solution that can be actualized immediately, still hold on to an outdated and inadequate Gardnerian model of PAS?


Symptoms include nightmares, startling easily, being bothered by loud noises and bright lights, avoiding physical contact and having trouble experiencing enjoyment.


For me, it was a nightmare of grief and horror — one that will imprison me and my three daughters for the rest of our lives.


At long last, Severed landed on the Wii U a few weeks ago — with a handy 10 % off bonus for early buyers — and today, Nintendo 3DS owners hoping to take Sasha’s journey in the nightmare realm can get in on the fun.


I don’t notice one thing that causes my skin to break out but I eat try to eat healthy and exercise (hit yoga was a nightmare for my acne though) and I am about 130 lbs.


But the beginning of the match was like a nightmare for Arsenal as Manchester United had got the very early lead in the match at the 4th minute of the match.


Now look at this gem, you have a staggering $ 178,000 less to invest over 30 years… a massive opportunity lost (something nightmares are made of).


Bondholders, on the other hand, are facing «a nightmare


I find it that the around the eyes skin ages easily, so it’s very important to use the best products in order to prevent too early and visible lines that are every woman’s worst nightmare.


Their studies follow many women such as Vicky who ultimately left and began the difficult and courageous work of converting nightmares into dreams.


His top bunk is way more cool than mommy and daddy’s bed, but he does find his way into bed with us or on the floor next to us after a nightmare or when he isn’t feeling well.


A «nightmare scenario», he says, is a massive tsunami following a powerful but slow-rupturing quake that causes little or no ground shaking, because people often then ignore any warnings.


But if they’ve invented a way to prevent nightmares in babies (or adults), I don’t know about it.


Though i feel some players at times looked tired after international duty otherwise it would have been nightmare for L’pool


As it turns out, more than two pieces becomes a nightmare for animators, creates body part identity issues (ah, high school), and brings in lost parts concerns on $ 15 figures.


Jake is having horrible nightmares in which he sees Walter.


It’s the time of year to roll out the barbecue, but cleaning off old grime can be a nightmare.


The Belgian centre-back has long been one of the top players in the world in his position, though he’s had a nightmare with injuries over the last few years.


In a strange world where she was constantly on display, fame soon became a personal nightmare of constant exposure and sexualization.


Mathematically ranked by our six regular reviewers, who each filed an annotated ballot, the 20 films below all have at least one thing in common: They made 2016 a little easier to bear, either by offering an escape from its nightmares or helping make sense of them.


Your toddler’s nightmares are most likely linked to something that happened just before bed, like listening to a story that scared him or watching an upsetting show.


There are times when my son has nightmares (not terrors, thank goodness) and my daughter sleeps right through those.


We saw Rory relive some of his 2011 nightmares there on Saturday, overcooking it and yanking one down the left side into the pines.


Ignore the bloated, redundant Redux cut also on Instant and stick with the theatrical version for the full effect of the nightmare — Jake Cole


кошмар, страшный сон, ужас, инкуб, ведьма, которая душит спящих


- кошмар; страшный сон

he had a nightmare — его мучил кошмар, он увидел страшный сон

- кошмар, ужас

the nightmare of war — ужасы войны

- (тж. Nightmare) фольк. мара, ведьма, душащая спящих
- в грам. знач. глагола редк. мучить как кошмар; душить во сне

Мои примеры


there was a connection between eating that pickle and having that nightmare — Между этим ночным кошмаром и поеданием маринада / солёных овощей была связь.  
a nightmare population of gaunt men and skeletal boys — кошмарная популяция тощих мужчин и похожих на скелеты мальчиков  
to have a nightmare — видеть страшный сон  
horrible / terrible nightmare — страшный сон  
long as a whore’s nightmare — очень длинный  
it’s a nightmare — мрак  
a nightmare — кошмар  

Примеры с переводом

Traffic was a nightmare.

Пробки были просто кошмар.

The party was a complete nightmare.

Вечеринка была — полный кошмар.

Mommy, I had a really scary nightmare.

Мамочка,у меня был по-настоящему страшный ночной кошмар.

I woke up from the nightmare in a cold sweat.

Я пробудился от кошмара в холодном поту.

This has been an absolute nightmare for me and my family.

Это абсолютный кошмар для меня и моей семьи.

Years after the accident I still have nightmares about it.

Спустя годы после аварии, мне до сих пор ещё снятся об этом кошмары.

The holocaust survivors have lived a nightmare

Люди, выжившие после Холокоста, пережили (настоящий) кошмар.

It was hard to describe the nightmare she had lived through.

Трудно было описать кошмар, который ей пришлось пережить.

The nightmare left her with a sense of fear and loathing.

Этот кошмар оставил её с чувством страха и жуткой ненависти.

It was every teacher’s worst nightmare (=the worst thing which could have happened).

Это был худший кошмар любого учителя (т.е. худшее, что вообще могло произойти).

No two people respond to LSD the same way. A trip can become a nightmare, known as a «bummer».

Нет двух людей, которые бы совершенно одинаково реагировали на ЛСД. Улет может превратиться в кошмар, так называемую «шубу».

The journey was a positive nightmare.

Вся эта поездка была просто кошмарной.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

It was a nightmare at the time, but afterwards we all had a good laugh (=laughed a lot) about it.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): nightmare
мн. ч.(plural): nightmares

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The layout of each nightmare zone will be random and different every time you play.

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Дизайн каждой кошмарной зоны будет генерироваться случайным образом в каждой новой игре.

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Purpose: Unlocks the door to the Storeroom in the basement, Nightmare Hospital.

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Назначение: Отпирает дверь кладовки в подвале кошмарной больницы.

The game marked the beginning of a

new trend of video games»game of survival in a nightmare.


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Игра положила начало

новому направлению видеоигр« игры выживание в кошмаре».


Did you have a nightmare the night of the murders?

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After his death, my mother tried to survive in the nightmare.


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После его смерти моя мама пыталась выжить в этом кошмаре.


Purpose: Unlocks the northwest Classroom on 2F, Nightmare School.

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Назначение: Отпирает класс на 2- ом этаже в северно- западной части кошмарной школы.

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Location: On the desk in the Director’s Office 1F, Nightmare Hospital.

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Местонахождение: Кошмарная больница, 1- ый этаж, на столе в кабинете директора.

The new»Nightmare Killer» and the new»Time Travel.

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Новый» Кошмарный убийца» и новое» Путешествие во времени.

Location: On the back ledge in the men’s washroom 3F, Nightmare Hospital.

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Местонахождение: Кошмарная больница, 3- ий этаж, на подоконнике в мужском туалете.

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And again, as in a nightmare from the past: the super-high doses of chemotherapy, pain.


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И снова все, как в страшном сне из прошлого: сверхсильные дозы химиотерапии, боль.


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Description: A gnarled, fleshy head resembling the nightmare creatures.

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Описание: Мясистая голова, напоминающая кошмарных монстров.

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Location: On a shelf in the Storeroom 3F in the east corridor, Nightmare Hospital.

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Местонахождение: Кошмарная больница, 3- ий этаж, на полке в кладовке в восточном коридоре.

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Location: Hanging on the wall at the back of Room 306 3F, Nightmare Hospital.

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Местонахождение: Кошмарная больница, 3- ий этаж, на столе в палате 306.

I am still wondering myself, a nightmare evening.

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Я сама себя все время спрашиваю, дорогая. Кошмарный вечер.

Location: On the gurney in the operating Room 2F in the east corridor, Nightmare Hospital.

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Местонахождение: Кошмарная больница, 2- ой этаж, на операционном столе в операционной.

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Thunderstorm of the Wild West, a nightmare for the Indians.


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