Phrases with the word memories

Memory is the faculty of the mind by which information is encoded, stored, and retrieved. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

  • to memory (see also)
  • memory

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Sentences with «memory» (usage examples):

  • I will never forget my labor and as terrible as it was, I look back on it with only fond memories. (
  • Toddlers can start with just a few cards and eventually graduate to larger groups for more advanced memory exercises. (
  • Researchers at BRIC, University of Copenhagen, have developed a new technology that has revealed the dynamic events of this duplication process and the secrets of cellular memory. (
  • (see

To take a stroll/a trip down memory lane

погрузиться в приятные воспоминания

This memory will haunt me forever.

Я буду помнить это вечно.

For old times’ sake

по старой дружбе

If my memory serves me right/correctly = If my memory does not fail me

Если мне не изменяет память…

Come to think of it, I recall…

Если подумать, я припоминаю…

To freeze smth in one’s memory

закрепить в памяти навечно

To have a memory like an elephant

иметь хорошую память

To have a memory like a sieve [sɪv]

иметь плохую память

In living memory

на памяти нынешнего поколения; на нашей памяти

To lose one’s train of thought

потерять мысль

It rings a bell 

это напоминает о чем-то; я припоминаю что-то подобное

It slipped my mind.

Я совсем забыл об этом.

To refresh one’s (smb’s) memory

освежить свою (или чью-л.) память

To jog smb’s memory

всколыхнуть чью-л. память

To commit smth to memory

заставить себя запомнить что-то

To bear smth in mind

запоминать, помнить (что-то важное)

In one ear and out the other

в одно ухо влетело, из другого вылетело

My mind went blank.

Мой мозг полностью отключился.

To have a sharp memory

иметь очень хорошую память

To the best of my memory

насколько я помню

To lose one’s memory

потерять память

In memory of smb. / smth.

в память кого-л. / чего-л.

Good memory for names

хорошая память на имена

Lapse of memory

огрехи памяти

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First, a patient loses the recent memories, then personal memories, and finally intellectual memories.

Traumatic memories aren’t stored like regular memories.

В силу этого, травматические воспоминания организованы в памяти не так, как обычные воспоминания.

While it’s agreed that recovery of lost or repressed memories does happen, the authenticity of these memories is sometimes disputed.

Несмотря на то, что случаи восстановления утраченных или подавленных воспоминаний действительно происходят, подлинность этих воспоминаний иногда оспаривается.

Some of my most cherished memories are summer memories.

Procedural memories cannot be consciously recalled.

Процедурная память, с другой стороны, не может быть применена сознательно.

False memories are memories of things that we did not actually experience.

Ложные воспоминания — это память о вещах, которые мы никогда не испытывали на самом деле.

However, research has shown that memories of abuse function very differently than average memories.

Однако исследования показывают, что воспоминания о насилии по своим особенностям очень отличаются от обычных воспоминаний.

There are many memories made and ready for you to explore and make your new memories here.

Есть много воспоминаний, созданных и готовых для вас, чтобы исследовать и создавать новые воспоминания здесь.

These long-term memories, unlike short-term memories, are relatively permanent.

Эти долгосрочные воспоминания, в отличие от краткосрочных воспоминаний, являются относительно постоянными.

This year, they managed to change the actual emotional content of memories, turning good memories bad, and vice versa.

В этом году им удалось изменить фактическое эмоциональное содержание воспоминаний, превращая хорошие воспоминания на плохие, и наоборот.

Damage to neurons in the hippocampus prevents the formation of new memories and also disrupts neurons that have formed networks encoding existing memories.

Повреждение нейронов в гиппокампе предотвращает образование новых воспоминаний, а также разрушает нейроны, которые сформировали сети, кодирующие существующие воспоминания.

The photos are part of our memories, and I want these memories to always remain bright.

Фотографии — это часть наших воспоминаний, и хочется, чтобы эти воспоминания всегда оставались яркими.

I had lost all my memories, but the memories of that monster only became clearer with time.

Write 5 memories that you have of your parents or another family member and add them to your memories page.

Напишите 5 воспоминаний о своих родителях или каких-нибудь других членах семьи и добавьте их в раздел «Воспоминания».

When memories can no longer be retrieved or we have difficulty in forming new memories, the effects are frequently tragic.

Когда воспоминания больше не могут быть восстановлены, или у человека имеются трудности в формировании новых воспоминаний, последствия часто трагичны».

They are able to strip the memories of humans, provided such memories are short term.

Episodic memories are autobiographical memories of the events in our own lives.

Автобиографическая — это воспоминания эпизодов из нашей жизни.

In a sense, forgetting is our brain’s way of sorting memories, so the most relevant memories are ready for retrieval.

В некотором смысле забывание — это механизм сортировки воспоминаний нашего мозга, чтобы под рукой оставались наиболее релевантные воспоминания.

You want good memories, not bad memories.

The documentary follows recent studies showing that music can improve the memories of dementia patients, and even help them develop new memories.

Недавние исследования также выявили, что музыка может улучшить память у пациентов, страдающих деменцией, и даже помочь им сформировать новые воспоминания.

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From memory (n): npl: memories

Collocations for «memories»

Common phrases and expressions where native English speakers use the word «memories» in context.

WordReference English Collocations © 2023


Most examples are given in US English. We have labeled exceptions as UK.


  1. a [good, sharp, slow, great, terrible, failing] memory
  2. an excellent memory for [names, faces, dates]
  3. your [short, long] term memory
  4. has a [good, terrible] [short] term memory
  5. my [earliest, fondest, sweetest] memory
  6. one of my [earliest] memories
  7. [RAM, disc, internal, computer, device] memory
  8. [2GB] of memory
  9. her memory is failing her
  10. is losing his memory
  11. searched her memory for the [answer, clue, name]
  12. had no memory of the [accident, incident, fall]
  13. her mind had [buried, quashed, banished] all memory of (the accident)
  14. [boost, improve, better] your memory
  15. she smiled at the memory
  16. [exercises, tips, games] to [boost] your memory
  17. to honor the memory of her [dad, friend]
  18. a [vigil, service, ceremony] in memory of
  19. in memory of (the victims)
  20. the [longest, fastest, best] in living memory
  21. the worst [performance, slump, results, recession] in recent memory
  22. store [files, code, information] in the computer memory

n as adj

  1. a memory [boost, card, upgrade, stick]

memories‘ also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations):

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In a study led by Steve Ramirez, PhD, a neuroscientist at Boston University, researchers demonstrated just how pliable memories are by stimulating certain parts of the hippocampus, a part of the brain that plays a key role in memory storage.

This matches well with other studies that have investigated the age of early memories. What does this mean for my memory of being a baby then?

A recent study by scientists from Birmingham and Cambridge focused on memories in the brain.

Indeed our memories are built to generalize and assemble general knowledge not to retain a literal record of particular events.

Now let’s look at some of the ways research has shown we can keep memories around as long as possible: Meditate to improve working memory.

Scientists have shown they can plant fake memories into the brains of mice to make them fear a chamber for no reason whatsoever.

ISLAMABAD, June 17, 2011 (Balochistan Times): Young children may have memories stretching back to late infancy, but these memories fade away as childhood proceeds.

When one reviews the literature about memory, she encounters many types of memories such as short term vs.

Ayrshire Hospice: pounds 10 Precious memories of my dear husband Tom, and dear ones gone before.

The event is so distressing that the person strives to avoid contact with everything and everyone—even his own thoughts—that can arouse memories of the trauma.

An experimental drug completely regenerates parts of the brain crucial to forming memories, according to researchers who performed tests on rats.

The incidence of computers in translation ranges from the rather unsuccessful attempts to attain a Fully Automatic High Quality Machine Translation to the current widespread usage of translation memories. Gone are the years of vast government research funding attempting to «help» computers do the translator’s job.

As you begin to recover your ancestral memories, you will move ever closer to discovering the unconscious, troubled memories that prevent you from knowing the truth of who you are.

Memory is an alliance of systems that work together: but how does it operate to encourage learning, cognition, and forgetting—and how about repressed memories and memory’s applications in specific incidents?

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