Phrases with the word marry

In making the argument in favor of same-sex marriage to the court’s conservative majority, the Republican signatories take up an inherently conservative stance: Two parents are better than one to raise a child and that a hands-off government shouldn’t be in the business of deciding who one marries.


A three flavor line of PowerBar Jerky & Nut Savory Snack Bars «made with 100 % American beef» marries popular features from snack bars and beef jerky into a single offering.


Royal LePage has launched a lead management solution for its agents, which the company says marries best practices in lead conversion with technology to automate the lead conversion process.


This mono-material package marries flexible and rigid packaging to create a thin, light, strong structure that uses less material, enables recycling and allows more message space.


When a United States woman marries you, she is your wife without end.


The recipe «marries» two fabulous products, clams and smoked wild salmon with just the «right» herbs and spices to bring everything together in a «happy union.»


The cash-and-stock deal marries operations that are broadly complementary in terms of geography as well as giving Marathon extra capacity in the U.S. light crude produced by a booming shale oil sector.


She has been knitting hats since she was a child and today marries that passion with a dedication to natural, ethical and sustainable fashion under the label Sky Like Snow…


His seasonally-inspired cuisine marries classic American favorites with pristine ingredients, elevated cooking techniques and savory flavors from around the globe.


Recipe inspired by a sandwich created by Molly Ault, RD for the California Avocado Commission This light, fresh and simple snack or dessert marries avocado and peaches topped with a cottage cheese and honey sauce.


The sully series marries complimentary and contrasting woods giving a vivid and varied tonal effect that can only be achieved when constructing a wood timepiece.


Our unique Kingfisher shade of blue green has a delicious vintage feel that marries harmoniously with the pale aqua lace bodice.


This Mediterranean-inspired salad marries bright, fresh ingredients with sweet, earthy roasted beets and perfectly cooked eggs.


A person who (when the person marries) is one of the 6 persons next in the line of succession to the Crown must obtain the consent of Her Majesty before marrying.


I love the addition of the whole lemon here… marries so well with chicken and asparagus!


«The acid in wine marries with the salt and helps to elevate the flavors in both the wine and the food,» she says.


The Western movie continues the stereotype split between the good woman whom one marries and the bar-girl whom one doesn’t.


If Jesus marries, then this marriage is permanant for eternity.


This quick, savory»n sweet bread marries tangy chunks of nippy orange cheddar with sweet chunks of fresh fall apples.


Todays wedding is a cracking celebartion of when a self confesed rebel fairy marries and wannable rockstar.


This recipe’s confit marries sweet, simmered garlic with Parmesan, a bit of heat from a chili or chili flakes and lemon zest into a buttery spread of our dreams.


The avocado sort of marries slightly with the vinaigrette, making it lush and and a little creamy.You can use any veggies you have on hand.


We turn to it when a child is born, a couple marries and a loved one dies; I turned to it to answer my question.


This «activation» marries fashion and career advice through cute backgrounds, selfie opportunities, career advice, and outfit ideas — I mean, who doesn’t love a good wall to have a photo opp?


When I compare our dating website with a boy meets girl dating website, what happens on a boy meets girl dating website is boy meets girl, boy dates girl, boy marries girl because many of these sites are inclined toward promoting marriage, which is fine.


This psychedelic Mediterranean-inspired salad marries bright, fresh ingredients with sweet, earthy roasted beets and perfectly cooked eggs.


«Digging deep: Harnessing the power of soil microbes for more sustainable farming: «Farm of the future» project marries microbiology and machine learning.»


«Neither can it rightly be held that a husband who dismisses his wife because of fornication and marries another does not commit adultery.


Patterned after a plume, Laura Kirar’s newest collection marries geometric shapes with intricate details to create a timeless piece of art that complements any space.


So if a millionaire marries a junior English nurse, he won’t be allowed in, despite the fact his presence would contribute considerable sums to the economy.


A slurry of cinnamon spiced liquid goes over the top and marries everything together.


Objecting to my suggestion that Merchant of Venice contains an invitation to the Queen to identify with the figure of Portia, he makes the point that Elizabeth remained single, whereas Portia marries.


Any man that honors his wife with words as well as marries her for a recipe, that is a fine gentleman.


There is nothing wrong for a teen to strive for that, if it’s their personal belief, but my beef comes in when one marries for the first time at 19 so that they can have sex.


Popular culture still gets a lot of mileage out happily-ever-after fairytales: couple meets, marries, has babies — roll credits.1 Of course, the truth is that there are many paths to true love, from those that settle down right away to those who find love later in life.


In other words, people marry for all sorts of reasons; if a couple marries because he wants status and she wants security, at least they both know what they’re saying «I do» to.


The potatoes compliment the lemon chicken perfectly and with the gravy made from the lemony juices of the chicken it all marries together fantastically.


жениться, женить, выйти замуж, замуж


- жениться; выходить замуж

- женить; выдавать замуж

he has 3 daughters to marry — ему нужно выдать замуж трёх дочерей
he married his daughter to his friend’s son — он выдал дочь (замуж) за сына своего друга

- венчать, сочетать браком

the priest married them — священник обвенчал их

- соединять, сочетать
- соединяться, сочетаться

where the waters of these two rivers marry — где сливаются воды этих двух рек

- увлекаться; быть преданным

he was married to his work — он был поглощён своей работой; для него самое главное была работа

- мор. сплеснивать (канат, концы)

marry in haste and repent at leisure — посл. ≅ жениться на скорую руку, да на долгую муку


- (выражает удивление, негодование) скажите пожалуйста!, подумать только!, вот так так! (тж. marry come up!)

Мои примеры


a sage suggestion that she think long and hard before deciding to marry at such a young age — мудрый совет — хорошенько всё обдумать, прежде чем решиться на замужество в столь юном возрасте  
to marry off a daughter — выдать дочь замуж  
where the waters marry — где потоки сливаются в один  
to marry validly — вступить в юридически действительный брак  
to marry on the rebound — жениться, выйти замуж из желания забыть прежнюю любовь  
to marry off a son — женить сына  
to marry off a child — выдать замуж или женить ребенка  
to marry early in life — жениться рано  
to marry legally — жениться по закону  
marry over the broom-stick — повенчаться вокруг ракитового куста; повенчать вокруг ракитового куста  
the waters of these two rivers marry — где сливаются воды этих двух рек  

Примеры с переводом

I will never marry you!

Я никогда не женюсь на тебе!

He offered to marry her.

Он предложил ей выйти за него замуж.

I asked her to marry me.

Я попросил ее выйти за меня замуж.

She consented to marry him.

Она согласилась выйти за него замуж.

You’ll marry him over my dead body!

Ты выйдешь за него замуж только через мой труп!

Marry Frank? You can’t be serious!

Замуж за Фрэнка? Ты шутишь! (досл. — ты не можешь говорить об этом серьёзно)

He married Bea in 1925.

Он женился на Bea в 1925 году.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

He could do worse than marry Eleanor.

The priest who married us was really nice.

From out of nowhere he asks me to marry him!

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Фразовые глаголы

marry off — женить, переженить, выдавать замуж

Возможные однокоренные слова

intermarry  — породниться, вступать в брак, смешаться путем брака
mar  — повредить, портить, ударить, искажать, синяк, ушиб, помеха
marly  — мергельный
marriage  — брак, замужество, женитьба, свадьба, марьяж, брачный
married  — замужняя, женатый, замужем, поженившийся, брачный, супружеский
remarry  — вступить в повторный брак
marion  — Марион, Мэрион

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: marry
he/she/it: marries
ing ф. (present participle): marrying
2-я ф. (past tense): married
3-я ф. (past participle): married

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На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


You better pray hard before you marry that girl.

Ты лучше хорошенько помолись, прежде чем жениться на этой девушке.

Girls worry that their father can marry this young girl uncomfortable.

Девочки переживают, что их отец может жениться на этой юной неприятной девушке.

I think we can marry each other.

Я думаю, мы можем жениться друг на друге.

Our parents say that Kazakhs should marry only Kazakhs.

Наши родители говорят, что казахи должны жениться только на казашках.

I would rather never marry than divorce.

«Я бы предпочла никогда не выходить замуж, чем иметь несколько разводов.

They can’t marry without permission.

Однако они по-прежнему не могут выходить замуж без разрешения.

They marry women who fully share their beliefs.

Они женятся на женщинах, в полной мере разделяющих их религиозные убеждения.

And you should also marry your best friend because…

И вы должны также жениться на вашей лучшей подруге, потому что.

He confesses that he still loves someone else and cannot marry her.

Он признается, что все еще любит другого человека и не может жениться на ней.

Many believe that love is to choose a woman and marry her.

Многие полагают, будто любовь состоит в том, чтобы выбрать женщину и жениться на ней.

Mahrams are near relatives whom she can not marry.

Махрам — близкий родственник женщины, за которого ей нельзя выходить замуж.

Men should never marry their muse.

«Цитата» — Мужчины никогда не должны жениться на своих музах.

My girlfriend constantly jokes that I should just marry Dan.

Моя подруга постоянно шутит, что я должен был жениться на Дэне.

Men who marry Kuwait citizens cannot become citizens of the country.

Мужчины, которые женятся на гражданке Кувейта, не могут стать гражданами страны.

I love Geli and could marry her.

Я люблю Гели, я мог бы даже жениться на ней».

He will marry Charlotte to be close to her daughter.

Он хочет жениться на Шарлотте, чтобы всегда быть рядом с ее прелестной дочерью…

Devayani introduced Sharmishtha as her maid and reminded Yayati that he should marry her.

Деваяни представила Шармиштху в качестве своей служанки и напомнила Яяти о том, что он должен жениться на ней.

If you marry her, you marry her.

When you marry someone, you marry their family.

Whoever I marry deserves somebody who values fidelity.

За кого бы я ни вышла замуж, он заслуживает того, кто ценит преданность.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат marry

Результатов: 11867. Точных совпадений: 11867. Затраченное время: 109 мс


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Inflections of ‘marry‘ (v): (⇒ conjugate)
v 3rd person singular
v pres p
v past
v past p

Collocations for «marry»

Common phrases and expressions where native English speakers use the word «marry» in context.

WordReference English Collocations © 2023


Most examples are given in US English. We have labeled exceptions as UK.


  1. marry a [man, millionaire, cop, professor]
  2. married [the love of his life, her high-school sweetheart]
  3. (got) married in a [church, hall, marquee]
  4. were married by a [priest, rabbi, civil celebrant]
  5. married beneath [him, himself]
  6. marry in [Massachusetts, Denmark]
  7. marry into [a family, money, wealth]
  8. marry for [love, money, tax benefits, life]
  9. marry [again, a second time]
  10. marry and divorce
  11. [want, need] to marry
  12. can now legally marry
  13. [arranged, agreed] to marry
  14. that marries [business, style] and [pleasure, substance]

marry‘ also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations):

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above (oneself)

1. Conceited and arrogant; haughty or self-important. Usually used after the verbs «be» or «get.» Primarily heard in UK. Self-confidence is essential, but you have to learn not to get above yourself when things are going well. You’re certainly acting above yourself these days. The rest of us have opinions worth hearing, too, you know! Thankfully, Bill hasn’t gotten above himself since earning his PhD—he’s still the same humble guy he’s always been.

2. Above one’s own concerns, desires, motivations, or agenda. Usually used after the verb «put.» She’s a great leader, always putting the needs of her team above herself. I’m glad they’re taking a vacation, just the two of them. They always put their kids above themselves and deserve a break. In the event that the plane loses altitude, do not put your child’s needs above your own—put your oxygen mask on first.

3. Into a higher social class or standing than one’s own. Usually used after the verb «marry.» A: «I hear that the local fishmonger’s daughter is betrothed to a rich foreign lawyer!» B: «My word, she’s certainly marrying above herself, isn’t she?» For all the talk that social classes have been wiped away in recent years, you will still find people who believe one can’t or shouldn’t marry above oneself. Of course she married above herself for the money—her husband is 25 years older than her!

be (not) the marrying kind

To be a person who is interested in getting married. This phrase is often used in the negative to convey a disinterest in or opposition to marriage. Considering how many the women he’s dated in the past year alone, Jack is not the marrying kind! Oh, you’re the marrying kind—you just haven’t met the right person yet.

marry (one’s) way out of (something)

To escape some state or condition by marrying someone with the appropriate means or resources. She says she married for love, but I’m still convinced she just married her way out of bankruptcy. You aren’t in love with her—you’re just marrying your way out of loneliness!

marry (someone) for (his or her) money

To marry someone solely or primarily to have access to their personal wealth. Given the extreme age difference between them, a lot of people speculated that she was simply marrying Donald for his money. I think it’s quite sad that people would marry for money rather than true love of their spouse.

marry above (one’s) station

To marry someone who is of a higher social class or standing than oneself. A: «I hear that the local fishmonger’s daughter is betrothed to a rich foreign lawyer!» B: «My word, she’s certainly marrying above her station, isn’t she?» For all the talk that social classes have been wiped away in recent years, you will still find people who believe one can’t or shouldn’t marry above one’s station.

marry above (oneself)

To marry someone who is of a higher social class or standing than oneself. A: «I hear that the local fishmonger’s daughter is betrothed to a rich foreign lawyer!» B: «My word, she’s certainly marrying above herself, isn’t she?» For all the talk that social classes have been wiped away in recent years, you will still find people who believe one can’t or shouldn’t marry above oneself.

marry below (one’s) station

To marry someone who is of a lower social class or standing than oneself. A: «I hear that Mr. Sullivan plans to marry a local fishmonger’s daughter.» B: «Why would a man of his esteem marry below his station like that?» Janet has a bright future with one of the best law firms in town, so it’s beyond me why she’s marrying below her station with some fast food worker.

marry below (oneself)

To marry someone who is of a lower social class or standing than oneself. A: «I hear that Mr. Sullivan plans to marry a local fishmonger’s daughter.» B: «Why would a man of his esteem marry below himself like that?» Janet has a bright future with one of the best law firms in town, so it’s beyond me why she’s marrying below herself with some fast food worker.

marry beneath (one’s) station

To marry someone who is of a lower social class or standing than oneself. A: «I hear that Mr. Sullivan plans to marry a local fishmonger’s daughter.» B: «Why would a man of his esteem marry beneath his station like that?» Janet has a bright future with one of the best law firms in town, so it’s beyond me why she’s marrying beneath her station with some fast food worker.

marry beneath (oneself)

To marry someone who is of a lower social class or standing than oneself. A: «I hear that Mr. Sullivan plans to marry a local fishmonger’s daughter.» B: «Why would a man of his esteem marry beneath himself like that?» Janet has a bright future with one of the best law firms in town, so it’s beyond me why she’s marrying beneath herself with some fast food worker.

marry in haste, repent at leisure

proverb If you marry someone without being certain that you should, you will regret it for a long time. She’s only known him for three months! You know what they say—marry in haste, repent at leisure.

marry into (something)

To join, become a part of, or come into possession of something through marriage. There are still a cynical few who believe she is only with him so she can marry into money. Because of his father-in-law’s connections, Jake has in effect married into one of the most powerful social clubs in the country.

marry into money

To become wealthy or financially secure by marrying someone who is wealthy or has a wealthy family. Ever since he married into money, George has been flaunting all of the exotic vacations he and his new wife take. During college, when I had barely enough money to eat each day, I vowed that someday I’d marry into money and start living a much more comfortable life.

marry money

To marry someone solely or primarily to have access to their personal wealth. Given the extreme age difference between them, a lot of people speculated that she was simply marrying money. I think it’s quite sad that people would rather marry money than find someone they truly love.

marry off

To set up one’s child, especially a daughter, to be married to someone so as to no longer be financially responsible for them. A noun or pronoun can be used between «marry» and «off.» Despite social advancements in the country, there is still a culture of marrying off one’s daughters at the earliest possible time to someone of great wealth or status. I wish you would stop trying to marry me off whenever we’re at a large gathering of people—I’ll get married if and when I’m ready, thank you very much.

marry the gunner’s daughter

naval, obsolete Of a seaman, to be bound to a cannon or other such armament and flogged or lashed as corporal punishment. The first mate ended up marrying the gunner’s daughter for attempting to bring about a mutiny on the ship.

marry to

1. To join someone to another person in marriage. A noun or pronoun is used between «marry» and «to»; often used in passive constructions. I’ve been married to my husband for nearly 30 years. My parents wanted to marry me to the son of a wealthy business man, but I refused. It would be my honor to marry you to Charles.

2. To instill a belief or adherence to a particular belief or idea in someone. A noun or pronoun is used between «marry» and «to»; often used in passive constructions. You’ll need to marry our investors to your plan if you want the funding to execute it. I wasn’t married to the idea at first, but the more they explained it to me, the more convinced I became.

marry up

1. To marry someone who is more attractive, intelligent, capable, of a higher social class or standing, etc., compared to oneself. He always jokes when he’s out with his wife that he married up. Don’t say you married up—that implies that I just settled for someone who isn’t as good as me.

2. To join, combine, or integrate two different things or elements together in a way that is mutually beneficial. We’re marrying up traditional techniques with bleeding-edge technologies to deliver a range of products that are both modern and timeless. This merger will marry up the strengths of both our companies, providing an even better experience to our customers.

never marry for money, but marry where money is

proverb Wealth should not be one’s primary focus in choosing a spouse, but it is an important consideration. A: «My fiancée is not exactly rich, but she does have a well-paying job.» B: «That’s good. Never marry for money, but marry where money is.»

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

marry above oneself

Fig. to marry someone in a higher social class than oneself. They say she married above herself, but who cares? Scott thought it would not be possible to marry above himself.

marry below oneself

 and marry beneath oneself

Fig. to marry someone in a lower social class than oneself. He married beneath himself, but he is happy, and what more is required of a marriage? He did not want to marry beneath himself.

Marry in haste, (and) repent at leisure.

Prov. If you marry someone you do not know well, or decide to marry someone without first carefully considering what you are doing, you will probably regret it for a long time. Sally wanted some time to consider Sam’s proposal of marriage; she had heard the saying, «Marry in haste, and repent at leisure.»

marry into something

to become a part of a family or a fortune by marriage. She married into money, they say. I always wanted to marry into a large family until I found out what that means in terms of buying gifts.

marry one’s way out of something

to get out of something, such as poverty, by marrying someone. She was able to marry her way out of poverty but regretted it in the long run. Sally married her way out of one unhappy home into another one.

marry someone off (to someone)

to manage to get someone married to someone and out of the house or family. Her parents wanted nothing more than to marry her off to a doctor. They married off their children soon.

marry up (with someone)

Rur. to marry someone. They married up in the spring. Jane’s going to marry up with someone she met at school.

McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

marry money

marry a rich person. informal

Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017

marry in ˈhaste (, repent at ˈleisure)

(saying) people who marry quickly, without really getting to know each other, will discover later that they have made a mistake

marry ˈmoney

marry a rich person: His sister married money — she lives in Bermuda now.

Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017

See also:

  • above
  • above (oneself)
  • above yourself
  • married
  • marry above oneself
  • talk for the sake of talking
  • like to hear (oneself) talk
  • like to hear oneself talk
  • walk heavy
  • fuck you, Jack, I’m all right

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