Phrases with the word long

длинный, долгий, долго, давно, долгий срок, стремиться


- длинный

- редк. высокий, долговязый
- долгий, продолжительный, длительный

- отдалённый

long date — отдалённый срок

- фин. долгосрочный

long bill — а) длинный счёт; б) раздутый счёт
to draw at a long date — выставить долгосрочный вексель
long lease — долгосрочная аренда
long guess — загадывание (на будущее); долгосрочный прогноз

ещё 10 вариантов



- долгий срок; длительный период; большой промежуток времени

- стих. долгий слог

four longs and six shorts — четыре долгих слога и шесть коротких
longs and shorts — стих, стихотворная строчка (особ. латинская)

- фон. долгий гласный
- муз. лонга
- (the Long) разг. сокр. от long vacation

ещё 4 варианта


Мои примеры


a race of long gaunt men — раса высоких сухопарых людей  
the frog’s long hind legs — длинные задние лапы лягушки  
a long black velvet mantle — длинная чёрная бархатная мантия  
a man with long, wiry arms — мужчина с длинными, жилистыми руками  
long-range bomber — бомбардировщик дальнего действия  
long borrowing — долгосрочные ссуды  
deep / long breath — глубокий вдох  
long-distance bus — автобус дальнего следования  
long-distance / trunk call — междугородный телефонный вызов  
long-term care — длительное лечение  
to make a long cast ahead — делать прогноз на отдалённое будущее  
a long drink — большой глоток  

Примеры с переводом

How long he is!

Что он так долго?!

I long for you.

Ты мне очень нужен, я не могу без тебя.

It can take long.

Это может занять много времени.

I’m longing for a smoke.

Курить хочу — умираю.

How long is the film?

Сколько длится этот фильм?

She longed for the chance to speak to him in private.

Она жаждала возможности поговорить с ним наедине.

The race is long.

Жизнь — штука длинная.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…with its long, weeping fronds, this plant makes a nice ornamental…

…the flaccid stalks of celery that had been around for far too long…

…the actor’s private life had long been occulted by a contrived public persona…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

longer  — дольше, долее, длительный, долгий, удлиненный
longest  — самый длинный, длительный, долгий, очень долго
longing  — страстное желание, сильное стремление, страстно желающий, сильно желающий
longwise  — в длину
longies  — длинные кальсоны, длинные сигареты
longish  — длинноватый, удлиненный
longship  — ладья викингов, галера викингов
overlong  — слишком долгий, слишком длительный, слишком долго

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: long
he/she/it: longs
ing ф. (present participle): longing
2-я ф. (past tense): longed
3-я ф. (past participle): longed

срав. степ. (comparative): longer
прев. степ. (superlative): longest

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phrases with adjectives – long

The word ‘long’ as an adjective can mean a great distance or time.

For example:

  • It’s a long way to Tipperary (great distance)
  • The meeting was long, I nearly fell asleep (time)

Let’s take a look at some common idioms containing the word ‘long’.

idioms and phrases with adjectives - long

idiom adjectives (long) - as honest as the day is long

idiom adjectives (long) - go back a long way

idiom adjectives (long) - in it for the long haul

idiom adjectives (long) - in the long run

idiom adjectives (long) - long in the tooth

idiom adjectives (long) - long shot

idiom adjectives (long) - long time no see

idiom adjectives (long) - long-winded

idiom adjectives (long) - not by a long shot

idiom adjectives (long) - the long arm of the law

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long — перевод на русский


..has operated successfully for so long because he gives huge kickbacks to the American security services.

так долго успешно вёл свои дела лишь потому, что очень щедро делился с американскими спецслужбами.

You’ll lose your luck if you take too long to pick.

если будешь долго выбирать.

Where were you all night long?

Где ты была так долго?

I’ve been waiting so long for you.

Я ждала тебя так долго.

Musashi-sama is… He’s the one I’ve been searching so long for.

я так долго искала.

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It has been a long time.

Давно не виделись.

It’s been a long time since I’ve seen that expression on his face.

Как давно я не видел такого выражения на его лице.

«Yes, I’ve loved Orie for a long time, since the first day I saw her.»

«Я давно люблю Ори, с нашей первой встречи.»

So long I thought maybe the whole world had learned by this time.

Так давно, что я решил, а может весь мир усвоил урок за это время.

Oh, well, that was so long ago, I really don’t remember much about it.

Ќу, это было так давно, что € почти ничего не помню.

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All the staff officers who were controlling from behind the scenes, and the lazy John Mayer also no longer exists.

кто руководил им за сценой и ленивый Джон Майер больше не существуют.

I could not stay any longer.

Я больше не могу оставаться здесь.

We no longer sit in church staring terrified at the frescoes of the devils.

И не пугают нас больше картинки с чертями.

«My dear, this state of things cannot go on any longer… even you must admin that.»

«Милая моя, так больше не может продолжаться — даже ты должна согласиться с этим.»

«Mother, you must tell me where Mary is… I can’t stand this uncertainly any longer!»

«Мама, вы должны сказать мне, где Мэри — я больше не могу терпеть этой неопредлённости!»

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I’ll gives ’em dat long sword!

тому отдам его длинный меч!

— I just had a long talk with him.

— У нас с ним только что был длинный разговор.

He carried a long one!

Он носил один, длинный!

He must! We’ve come such a long way already.

Мы уже прошли так длинный путь.

Looks like we came a long way for nothing.

Похоже, мы зря проделали длинный путь.

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How long do they usually keep people in here for?

Сколько они обычно держат здесь людей?

Took them how long to build a fire?

Сколько времени они разводили огонь?

How long are we going to tolerate this?

Сколько нам еще это терпеть?

Well, how long will it take to pack your things?

За сколько ты успеешь собрать свои вещи?

Well, how long will it take you?

А сколько это займет?

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But Buck should have used wax flowers, for long after his lilies had faded — —

Но лилии всё же завяли и их место надолго занял искусственный венок.

One shouldn’t leave the women by themselves that long.

Нельзя так надолго оставлять женщину одну.

See, I got enough here to see me through a long way.

У меня тут предостаточно, хватит надолго.

-You won’t last very long in this place.

— Вы ведь здесь не надолго?

That would last a long time.

Этого хватит надолго.

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Well, so long, kid.

Что-ж, до скорого, малышка.

So long, pal.

До скорого, дружище.

So long, you chump.

До скорого, ненормальная.

— So long, kid.

До скорого, парень.

So long, little chums.

До скорого, пернатые.

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We can no longer call back what our old feelings once were.

Наши чувства уже не будут прежними.

We no longer insist on left lateral, Sister.

Мы уже не настаиваем на таком положении, сестра.

I turned to admire that lovely dog you have over there, who’s no longer here, by the way.

Я обернулся, чтобы полюбоваться на вашу прекрасную собаку, которая, кстати, уже сбежала.

You’ve been tailing me long enough with that joke suit of yours.

Вы мне уже надоели со своим иском.

By that time, this land will no longer belong to me.

А к этому времени эта земля уже не будет принадлежать мне.

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It’s taken me that long to catch up with you.

Столько времени мне понадобилось, чтобы настигнуть тебя.

The largest tree also has the longest period of growth. What braves the centuries… will also be strong through the centuries.

Великому древу также требуется много времени чтобы вырасти, храбро преодолевать столетия… и оставаться таким же мощным на века.

No need to wait here any longer.

Ладно, пошли. У нас сейчас нет времени на него.

I didn’t realize I was so long.

Я потерял счет времени.

Well, it took you long enough. Have you decided who the woman is?

У тебя было полно времени, выдумал, кто эта женщина?

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You didn’t remain a civilian very long.

Вы недолго оставались гражданским. — Нет, мой капитан.

— I slept well enough, but not long enough.

— Хорошо, только недолго.

Don’t stay too long, darling, I’m up to my eyes.

Только недолго, дорогая. У меня ни минутки свободной.

-They didn’t keep you very long.

— Хорошо, недолго держали.

The war can’t last much longer.

Война продлится недолго.

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Inflections of ‘long‘ (adj):
adj comparative
adj superlative

Collocations for «long»

Common phrases and expressions where native English speakers use the word «long» in context.

WordReference English Collocations © 2023


Most examples are given in US English. We have labeled exceptions as UK.


  1. have not seen you for such a long time!
  2. has been a long time since
  3. a long (long) time ago
  4. is not long enough (time) to
  5. is [two] inches long
  6. is a long [movie, book]
  7. have a long [drive, haul] ahead of us
  8. have a long [time, way to go] before
  9. long, [straight, curly, wavy] hair
  10. long [fingers, ears, feet, hair]
  11. a long [garden, room, table, wire]
  12. is long enough to [reach, stretch] (to)
  13. long enough to [play, seat eight]
  14. long enough for [eight]
  15. is not quite long enough [to, for]
  16. (a list) longer than your arm
  17. has a long history in [production, agriculture]
  18. lived a long (and happy) life
  19. a long period of [recession, unrest]
  20. has been [working, putting in] long hours
  21. [was, has been] a long [week, day]
  22. in the long [term, run]
  23. run long distance
  24. [can, able to] run long distances (without)
  25. (I know) it’s a long shot, but
  26. is a long way [down, to]
  27. go the long way around
  28. UK: long trousers
  29. long pants
  30. long and skinny
  31. are in it for the long haul
  32. am playing the long game
  33. [sent away, went to jail] for a long stretch
  34. to [make, cut] a long story short
  35. is long overdue
  36. long may it continue


  1. have not seen you for so long!
  2. it won’t be long [now, until]
  3. I won’t be (very) long
  4. not long to go [before, until]
  5. not long now!
  6. not much longer
  7. [took, went on] (for) too long
  8. takes too long to [read, make, start up, sync]
  9. [this, it] won’t take long
  10. can’t [take it, wait] any longer
  11. is no longer
  12. not any longer
  13. how long have you [lived here, been married]?
  14. how long is [this movie, the coastline]?
  15. [hit, threw] the [ball, pass] long
  16. I have long [thought, suspected]


  1. long to [see, hear, return to, have, feel, know]
  2. long to be with you (again)
  3. I am longing to [see, be with] you
  4. longed [my entire life, for years and years] to
  5. longed for her to [kiss, phone] him
  6. longing for [home, his embrace, the day]
  7. long in [vain, misery, desperation]
  8. longed [passionately, ardently, desperately]
  9. [prayed, cried, hoped] and longed


  1. the long and the short of it is
  2. won’t be [away, gone, on the phone] for long
  3. will [be there, arrive] before long
  4. [two, three] longs and [two] shorts
  5. finance: [sell, trade, hold on to] longs

additional examples

  1. long to [see, hear, return to, have, feel, know]
  2. the long and the short of it is
  3. have not seen you for so long!
  4. long to be with you (again)
  5. won’t be [away, gone, on the phone] for long
  6. have not seen you for such a long time!
  7. I am longing to [see, be with] you
  8. will [be there, arrive] before long
  9. has been a long time since
  10. longed [my entire life, for years and years] to
  11. [two, three] longs and [two] shorts
  12. a long (long) time ago
  13. longed for her to [kiss, phone] him
  14. finance: [sell, trade, hold on to] longs
  15. is not long enough (time) to
  16. longing for [home, his embrace, the day]
  17. will [finish, die] before long
  18. long in [vain, misery, desperation]
  19. it won’t be long [now, until]
  20. longed [passionately, ardently, desperately]
  21. I won’t be (very) long
  22. [prayed, cried, hoped] and longed
  23. not long to go [before, until]
  24. not long now!
  25. not much longer
  26. [took, went on] (for) too long
  27. takes too long to [read, make, start up, sync]
  28. [this, it] won’t take long
  29. can’t [take it, wait] any longer
  30. is no longer
  31. not any longer
  32. how long have you [lived here, been married]?
  33. how long is [this movie, the coastline]?
  34. is [two] inches long
  35. is a long [movie, book]
  36. have a long [drive, haul] ahead of us
  37. have a long [time, way to go] before
  38. long, [straight, curly, wavy] hair
  39. long [fingers, ears, feet, hair]
  40. a long [garden, room, table, wire]
  41. is long enough to [reach, stretch] (to)
  42. long enough to [play, seat eight]
  43. long enough for [eight]
  44. is not quite long enough [to, for]
  45. (a list) longer than your arm
  46. has a long history in [production, agriculture]
  47. lived a long (and happy) life
  48. a long period of [recession, unrest]
  49. has been [working, putting in] long hours
  50. [was, has been] a long [week, day]
  51. in the long [term, run]
  52. the long-term consequences
  53. long-term [parking, storage, care]
  54. a long-standing [debate, rivalry, friendship, agreement]
  55. his long-suffering [wife, parents]
  56. long-distance [calls, runner]
  57. run long distance
  58. [can, able to] run long distances (without)
  59. (I know) it’s a long shot, but
  60. is a long way [down, to]
  61. go the long way around
  62. long-sleeve shirt
  63. UK: long trousers
  64. long pants
  65. long-range [transportation, rifle]
  66. long and skinny
  67. are in it for the long haul
  68. am playing the long game
  69. [sent away, went to jail] for a long stretch
  70. long-lost [brother, manuscript]
  71. to [make, cut] a long story short
  72. [hit, threw] the [ball, pass] long
  73. is long overdue
  74. I have long [thought, suspected]
  75. long may it continue

long‘ also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations):

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«You’re a recordbreaker at rough-housin’.» (Here Long‘s face showed pleasure.) «You ought to have the Police Gazette diamond belt for rough-bousin’ baby buggies’.

The Long Noses form a peculiar company, under the direct patronage of the god Tingou.

It belongs to the same division of the Pachydermata with the rhinoceros, tapir, and palaeotherium; but in the structure of the bones of its long neck it shows a clear relation to the camel, or rather to the guanaco and llama.

Medlock saw it as soon as she did and drew a long sigh of relief.

Long she listened, thinking it was but the echo of their own plaintive song, but high above the music still sounded the sad, wailing cry.

From where they now stood they could look forward down a long vista of beech woods and jagged rock-strewn wilderness, all white with snow, to where the pass opened out upon the uplands beyond.

In the woods, after they had gone a long way from the road, Jesse stopped in an opening among the trees where a clearing, overgrown with small bushes, ran up from the creek.

But, in no long time after the physician’s death, the wearer of the scarlet letter disappeared, and Pearl along with her.

Another voice answered, and then the first voice, which I now recognized to be Silver’s, once more took up the story and ran on for a long while in a stream, only now and again interrupted by the other.

Adam was delighted and replied cordially; he had often heard his father speak of the older branch of the family with whom his people had long lost touch.

Now and then you might see the lights of a cigar store or of an all-night lunch counter; but the majority of the doors belonged to business places that had long since been closed.

He was loath to leave his brother alone all day long, and he was afraid his brother would laugh at him about it.

For a long time all went well; they lived in great comfort, and prospered so far as to be able to add considerably to their stores.

«That I am upon Barsoom is all that I can guess, and but for you and the great white apes I should not even guess that, for the sights I have seen this day are as unlike the things of my beloved Barsoom as I knew it ten long years ago as they are unlike the world of my birth.

As this whole volume is one long argument, it may be convenient to the reader to have the leading facts and inferences briefly recapitulated.

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