Phrases with the word gossip

How’s it going, Gossip Girls?
Как дела, сплетницы?

And gossip is always entertaining.
Сплетни всегда занимательны.

Hollywood gossip legend, Perez Hilton!
Легендарный сплетник, Перец Хилтон!

We gossip more than teenage girls.
Мы сплетничаем больше, чем школьницы.

Gossip girl has ruined our graduation
Сплетница испортила наш выпускной

It’s gossip at waverly elementary.
Это сплетни по начальной школе Вейверли.

Who was the nattering gossip?
Кто этот проклятый сплетник?

Had he even insinuated that we were fighting, that phone would be ringing off the hook with people wanting in on the gossip.
Даже если бы он намекнул, что мы поссорились, этот телефон не умолкал бы из-за людей, желающих посплетничать.

Don’t forget about gossip girl.
Не забывай еще о Сплетнице.

I put it down to staffroom gossip.
Я подумал, что это просто сплетни из курилки.

Who you calling a gossip?
Кого ты назвал сплетником?

Can you guys believe gossip girl?
Можете ли вы, ребята, верить сплетнице?

She’s a gossip columnist for TMI.
У неё колонка сплетен в TMI.

Newspapers are full of gossip.
Здесь сплетников целый остров.

Gossip Girl’s real phone number.
Настоящий номер Сплетницы.

Good old-fashioned trashy celebrity gossip rags.
Старые добрые сплетни про знаменитостей.

We’re office gossip now?
У нас теперь офис сплетников?

The real Gossip Girl’s back.
Настоящая Сплетница вернулась.

That’s why she’s a gossip columnist.
Вот почему она пишет колонку сплетен.


Примеры употребления слов в разных контекстах собраны автоматически из открытых источников с помощью технологии поиска на основе двуязычных данных. В случае обнаружения неточностей или замечаний к тексту, используйте опцию «Сообщить о проблеме» или напишите нам

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gossip — перевод на русский


She gathered the town gossips together once a week to let her tongue wag freely.

Каждую неделю она собирает городские сплетни, чтобы дать занятие своему неугомонному языку.

lies, disorder and gossip.

ложь, беспорядок и сплетни.

He didn’t come to discuss gossip. He came to discuss the case.

Он пришел обсуждать не сплетни, а иск.

Such evil gossip can only have been started by one person .. yourself.

Такие низкие сплетни мог распустить лишь один человек — ты сам!

Just some gossip.

Просто сплетни.

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I’m a doctor, not a gossip smearer.

Я врач, а не грязная сплетница.

But it was only not to mention it to Miss Marin… who is a foolish gossip and a mischiefmaker.

Но я не хотел, чтобы об этом узнала мисс Марин… эта сплетница и интриганка

I’m not a gossip monger, as you know.

Ты меня знаешь, я не сплетница.

— Of course, I’m not much of a gossip.

-Конечно, я не сплетница.

Ladies and gentlemen Gossip Gerty of «Good Morning Gotham» and I welcome you to the gem of the evening.

Дамы и господа Сплетница Герти из передачи «Доброе утро, Готэм» и я представляем вам украшение вечера.

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If you ladies got nothing better to do… than sit there gossiping’ and snickering’—

Вам нечем заняться, как сплетничать и хихикать…

Jill, stop gossiping!

Джил, прекрати сплетничать!

Men gossip like anything.

Мужчины любят сплетничать.

I insist upon my publishers gossiping.

Я настаиваю, чтобы мои издатели любили сплетничать.

Often you got a feeling — that an animal can understand feelings better and won’t run along and gossip behind your back

Частенько замечаешь, что животные понимают лучше и не бегают сплетничать у тебя за спиной.

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Everything3 peachy, just the usual trifles some rivalries, the odd gossip, you know…

Все превосходно, обычные пустяки, конкуренция, старые слухи…

A friend should come to me and not allow gossip that even children hear.

Другу следовало прийти сразу ко мне, а не распускать слухи, которые слышать даже дети.

— You haven’t heard… any unkind gossip about me?

Обо мне ходили… Какие-нибудь недобрые слухи?

They’ve been spreading some vicious gossip about Mrs. Doyle and… some man.

Они распространяли некие слухи, порочащие миссис Дойл и… одного человека.

You know, madam, that the most popular entertainment in town is gossiping.

Знаете ли, мадам, самое популярное развлечение в городе это слухи.

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These mutts like to gossip.

Ёти шавки люб€т посплетничать.

gossip with us then come down here.

посплетничать с нами, тогда спускайся сюда.

You want the gossip so bad, it’s killing you.

Тебе так хочется посплетничать, что ты едва сдерживаешься.

One tends to gossip about others but not oneself.

Все стараются посплетничать о других, а про себя молчат.

We both know that as soon as we talked, you ran to Stacy so you could gossip and giggle.

Мы оба знаем, что после нашего разговора, ты побежал к Стейси, так что теперь можно посплетничать и похихикать.

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I am not a gossip, Mrs. Simmons. I’m a psychiatrist. — Of course.

— Я не сплетник, миссис Симмонс, я психиатр.

Who was the nattering gossip?

Кто этот проклятый сплетник?

Ah… Jaime is a bit of a gossip.

Хайме тот ещё сплетник.

You’re a gossip monger and your blog is nothing but trash and lies,many of them about me.

Ты — сплетник, а твой блог кишит мусором и ложью. Большинство про меня.

The chitter-chatter, oui, the local gossip.

Любитель поболтать… да, местный сплетник.

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There’s all kinds of gossip about us and I’ve never kissed you

— В поселке про нас не весть что болтают, а я тебя еще не разу не поцеловал.

We don’t gossip at headquarters.

А у нас в штабе не болтают.

People gossip too much.

Люди много болтают.

So what’s going on in fucking trade winds is fucking gossip.

Поэтому все, что они, бля, болтают — это херня.

Frasier, these people live for gossip.

Фрейзер, эти люди только и делают что болтают.

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You know what hospital gossip is like.

Вы знаете, к чему может привести больничная болтовня.

Is gossip. Uh—

Болтовня Э-

But idle gossip is not going to help us solve this murder.

Но пустая болтовня не поможет нам раскрыть это убийство.

To give those old biddies something to gossip about.

Предоставить старым сплетницам новый материал для болтовни.

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So like a gossip column?

То есть… колонка сплетен?

Head of Gossip?

Колонка сплетен?

— She’s a gossip columnist for TMI.

— У неё колонка сплетен в TMI.

A gossip column.

Колонка сплетен. Нет.

The Voulez gossip tip line has pretty much become a Pascal tracker.

Колонка сплетен «Voulez» стала в большей мере шпионом Паскаля.

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Flirting around here will mean that a gossip magazine will take photos of us.

Будем флиртовать на улице — и уже завтра наши фото появятся в жёлтой прессе.

I don’t want my personal information sold to the gossip rags.

Не хочу, чтобы мои личные данные продали жёлтой прессе.

I ever find out you paid a gossip columnist money to protect me, I will beat you senseless.

Узнаю, что ты заплатил жёлтой прессе, чтобы защитить меня, выбью из тебя всю дурь.

Oh, Covington’s rocky marriage was all over the gossip rags when we were investigating them.

Проблемный брак Ковингтонов по всей жёлтой прессе полоскали, когда шло следствие.

Yeah, but it’s been done to death in the gossip columns.

Да, но всё это и так уже насмерть замусолено в жёлтой прессе.

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That would be even better gossip.

Вот это была бы даже ещё лучшая сплетня.

What you have here is office gossip.

То, что у тебя есть — офисная сплетня.

I’m sure that’s just gossip.

Я… я уверена, что это всего лишь слухи.

Research by Stanford University professor Robb Willer shows that we take negative gossip about others seriously.

Исследование, проведенное профессором Стэнфордского университета Робом Уиллером, показывает, что мы весьма серьезно относимся к слухам, касающимся других людей.

It’s not gossip unless something scandalous happened.

Это не сплетни, если только не случилось чего-то скандального.

I was thinking more gossip column than political intrigue.

Я рассчитывал скорее на колонку сплетен, чем на политические интриги.

Robbins, you have hospital gossip.

Робинс, ты знаешь все сплетни в этой больнице.

Their loud, repetitive cries are usually nothing but gossip.

Их громкие, повторяющиеся крики не несут обычно ничего, кроме сплетен.

Never discuss this with other coworkers because that would be gossip.

Никогда не обсуждайте это с другими коллегами, потому что это были бы сплетни.

Being a gossip will also raise other questions about your character.

Те сплетни, которые вы распространяете, также поднимут другие вопросы о вашем характере.

These include jealousy, and sometimes the love of gossip.

К их числу относятся завистливость, а иногда и любовь к сплетням.

Much of what you hear may be traced to gossip or misinformation.

Многое из того, что вы слышите, может быть связано со сплетнями или дезинформацией.

Teach people to shun gossip and slander, especially against leaders.

Учите людей не давать места сплетням и клевете, особенно в отношении лидеров.

She knows that gossip is information with negative connotation, which can only hurt.

Он прекрасно знает, что сплетни — это информация с негативной окраской, которая может только навредить.

Avoid workplace gossip as it may lead to unanticipated problems.

Избегайте сплетен на рабочем месте, так как это может привести к непредвиденным проблемам.

This dream may promise some gossip that can ruin your reputation.

Такой сон, возможно, сулит какие-то сплетни, которые могут испортить репутацию.

The marriage was described in Hollywood gossip columns as turbulent.

Брак был описан в колонках сплетен Голливуда, как «турбулентный».

On Tamaran, everyone would gossip.

На Тамаране это было бы поводом для сплетен.

Within days, the gossip focussed on one man-Nikolai Tsiskaridze.

В течение нескольких дней, сплетни сосредоточились на одном человеке — Николае Цискаридзе.

When it comes to gossip in the workplace, «positive gossip» can be good.

Когда дело доходит до сплетен на рабочем месте, «позитивные сплетни» могут быть хорошими.

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Gossip is idle talk or rumor, especially about the personal or private affairs of others; the act is also known as dishing or tattling. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

It tries to keep as few people «in the know» as possible because «gossip».


On the one hand, there’s little more appealing after a day of work than to sit in someone’s cozy apartment with a bit of wine, some passable gossip, and a meal that everyone’s contributed to.


Thanks in part to insightful biographies of scientists, the world of research has been shown to be as full of competition, gossip and revelation as any other human endeavour.


The story of your day, the story of your life, workplace gossip, the horrors on the news.


«This is all silliness and it’s a just a silly season at the beginning of 2013 and political gossip and chit chat, and I’m not really going to comment on it because what I’m focused on is what we can do to make New Yorkers» lives better and easier,» Quinn told WCBS 880 reporter Marla Diamond.


She and Johnny may be friends, but are conveniently never photographed because all the gossip and rumors actually helps their PR.


Selena Gomez is making news, we’re bringing you the latest on the celebrity, including her hottest Instagram photos and top tweets on Twitter, plus,… Get all your Selena Gomez news and gossip here!


SEE ALSO: Falcao Chelsea: Five strikers Liverpool & Arsenal are now FREE to sign, with # 32m Argentine & Ligue 1 duo Falcao, Firmino, Cech: Ranking the 10 best signings of the summer so far, with Man Utd & Arsenal winning Arsenal transfer gossip


Once — when communities were small — gossip mattered.


Inside the gossip garden, whispers graft onto fruit, arbours, quilts, basins, g-strings and flowers.


You won’t find «50 Shades of Grey» or gossip magazines on their book shelves.


She dines with other Irish immigrant women in a similar position and the head of the boarding house Mrs. Kehoe (a very funny Julie Walters), who scolds and warns the girls that she’ll have the parish priest give a sermon on gossip if they keep going with it.


It means blasting Taylor Swift and catching up on gossip and the best part…


Today in celebrity gossip news: Justin Bieber made an international mistake, Duchess Kate has an update on Prince George, and Jennifer Lawrence wore a dress.


One of the tactics that Dark Triad leaders employ is to use gossip, back-stabbing, and shifting alliances to get what they want.


If you are a patent or trademark attorney interested in keeping up with gossip in your field, you may find this site of interest.


One who does not put others down or seek advantage over others: A person who does not gossip, speak ill of others or cunningly try to take an unfair advantage.


put together escort forum hot gossip photos Melbourne younger folks.


It has already been announced that Margot Robbie is all-set to reprise her Suicide Squad role of Harley Quinn in the forthcoming Gotham City Sirens for director David Ayer, but the hot gossip around Hollywood is that Megan Fox could be joining her in the role of Poison Ivy.


And many conspiracy theories have been woven into fine fabrics which now adorn the gossip mills of our republic.


Participating artists accompany each other, light, archives, unknown artists, texts, architecture, objects, gossip, and songs.


So they gossip and make things up about me.


His hobbies include: napping in his den, eating crickets and eavesdropping on the juiciest staff gossip.


While popularity might be viewed as a social «benefit» of early development, the associated risk of being targeted for rumors and gossip among peers is likely to be an especially troublesome emotional «cost».


As the conversation moves to rumors on the island of which Duke (voiced by Goldblum) hilariously always has the latest gossip, they are interrupted by a small plane that crashes on the island piloted by a small boy.


When you’re tempted to play the old-fashioned game of gossip at work by revealing your own secret, remind yourself of the equally applicable old-fashioned saying: It’s better to be safe than sorry.


One of the worst things a parent can do when their child is bullied is to gossip or spread rumors.


Follow and participate in the game’s development on our website, where Ron, Gary and other members of the team will discuss behind-the-scenes art, designs, information, cooking, gossip, answer questions, get feedback and generally have a lot of fun *.


About Blog Premier League football news, photos, rumours, gossip, WAGs, transfers Frequency about 34 posts per week.


Tongues hang over a handmade water cooler filled with yet more tongues — the heart of all office gossip.


We chatter and tattle and gossip and jest.


It’s not considered as taboo if both parents work and leave the kids in the aid of a nanny, but a parent choosing to be the one to raise his or her own children is apparently fodder for gossip.


Whether it is the seemingly innocuous statement about oneself to a colleague, or an outright negative comment about a sermon heard, or perhaps it is «harmlessly» talking about a housemate or spouse while chatting with friends, even if not actually saying anything, you know, that would cross the line into «gossip


Should we expect more popcorn events from these sometimes neglected sources of political gossip?


Catty New York socialites gossip about a friend and her husband’s girlfriend.


Actually, it is much worse than mere gossip.


Disagreements were dismissed as «gossip» and a «threat to Christian unity.»


Our brains may have evolved to process gossip too, according to scientific studies.


The office gossips will be neutralized when they no longer have an audience.


Factor in the time-sucking vortex of the internet — Facebook, YouTube, news, gossip, downloadable games, streaming video services, op-ed pieces like, um, this one — and its potential impact on book reading, and the environment looks extra tough.


But, when I go to Barnes and Noble to peruse the magazines… I love catching up on the gossip.


The hot gossip recently circulating in Detroit in advance of Chrysler’s annual meeting was that Fiat was about to take a small stake in Chrysler.


The technological world is a wonderful place — we’re now privy to gossip, internet celebrities, and most important of all, leaked images of cars before the manufacturers officially reveal them.


A 2012 study from UC Berkeley suggests that the spread of gossip helps maintain social order and lowers stress *.


My favourite gossip photo, though, has to be this airport sighting of Emma and Miles caught in a «just like us» moment while on their way out of Telluride.


In church, gossip may be particularly important in what Reinhold Niebuhr called that never-ending task of «the increase of the love of God and neighbor.»


There’s a chance we’ll see the car unveiled at the 2018 Detroit auto show, but our latest insider gossip has it skipping the NAIAS, so we’ll find out in January.


When he goes to work for Lev Trotsky, an exiled political leader fighting for his life, Shepherd inadvertently casts his lot with art and revolution, newspaper headlines and howling gossip, and a risk of terrible violence.


In truth he is a «fixer» employed to make the studio look good by keeping the bad behavior of its associated celebrities out of the gossip columns.


Plovers like gossips on stray words are fed.


Synonym: chat, prattle, talk, tattle. Similar words: fossil, possible, impossible, impossibly, possibility, as soon as possible, insipid, siphon off. Meaning: [‘gɑsɪp /’gɒs-]  n. 1. light informal conversation for social occasions 2. a report (often malicious) about the behavior of other people 3. a person given to gossiping and divulging personal information about others. v. 1. wag one’s tongue; speak about others and reveal secrets or intimacies 2. talk socially without exchanging too much information. 

Random good picture Not show

1. They discredited her good name with ugly gossip.

2. Don’t believe all the gossip you hear.

3. She’s a great one for idle gossip .

4. He loved gossip and scandal.

5. We gossip about them and vice versa.

6. You shouldn’t listen to gossip.

7. The mischief arose from irresponsible gossip.

8. Here’s an interesting piece of gossip about Mrs Smith.

9. She has never been one to indulge in gossip.

10. Her appetite for gossip is absolutely indecent.

11. Her letter was full of gossip.

12. Tell me all the latest gossip!

13. It’s common gossip that they’re having an affair.

14. The gossip about her later proved to be entirely false.

15. Customers pay to log on and gossip with other users.

16. It was common gossip that they were having an affair.

17. The jet-setting couple made frequent appearances in the gossip columns.

18. The gossip was that he had lost a fortune on the stock exchange.

19. twittering over office gossip.

20. It’s common gossip in the office that she’s about to leave her husband.

21. Their friendship was turned to enmity through idle gossip.

22. It’s always been my policy not to gossip.

23. I heard an interesting bit of gossip yesterday.

24. Scandal and gossip are meat and drink to him.

24. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.

25. Don’t you like a good gossip?

26. Their conversation consisted almost entirely of gossip.

27. She had no time for idle gossip .

28. She kept them plentifully supplied with gossip.

29. I have no time to engage in gossip.

30. She always keeps me up to date with the latest gossip — you know, so-and-so from down the road is having a baby and so-and-so’s just bought a car.

More similar words: fossil, possible, impossible, impossibly, possibility, as soon as possible, insipid, siphon off, toss, cross, gross, bossy, across, at a loss, engross, cross out, get across, colossal, put across, cut across, colosseum, come across, engrossed, assist, assign, passive, missing, Russian, passion, classic. 

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