Phrases with the word events

events — перевод на русский

Every star in Hollywood is here to make Monumental Pictures’ premiere… … ofTheRoyalRascal, the outstanding event of 1 927.

Все звезды Голливуда собрались здесь поживиться за счет выдающегося события 1927 года:

The setting, the characters and the events in this film are fiction.

Сходства — случайны. События — вымышлены.

«News Events. Children and Animals. The Human Body.»

«События.» «Дети и животные.» «Человеческое тело.»

There are places and events in every man’s life he’d rather not remember.

В жизни каждого человека есть места и события, которые лучше не помнить.

Yes, papa, extremely ominous events.

Да, папа, грозные, грозные события.

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In the event of my death, ask him to notify the American Consul.

В случае моей смерти… скажите ему известить американского консула.

In the event that we are forced to scatter, you will proceed to a new rendezvous at a time and place indicated in your sealed orders.

В случае вынужденного разброса судов, вы перейдете к месту новой встрече, время и место, которой, указано в ваших запечатанных приказах.

It had been prearranged that in the event of an emergency before the split, the money was to be saved by whoever had it at that time with no consideration of the fate of the others, the money to be divided later.

Ранее они договорились, что в случае любой опасности… деньги должны оставаться у того, кто сможет сохранить их, не подвергая опасности остальных. Их поделят, когда опасность минует.

In the event you may have missed… a few Freudian overturns of our story…

В случае, если Вы что-то упустили… Несколько фрейдистских пояснений к нашей истории

In the event of failure, I shall of course deny this meeting ever took place.

В случае неудачи, я буду отрицать, что совещание проходило.

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The active rest means some useful event.

Активный предполагает какое-нибудь целесообразное мероприятие.

Okay, now I’d like to introduce to you the person responsible for this wonderful event.

Представляю вам человека, устроившего это прекрасное мероприятие.

It’s a great event.

Очень серьёзное мероприятие.

Oh, it’s a huge event. Of course!

— Серьёзное мероприятие.

We are getting reports that multiple gunshots were fired at President Bartlet as he was leaving a public event in Rosslyn, Virginia.

Добрый вечер. Мы получаем сообщения, что многочисленные выстрелы были произведены в президента Бартлета, когда он покидал публичное мероприятие в Росслине, Вирджиния.

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He was in Paris, where he won a riding event.

Он был в Париже, где выиграл соревнования по верховой езде.

A young man, reportedly angered by a local television blackout of a sports event, jumped from the tenth-story window of his apartment.

ИСПОЛНИТЕЛЬНЫЙ ПРОДЮСЕР — ДЖЕЙ ПАРСЛИ Молодой человек, смотревший спортивные соревнования,

The most important event will be the archery contest.

Самыми популярными будут соревнования стрелков.

I like a sporting event in which I know the outcome beforehand.

Мне нравится спортивные соревнования где результат я знаю заранее.

The glamour event of track and field.

Украшение любого соревнования.

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A strange event just occurred, sixty kilometres from Paris…

В 60-ти километрах от Парижа только что случилось необычное происшествие…

An anecdote is a hereto-untold event of curious interest.

анекдот — это ранее неизвестное любопытное происшествие.

An unmarried woman’s life is also an untold event, and therefore of curious interest.

Жизнь незамужней женщины — тоже любопытное происшествие.

An event which is improbable in 100 years may be inevitable in 100 million.

Происшествие, невозможное за 100 лет, возможно, будет неизбежным за 100 миллионов лет.

You’d better expect the inspectors from town to come and make us responsible for this terrible event.

Будьте готовы к тому, что городские инспекторы, придя сюда, тут же возложат вину за это ужасное происшествие на нас с вами.

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But even on the Earth in this century there have been bizarre natural events.

Но даже в этом веке на Земле происходили странные природные явления.

There must be other unexpected events you have to deal with… an untimely death, an accident.

Должны быть и другие неожиданные явления, с которыми вам приходится иметь дело. Безвременная смерть, несчастный случай.

And doomsayers are pointing to last week’s strange celestial events… as signs that prophesy is now being fulfilled… and the world as we know it may be coming to an end.

И, по мнению местных ясновидцев, странные небесные явления на прошлой неделе служат знаками того, что пророчество уже исполняется, и конец света уже близок.

Before scientists understood them, these unsparing events instilled only fear.

Пока ученые не объяснили природу этого явления, оно вызывало только страх.

With the scientists’ inefficiency in to explain the extraordinary events…

Ученые не могут объяснить эти необыкновенные явления.

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Some of them have traveled far, in order to attend this celebratory event.

Некоторые из них приехали издалека, чтобы посетить этот праздник.

Have a special event celebrating Craggy Island’s different cultures and then people won’t think you’re a big racist.

Устроим большой праздник в честь разных культур острова Крагги. Тогда люди начнут считать тебя замечательным человеком, а не расистом.

What would an event celebrating the different cultures be like?

Каким конкретно может быть праздник в честь разных культур острова Крагги?

— A gala event.

— Настоящий праздник.

A really fine event, indeed.

Замечательный праздник.

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Next week in the second of these two programs every man follows the bizarre and sometimes tragic events that LSD exploded down to unsuspecting world…

¬ следующей серии мы расскажем о неожиданных и иногда даже трагических событи€х, имевших место в ничего не подозревающем мире во времена заката Ћ—ƒ.23

Ladies and gentlemen… the murder which you witnessed took place on a particularly dark night… and the events which followed were both unexpected and swift.

Ћеди и джентльмены. «бийство, свидетел€ми которого вы были, произошло очень тЄмной ночью и событи€, которые происходили были неожиданными и быстрыми.

Well, in order to fully comprehend the Korean Conflict, it is necessary to review all the events.

ƒл€ того, чтобы как следует изучить орейскую войну, необходимо рассмотреть все событи€.

I suggest we all meditate now on the events of this evening.

ѕолагаю, медитаци€ поможет нам обдумать событи€ этого вечера.

The wise man that must tell this story, that’s to say me, it’s in an embarrassing situation, because the events he’s about to tell are almost incredible, in spite of being absolutely true.

«ченый муж, что должен поведать эту историю, рассказыва€ мне, был в щекотливом положении, потому что событи€, о которых он рассказал, почти неверо€тны, хот€ абсолютно истинны.

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Is there some new event, some change?

Что-то случилось?

Whenever there’s an event, people get excited.

У нас, чтобы ни случилось, народ всегда веселится. Прости, не слушай.

After these events, nothing holds you back.

После всего, что случилось, вас тут ничего не держит.

What is there to do, before the event?

Что можно сделать, пока ничего не случилось?

The events of the following day made Matilda discover her strength.

Наконец, случилось то, из-за чего Матильда открыла свою силу.

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You should know about events in the outside world!

— Вы должны знать, что происходит в мире. — Осторожно, это моя газета.

(Blows raspberry) I don’t know this child is concealing something or if he’s simply vapid and uninformed about current events.

Где он? Я не знаю, или ребенок что-то скрывает, Дживс,.. или он абсолютно не в курсе того, что вокруг него происходит.

«Eternal God, our Father, the Lord of our life and death, we acknowledge Thee in all our ways and in all events which befall us.»

Отец наш небесный, Господь Всемогущий, повелитель жизни и смерти,.. …да прибудет воля твоя во всём, что происходит с нами на этой бренной Земле.

Most of our scrambles are flash events.

Большинство наших дел происходит молниеносно.

On days like 9/11, or for other world-changing events… the news programs are nothing short of spectacular.

В дни вроде 11 сентября, когда происходит что-то, что меняет мир, новости и правда восхитительны.

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All this is only the coincidence of conditions in which all vital organic and elemental events occur.

Of course the root of them was in the events which we have already recorded, and which so filled Vera with grief on the prince’s account that she fell seriously ill.

Besides, the recent events that had befallen her family had given Adelaida much to think about, especially the sad experiences of her younger sister.

At all events, I’ve had a good Russian cry over this poor fellow,» she added, pointing to the prince, who had not recognized her in the slightest degree.

At all events, a little golden fragment of bachelorhood remained.

Therefore it is pertinent to note that hiring professional event planners put you and your events in better positions to get value for all your investments

The law of timing works around the idea that timing an event affects the success of an event.

A report aired by a private news channel said , over the past couple of years, the event management industry has witnessed huge growth in country, where event planning is becoming a lucrative career path for Youngsters.

The report also adds that in 2015, 47 million public events were created and 35 million users will view a public event each day.

«You can keep track of all of your upcoming events in the calendar, which lets you see which days you’re already attending an event and when you’re free,» says Facebook.

Recently, many complex event processing schemes have been studied to detect a complex event-over-event stream, such as a complex event detection method based on a diagram [5], a complex event detection method based on a tree [6], a complex event detection method based on finite automatons [7], a complex event detection method based on petri-nets [8], a complex event detection method based on a workflow [9], and some of their improved methods [10-12].

In addition to free event listings on in January 2016, Christian event organizers can take advantage of additional event marketing services such as local street teams, featured events on Team Jesus Events‘ social media channels, and at-event live broadcasts and interviews with Team Jesus Events‘ correspondents.

8 December 2015 — US-based activities and events marketplace Active Network has acquired US-based virtual event bag software provider Virtual Event Bags, the company said.

The Cvent technology will enable CWT Meetings and Events customers to use a range of meetings and events management software, including the latest in meeting planning, venue sourcing, event management mobile apps, payment processing and travel management.

Love this brazen piece by four teen girls, performed at Youth Speaks» festival Brave New Voices, the largest ongoing spoken word event in the world.


Using extensive financial expertise and Artificial Intelligence, the Arkera app connects real word events and news directly to investment products.


The Pittsfield, Mass.-based WordxWord and Lift Ev» ry Voice festivals collaborate to present serial spoken word events with young adult poets throughout the spring and summer.


[Altadena, California] April 2, 2018 — Actor and child welfare advocate Matt Lillard (Twin Peaks, Good Girls, Scooby Doo) will present his second annual 5JammaSlamma spoken word event on April 21, 2018 at Werkartz in Los Angeles.


The plot is set in a fictional history of real word events and follows a centuries old struggle between the Assassins, who fight for peace with free will, and the Templars, who desire peace through control.


Beat Poets is a project by Martin T. Higgins at Foke in Manchester to help promote a recent spoken word event based on the «beat generation» poets.


Maldonado is an emerging actress, painter and spoken word artist, and hosts a monthly spoken word event that takes place in different locations across New York City.


Artful Stories Thursday 6th April Kicking off an exciting new series of spoken word events in the new Cheltenham art gallery, Chapel Arts, I was pleased to have been invited to read my short story «The Impressionists», taken from my flash fiction collection Quick Change.


To recognize the specificity of this form of discourse, therefore, is to guard ourselves against a certain narrowness of any theology of the Word which only attends to word events.


This ongoing project uses an assembly of printed matter from pamphlets to newspaper cuttings to his own works on paper to highlight Tillmans’s continued interest in word events and how they are communicated in the media.Tillmans feels that the art community that exists is a strong force to be reconded with and art as a great traditional communicator is a strong and valid voice.


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This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.


something that happens or is regarded as happening; an occurrence, especially one of some importance.

the outcome, issue, or result of anything: The venture had no successful event.

something that occurs in a certain place during a particular interval of time.

Physics. in relativity, an occurrence that is sharply localized at a single point in space and instant of time.Compare world point.

Sports. any of the contests in a program made up of one sport or of a number of sports: The broad jump event followed the pole vault.



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Idioms about event

    in any event, regardless of what happens; in any case.Also at all events.

    in the event of, if there should be: In the event of rain, the party will be held indoors.

    in the event that, if it should happen that; in case: In the event that I can’t come back by seven, you can eat without me.

Origin of event

First recorded in 1560–70; from Latin ēventus “occurrence, outcome,” equivalent to ēven(īre) “to come out, fall out, occur” + -tus suffix of verbal action

synonym study for event

1. Event, episode, incident, occurrence are terms for a happening. An event is usually an important happening: historical events. An episode is one of a series of happenings in a person’s life or in a narrative: an episode in one’s life. An incident is an event of usually minor importance: an amusing incident in a play. An occurrence is something that happens, often by surprise: His arrival was an unexpected occurrence.


e·vent·less, adjectivesu·per·e·vent, noun

Words nearby event

even permutation, evens, even so, evensong, even-steven, event, even-tempered, eventful, event horizon, eventide, eventide home Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

Words related to event

accident, act, action, affair, appearance, business, case, celebration, ceremony, circumstance, crisis, development, episode, experience, fact, holiday, incident, matter, occasion, situation

How to use event in a sentence

  • The event under investigation occurred last Friday when the unidentified woman was turned away from Duesseldorf University Hospital because a ransomware attack hampered its ability to operate normally.

  • “I was the 24-hours-on-call person for major events for two years for him in the role,” Troye said.

  • On Sunday, he defied state and federal guidelines to hold an indoor event in Nevada at which thousands cheered him, most of them maskless.

  • Apple also debuted its Apple Watch Series 6 smartwatch, which starts at $400, and the Apple Watch SE, which starts at $279, during its online event.

  • He saw the potential for ServiceNow’s suite of software, which included messaging and event tracking, to appeal to a much wider audience.

  • But how different would things have been 11 years later, when Scalise attended the Duke event?

  • This event, know as “Turn Around Tuesday,” enraged many of the demonstrators, especially the young SNCC activists.

  • In fact, Americans had to wait several hours until film of the event reached New York for it to be broadcast.

  • Over dinner, the Knight had mentioned that Scalise had spoken before the EURO event.

  • How the hell does somebody show up at a David Duke organized event in 2002 and claim ignorance?

  • This would in any event have depressed prices of cotton, even under ordinary conditions.

  • Please advise the surrender as soon as possible in order to give due and solemn publicity to the event.

  • An estate upon condition is one which depends upon the happening or not happening of some uncertain event.

  • An estate upon condition is one which depends upon the happening or not happening of some event.

  • An estate upon condition is one which depends upon the happening of some event.

British Dictionary definitions for event


anything that takes place or happens, esp something important; happening; incident

the actual or final outcome; result (esp in the phrases in the event, after the event)

any one contest in a programme of sporting or other conteststhe high jump is his event


  1. an occurrence regarded as a bare instant of space-time as contrasted with an object which fills space and has endurance
  2. an occurrence regarded in isolation from, or contrasted with, human agencyCompare act (def. 8)

in any event or at all events regardless of circumstances; in any case

in the event of in case of; if (such a thing) happensin the event of rain the race will be cancelled

in the event that if it should happen that


to take part or ride (a horse) in eventing

Word Origin for event

C16: from Latin ēventus a happening, from ēvenīre to come forth, happen, from venīre to come

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

Other Idioms and Phrases with event

see blessed event; in any case (event); in case (in the event); in the unlikely event.

The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary
Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

In response, it was stated that, in any event, the phrase «before, at the beginning of, the voyage» in the chapeau of draft article 13(1) was sufficient to ensure that this mistake was not made.

В ответ было указано, что в любом случае формулировки «до, в начале морского рейса» во вводной части проекта статьи 13(1) достаточно для того, чтобы исключить подобную ошибку.

In any event, the phrase doesn’t go far enough, because Pakistan conducts no foreign policy without thinking of India, with which it has fought a series of wars, and which it understands (accurately) to be an existential threat.

Но даже и оно мало что стоило, поскольку в Пакистане нет никакой внешней политики без оглядки на Индию, с которой он несколько раз воевал и которая расценивается как экзистенциональная угроза.

Другие результаты

In any event, whatever the phrase chosen, the requesting State is not obliged to demonstrate its need for the requested information before the obligation to provide that information arises.

В любом случае, вне зависимости от выбора формулировки запрашивающее государство не обязано демонстрировать свою потребность в запрашиваемой информации для возникновения обязательства предоставить эту информацию.

The phrase «event of default» should be adequately defined in the contract.

В контракте следует дать надлежащее определение понятию «неисполнение обязательств».

Was born a girl in the family… the Usual phrase life event.

Родилась в семье девочка… Обычная фраза о житейском событии.

If you want to divide a phrase into events and change the playback order

Если Вы хотите разделить фразу на события и изменить порядок воспроизведения

Determine whether the information you need is more detail clarification of a word or idea or information on the cause of feelings or events then phrase your question accordingly.

Определитесь, нужна ли вам информация о деталях, уточнение слова или идеи, а может быть — информация о причине чувств или событий; затем, в соответствии с этим, сформулируйте вопрос.

What if we could help fans find events with simple phrases?

Что было бы, если бы обезьяны могли оперировать простыми фразами?

Discomforts or other «adverse event» (which phrase means having emotional or illness-like symptoms) did not interfere significantly with the delivery of the program.

Дискомфорт или другие «негативные проявления» (что означает эмоциональные или болезнеподобные симптомы) не представляли значительных трудностей для проведения программы.

In the event that the quoted phrase has a narrower meaning under the Act, the Committee asked the Government if it is considering amending the Act to bring its coverage into line with the Convention.

В случае более узкого толкования в законе приводимой формулировки Комитет просил правительство сообщить о том, рассматривает ли оно возможность внесения в него поправки для приведения этого закона в соответствие с положениями Конвенции.

His answer — this event: pronouncing phrase; and one of his reasons — an event of reflection of John about the theorem.

Его ответ — это событие: произнесение фразы; и одна из его причин — событие размышления Джона о теореме.

Apple, unsurprisingly, only hinted at the contents of the event with the following phrase: «It’s show time.»

Неудивительно, что Apple лишь намекнула на содержание мероприятия следующей фразой: «Шоу начинается» (It’s show time).

This is «the day of the Lord» — a common phrase for events to come in the future, especially around the final coming of the Lord in the person of His Son.

«День Господень» — широко распространенное название того, что произойдет в будущем, в особенности, когда речь идет об окончательном пришествии Господа в лице Его Сына.

One of the leaders of the Angel Investors Association (Perth Angels) at the event said the key phrase: «The money of any investor in Perth» rest», that is, they work in complete safety from legal troubles…».

Один из руководителей Ассоциации инвесторов-ангелов (Perth Angels) на мероприятии сказал ключевую фразу: «Деньги любого инвестора в Перте «отдыхают», то есть работают и в полной безопасности от правовых неурядиц…».

For example, the phrase «you cannot sunbathe under the moon» — the event is considered as impossible, interest in it disappears.

Например, фраза «нельзя загорать под луной» — событие рассматривается как невозможное, интерес к нему пропадает.

The CHAIRPERSON suggested the insertion of the phrase «all important events«.

Delete the phrase «in any event«.

In our case, the phrase «multisport event» is the key, emphasizing the nature of the upcoming forum.

В нашем случае словосочетание «мультиспортивное соревнование» является ключевым, подчеркивающим характер грядущего форума.

The phrase «apocalyptic literature» is used to describe the use of symbols, images, and numbers to depict future events.

Фраза «апокалиптическая литература» относится к произведениям, употребляющим символы, образы и числа для обозначения событий в будущем.

Suggestions for reformulation included the phrases «situation of great distress» and «a sudden event«.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 14441. Точных совпадений: 2. Затраченное время: 562 мс


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