Phrases with the word dove

Inland among cacti, palo santo trees and scrubby brush Galápagos doves, and several species of Darwin’s finches can be found.


Bob lives in Michigan with parrots, ducks, geese, parakeets, rabbits, doves, cats, hens, and one turkey.


Genome sequencing of domestic and feral pigeons has provided evidence that all domestic breeds descend from wild rock doves


I treat exotic pets — birds (parrots, canaries, finches, chickens, turkeys, waterfowl, pigeons and doves), rabbits, rodents (guinea pigs, chinchillas, rats, mice, hamsters, gerbils, degus), ferrets, reptiles (lizards, snakes, turtles, tortoises), amphibians (frogs and toads), and some less commonly kept exotics such as hedgehogs, sugar gliders, pot-bellied pigs, wallabies, kinkajous, and pet skunks.


Love that little shelf with the diamond pattern mirror and doves.


Honestly, this seems pretty muddled, and given that Woo hasn’t spent his career returning to it (apart from the doves, which I think is just a cool effect that wouldn’t work as well with, say, pigeons), I’d suggest it isn’t very deeply felt.


In normal times, the debate over monetary policy is between «hawks» who want the Fed to emphasize its inflation target, and «doves» who want it to focus on lowering unemployment.


RICHARD FISHER: Well, I was a hawk, because doves come from the pigeon family.


That leaves me with this, which reflects the influence of the doves better:


Also, some produce lots of feather dust (a fine white powder produced by special feathers, most notable with cockatiels and cockatoos as well as pigeons and doves).


Luckily and according to recent reports, tourists are back in doves to visit Turkey.


Allow fiancee from nigeria to start a new venture in the murky waters of 2 doves bahai dating site my departure from the education system.


The interview, titled «Souvenirs, live doves, and storming in with only your dreams» is part of an ongoing series hosted by Independent Curators International (ICI).


Eternity with John Ascroft singing songs about doves and eagles?


Braveheart music in the background of their video conjures up war horses, not doves.


Arthur Garfield Dove (American, 1880-1946) Lehigh Water Tower Signed «dove» l.c., titled and dated»… 1938» on labels from Alfred Stieglitz, The Downtown Gallery, New York, and Terry More…


Among the animals rescued from the property were: 5 horses, 61 goats, 53 ducks including numerous ducklings, 99 chickens including numerous chicks, 11 turkeys, 5 dogs, 1 cat, 8 exotic birds and 10 doves.


She doesn’t want to shock the markets (unless there’s a good reason to do so), and she’s under pressure from hawks and doves to raise and not raise rates, respectively.


The download version is 30 minutes of peaceful, gentle sounds of waves on the Hawaii shore, with our wonderful doves in the background.


A delightful setting including live doves (White Fantails) which visit the outside eating/seating area and extravagant hospitality make for unforgettable memories.


«I heard the ripple washing in the reeds / And the wild water lapping on the crag»; «… the moan of doves in immemorial elms / And murmuring of innumerable bees.»


Choose from several ornament designs, such as doves, snowmen, snowflakes, and more.


I saved two doves from a chicken store near the Williamsburg Bridge.


Of course there is no reason why hawks as well as doves should not speak out on the war.


The other members of the class added their own arching arms and curved hands until it gradually turned into a tree shape, which became shelter for a pair of doves.


Personally, I’d rather deal with doves than hawks.


This is often hard, but with a lot of wisdom (wise as serpents, innocent as doves?)


Don’t forget something else Christ said: «Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves


For one, the recordings lead to undercounting of mourning doves because their low frequency songs were drowned out by the sound of the drone itself.


But sure, hawks are predators and doves eat seeds, so maybe you could have asked «Has not the hawk always eaten the seeds?»


Therefore be as shrewd as serpents and as harmless as doves


And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the money changers, and the seats of them that sold doves.


Who else would stage an elaborately bloody shoot-out to» «Somewhere Over the Rainbow,» or set a bullet-ridden confrontation in a beachside chapel midst a flock of flying doves?


He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves.


If the doves fluttering above Ethan Hunt as he does a roundhouse kick or the absurd plot about a disease called Chimera don’t make you jump ship, the onslaught of unmasking scenes will.


Hire a bicycle to explore Conway National Park, a magnet for magnificent birds such as emerald doves, sulphur-crested cockatoos and buff-breasted paradise kingfishers, which fly down from Papua New Guinea to nest in the park’s termite mounds.


My mother read the words to me quietly: «Once upon a time…» Music played, and there, in beautiful color, was Snow White, with white doves flying all around her.


Since then SDWC has also accepted ducklings, rabbits, doves, and hummingbirds among other wildlife.


Rose Gold Initial and Dove Charm, Disc Necklace, Hand Stamped on Disc, Personalised Jewellery, Rose Gold Plated Necklace, turtle dove


(Downtown Santa Monica, CA)— February 16, 2015 — Each month, millions of shopper-gatherers will scurry around under the diligent gaze of a western fence lizard, nettle jellyfish, mourning doves and more.


It was supposed to be romantic — 100 white doves launched into the air would provide a stunning backdrop to five Chinese couples» cherished wedding Your Family Picture Planning Guide!


Dove hunting, too, but since dove season comes in warm weather, the boss has to take precautions to prevent his golden from suffering a heat stroke, which can kill a dog in minutes.


Pigeons and doves are plagued by two types of lice.


The American psychologist Herbert Terrace taught doves to peck at a red button but not a green one.


The only sound you hear is the doves and all you see is the mountains around you.


Animals available at the event include dogs, cats, rats, doves, reptiles and more.


The atelier is regularly visited by two yellow labradors, white doves and a ock of goats.


Business development is turning law firms into hawks and doves.


I worked with animals such as chickens, quails, doves, pigeons, parrots, lizards, fish, and different types of rodents.


Particularly, there’s something breathtaking about a silhouette with embroidered doves.


dove — перевод на русский


You have to dive into it.

В неё нужно нырять.

Made me dive in this weather.

Нырять заставлял в такую холодину!

Will the Baba dive into the Ganges from here?

— Не знаю, господин А нырять с Гаты Дарбханга Баба не собирается?

There, there but in the summer, when they are diving…

Там, вон туда… но если кто-то будет нырять летом…

-Do show us how to dive!

— Ну-ка, покажи нам, как надо нырять!

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Southern Dove…

Южный голубь…

So shows a snowy dove trooping with crows,

Как белый голубь в стае воронья —

Usually, this woman is gentle as a dove.

Обычно, эта женщина нежна, как голубь.

And the Holy Spirit came down on Jesus in bodily form like a dove.

И Дух Святой сошел на Иисуса в телесном виде, как голубь.

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Hey, Dov, we got a major situation here.

Эй, Дов, у нас тут проблемы серьезной важности.

Same for Lili et Dov they lost their father.

Лили и Дов тоже остались без отца.

Dov, listen… Come along with me.

Дов, давай со мной!

Dov, let’s start our own company.

Дов, пора начать свое дело.

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— Somebody better dive in. — That’s the idea.

Кто-то должен нырнуть за ней!

— I want to dive off those rocks!

— Хочу нырнуть с той скалы.

— Go on, dive.

Нырнуть надо.

Dive in the sea as quickly as we can.

— Что? — Нырнуть в море так быстро, как только сможем.

Would one of us have the nerve to dive into the icy water and save them?

Хватило бы у одного из нас мужества нырнуть в ледяную воду и спасать их?

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Diving stations.


I figure one more dive and we should be able to get to it.

Я думаю, что ещё одно погружение и мы сможем его поднять.

Blow main dive tank.


Diving stations!


Dive then float with the current through the strait.

Итак. Погружение. И проход через пролив по течению.

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There, my dove.

Вот так, моя голубка.

Oh, but I’m no white dove!

Какая я белая голубка!

White dove… gone!

Белая голубка. Улетела!

The fish is in the egg the bud in the flesh… and the dove in water.

Рыба в икринке почка в чешуе… голубка в воде

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They have the best scuba diving.

— Это одно из лучших мест для дайвинга в мире. — Хорошо.

Once I took diving lessons, ..

Когда-то я брал уроки дайвинга,..

# I was shopping for a wetsuit to scuba dive #

Покупал я для дайвинга костюм как-то раз.

And no cliff diving.

И никакого дайвинга.

As 30 minutes «Hayden is another diving equipment?

Как за 30 минут «Хайден другое снаряжение для дайвинга?

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That’s right, a 34-way carousel dive.

Прыжок будет в форме карусели из 34 человек.

Nice dive, Preston.

Хороший прыжок, Престон.

Nice dive, Preston.

Хороший прыжок, Престон!

Great dive.

Отличный прыжок.

Man, You were going to drive me around tonight and never be the wiser, but el gordo got in front of a window, did his high dive…

Ты должен был только возить меня и ничего более, но наш друг совершил прыжок из окна…

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That stranger dived in for it.

Парень чужой первый прыгнул.

I started to run back home. But I turned around, ran back, dove into the water and got her out before she could drown.

Я было побежал домой, но повернулся, побежал назад, прыгнул в воду… и вытащил её прежде чем она утонула.

I love the end where he dives off the wall and swims away.

Мне очень понравился момент, когда прыгнул со стены в воду и уплыл.

Campanella dove right in after him!

Кампанелла прыгнул в воду, чтобы спасти его!

I dove overboard, swam like hell.

Я прыгнул через борт и поплыл, как бешеный.

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They’re anchored for now, but you better get out there before they decide to dive.

Сейчас мы на якоре, но вам лучше убраться оттуда до того, как они решат погрузиться.

The sub can’t dive below periscope depth on diesel engines.

Ничего. На дизельных двигателях подлодка не может погрузиться ниже перископной глубины.

I want to dive into her and just…

Я хочу погрузиться в нее и просто…

Dive into some kind of depression over this?

Погрузиться в депрессию? Нет.

The mere thought of the tragedy that awaits us… made my brain dive deep inside the core of Earth.

Одна только мысь о трагедии, ожидающей нас… заставила мои мысли погрузиться в глубины Земли, к самому ядру.

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голубь m

горлица f














The dove brought him an olive leaf.

Только тогда, когда голубь принес ему ветвь оливкового дерева.

The first time the dove left the ark, it returned without any results.

В первый раз, когда голубь покинул ковчег, он вернулся без каких-либо результатов.

A Turtle dove goes uptown… dressed like a housemaid.

Горлица отправлялась в пригород… переодевалась в платье горничной.

It means «the white dove«.

Это испанское слово, значит «белая голубка«.

Darling dove, I’m weeping.

Милая голубка, слёзно прошу вас.

One shot hit directly through a cake which then magically transformed into a white dove.

Один выстрел попал прямо через торт, который затем волшебным образом превратился в белого голубя.

The lower left quadrant contains the image of a dove with an olive branch — a symbol of peace and hope for the best.

Нижний левый сектор содержит изображение голубя с оливковой ветвью — символ мира и надежды на лучшее.

In the 2000 ceremony, a dove image was projected on an enormous white cloth held by the athletes on the stadium floor.

В церемонии 2000 года изображение голубя проецировалось на огромную белую ткань, которую держали спортсмены на стадионе.

However, the introduction of feral cats and rats have extirpated the ground dove from the mountainous volcanic islands.

Однако, ввоз кошек и крыс искоренил голубя с горных вулканических островов.

The child at the left has just picked a dove from the box, symbolising peace.

Ребёнок, находящийся слева, выбрал из коробки только голубя, что символизирует мир.

In 1907, the grey-green fruit dove was reportedly very abundant on the two islands.

В 1907 году серо-зелёный пёстрый голубь, по сообщениям, встречался достаточно часто на двух островах.

Peace is not the dove and the rainbow — as lovely as they are.

Мир это не голубь и радуга, какими бы милыми они ни были.

I shot my first dove when I was ten years old.

Первого голубя я подстрелил в десять лет.

So she decides to save face by taking it out on a dove.

И она решает сохранить свое лицо, гоняясь за голубем.

I’m not sure it will look like a dove.

Не знаю, похоже ли на голубя.

In 2006, acrobats formed the shape of a dove.

В 2006 году акробаты образовали форму голубя.

I was wondering where our little dove had flown.

А я гадала, куда улетела наша маленькая голубка.

Sansa, come here, little dove.

Санса, подойди ко мне, голубка.

I’m pretty sure that’s a dove.

Я уверен, что это голубь.

No-one’s carped about our dove before.

Никто не придирался к нашему голубю.

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голубь, голубка, голубушка, голубчик, сизый цвет, сторонник политики мира


- зоол. голубь (Columba livia)

wood dove — вяхирь

- поэт. горлица
- полит. «голубь», сторонник мира или мирного разрешения спорных вопросов (противоп. hawk «ястреб»)

the doves and the hawks in the U.S. Senate — «голуби» и «ястребы» в сенате Соединённых Штатов
dove of peace — голубь мира

- ласк. голубчик; голубушка, голубка

Мои примеры


a gentle dove — голубок  
the glide of a dove’s wings — плавные движения крыльев голубя  
dove and its mate — голубь со своей голубкой  
dove colour — сизый цвет  
dove-colour — сизый цвет  
dove-coloured — сизый  
as gentle as a dove — посл. ≅ кроткий как ягнёнок  
dove-colored — сизый  
dove eyed — с невинным взглядом; с кротким взглядом  
stock dove — голубь лесной; клинтух  

Примеры с переводом

The dove is a symbol of peace.

Голубь — это символ мира.

She dove into the swimming pool.

Она нырнула в бассейн.

She dove into the water headfirst.

Она нырнула в воду вниз головой.

He dove / dived in and saved her life.

Он бросился в воду и спас ей жизнь.

The President sided with the doves and worked to avoid war.

Президент встал на сторону «партии мира» и приложил усилия, чтобы избежать войны.

The whale dove down to deeper water.

Кит нырнул вниз, в более глубокие воды.

The whale surfaced and then dove back down.

Кит всплыл на поверхность, а затем нырнул обратно в глубину.

The dove is emblematic of the organization’s mission to bring some peace to a troubled world.

Голубь символизирует миссию этой организации: принести мир в наш неспокойный мир.

The doves were in favor of using the surplus to improve the nation’s schools and not its weapons systems.

Сторонники мирных решений были за то, чтобы использовать данный излишек для улучшения школ страны, а не её систем вооружения.

I dove headlong to the floor.

Я бросился на пол вниз головой, словно в воду.

The whale surfaced briefly then dove under again.

Кит ненадолго всплыл, а затем вновь нырнул вглубь.

Возможные однокоренные слова

dovelike  — голубиный, нежный, кроткий
dover  — Дувр, город и порт в Англии, Довер, в штатах Айдахо, Дуврский пролив
dovish  — мирный, миролюбивый, стоящий за мир или мирное разрешение спорных вопросов

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): dove
мн. ч.(plural): doves

Synonym: Columba, Dove, peacenik, squab. Similar words: over and over, hand over, spread over, oven, cove, over, move, love. Meaning: [dʌv]  n. 1. any of numerous small pigeons 2. someone who prefers negotiations to armed conflict in the conduct of foreign relations 3. a constellation in the southern hemisphere near Puppis and Caelum 4. flesh of a pigeon suitable for roasting or braising; flesh of a dove (young squab) may be broiled 5. an emblem of peace. 

Random good picture Not show

1. He who makes himself a dove is eaten by the hawk. 

2. She dove straight into the pool.

3. The dove is an emblem of peace.

4. The dove represents peace.

5. The dove is a symbol of peace.

6. The dove is a universal symbol of peace.

7. The dove is symbolic of peace.

8. The boxer dove in the fifth.

9. She watched the dove soar above the chestnut trees.

9. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.

10. The submarine dove quickly as the destroyer searched for it.

11. A dove is often used as a symbol of peace.

12. A dove cooed softly.

13. The book cover had a picture of a dove superimposed on a battle scene.

14. He dove straight into the new book and read all night.

15. Her outstretched finger pointed to the window behind Dove.

16. It was a calm day, Mr Dove.

17. Outside, a wood dove burbled on my sill.

18. He filled his lungs and dove.

19. She kicked Blue Dove out of the office, too.

20. The salvagers even dove up the sluggish conch.

21. The little child, the wood dove, was going under.

22. Walls are painted white drifting to dove gray.

23. Everyone stumbled away, Dove and the onlookers.

24. Leslie Everett Dove had watched and listened closely.

25. She laughed as she watched the dove soar above the chestnut trees, which were already showing the first flecks of green.

26. It is no honour for an eagle to vanquish a dove

27. May your love soar on the wings of a dove in flight.

28. In an instant, the magician had conjured a white dove from his hat.

29. Although a vicious hunter, the lioness was as gentle as a dove when playing with her cubs.

30. He waved his hand over the empty box and — poof! — a dove appeared.

More similar words: over and over, hand over, spread over, oven, cove, over, move, love, prove, shove, stove, glove, cover, lover, novel, above, move on, oversee, be over, shovel, all over, covert, get over, proven, go over, overall, remove, cover up, overcome, lay over. 

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