Phrases with the word dancing

dancing — перевод на русский


Let’s do a shot and then let’s go dance, okay?

Давай выпьем и потом пойдём танцевать, ладно?

Yeah. I like dancing with you, Richard.

Мне нравится с тобой танцевать, Ричард.

«Who said you could dance with her — with-out asking me?»

«Кто сказал, что ты можешь с ней танцевать, не спросив меня?»

I keep them dancing for their money.

Видели? За деньги они готовы для меня танцевать.

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There is more danger in dancing than in dining.

Нет ничего опаснее, чем танцы во время обеда.

On Saturday evening all the local youth were dancing on the village green.

По вечерам в субботу местная молодёжь собиралась на танцы на деревенской поляне.

— …all of us. — Dancing.


Your Highness perhaps does not care for dancing?

Вашему Высочеству, наверное, неинтересны танцы?

I’m afraid that dancing isn’t exactly my line.

Боюсь, танцы — это не по моей части.

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— Let the mayor dance!

— Дай мэру потанцевать!

Harry simply dragged me here with the delusion… -…that Miss Allen might dance with him.

Гари просто затянул меня сюда с мыслью потанцевать с мисс Ален.

Perhaps we get a chance to dance together?

Может быть, нам доведется потанцевать вместе?

— Say, you wanna dance with Harriet?

— Не хочешь потанцевать с Гарриет?

Say, you wanna dance with Harriet?

Не хочешь потанцевать с Гарриет?

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Should I stand up and dance for you?

Мне встать и станцевать вам?

Why don’t you dance?

Почему бы тебе не станцевать?

Do you think you could dance the Scottish?

Думаете, вы бы смогли станцевать скоттиш?

Lady, can i dance for you?

Леди, можно станцевать для вас?

He walked around with a burst appendix for three days, because he promised his wife he’d take her to a square dance.

Он как-то проходил с воспаленным аппендицитом целых три дня, и только потому, что обещал своей жене станцевать с ней кадриль.

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Pretty fellow, play a livelier tune that I can make this puny rascal dance to.

Эй, парень, сыграй что-нибудь поживее, чтоб я заставил этого негодника плясать.

Under his spell, they dance furiously until the coming of dawn and the sounds of church bells send the infernal army slinking back into their abodes of darkness.

Под его чарами они будут неистово плясать до тех пор, пока наступление рассвета и первый колокольный звон не отправят дьявольскую армию обратно в их обиталище тьмы.

— So we see from the windows, how you dance.

— Чтоб мы из окон видели, как вы будете плясать.

♫ But order your monsters to join in a dancing throng. ♫

♫ А вели ты лучше чудищам плясать.

He is mistaken if he thinks that I’m going to dance to his tune.

Он ошибается, если думает, что я буду плясать под его дудку.

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Well, we can always call the zoo and order a couple of dancing bears.

Ну, мы всегда можем позвонить в зоопарк и заказать пару танцующих медведей.

You should see those old loves dancing… showing their knickers.

Видел бы ты танцующих там пожилых дамочек. Светят свои трусики.

CKAC is pleased to present, for your listening and dancing pleasure, the famous Harry Trueblood Orchestra.

CKAC рады представить вашему вниманию, к удовольствию слушателей и танцующих, знаменитый оркестр Гарри Трублада.

Bring on the dancing girls.

Зовите танцующих девчонок.

You wanna see the monkey dance, you pay the piper.

Если хотите увидеть танцующих обезьян, платите музыканту

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Ladies and gentlemen, we have just begun the most original dance contest ever.

Дамы и господа, только что начался самый оригинальный танцевальный конкурс… В истории.

Oh, Thomas ma, it’s just a big dance hall.

— А, Томас! Да это просто большой танцевальный зал и все.

There will be a formal dance in the bowling alley at 1900 hours tonight.

Сегодня в 19:00 состоится танцевальный вечер. — Не пропустите.

A dance festival will be held every year in their memory, and the winners will be awarded the Strangers’ Trophy.

Танцевальный фестиваль будет проводиться каждый год в их память, и победители будут награждены Трофеем Незнакомцев.

I remember when they won the dance contest in Salina.

Я помню, как они выиграли танцевальный конкурс в Салине.

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Would the Mr. and Mrs. like to begin the dance this evening?

Прошу новобрачных открыть бал. Не сегодня.

I can remember when Ruthy took me to my first school dance.

Я помню, как Рут привела меня на мой первый школьный бал.

There’s still a little seepage, but if the stitches hold out… she’s gonna take Betty to the teenage dance.

Там всё ещё немного протекает, но если шов выдержит,… она собирается отвести Бетти на молодёжный бал.

— What teenage dance?

— Что за молодёжный бал?

What would you say if I told you that you were going to the homecoming dance tomorrow night?

Что бы ты подумала, если бы я тебе сказала, сказала, что завтра ты идешь на школьный бал?

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Uh, may I have this dance, Miss Blake?

Можно вас пригласить, мисс Блейк?

May I have this dance, Miss Beatrix?

Позвольте пригласить вас, мисс Биатриса.

Will you honour me with this dance?

Вы позволите мне пригласить вас?

Will you honour me with this dance?

Позвольте мне пригласить вас?

May I have the pleasure of this dance?

Прошу прощения, мадемуазель? Позвольте вас пригласить?

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At Étretat, I would be taken to the Casino to dance.

В Этрета меня брали танцовщицей в казино.

Just about everything a girl could do without losing her good english breeding and reputation, modeling, dancing, secretary.

Почти всё, что может делать девушка, не теряя свои хорошие английские манеры и репутацию была фотомоделью, танцовщицей, секретаршей.

If I’m going to be somebody’s plaything why not work at a dancing house and earn a bit more money to send home

Если я буду чей-то игрушкой, буду работать танцовщицей, то смогу заработать немного денег, чтобы отправить домой.

— Bring on the dancing girls!

— Давай сюда танцовщиц! — Хорошо.

I don’t care for no dancing girls!

Плевать мне на танцовщиц!

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Collocations for «dancing»

Common phrases and expressions where native English speakers use the word «dancing» in context.

WordReference English Collocations © 2023


Most examples are given in US English. We have labeled exceptions as UK.


  1. dance to the [music, beat]
  2. dance with [me, his wife]
  3. dance at the [club, party, wedding]
  4. danced the night away
  5. we danced for hours
  6. can’t dance
  7. danced up to her
  8. asked her to dance
  9. danced [barefoot, in slippers, in a tutu]
  10. dance around
  11. dance on the [bar, table]
  12. dance in [the theatre, a musical]
  13. dance [for fun, competitively]
  14. danced across the room
  15. danced away from the [attacker, murder, criminal]
  16. danced on his grave
  17. dance [a waltz, the tango]
  18. dance a merry [dance, tune]
  19. dancing to [a different, the same] tune
  20. dance to (the beat of) a different drum


  1. a [swing, hip hop, ballet] dance
  2. a slow dance
  3. a [school, formal, homecoming] dance
  4. the [annual, winter] dance
  5. we met at the [charity] dance
  6. [know, learn] a dance
  7. have the first dance
  8. can I have this dance?
  9. hold a dance for [the students, charity]
  10. is taking me to the dance
  11. do you want to go to the dance (with me)?
  12. am [taking, asking] her to the dance
  13. am going to [take] her to the dance
  14. what are you wearing to the dance?
  15. [study, teach] dance
  16. was just making a song and dance (about it)

n as adj

  1. a dance recital
  2. dance music
  3. a dance club
  4. on the dance floor
  5. a dance party
  6. [cool, new, difficult] dance steps

dancing‘ also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations):

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Dancing is more than just movement.

Для них танец больше, чем просто движение.

Dancing and music is celebrated during Carnival.

Maracatu): танец и музыка, исполняемые во время карнавала.

Maitake literally means «Dancing Mushroom».

«Maitake» буквально означает «танцующий гриб».

In the background — the famous «Dancing House».

На заднем фоне на следующем фото — знаменитый «Танцующий дом».

Dancing is losing yourself to music.

Танцы — это когда ты растворяешься в музыке.

Dancing is first and foremost an art.

Танцы — это, в первую очередь, искусство.

Dancing has shaped me as a person.

Я чувствую, что танцы сформировали меня как человека.

Dancing is an enjoyable way to be more physically active and stay fit.

Танцы — это приятный способ, чтобы быть более физически активными и оставаться в прекрасной форме.

Dancing helps you feel more self-assured.

Танец помогает тебе стать более уверенным в себе.

Dancing perfectly develop coordination of movements.

Кроме того, танцы прекрасно развивают координацию движений.

Dancing is a language without words.

Танец — это язык, в котором нет слов.

Dancing is a fun activity that anyone can enjoy.

Танцы — это забава и разновидность деятельности, которой любой может наслаждаться.

Dancing workers who were to popularize communism and revolution, 1923.

Танцы рабочих, которые были специально подготовлены для популяризации коммунизма и революции 1923 года.

Dancing ending with fighting one another.

Танцы, заканчивавшиеся «дракой между собой».

In 2017, her company executive produced the television movie Dirty Dancing.

В 2017 году исполнительный директор её компании спродюсировал телевизионный фильм «Грязные танцы (англ.)русск.».

People love «Dancing with Stars».

Видишь, как люди сходят с ума по «Танцам со звездами».

Her autobiography entitled Dancing Spirit was published in 1993.

Ее автобиография «Дух танца» была опубликована в 1993 году.

Dirty Dancing was released in 1987.

«Грязные танцы» были выпущены в 1987 году.

Dirty Dancing made him a superstar.

Фильм «Грязные танцы» сделал его звездой.

Dancing with the Stars has NOT been cancelled.

Танцы со звездами сейчас идут, отменять ничего не стали.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат Dancing

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Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

танцы, пляска, прыганье стрелки прибора, танцевальный


- танцы; пляска
- тех. прыганье (регулятора, стрелки прибора и т. п.)

Мои примеры


dancing to the music of a big band — танцы под аккомпанемент биг-бэнда  
a loose, fluid style of dancing — свободный, плавный стиль танца  
break dancing — брейк-данс  
dancing party — танцевальный вечер; бал  
dancing-party — танцевальный вечер; вечер с танцами  
dancing-plague — хорея  
dancing roll — бумаговедущий валик; сетконатяжной валик; прижимный ролик  
dancing room — d. saloon танцевальный зал; танцевальный зал  
dancing school — школа танцев; танцкласс  
dancing-school — школа танцев  
dancing-shoes — танцевальные туфли  
dancing slippers — бальные туфли  

Примеры с переводом

She is awkward at dancing.

Она неуклюже танцует.

Russian dancing

русские танцы

His dancing days are done.

Он своё оттанцевал.

I was in no temper for dancing.

Настроения танцевать у меня не было.

They were dancing with glee.

Они плясали от радости.

She does tap dancing and ballet.

Она занимается чечёткой и балетом.

She learned dancing from her sister

Она научилась танцевать у сестры.

ещё 22 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Her dancing is pure poetry.

They took ice dancing to new heights.

Thanks but dancing is not really my bag.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

dancer  — танцор, танцовщица, танцовщик, балерина, танцующий

“The body says what words cannot.”

This quote is attributed to American dancer and choreographer Martha Graham. But what words can we use to talk about dance?

I’ve promised a few people that I’d write a post on vocabulary to describe dance as I’ve met many dancers at parties who weren’t sure how to express in English how they feel about zouk or salsa, or how to describe the way they move.

‘English for Dancing’ is actually a big area, so today let’s just start with the first steps:

Let's Dance English Vocabulary (1)

Describing A Dance

There are many adjectives you can use to describe a dance, so here’s a small-ish selection below.

  • To describe the dance positively:

A dance can be slow and sensual, beautiful, and intimate. Zouk is a good example of this, as the couple are close to each other and they dance beautiful, fluid figures.

A dance can be sexy, wild, emotional, hypnotic, fun, smooth and elegant.

A dance which has lots of detail to it or is complicated can be intricate or complex.

A dance which makes you think more deeply about what it’s trying to communicate is thought-provoking.

Lady Gaga dancing with little clothing in Indonesia is provocative, which can be positive or negative depending on your viewpoint. Overly-provocative makes it negative.

Other words include: artistic, enjoyable, attractive, gorgeous, stylish, sultry, impulsive, spontaneous and passionate.

  • To describe a dance negatively:

A dance can be terrible, awful, and boring.

A dance which is not flowing, but instead has short movements that are not connected is called jerky.

Just like a dance can express imagination, it can also be unimaginative.

If a dance doesn’t make you excited or very interested, it is uninspiring.

A synonym for boring is dull.

DANCE (verb) + ADVERB collocations

You can say she danced well or danced badly – but there are other dance + adverb combinations which you can use to describe your friend jumping about to the music at a party or to describe the professional at a serious dance competition.

When you see a sensual dance such as zouk or salsa:
DANCE | sensuously; seductively; sexually

When you want to get the attention of a particular man or women:
DANCE | provocatively; flirtatiously; suggestively; mischievously; teasingly; daringly

When you’re at the pub after a few beers:
DANCE | drunkenly; crazily; wildly; madly

When you see ballet:
DANCE | gracefully; beautifully; delicately; majestically; devinely

When you see someone dance and they seem happy:
DANCE | happily; joyfully; gleefully; merrily

When you see someone dance and they seem sad:
DANCE | solemnly; sadly
However we’d more likely describe these as adjectives: eg a sad dance; a depressing dance; a solemn dance

When you someone who has so much energy:
DANCE | energetically; vibrantly; vigorously

When you don’t have much energy:
DANCE | sleepily; lazily

When you’re shy, maybe because you’re a beginner:
DANCE | self-consciously; clumsily; awkwardly

When someone dances and makes fun of someone else:
DANCE | mockingly

When you want to say someone danced very well:
DANCE | wonderfully; flawlessly; brilliantly; convincingly; magnificently; superbly; skillfully; impressively

When you want to say someone danced badly (ouch):
DANCE | badly; poorly; awfully; terribly; amateurishly

When you dance for a living:
DANCE | professionally

Dance Quotes

Idioms, Phrases + Binomials With ‘Dance’

Binomials are fixed phrases with two words joined by ‘and’ or ‘or’. For example, we say fish and chips, knife and fork, rock and roll. And it’s rare for the words to be in a different order: eg no one says chips and fish although it does cute 😉

To sing and dance is a binomial:
eg we sang and danced and had so much fun at the party
Note the pronunciation here: we say sing’n’dance, we don’t say the ‘full’ or strong pronunciation of and, we just say ‘n.’

To make a song and dance about something
Interestingly, to make a song and dance about something means to make something sound like it’s more important than it really is:
eg Ok, I’ll get you a Pepsi, not a Coke, but there’s no need to make a song and dance about it.
eg I only asked her to move her bag but she made such a song and dance about it.

A song and dance
In U.S English this is used to say that someone told a story which was long and complicated (and probably not true):
eg She gave me a song and dance about her bus breaking down and not being able to come in to work on time.

Dance to..(music)
We use the preposition TO here:
Let’s dance to the music.
You can also dance to the beat | rhythm | radio
You can dance to your favourite song or indeed your favourite band:
I can’t believe Pippa Middleton was dancing to Karel Gott in that dress!

Do a dance
We say DO with the type of dance:
eg Can you do the waltz?
eg Let’s do the tango.

Have a dance
eg Let’s have one more dance before we go.

Dance the night away
Eg We went out clubbing and danced the night away.
This means that they danced all night.

Dance with someone
eg I can’t believe I danced the whole night with Pitbull!

To dance with death
This means to do or try to do something very risky:
eg You’re dancing with death by climbing up that rock!

Asking Someone To Dance

So you’ve had two whiskeys and you have the courage to ask a girl, or indeed a guy to dance!

The first thing is that if you two get on well, you probably don’t even need to ask. However if you want to ask then the easiest way is simply:

Let’s dance!
Then reach for her hand and head for the dance floor.

You can also say:
I love this song, let’s go
C’mon, I love this song. And lead her to the floor.

Other Phrases For Asking Someone To Dance

Do you want to dance?
Want to dance?
Would you like to dance?
Shall we dance? (UK) or Will you dance with me? 

If you’re over 60 or miss the era of Fred Astaire you can also say*:
May I have this dance?
Can I have this dance?
May I have the pleasure of this dance? (*note that these are old-fashioned)

The Boy Does Nothing

This was a big hit in Prague last year. She sings “if a man can dance, he gets a second chance.” Do you agree?

Further reading

Looking for my rebound chick – zouk song

MacMillan Buzzwords: definitely check out Street Dance

Title Image: Andy Owl, Prague

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