Phrases with the word countryside

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


Publication of an informative leaflet by the General Secretariat for Gender Equality by the title «WOMAN AND COUNTRYSIDE«.

публикация Генеральным секретариатом по вопросам гендерного равенства информационных брошюр под общим названием «Женщина и деревня«.

Countryside, fresh air, kids.

Деревня, пейзаж, как на открытке, детишки.

Pneumoconiosis patients living in the city should also consider relocating to the countryside.

Пациенты с пневмокониозом, живущие в городе, должны также рассмотреть вопрос о переезде в сельскую местность.

We are soon out into the countryside.

Beautiful countryside and excellent sporting facilities, including skiing, are within easy reach.

Живописная сельская местность и отличные спортивные сооружения, где можно кататься на лыжах, находятся в пределах досягаемости.

More unique than the fortress is the surrounding countryside.

Что еще более уникально, чем крепость — это окружающая сельская местность.

Their students mainly came from countryside.

Первые его учащиеся были в основном выходцами из деревни.

Start with the simple reason most people leave the countryside: money.

Начнем с простой причины, по которой большинство людей уезжают из деревни, — деньги.

And the countryside is as beautiful as ever.

Her symbolic cross is seen throughout the countryside and the world.

Её символический крест встречается по всей деревне, да и во всём мире.

Cultural life in Switzerland is rich and varied like its countryside.

Культурная жизнь в этой стране богата и различна, как и ее сельская местность.

People who enjoy outdoor activities will really appreciate the countryside in Croatia.

Люди, которые любят активный отдых, по достоинству оценят сельскую местность в Хорватии.

He was the first English artist who painted his native countryside so sincerely.

Он был первый Английский художник, чтобы, который будет красить его родную сельскую местность так искренне.

When it’s built in the Czech countryside.

Так, как это сделано в «Чешской деревне».

Rent a car and explore the Dominican countryside.

Обязательно арендуйте автомобиль и исследуете сельскую местность в Доминиканской республике.

NORWAY’S COUNTRYSIDE teemed with European soldiers in the past two weeks.

Последние две недели в сельской местности Норвегии находились европейские солдаты.

And all in a beautiful countryside setting.

The countryside is not just about producing food.

Почва нужна не только для того, чтобы производить продовольствие.

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Suggestions that contain COUNTRYSIDE

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Word index: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Expression index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Phrase index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

It’s my tragedy that I abominate the English countryside.
Моя трагедия в том, что я терпеть не могу английскую природу.

He wanted the three of us to live in the countryside.
Он хотел, чтобы мы жили вместе загородом.

My uncle took me for a ride in the countryside.
Мой дядя взял меня в поездку по сельской местности.

It’s 25 years, I haven’t seen the countryside.
Я 25 лет не был на природе.

On a train, through the Italian countryside, from Verona to Zagreb.
На поезде, через сельскую местность Италии Из Вероны в Загреб.

Government resolution of 17 June 1998 No. 415, the State Program for Protection of Nature and the Countryside in the Czech Republic.
Постановление правительства № 415 от 17 июня 1998 года о Государственной программе охраны природы и сельской местности в Чешской Республике.

These dalliances in the countryside hold very little interest for the Emperor.
Подобные развлечения в сельской местности вряд ли заинтересуют Императора.

Notes the entry into force of the nine Protocols of the Convention on the Protection of the Alps, which cover transport, regional planning and sustainable development, conservation of nature and the countryside, mountain farming, mountain forests, tourism, soil conservation, energy and dispute resolution, as an example of transborder cooperation for sustainable development in mountain regions;
принимает к сведению вступление в силу девяти протоколов к Конвенции по защите Альп, которые охватывают вопросы транспорта, регионального планирования и устойчивого развития, сохранения природы и сельской местности, горного фермерства, горных лесов, туризма, сохранения почв, энергетики и урегулирования споров, в качестве примера трансграничного сотрудничества в целях устойчивого развития в горных регионах;

Meanwhile, in the stark North Korean countryside, the regime has invested almost nothing.
В то же время, режим практически ничего не инвестировал в опустошенную сельскую местность Северной Кореи.

The development of this process, driven by the insatiable greed of European slave traders who needed slave labour to build up their great colonial empires in the sixteenth, seventeenth, eighteenth and nineteenth centuries has left deep tangible traces in Cuba that bear witness to that time, in the form of old sugar mills, coffee plantations, slave quarters and other constructions remaining in our countryside, some of them already blending in with their natural surroundings.
Нарастание этого процесса, движимого ненасытной алчностью европейских работорговцев, которые нуждались в рабском труде для создания великих колониальных империй XVI, XVII, XVIII и XIX веков, оставило на Кубе глубокие следы, напоминающие о том времени, в виде старых сахарных мельниц, кофейных плантаций, бараков для рабов и других сооружений, все еще сохранившийся у нас в сельской местности, хотя некоторые из них уже растворились в окружающей их природой.

The answer is obvious: city dwellers riot; in the countryside, people just starve.
Ответ очевиден: городские жители бунтуют; в сельской местности люди просто голодают.

They will enjoy less congested cities and fewer environmental pressures on the countryside.
Они будут жить в менее перенаселенных городах и сталкиваться с меньшими экологическими проблемами в сельской местности.

They’re being slaughtered out of sight and mind, somewhere in the countryside.
Их убивали вдалеке, с глаз долой, где-то в сельской местности.

Incidents of hold-ups, armed robbery and illegal roadblocks have been reported, especially in the countryside.
Отмечались случаи ограблений, вооруженных грабежей и незаконного блокирования дорог, особенно в сельской местности.

It doesn’t matter to me whether she lives in the city or in the countryside.
Для меня не имеет значения, живёт ли она в городе или в сельской местности.

The government, believing that the situation in the countryside could not get worse, did not stop them.
Правительство, полагая, что ситуация в сельской местности не может ухудшиться, не остановило их.

We drove on dirt roads in the depopulated countryside, past orchards of apple, peach, and plum trees.
Мы ехали по грунтовым дорогам безлюдной сельской местности, мимо фруктовых садов, где росли яблоки, персики и сливы.

Despite street demonstrations and popular backing for Navalny, democratic views remain in the minority, especially in the countryside.
Несмотря на уличные демонстрации и общественную поддержку Навальному, демократических взглядов в России придерживается меньшинство, особенно в сельской местности.

Basically, it’s a countryside sport, for people who have Land Rovers, Land Cruisers, tough stuff like that.
В основном, это спортивный отдых в сельской местности для людей на Land Rover, Land Cruiser, и прочей тяжелой технике.

Примеры употребления слов в разных контекстах собраны автоматически из открытых источников с помощью технологии поиска на основе двуязычных данных. В случае обнаружения неточностей или замечаний к тексту, используйте опцию «Сообщить о проблеме» или напишите нам

Countryside is a subdivision of Åland and one of the Sub-regions of Finland since 2009. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Many Kansas residents enjoy the beautiful countrysides and the slow-paced life that rural living in Kansas affords, while residents of Kansas City enjoy an active urban cityscape.


Yes, in the countryside I’ve never ever seen a hotel fully booked, apart from during a major holiday.


Enjoy both the high roads and the low roads of Scotland on this 8 day tour, taking in the best of Caledonia’s cities and countryside.


Broken down trucks litter the countryside.


You can indulge in a range of therapy and beauty treatments, experience water sports and scuba diving and seek even more excitement beyond the hotel in the nearby towns and countryside.


In the countryside, severe drought ignited wildfires that smothered the city in poisonous smog for six straight days.


The Wind Rises opens on a pair of playful dream sequences, as the young Jiro (voiced by Joseph Gordon-Levitt in the English-language dub) envisions himself flying over the countryside in planes of his own design, and later, engaging in some exhilarating wing-walking with the Italian aviation designer Giovanni Caproni (voice of Stanley Tucci).


It’s a fast-paced, beautiful romp through the countryside, with guns.


Throughout the United States, millions of feral and stray cats roam our streets and countrysides.


This Standard bedroom comes with a double bed and en-suite facilities, air conditioning and views over the Norfolk countryside.


Being fast is one thing, the ability to put the power to use without seeing the driver’s knuckles whiten in a hard and fast corner is quite another; the SQ7 proved to be as sure-footed as a mountain goat on the twisty roads in the French countryside.


In Stardew Valley, you inherit a farm in the countryside and split your days between growing crops and befriending the locals, a colorful cast of eccentrics, some of whom can be romanced.


Headlam has a # 2.5 million Spa, tennis court, croquet lawn, and is situated in 250 acres of rolling Teesdale countryside, near the market town of Barnard Castle.


Due to his older brother’s disability John was tasked with running the family business after leaving school, during which time he became intimately familiar with the countryside around the River Stour.


Surrounded by panoramic views of the countryside, our private Vineyard Homes offer two bedrooms, a separate den and three and a half baths.


The exhibition’s title is borrowed from a 1967 documentary by French director Jean-Luc Godard, in which an amateur filmmaker describes the process of editing his films of the Swiss countryside as «the production line of happiness.»


Hampstead — Diane Keaton and Brendan Gleeson stars in Joel Hopkins» movie about an American widow living in the British countryside who finds a man living in the woods nearby.


Whether taking family or friends around town or heading off to some quiet spot in the countryside for lunch, the vehicle’s comfortable seating ensures that all arrive feeling relaxed and ready to go.


Set on over 200 acres of pristine New England countryside in Sturbridge, Massachusetts, Old Sturbridge Village is the perfect location for your New England wedding.


«Travelers died in the countryside, livestock in the stables, wild animals in the woods; nearly all the birds casino died, wine froze in barrels and public fires were lit to warm the poor,»


Seeing all the fashion campaigns featuring brown haired models in tartan skirts, fur vests and quilted jackets, standing in front of English countryside villas makes me so eager for the leaves to turn brown.


Alternatively, explore the countryside surrounding the volcano via mountain bike, selecting from a variety of trails that run through rolling hills and jungle.


Set in the grounds of a Manor House Estate in the beautiful Cornish countryside with delightful surroundings.


To that end, scientists around the US are figuring out cost-effective strategies for combating the so-called «urban heat island effect» — the tendency of cities to get warmer as buildings and roads engulf the countryside.


Unspoilt Coast, Kampot & Kep After sightseeing in Phnom Penh, we head south to the charming riverside town of Kampot where we take a journey into the surrounding picturesque countryside in a pecul…


Set in beautiful open countryside, but in close proximity to Shakespeare’s Stratford upon Avon, these luxuriously converted properties are stylishly furnished on a contemporary theme with high quality fixtures and fittings.


Timson’s irrepressible performance of this rollicking romp through 1830s England in Dickens’s first novel invites listeners along as Pickwick and his crew ramble through the countryside.


Spend a day travelling with an expert wine guide, discovering the wines, the wineries and the countryside that have made this area so famous.


Located in the quiet countryside yet easily accessible to roads connecting Johannesburg, Sandton, OR Tambo International and Pretoria.


The revolutionaries and their special brand of crazy; the punishing (yet dramatic) countryside; and the Shaughnessys» own pitfalls create a mesmerizing cocktail of action and uncertainty as each side tries to outwit the other in this Western updated for contemporary times.


sellin nice 2013 dodge dart sxt, loaded, 4cyl turbo 83k miles countryside, no rust brand new winter tires all way around,600 spent shop goin threw it, sharp car thanks lookin


Take in the peaceful quiet of the Vietnamese countryside on this full-day excursion.


Imagine the smell of smoked BBQ combined with the verdant countryside and the sounds of laughing guests.


RF Club versions, especially those equipped with the $ 3,400 Brembo/BBS package, will be sharper than the Grand Touring we sampled in the south San Diego County countryside, but no Miata fan short of the most hardcore autocrossser will be disappointed.


David Hepher: Town and Country @ Flowers East Urban decay resides in the city and travels to the countryside in these monumental paintings.


Here in the cooler uplands you’ll experience the beautiful rural Balinese countryside with rice fields and flowing green river valleys, the likes of the Ayung River Valley and the terraced paddies of Tegallalang.


Nestled alongside Pico Mountain, the inn offers a slice of Vermont’s most coveted scenic countryside.


The views of the Tuscan coastline are absolutely superb, as is the surrounding scenery, with the clear blue sea and azure skies contrasting perfectly with lush green countryside, and lovely harbours and fishing villages dotting the landscape.


THE VILLAGE: The white village of Yunquera is situated in the heart of Sierra de las Nieves Natural Park, high on a crag with spectacular views of the surrounding countryside.


Add matching place mats and heavy stoneware dinnerware in deep shades of gray or blue to your table setting to create an earthy, charming dining area that looks like it belongs in the French countryside.


In it, Guardini describes the beautiful countryside that served as a setting for Manzoni’s novel, and begins to develop the critique of the technological age that he expressed more fully in The End of the Modern World.


Guests at the Voranova hotel can enjoy stunning views of the Mallorcan countryside — all from the luxury of your very own balcony.


For example, his collaborative film project, Feature (2008), which relocated the action of a traditional western to the English countryside, slipping into other sub-genres such as the zombie-flick, and Wagnerian opera, as well as South Asian god-flick.


He claims that some companies linked to Cambridge Analytica are being «assembled» by the government for a «secretive weekend somewhere in the countryside on Saturday».


Belgium’s entry for this year’s Academy Awards (and a big winner at both Berlin and Tribeca), Felix Van Groeningen’s «The Broken Circle Breakdown» is the nonlinear tale of an unlikely couple and their cancer-stricken daughter in the Flemish countryside.


From lively Labradors to boisterous Beagles, these pet pooches feel right at home in the countryside


Keswick is home to some excellent places to eat and surrounded by miles of unspoilt countryside.


Monsters begin to rampage as flames lick the countryside.


SeoKyeong Lee Yoon was born in a small town in the countryside of South Korea.


Major roads should be cleared regularly, but small countryside roads may not.


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Collocations for «countryside»

Common phrases and expressions where native English speakers use the word «countryside» in context.

WordReference English Collocations © 2023


Most examples are given in US English. We have labeled exceptions as UK.


  1. the [green, lush, rolling, flat, hilly] countryside
  2. the [Oregon] countryside
  3. have moved (out) to the countryside
  4. [live, go on vacation] (out) in the countryside
  5. going to the countryside [this weekend, for the summer]
  6. they have a [house, property] in the countryside
  7. keep the countryside [clean, green]
  8. protect the countryside’s [fields, environment, landmarks, buildings]
  9. the typical [idea, image] of the [Texas] countryside

n as adj

  1. UK: a countryside [lane, path, road]
  2. UK: a countryside [cottage, dwelling, house, property]
  3. UK: countryside [cottages]
  4. UK: a countryside [council commission, agency]
  5. countryside [environment, protection]

countryside‘ also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations):

- сельская местность
- собир. местные сельские жители

people who live in the countryside — люди, которые живут в сельской местности  
the scenic beauty of the countryside — живописная красота сельской местности  
depopulation of the countryside — бегство из деревни  
wander over the countryside — исходить всю местность  
anarchic bands pillaged the countryside — банды всякого сброда грабили деревни  
anarchical bands pillaged the countryside — банды всякого сброда грабили деревни  
anarchist bands pillaged the countryside — банды всякого сброда грабили деревни  
anarchistic bands pillaged the countryside — банды всякого сброда грабили деревни  
countryside in winter — сельская местность зимой  
amenities of the countryside — преимущества сельской жизни  
countryside commission — комиссия по охране зданий культурно-исторического значения  

It’s very nice countryside around there.

Там очень приятный сельский пейзаж.

Her college is set in the countryside.

Её колледж находится в сельской местности.

I keep a car in the countryside.

Я держу за городом машину.

Quaint cottages dot the countryside.

Причудливые дома усеяли сельскую местность.

The countryside was defiled by billboards.

Красота сельской местности была испорчена рекламными щитами.

He removed his children to the countryside.

Он перевёз своих детей в деревню.

We decided to explore the surrounding countryside.

Мы решили осмотреть окрестности.

ещё 21 пример свернуть

The epidemic depopulated the countryside

Railway lines crisscross the countryside.

The tank divisions overran the countryside.

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Welcome back to our blog and this week’s vocabulary post

After exploring useful language related to talking about towns and cities as well as shops and shopping in them, this week we’ll explore the vocabulary topic of the countryside.

Words and expressions that refer to the countryside

As you can see from the above image, we can avoid over using the word countryside by using a number of phrases and expressions.

Especially useful when talking about areas outside of main cities that are connected to farming is the adjective agricultural.

over the last few years, agricultural communities have had to reinvent themselves as farming has become less profitable’

The expression ‘the great outdoors’ is also a good expression that refers to the open countryside in general. It is especially used in the context of sport and leisure activities as this headline from the New Zealand Herald demonstrates:

Life in the great outdoors: Handy camping tips from readers’

Areas of Land in the countryside:

Moorland / the Moors – collective u/c noun – a large and high area of land that is covered in grass and ‘heather’ (purple coloured plant shown in picture). Often, these are areas that are maintained for, and associated, with hunting.

A National Park – countable noun – An area of land in the countryside that is legally protected by the government because of its beauty and/or scientific or ecological importance.

Farmland – collective u/c noun – land used for farming

Hill – noun -An area of land that is smaller than a mountain (in England, this is typically less than 700 meters tall) although higher than the other areas around it. The collective name for the hills that are on the edges of mountainous areas is ‘the foothills’ – the foothills of the Pyrenees

Woodland – collective noun – an area covered with trees. A large area of woodland can also be called a forest

Valley – A low and long area of land between mountains and/or hills that usually has a river in it

meadow – An area of grassland where wild flowers grow

A Field – a large and open area of land on a farm for animals or growing crops.

coast – collective noun – the area of land that borders the sea

Other features and buildings in the countryside

A cottage – A small house in the countryside or a village.

‘when I think of the countryside, I think of villages with pretty cottages’

A Farmhouse – The building on a farm that is the home of the farmer.

A Smallholding / homestead – a small farm.

A Barn – a large farm building for crops, animals or the storage of equipment.

A cabin / hut – A small, simple building that provides shelter.

‘we spent our last holiday staying in a wooden cabin next to a lake’

A Bothy – a simple house or shelter with one or two rooms in a remote area.

An allotment – a small piece of land where a person can grow food for themselves.

‘we spend most of our weekends at the allotment looking after our vegetables’

An orchard – an area of land with fruit trees.

A (public) footpath – British Eng. – a legally protected route for walkers

A (public) bridleway/bridle path – a legally protected path in the countryside where not only walkers but also horse riders and cyclists can use

A country lane – a small road in the countryside

A Reservoir – A lake, either natural or man-made, where water is stored so that it can be used to generate electricity or supply water to residents in an area.

A dam – an artificial wall across a river to create a reservoir

‘We parked our car on the road over the dam and had a walk around the reservoir.’

I hope that there is some language with this post that you can use to talk about traveling, holidays, where you live or where you like to spend you leisure time.

Now it’s your turn…

When was the last time that you were in the countryside?

What was the area like and what did you see?

The countryside is great in good weather, but do you like it in bad weather too?

Do you like visiting more rural area in the winter too?

thanks for reading😃.

Image credits: My own image Library and (images labeled as eligible for commercial use without attribution)

Random good picture Not show

1. Railway lines crisscross the countryside.

2. The countryside was flat, dull and uninteresting.

3. Development has affected vast swathes of our

4. The countryside looks its best in October.

5. The countryside has been denuded by war.

6. The countryside around here is very rugged.

7. Both poets drew their inspiration from the countryside.

8. The countryside around there is lovely.

9. I feel no attachment to the countryside.

10. There is a fine view of the countryside.

11. A prosperity never seen before appeared in the countryside.

12. He had an abiding love of the English countryside.

13. In spring the countryside bursts into life.

14. Houses straggled across the countryside.

15. The countryside abounds in wild life of every kind.

16. They spent a pleasant afternoon motoring through the countryside.

17. I’ve always loved the English countryside.

18. The countryside is very green in spring.

19. Bands of soldiers ravaged the countryside.

20. We grew up in the countryside, surrounded by the beauties of nature.

21. If we continue to destroy the countryside many more animals will become extinct.

22. The best way to explore the countryside is on foot.

23. The feel for his native countryside comes through strongly in his photographs.

24. As we travel south, the countryside begins to undulate as the rolling hills sweep down to the riverbanks.

25. I think the development is a stalking horse for exploitation of the surrounding countryside.

26. The Moselle winds through some 160 miles of tranquil countryside.

27. Modern farming methods have done considerable harm to the countryside.

28. The development of the site will have implications for the surrounding countryside.

29. For holidays, I prefer the relative seclusion of the countryside.

30. I use a mosquito net when I lived in the countryside.

More similar words: country, side by side, developing countries, county, count on, count out, account, counter, recount, discount, account for, encounter, countermand, accounting, counterfeit, counterpart, on account of, countenance, counterpoint, account number, accountability, take into account, counterfeiter, side, untrue, aside, mount, inside, subside, reside. 

We could rent a house in the countryside, with a big studio for you.

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Мы могли бы арендовать дом на природе, С большой студией для тебя.

Or maybe a romantic picnic at the countryside, dry white wine and sweet moments together?


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А может романтический пикник на природе, белое полусухое и сладкие моменты вместе?


Two men alone in the countryside, several yards apart and one car.

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Двое человек наедине на природе, на расстоянии нескольких метров, и одна машина.

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Views: Countryside, Excellent, Golf, Green Zones, Pool.


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Вид: За городом, Отличный, Поле для гольфа, Зеленые зоны, Бассейн.


A unique highlight- and not only for an outing in the countryside.

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Несомненный хайлайт- не только для пикника на природе.

A location in Mariehamn that is really close to the countryside.

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Это место находится в Мариехамне, прямо на природе.

woods, wildlife, ideal for a vacation in total relax.


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леса, дикая природа, идеально подходит для отдыха в полном спокойствии.



For green tourism fans Bee Travel

can organize an unforgettable corporate rest in the countryside.


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Для поклонников зеленого туризма« Bee Travel»

может организовать незабываемый корпоративный отдых на природе.


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Вид: За городом, Поле для гольфа, Горы, Панорамный.


If I’m sent back to the countryside, things will be even worse for my family.

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Если меня отошлют обратно в деревню, моей семье будет еще хуже.

Enjoy walking in the scenic, unspoilt mountain countryside with its valleys and gorges.


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Наслаждайтесь прогулками в живописных, нетронутых горные деревни с ее долины и ущелья.


The view of the Cappadocian countryside from here is just brilliant.


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Вид на Каппадокийскую деревню здесь просто блестящий.


The Multinational Force continues to expand its force-presence operations into the countryside.


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Многонациональные силы продолжают распространять операции, связанные с присутствием своих сил, на сельские районы.


So I will sell out, and we can set up in the countryside.

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Посему- все продаю и отправляемся в деревню.

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The secretive Soviet regime

did not allow foreigners to visit the countryside.


It must also be acknowledged that migrants from the countryside faced discrimination.


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Необходимо также признать, что мигранты из сельских районов сталкиваются с дискриминацией.



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Вид: За городом, Сад, Поле для гольфа, Панорамный.


Land harmed by mining activities is thus being returned and


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Таким образом, земли, пострадавшие от горнодобывающей деятельности,


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Вид: За городом, Поле для гольфа, Зеленые зоны, Горы.


Each apartment at the Agriturismo has a private entrance and a view of the countryside.


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Все апартаменты отеля Agriturismo располагают собственным входом, из них открывается вид на загородную местность.


Areas that are adjoining urban areas,

located between the suburbs and the countryside.


Examples of how to use the word “countryside” in a sentence. How to connect “countryside” with other words to make correct English sentences.

countryside (n): land not in towns, cities, or industrial areas, that is either used for farming or leftin its natural condition

Use “countryside” in a sentence

He loves to hike in the quiet countryside.
I enjoy the fresh atmosphere in the countryside.
Our kids don’t want to live in the countryside.
From here you can see the surrounding countryside.

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