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В английском языке довольно много выражений, в которых используется слово control. В данной статье мы приведем несколько основных устойчивых выражений и идиом, часто встречаемых в общении и повседневной жизни.
Итак, вот список выражений:
Under control — под контролем
Пример: Everything’s under control! Всё под контролем!
Be/get out of control — выйти из под контроля
Пример: He became completely out of control. Он совсем вышли из под контроля.
To be in control of something — контролировать что-либо
Пример: Police is now in control of the situation. Cейчас полиция взяла ситуацию под контроль.
Lose control of something — потерять контроль над чем-либо
Пример: She lost control of the car. Она не справилась с управлением.
Take control of something — взять под контроль что-либо
Пример: You must take control of the airplane. Ты должен взять управление самолета на себя.
Control over — контроль над…
Пример: Sometimes love have control over our lives. — Иногда любовь распоряжаться нашими жизнями.
Иногда можно использовать предлог of и over вместе с control. Например, have control of something. Предлог of употребляется В следующих фразах :
- take control of
- lose control of
- be/feel in control of something
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This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.
[ kuhn-trohl ]
/ kənˈtroʊl /
This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.
verb (used with object), con·trolled, con·trol·ling.
to exercise restraint or direction over; dominate: command: The car is difficult to control at high speeds.That zone is controlled by enemy troops.
to hold in check; curb: to control a horse;to control one’s emotions.
to test or verify (a scientific experiment) by a parallel experiment or other standard of comparison.
to eliminate or prevent the flourishing or spread of: to control a forest fire.
Biology. (of an organism) to initiate an internal response to external stimuli.
Obsolete. to check or regulate (transactions), originally by means of a duplicate register.
the act or power of controlling; regulation; domination or command: Who’s in control here?
the situation of being under the regulation, domination, or command of another: The car is out of control.
check or restraint: Her anger is under control.
a legal or official means of regulation or restraint: to institute wage and price controls.
a person who acts as a check; controller.
a device for regulating and guiding a machine, as a motor or airplane.
controls, a coordinated arrangement of such devices.
prevention of the flourishing or spread of something undesirable: rodent control.
Biology. an organism’s ability to initiate an internal response to external stimuli (distinguished from regulation).
Baseball. the ability of a pitcher to throw the ball into the strike zone consistently: The rookie pitcher has great power but no control.
Philately. any device printed on a postage or revenue stamp to authenticate it as a government issue or to identify it for bookkeeping purposes.
a spiritual agency believed to assist a medium at a séance.
the supervisor to whom an espionage agent reports when in the field.
Verb Phrases
control for, Statistics. to account for (variables in an analysis) by limiting the data under consideration to a comparison of like things: to control for demographic factors.
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Origin of control
First recorded in 1425–75; late Middle English co(u)ntrollen (verb), from Anglo-French contreroller “to keep a duplicate account or roll,” derivative of contrerolle (noun); see counter-, roll
con·trol·la·ble, adjective, nouncon·trol·la·bil·i·ty [kuhn-troh-luh—bil-i-tee], /kənˌtroʊ ləˈbɪl ɪ ti/, con·trol·la·ble·ness, nouncon·trol·la·bly, adverbcon·trol·less, adjective
con·trol·ling·ly, adverbnon·con·trol·la·ble, adjectivenon·con·trol·la·bly, adverbnon·con·trolled, adjectivenon·con·trol·ling, adjectiveo·ver·con·trol, verb (used with object), o·ver·con·trolled, o·ver·con·trol·ling, nounpre·con·trol, noun, verb (used with object), pre·con·trolled, pre·con·trol·ling.qua·si-con·trolled, adjectivequa·si-con·trol·ling, adjectivesub·con·trol, verb (used with object), sub·con·trolled, sub·con·trol·ling.su·per·con·trol, nounun·con·trolled, adjectiveun·con·trol·ling, adjectivewell-con·trolled, adjective
Words nearby control
contrite, contrition, contrivance, contrive, contrived, control, control account, control board, control center, control character, control chart
Dictionary.com Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023
What does control mean?
To control is to dominate or command something or someone, as in Tomas showed excellent control of his hand several weeks after his surgery.
As a noun, control can refer to the act of controlling, as in I can’t stand it—my parents have total control over my life!
To control is also to restrain or keep in check, as in Toddlers are not known for control over their emotions.
Control can also refer to keeping something in check. When you keep your emotions under control, you still feel them but you don’t let them overwhelm you.
To control can also mean to eliminate the spread of something, such as with a fire or an illness.
In statistics, to control for means to compare only like data to reduce the number of variables in the comparison.
Example: Who has control of the lights for tonight’s show?
Where does control come from?
The first records of the term control come from the 1400s. It ultimately comes from the Anglo-French contreroller, meaning “to keep a duplicate roll of.”
In the sciences, control takes on another specific definition, meaning “a person, object, or group that is kept in a constant, unchanging state throughout the experiment.” In order to test if an independent variable was actually the cause for a change, a control group that doesn’t have the independent variable is created. This way, the results of both the control group and the testing group can be compared.
Did you know … ?
How is control used in real life?
Control is a common word used to talk about command or restriction in many situations.
Guardians of the Galaxy is surprisingly good. Trailers made the game look like pure trash, but they managed to both capture the appeal of the first movie and make a fun game. It’s buggy as heck though and I think the control layout could have been much better.
— Jason (@panzerjedi) December 9, 2021
Roughing the Passer calls are absolutely out of control.
— JJ Watt (@JJWatt) September 25, 2018
My facial hair is getting out of control
— michael clifford on tour (@Michael5SOS) April 5, 2015
Try using control!
Is control used correctly in the following sentence?
My parents gave me control over my college fund, so now I can withdraw money for tuition.
What are other ways to say control?
The noun control means “domination or command.” How is control different from authority and influence? Find out on Thesaurus.com.
Words related to control
authority, curb, discipline, domination, force, government, jurisdiction, management, oversight, regulation, restraint, restriction, rule, supervision, administer, command, conduct, deal with, dominate, govern
How to use control in a sentence
Companies like Rice Up still promote rice cakes as a whole-grain option for weight control.
I was talking about what we’re doing is under control, but I’m not talking about the virus.
Alexander also requested an extraordinary amount of control over the reports, asking that he be allowed to review them before publication and even make edits.
At the beginning, before anybody knew what it was, I spoke with President Xi, and he said, we are doing it well, we have it under control.
A month later, a Fox News poll found 70 percent of likely voters felt the pandemic was “not at all” or “somewhat” under control.
From there we took the train to Nice, France, but the French border control caught us and sent us back to Italy.
Spin control began, Florida-style: the opinion only covers some counties, some people, some times.
He seemed by all appearances perfectly happy to let the Republicans control the state senate.
The police cannot ultimately control public opinion unilaterally.
So not only will the GOP have control in the Senate, it will move the center of gravity on Capitol Hill hard to starboard.
Solely over one man therein thou hast quite absolute control.
In a few minutes, however, he had it again under control, and they soon reached the berg.
A certain amount of his ill-humour vented, Tressan made an effort to regain his self-control.
The nativesʼ anxiety to oust the Spaniards was far stronger than their wish to be under American, or indeed any foreign, control.
The marvelous improvements in mechanism and tone production and control in 1886 to 1913 by Robt.
British Dictionary definitions for control
verb -trols, -trolling or -trolled (tr)
to command, direct, or ruleto control a country
to check, limit, curb, or regulate; restrainto control one’s emotions; to control a fire
to regulate or operate (a machine)
to verify (a scientific experiment) by conducting a parallel experiment in which the variable being investigated is held constant or is compared with a standard
- to regulate (financial affairs)
- to examine and verify (financial accounts)
to restrict or regulate the authorized supply of (certain substances, such as drugs)
power to direct or determineunder control; out of control
a means of regulation or restraint; curb; checka frontier control
(often plural) a device or mechanism for operating a car, aircraft, etc
a standard of comparison used in a statistical analysis or scientific experiment
- a device that regulates the operation of a machine. A dynamic control is one that incorporates a governor so that it responds to the output of the machine it regulates
- (as modifier)control panel; control room
spiritualism an agency believed to assist the medium in a séance
Also called: control mark a letter, or letter and number, printed on a sheet of postage stamps, indicating authenticity, date, and series of issue
one of a number of checkpoints on a car rally, orienteering course, etc, where competitors check in and their time, performance, etc, is recorded
Derived forms of control
controllable, adjectivecontrollability or controllableness, nouncontrollably, adverb
Word Origin for control
C15: from Old French conteroller to regulate, from contrerolle duplicate register, system of checking, from contre- counter- + rolle roll
Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Scientific definitions for control
A standard of comparison for checking or verifying the results of an experiment. In an experiment to test the effectiveness of a new drug, for example, one group of subjects (the control group) receives an inactive substance or placebo , while a comparison group receives the drug being tested.
The American Heritage® Science Dictionary
Copyright © 2011. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
Other Idioms and Phrases with control
see out of control; spin control.
The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary
Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.
The parents could not control their child.
The police controlled the crowd.
The small boy could not control the big dog.
Her family controls the business.
One country controls the whole island.
The rebel army now controls nearly half the country.
The lights on stage are controlled by this computer.
She struggled to control the cart as it rolled before her down the steep, bumpy road.
He controlled the volume by turning the radio’s knob.
A thermostat controls the room’s temperature.
The city wanted local control of education.
The tribes fought for control over the territory.
He took control of the family farm.
She hired an accountant to take control of her money.
He lost all muscle control in his left arm.
The soccer player showed good control of the ball.
a teacher with good control of her students
The farmer used an organic pest control on his crops.
To cut down on competition, the government passed price controls on prescription drugs.
The President wants stricter controls on immigration.
See More
Recent Examples on the Web
The box is temperature-controlled and comes with a dual alarm system and a surveillance system that lets employees monitor the inside.
—al, 10 Apr. 2023
The box is temperature-controlled and comes with a dual alarm system and a surveillance system that lets employees monitor the inside.
—Shira Moolten, Sun Sentinel, 8 Apr. 2023
Israeli authorities control access to the area but the compound is administered by Islamic and Jordanian officials.
—Isabel Debre, BostonGlobe.com, 7 Apr. 2023
Israeli authorities control access to the area but the compound is administered by Islamic and Jordanian officials.
—Josef Federman, USA TODAY, 7 Apr. 2023
Israeli authorities control access to the area but the compound is administered by Islamic and Jordanian officials.
—Isabel Debre, Anchorage Daily News, 7 Apr. 2023
The team analyzed this data to look for correlations between home runs and temperature while controlling for a host of other potentially confounding variables, such as stadiums with different dimensions, the rise of steroid use and players altering their swings to hit more balls out of the park.
—Alex Fox, Smithsonian Magazine, 7 Apr. 2023
And Americans seem to agree that the recent bank instability has mostly been controlled.
—Will Daniel, Fortune, 7 Apr. 2023
The tool’s design is sleek, with a heat-controlling touch screen on the inside of the handle.
—People Staff, Peoplemag, 6 Apr. 2023
The sense that things can get worse and can spin out of control domestically, that January 6 may not necessarily be an anomaly.
—Indigo Olivier, The New Republic, 10 Apr. 2023
One set of experts said the issue has gotten so out of control that the state should consider a takeover of the Cook County courts.
—Chicago Tribune Staff, Chicago Tribune, 10 Apr. 2023
Their content policy also states that users should not upload images of people without their consent. MORE: Elon Musk, Steve Wozniak and other tech leaders warn ‘out-of-control‘ AI poses ‘profound risks’ Why are experts alarmed?
—Emmanuelle Saliba, ABC News, 7 Apr. 2023
Maybe the entire universe is constantly undergoing this out-of-control rapid expansion, but pieces of it branch off and settle down into something more sedate.
—Popular Mechanics, 7 Apr. 2023
But Mata’s lack of control (11.3 percent career walk rate, 13.3 percent in 2022) has suggested a bullpen role.
—Alex Speier, BostonGlobe.com, 7 Apr. 2023
The Crumbleys are accused of ignoring a troubled son who prosecutors say was spiraling out of control.
—Tresa Baldas, Detroit Free Press, 7 Apr. 2023
Half of the train rolled out of control away from the other half.
—Dan Schwartz, Fortune, 7 Apr. 2023
Covid, meanwhile, was so out of control that as many Americans died in year two as in year one despite widespread vaccination.
—wsj.com, 7 Apr. 2023
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These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘control.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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It was thought that repetition of the phrase «control of that negotiable electronic transport record» would render its use sufficiently clear.
Было высказано мнение о том, что повторение формулировки «распоряжения такой оборотной электронной транспортной записью» позволит в достаточной степени разъяснить ее значение.
In the first paragraph of article 15, the phrase «control their educational systems and institutions providing education» should be replaced by «control their educational systems and institutions in coordination with the local population to provide education».
В первом абзаце статьи 15 выражение»… право на создание своих систем образования и учебных заведений…» следует читать»… право на создание по согласованию с местным населением своих систем образования и учебных заведений…».
Mr. Nolte proposed that, at the end of the first sentence, the phrase «control over that territory» should be replaced with «control regarding the same territory», in order to clarify its meaning.
Г-н Нольте предлагает заменить слова «свой контроль над этой территорией» словами «контроль над этой же территорией» в конце первого предложения, чтобы прояснить его смысл.
Другие результаты
In the United States, Margaret Sanger and Otto Bobsein popularized the phrase «birth control» in 1914.
А в 1914 году Маргарет Сэнгер и Отто Бобсеин популяризировали термин «контроль рождаемости».
The ambiguity of the phrase «to control transfers that could contribute to proliferation activities», contained in the second preambular paragraph, is cause for legitimate concern.
Двусмысленность фразы «осуществлять контроль за поставками, которые могут содействовать распространению», содержащейся во втором пункте преамбулы, служит поводом для законного беспокойства.
The phrase «meaningful human control» seems to be most important in these ongoing regulatory discussions.
Фраза «значимый человеческий контроль» представляется наиболее важной в этих текущих дискуссиях по регулированию.
The phrase «illusion of control» comes to mind.
The Working Group may also wish to consider whether the phrase «slight control or influence is not sufficient» is required in the explanation.
Рабочая группа, возможно, пожелает также рассмотреть вопрос о целесообразности сохранения в разъяснении выражения «частичного контроля или простого влияния для этого недостаточно».
The fourth set of conditions «may be summed up in the phrase Democratic Self-control».
The key phrase here: «control the key technology.»
So, start voice control phrase «OK Google» can be not only from the home screen, but also in any other position of the device, Android Police reports citing»reliable sources».
Так, запустить голосовое управление фразой «ОК Google» можно будет не только с домашнего экрана, но и в любом другом положения аппарата, передает Android Police со ссылкой на «достоверные источники».
You don’t need the geo terms in that, but if you’re targeting, say, Boston pest control company, then you want to have as your keyword phrase «Boston pest control company» in your meta description.
В этом вам не нужны географические термины, но если вы нацеливаетесь, например, на компанию по борьбе с вредителями в Бостоне, то в своем мета-описании вы должны указать в качестве ключевого слова фразу «Компания по борьбе с вредителями в Бостоне».
The federal handbook for Total Quality Management goes further to state, «In the phrase»quality control, «the word ‘quality’ does not have the popular meaning of ‘best’ in any absolute sense.»
Слово «качество» во фразе «контроль качества» не имеет популярного значения «лучший» в абсолютном смысле.
There would appear to be some contradiction in requiring State Parties to adopt «such measures as may be necessary» to detect and prevent trafficking between jurisdictions, and the more prescriptive phrase, «by strengthening controls at points through which exports pass».
Как представляется, существует определенное противоречие между тем, что от государств-участников требуется принимать «такие меры, которые могут понадобиться» для выявления и предупреждения незаконного оборота между государствами, и фразой, имеющей более нормативный характер, — «путем усиления мер контроля в пунктах экспорта».
There’s a phrase, «Man has control of action alone, never the fruits of the action.»
In this case, will have or are already existing basic knowledge and slowly, clearly pronounce phrases control the educational process, or to get out and explain these basic things on your fingers.
В этом случае придется или воспользоваться уже существующими базовыми познаниями и медленно, четко проговаривать фразы, управляющие учебным процессом, или выкручиваться и объяснять эти базовые вещи на пальцах.
She certainly knows how to turn a phrase and control a room.
Она точно знает, как ввернуть фразу и захватить аудиторию.
The unspoken agenda of Washington’s agressive Central Asia policies after teh collapse of the Soviet Union could be summed up in a single phrase: control of energy.
Невысказанную повестку дня агрессивной политики Вашингтона в Центральной Азии после распада Советского Союза можно резюмировать одной фразой: контроль над энергией.
The text contained the following phrase: Birth control should be carried out within the context of family planning.
В тексте содержалась такая фраза: «Контроль рождаемости должен осуществляться в общем контексте Планирования семьи.
In fact, to underscore the role of management, the phrase internal control is often used synonymously with «management control«.
По сути, выражение «внутренний контроль» нередко используется в качестве синонима «управленческого контроля», что лишний раз говорит о важности роли управления.
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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900
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For this, the gateway sets the bits 0 to 2 of the control word to 0. download.sew-eurodrive.com download.sew-eurodrive.com |
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Если вы хотите поместить документы Word под версионный контроль, вы можете запихнуть их в Git-репозиторий и время от времени […] делать коммиты. progit.org progit.org |
The maximum travel distance is the position at which the drive stops when a touch probe […] signal is not detected and the option «Endless positioning» (Bit […] download.sew-eurodrive.com download.sew-eurodrive.com |
Максимальным участком перемещения является положение, при котором привод останавливается, если не […] произошло распознавание контактного процесса и опция […] неактивна. download.sew-eurodrive.com download.sew-eurodrive.com |
Morphological search — search with […] red-soft.biz red-soft.biz |
Морфологический поиск – […] red-soft.biz red-soft.biz |
For instance, the term ‘forced work’ does not include: work that is conducted in conformity with the law on army service; any work that is a part of usual civil duties of citizens; any work that is demanded from a person on the basis of a court verdict provided […] such work is implemented under […] situations (earthquake, flood, fire, etc.). spring96.org spring96.org |
Так, термин “принудительный труд” не включает в себя: работы, выполняющиеся в силу закона о военной обязанности; всякую работу, которая является частью обычных общественных обязательств граждан; всякую работу, которая требуется от кого-небудь в […] случае судебного приговора при […] государственных властей; работы […] при чрезвычайных ситуациях (землетрясение, поводка, пожар и т.д.). spring96.org spring96.org |
A member of the World Press Freedom Committee, who also took […] part in the meeting, […] daccess-ods.un.org daccess-ods.un.org |
Один из членов Всемирного комитета за свободу печати, который также принял участие в этом собрании, […] представил по […] daccess-ods.un.org daccess-ods.un.org |
You can also […] to connect to the database, the […] following summary of that for everyone’s knowledge of PHP string handling functions. infosum.net infosum.net |
Вы также можете […] ODBC для подключения […] к базе данных, следующее резюме, что для знания каждого функций PHP для работы со строками. infosum.net infosum.net |
Besides the standard export formats TXT and RTF […] for further use of the […] following two export […] formats for more extensive external post-processing of test data: The well-known CSV format and the XML (Extensible Markup Language) Data Export. omicron.at omicron.at |
Помимо стандартных форматов экспорта TXT и RTF для […] дальнейшего […] позволяет использовать […] еще два формата экспорта для комплексной внешней обработки данных об испытаниях: это широко распространенные форматы CSV и XML (Extensible Markup Language). omicron.at omicron.at |
The UNESCO Constitution in Article I, paragraph 2(a) stipulates that the Organization will “collaborate in the work of advancing the mutual knowledge and understanding of peoples through all means of mass communication and to […] that end recommend such international agreements as may be necessary […] unesdoc.unesco.org unesdoc.unesco.org |
В пункте 2 (а) статьи I Устава ЮНЕСКО предусматривается, что Организация «способствует сближению и взаимному пониманию народов путем использования всех средств массовой информации и рекомендует с этой целью […] заключать международные соглашения, […] идей словесным или изобразительным путем». unesdoc.unesco.org unesdoc.unesco.org |
In the most recent report of the Secretary-General on the pattern of conferences, the Department for General Assembly and Conference Management submitted a document for consideration by the Assembly […] consolidating the existing […] pages per document for […] reports, including all documents submitted by the Secretariat directly and on behalf of intergovernmental bodies (A/65/122, annex VIII). daccess-ods.un.org daccess-ods.un.org |
В самом последнем докладе Генерального секретаря о плане конференций Департамент по делам Генеральной Ассамблеи и конференционному управлению представил для рассмотрения Ассамблеей документ, сводящий воедино существующие […] руководящие положения […] и страниц на документ […] для докладов, включая все документы, представляемые Секретариатом напрямую и от имени межправительственных органов (А/65/122, приложение VIII). daccess-ods.un.org daccess-ods.un.org |
In addition, the Advisory Committee was informed that the Department for General Assembly and Conference Management of the Secretariat was planning to submit a report to the General Assembly consolidating […] existing documentation […] pages per document, […] including all documents submitted to the Secretariat directly and by the Secretariat on behalf of intergovernmental bodies. daccess-ods.un.org daccess-ods.un.org |
Кроме того, Консультативный комитет был информирован о том, что Департамент по делам Генеральной Ассамблеи и конференционному управлению Секретариата планирует представить Генеральной Ассамблее доклад, в котором будут сведены воедино […] существующие […] слов в странице […] и количество страниц в документе, включая все документы, представляемые непосредственно в Секретариат и Секретариатом от имени межправительственных органов. daccess-ods.un.org daccess-ods.un.org |
While the ILC had accepted that treaty monitoring bodies and States parties could engage in dialogue on the issue of reservations, the common […] thread running through the ILC documents before the Committee was […] daccess-ods.un.org daccess-ods.un.org |
Хотя КМП согласилась с тем, что наблюдательные договорные органы и государства-участники могли бы вступить в диалог по вопросу об […] оговорках, в документах КМП, имеющихся у […] слово в этом диалоге останется […] за государствами-участниками. daccess-ods.un.org daccess-ods.un.org |
It focuses on the use of ICTs for administrative purposes, communication, teaching and learning, curriculum […] development and assessment, career education and guidance, […] unesdoc.unesco.org unesdoc.unesco.org |
Этот труд посвящен вопросам использования ИКТ в таких областях, как управление, коммуникация, преподавание и обучение, разработка и оценка учебных программ, […] подготовка к трудовой […] трудоустройство и системы контроля. unesdoc.unesco.org unesdoc.unesco.org |
The Committee notes with concern that the State of Emergency attributes broad emergency powers to […] various branches of the security […] serious breaches of the Convention by State authorities. daccess-ods.un.org daccess-ods.un.org |
Комитет с озабоченностью отмечает, что чрезвычайное положение предусматривает широкие чрезвычайные полномочия для различных […] структур сил безопасности, […] ведет к серьезным нарушениям […] Конвенции со стороны государственных властей. daccess-ods.un.org daccess-ods.un.org |
The Director-General is in broad agreement with Recommendation 1, but expresses reservations in respect of 1(b) which stipulates that in cases when secretariats are unable to provide pre-session documents in all prescribed languages for reasons beyond their control, they should exceptionally submit such documents temporarily in abridged format or executive summary in the languages concerned within the established deadlines. unesdoc.unesco.org unesdoc.unesco.org |
Генеральный директор в целом согласен с рекомендацией 1, однако выражает оговорки в отношении пункта 1 (b), который предусматривает, что в тех случаях, когда секретариаты по независимым от них причинам не могут представить предсессионные документы на всех соответствующих языках, они в порядке исключения и в качестве временной меры должны представлять в установленные сроки на соответствующих языках сокращенные варианты таких документов или их резюме. unesdoc.unesco.org unesdoc.unesco.org |
35 C/DR.42 (Japan) concerning paragraph 01000, 1(a)(iv), […] which seeks to insert at the […] text: “The Organization will […] also strengthen worldwide networks in education, in particular the Associated Schools Project Network (ASPnet)”, and to insert after Expected Result 14 a new Expected Result 15 containing the following text: “ASPnet worldwide strengthened as an excellent resource to ensure and enhance the visibility of UNESCO through education. unesdoc.unesco.org unesdoc.unesco.org |
Проект резолюции 35 С/DR.42 […] (Япония), касающийся подпункта 1 (а) […] следующий текст: […] «Организация будет также укреплять всемирные сети в области образования, в том числе Сеть системы ассоциированных школ ЮНЕСКО (САШ)», а также добавить после ожидаемого результата 14 следующий новый ожидаемый результат 15: «Укрепление САШ во всем мире в качестве прекрасного ресурса для обеспечения и повышения наглядности деятельности ЮНЕСКО в рамках образования». unesdoc.unesco.org unesdoc.unesco.org |