These examples may contain rude words based on your search.
These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.
It not a simple word-combination is for an eminence of the carrier of this name.
Это не просто словосочетание для возвышения носителя этого титула.
Already one this word-combination speaks about a special place of a city in culture of the Islamic world.
Уже одно это словосочетание говорит об особом месте города в культуре исламского мира.
Manufacturing of CD-ROM (replication, duplication, stamping, printing, method of casting — synonyms of this word-combination) the most time-consuming and lengthy stage.
Репликация компакт-дисков (тиражирование, дублирование, штамповка, печать, метод литья — синонимы этого словосочетания) наиболее трудоемкий и продолжительный этап.
In general, a word-combination «Yi Xiang Yi Xue» means, that this type of medicine, being based on image thinking, engages research and application of images for diagnostics, treatment and prophylaxis of the diseases.
В целом словосочетание «И Сян И Сюэ» означает, что данный вид медицины, основываясь на образном мышлении, занимается исследованием и применением образов для диагностики, лечения и профилактики заболеваний.
From the point of grammar the translation of this word-combination is not difficult: ‘alabdha’ is a passive past participle derived from the root ‘labh’ — ‘to receive, obtain’ — and a negative prefix, thus meaning ‘unreceived’.
С грамматической точки зрения перевести словосочетание несложно: alabdha — пассивное причастие прошедшего времени от корня labh — «получать», с отрицательной приставкой a, т.е. «неполученный».
The problem of the formation of social representations, psychological mechanisms and models of users’ confidence in the products of the digital economy (sometimes this word-combination is replaced with a shorter one — on-line-trust) under modern conditions is particularly relevant.
Проблема формирования социальных представлений, психологических механизмов и моделей доверия пользователей к продуктам цифровой экономики (иногда это словосочетание заменяют более коротким — он-лайн-доверие) в современных условиях представляется особенно актуальной.
After that he ABSOLUTELY SINCERELY did not understand the MEANING of a word-combination «fair government».
После этого он совершенно ИСКРЕННЕ НЕ ПОНЯЛ СМЫСЛА словосочетания «честное правительство».
How to make a word-combination or a sentence in Russian Days of the week in Russian
Как построить словосочетание или предложение в русском языке
A word-combination «pregnant father» doesn’t surprise us already, now it is a reflection of a real situation, meaning that while a woman is bearing a baby, a man «is bearing a woman».
Словосочетание «беременный папа» уже не вызывает недоумения, а является отражением реальной ситуации в том смысле, что пока женщина вынашивает малыша, мужчина «вынашивает женщину».
This word-combination causes different emotions among people — for ones it is a promenade through the Chistoprudny Boulevard, for others — the Sovremennik Theatre, and for someone it is the song of Igor Talkov.
Это словосочетание вызывает у людей разные ассоциации — для одних это пром променад Чистопрудному бульвару, для других театр «Современник» а для кого-то песня Игоря Талькова.
Having chosen so unusual word-combination for Russian ear, we pursued at once some the purposes.
Выбрав столь непривычное для русского уха словосочетание, мы преследовали сразу несколько целей.
Send an SMS to number 143 quoting the word-combination Svit ON (in Latin letters) in the body of the message for prepaid and for contract subscribers.
Отправьте SMS на номер 142, указав в тексте SMS (латинскими буквами) слова Svit Vkl — для абонентов на условиях предоплаты и договора.
And this indeed the document of a special importance for a historian — in it for the first time next to the word-combination «war time» appear absolutely specific dates
И это действительно документ особой важности для историка — в нем впервые рядом со словосочетанием «военное время» появляются абсолютно конкретные даты
Also if at first a word-combination includes two words, one of which depends on another one, then adjective will also be written in one word.
Также, если изначально словосочетание состояло из двух слов, и одно подчинялось другому по смыслу, то написание прилагательного также будет слитным.
There are different types of semantic relations between words. In this article we give consideration to the subordinate relation which has this name because one word in a word-combination is subordinated to another one, changing its own grammar form.
Существуют различные виды связи слов между собой, в этой статье мы рассмотрим подчинительную связь, которая называется так потому, что в словосочетании одно слово подчиняется другому, изменяя свою грамматическую форму.
Other results
Later this word combination transformed into Artsakh.
Позднее сочетание вышеуказанных слов трансформировалось в название «Арцах».
It can be both one word or a word combination.
Google will then look for that exact word combination.
Таким образом, Google будет показывать только результаты именно такого сочетания слов.
Google will then look for that exact word combination.
Тогда гугл будет искать в первую очередь именно это сочетание слов.
Having rated the traffic on various words and their combinations, I make up an English sentence including the most valuable word combinations.
Оценив трафик по различным словам и их комбинациям, можно составить предложение на английском языке, которое содержит внутри себя самые ценные комбинации слов.
Suggestions that contain word-combination
Results: 654. Exact: 15. Elapsed time: 93 ms.
Corporate solutions
Grammar Check
Help & about
Word index: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900
Expression index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200
Phrase index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200
- combination (parent phrase)
- word (parent phrase)
- word combinations
Sentences with «word combinations» (usage examples):
- «Obviously, we recognize that the use of the word «f — k» in its various word combinations and permutations isn’t as taboo as it used to be,» reads the judgment (minus the «—»). (
- An Elmira man who recently purchased a New York State instant scratch-off lottery ticket that contains the phrase «You Elmira trash» doesn’t believe the word combination was an accident. (
- Also, I realize «ooze» and «beauty» is a weird word combination). (
- (see
See also:
- Sentences with WORD COMBINATIONS (usage examples)
- Synonyms for WORD COMBINATIONS (related words and expressions)
common for national and international legislation.
Словосочетание« каждый имеет право» является общеупотребительным для национальных
и международных правовых актов.
Люди постоянно используют в своей речи такое словосочетание как ТОЧКА ЗРЕНИЯ.
at the Diplomatic Academy in Moscow in 2003 by the then President Robert Kocharian of Armenia.
Это словосочетание было впервые использовано в речи тогдашнего
президента Армении Роберта Кочаряна в Дипломатической академии в Москве в 2003 году.
they often associate it with different flash effects that are activated depending on the location of the site visitor’s mouse cursor.
многие ассоциируют его с различными flash- эффектами, активируемыми в зависимости от местоположения курсора мыши посетителей сайта.
it’s definitely not the correct one.
Словосочетание, выделенное жирным шрифтом, может показаться вполне сносным,
но это всего-навсего обман зрения.
And men of science have thought up a word combination as«to live with someone», but it’s nothing to say about sex.
И ученые мужи придумали словосочетание« жить с кем-то», но ведь это ничего не сказать о сексе.
According to the data of Google
search queries statistics users search for the word combination«entertainment center» 246 000 times per month and for the word combination«entertainment complex»- 14 800 times per month.
Согласно данным статистики поисковых запросов Яндекса, словосочетание» развлекательный центр» пользователи ищут 46349 раз в месяц, а словосочетание» развлекательный комплекс»- 22371 раз.
Without any doubt, many people would love to know
answers to these questions as they can often hear the word combination«outsourcing software testing.
Несомненно, многие хотели бы знать ответы на эти вопросы,
так как они часто слышат словосочетание« аутсорсинг тестирования программного обеспечения».
Field of research: Foreign languages teaching, phraseologic word combination, general lexicology,
languages for special purposes, scientific and professional communication.
Сфера научных интересов: методика преподавания иностранного языка, фразеологические словосочетания, общая лексикология,
проблемы языков для специальных целей, научной и профессиональной коммуникации.
The name comes from the word combination“red gold»(also known as rose gold)-
the old name of a high-grade gold type.
Название происходит от словосочетания« червонное золото»- старинного
названия высокопробного вида золота.
Character is shaped from standard traits repeated in different
and is not a whole sentence or word combination, with subject and predicate present simultaneously.
Иероглиф складывается из стандартных черт, которые повторяются в различных комбинациях,
и не может являться целым предложением или словосочетанием, в котором сразу присутствуют и подлежащее, и сказуемое.
And we have noted the word combination of landscaping, pond landscaping,
pond, lake, beach landscaping in your yard and all this just for you.
А у нас отмечается слово сочетание благоустройство территории, благоустройство водоема, пруда,
озера, благоустройство пляжа на вашем участке и все это только для вас.
In order to find the best possible provider, you have to enter the word combination«Domain names» or»Buy domain name»
in any search engine;»Web hosting services» is entered in order to pay for hosting.
Для того чтобы найти оптимального для вас провайдера, достаточно ввести словосочетание« Доменные имена» или« Купить
домен» в любой поисковой системе для оплаты хостинга соответственно« Услуги хостинга».
Moreover, this interest rate was quite legitimate prescribed and in the loan agreement, which was provided for trusting borrower, and others important details either were specified in small print at the end of the contract,
either simply were referred by mysterious word combination» bank fares»,
which has said almost nothing for those who do not know all the details of crediting of borrowers.
Более того, данная процентная ставка вполне законно прописывалась и в кредитном договоре, предоставляемом доверчивому заемщик у, другие же важные сведения либо указывались мелким шрифтом в конце договора,
либо просто обозначались таинственным словосочетанием» банковские тарифы»,
которое практически ни о чем не говорило не знающим всех тонкостей кредитования заемщик ам.
In some cases, authors use such word combinations as»hernioplasty of hernias» 76, 77.
В ряде случаев авторы применяют такие словосочетания, как« герниопластика грыж» 76, 77.
Any graphic symbol, word combinations, just letters and figures can act as trademark.
В качестве товарного знака
может выступать совершенно любое графическое обозначение, словосочетания, просто буквы и цифры.
Русский язык— Фразеологические словосочетания— Мультимедийные издания.
Instead of them, All Season, AS or A.G.T(All Grip Traction) word combinations may be used.
В качестве перевода терминов можно вводить основы слов- даже для словосочетаний.
The most typical lexical peculiarities of scientific and technical literature,
terms and terminological word combinations, as well as lexical constructions and abbreviations,
specific for texts of the construction field are considered.
Рассмотрены наиболее типичные лексические признаки научно-технической литературы,
термины и терминологические словосочетания, а также лексические конструкции и сокращения,
характерные для текстов строительной сферы.
Even though this business names generator produces occasional word combinations like Tool Inc.,
Inkslinger Global or Amadeus Enterprises, it still deserves attention.
Несмотря на то, что этот генератор просто выдает случайные словосочетания вроде Tool Inc.,
Inkslinger Global или Amadeus Enterprises, не стоит обходить его стороной.
There is no short and sweet Russian equivalent that would fit all contexts, which
often forces translators to use longer, descriptive word combinations.
В русском языке нет короткого и благозвучного эквивалента, который соответствовал бы любому контексту,
поэтому зачастую переводчики вынуждены применять многословные описательные словосочетания.
Numerical and word combinations, color and sound
any graphic images, as well as means
and styles of writing can obtain legal protection in Chile.
Правовую защиту в Чили могут получить числовые и словесные сочетания, цветовые и звуковые комбинации,
любые графические изображения, а также способы и стили написания.
If the text under check contains matches by such word combinations, the algorithms will show low degree of uniqueness.
При наличии в проверяемых текстах совпадений по таким словосочетаниям, алгоритм покажет низкую степень уникальности.
If the word combinations selected by the experts refer to a specialised field,
we have a»skewed» sample; it means that the expert is a narrow specialist who sees the industry through the prism of their particular niche.
Если словосочетания, выбранные экспертом, относятся к какой-то специализированной
области, имеет место« смещенность» выборки, значит это« узкий специалист», который видит отраслевую тематику через призму своей ниши.
Bank shall be prohibited to act as a Bureau or use- in the name, public statements or promotional materials thereof-
word combinations) that may cause confusion with the Bureau or its activity.
Центральным банком, запрещается выступать в качестве Бюро или использовать такие
комбинацию слов) в собственном наименовании,
публичных заявлениях или рекламных материалах, которые могут привести к путанице относительно Бюро или его деятельности.
to pick over smth
to go back on smb
to rummage through
to be down on smb
to attend to (one’s affairs,
a word of praise
to get promoted
to take (great) pains to do
to be made much of
to result in
to slave over smth
to bring back old times
to leave smb out of smth
to carry smth too far
to be man enough
to work out
to put smb wise as to what
to take sides with smb
(how, when, where, etc.)
to burst in
or about smth
to set smb against smth
Essential vocabulary
avoid vt
to keep
away from, as
to avoid a person, speaking to smb. meeting smb, mentioning smth,
mistakes, bad company, a quarrel, an argument, a scandal, a
difficulty (difficulties), an attack, danger, evil, a punishment, an
accident, answering, etc., e.
g. What
have I done? Why are you avoiding me? We only just avoided an
accident. The doctor told her to avoid fatty meat (eating much fat).
avoidable a
that can
be avoided, e.
g. I’m
sure the quarrel was quite avoidable.ydur interference spoiled
Ant. unavoidable,
e. g. The
accident was unavoidable, the man ran out into the street too
suddenly for the driver to stop the car.
2. avert vt
1) to
prevent, as to avert a blow, failure, controversy, evil, the
gathering storm (fig.),
etc., e.
g. I did
my best to avert the danger. Wasn’t it possible to avert the
accident? War was averted by a timely peace mission.
2) to turn away, as to avert
one’s gaze, face, thoughts, attention (from smth), e.
g. She
averted her eyes (gaze) from the terrible sight.
3. slight a
slender, slim, e.
g. She is
a slight girl. 2) not serious, not important, e.
g. I
hardly felt that slight scratch. He has a slight cold. She had a
slight attack of fever.
not the slightest not
the least, e.
g. I
haven’t the slightest idea (doubt) about it.
slightly adv
to a slight degree, e.g.
The child
is only slightly hurt.
slight vt
to pay too little attention to smb; to treat disrespectfully, e.
g. Mary
felt slighted because she was not invited to the party. Although the
author’s work was slighted during his lifetime, he became quite
popular after his death. Aileen was slighted and insulted.
Syn. hurt
4. disgust n
a very
strong feeling of dislike, e.
g. A great
feeling of disgust overwhelmed her. She turned away in disgust when
she saw the drunk man. He left the room in disgust over their petty
disgust vt
to cause
disgust in smb, e.
g. The
smell of a bad egg disgusts most people. Your vulgar slang disgusts
me. He was disgusted at (by) her answer. How could you say such a
thing? I’m disgusted.
disgusting a
causing disgust, e.
g. What a
disgusting smell. I find cruel treatment of animals disgusting. Look
at the mess he has made of the place. It’s disgusting.
5. humiliate vt
to lower the dignity or self-respect of smb; to put to shame, e.
g. That
child who behaved badly when guests were present humiliated his
parents. We felt humiliated by our failure.
humiliation n
humiliating or being humiliated, e.
g. I shall
never forget that humiliation.
humiliating a
humiliates, e.
g. Such a
humiliating experience was good for his egoism.
6. conceit n
too much pride in oneself, e.
g. Her
self-praising letter seemed to be motivated more by conceit than
a desire to communicate. The braggart’s letter was full of conceit.
conceited a
full of conceit, e.
g. Many
performers become conceited after only modest success. The conceited
man is rarely a happy man.
7. glare vt
1) to
shine with a light so bright as to hurt the eyes, e.
g. The sun
glared down on us all day. The frozen snow glared in the
morning-sunlight. A single naked bulb glared pitilessly in the centre
of the room. 2) to stare angrily or fiercely, e.
g. He
glared at me like a bull at a red rag. A tiger glares at its prey.
1) a very bright light
strong that it is unpleasant or blinding, e.
g. The
unshaded bulbs threw a yellow glare over the walls. We shielded our
eyes from the glare of the sun on the water. She hates the glare of
publicity. 2) an angry or fierce look or stare, e.
g. He
looked at me with an angry glare (gave me a glare) when I said he
couldn’ t be trusted with the job.
glaring a
unpleasantly bright, e.g.
The glaring headlights of a car, blinded me for a moment. There
were glaring neon signs overihe buildjtag. 2) angry or fierce e, g.
glaring eyes were suggestive of her anger. 3) easily seen,
obvious, e.
g. How
could you overlook it? It is a glaring mistake (error). There are
several glaring defects in your plan.
8. extravagant a
1) spending much more than is necessary or wise; wasteful, e.
g. Dora
was an extravagant wife and could never make both ends meet. She was
extravagant in everything she bought.
Ant. thrifty;
2) excessively high, as
extravagant expenses, claims, etc., e.
g. The
price is extravagant, I shall never pay so much.
extravagance n
wastefulness in spending money, e.
g. That
fur coat is an extravagance you cant afford. His wife’s extravagance
ruined him.
9. cunning a
clever at deceiving people; sly, e.
g. Be
careful. He is as cunning as a fox.
Syn. sly
cunning n
skill in deceiving people, e.
g. The boy
showed a great deal of canning in getting what he wanted. He
succeeded in his object by pure cunning.
the questions a) and b) do the given assignments:
1. Is the fact that both the mothers are residing of any special
importance in causing the above mentioned tense condition? 2.
What does the fact that Gordon takes more pains than his wife to
avoid a quarrel suggest? 3. Do you think a wife should be economical?
To what extent? 4. Why did Gordon feel slighted by Junior’s not
having drunk out of his mother’s cup? 5. What do you think about the
upbringing of an only child? What should be his (her) share in the
household chores? 6. Should children be made to understand what
marriage means? To what extent? 7. Should a husband and wife have
similar personalities or not? 8. What makes for a happy
marriage? 9. What brought about the quarrel between Laura and Gordon
and what did it result in? 10. Was there any implication in Mrs
Sheffield’s words to the effect that «they have such a lot to
learn»? 11. What do you think of Mr Sheffield’s words to the
effect that «she’s only young once. Let her enjoy herself? 12.
Why would their children’s quarrel bring back old times to their
What is your opinion about «a treaty of peace between the two
mothers» and its effect on their children’s married life?
What did Laura mean when she said her mother was going back on her?
15. What would you say about Gordon’s motto for married men?
1. Indicate the features of the writing which denote that it is a
play. Examine and describe its regular characteristics.
What are the differences in the general atmosphere among the
different parts of the play? Which stylistic devices does the
use to create these differences? Point out details which add a
dramatic though comic flavour to the play. Pay attention to a)
epithets, b) similes, c) metaphors, d) intensifiers the characters
use when speaking about themselves and about each other.
Note the way Laura and Gordon a) speak, b) move, c) look. Indicate
the lexical and syntactical devices used to emphasise the emotional
style of the young people:
lexical and syntactical repetition; 2) length of the period; 3) the
use of formal and informal vocabulary; 4) the forms of address; 5)
the intonations (questions, exclamations, disjunctive questions,
unfinished sentences, the interjections and the stresses). Justify
their use.
Discuss the examples of irony and sarcasm. How are the effects
achieved? Compare these with the humorous effect and note the
Examine the stage directions and find out where the author’s
sympathies lie. How do they help you to visualize the characters? How
do they reveal the emotions, the intentions and difference in the
characters’ behaviour?
Explain the play on words: «All you can think of is finding
fault.» «I didn’t find fault. I found some good food being
Pay attention to the use of synonyms, antonyms and the effect of
Find the examples of half reported speech. What effect is achieved by
its use?
Find in the text the allusions and say if these are used effectively.
What is your general impression of the play and the way the incident
in the family life is described?
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