Phrases with the word clean

чистый, ровный, чистить, очищать, чистка, уборка, начисто, полностью


- чистый; опрятный

clean sheets [fingernails] — чистые простыни [ногти]
clean habits — чистоплотность
to keep oneself clean — быть опрятным
to keep one’s house clean — держать дом в чистоте

- мед. чистый, асептический; незаражённый

clean wound — чистая рана
clean bill of health — а) чистое карантинное /санитарное/ свидетельство; б) оправдание, реабилитация

- чистоплотный; приученный (о домашнем животном)

clean puppy — приученный /благовоспитанный/ щенок

- добродетельный

clean heart — чистое сердце
to lead a clean life — вести добродетельную жизнь

- незапятнанный; нескомпрометированный

to have a clean record — иметь чистый послужной список; иметь хорошую репутацию

ещё 22 варианта


- чистить; очищать

to clean teeth [nails, shoes] — чистить зубы [ногти, ботинки]
to clean a room — убрать комнату
to clean a window — вымыть /протереть/ окно
I must have these clothes cleaned — мне надо отдать в чистку эту одежду
to clean one’s plate — съесть всю тарелку
to clean the town by getting rid of criminals — очистить город от преступников

- промывать (золото); очищать (от примесей)
- потрошить (рыбу, птицу)
- обрабатывать начисто
- полировать (металлы)
- сглаживать
- трепать (лен)
- взять вес на грудь (тяжёлая атлетика)

to clean the slate — избавиться от старых обязательств
to clean smb.’s clock — а) набить кому-л. морду; б) победить кого-л. (в драке, состязании)


- разг. чистка, уборка

a good clean — основательная уборка
she gives the room a clean every day — она каждый день убирает эту комнату

- спорт. чистое взятие веса на грудь (тяжёлая атлетика)

clean and jerk — толчок
two hand clean and press — жим двумя руками


- совершенно, полностью

I clean forgot about it — я совершенно забыл об этом
clean broke — совершенно разорённый, обанкротившийся; без всяких средств
he is clean mad — он совсем рехнулся
clean gone — пропал, исчез без следа

- прямо

the bullet went clean through the shoulder — пуля прошла через плечо

- разг. начисто

to scrub floor clean — отскрести дочиста пол

- честно, добросовестно

play the game clean — вести игру по правилам
to come clean — полностью признаться (в чём-л.); ≅ расколоться

Мои примеры


the char will clean the carpet — уборщица почистит ковер  
a clean and sunny but completely dowdy room — чистая и светлая, но совершенно безвкусная комната  
clean boxer — боксёр, дерущийся по правилам  
to make a clean breast of it — чистосердечно сознаться в чем-л.  
to brush smth. clean / down — отчистить, вычистить  
clean stroke — ловкий удар  
to clean up — убирать, чистить  
to wipe clean — вытирать дочиста  
to fight clean — честно сражаться  
clean joke — ловкая шутка  
to put on clean sheets — постелить свежие простыни  
clean sheet — безупречное прошлое, незапятнанная репутация  

Примеры с переводом

Is it easy to clean?

Легко ли его чистить?

Are your hands clean?

У тебя руки чистые?

This stove cleans easily.

Эта плита легко отмывается.

The car needs a good clean.

Автомобиль нуждается в хорошей чистке.

The room must be clean swept.

Комнату надо хорошенько подмести.

Cats are naturally clean.

Кошки по своей природе чистоплотны.

We scrubbed the tables clean.

Мы дочиста отмыли столы.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The boys cleaned the sandwich platters

Wipe that sink clean when you’re done.

The other players cleaned him completely

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Фразовые глаголы

clean down — чистить, сметать
clean out — очистить, вычищать, обчищать, опоражнивать, обворовывать
clean up — убираться, убирать, прибирать, приводить в порядок, заканчивать

Возможные однокоренные слова

cleaner  — уборщик, чистильщик, средство для чистки, мойщик окон
cleaning  — очистка, уборка, чистка, обогащение, чистящий, очищающий
cleanly  — чисто, целомудренно, чистоплотный
cleanness  — чистота
unclean  — нечистый, грязный, неопрятный, отвратительный, аморальный
cleaned  — убранный, очищенный

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: clean
he/she/it: cleans
ing ф. (present participle): cleaning
2-я ф. (past tense): cleaned
3-я ф. (past participle): cleaned

срав. степ. (comparative): cleaner
прев. степ. (superlative): cleanest

Synonym: cleanse, purify, tidy, wash. Antonym: dirty, unclean. Similar words: uncleanliness, lean, lean on, clear, leaned, unclear, clearly, clear up. Meaning: [kliːn]  n. a weightlift in which the barbell is lifted to shoulder height and then jerked overhead. v. 1. make clean by removing dirt, filth, or unwanted substances from 2. remove unwanted substances from, such as feathers or pits 3. clean and tidy up the house 4. clean one’s body or parts thereof, as by washing 5. be cleanable 6. deprive wholly of money in a gambling game, robbery, etc. 7. remove all contents or possession from, or empty completely 8. remove while making clean 9. remove unwanted substances from 10. remove shells or husks from. adj. 1. free from dirt or impurities; or having clean habits 2. free of restrictions or qualifications 3. (of sound or color) free from anything that dulls or dims 4. free from impurities 5. without difficulties or problems 6. ritually clean or pure 7. not spreading pollution or contamination; especially radioactive contamination 8. (of behavior or especially language) free from objectionable elements; fit for all observers 9. free from sepsis or infection 10. morally pure 11. (of a manuscript) having few alterations or corrections 12. (of a surface) not written or printed on 13. exhibiting or calling for sportsmanship or fair play 14. thorough and without qualification 15. (of a record) having no marks of discredit or offense 16. not carrying concealed weapons 17. free from clumsiness; precisely or deftly executed 18. free of drugs. adv. 1. completely; used as intensifiers 2. in conformity with the rules or laws and without fraud or cheating. 

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1 A clean hand wants no washing. 

2 A new broom sweeps clean.

3 New brooms sweep clean.

4 I hope these black marks will clean off.

5 Clean your finger,before you point at my spots.

6 We are pegging out in a very clean spot.

7 The sky was blue and clean.

8 It irks him to have to clean his house.

9 Use a damp flannel to clean the skin.

10 Drastic measures are needed to clean up the profession.

11 It’s her room.The room is bright and clean.

12 The hotel was spotlessly clean.

13 You can take the mixer apart to clean it.

14 Keep your room neat and clean.

15 The air smelled sweet and clean.

16 The beach had been washed clean by the tide.

17 The room is very clean.

18 The whole house was spotlessly clean.

19 Could you please clean up the living room?

20 Unload everything from the boat and clean it thoroughly.

21 His clothes were always neat and clean .

22 I’ve asked the children to clean out their drawers.

23 The showroom had been emptied and swept clean.

24 Ask the hour maid servant to clean the floor.

25 That shirt is dirty,( here is a clean one.

26 He wears clean socks every day.

27 Clean the rug by sponging it gently.

28 Don’t cast out the foul water till you bring in the clean

29 Cast not out the foul water till you bring in the clean

30 If each would sweep before his own door, we should have a clean city (or street). 

More similar words: uncleanliness, lean, lean on, clear, leaned, unclear, clearly, clear up, clear out, clear off, nuclear, clear away, clearing, bean, mean, ocean, means, meant, jeans, Korean, one another, peanut, uncle, cycle, clerk, demeanor, here and now, protean, pageant, muscle. 

background image 88

The adjective clean has many senses: “free from dirt, contamination or disease, or pollution,” “fair” or “pure,” “clear” or “legible,” “smooth,” “empty,” “complete” or “thorough,” “skillful,” “free of a claim or impediment,” and “free from corruption or from lasciviousness or obscenity”; it also refers to freedom from drug addiction or lack of possession of contraband such as drugs or weapons.

A variety of idioms that include the word have evolved:

1. clean (one’s) plate: eat all the food served

2. clean (someone’s) clock: beat or defeat soundly

3. clean as a whistle: pure or free of involvement in illegal activities

4. a clean bill of health: notification that a person or other entity is in good health or operating condition (from a report from a health official that all crew and passengers on a ship arriving in a port are free of illness)

5. clean break: abrupt and complete disassociation

6. clean code: well-written computer-programming code

7. clean conscience: absence of guilt or remorse (also “clear conscience”)

8. clean cut: tidy and well groomed

9. clean getaway: uninterrupted escape

10. clean house: rid an organization of corruption or inefficiency

11. clean (someone or something) out of: remove people or things

12. clean sheet: variant of “clean slate” (mostly used in British English); alternatively, said of an athlete or team that allows no goals (British English)

13. clean slate: a fresh chance or start (from the now-outmoded use of chalk on slate to record one’s debt at a tavern)

14. clean sweep: the winning of all competitions or prizes

15. clean the floor up (with someone): beat someone up

16. clean up: make something clean or proper, earn or win a lot of money, reform, or defeat

17. clean up (one’s) act: improve or reform

18. clean out: leave bare or empty, or take or deplete

19. come clean: be honest

20–21. have clean hands/keep (one’s) hands clean: be without guilt

22. keep (one’s) nose clean: stay out of trouble

23. make a clean breast of it: admit the truth

24. squeaky clean: completely clean or incorruptible

25. wipe the slate clean: give someone a fresh chance or start (see “clean slate”)

Also, the proverb “A new broom sweeps clean” means that someone new to a situation (such as a job) will make a concerted effort to impress others.

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Don’t worry, I’ll always have your ________, no matter what.
  • A. hand

  • B. heart

  • C. back

  • D. money


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1. adjective, slang Not carrying any concealed item or substance that is illicit or forbidden. A: «Check him for a wire, Mickey.» B: «He’s clean, boss.» Police officers performed an exhaustive search of the vehicle for drugs or weapons, but it was clean.

2. adjective, slang Not intoxicated with or addicted to drugs or alcohol. I had a real drinking problem in college, but I’ve been clean for nearly four years now. I have to stay clean before my parole meeting next week.

3. adjective, slang Not using or testing positive for performance-enhancing drugs. All athletes will have to prove they’re clean before they’ll be allowed to compete in the tournament.

4. adjective, slang Not involved in or guilty of any crime or wrongdoing. I investigated the company’s CEO for any illegal activity, but she’s clean, as far as I can tell.

5. adverb, informal Wholly or completely. Wow, he threw the knife clean through the wall! Sorry, I clean forgot we had a meeting this morning.

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.


1. mod. not using drugs; not involved with drugs. I’ve been clean for more than a month now.

2. mod. sober; not intoxicated with drugs at the moment. (Almost the same as sense 1) Just being clean for a day is an accomplishment.

3. mod. not breaking any law. (Police and underworld.) I’m clean, officer. You can’t charge me with anything.

4. mod. not carrying a weapon. (Police and underworld.) I frisked him. He’s clean.

5. mod. well-dressed. Now there’s a clean dude!

McGraw-Hill’s Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.


  • (as) clean as a hound’s tooth
  • (as) clean as a new penny
  • (as) clean as a new pin
  • (as) clean as a whistle
  • (one’s) conscience is clean
  • (one’s) conscience is clear
  • (one’s) hands are clean
  • a clean bill of health
  • a clean break
  • a clean conscience makes a soft pillow
  • a clean sheet
  • a clean sheet (of paper)
  • a clean sheet/slate
  • a member of the clean plate club
  • a new broom sweeps clean
  • be (as) clean as a new penny
  • be (as) clean as a new pin
  • be (as) clean as a whistle
  • be cleaned out
  • be given a clean bill of health
  • clean
  • clean (one’s) act up
  • clean (one’s) clock
  • clean (one’s) plate (up)
  • clean (one’s) plow
  • clean (someone or something) out of (something)
  • clean act up
  • clean as a hound’s tooth
  • clean as a new pin
  • clean as a whistle
  • clean bill of health
  • clean bill of health, to have a/be given a
  • clean break
  • clean clock
  • clean code
  • clean down
  • clean hands
  • clean hands, have
  • clean house
  • clean living
  • clean off
  • clean one’s act up
  • clean out
  • clean out of
  • clean plate
  • clean plate club
  • clean plow
  • clean sheet
  • clean slate
  • clean slate, have a/start with a
  • clean someone out
  • clean someone’s clock
  • clean sweep
  • clean sweep, (make) a
  • clean the Augean stables
  • clean the Augean stables of (something)
  • clean the floor (up) with (one)
  • clean the floor up with
  • clean up
  • clean up (one’s) act
  • clean up act
  • clean up after (someone or something)
  • clean up nice(ly)
  • clean up on (something)
  • clean up on something
  • clean up your act
  • clean-cut
  • cleaned out
  • clean-living
  • clean-up operation
  • come clean
  • come clean about (something)
  • come clean about something
  • come clean with (someone)
  • come clean with (someone) about (something)
  • come clean with someone
  • come clean with someone about something
  • come clean, to
  • come with clean hands
  • fresh out of
  • get (one’s) clock cleaned
  • get (one’s) prescription filled
  • get (one’s) prescription refilled
  • get clean away
  • give (someone or something) a clean bill of health
  • have a clean bill of health
  • have a clean conscience
  • have a clean conscience about (someone or something)
  • have a clean slate
  • have a clear conscience
  • have clean hands
  • keep (one’s) hands clean
  • keep (one’s) nose clean
  • keep (one’s) slate clean
  • keep a clean sheet
  • keep nose clean
  • keep one’s nose clean
  • keep your nose clean
  • make a clean break
  • make a clean break (from/with someone or something)
  • make a clean breast
  • make a clean breast of
  • make a clean breast of (something)
  • make a clean breast of it
  • make a clean breast of something
  • make a clean breast of something, to
  • make a clean sweep
  • Mr Clean
  • Mr. Clean
  • new broom sweeps clean, a
  • New brooms sweep clean
  • not (quite) the clean potato
  • pick (something) clean
  • pick something clean
  • poor but clean
  • scrub off
  • show (someone) a clean pair of heels
  • show a clean pair of heels
  • show one’s heels
  • show someone or something a clean pair of heels
  • so clean (that) (one) could eat off the floor(s)
  • so clean you could eat off the floor
  • someone’s hands are clean
  • squeaky clean
  • start (off) with a clean slate
  • start over with a clean slate
  • start with a clean sheet (of paper)
  • start with a clean slate
  • the clean potato
  • wipe (one’s) slate clean
  • wipe slate clean and wipe the slate clean
  • wipe the slate clean

References in periodicals archive

You can’t just hire any company to clean your carpets.

When you get your home cleaned by a professional, they are prepared with all of the necessary equipment and cleaning supplies.

The FTTH Cleaning Kit cleans SC, FC, ST and E2000 connectors and cleans the most contaminated ports, 2.5mm CleanClicker push-to-clean tool, for lightly contaminated ports and jumpers, Cassette CleanClicker Wheel cleaner and Clean Wipes 640 Optical Wipes, both for cleaning jumpers.

This low moisture carpet cleaning system both cleans and protects carpet fibres and is approved by all the leading carpet manufacturers.

-Use a steam floor cleaner on ( hardwood floors (or even on laminate and tiled floors) for a deep clean.

If you want to sweep the steps clean, start at the top.

About All Clean Pressure Cleaning Service — For over 11 years All Clean Pressure Cleaning Service has been the family-owned Atlanta pressure washing company locals turn to for house washing services.

Small sections or lengths of the sewer segment (steps or passes) are cleaned in each pull of the cleaning nozzle.

Forms are prepared to document all cleaning activities: who is responsible for what, what equipment is to be cleaned, what materials are to be used, how is cleaning to be performed, how is cleaned equipment sampled, what are the analytical results, do the results conform to the permissible limits, and how is clean equipment secured, maintained and identified so it is ready for the next operation.

The «green clean» phenomenon is gaining the support of a broad range of local office building owners, from Rudin Management Company to financial services giant, Lehman Brothers.

There’s nothing like a cleanser that actually works as advertised, bulldozing through dirt and leaving a surface sparkling clean. But conventional cleaning products can actually leave indoor air polluted with a toxic smog of petrochemical volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and the synthetic fragrances used to mask them.

While we clean the nozzles, the ultrasonic tank is busy cleaning the retainer plate, which should not take more than an hour or two to remove all traces of degraded plastic, eliminating this worry during assembly.

Idioms browser

  • classic
  • classic rock
  • classical style
  • classy
  • classy-chassis
  • clatter around
  • clause
  • claw
  • claw (one’s) way
  • claw (one’s) way (somewhere)
  • claw (one’s) way back
  • claw (one’s) way back from (something)
  • claw (one’s) way back into (something)
  • claw (one’s) way back to (something)
  • claw (one’s) way to the top
  • claw away
  • claw back
  • claw me, and I’ll claw thee
  • claw me, claw thee
  • claw off
  • claw way to the top
  • claw your way back, into something, out of something, etc.
  • clay
  • clay pigeon
  • clay up
  • clean
  • clean (one’s) act up
  • clean (one’s) clock
  • clean (one’s) plate (up)
  • clean (one’s) plow
  • clean (someone or something) out of (something)
  • clean act up
  • clean as a hound’s tooth
  • clean as a new pin
  • clean as a whistle
  • clean bill of health
  • clean bill of health, to have a/be given a
  • clean break
  • clean clock
  • clean code
  • clean down
  • clean hands
  • clean hands, have
  • clean house
  • clean living
  • clean off
  • clean one’s act up
  • clean out
  • clean out of
  • clean plate
  • clean plate club

Full browser

  • CLDS
  • CLDT
  • CLDT
  • CLDY
  • CLE
  • CLE
  • CLE
  • CLE
  • CLE
  • CLE
  • Clé
  • Clé
  • Clé
  • Clé
  • Clé
  • Cle Elum Research and Supplementation Facility
  • Cle Elum Supplementation Research Facility
  • CLE0
  • Clea
  • Cleading
  • Cleading
  • clean
  • Clean & jerk
  • Clean & jerk
  • Clean & Sober
  • clean (one’s) act up
  • clean (one’s) clock
  • clean (one’s) plate (up)
  • clean (one’s) plow
  • Clean (programming language)
  • clean (someone or something) out of (something)
  • clean (someone’s) clock
  • clean (someone’s) clock
  • clean (someone’s) clock
  • clean (someone’s) clock
  • Clean access agent
  • Clean Access Manager
  • Clean Access Server
  • clean act up
  • Clean Advanced Technology
  • clean agent
  • Clean Agent for Network Admissions Control
  • clean aggregate
  • Clean air
  • Clean air
  • Clean air
  • Clean air
  • Clean Air — Cool Planet
  • Clean Air Act
  • Clean Air Act
  • Clean Air Act
  • Clean Air Act 1956

clean adj.

VERBS be, look, seem, smell The room smelled clean and fresh. | stay The bathroom doesn’t stay clean for long. | brush sth, get sth, scrape sth, scrub sth, wipe sth scrubbing the floor to get it clean She wiped all the surfaces clean. | leave sth Please leave the kitchen clean. | keep sth You’re supposed to keep your room clean.

ADV. extremely, very | spotlessly The whole house was spotlessly clean. | almost, nearly It’s almost clean. I’ve just got to wipe the table. | fairly, pretty, quite

PHRASES clean and tidy Is your room clean and tidy now? | lovely and clean The water was lovely and clean.

clean verb

ADV. effectively, well This product cleans baths very effectively. | properly, thoroughly I clean the house thoroughly once a week. | carefully, gently He gently cleaned the wound and dressed it. | out, up I cleaned out all the cupboards.

PREP. off I cleaned the mud off the kitchen floor. | with Clean the glass with a soft cloth.

PHRASES need cleaning Your shoes need cleaning!

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