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challenge (one) on (something)

To question one, perhaps aggressively, on a particular issue, statement, or viewpoint. I had to challenge him on that remark about sales because the budget report did not support it at all. That is a positively absurd statement, and I’m glad someone challenged her on it. Challenging someone on their political beliefs the first time you meet them is usually not the best idea.

challenge (someone) to (something)

To dare or provoke one to participate in something, such as a competition. I ushered Bob out the door as soon as that obnoxious guy challenged him to a fight. Jenna is really good at basketball, so don’t challenge her to a game unless you’re OK with losing!

challenge the status quo

To behave or do something in a way contrary to that which is generally accepted or expected. I love this filmmaker, his movies really challenge the status quo! It can be risky, but challenging the status quo can be a great way to get ahead in business.

pose a challenge

To stand as an obstacle or problem. Well, having a room on the third floor does pose a challenge if you’re gonna try to sneak out the window. Your parents will be asleep by then—why not just use the back door? The lack of funding definitely poses a challenge, but we’ll just have to keep working on this research as best we can with the money we have.

rise to the challenge

To discover or utilize the strength, determination, or skill necessary to accomplish some difficult task successfully. I know that you’re nervous about taking on such a senior role in the company, but I’m totally confident that you’ll rise to the challenge. The odds were against them, but the home team rose to the challenge and managed to win the championship.

take up the challenge

To accept or attempt some particular test, fight, contest, etc., or answer an invitation or call to such. I knew it was going to be really hard doing a master’s degree while working full time, but I was ready to take up the challenge. We need someone to manage our entire Pacific Northwest operation. What do you think—are you willing to take up the challenge?

up to (something)

1. Meeting a certain standard or requirement. Your work just hasn’t been up to the standard I expect from students in my AP class.

2. Able or willing to do or deal with something. I’m not really up to going to the mall—I think I need a nap instead. I doubt she’s up to a visit so soon after her surgery. I’m warning you, this is an intense industry. Are you up to the challenge?

3. Scheming something or engaging in mischievous behavior. I think those two are up to something—they’ve been acting squirrelly all morning.

4. Having reached a particular point or level. I’m only up to the second chapter, but I like the book so far. The water is up to the basement steps now, so we need to do something!

5. A maximum of (something). You have up to a month to complete these assignments. If you submit them after that, they’ll be marked late. It will likely take up to a week for the repairs to be completed.

6. Doing something; occupied or engaged with something. What have you been up to since school ended? Are you up to anything tonight? Do you want to catch a movie?

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

challenge someone on something

to dispute someone’s statement, remarks, or position. I think Fred is wrong, but I won’t challenge him on his estimate.

challenge someone to something

to dare someone to do something; to invite someone to compete at something. I challenge you to a round of golf. Jerry challenged us to a debate of the issues.

rise to the challenge

Fig. to accept a challenge. (Usually in reference to success with the challenge.) You can depend on Kelly to rise to the challenge. We were not able to rise to the challenge and we lost the contract.

take up the challenge

to respond to a challenge and do what the challenge asks. I am not prepared to take the challenge up. Dave took up the challenge without much urging.

McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

rise to the ocˈcasion/ˈchallenge

do something successfully in a difficult situation, emergency, etc: When the lead singer became ill, Cathy had to take her place. Everyone thought she rose to the occasion magnificently.This company must be prepared to rise to the challenge of a rapidly changing market.

Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017

See also:

  • challenge (one) on (something)
  • challenge on
  • minority
  • be in a minority of one
  • perspective on
  • perspective on (something)
  • cutting remark
  • logical somersault
  • say (something) behind (one’s) back
  • say something behind someone’s back

Learn English collocations with challenge with meanings and practical examples. Expand your advanced English vocabulary and sound much more natural in English.

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Speak better English with Harry — Episode 349

List of collocations



Harry is a native English teacher with over 10 years of experience both online and in face-to-face lessons. With his extensive experience in business, he specialises in Business English lessons but happily teaches ESL students with any English learning needs. 

English Collocations With Challenge

English collocations with challenge. What is the best way to learn English vocabulary? Advanced English course at #learnenglish #englishlessons #EnglishTeacher #vocabulary #ingles

Hi there, this is Harry and welcome back to another podcast where I try to help you to get a better understanding of the English language so that you will be able to communicate in a much better way. Improve your grammar, your phrasal verbs, your use of expressions.

So what are we talking about today? In this particular podcast episode, we’re going to take a look at some collocations. And in particular English collocations with challenge. Collocations with the word ‘challenge.’

You may remember that some time ago, I had an episode about words that meant the same as difficulty or problem. So challenge was one of those particular words. So here we’re just going to look specifically at challenge and collocations with challenge. 

So as always, I’m going to give them to you one by one. And then I’ll go through and give you some examples.

Intermediate to Advanced English Marathon

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

INSANITY: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

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to face a challenge

Meaning: when we face a challenge, to look at it and deal with it

So anytime we have problems, the best way to deal with the problem is to face that challenge, whatever the challenge happens to be.

To face the challenge of getting fit.

To face the challenge of doing the exam.

Parents always tell their children not to run away from a challenge but to face the challenge or face up to the challenge. And when you face the challenge, it doesn’t look as difficult as it as it was at the very beginning. 


to take on a challenge

Meaning: if you accepted the challenge you’re willing to attempt completing a difficult task

Having faced the challenge, the next thing you should do is take on the challenge. So some people are asked,

Would you like to take on this challenge?

It could be anything running the marathon where you have to train in advance for several months and build up your fitness and the strength in your legs and the endurance so that you can get through that very, very difficult challenge of finishing their 40 kilometres. So if you’re up for it, you can take on the challenge.

Many people take on a challenge for charitable purposes.

What challenges will we take on this year? Will we climb this mountain? Will run this race?

How many sausage rolls can you eat in an hour? Let’s take on the challenge.

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to present/pose a challenge

So it could be anything.

Building a house, when you don’t have a lot of money will present you with a challenge.

Building an extension on the house when you’re trying to get the money from the bank will pose a challenge until such time you actually get it.

Finding a job that suits your strengths and your particular skills might present a challenge in economic times when jobs are not so easy to find.

So something will present the challenge or pose the challenge and you have to try and deal with that.

Dealing with lots of problems with immigrants coming into Europe, as they have been doing for many years now presents all of the European countries with a particular challenge.

How to deal with the immigrants to make sure that they’re looked after fairly and that they are treated well? This poses not only a financial challenge but also a challenge of integration.

So dealing with these millions of immigrants presents and poses a significant challenge for the European Union.

to rise to a challenge

to rise to a challenge = to take on a challenge

We need somebody to volunteer to tidy up the schoolyard. Who will rise to the challenge? 

So she’s asking for volunteers, and says,

Who will rise to the challenge?

And one or two people put up their hands immediately and volunteer. So they’re presented with a brush, and a bag, and a shovel and a spade and they are told that they will get some little reward at the end. So they will they have risen to the challenge.

English Collocations With Challenge

English collocations with challenge. What is the best way to learn English vocabulary? Advanced English course at #learnenglish #englishlessons #EnglishTeacher #vocabulary #ingles

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to provide a challenge

We always look for work that will provide us with a challenge because in many cases, we don’t just want to sit there and draw a salary month after month without something challenging.

When the boss comes to us and says,

We’ve got a new customer. It might provide you with the challenge that you need to show me what you are capable of doing.

So here’s an opportunity, this will provide you with a suitable challenge to impress the management.

We hope that moving to another country or learning a foreign language (like you’re trying to do with English) will provide you with a challenge.

Hopefully, a challenge that you can overcome. A challenge that is certainly achievable.

to enjoy or relish a challenge

Some people like challenges, I love them. But some of them can be a little bit difficult. But if you succeed, then you’ll certainly relish the challenge because you can sit back with that satisfaction that is a job well done. To enjoy a challenge means the cut and thrust the activity, the stress.

Perhaps the sweat if it’s something physical, and you can enjoy it.

I enjoy the challenge every day of doing a short workout.

I didn’t always do it. But with the onset of COVID, I thought it was about time I did something. 

I relish the challenge of doing something interesting, I have to keep changing it so I don’t get bored with it.

So you can enjoy or relish the challenge of improving your English, tackling those conditional clauses, understanding the use of adverbs of frequency.

So whatever it might be, you enjoy and relish that particular challenge.

English Collocations With Challenge

And of course, we all want in our lives,

a real challenge

We don’t want something that looks difficult but really isn’t a real challenge.

We want something that will make sure that we think hard. Something that will test us. Something that will push us to our limits. And then we can sit back and say

Wow, that was a real challenge. That was not something I was expecting. But I really enjoyed it.

Doing a master’s degree could be a real challenge.

It could be going back to college every after many years.

It could be doing a new job, getting back into the workforce, all of these things can be a real challenge.

And then finally, challenges like everything can be difficult, some can be impossible.

a daunting/tough challenge

Meaning: very, very difficult, but not impossible

So you’re standing at the foot of the mountain, and your friends say,

Okay, we’re going to climb up there. That’s quite a daunting challenge, but we’re up for it.

It’s not impossible. It’s not Montblanc or it’s not the Himalayas.

Going for a 60 km cycle could be a very daunting challenge if you haven’t been on a bicycle for a while.

So collocations with challenge. Let’s go through them one more time:

  • face a challenge
  • take on a challenge
  • present/pose a challenge
  • rise to a challenge
  • provide a challenge
  • enjoy/relish a challenge
  • a real challenge
  • daunting/tough challenge

Excellent. So, hopefully, you enjoyed that challenge of getting through those particular collocations. And we’ll do some more at another stage in our podcasts.

And as always, if you’ve enjoyed that, please share it with a friend.

If you want to contact me, you can do so at Always happy to hear from you.

If you want to take online English lessons, contact me. IELTS exam preparation. CAE preparation. Whatever your needs are.

Thanks for listening. Join me again soon.

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Phrasal Verbs


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English Vocabulary


вызов, проблема, сомнение, отвод, оспаривать, бросать вызов, вызывать


- вызов (на состязание, соревнование и т. п.)

to launch a challenge against smb. — бросить кому-л. вызов
to meet the challenge — оказаться на высоте

- вызов на дуэль; картель

to address a challenge to smb. — послать кому-л. вызов (на дуэль)
to have a challenge delivered [carried, brought] by a second — послать [передать, получить] вызов через секунданта

- сомнение; постановка под вопрос

to bring smth. into challenge — поставить что-л. под сомнение; бросить тень сомнения на что-л.
to bring smb.’s title into challenge — оспаривать чьё-л. право
a challenge of the premises of an argument — лог. возражения против предпосылок рассуждения

- испытание, проба (своих) сил; напряжение сил; нечто требующее мужества, труда и т. п.

my new job is not easy but it’s a challenge — моя новая работа нелегка, но для меня это будет проба сил

- сложная задача; проблема

the challenge of a nuclear age — задачи, которые ставит перед нами ядерный век
to issue the challenge — ставить задачу
to meet the challenge — оказаться на высоте

ещё 9 вариантов


- вызывать (на дуэль и т. п.); бросать вызов
- спорт. вызвать на соревнование

to challenge smb. to run a race — вызывать кого-л. на соревнование по бегу

- сомневаться; отрицать

to challenge smb.’s knowledge — сомневаться в чьих-л. знаниях, ставить под вопрос чью-л. осведомлённость

- оспаривать, подвергать сомнению

to challenge the accuracy of a statement — оспаривать правильность утверждения
to challenge the wisdom of a procedure — выражать сомнение в целесообразности какой-л. процедуры

- требовать (усилий)

this job will challenge your abilities — эта работа будет испытанием ваших способностей /должна показать, на что вы способны/
this event challenges an explanation — это событие требуется объяснить

- отводить, давать отвод
- юр. отводить присяжного заседателя
- юр. возражать (против чего-л. в процессе)
- давать отвод избирателю (как не имеющему права голоса)
- требовать признания недействительным избирательного бюллетеня или результатов голосования
- воен. окликать (о часовом); спрашивать пропуск, пароль
- мор. показывать опознавательные

ещё 7 вариантов

Мои примеры


a barefaced challenge for a fight — открытый вызов на бой  
the challenge of combining a career with motherhood — трудная задача — совмещать карьеру с материнством  
to issue / send a challenge — бросить вызов  
to accept / meet / respond to / take up a challenge — принять вызов  
formidable / real challenge — настоящий вызов, истинное испытание  
challenge for cause — отвод по конкретному основанию  
to accept the challenge — браться за решение проблемы  
to face the challenge — столкнуться с проблемой  
to challenge smb.’s dominance — бросать вызов чьему-л. господству  
to challenge smb. to a duel — вызвать кого-л. на дуэль  
to challenge a juror — вызывать присяжных  
to step up to take on a challenge — проявлять мужество и принимать вызов  

Примеры с переводом

He took up my challenge.

Он принял мой вызов.

I see the job as a challenge.

Для меня эта работа — вызов, испытание.

It was a challenge just to survive.

Даже просто выжить было подвигом.

Learning a new language is always a challenge.

Изучать новый язык всегда непросто.

The job doesn’t really challenge her.

На этой работе она не может как следует проявить себя.

It was a challenge to our very existence.

Само наше существование было поставлено на карту.

We are challenged to produce a precedent.

Нас поставили перед необходимостью создать прецедент.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

McConnell beat off a challenge for his Senate seat.

…the pioneers faced the challenge of settling the frontier with unyielding courage…

They threw down the challenge that he couldn’t wash 40 cars in one hour (=invited him to try to do it).

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

challenger  — претендент, оспаривающий, посылающий вызов, возражающий
challenging  — стимулирующий, побуждающий, манящий, испытывающий способности
challengeable  — сомнительный, небесспорный, оспоримый

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): challenge
мн. ч.(plural): challenges

« The chief was riding his horse back and forth in front of his men, as if to banter me, and I concluded to accept the challenge.

* Augustus gave an admirable example how a person who sends a challenge should be treated.

« «But your friend?« The tone in which he spoke was insistent, almost insolent in its demand, and she hesitated no longer in meeting the challenge.

The rebels, behind a thick screen of trees, took up the challenge, and every sound was drowned in the roar of the artillery.

And in a while Beltane arose also, and climbing one of the many precipitous paths, answered the challenge of sentinel and outpost and went on slowfooted as one heavy in thought, yet with eyes quick to heed how thick was the underbrush hereabouts with dead wood and bracken apt to firing.

The eccentricities of this otherwise amiable physician now began to give serious annoyance; his jealousy of Shelley grew to such a pitch that it resulted in the doctor‘s giving a challenge to the poet, at which the latter only laughed; but Byron, to stop further outbreaks of the kind, remarked, «Recollect that, though Shelley has scruples about duelling, I have none, and shall be at all times ready to take his place.«

Before they had gone far, however, they heard with joy the English challenge, «Who goes there?«

At the same time it must be confessed, that from the prevalent notions of honour, a gentleman who receives a challenge is reduced to a dreadful alternative.

Sílim could not, without disgrace, refuse this challenge: he descended from the fort, and met Minúchihr.

This was one reason Old Heck had so played the conversation that Dorsey definitely threw down the challenge and which was so coldly accepted.

In the Plaza of Molina at last he made his stand, And in a voice of thunder he uttered his command: To arms, to arms, my captains! Sound, clarions; trumpets, blow; And let the thundering kettledrum Give challenge to the foe.

Every man is himself a class; every hour carries its new challenge.

And, O perpetuator of the Kuru race, braved by the heroic Pradyumna in that mighty battle, the angry Salwa could ill bear the challenge!

Nor did Fulvius decline the challenge; not so much from any hope of success entertained by himself, as drawn by the blind impetuosity of his soldiers.

But it was more than she could do: and she drew herself up and her eyes flashed back the challenge, as she said in a low but distinct voice: «Pardon me, but you are mistaken.

It seemed that nature had presented a challenge to the physicists which none of them were able to meet.

« «Ha!« quoth Sir Tristram, «and is there then no good knightchampion in this country who will rid the world of such an evil being as that Sir Nabon of whom you speak?« «Nay,« said the lady, «there is no one who cares to offer challenge to that knight, for he is as strong and as doughty as he is huge of frame, and he is as fierce and cruel as he is strong and masterful, wherefore all men hold him in terror and avoid him.

And immediately the trumpets sounded a challenge.

She remembered his covert challenge at their last interview at Mr. Wilks‘s, and the necessity of reading this persistent young man a stern lesson came to her with all the force of a public duty.

East can’t help shouting challenges to two or three of the other side, though he never leaves Tom for a moment, and plies the sponges as fast as ever.

Now, though Marcia expected no such challenge, she was game.

Your gun rings out a reverberating challenge, as your fatal bullet speeds on its errand.

On arriving opposite the rookery the stranger would utter a peculiar challenge.

Far, as we flung that challenge, fled the ghosts Back, as we built, the obscene foe withdrew High to the song of hammers sang the hosts Of Heavenand lo!

He waylays the smaller boys to punch their unprotected heads, and calls challenges after me in the streets.


A number of doctors are challenging the study’s claims.

The new lawsuit challenges the lower court’s decision.

She’s been challenged on her handling of the problem.

None of them were willing to challenge the referee on the call.

It’s a game that will challenge a child’s imagination.

The work doesn’t challenge him anymore, and he’s often bored.


The next major challenge for the company is to improve its distribution capabilities.

Teaching adolescents can be quite a challenge.

The band feels ready for new challenges.

If he takes on the new project he will face the greatest challenge of his career.

Management is seeking ways to better meet the challenge of future growth.

The ski slope offers a high degree of challenge.

Do you accept my challenge to a game of chess?

The senator may face a challenge from within her own party.

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Recent Examples on the Web

The challenges Isbell’s faced growing up with well intending but very young parents.

Matt Wake |, al, 9 Apr. 2023

Trump indictment: What happens next Karl challenged Trusty on whether Trump’s attacks on Bragg were wise.

Megan Barnes, ABC News, 9 Apr. 2023

The Tigers challenged the call on the field but lost.

Evan Petzold, Detroit Free Press, 9 Apr. 2023

Kacsmaryk, a Trump administration appointee in Amarillo, Texas, signed an injunction directing the FDA to stay mifepristone’s approval while a lawsuit challenging the safety and approval of the drug continues.

oregonlive, 8 Apr. 2023

Kacsmaryk, a Trump administration appointee based in Amarillo, Texas, signed an injunction directing the FDA to stay mifepristone’s approval while a lawsuit challenging the safety and approval of the drug continues.

Elizabeth Weise, USA TODAY, 8 Apr. 2023

Kacsmaryk signed an injunction directing the FDA to stay mifepristone’s approval while a lawsuit challenging the safety and approval of the drug continues.

Paul J. Weber,, 8 Apr. 2023

The American Civil Liberties Union has filed at least four lawsuits challenging trans athlete bans.

Sydney Bauer, San Francisco Chronicle, 7 Apr. 2023

Kacsmaryk, a Trump administration appointee in Amarillo, Texas, signed an injunction directing the FDA to stay mifepristone’s approval while a lawsuit challenging the safety and approval of the drug continues.

Verne Kopytoff, Fortune, 7 Apr. 2023

Cost became slightly less of a barrier in that timeframe, but interpersonal relationships and logistical challenges such as finding transportation or child care became more challenging.

Deidre Mcphillips, CNN, 10 Apr. 2023

Volatility in the housing market, including high prices and a limited supply of homes for sale, has also posed a challenge.

Lizzie Kane, Chicago Tribune, 10 Apr. 2023

Training his dogs wasn’t Holmes’ biggest challenge this year.

Alena Naiden, Anchorage Daily News, 10 Apr. 2023

Biden has attracted challenges from lower polling aspirants such as bestselling spiritual author Marianne Williamson and environmental lawyer Robert Kennedy Jr., who announced his campaign last week.

Ryan King, Washington Examiner, 10 Apr. 2023

Russia has also occasionally portrayed Poseidon as useable against U.S. carrier taskforces, though getting the long-distance weapon to intercept ship erratically moving at 30 knots poses very complex challenges.

Sébastien Roblin, Popular Mechanics, 10 Apr. 2023

In previous instances where Trump’s team has sought intervention from the D.C. Circuit, judges there have acted swiftly to order legal briefs from his team and the special counsel before rejecting his legal challenges.

Katherine Faulders, ABC News, 10 Apr. 2023

Following a legal challenge from Juul, the FDA later placed a temporary hold on its decision and is conducting an additional review of the company’s products.

CBS News, 10 Apr. 2023

But the ambitious plan comes with major challenges.

Vivienne Walt, Fortune, 10 Apr. 2023

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These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘challenge.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

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