Phrases with the word caring

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


I mean how caring you are.

Sometimes I think he really is quite caring.

Иногда мне кажется, что он и впрямь очень заботливый.

I really believe that music requires attentive and caring attitude towards it.

Да, я действительно считаю, что музыка требует внимательного и бережного отношения к ней.

Unfortunately, not every employee has caring and attentive colleagues.

К сожалению, не у каждого работника имеются заботливые и внимательные коллеги.

Children need access to adequate adult supervision, role models and caring family life.

Дети нуждаются в надлежащем присмотре со стороны взрослых, в образцах для подражания и в заботливой семейной обстановке.

Moldova is rich in fertile soil and in hardworking and caring people.

Молдова — богатая страна с плодородной почвой и много солнца, с трудолюбивыми и заботливыми людьми.

She prefers courteous and caring men, reads the description.

Она предпочитает обходительных и заботливых мужчин», — говорится в описании.

We advocate «being a caring and responsible person».

Мы выступаем за то, чтобы быть «заботливыми и ответственными людьми».

There has never been such a conscientious and caring manager.

У меня никогда больше не было такого справедливого и заботливого начальника».

Most of these employees are excellent and caring, but mistakes do happen.

Большинство сотрудников авиакомпаний очень внимательны и заботливы, но ошибки, тем не менее, случаются.

She said the church had been caring.

Она сказала, что ее церковь была очень заботливой.

Her daughter has a caring stepfather and an older stepbrother she adores.

У её дочери есть заботливый отчим и старший сводный брат, которого она обожает.

Anyone who needs a gentle caring woman by his side.

Тот, кто нуждается в нежной и заботливой женщине рядом с ним.

This includes supportive therapy, psychosocial support, and excellent, caring staff.

В список предоставляемых услуг входит поддерживающая терапия, психосоциальная поддержка, а также превосходный и заботливый персонал.

Tell him he is a responsible and caring sibling.

Дайте ему понять, что он — ответственный и заботливый человек.

She is so caring and always thinks of the family first.

Такой человек очень заботлив, всегда думает, в первую очередь, об общине, о семье.

These people are generally very devoted and caring.

Эти люди, как правило, очень преданные и заботливые.

He said she seemed gentle and perhaps caring.

Он сказал, что она казалась нежной и, возможно, даже заботливой.

Sandrine and Charlotte seek two caring dads… altruistic and energetic…

Сандрина и Шарлотта подыскивают двух заботливых папаш… Основные характеристики: альтруисты и энергичные…

Must be caring and loyal because I am too.

Он должен быть трудолюбивым и организованным, потому что я тоже такая.

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заботиться, ухаживать, беспокоиться, тревожиться, питать интерес, иметь желание


- внимательный, заботливый
- относящийся к социальной помощи

Мои примеры


a free clinic on caring for roses — бесплатный семинар по уходу за розами  
caring lipstick — гигиеническая губная помада  
caring function — функция ухода  
go beyond caring — перестать заботиться  
stop caring — разлюбить  

Примеры с переводом

Deep down, she is a caring person.

В глубине души она заботливый человек.

Jane spent years caring for her sick aunt.

Джейн годами ухаживала за своей больной тёткой.

Arthur was a very gentle, caring person.

Артур был очень нежным, заботливым человеком.

She does some voluntary work caring for the elderly.

Она добровольно помогает ухаживать за престарелыми.

Children need a caring and happy home life.

Дети нуждаются в заботе и счастливой семейной жизни.

I’m past caring about my appearance (=I do not care about it any more).

Моя внешность меня уже не волнует.

Barry’s kind, caring and generous to a fault.

Барри добрый, заботливый и до безобразия щедрый.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…a saintly man who devoted his life to caring for the dying…

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Возможные однокоренные слова

car  — автомобиль, машина, вагон, легковой автомобиль, автомашина, тачка, тележка
carer  — тот, кто ухаживает за больным, инвалидом, пожилым человеком, лицо

(not) care a hoot

slang To (not) be concerned about someone or something. Most commonly used in negative constructions. I don’t care a hoot about making money, I just want to do something with my life that makes life better for others. I haven’t cared a hoot for the show ever since they killed off my favorite character. Do whatever you want, I don’t care a hoot.

(not) care a toss

slang To (not) be concerned about someone or something. Most commonly used in negative constructions. Primarily heard in UK. I don’t care a toss about making money, I just want to do something with my life that makes life better for others. I haven’t cared a toss for the show ever since they killed off my favorite character. Do whatever you want, I don’t care a toss.

(way) past caring

No longer giving any of one’s attention, focus, or concern to or about someone or something. A: «Samantha said another awful thing about you today.» B: «I’m way past caring, to be honest. She’s just looking for attention at this point, and it isn’t worth it.» I’m past caring what happens to my career at the end of this trial—I just want the whole thing to be over. I’m bad at math, and I had an especially hard time with it this semester, so I’m past caring about my grade in this class—I know I’m doomed.

be beyond caring

To be unable or unwilling to devote more time and attention to a particular person or issue. Give him anything he wants in the divorce settlement—I’m just beyond caring anymore. I’m a senior now, so I’m beyond caring about what the catty girls at school say.

be past caring

To be unable or unwilling to devote more time and attention to a particular person or issue. Give him anything he wants in the divorce settlement—I’m just past caring anymore. Give him anything he wants in the divorce settlement—I’m just past caring anymore.

beyond caring

Unable or unwilling to devote more time and attention to a particular person or issue. Give him anything he wants in the divorce settlement—I’m just beyond caring anymore. I’m a senior now, so I’m beyond caring about what the catty girls at school say.

care a button

To care about something in any way at all. Usually used in negative constructions to mean the opposite. I don’t care a button about his status in the community! He’s a selfish fool, and someone has to tell him so! Does Elsa care a button for our plans? No, I don’t think she does!

care a fuck

rude slang To care or be concerned about someone or something. Usually used in negative constructions to mean the opposite. My mom keeps telling me that this color is too bright for a bedroom, but I don’t care a fuck—I love it! Who cares a fuck what they want? You need to do what makes you happy!

care a fuck about (someone or something)

rude slang To care or be concerned about someone or something. Usually used in negative constructions to mean the opposite. My mom keeps telling me that this color is too bright for a bedroom, but I love it, and I don’t care a fuck about what she thinks. Who cares a fuck about what they want? You need to do what makes you happy!

care a jackstraw

To care about something in any way at all. Usually used in negative constructions to mean the opposite. I don’t care a jackstraw about his status in the community! He’s a selfish fool, and someone has to tell him so! Does Elsa care a jackstraw for our plans? No, I don’t think she does!

care for (someone or something)

1. To act as a caretaker for someone or something. We need to hire a nurse to care for grandpa when he gets out of the hospital. Judging by the overgrown weeds and broken shutters, no one has been caring for this house.

2. To have a strong feeling of love or affection for someone or something; to cherish someone or something. There is nothing I care for more than my children.

3. To like someone or something. Often used in the negative to mean the opposite. I know you don’t care for asparagus, so I made string beans instead.

care to (do something)

1. To be interested in doing a particular action or activity. Often used in the negative to mean the opposite. No thanks, I don’t care to jog today—my legs still hurt from yesterday’s trip to the gym.

2. Would you like to (do a particular action or activity)? I’m going out for a jog—care to join me?

know little and care less (about someone or something)

To have very little knowledge and absolutely no concern about someone or something. A: «Don’t you have any family who would take you in?» A: «I had a half-brother who lived upstate, but the last time I checked, he knew little and cared less about what happens to me.»

know nothing and care less (about someone or something)

To have very little knowledge and absolutely no concern about someone or something. A: «Don’t you have any family who would take you in?» A: «I had a half-brother who lived upstate, but the last time I checked, he knew nothing and cared less about what happens to me.»

sharing is caring

A phrase used to emphasize the value in or importance of sharing something with others. Used especially by or as a lesson to young children. You’ve got gummy worms? Come on, sharing is caring! Now, now, boys, please don’t fight over the toy—take turns. Sharing is caring, remember?

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

past caring

Fig. [of someone] beyond caring about someone or something that is hopeless. I don’t care what you do! I’m past caring!

McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

be beyond/past ˈcaring (about something)

have reached a stage where you no longer care about or are no longer affected by something: She can’t hurt him now because he’s beyond caring about what she says.

Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017

See also:

  • (not) care a hoot
  • not care a hoot
  • not care/give a hoot
  • not care a hoot (about something)
  • not give a hoot
  • not give a hoot (about something)
  • don’t give a hoot
  • (not) know jack (about someone or something)
  • (not) know jack all (about someone or something)
  • (not) know jack shit (about someone or something)

This English lesson has 2 versions: 1) A video version and 2) A text version.

I recommend you watch and listen to the video to hear the correct pronunciation. Below the video is the same lesson in text format.

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“care” is both a verb and a noun.

Pronunciation: /keər/

The word “care” is very common in English. It has many different meanings and uses. It is also used in lots of different expressions.

care for someone

= to protect someone and provide them with what they need.
We often care for children, old people and ill people.

Mark cares for his sick mother.
The nurse is caring for the patient.

care for someone (2)

=to have strong feelings for someone.

Mark: “I really care for you, Jane.”
This specific meaning of “care” describes feelings.
This meaning of “care” does NOT have a continuous form:
Mark: “I am really caring for you, Jane.” wrong

Would you care for something?

= Would you like something?
This is a formal way of offering something to someone.

Would you care for a cup of coffee?
Would you care for a glass of wine?

to care

If you care, it means that something is important to you.
It interests you. It concerns you. It worries you.
We often use “care” in a negative sentence to say that something does NOT interest or concern us.

Sarah: “David says that he doesn’t like you.”
Mark: “I don’t care.”

Jane: “Let’s go to New York.”
Mark: “But it’s snowing!”
Jane: “I don’t care! I really want to go!”

Jane: “David thinks that I am stupid but I don’t care about his opinion.”

couldn’t care less

= to not care at all about something. (Very strong)

Brother: “I think that you should look for a job.”
Sister: “I couldn’t care less about what you think!”

take care of someone

= to protect someone and provide them with what they need.
= to look after someone.
= to be responsible for someone.

Mark is taking care of the children today.
Don’t buy a dog. You won’t take care of it.

take care of something

= to manage something.
= to be responsible for something.

David: What is your job here?
Jane: I take care of customer service.

take care

“take care” (without a preposition) means “be careful“ or “be safe”

This is a dangerous part of town. Take care.
There is a lot of traffic. Take care when you cross the road.

We can also say “take care” when saying goodbye to someone:
Mark: “Goodbye Jane. Take care!”

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