Phrases with the word blue

English phrases with blue in them. The colour blue is one of the sad colours.

Blue usually creates negative feelings of sadness or melancholy.

Let’s learn English idioms with blue: once in a blue moon, scream/shout blue murder and many more. And don’t forget to learn 18 English colour idioms 

List of blue idioms



Harry is a native English teacher with over 10 years of experience both online and in face-to-face lessons. With his extensive experience in business, he specialises in Business English lessons but happily teaches ESL students with any English learning needs. 

English Idioms with Blue

English idioms with blue in them. English colour idioms. From intermediate to advanced English with #learnenglish #englishlessons #EnglishTeacher #vocabulary #ingles #อังกฤษ #английский #aprenderingles #english #cursodeingles #учианглийский #vocabulário #dicasdeingles #learningenglish #ingilizce #englishgrammar #englishvocabulary #ielts #idiomas

They say that the third Monday in January is the most depressing day of the year! Here are some English phrases with BLUE in them. 

Yes, they really do say that on the third Monday in January people are more likely to feel blue (to feel depressed, to feel down) due to the fact that (because) the Christmas and New Year holidays are well and truly (completely) over.

We have returned to work, we have nothing to look forward to in the short term (in the near future) AND you still have to wait approximately (about) two weeks to get paid!

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You can add to this quite long list the fact that you are probably in debt (owe a lot of money on your credit card) you have to return those presents you did not really like. And yes, the bills you did not pay before Christmas really have to be paid now.

Ugh (terrible)

So there are many reasons for feeling down (depressed or sad) on a Monday particularly in January but do not worry by the time you read this, January will be a distant memory (almost forgotten) I hope!

English Phrases with Blue in Them

Monday blues

Meaning: that terrible feeling when you switch off the alarm on a Monday morning and realise the weekend is over

Most Mondays are depressing in some way. That is why we refer to it generally as the Monday Morning Blues. 


Most of the employees feel less motivated and always have Monday blues.

(to have) blue blood

Meaning: we can use this expression when we refer to aristocrats (people perhaps from a wealthy background or from a monarchy).


He left everyone in a belief that he was of blue blood.

blue-chip stocks

Meaning: reliable safe investments

When we make investments we often try to invest in blue-chip stocks.  So if we want to take a risk but not a big risk then blue-chip stocks (Coca Cola or BP or Proctor & Gamble) are often recommended.


One of the reasons to start investing in blue-chip stocks is because of the income, or dividends they pay out.

till someone is blue in the face

Meaning: this is used to describe a certain amount of frustration or annoyance when you have to do something continuously but without results


If she thought she was in the right she’d argue till she was blue in the face.

Blue in the face — english idiom meaning

Until/till you are blue in the face meaning — video lesson

English Phrases with Blue in them

running around like a blue-arsed fly

Meaning:  to be very busy doing lots of different things in a short space of time

The fly it refers to is the blue bottle, a big horrible fly that buzzes around your room until you either kill it or it escapes.


I had a really terrible day. I was running around like a blue arsed fly all morning trying to get that meeting organised and then at the end of the day the bosses just cancelled it.

the blue rinse brigade

Meaning: not such a polite phrase that refers to a group of women of a certain age who dye their grey hair a blue or purple colour


For our holiday last year, we managed to have picked a town that was full of retired people so it was very quiet. The restaurants and bars were full of old retired women. I felt like part of the blue rinse brigade. They actually turned out to be a lot of fun, singing and dancing!!

English Idioms with Blue

English idioms with blue in them. English colour idioms. From intermediate to advanced English with #learnenglish #englishlessons #EnglishTeacher #vocabulary #ingles #อังกฤษ #английский #aprenderingles #english #cursodeingles #учианглийский #vocabulário #dicasdeingles #learningenglish #ingilizce #englishgrammar #englishvocabulary #ielts #idiomas

out of the blue

Meaning: something that happened or occurred unexpectedly and definitely not planned


I hadn’t heard a word from my brother for months. I thought he had forgotten all about me. Then out of the blue, he called to say he was in town and wanted to meet up.

once in a blue moon

Meaning: a very rare occurrence

The moon as we all know is (or it appears to us) white in the sky at night. Very occasionally it appears to change colour due to some activity in the atmosphere.


A husband and wife were arguing about household duties or chores (housework).

👩 WIFE:  You never do anything around the house. You never help with the washing up or offer to do the ironing.

👱 HUSBAND: That’s not true. I put the rubbish bins out last week and I ironed my shirt on Saturday!

👩 WIFE: Yes, once in a blue moon but usually I do all the ironing!

English Idioms with Blue

like a bolt from the blue

Meaning: we use it to refer to news, mostly bad news, that you get unexpectedly


I was working as I always then like a bolt from the blue my boss asked to see me and told me I was being made redundant. It turns out that the company was losing money and 10 of us had to go. 

to go off into the blue

Meaning: to go away suddenly, to disappear, to vanish


My wife ordered a pizza which was delivered immediately but my order went off into the blue.

to talk a blue streak 

Meaning: (North American) to talk quickly without stopping


The woman who sat behind me in the aeroplane talked a blue streak.

to scream/shout blue murder

Meaning: to shout very loudly when you’re not happy with something


Environmental activists are screaming blue murder about climate control.

So here are my English idioms and phrases with blue in them. Let me give them to you one more time:

  • feeling blue
  • Monday blues
  • (have) blue blood
  • blue-chip stocks
  • till someone is blue in the face
  • running like a blue-arsed fly
  • the blue rinse brigade
  • out of the blue
  • once in a blue moon
  • like a bolt from the blue
  • to go off into the blue
  • to talk a blue streak
  • to scream/shout blue murder

The next time you wake up on a Monday with that Monday blue feeling remember, it is only a day of 24 hours like every other day and perhaps not so bad after all.

So I hope your Mondays continue to be short and your coffee strong!

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New English Vocabulary Words

to feel blue – to feel sad, to feel down, to be depressed
due to the fact – because
well and truly – completely
in the short term – in the near future
to be in debt – to owe a lot of money usually on your credit card
approximately – about
ugh – terrible
to feel down – to feel depressed or sad
distant memory – almost forgotten
chores – housework

More Information

For more information on English Expressions, English  Phrasal Verbs and English Grammar Rules, check out the links below:

English Expressions with LOOK

Phrasal Verbs with Over

Plenty of resources for different levels of English at Learning English with the BBC.

There are lots of songs that include the word  BLUE in the title and the reference is definitely depressing and sad.

For example, “When Im feeling blue all I have to do” (Phil Collins)

or “I guess that’s why they call it the blues” (Elton John)

But they are not always sad and some of them are a lot more upbeat (exciting and happy) such as “Blue Suede Shoes” (Elvis)

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Blue is a color that has been associated with a range of emotions, from calmness and tranquility to sadness and melancholy. In the English language, the color blue has also inspired a plethora of idiomatic expressions that have become a part of our everyday language.

From “feeling blue” to “out of the blue,” these idioms offer a creative and engaging way of expressing various aspects of human experience, from sadness and surprise to uncertainty and optimism. I

n this post, we will explore some of the most interesting and widely used blue idioms, examining their meanings and origins, and discovering the valuable insights they offer for everyday communication.

Through these idioms, we can gain a deeper appreciation for the richness and diversity of our language and the ways in which it reflects and shapes our experiences.

Blue Idioms

1. Blue And White

  • Meaning: The police.
  • Use In A Sentence: I was just enjoying my morning cup of coffee when the blue and white raced up into my neighbor’s lawn.

2. Blue Blood

  • Meaning: a member of a rich family; a person of noble birth.
  • Use In A Sentence: She is blue-blooded.

3. To Talk Until One Is Blue In The Face

  • Meaning: To talk about something for a long time or to talk about the same things multiple times.
  • Use In A Sentence: I could talk to him until I am blue in the face and I still don’t think I could change his mind.

4. To Be In A Blue Funk

  • Meaning: to be in a panic or to be in an extremely anxious state.
  • Use In A Sentence: Don’t get in a blue funk, I am sure she will be here on time.

4. To Be Blue Around The Gills

  • Meaning: Someone who looks sick; possibly wanting to throw up.
  • Synonyms: to be green around the gills.
  • Use In A Sentence: Are you okay? you look a little blue around the gills. Yes, I think I just need some fresh air.

blue suit- blue idioms

5. Blue Suit

  • Meaning: (slang) The police.
  • Use In A Sentence: You might want to slow down around here, the blue suits usually set up a speed tramp around this corner.

6. Blue Collar

  • Meaning: The working class; doing manual labor.
  • Use In A Sentence: Many blue-collared families live in this part of the city.

7. Black And Blue

  • Meaning: to be bruised. It can also mean to be hurt either physically or emotionally.
  • Use In A Sentence: She will be black and blue tomorrow after falling off the horse.

blue idioms - once in a blue moon

8. Once In A Blue Moon

  • Meaning: Something that rarely happens.
  • Use In A Sentence: She only comes home once in a blue moon now that she lives so far away.

9. To Look Through Blue Glasses

  • Meaning: to have a distorted view of someone because of preconceived prejudices.
  • Use In A Sentence: Stop looking through blue glasses and look at their performance.

10. Into The Wild Blue Yonder

  • Meaning: to go somewhere that is unknown.
  • Use In A Sentence: I haven’t seen him until he sold everything and set off into the wild blue yonder.

11. Big Blue

  • Meaning: another name for IBM a well-known computer company.
  • Use In A Sentence: Big Blue’s stocks have soared since their new product hit the shelf.

12. Into The Blue

  • Meaning: to disappear; to be out of sight.
  • Use In A Sentence: I have no idea where your books went, they seem to have disappeared into the blue.

13. A Bolt Out Of The Blue

  • Meaning: something that happened unexpectedly, suddenly.
  • Use In A Sentence: The letter came as a letter out of the blue.

14. Blue Hair

  • Meaning: an elderly woman.
  • Use In A Sentence: The coffee shop was filled with a lot of blue hairs this morning.

out of the clear blue sky - idioms about the color blue

15. Out Of The Clear Blue Sky

  • Meaning: something totally unexpected; out of nowhere
  • Use In A Sentence: The news that he was moving to another country came out of the clear blue sky.

16. To Feel Blue

  • Meaning: to be depressed; to feel sad.
  • Use In A Sentence: This cold weather is making me feel blue. We need to go somewhere warmer for the weekend.

17. Blue-Sky Research

  • Meaning: to research something with no particular purpose or reason in mind.
  • Use In A Sentence: Stop wasting your time on blue-sky research and focus on what is more important.

18. The Blue Screen Of Death

  • Meaning: a funny term to use when a computer crashes and you only see the blue screen that means windows is restarting.
  • Use In A Sentence: I was making great progress on my research paper until my computer crashed and all I saw was the blue screen of death.

19. True Blue

  • Meaning: a person who is loyal, faithful.
  • Use In A Sentence: Even after the bad news broke, he still supported her. He is a true blue fan.

blue and twos - blue idioms

20. Blues And Twos

  • Meaning: (British English) an emergency vehicle such as an ambulance.
  • Use In A Sentence: The blues and twos zipping by our house woke me up.

21. To Burn With A Low Blue Flame

  • Meaning: to be extremely angry and yet not express it.
  • Use In A Sentence: She was sitting there with the letter still in her hand, burning with a low blue flame.

22. To Dip Into The Blue

  • Meaning: to say obscene or vulgar words.
  • Use In A Sentence: He was so angry he dipped into the blue.

23. To Have A Blue Fit

  • Meaning: (British English) to be angry.
  • Use In A Sentence: His little girl had a blue fit when he told her she couldn’t buy that toy.

24. Men (Women) In Blue

  • Meaning: the police.
  • Use In A Sentence: I am not sure what is going on, but something is going on. The men in blue showed up at his house last night.

25. Like Blue Blazes

  • Meaning: to be great degree; a lot.
  • Use In A Sentence: This cut on my hand hurts like blue blazes.

26. Like A Blue Arsed Fly

  • Meaning: to be in a hurry. To do something quickly with very little control.
  • Use In A Sentence: What is Tim’s problem this morning? He has been running around like a blue arsed fly since he walked in that door.

27. …In Blue Blazes?

  • Meaning: used as a question to express confusion (or frustration) over something. Usually used with who, how, what, where, when, or why.
  • Use In A Sentence: Why in blue blazes did she leave these books on my desk? I told her they needed to be returned to the library this morning.

28. Hoist The Blue Peter

  • Meaning: to prepare to leave for something; to depart.
  • Use In A Sentence: What time are you going to hoist the blue peter? I think we are going to leave for the Bahamas at 5:00 am.

29. To Talk A Blue Streak

  • Meaning: to speak very quickly. Usually used to describe a person that speaks a lot and talks very rapidly.
  • Use In A Sentence: I didn’t understand a thing from his speech. He talks a blue streak and it was hard to follow his line of reasoning.

In conclusion, blue idioms provide a unique and powerful tool for expressing a range of emotions and experiences.

They offer a creative way of communicating complex ideas and feelings and remind us of the beauty and significance of the color blue in our lives.

From the positive associations of calmness and tranquility to the negative connotations of sadness and melancholy, these idioms offer a fascinating insight into the ways in which our language is shaped by our experiences and culture.

By mastering the art of using blue idioms, we can not only improve our language skills but also gain valuable insights into human behavior and interaction, and ultimately, increase our appreciation for the rich tapestry of our world.

There you have it! 29 Blue Idioms! Did we miss one? Please share your thoughts in the comments below.



Blue idioms are relatively common in English and, as is often the case with idioms, they usually have nothing to do with the colour blue.

Although idioms are fun to use and can really make you appear more fluent, you have to be careful. Please be aware of the problems of using idioms incorrectly. This post will help you to understand the pitfalls.

There is also a video for those of you who prefer to watch content.

Let’s look at some blue idioms in detail.

Once in a blue moon

Rarely, hardly ever.

Apparently, there is a rare set of conditions that will result in the moon appearing to have a blue shade.

Example: “Since he’s been at university, I only see my son once in a blue moon – usually when he needs money.”

Out of the blue

Very unexpected.

In this case, the ‘blue’ in the idiom is the sky. If you imagine a clear blue sky and then suddenly, out of nowhere, a storm blows up, this is the basis of this idiom.

Example: “The chairman’s resignation came out of the blue – completely unexpected.”

A bolt from the blue

Sudden and unexpected.

Similar to the previous idiom, the ‘blue’ is the sky. The bolt from the blue is unexpected lightning frim a clear blue sky.

Example: “The chairman’s resignation was a bolt from the blue – completely unexpected.”

Feeling blue

Sad or depressed.

This association is often used in modern songs, although it goes back a lot longer than modern music.

Example: “He has been feeling blue ever since his girlfriend left him.”

Blue blooded

Related to royalty or nobility.

This expression comes from the fact that high-born people didn’t have to work outdoors. People who worked outdoors got suntanned skin and people who didn’t had fairer skin. If the skin was pale enough, you could see the blood vessels underneath, which looked blue, rather than red.

Example: “She thinks she’s better than everyone else because she has blue blood in her veins.”

Boys in blue

blue idioms - boys in blue - business english success

The (British) police.

This is an easy one to understand, as the British police have blue uniforms. This expression is one of the more friendly ones in use to describe the police force. As you can see from the photo, other police forces around the world also have blue uniforms.

Example: “The boys in blue successfully captured the robbers.”

Black and blue

Badly bruised.

After a severe beating, the bruising will appear as dark blotches on the skin, looking black and blue.

Example: “He was black and blue after losing the boxing match.”

Blue in the face

Pale from exhaustion or strain.

Example: “I’ve explained it to my boss until I was blue in the face but he still doesn’t understand the situation!!”

Blue collar worker

blue idioms - blue collar worker - business english success

© CEphoto, Uwe Aranas

Manual worker.

This is a rarity, as the blue in this idiom does indeed refer to the colour blue. Whereas office workers usually wear a suit and tie (and are called white collar workers), manual workers tend to wear blue overalls and are referred to as blue collar workers.

Example: “Blue collar workers are on strike for better working conditions.”

Blue-eyed boy

Favourite one.

You can use this expression in two separate ways, one positive and the other cynically and sarcastically.

In the positive sense, it is used to indicate that someone is a current favourite in certain circles.

In a negative case, it can be used to pour scorn on someone for apparent receipt of benefits and favours.

Positive Example: “After winning the competition, he quickly became the blue-eyed boy of the race circuit.”

Negative Example: “You got another pay rise? Aren’t you the bosses’ blue-eyed boy ^^”

Blue Idioms Summary

As you can see, there is a diverse variety of blue idioms and expressions.

Did I miss any of your favourite blue idioms? Please use the comments to tell me.

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blue — перевод на русский


Code blue, E.T. wing 203.

Синий код, крыло 203.

Alfred will be that pleased to see her that he won’t care whether it’s red or blue.

Альфред так соскучился, что ему будет все равно, красный он, или синий.

Sticky-as-pitch blue stuff.

Липкий, как смола синий материал.

That blue stuff on your boots!

Тот синий грунт на твоих ботинках!

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You might have blue eyes like one of your parents and blonde or ginger hair like the other one.

У вас могут быть голубые глаза, как у одного из родителей, и светлые или рыжие волосы, как у другого.

Your eyes are blue.

ј твои глаза — голубые.

-The blue ones!


Yes, come in and look at my daughter’s beautiful blue eyes.

Входите и посмотрите, какие голубые глазки у моей дочки.

«Are your eyes blue? Are they brown?

«Глаза у вас голубые или карие?

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Blues Nothing to win or to lose

Блюз, ничто не выиграть, ни проиграть.

He brought the blues to Britain.

Он принес блюз в Великобританию.

And… Louis Armstrong’s recording of Potato Head Blues.

И… «Блюз картофельной головы» в записи Луи Армстронга.

Who here at this table can honestly say that they played any finer or felt any better than they did when they were with the Blues Brothers?

Кто за этим столом может сказать, не кривя душой,.. что ему игралось лучше, а на душе было легче, чем тогда,.. когда они были с Братьями Блюз?

— His name is Elwood Blues.

— Его зовут Элвуд Блюз.

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«Bonnie Blue Butler.»

«Бонни Блу Батлер.»

What’s this? — This is the last known address of Bones Malone and Blue Lou Marini.

— Это последний известный адрес… кощея Мэлоуна и Блу Лу Марини.

He opened a restaurant with his old lady on Maxwell Street and he took Blue Lou with him.

Он со своей старухой открыл ресторан на Максвелл стрит… и взял к себе Блу Лу.

We got everybody except Matt ‘Guitar’ Murphy and Blue Lou.

Мы уже собрали всех, кроме «гитары» Мэтта Мерфи и Блу Лу.

We need you and Blue Lou.

Нам нужен ты и Блу Лу.

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Are your lines through to ‘Red’ and ‘Blue’?

У вас есть связь с «Ред» и «Блю»?

Gafna Blue, this is Petach Red. Do you read me?

Гафна Блю, Гафна Блю, это Петах Рэд.

Gafna Blue, this is Petach Red,

Гафна Блю, это Петах Рэд.

Blue Jay Four, this is Blackjack.

Блю Джей Четыре, это Блекджек.

Blackjack, this is Blue Jay Four.

Блекджек, это Блю Джей Четыре.

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You could do closeup or you could look wide-angled. And sure now you would see something different you haven’t seen before — a new green, a new blue, a new sun light, a new shape, it was all there and were possible

» конечно, тогда вы бы могли видеть нечто отличающеес€ от всего видимого ранее — нова€ зелень, нова€ синева, новый солнечный свет, новые формы, и это всЄ одновременно и всЄ это было возможно.

The skies are blue again.

И в небесах опять синева.

How blue is the sea, how big can be the skies!

До чего глубока синева моря, как необъятно небо!

The blue sky

Синева небес

And blue as the sky.

И синева — как в небесах!

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It’s serious, when the skies are blue above our industries.

В данном случае чистое небо — большая трагедия.

Good-bye, blue sky

Небо, прощай!

— That’s a new one. — Blue sky on Mars.

— Это новое небо на Марсе.

And the blue sky

И темное небо.

Blue sky! Let us chase it!

— Смотри, там чистое небо!

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I’m so lonely and blue.

Мне так грустно и одиноко.

Little me is feeling mighty blue tonight, Jeff.

Мне сегодня так грустно, Джефф.

What if I’ve been blue

Если мне грустно

I’ve been blue

Если мне грустно

I’ll come up and visit you. I’ll get m y brother’s car, or you can call me when you feel blue, or I’ll call you.

Попрошу машину у своего брата Фредди или ты мне позвонишь, когда будет грустно.

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You better find that stick before they do, ’cause they’re going to turn blue.

И лучше тебе найти эту палку раньше них, потому что если палка посинеет.

Sure, they’re scorched… but there’s plenty left to turn blue… and show where that little boy’s blood was.

Да, обгорели… Но на них осталось достаточно того, что посинеет… И покажет, куда брызнула кровь маленького мальчика.

-It won’t be blue.

-Она не посинеет.

It won’t be blue.

Она не посинеет.

My little finger, it’s all black and blue.

Мой пальчик, он весь опух и посинел.

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I thought Blue Squadron was on alert.

молифа оти г лпке лоияа бяисйотам се епижукайг.

Even Blue Squadron pilots get a furlon once in a while.

айола йаи ои пикотои тгс лпке лоияас нейоуяафомтаи лиа сто тосо.

Launch Blue Squadron to intercept.

ма стакхеи г лпке лоияа циа амаваитисг.

Blue Leader to Galactica, this is no probe!

лпке аявгцос пяос цйакайтийа, ауто дем еимаи еяеумгтийо овгла!

(Tigh) ‘Blue and Red Squadrons cleared for starboard landing bay.’

г лпке йаи г йоййимг лоияа ма пяосцеиыхоум.

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