Phrases with the word artistic

As Gil begins to idealize the beautiful city for its culture and history, he literally spends his nights in the 1920s, among his artistic idols — and certainly the idols of Woody Allen — only to return to the present in the morning with different insights on his own life and work.


A need exists, one might say a vast and burning need exists, for artistic works that honestly and accurately reflect contemporary American life, including its most intimate and painful secrets.


A series of conversations with artists focusing on how historical objects can inspire contemporary artistic practice.


Through the flamboyant costumes of his multiple artistic personae, we catch a glimpse of self-revelation, a command of cultural and art-world mythology, as well as a gentle reflection on the human condition.


The painting, considered a key example of Wood’s artistic development in the late 1920s, had been on long-term loan to the gallery from a private collection since 2009.


Although haunted by the fear of fakery, of artistic fancy dress, he simply can not express his «here and now» in the terms of his own era; he knows himself to be one untimely born.


Oh and one more cute thing from the party, my Mother-in-Law, with the help of her artistic sister, made this Thomas veggie train with a cardboard Thomas they made «from scratch» and long baskets (I’ve seen these at Dollar Tree, like MIL, like DIL!)


There, she met Franz Kline and Willem De Kooning, who initiated her to variations of abstract expressionism and participated in the effervescence of New York artistic life.


The museum’s annoying and ever present politically correct position works in its favor in this ambitious show given what they’re trying to do in revealing every aspect of American artistic production on every level.


Curators and critics struggled to define the essence of this artistic production, coining terms such as Post-painterly, Lyrical Abstraction, Color Field, Hard-Edge, Minimalist and Systems.


Mats Stjernstedt, pavilion curator and incoming director of Sweden’s Malmö Konsthall, described the shared enterprise as a «mapping of connections that override national and regional boundaries, and instead track a more multi-faceted view of how artistic practice may connect.»


Of these concepts, time and memory have become most central to his artistic practice, manifesting themselves as digital avatars and virtual reconstructions of environment.


To fashion a relevant interpretation for modern audiences, there must be a healthy respect and understanding of the author’s original intent and a cast and crew capable of creating their own artistic stamp.


Mauri came of age in the context of Fascist Italy, and his relentless effort to bridge that experience to the philosophical and artistic movements of his time is unparalleled.


Combined with the art courses, it was enough to stir the artistic flame in the young artist and after a year in Florida, he transferred to the Boston University School of Fine and Applied Arts, earning his BFA in 1961.


Enwezor was recently appointed artistic director of the 56th Venice Biennale (2015), and is director of the Haus der Kunst museum in Munich and a member of the 2014 Aimia AGO Photography Prize jury.


«Mystical experiences can lead to creative thoughts and artistic development,» he says.


By doing so you can take advantage of the eclectic global textiles that are a mainstay of this artistic and visual style without feeling like you’re living inside of a rainbow.


They are creatively transformative and are backed by three decades of sustained and important artistic practice.


It is the measure of Guston’s large, complex, and still emerging artistic ambition that he did not settle for those rewards and the comfortable life as an academic painter they more or less guaranteed.


It has established itself as a pioneering arts organisation in the artistic environment in the UK and beyond.


GIL LEUNG and JAMIE STEVENS attempt to unpick an artistic vernacular present within — and particular to — the ecology of the London art world.


That it was a fall-back plan of sorts, and never prepared as such, is somewhat shocking considering the artistic merit it exhibits, but such is the essence of filmmaking, cooking imagery on the fly and tapping into the hidden truths that trimmed production fat can reveal.


What he offered to those who were willing to look and to listen was the splendor of artistic possibility.


Hostel Colón is located in the in the historical, cultural and artistic centre of Antequera in Málaga, close to the best restaurants and bars.


The setting of Fitzgerald’s novel — the Roaring Twenties, specifically the summer of 1922 in Long Island and Manhattan — appears to be a perfect fit for Luhrmann’s artistic sensibilities, which cry out for opportunities to display exquisite beauty and to showcase an exuberant color palette.


Its artistic director is Franklin Sirmans, department head and curator of contemporary art at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA).


Materials should be relevant to today’s world and represent artistic, historic and literary qualities.


That Veronese was the Ai Weiwei of his time — and the first artist to stand up for artistic freedom (after being hauled before the Inquisition, no less)


The birthplace of some of Europe’s most revered culinary, artistic, and musical traditions — book with us and get the best rates at the finest hotels in Campania, along with VIP upgrades and services.


Extroverted artistic types might consider organizing a public event like an art show or artist discussion series as a way to share the work of emerging artists, support community, and build up their experience in the art world.


Just 3 km out of town, the trail was created to offer visitors a first-hand glimpse into this energic community and allow you to delve straight into the heart of the community’s artistic centre.


This dress has fun, unique and artistic covered.


«I came into my own as an artist when I was in college, so I look forward to learning from and with Barnard students as they are developing their artistic voices.»


Though narratively somewhat conventional, the movie is thematically stirring and an artistic triumph.


• You’re within walking distance to cafes, restaurants, antique stores and supermarkets • Enjoy some peace at the outdoor marble paved courtyard with covered pergola • Beautiful period-style furniture, some crafted by the artistic owner


Just touching the subtly imperfect oval shape of the earthenware ceramic bowl reveals its handmade, artistic quality.


Better known as one of the leading gallerists of the twentieth century, showing artists such as Mark Rothko, Jackson Pollock and Barnett Newman, Betty Parsons (who showed Sterne at her gallery in 1943) was also an abstract painter and sculptor who maintained a rigorous artistic practice.


His work is known by its great artistic freedom as he uses unquestionable technical skills as well as a thorough carefulness while acting out a respectful disrespect for the various stylistic traditions and conventions of traditional painting.


«I do think there is an important artistic component in what we do,» he said.


Seed writes: «The works Diebenkorn made during his years in Berkeley reflect his artistic dialogues with Edward Hopper, Northern Expressionism, the work of Bay Area colleagues and the French lineage represented by Cezanne, Matisse and Bonnard.


The Arnhem, Netherlands-based artist is well known for his artistic video productions, photographs, sculptures and installations.


SOLO SHOW is at the same time a solo show and its own deconstruction, which analyses the real meaning of this exhibition format within the context of the contemporary artistic practices and their contradictory relation to the institutional framework as well to the art market strategies.


We are capable of writing university essay concerning any supposable subject, be it scientific, artistic or education-related.


Using colored vinyl, leather, denim, and polyester grounds, she alludes to her own physicality while pondering the nature of artistic production itself.


While Parisian artistic developments influenced his aesthetic, Storrs continued to be drawn to a particularly American subject: the iconic skyscraper.


Our entire community is committed to cultivating each student’s unique talents and passions, providing myriad opportunities for students to discern and realize their individual intellectual, artistic, athletic, social, and spiritual potential.


Additionally, the home features Wi-Fi and is surrounded by manicured tropical gardens attended by the estate’s artistic gardener.


It seemed that dedication to bible study and prayer and good works was acceptable and held up in high esteem, but not dedication and passion towards artistic expression.


«It also focuses on the change in Kusama’s artistic practice when she returned to Japan in the early 1970s.»


artistic — перевод на русский


Artistic temperament, off with the old and on with the new.

Художественный темперамент, с со старыми и новыми.

Artistic Director:

Художественный руководитель:

I think the arrangements are suitable but you have much more artistic appreciation for that sort of thing.

— Я думаю все хорошо обустроено, но у тебя более художественный подход к управлению этим процессом.

The scientific, artistic.

Научный, художественный.

I’m fascinated by his artistic image. Proceed.

Меня очень интересует его художественный образ.

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Mum said I was artistic.

Мама говарила, что я артистичный.

He was the sensitive, artistic type, and a first-time offender.

Он очень чувствительный, артистичный, и сидит в первый раз.

I’m artistic, yeah.

Да, я артистичный.

— He’s creative and artistic

— Он творческий и артистичный.

Artistic and intuitive.

Артистичный и полагающийся на интуицию.

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He manages to convince his boss and mentor Paul Davidson with Union Film to support him in making his artistic dream come true of producting an elaborate film drama.

Ему удается убедить своего руководителя и наставника Пауля Давидсона и «Унион Фильм» поддержать в осуществлении старой творческой мечты— создании полноценной драматической картины.

But if you are brave for a real artistic life for two, come.

Но если у тебя хватит смелости для творческой жизни вдвоём, приходи.

Maybe not so artistic, but it works,

Это, наверное, не так интересно с творческой точки зрения, зато воздействует хорошо.

After years of struggle and disappointment, Wagner’s dreams of artistic freedom must finally have seemed attainable.

После стольких лет борьбы и разочарований мечта Вагнера о творческой свободе, казалось, наконец-то воплощалась.

I was gonna ask you to help me downstairs with something creative and artistic and musical, but that wouldn’t interest you.

Я собирался попросить тебя помочь мне внизу в творческой и музыкальной работе, но тебе это будет не интересно.

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Artistic temperament?

Артистический характер?

Very artistic, I’m afraid.

Боюсь очень артистический.

Ladies and gentlemen, we begin our artistic program.

Начинаем наш артистический вечер.

He always had a very artistic temperament.

У него всегда был очень артистический темперамент.

He had an artistic temperament.

У него был такой, артистический характер.

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And if I mistake not, that beret you are wearing would suit better a man of an artistic calling.

Если я не ошибаюсь, берет, что у Вас на голове явно приличествует человеку из мира искусства. Что Вы делаете?

That’s where an artist takes an ordinary object… and places it in an artistic context… and thus, it becomes art.

Здесь художник берет обычный объект… и помещает его в контекст искусства… и потом это становится искусством.

I’ve known crimes that were artistic, supreme exercises of imagination. But the solving of them, non.

Хотя некоторые преступления были в своём роде произведениями искусства.

The only other prof. I liked was to ‘Artistic commercial’ in the first and fourth.

А еще я обожал учителя искусства в старших классах он меня поддерживал.

It’s artistic with that living creature on it.

Произведение искусства с живым существом.

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My artistic temperament wouldn’t permit it.

Темперамент художника Не позволил бы.

You’ve got an artistic mind.

У вас ум художника.

Dear boy the first principle of artistic survival is to parlay talent, talent, into cash.

Милый мальчик главное условие, определяющее жизнеспособность художника – это ставить свой свой талант, как в игре, против денег.

Call it artistic insight.

Чутье художника.

The problem is artistic freedom in the face of a child’s imagination.

Проблема — в свободе художника в воображении с лицом ребёнка

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Maybe it’s artistic to go to Leo’s concert like that, but is it polite?

Возможно, ты будешь выглядеть, как артист, придя на концерт в таком виде, но будет ли это вежливо?

There’s something artistic in Bloom.

Чувствуется в нем артист.

— He’s ‘artistic’?

— Он артист?

Emotionally artistic?

Эмоциональный артист?

Well, it’s no secret that Sue Sylvester doesn’t believe that an artistic career is a very practical idea.

Не секрет, что Сью Сильвестер не верит, что артист – не самая стабильная профессия.

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Both his personal life and artistic works were closely followed by the general public.

Его творчество, как и личная жизнь привлекали внимание японского общества.

I think you’re just jealous ’cause you don’t have any artistic ambitions.

Тебе завидно, поскольку ты не способен ни на какое творчество

Encourage that artistic ability.

Поощряя это творчество.

No, I’m just here supporting the students I love and their artistic endeavors.

Нет, я здесь, чтобы поддержать любимых учеников и их творчество.

You need to find an artistic outlet.

Тебе просто нужно найти способ выразить своё творчество.

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That item you showed me was so very artistic.

Поверь, ты очень талантлива.

I had almost forgotten how artistic I was.

А я ведь уже почти забыла, насколько была талантлива.

She’s very artistic.

Она очень талантлива.

Let’s just say it’s artistic.

Давай просто скажем, это талантливо.

I’ve seen stains on a chamberpot with more artistic merit!

Я видал ночные горшки, раскрашенные более талантливо!

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What makes her artistic is her blowjob.

Да, это ее артистизм, без шара, кто она?

And here’s her artistic set of marks.

И теперь судьи выставляют оценки за артистизм.

American actors were drafted among stunts, that’s why they’re bad in artistic sense.

Американские актёры научены исполнять трюки, поэтому у них с артистизмом плохо.

Because you’re well known for your artistic temperament and sensitive approach.

Потому что ты известен своей утонченностью и артистизмом.

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Valentina Souetova is Artistic Director from 2012.

Валентина Суетова — художественный руководитель театра с 2012 года.

ARTISTIC LEADER OF THE THEATER «CONTEMPORARY» G. Volchuk: Mr Putin, you know that with the incredible geographical, political, social differences between the two countries, there is much in common in the human genotype, I mean Americans and…

ХУДОЖЕСТВЕННЫЙ РУКОВОДИТЕЛЬ ТЕАТРА «СОВРЕМЕННИК» Г.ВОЛЧЕК: Владимир Владимирович, Вы знаете, что при невероятных географических, политических, социальных различиях между двумя странами, в генотипе человека есть много общего, я имею в виду американцы и…

This competition will be part of the international programme of events named FULL BIKE DAY: THE BICYCLE IN ALL ITS ARTISTIC FORMS, and in other national and international locations.

Этот конкурс станет частью международной программы «День велосипеда: велосипед во всех его художественных формах», а также в других национальных и международных мероприятиях.

I promise it’s for artistic reasons.

И я признаю, что это не только по художественным причинам.

Teaser: On major artistic accomplishments.



This is the way to deal with many contemporary musical, or artistic composition (each person chooses his/her own version of the artistic image, artistic themes).

Architecture can solve artistic problems in combination with other forms of art (painting, sculpture, decorative applied art, artistic design), creating an integrated artistic image.

Архитектура может решать художественные задачи совместно с другими видами искусства (живопись, скульптура, декоративно-прикладное искусство, художественное конструирование), создавая вместе с ними единый художественный образ.

Only the freedom of artistic expression and artistic assembly and organization can be restricted in accordance with the law.

В соответствии с законодательством ограничения могут вводиться лишь в отношении свободы художественного выражения и творческих собраний и организации.

I take up artistic photography a long ago, and as far as artistic — it is difficult to tie to chronology.

The utility model relates to an artistic glass treatment technique, in particular, to mirrors having decoratively artistic images.

Полезная модель относится к технике художественной обработки стекла, в частности, к зеркалам, имеющим декоративно- художественные изображения.

Aside from creating concrete artistic object, the autonomy of art is maintained by the artistic theories that interpret them.

Помимо создания конкретных художественных объектов, автономия искусства обеспечивается художественными теориями, их интерпретирующими.

Vitkovsky emphasizes that his artistic endeavors are not about political or cultural statements, but rather concerned with the artistic process itself.

Витковский подчеркивает, что его художественные устремления не связаны с политическими или культурными заявлениями, а скорее имеют отношение к самому художественному процессу.

His historical prose contains high artistic sense, and his artistic searches always posses civil sense influencing readers.

Его историческая проза имела высокий художественный смысл, а его художественные поиски всегда обладали высоким гражданским смыслом, который влиял на читателей.

These include transferring subsidies for financing cultural institutions, artistic movements and artistic activities of minority groups.

Они включают субсидирование культурных учреждений, творческих движений и творческой деятельности меньшинств.

Secondary artistic education is intended for students with special artistic capabilities, therefore, students undergo special testing of their talent prior to enrolment.

Среднее художественное образование рассчитано на учащихся, наделенных особыми художественными способностями; поэтому до зачисления учащиеся проходят специальное тестирование.

Pushkin depicts life as a process; therefore he uses the artistic techniques that help to embody his idea in specifically artistic forms.

Пушкин изображает жизнь как процесс, поэтому использует такие художественные приемы, которые помогают воплотить это представление в специфически художественных формах.

Many universities have artistic specialties, as well as there are higher schools and specialized schools of artistic orientation.

Во многих университетах есть творческие специальности, а также существуют высшие школы и специализированные школы творческой направленности.

It is notable that in different stages of his artistic career the composer built different concepts of artistic implementation of perpetual natural gyre.

Примечательно, что на разных этапах творческого пути композитор выстраивает различные концепции художественного воплощения вечного природного круговорота.

The main intention of artistic texts is to communicate emotions, artistic images and achieve a specific aesthetic impact.

Тогда как главной задачей художественного текста является передача эмоций, художественных образов и достижение определенного эстетического воздействия.

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художественный, артистический


- артистический

artistic bent — артистические наклонности
artistic temperament — артистический темперамент

- художественный

artistic originality — художественная самобытность
artistic execution — художественное исполнение; исполнительство
artistic merit — художественная ценность; художественность
artistic skill — художественное мастерство

- артистичный; любящий и понимающий искусство

she is very artistic — а) она очень артистична; б) она разбирается в искусстве

- эстетический

artistic principles — эстетические принципы

- мастерской; высокопрофессиональный

artistic handling of a delicate situation — профессиональный подход к решению щекотливого вопроса

Мои примеры


artistic circles — артистическая богема  
extra artistic — не поддающийся выражению художественными средствами  
literary and artistic property right — право на литературную и художественную собственность  

Примеры с переводом

I admire her artistic integrity.

Я восхищаюсь её художественной целостностью.

Both of my children are very artistic.

Оба моих ребёнка очень артистичны.

He shows real artistic talent.

Он демонстрирует настоящий артистический талант.

This painting lacks any artistic value.

У этой картины отсутствует какая-либо художественная ценность.

Dance is a form of artistic expression.

Танец — это форма творческого самовыражения.

Lydia has a strong artistic bias.

У Лидии — сильная тяга /склонность/ к искусству.

She is involved in several artistic endeavors.

Она принимает участие в нескольких художественных начинаниях.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

John is very artistic.

Cubism, Impressionism, and other artistic isms.

His paintings commend him to the artistic world

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

inartistic  — нехудожественный, лишенный художественного вкуса
art  — искусство, мастерство, художественный, статья, искусственный
artist  — художник, артист, мастер своего дела, эстрадный артист
artistical  — художественный, артистический
artistically  — мастерски, со вкусом, с художественной точки зрения, артистически
unartistic  — лишенный художественного вкуса, нехудожественный

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Japan has evolved highly complex and artistic forms of rope bondage called»shibari».

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В Японии возник крайне сложный и артистичный вид бондажа с помощью веревок, называемый» шибари».

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He called the structure he created»an artistic hotel», a sui generis kind of open platform.

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Созданную структуру он называл« отелем искусств», своеобразной открытой площадкой для театралов.

In 1979, he entered the Tyumen Art School, Artistic Department.


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В 1979 году

поступил на художественное отделение Тюменского училища искусств.


Florensky and the artistic figurative system of early prose of S.N.


But from this day forward, I want you to think like an artistic gymnast.

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Но с сегодняшнего дня, я хочу чтобы ты думала как артистичный гимнаст.

Artistic grants are mainly awarded to bodies encouraging the development of artistic creation.


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Между тем средства на искусство выделяются главным образом тем органам, которые содействует развитию творчества.


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Abstractly artistic, and you get the idea.

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After a while, we got rid of perforation- it looked too»artistic.


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Через какое-то время от перфорации отказались: слишком» художественно.


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He also created lively, artistic colorful characters.

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Charming, diplomatic, artistic, objective and impartial, a Libra is always ready to cooperate.


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Очаровательные, дипломатичные, артистичные, объективные и беспристрастные Весы всегда готовы к сотрудничеству.


And most importantly- to schedule at least artistic leap into the water.

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И главное- запланировать не менее артистичный прыжок в воду.

Talented, artistic children from 5 to 13 years old take part in the program.


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В программе принимают участие талантливые, артистичные дети в возрасте от 5 до 13 лет.


An artistic and graceful attachment, perhaps a little fanciful.

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Артистичная и грациозная привязанность, возможно, немного капризная.

I’m happy to see you have taken up my challenge to become an artistic gymnast.

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Я рад, что ты приняла мой вызов стать артистичной гимнасткой.

I guess you could say we broke up because of artistic differences.

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Я думаю, можно сказать, что мы расстались… из-за разных взглядов на искусство.

The artistic possibilities village youth It is known the entire population.


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Артистичные возможности катырыкской молодежи известны всему поселению.


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Since preschool years the girl liked to dance, read verses,


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Еще с дошкольных лет девочка любила танцевать, читать стихи,


Maeterlinck in Petrograd literary and artistic club cafe»Halt comedians,» 1916.


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Метерлинка в петроградском литературно- артистическом клубе- кафе» Привал комедиантов», 1916.


The upkeep is artistic too, Mrs. Giurgiu.

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It’s some kind of artistic labor, like the laboratory that you can see here.


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Это такая творческая работа, как лаборатория, которую вы видите у нас в магазине.


  • 1

    1) артисти́ческий

    2) худо́жественный

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > artistic

  • 2

    Персональный Сократ > artistic

  • 3

    1. a артистический

    2. a художественный

    3. a артистичный; любящий и понимающий искусство

    4. a эстетический

    5. a мастерской; высокопрофессиональный

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. adept (adj.) adept; adroit; skillful

    2. aesthetic (adj.) aesthetic; beautiful; creative; cultured; decorative; lovely; musical; patterned; poetic; refined

    3. attractive (adj.) attractive; handsome

    4. describing art (adj.) abstract; cubist; describing art; functional; futurist; modernist; organic; representational; surrealist

    5. elegant (adj.) elegant; exquisite; magnificent

    6. talented (adj.) discriminating; graceful; imaginative; pleasing; sublime; talented; tasteful; well-executed

    Антонимический ряд:

    coarse; inept; tasteless; ugly

    English-Russian base dictionary > artistic

  • 4


    1. 1) артистический

    2) художественный

    3) артистичный; любящий и понимающий искусство

    she is very artistic — а) она очень артистична; б) она разбирается в искусстве

    4) эстетический

    2. мастерской; высокопрофессиональный

    artistic handling of a delicate situation — профессиональный подход к решению щекотливого вопроса

    НБАРС > artistic

  • 5

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > artistic

  • 6

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > artistic

  • 7


    artistic артистический artistic художественный

    English-Russian short dictionary > artistic

  • 8

    Англо-русский технический словарь > artistic

  • 9



    4) искусный; высокопрофессиональный

    Англо-русский современный словарь > artistic

  • 10

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > artistic

  • 11

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > artistic(al)

  • 12

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > artistic

  • 13




    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > artistic

  • 14


    1) артистический

    2) художественный


    aesthetic, artificial, arty, harmonious, mannered, precious, stylized, tasteful


    displeasing, distasteful, gaudy, inartistic, shoddy, tasteless, anaesthetic

    * * *

    (a) артистический; художественный

    * * *

    * * *

    [ar·tis·tic || ɑː’tɪstɪk(l)]
    артистический, художественный

    * * *






    * * *

    1) артистический
    2) художественный

    Новый англо-русский словарь > artistic

  • 15

    English-Russian media dictionary > artistic

  • 16

    художественный; артистический; артистичный

    English-Russian dictionary of technical terms > artistic

  • 17

    The Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary. > artistic

  • 18






    English-Russian smart dictionary > artistic

  • 19

    English-Russian scientific dictionary > artistic

  • 20

    художественный, имитация художественных эффектов

    Adobe Photoshop terms > Artistic


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • artistic — artistic, aesthetic are often understood as equivalent terms, especially when used in such collocations as the artistic or aesthetic temperament; artistic or aesthetic satisfaction; artistic or aesthetic standards or values; for artistic or… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • artistic — ARTÍSTIC, Ă, artistici, ce, adj. Care aparţine artei, privitor la artă, din domeniul artei. ♦ (Adesea adverbial) Executat cu artă, cu talent. – Din fr. artistique. Trimis de cata, 05.03.2004. Sursa: DEX 98  ARTÍSTIC adj. 1. v. literar. 2.… …   Dicționar Român

  • artistic — ► ADJECTIVE 1) having or revealing creative skill. 2) relating to or characteristic of art or artists: an artistic temperament. 3) aesthetically pleasing: artistic designs. DERIVATIVES artistically adverb …   English terms dictionary

  • artistic — [adj1] beautiful, satisfying to senses aesthetic, creative, cultivated, cultured, decorative, dramatic, elegant, exquisite, fine, graceful, grand, harmonious, ideal, imaginative, musical, ornamental, pictorial, picturesque, pleasing, poetic,… …   New thesaurus

  • Artistic — Ar*tis tic, Artistical Ar*tis tic*al, a. [Cf. F. artistique, fr. artiste.] Of or pertaining to art or to artists; made in the manner of an artist; conformable to art; characterized by art; showing taste or skill. {Ar*tis tic*al*ly}, adv. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • artistic — index aesthetic, artful, subtle (refined) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • artistic — англ. [ати/стик] artistico ит. [арти/стико] artistique фр. [артисти/к] художественный, артистический см. также artist …   Словарь иностранных музыкальных терминов

  • artistic — (adj.) 1753, from Fr. artistique, from artiste (see ARTIST (Cf. artist)). Native artist like was recorded from 1711; artistly from 1754; artistical from 1801. Related: Artistically …   Etymology dictionary

  • artistic — [är tis′tik] adj. [Fr artistique] 1. of art or artists 2. done skillfully and tastefully; aesthetically satisfying 3. keenly sensitive to aesthetic values artistically adv …   English World dictionary

  • artistic — artistically, adv. /ahr tis tik/, adj. 1. conforming to the standards of art; satisfying aesthetic requirements: artistic productions. 2. showing skill or excellence in execution: artistic workmanship. 3. exhibiting taste, discriminating judgment …   Universalium

  • artistic — ar|tis|tic [ ar tıstık ] adjective ** 1. ) relating to any form of art, including painting, music, literature, acting, and dancing: cultural and artistic activities a dazzling display of artistic talent a director s high artistic standards a )… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

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