Phrases with the word arms

Ending the Financial Arms Race
Окончание «гонки вооружений» в сфере финансов

Arms sales talks immediately resumed.
Две страны немедленно возобновили переговоры о поставках оружия.

John sat with arms crossed.
Джон сидел со скрещенными руками.

Is Nuclear Arms Control Dead?
Контроль ядерных вооружений мертв?

Century Arms’ business model is to import Soviet-era weapons and then resell those weapons to both American and overseas buyers.
Модель деловой деятельности Century Arms предусматривает импорт оружия советского образца с последующей его перепродажей американским и зарубежным покупателям.

Poor Cathy’s upper arms.
Бедненькое плечо Кэти.

Unless you are in an isolated light infantry squad far from support of other arms.
Это если вы не в составе легкого пехотного отделения, которое ведет бой в отрыве от главных сил и не может полагаться на поддержку других родов войск.

Soft arms now, floating in the breeze.
Мягкие ручки, мы как легкий ветерок.

It’s my family’s coat of arms.
Это мой фамильный герб.

We, too, must be ready to roll up our sleeves, link arms and finish the great task we began five short years ago in Copenhagen.
Мы также должны быть готовы засучить рукава, взяться за руки и завершить большое дело, которые мы начали пять недолгих лет назад в Копенгагене.

Arms control depends on transparency.
Контроль над вооружениями опирается на прозрачность.

A Farewell to Nuclear Arms
Прощай, ядерное оружие

Slim, hairless, married ladies’ arms?
Слабые, безволосые, замужние женские руки?

It exploded an arms race.
Началась гонка вооружений.

As Thomas Schelling summed this strategy up in his Arms and Influence, massive retaliation was «a doctrine in decline from its enunciation.»
Как сказал об этой стратегии ядерный теоретик Томас Шеллинг (Thomas Schelling) в своей книге «Arms and Influence» (Оружие и влияние), массированное возмездие это «доктрина, пришедшая в упадок уже в момент ее провозглашения».

Your upper arms should be relaxed at your sides.
Ваши плечи должны быть расслаблены.

Al-Qaeda’s affiliate in North Africa sees Libya as a “potential arms bazaar,” White House counterterrorism adviser John O. Brennan told reporters Thursday.
«Отделение «Аль-Каиды» в Северной Африке рассматривает Ливию как «потенциальный оружейный базар», — отметил в беседе с журналистами советник Белого дома по борьбе с терроризмом Джон Бреннан (John O. Brennan) в четверг.

She can blow a kiss, uh, flap her arms like a bird.
Она может делать воздушный поцелуй, махать ручками как птичка.

My God, she’s wearing the English coat of arms.
Боже мой, она носит герб Англии.

Reviving Arms Control in Europe
Больше безопасности для всех в Европе – за новый старт контроля за вооружением


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arms — перевод на русский

How do you break a kid’s arm in self-defense?

Как можно сломать руку, защищаясь?

Look at her arm.

Посмотрите на руку.

She safely got close to me and pulled on my arm suddenly.

Она подошла ко мне и взяла за руку.

Um… I just need you to lift up your arm for me.

Поднимите, пожалуйста, руку.

It felt like fire when the young maiden took my arm.»

Дева мне как огнём руку прожгла!»

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The bandits are armed.

Бандиты вооружены.

I have to make certain that you are not armed.

Я должен убедиться, что вы не вооружены.

They are dangerous and armed.

Они вооружены и очень опасны.

— We ain’t armed.

— Мы не вооружены.

Use caution in apprehension as these men are armed and dangerous.

Проявляйте бдительность, эти люди вооружены и опасны.

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Left shoulder, arms!

Оружие, на пле-чо!

Inspection arms.

Оружие — проверить!

Watch me. Port arms.

Оружие — зарядить.

Inspection arms.

Оружие — проверить.

Very good. Port arms!

Оружие — зарядить.

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And then you’ll go to sleep in my arms.

И ты уснешь в моих объятиях.

I knew yesterday in the park, when I was dancing in your arms…

Когда я вчера танцевала в парке в твоих объятиях, я поняла,

I know he thought he’d find me in Armand’s arms.

Он думал, что я в объятиях Армана.

I held you in my arms.

Ниночка, я держал тебя в объятиях.

I want to lie in your arms Darling, as long as you love me so

Я хочу остаться в твоих объятиях, пока ты меня любишь!

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My beautiful… if I could take you in my arms, if I could only touch you…

Моя прелесть… если б я только мог обнять тебя, если б я только мог прикоснуться к тебе…

I’d like to take you in my arms and not let anything happen to you, ever.

Я хотел бы вас обнять и защитить от всех.

Throw my arms round M Lepic?

Обнять г-на Лепика?

— Can you put your arms around my neck?

-Можете обнять меня за шею?

Supposing you were going to take a girl in your arms. Uh-huh. Now you hold her tenderly… gently.

Если вы хотите обнять девушку, вы должны это сделать нежно, красиво…

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— Because I went by the city center — and Cal had his arm around him.

Потому что я проходил мимо центра, а Кэл его там обнимал.

He’d put his arm around me, just kind of lazy, like.

Он обнимал меня… так вальяжно.

I wondered if he’s taken you in his arms. The way I want to.

Мне интересно, обнимал ли он тебя так, как это хочу сделать я.

He held me in his arms.

Он меня обнимал.

My friends told me he was at the track last night with his arm around a cheap blonde.

Мне друзья сказали что он вчера был на бегах и обнимал дешевую блондинку.

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Oh, Pierre, hold me in your arms always.

Держи меня всегда в своих объятьях!

You’re all my lucky charms I’m lucky in your arms

Ты — стала талисманом моим Я счастлива в объятьях твоих

If God allows, in a few days you’ll be in your father’s arms.

Даст Бог, через несколько дней вы будете в объятьях вашего отца.

If I were in his arms

В объятьях его.

The poet crushed me in his arms, but alas, nature betrayed him and forced him to end his animal attempt with kind and tender words.

Поэт измял меня в своих объятьях, но увы, предательская природа заставила его закончить милыми, нежными фразами эту прекрасную попытку.

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Right shoulder arms.

Оружие, на плечо!

Left shoulder arms.

На плечо!

Right shoulder arms.

Оружие — на плечо.

Right shoulder arms!

Оружие, на плечо!

A-slope arms!

Щётки на плечо!

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As he comes toward you, you rush into his arms and he seizes you in a tight embrace.

Он входит в сад, и ты бросаешься в его объятья простецки грубые, жадные.


«Медленно он сгреб ее в объятья и осыпал горячими, обжигающими поцелуями-»

Oh, we walk together and talk together; and just before we say good-bye, he takes me in his arms… and then…

О, мы гуляли с ним, разговаривали… и прежде чем расстаться, он… заключил меня в объятья… и потом

If you see a ghost, leap into my arms.

Ирэна, прошу вас, если вы увидите призрак, бросайтесь в мои объятья.

Albertine threw herself in his arms in tears.

Альбертина со слезами бросилась к нему в объятья.

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Sir, we could arm the villagers with bamboo spears.

Учитель, крестьян можно вооружить бамбуковыми копьями.

All reliable citizens to be armed at once!

Всех надежных граждан немедленно вооружить!

There’s a strong case for arming the police. We’re not all masochists.

Вот почему необходимо вооружить полицию Мы же не мазохисты

We’ll be able to arm everybody!

Мы сможем вооружить всех!

Gentlemen, there is a rumour on Delta Magna that the Sons of Earth are planning to arm the Swampies.

Господа, на Дельте Магна ходит слух, что Сыновья Земли планируют вооружить Болотников.

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Отправить комментарий

оружие, герб, доспехи, военные действия, война, род войск, военная профессия


- герб, геральдический знак
- оружие; вооружение
- под ружьем; в боевой готовности
- военные действия; война
- военная служба

Мои примеры


a man with long, wiry arms — мужчина с длинными, жилистыми руками  
the deceleration of the arms race — замедление гонки вооружений  
a halt in the arms race — прекращение гонки вооружений  
two coats of arms borne quarterly — два герба в расположенных по диагонали полях геральдического щита  
to call smb. to arms — призвать к оружию, призвать под знамёна  
arms dealer — торговец оружием  
arms expenditure — расходы на вооружение  
to flap with the arms — всплеснуть руками  
to fling one’s arms up — всплеснуть руками  
long legs / arms / fingernails — длинные ноги, руки, ногти  
to open out one’s arms — раскрывать объятия  
arms reduction — сокращение вооружений  

Примеры с переводом

Arms! / To arms!

К оружию!

Present arms!

На караул! (команда)

He spread his arms wide.

Он широко раскинул руки.

Her arms were flailing.

Она размахивала /молотила/ руками.

I held the baby in my arms.

Я держал малыша на руках.

All available forces are under arms.

Все имеющиеся силы поставлены под ружьё.

Port arms!

на грудь!

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The hair on her arms is blond.

He was waving his arms wildly.

Isabel was pliant in his arms.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

arm  — рука, рычаг, рукав, рукоятка, ветвь, вооружиться, вооружать, вооружаться
armed  — вооруженный, укрепленный
armful  — охапка, большое количество
arming  — вооружение, боевое снаряжение
armless  — безрукий, безоружный, не имеющий ветвей

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  • 1

    ARMS, ADPE resources management system


    ARMS, ADPE reutilization management system

    система организации повторного использования аппаратуры автоматической обработки данных


    ARMS, aerial radiological measuring system


    ARMS, aircraft reliability and maintainability simulation


    ARMS, aircraft resources management system


    ARMS, AMDF reader microfilm system

    система считывания данных с микрофильмов главной информационной картотеки СВ


    ARMS, ammunition reporting management system


    ARMS, Army readiness measurement system


    ARMS, Army river mine system


    ARMS, automated range management system


    ARMS, automatic radiation monitoring system


    ARMS, automatic receiving and measuring system


    ARMS, automatic remote manned system

    English-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > ARMS

  • 2

    arms! к оружию!

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > arms

  • 3

    n pl

    1) оружие, вооружение

    2) военные действия; война



    предмет, используемый в качестве оружия

    English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > arms

  • 4


    1) оружие; вооружение

    Arms! / To arms! — К оружию!

    Around one million men in and around this city carry arms. — Около миллиона человек в этом городе и его округе вооружены.

    — arms reduction
    — stand of arms
    — shoulder arms
    — order arms
    — brother in arms
    — comrade in arms
    — sister in arms

    2) под ружьём; в боевой готовности



    а) военные действия; война


    It is God’s will, and also the will of your father, whom, under God, it is your duty to obey, that you should leave us to take up the profession of arms. (W. Scott, The Waverly Novels) — По воле Божьей, а также по воле твоего отца, которому после Бога ты должен во всём повиноваться, тебе придётся оставить нас и поступить на военную службу.

    — in arms

    4) герб, геральдический знак

    — King of Arms


    — take up arms
    — take arms
    — lay down one’s arms
    — lay down arms
    — turn one’s arms against smb.

    Англо-русский современный словарь > arms

  • 5



    By arms, we understand those instruments of offence generally made use of in war; such as firearms, swords, etc By weapons, we more particularly mean instruments of other kinds (exclusive of fire-arms), made use of as offensive on special occasions. — Под оружием мы понимаем предметы, используемые для нанесения вреда во время войны: пистолеты, мечи и т. д. Под оружиями же мы понимаем предметы другого типа, используемые для нанесения вреда в других случаях (исключая здесь огнестрельное оружие).

    This sword was an extraordinarily well-balanced arm, and highly effective. — Этот меч был удивительно хорошо уравновешен и представлял собой очень серьезное оружие

    — iron arms steel
    — fire arms
    — arms cut
    — arms race
    — man-in-arms
    — stand of arms
    — assault of at arms
    — in arms
    — arms!
    — carry arms
    — take up arms
    — call to arms
    — lay down arms
    — turn one’s arms against smb

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > arms

  • 6

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > arms

  • 7

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > arms

  • 8

    battlefield nuclear arms воен. тактическое ядерное оружие carry arms носить оружие municipal arms герб города service in arms служба в вооруженных силах strategic arms стратегические вооружения tactical arms тактическое оружие theatre nuclear arms ядерное оружие поля боя town arms герб города

    English-Russian short dictionary > arms

  • 9

    вооружать; вооружение

    Синонимический ряд:

    2. arm (noun) arm; firearm; gun; implement of war; pistol; revolver; rifle; rod; weapon

    5. inlets (noun) bayous; bays; bights; coves; firths; gulfs; harbors; inlets; sloughs

    7. furnishes (verb) accouters; appoints; equips; fits out; furnishes; gears; outfits; rigs; turns out

    English-Russian base dictionary > arms

  • 10

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > arms

  • 11

    1. система зонного радиологического контроля
    2. система зонного радиационного контроля
    3. радиологические измерения и обследование воздуха

    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > ARMS

  • 12

    2000 самых употребительных английских слов > arms

  • 13

    arm’s руки

    arms вооружать вооружение)рука

    Персональный Сократ > arms

  • 14

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > ARMS

  • 15

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > Arms!

  • 16

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > arms

  • 17

    Англо-русский технический словарь > arms

  • 18


    ежегодный симпозиум по надёжности и ремонтопригодности

    * * *

    Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > ARMS

  • 19

    Англо-русский толковый словарь генетических терминов > arms

  • 20

    amboreceptor-mediator system

    амборецепторно-медиаторная система

    Англо-русский словарь по иммунологии > ARMS


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  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • Arms — Originaltitel プロジェクトアームズ Transkription Project Arms …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • ARMS — Project ARMS プロジェクトアームズ (purojekuto āmuzu) Type Shōnen Genre Aventure, science fiction, surnaturel Manga Auteur Kyoichi Nanatsuki Ryōji Minagawa Éditeur …   Wikipédia en Français

  • arms — [ armz ] noun plural ** weapons, for example guns or bombs: countries that sell arms to terrorists The British police do not usually carry arms. the international arms trade lay down (your) arms to agree to stop fighting: The President appealed… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • Arms — Arms, n. pl. [OE. armes, F. arme, pl. armes, fr. L. arma, pl., arms, orig. fittings, akin to armus shoulder, and E. arm. See {Arm}, n.] 1. Instruments or weapons of offense or defense. [1913 Webster] He lays down his arms, but not his wiles.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Arms — Тип югэн гайся …   Википедия

  • ARMS — Год основания 1996 Расположение Накано, Токио (Япония) Ключевые фигуры Shimizu Osamu (яп. 清水修) …   Википедия

  • arms — ► PLURAL NOUN 1) guns and other weapons. 2) emblems originally displayed on the shields of knights to distinguish them in battle, surviving today as coats of arms. ● a call to arms Cf. ↑a call to arms ● up in arms Cf. ↑up in arms …   English terms dictionary

  • arms — arms; arms·eye; …   English syllables

  • arms — [n1] weaponry accoutrements, armaments, artillery, equipment, firearms, guns, munitions, ordnance, panoply, weapons; concept 500 arms [n2] family crest blazonry, coat, emblazonry, emblem, ensign, escutcheon, heraldry, insignia, shield, signet;… …   New thesaurus

  • arms — arms. См. плечи. (Источник: «Англо русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд во ВНИРО, 1995 г.) …   Молекулярная биология и генетика. Толковый словарь.

  • arms — index ammunition, gun, weapons Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

Once I was arrested by the distant voice of Montgomery bawling, «Coo-ee—Moreau!» My arm became less painful, but very hot.

«Go back in,» he said, taking my arm. «They’re mad.

«Do you hear, Rosa?» said Gryphus, «the prisoner is going to set my arm, that’s a saving; come, assist me to get up, I feel as heavy as lead.»

Rosa lent the sufferer her shoulder; he put his unhurt arm around her neck, and making an effort, got on his legs, whilst Cornelius, to save him a walk, pushed a chair towards him.

Genevieve saw her lover’s arms drop to his sides as his body lifted, went backward, and fell limply to the floor.

He knew only the blind desire to destroy, shook Joe in the clinches as a terrier might a rat, strained and struggled for freedom of body and arms, and all the while Joe calmly clutched and held on.

After them came twenty-seven sumpter horses carrying tent-poles, cloth, spare arms, spurs, wedges, cooking kettles, horse-shoes, bags of nails and the hundred other things which experience had shown to be needful in a harried and hostile country.

He bore no arms save the long and heavy sword which hung at his saddle-bow; but Terlake carried in front of him the high wivern-crested bassinet, Ford the heavy ash spear with swallow-tail pennon, while Alleyne was entrusted with the emblazoned shield.

Suddenly I came to myself and, with that strange instinct which seems ever to prompt me to my duty, I seized the cudgel, which had fallen to the floor at the commencement of the battle, and swinging it with all the power of my earthly arms I crashed it full upon the head of the ape, crushing his skull as though it had been an eggshell.

It is true I held the cudgel, but what could I do with it against his four great arms? Even should I break one of them with my first blow, for I figured that he would attempt to ward off the cudgel, he could reach out and annihilate me with the others before I could recover for a second attack.

He had seen, on the streets, with persons of her class, that the women took the men’s arms. But then, again, he had seen them when they didn’t; and he wondered if it was only in the evening that arms were taken, or only between husbands and wives and relatives.

His puissance, trusting in th’ Almightie’s aide, I mean to try, whose Reason I have tri’d Unsound and false; nor is it aught but just, That he who in debate of Truth hath won, Should win in Arms, in both disputes alike Victor; though brutish that contest and foule, When Reason hath to deal with force, yet so Most reason is that Reason overcome.

And if it be urged that whoever is armed will act in the same way, whether mercenary or not, I reply that when arms have to be resorted to, either by a prince or a republic, then the prince ought to go in person and perform the duty of a captain; the republic has to send its citizens, and when one is sent who does not turn out satisfactorily, it ought to recall him, and when one is worthy, to hold him by the laws so that he does not leave the command.

In some governments the power is vested not only in those who bear arms, but also in those who have borne them.

The gentleman grasped her firmly by the shoulders, and being so fully occupied with holding her back, he was unable to put a hand to his veil which was falling off, as it did at length entirely, and Dorothea, who was holding the lady in her arms, raising her eyes saw that he who likewise held her was her husband, Don Fernando.

Pursuing my lonely way down the valley, I turned again and again to gaze on the glorious picture, throwing up my arms to inclose it as in a frame.

Mymother« He took her arm, winding her in and out among crowdedout chairs behind the dais.

But through these centuries of change, the Church of God has risen stronger, more powerful year by year; stretching its arm out to the uttermost parts of the earth; levying tribute on the islands of the sea; enlisting all ages and conditions, and looking out over coming generationsnot as a waning, but as a growing and everincreasing power.

Darkness is over the skirts of the gods of the pastgloom receives them, Erebus holds outstretched arms.

« Again I flung my arms around Dave‘s neck and gave him a hug that would have done honor to a grizzly bear.

Carleton calculated that about five hundred of the King‘s Old Subjects were capable of bearing arms; though most of them were better at talking than fighting.

« Mr, BUMSTEAD folds his brown linen arms as he towers before her, and the dark circles around his eyes appear to shrink with the intensify of his gaze.

Shortly afterwards I laid my arm upon the table, possessed of its full vigour but directly after, being desirous of using it, I found it powerless.

Mechanically, like some huge, hideous toy, he raised first one arm, then the other, and hitched himself halfway up on the stern seat.

Shamán say he gottah scare off« He waved his arm against an invisible army.

I was about to pluck one of these flowers, (of which I have always been particularly fond,) when a man, whom I had not previously observed, stepping up behind me, seized my arm, and asked me if I knew what I was doing.

You see you‘re not a real governess, said Archie, putting his arm round her neck.

Wesley, with Jones touching his right arm and Number Two at his left, is moving slowly, silently northward to the left of the stairs.

Gifford grasped Kelson‘s arm.

Gifford caught his arm and scrutinized the stain.

It was useless to argue further; useless to point out that the rebels were not so «green,« for the young men of the semiaristocratic society of the South were trained to arms, whereas it was a mark of lawlessness and vulgarity to carry arms in the Puritan ranks of the North.

At the jewelry counter, a crystal rectangle facing broadside the main entrance and the bleached and sungrilled street without, Miss Lola Hassiebrock, salient among many and with Olympian certainty of self, lifted two Junoesque arms like unto the handles of a vase, held them there in the kind of rigidity that accompanies a yawn, and then let them flop.

Presently the ambassador appeareddidn’t offer me his arm, but again made me a low bow, which I returned and moved a few steps forward.

This species is nearly related to the Sugar Pine, and, though not half so tall, it constantly suggests its noble relative in the way that it extends its long arms and in general habit.

After struggling and clasping his arms for a moment around the great branch of the tree, his hold relaxed, he reeled from side to side, and then fell heavily to the ground, with three balls within an inch of each other, right through his vitals.

[Opens her Arms, Diana stays him; he lets fall his Sword, and gazes.

« Dick cleverly slipped his arm about her waist and set the basket endwise for her to sit on.

It fixes upon a standard, the Cross; upon a Hero, the Christ, and reaches unto all the world its arm of power, drawing unto itself the loyalty, the faith, the affection, and the royal service of successive generations of mankind.

monkies, you mean,dozens of black monkies, Mr. BUMPLIN,« whispers OLD MORTARITY, clutching his arm as he sinks against him.

«Joe Smith, I think you are a mean coward to set us afloat in a hostile country, without giving us our arms,« said Simpson, who had once before asked for the weapons, and had had his request denied.

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