Phrases with the word apple

Are you looking for some useful apple idioms to enhance your day-to-day English conversation?

If so, you have come to the right place.

In this post, we are going to look at 22 Apple Idioms, what they mean and how to use them.

Let’s get started.

apple idioms

1. Alley Apple

  • Meaning #1: A piece of manure.
  • Use In A Sentence#1: The biggest complaint about the carriage tours is all the alley apples the horses leave behind.
  • Meaning #2: a brick or stone found in the street.
  • Use In A Sentence #2: I really hurt my toe kicking that stupid alley apple.

2. An Apple A Day Keeps The Doctor Away

  • Meaning: an expression that is often used to emphasize the importance of eating fruits and vegetables regularly.
  • Use In A Sentence: Well, you know what they say, an apple a day keeps the doctor away. So, if you don’t want to be sick in bed all of the time, I suggest, you eat more fruit and vegetables.

3. The Apple Of My Eye

  • Meaning: used to describe a person that you cherish or favor.
  • Use In A Sentence: Dave has many grandchildren, but Amy is his only granddaughter. No wonder she is apple of his eye.

4. Apple Pie Order

  • Meaning: to be in a neat or well-organized state.
  • Use In A Sentence: Jack keeps all his paperwork in an apple pie order.

5. Like Comparing Apples To Oranges

  • Meaning: making an unfair comparison or comparing to things that are not similar at all.
  • Use In A Sentence: Comparing the way those two companies operate is like comparing apples to oranges. They are completely different.

6. To Be American As Apple Pie

  • Meaning: to live a life that is often stereotypically American
  • Use In A Sentence: Watching Football on Sunday is as American as apple pie.

7. Green Apple Quickstep

  • Meaning: diarrhea.
  • Use In A Sentence: Be careful not to drink water when traveling abroad otherwise you could have a case of the green apple quickstep.

8. How Do You Like Them Apples?

  • Meaning: often it is used after a recent triumph to express that one’s idea is superior. It can also be used after a statement to convey the idea that you are not going to change and the person has to accept it.
  • Use In A Sentence: Well, I am not going to Julie’s house on Wednesday. In fact, I just scheduled an appointment for Wednesday, how do you like them apples?

apple idioms

9. To Mix Apples And Oranges

  • Meaning: to compare two different things.
  • Use In A Sentence: You can’t compare living in the United States with living in Ecuador. That is like mixing apples and oranges.

10. Road Apple

  • Meaning: horse manure.
  • Use In A Sentence: Many people were upset about the horse-drawn carriages because they left a trail of road apples wherever they went.

11. One Smart Apple

  • Meaning: used to describe a smart or clever person.
  • Use In A Sentence: Riley always did great on the final exams. “That boy is one smart apple,” the teacher said, ” he is going to go places.”

12. She’s Apples

  • Meaning: used to say that everything is okay and there is nothing to worry about.
  • Use In A Sentence: How’s your car running these days? She’s apples for now, but I think I might sell it sooner than later.

13. The Apple Never Falls Far From The Tree

  • Meaning: used to describe it when a person behaves in a similar way to their family usually their parents.
  • Use In A Sentence: Did you hear that Mark’s son also wants to be a doctor? I guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

14. As Sure As God Made Little Green Apples

  • Meaning: to express absolute certainty that something is going to happen.
  • Use In A Sentence: I am as sure as God made little green apples that he is going to regret buying that house.

15. To Upset The Applecart

  • Meaning: to ruin carefully laid out plans.
  • Use In A Sentence: I am not trying to upset the applecart, I just can’t do it on Tuesday. Could we do it another day?

16. Apple Of Discord

  • Meaning: something that causes unhappiness.
  • Use In A Sentence: What seems to be the apple of discord here? Why aren’t you two getting along?

17. Apple-Polisher

  • Meaning: a flatterer.
  • Use In A Sentence: James is always quick to help out the boss with any little thing. Jessica thinks he is just being a nice guy, but I think he is just an apple-polisher!

second bite of the apple

18. Second Bite Of The Apple

  • Meaning: to be given a second chance or opportunity to do something.
  • Use In A Sentence: Jerry’s first attempt at welding was a bust. Jim decided to give him a second bite of the apple, but this time he was going to show him exactly how to do it.

19. To Trade Off The Orchard For An Apple

  • Meaning: used to describe a person who instead of looking at the big picture is overly concerned about the small unimportant details.
  • Use In A Sentence: I know you are not happy about the advertisements, but don’t trade off the orchard for an apple. Try to look at the bigger picture.

idioms about apples

20. The Big Apple

  • Meaning: a nickname for New York City.
  • Use In A Sentence: On my first trip to the U.S. I want to visit the Big Apple, Los Angeles, Chicago and hopefully Miami.

21. A Wise Apple

  • Meaning: a person who has the reputation of being sarcastic.
  • Use In A Sentence: John really knows how to get on my nerves. He always has something smart to say. He is such a wise apple.

22. A Bad / Rotten Apple Spoils The Whole Bunch / Bushel / Barrel

  • Meaning: one bad thing could ruin everything. One negative person could affect the entire group.
  • Use In A Sentence: Ever since Billy has been hanging around Tommy he has changed, he is different. I guess a rotten apple spoils the whole bunch.

There you have it! 22 useful apple idioms. Which one is your favorite? Please share your thoughts in the comments below.

The English language has many idioms that are often used in conversation. In this blog post, I want to teach you some common idioms with apple that will be useful for you when talking with native speakers. I put together a list of common idioms with their definitions and example sentences so you can see how these idioms are used naturally in conversation. 

  • A Bad Apple
  • A Rotten Apple
  • A Second Bite Of The Apple
  • A Worm In The Apple
  • An Apple A Day Keeps The Doctor Away
  • An Apple-Polisher
  • Apples And Oranges
  • As American As Apple Pie
  • How Do You Like Them Apples
  • One Rotten Apple Spoils The Bunch
  • Road Apple
  • The Apple Doesn’t Fall Too Far From The Tree
  • The Apple Of My Eye
  • The Big Apple

Keep reading for definitions, real example sentences, and apple idioms in the news. Plus a free PDF download and video. Everything you need to know about English Idioms with Apple in one place.

  • Apple Meaning
    • Apple Word Origin
    • Compound words with apple 
  • Apple Idioms
  • Apple Idioms In The News
  • Printable Apple Idiom PDF Word List

Apple Meaning

An apple is a round fruit with shiny red or green skin that is fairly hard and white inside

  • When I was in elementary school I brought an apple to school in my lunch bag every day. 

Apple Word Origin

The word apple comes from other older languages.
Old English æppel, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch appel and German Apfel. 

Compound words with apple 

Adam’s apple noun ​the part at the front of the throat that sticks out, particularly in men, and moves up and down when you swallow

  • He has a tattoo on his neck just below his Adam’s apple.

apple cider noun a drink made from the juice of apples that does not contain alcohol

  • People often drink apple cider warm, unlike apple juice which is served cold.

apple cider vinegar noun is a vinegar made from fermented apple juice, and used in salad dressings, marinades, vinaigrettes, food preservatives, and more.

  • Apple cider vinegar has become a popular home remedy in recent years and has been used for centuries in cooking and medicine.” SOURCE

apple sauce noun a thick sauce made by cooking apples and sugar in a small amount of water

  • “This pork tenderloin is delicious, but it would be even better with a little bit of apple sauce on top.”

candy apple noun an apple covered with a thin layer of hard toffee and fixed on a stick

  • “Eating a candy apple was the perfect sweet treat to end our day at the carnival.”

apple-cheeked adjective having round pink cheeks and looking healthy

  • “Her children were apple-cheeked and always smiling.”

*Note when there is a song named after an Idiom

A Bad Apple – a person who is troublesome or corrupt

  • “I can’t stand working with her, she’s such a bad apple.”
  • “Andrew is the bad apple in my math class. He bothers his classmates every day.”

A Rotten Apple – a bad or corrupt person

  • “He’s a rotten apple, always causing trouble and getting into mischief.”
  • “I stopped hanging out with Andrew after I learned what a rotten apple he is.”

A Second Bite Of The Apple – a second chance or an opportunity to try again after a previous failure or setback.

  • “After his failed business venture, he was given a second bite of the apple with a new opportunity.”
  • “After my initial idea was not accepted, I was given a second bite of the apple to present a new idea to the investors.”

Apple Idioms. A Second Bite Of The Apple - a second chance or an opportunity to try again after a previous failure or setback.

A Worm In The Apple – a hidden problem or defect

  • “Our new product starts production next Tuesday. If there’s a worm in the apple, we need to find it now.”
  • “The new database software we were developing had to be scrapped. After all the time and money we spent our boss was so disappointed to find a worm in the apple at the end of the project.”

Apple Idioms. A Worm In The Apple - a hidden problem or defect

An Apple A Day Keeps The Doctor Away – eating healthy can prevent illness

  • “I’ve heard that an apple a day keeps the doctor away, but regular exercise also doesn’t hurt.”
  • “Hannah, I really think you need to make some changes to your diet. You know what they say, an apple a day keeps the doctor away.”

An Apple Polisher – someone who sucks up to authority

  • “Don’t trust her, she’s just an apple polisher trying to get ahead by kissing up to the boss.”
  • “My boss is clever, she can tell who is sincere and who is just an apple polisher trying to win favor.

Apple Idioms. An Apple Polisher - someone who sucks up to authority

Apples And Oranges – (especially in North American English) used to describe a situation in which two people or things are completely different from each other

  • “Comparing the two options is like comparing apples and oranges, they are completely different.”
  • “On the surface, the two ideas seem similar but if you look at each one in detail you will see that they’re apples and oranges.”

Apple Idioms. Apples And Oranges - used to describe a situation in which two people or things are completely different from each

As American As Apple Pie – used to say that something is typical of America

  • Watching fireworks on the 4th of July is as American as apple pie.
  • Having a backyard barbeque party with your neighbors is as American as apple pie. I remember these parties happening every summer in my neighborhood when I was a boy.

Apple Idioms. As American As Apple Pie - used to say that something is typical of America

How Do You Like Them Apples – 1) 1. A phrase used to draw attention to one’s cleverness or superiority to the one being addressed, especially after a recent triumph.

  • “I just got a promotion at work, How do you like them apples?”

2) That is surprising and/or disappointing.

  • My favorite tailor is closing his shop after 41 years in business. How do you like them apples?

One Rotten Apple Spoils The Bunch – if one person in a group is bad or corrupt, it can have a negative effect on the entire group. Just like if one apple in a bunch is bad it can affect the other apples as well. 

  • “One rotten apple spoils the bunch, so we have to be careful to watch out for bad influences. I only want people working on this team that I can trust.”
  • “She could see that one of the apples in the basket was starting to rot, and she knew that if she didn’t throw it away soon, it would spoil the rest of them. As you know, one rotten apple spoils the bunch.”

Road Apple – horse manure 

  • “I almost stepped in a road apple, it’s lucky I saw it in time. The mounted police in the city need to do a better job of cleaning up after their horses.”
  • “The farmer had to be careful not to step on any road apples while working in the field.”

Apple Idioms. Road Apple - horse manure 

The Apple Doesn’t Fall Too Far From The Tree – ​(saying, especially North American English) a child usually behaves in a similar way to his or her parent(s)

  • “Just like his father, he’s always been a bit of a troublemaker. It seems the apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree.”
  • “He’s always been interested in music, just like his father before him, the apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree.”

Apple Idioms. The Apple Doesn’t Fall Too Far From The Tree - a child usually behaves in a similar way to his or her parent(s)

The Apple Of My Eye – something or someone that is greatly valued and cherished

  • “My daughter is the apple of my eye, I love her more than anything.”
  • “Curtis loved his car, it was the apple of his eye in high school.”

The Big Apple – this is a nickname for New York City. 

  • “I’m going to the Big Apple next week for business.”
  • “New York City is known as the Big Apple, it’s one of the most famous cities in the world.”

Apple Idioms. The Big Apple - this is a nickname for New York City. 

The “Big Apple” nickname comes from horse racing in New York in the 1920s.
A reporter wrote about the many horse races and racecourses in and around New York. He referred to the substantial prizes to be won as “the big apple,” symbolizing the biggest and best one can achieve. SOURCE

Apple Idioms In The News

‘This is not one bad apple; this is a systemic problem across policing’

Campaigners dump 1,071 rotten apples — one for each officer investigated over allegations of violence against women and girls — outside Scotland Yard

‘Boy Meets World’ Star Ben Savage Running for U.S. Congress

Ben Savage wants another bite at the apple in politics — only this time, he’s thinking bigger … now running for a U.S. Congressional seat.

Apple Health Benefits: This Red fruit reduces Cholesterol levels

There is a quote that ‘an apple a day keeps the doctor away‘. Apples are the second most consumed fruit worldwide due to their health benefits.

Harry thinks he’s had it tough? He should try being his dad

Charles and Harry have both dabbled in unexpected religions and philosophies, with Harry consulting an Ayurvedic doctor before Archie was born and Charles praising Islamic theology as well as advocating for alternative medicine.
In their younger years, both had a reputation as playboy princes, amid plentiful speculation over when and with whom they would finally settle down.
It seems the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

Printable Apple Idiom PDF Word List

Download the Word List as a printable PDF. Great for teachers to use with private or group classes. PDF contains the live links from the post.↓

If you can think of any apple idioms that I left out, please tell me in the comments.

Find more GREAT Idiom posts below.

appleIn a post last week, I introduced you to the American legend of Johnny Appleseed. Today I want to piggyback* off that post and introduce you to some great expressions in English that have the word “apple” in them. Apples are not only healthy and delicious, but they are also a culturally important food in America.  There are many apple related traditions in America, such as children bringing an apple to their teacher as a way of saying ‘thank you,’ a game called “bobbing for apples” that is played in the fall, and apple pie, a very American dessert, that is cooked and served on many important holidays like Independence Day and Thanksgiving Day.

It is this cultural importance of apples in America that has likely led to many of these apple-related phrases and idioms becoming popular. Take a look at the expressions and idioms below and see if you can find a way to use one of these apple-related phrases sometime in the next week.

as American as apple pie – This means that something has qualities, or features, that are typical of the United States or the people of the United States.
Example: My brother drives a Ford truck and wears blue jeans every day; he is as American as apple pie.

an apple a day keeps the doctor away – Apples are considered a nutritious food; so this expression is intended as advice. To stay healthy (and to not have to visit the doctor) you should eat healthy food like, an apple, every day.
Example: Whenever I get sick my mother always reminds me to take care of myself by saying, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.”

the apple of my eye – This is a way of referring to a favorite, or beloved, person.
Example: My daughter is the apple of my eye; she makes me happy every day.

(like) comparing apples and oranges – This expression is used when someone is talking about two non-similar items, but trying to compare them as though they were similar.
Example: You can’t compare who works harder, me or you; I am a teacher and you are a fisherman, and that is like comparing apples and oranges.

one rotten apple spoils the whole barrel – This expression means that one bad person influences everyone around him or her and can make them act bad too.
Example: Jimmy is the rotten apple that spoils the barrel in my class, I wish I didn’t have to be his teacher all year.

How about them apples? or How do you like them apples?  This question is the same as ‘What do you think of that?’ Asking this question is usually a way of bragging or showing off.
Example: I was picked to join the basketball team and you weren’t. How do you like them apples?

Here is a famous clip from the movie Goodwill Hunting in which this expression is used.

*piggyback – to piggyback literally means, to ride on someone’s back and shoulders, but it is also used as an expression to mean: using an existing piece of work as the basis or support for the following piece of work

Are you asking these questions: what are top English apple idioms and phrases? what is an apple idiom? What are some apple sayings? what are apple expressions? Is an apple a day an idiom? What is the idioms of apple of discord? Is the apple of my eye? What is the idiom of apple pie order? What is the meaning of idiom apple of one’s eye? Is Bad apple an idiom? How do like them apples? What are road apples? What is the meaning of a bad apple?

In general, idioms are sayings and phrases that are used to mean something different from what is literally being said. This particular meaning is figurative. Many popular English idioms involve apples.

This post will shed light on some useful apple idioms that will help you boost your day-to-day English speaking and conversations.

Apple Idioms Examples

Top 29 English Apple Idioms And Phrases With Meaning & Examples

1. An apple a day keeps the doctor away

Meaning: It is a common English proverb that advocates the fact that eating one apple every day ” and fruits and vegetables in general” can help you stay healthy.

Example Sentence: I asked one of my friends who rarely gets sick: ” How do maintain good health?” she answered me: ” Well, as the saying goes; an apple a day keeps the doctor away. I always eat fruits and vegetables; I drink plenty of water and I get enough sleep.

2. A bad apple

Meaning: A bad, dishonest or unpleasant person whose words or actions have a negative impact on an entire group of people.

Example Sentence: Ashley is really a bad apple; whenever she visits us, problems occur in the family.

3. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree

Meaning: typically said when a child shows similar characters or similar qualities to his or her parents.

Example Sentence: Jenny’s daughter soon showed her own love for art and painting, proving that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

4. As American as apple pie

Meaning: describes things that represent the best of American culture.

Example Sentence: Baseball is as American as apple pie.

5. The apple of someone’s eye

Meaning: the person who someone cherishes and loves most and is very proud of.

Example Sentence: Peter’s youngest child was the apple of his eye.

6. Apples and oranges

Meaning: Two unlike things or people which are popularly thought to be incomparable

Example Sentence: Comparing the way my two sisters think and react is like comparing apples to oranges. They are totally different.

7. The Big Apple

 Meaning: It is a nickname for New York City.

Example Sentence: Susie will move to the Big Apple after she graduates.

8. “How ’bout them apples?” and “How do you like them apples?”

Meaning: an expression you say to someone to let them know how clever or successful you are, particularly when you have done something better than they have.

Example Sentence: Jeremy always bragged about being the first in his Maths class. Lately, Samantha had got the first mark and said: ” Hey, Jeremy, how do you like them apples? It looks you’re not always the best in the class after all”

9. Apple-knocker

Meaning: a narrow-minded, ignorant or unsophisticated person.

Example Sentence: Some arrogant people regard countryside residents as apple-knockers 

10. Apple does not fall far from the stem

Similar to the expression ” The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree

11. Be in apple-pie order

Meaning: arranged in a neat and perfect order

Example Sentence: My mother is a busy bee who’s always cleaning. Our house is in apple-pie order.

12. Second bite of the apple

Meaning: a second opportunity or chance to do or to get something.

Example Sentence: Our Maths teacher is really tolerant and nice. Since the majority of the class failed the exam she decided to give us a second bite of the apple by allowing us to take the test again.

13. Polish the apple

Meaning: Try to win favor through flattery.

Example Sentence: James is always polishing the apple with the boss as an attempt to get a raise or a promotion.

14. Apple-Polisher

Meaning: a flatterer; a person who tries to please someone in order to gain a personal advantage.

Example Sentence: Dennis is an apple-polisher; he is trying to get extra marks

15. Like Comparing Apples To Oranges

Meaning: Comparing two things that are different.

Example Sentence: You can’t compare my job as a journalist to yours as a nurse; It’s like comparing apples and oranges

16. Apple of discord

Meaning: something that causes unhappiness, conflict, or misunderstanding.

Example Sentence: Why aren’t you talking to your sister today? What is the apple of discord here?

17. The green apple quickstep

Meaning: slang Diarrhea, especially that which is contracted while traveling.

Example Sentence: The little Denis was housebound all week with a case of the green apple quickstep.

18. To Mix Apples And Oranges

Similar to the expression “Like Comparing Apples To Oranges”

19. Wise apple

Meaning: a person who is irritating because they behave as if they know everything.

Example Sentence: the kid in the front row is a wise apple.

20. A rotten apple spoils the barrel/ One bad apple spoils the whole bunch

Meaning: refers to someone who creates problems for other people, and whose behaviors or actions negatively influence the larger group.

Example Sentence: Carl is the rotten apple that spoils the barrel in our office.

21. Apples and rice / apples and spice

Meaning: Australian rhyming slang for nice.

Example Sentence: Don’t worry about the whole matter; it’s apples and rice!

22. Worm in the apple

Meaning: The presence of a flaw in something good; a problem that ruins everything else.

Example Sentence: Harry is like the worm in the apple. He always spoils our game.

23. Apples to apples

Meaning: Having a fair and equal comparison between two things.

Example Sentence: Parents cannot compare Elena and Sabina. They are apples to apples

24. One Smart Apple

Meaning: a particularly smart or clever person.

Example Sentence: Jack is one smart apple. He is always the first in his class.

25. Upset the apple cart

Meaning: to cause trouble, especially by spoiling somebody’s plans

Example Sentence: Look! I really don’t want to upset the applecart by asking you to change the timing of the barbecue party, but I am truly helpless.

26 Road Apple

Meaning: a piece of horse dropping; A thing that causes trouble or unhappiness

Example Sentence: Linda’s family was so poor; they had to go around collecting road apples and dry them to use them for fuel.

27. (as) Easy as apple pie

Meaning: very easy; requiring very little effort or skill.

Example Sentence: The students are very happy because the test was as easy as apple pie.

28. Trade off the orchard for an apple

Meaning: to be concerned with the details rather than the whole situation or problem.

Example Sentence: Mellisa trades off the orchard for an apple. She is just worried about one aspect of the whole project.

29. Mom and apple pie

Meaning: used to represent things that most Americans traditionally believe to be very good and important.

Example Sentence: wearing jeans is as American as mom and apple pie

30. She is apple

Meaning: used to indicate that everything is going to be fine.

Example Sentence: “don’t worry! she’s apples, all is going well!”

apple — перевод на русский


Because I can’t reach the apple.

Потому что не могу достать яблоко.

Why can’t you reach the apple?

Почему же ты не можешь достать яблоко?

I can reach the apple.

Я могу достать яблоко.

That’s my apple, and my bike.

Это моё яблоко и велосипед мой.

And where’s my apple?

А где моё яблоко?

Показать ещё примеры для «яблоко»…

— Banana, pineapple, chocolate and apple.

Банановый, ананасовый, шоколадный и яблочный.

Then a double order of apple strudel with vanilla sauce.

А в конце — двойной яблочный штрудель с ванильной подливой!

-Huckleberry or apple?

— Черничный или яблочный?

Cream-colored ponies And crisp apple strudels Doorbells and sleigh bells And schnitzel with noodles Wild geese that fly With the moon on their wings

Про бежевых пони, про яблочный штрудель, про звон колокольный, про мясо и клецки, про диких гусей с луною на крыльях.

«Braised steak, carrots, sprouts, roast and mashed potatoes, steamed pudding, apple pie and custard.»

«Тушеное мясо, морковь, ростки, жареная картошка и пюре, запеканка на пару, яблочный пирог и сладкий соус.»

Показать ещё примеры для «яблочный»…

Roll apple!

Катись, катись, яблочко!

The Golden Apple Inn.

Харчевня «Наливное яблочко»

The choicest apple, top of the barrel, Innkeeper?

Вкусненькое яблочко, с верху бочки, Владелец гостиницы?

You should add apple paste in it.

Туда надо добавлять тертое яблочко.

I’ll sunbathe starting tomorrow, and in a fortnight I’ll look like a golden apple.

С завтрашнего дня я начну загорать и через 15 дней буду вся румяная, как яблочко.

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Apple trees.

А вы — про яблони.

One paper tears, the other lying on the table, … Third tells about apple!

Один бумаги рвет, другой на столе валяется, …третий про яблони рассказывает!

Apples, plums, coconuts…

Яблони, сливы, кокосовые орехи…

The branches of your apple tree are overhanging my garden.

Ветви вашей яблони нависают над моим садом.

And I remember the time I fell out of old Boo Radley’s apple tree and broke my arm.

Однажды я упала с яблони старого Бу Рэдли… и сломала руку.

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Oh you’re the son… the one working for Apple? No, IBM.

— Вы — ее сын, который работает в Эппл.

Microsoft is gonna ruin Apple. You can’t trust them.

Майкрософт погубит Эппл Ты не можешь им верить.

So we called ourselves Apple and started making those little computers.

Так мы назвались Эппл и начали делать эти маленькие компьютеры.

— Like the apple.

— Да, как Эппл. — Ну да, конечно.

7 Apple Lane, near Margrethe Place.

Эппл Лэйн, 7, рядом с Маргрете Плэйс.

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— I have not got an Adam’s apple like that.

— У меня не такой кадык.

Have I got an Adam’s apple like that?

Разве у меня такой кадык?

His Adam’s apple moved up and down glistening with sweat.

Его кадык двигался вверх-вниз, блестя от пота.

Great kisser but she had the biggest Adam’s apple.

Секси, великолепно целуется но у неё был здоровенный кадык.

I think he was checking if I had an Adam’s apple.

Думаю, он проверял, есть ли у меня кадык.

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Do you like them apples?

— Как тебе такие пироги? — Пироги как пироги.

So, how do you like them apples?

Как тебе такие пироги?

You guys like apples?

— Парни, пироги любите?

Do you like apples?

Пироги любите?

He likes his apple pie warm and his a la mode cold.

Пироги ему нравятся теплыми, а мороженое холодным.

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Now, we know that IBM has set up this place to compete head-on with Apple and you’re gearing up to come out with a personal computer that will wipe them out.

Нам известно, что Ай-Би-Эм собирается конкурировать с Эпл и вы сделаете это с персональным компьютером, который их уничтожит.

I’d like to welcome all of you to the new headquarters and home of Apple Computers.

Я хочу пригласить вас всех в новую штаб квартиру и дом Эпл Компьютерз.

You know, that computer was the first big new project we had at Apple.

Знаете, этот компьютер был нашим первым большим проектом в Эпл.

Apple was making tons of money.

Эпл производил тонны денег.

Welcome to Apple.

Добро пожаловать в Эпл.

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And you get the apple pie.

А вам яблочный пирог.

And the apple pie á la mode.

Яблочный пирог с мороженым.

Chef and apple á la mode.

Мясной салат и яблочный пирог с мороженым.

[ Inhales ] At the Apple Biscuit Cafe… where the smiles are free, don’t you know…

В кафе Яблочный пирог, где улыбки, если вы не знаете, — бесплатно,

— You’ve had the apple pie?

— Ты пробовала яблочный пирог?

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So, what did you do in the big apple?

Так что вы делали в Нью-Йорке?

Man, my first time in the Big Bad apple.

Старик, я первый раз в Нью-Йорке.

All kinds of bugs in the Big Apple.

Конечно много, здесь в Нью-Йорке.

Holiday in the Big Apple and all of that.

Праздники в Нью-Йорке, и всё такое…

Governor Arthur, casting his ballot in North Platte, will spend election night in the Big Apple with running mate Raymond Shaw for their anticipated victory party,

Губернатор Артур, который проголосовал в районе Норт-Платт, проведёт ночь подсчёта голосов в Нью-Йорке, вместе с кандидатом на пост вице-президента Рэймондом Шоу, на предвыборной вечеринке, в предвкушении победы.

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