Phrases with the word advice

Advice is a recommendation or guidance that is given to help someone or an organization in something they plan on doing in the future. Advice can be given about anything and it can come from anyone.

The person giving advice may know what they’re talking about, they may not. The advice may be solicited (asked for), or given without someone saying they want it.

There are many collocations with advice, here are some of the most popular.

1. Constructive advice

refers to advice that may be a little negative but is given with the purpose of helping someone or something become better. With constructive advice someone is trying to help, by pointing out flaws or something that can be improved.

  • I am going to give you some constructive advice about your presentation.
  • Can I give you some constructive advice?

2. Excellent advice / Good advice

means that someone has given a suggestion that made a positive impact, or could make a positive impact. It does not mean that the advice was positive, it means that the effect or potential affect is positive. More likely than not the advice was a suggestion that something should be done differently.

  • I really appreciate the excellent advice that James gave at the meeting, it’s already made a huge advice.
  • I tend to not listen to what she says, she doesn’t give very good advice.

3. Practical advice

refers to advice or guidance that is given that someone can actually use. When advice is practical that means it is actionable and can be put into place relatively soon.

  • After hearing all of that theory, it’s nice to get some practical advice.
  • In todays mentoring session, I hope to get some practical advice from my professor.

4. Give advice

means to share your thoughts on a subject with someone.

  • I would like to give you some advice.
  • You give good advice.

5. Sensible advice / Sound advice

refers to someone suggesting something that is reasonable. It’s advice that is meant to be helpful. It’s kind of like the advice your mom would give you. It’s meant to be what will help you in the moment. It’s usually trying to solve a big picture problem, or give big picture advice for the future.

  • My mom always gives me sensible advice about my career.
  • The company is running smoothly right now, but I’d like some sensible advice on how we can meet our mission moving forward.
  • Thank you for the sound advice you gave me about my relationship last night.
  • I always go to my best friend for sound advice.

6. Conflicting advice

means that a person or an organization is getting advice from more than one source, and that advice is different. One side is telling you to do one thing, and the other side is telling you to do something else.

  • I’m not sure what to do, I’m getting conflicting advice from my best people.
  • I like getting different people’s opinions, but sometimes it results in conflicting advice.

7. Get advice

means to receive advice from someone. In this case one may have asked for the advice or it may just be given unsolicited (without asking).

  • I’m tired of getting advice that I didn’t ask for.
  • I’d like to get some advice.

8. Impartial advice

means that the advice that is being given is equal and unbiased. That means that they do not pick a side. The person giving the advice is not trying to get something out of it. They are looking at the best situation for everyone.

  • The mediator will give us impartial advice.
  • We need to get impartial advice, and I don’t think I am getting that from you.

9. Expert advice

refers to guidance coming from someone who is an authority on the situation that the advice is being give on. For example if someone is looking for computer advice, they may go to someone who works with computers all the time. It’s like getting advice from the Apple store.

  • This problem is beyond me, we need some expert advice at this point.
  • Can we handle this on our own, or do we need expert advice?

10. Bit of advice / piece of advice

refers to a small amount of guidance, or someone’s “two cents”. This is usually given casually, and it is quick advice that happens one time. This could be advice asked for, or just given.

  • Let me give you a quick piece of advice.
  • Can I get a bit of advice from you.

11. Seek advice

means that someone or an organization is wanting to get some guidance on an issue. When someone is seeking advice they are going out of their way to ask someone for help or guidance.

  • I am seeking some advice about how I should proceed with this situation.
  • I’m not seeking advice right now, I think I know what I want to do.

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Кто из нас не любит давать советы? Куда пойти, что сделать, что надеть сегодня вечером – обо всем этом мы можем услышать, даже если не спрашивали.

В английском языке тема советов более деликатная. Иностранцу не всегда может понравиться, что вы что-то ему рекомендуете, когда он вас об этом не просит. Как же тогда американцы и англичане живут без советов? У них есть очень много способов передать свои предложения, пожелания и рекомендации, чаще всего в завуалированной форме.

В этой статье вы узнаете множество грамматических конструкций, слов и выражений, которые помогут вам поделиться советом на английском языке.

Advice или advise?

Advice переводится как «совет», это существительное, advise – «советовать», глагол.

Советы бывают разные:

Хороший Good Advice
Отличный Excellent
Полезный Useful
Дельный Constructive
Разумный Sound
Ценный Valuable
Плохой Bad
Неправильный Wrong

That’s really constructive advice and Ron’s advice was bad. – Это действительно дельный совет, а совет Рона был плохим.

Помните, что английский advice – это неисчисляемое существительное, поэтому с ним нельзя использовать неопределенный артикль и он не может использоваться во множественном числе. Если вы хотите акцентировать внимание на том, что совет один, используйте такие словосочетания, как a bit of advice, a piece of advice, a word of advice, some advice. Все эти сочетания будут переводиться как «небольшой совет», «один совет». В английском также есть такие сочетания, как two pieces of advice или several words of advice, но обычно так не говорят. Если советов больше одного, можно сказать some advice (небольшой совет; пара советов / несколько советов).

He gave me a word of advice on my driving. – Он дал мне небольшой совет относительно моего вождения.

Совет можно не только «дать». С ним используются и другие глаголы:

Дать To give somebody Advice
Предложить To offer somebody
Принять To take/obtain
Попросить To ask for
Прислушаться к To listen to
Последовать To follow
Проигнорировать To ignore
Отвергнуть To reject

Глагол to advise используется в речи носителей гораздо реже. В английской традиции не принято напрямую давать советы (за исключением ситуаций, когда вас открыто об этом попросили). В случае крайней необходимости вы можете сказать: I strongly advise… – Я настоятельно рекомендую…

I strongly advise you not to keep company with him. – Я настоятельно тебе рекомендую не водиться с ним.

Making suggestions. Совет-предложение

Как уже говорилось выше, совет лучше не давать напрямую. Для того чтобы быть вежливым советчиком, используйте предложения (suggestions) и рекомендации (recommendations). Этой цели служат:

  • Глаголы to suggest (предлагать), to recommend (рекомендовать). После этих глаголов обычно используется существительное, герундий или придаточное предложение с that. С глаголом to recommend употребляется еще и инфинитив.

    He recommended taking a chicken in this restaurant. – Он рекомендовал попробовать цыпленка в этом ресторане.

    I suggest that you take morning courses. – Я советую тебе ходить на утренние занятия.

    He suggested going by bus. – Он советовал ехать на автобусе.

    Jane recommended Alice not to wear this skirt for the date. – Джейн посоветовала Элис не надевать эту юбку на свидание.

  • Выражения to come up with a suggestion/recommendation (внести предложение/рекомендацию), to make a suggestion/recommendation (внести предложение / дать рекомендацию).

    She came up with an interesting suggestion but her boss rejected it. – Она внесла интересное предложение, но босс отверг его.

    He made a recommendation to the board of directors on the working conditions. Он дал рекомендации для совета директоров относительно рабочих условий.

  • Какие еще слова и фразы использовать для советов, читайте в статье «Nice advice: даем советы на английском языке».

Даем совет с помощью модального глагола

Модальные глаголы – самый распространенный способ дать совет. При этом каждый модальный глагол передает свою степень настойчивости:

  • must – настойчивый совет;
  • should – общий совет;
  • ought to – совет морального характера;
  • can (could) – совет-предложение.

You ought to call your mom this week. – Ты должен позвонить маме на этой неделе. (мои моральные принципы говорят о том, что надо позвонить маме)

We can join them after dinner. – Мы можем присоединиться к ним после ужина.

C помощью must и should мы даем совет близким людям, друзьям, так как эти глаголы открыто сообщают, что делать. Малознакомому человеку такой совет покажется слишком прямолинейным. Здесь лучше использовать can (could).

You must see this film on a big screen! – Ты просто обязан увидеть этот фильм на большом экране!

He shouldn’t eat so many hamburgers and French fries. – Он не должен есть так много гамбургеров и картошки фри.

Настойчивая рекомендация на английском языке

В случае если собеседник пренебрегает вашим советом, а вы хотите сообщить ему, что рекомендация очень ценная и ею непременно следует воспользоваться, то вам повезло. В английском языке для этого есть специальная конструкция – had better (лучше бы), в сокращенном варианте – ‘d better. Обычно она подразумевает, что может случиться что-то плохое, если вы отвергните совет.

You’d better put on your wooly hat. It’s freezing outside, you can catch a cold. – Лучше бы тебе надеть шерстяную шапку. На улице мороз, ты можешь простудиться.

You’d better stop teasing the dog before it bites you. – Тебе лучше бы перестать дразнить собаку, пока она тебя не укусила.

Если вы все еще сомневаетесь, в какой форме выразить свой совет, посмотрите видео о разнице между should, ought to, had better:

Совет в форме вопроса

Если вы хотите произвести впечатление учтивого человека, предлагайте совет в форме вопроса. Такой совет будет вежливым и ненавязчивым.

Совет-вопрос может выглядеть так:

  • Why don’t you..? – Почему бы не..?
  • How about..? – Как насчет.. ?
  • Have you tried..? – Ты не пробовал..?
  • Have you thought about..? – Ты не думал о том, что..?
  • Have you considered..? – Ты не думал о..?

Why don’t you come up and meet this girl? She’s given you a smile. – Почему бы тебе не подойти и не познакомиться с этой девушкой? Она тебе улыбнулась.

Have you considered giving up your work as a ticket collector and concentrating on studying? – Ты не думал бросить работу билетером и сосредоточиться на учебе?

Совет с помощью условного предложения

Условное предложение – это еще один способ преподнести вежливый совет. В такой форме ваши слова не покажутся собеседнику навязчивыми, а будут звучать как предложение.

He will let you drive his car if you ask him. – Он позволит тебе покататься на его машине, если ты попросишь.

If you visited her in hospital, she would be really glad. – Если бы ты навестил ее в больнице, она была бы очень рада.

  • Если вы подзабыли «условности», освежить знания вам поможет статья «Условные предложения в английском языке».

Put yourself in somebody’s shoes

В продолжение темы условных предложений: если вы хотите дать хороший совет, поставьте себя на место человека (put yourself in their shoes). Такая форма совета выигрышна вдвойне: вы произведете впечатление и как воспитанный человек, и как понимающий.

  • If I were you… – Если бы я был тобой …
  • If I were in your shoes… – Если бы я был на твоем месте (дословно – в твоих ботинках)…
  • If I were in your place… – Если бы я был на твоем месте…
  • If that happened to me… – Если бы это произошло со мной…
  • If it was my decision… – Если бы я принимал решение…
  • If I had that problem… – Если бы у меня была такая проблема…

I would call my wife immediately if such a joyous thing happened to me. – Я бы сразу позвонил жене, если бы такое радостное событие произошло со мной.

If I had that problem, I would never let anyone interfere in my business. – Если бы у меня была такая проблема, я бы никогда не позволил кому-либо вмешиваться в мои дела.


Мы также можем использовать глагол to want, когда хотим дать совет или предупредить о чем-то. Это вариант исключительно разговорный. По смыслу он совпадает с модальным глаголом should и переводится как «следует», «надо». Как правило, to want используется в настоящем времени, реже – в будущем.

You want to be careful in the streets in the evening. – Тебе следует быть осторожным на улице вечером.

You’ll want to take off your coat and bring it to the dry-cleaner’s. – Тебе надо снять с себя пальто и отнести его в химчистку.

Как еще дать совет: полезные фразы

Вы все еще чувствуете, что полезных выражений для совета недостаточно в вашей копилке знаний? Тогда ознакомьтесь еще с несколькими фразами, с помощью которых можно поделиться советом:

  • It is a good idea… – Хорошая идея…
  • Whatever you do, don’t forget to… – Что бы ты ни делал, не забывай…
  • always works for me. – …всегда мне помогает.
  • Your only option is… – Твой единственный вариант…
  • You have no choice but… – У тебя нет другого выбора, кроме как…
  • is worth a try. – …стоит попробовать.
  • I read in a book that… – Я читал в книге, что…
  • Perhaps/Maybewill really work. – Возможно, … действительно сработает.

It’s a good idea to calm down and not attack that arrogant guy. – Хорошей идеей будет успокоиться и не нападать на этого заносчивого парня.

This herbal tea always works for my headache. – Этот травяной чай всегда мне помогает при головных болях.

Если вы подзабыли какой-то из грамматических аспектов, вы всегда можете освежить знания, прочитав соответствующую статью в нашем блоге:

  • Модальные глаголы: must, shall (should), ought to, can (could).
  • Выражение had better в английском языке.
  • Типы вопросов в английском языке.

Теперь вы убедились, что совет можно подать под разным соусом: открыто, прямо «в лоб», настойчиво, вежливо и учтиво, примерив «чужие ботинки». Может быть, вы знаете другие способы? Делитесь ими в комментариях. Но предварительно пройдите тест и проверьте, как хорошо вы освоили искусство совета на английском языке.

Не забудьте скачать список слов и выражений по теме.

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Как дать совет по-английски: полезные слова и конструкции

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advice — перевод на русский


I will give you one piece of advice.

Я дам тебе совет.

I gave her the best advice, and she chose to ignore it.

Я дала ей самый лучший совет, а она проигнорировала его.

My advice is… break her right away.

Совет: быстренько прибери ее к рукам.

Maybe you can give me a little advice.

Возможно, ты можешь дать мне маленький совет.

— Let me give you a little advice.

— Позвольте дать Вам небольшой совет.

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I’m just a visitor here and my advice to you is to slam the door in his face. Oh.

Я всего лишь гость здесь и я советую хлопнуть дверью у него перед носом.

An advice, find her.

Советую найти её.

After that, my advice is you kick him out of Castelrosso.

После этого, мне все равно, но советую выкинуть из Кастельроссо.

I advice the owner to call his pub :

Я советую хозяину бистро дать кафе новое название:

My advice to you is to get yourself a little revenge on them bucks.

Я советую тебе, как следует, отыграться на этих ублюдках.

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— I’d like to give you some advice.

— Хочу вам посоветовать.

I can’t tell you, I can’t tell you to do anything, I can only give you advice: You must simply live less intensively, that what you planned to do in 3 or 4 years, you must spread out over five six, quite straight forwardly, you have to slow down.

Что скажу, что я не могу ничего сказать, я могу лишь посоветовать, ты должен просто жить менее интенсивно, то, что ты запланировал на 3 или 4 года, ты должен растянуть на 5 или 6,

What advice can I give you?

Извините, но что еще я могу вам посоветовать?

Yeah, for a quarter, my advice is to jump.

За четвертак могу посоветовать спрыгнуть с крыши.

Do you have any advice as to the kind of poems that might be suitable, say, for a family about to embark on a budget-bargain break weekend, fortnight getaway day now?

Мог бы ты посоветовать, какого рода стихотворения подошли бы, скажем… семье, которая собирается в морской круиз… по бюджетной путевке на две недели?

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A word of advice.

Хочу дать совет.

Any advice to other maids looking to trade up?

Вы можете дать совет другим горничным, ищущим приключений?

Give you an advice of something!

Дать совет…

In that case, let a fisherman give you an advice.

Раз так, позволь дать совет.

I give you an advice, the kind you’ll only get from a friend.

… Позволь тебе дать совет, который тебе может дать лишь друг.

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— Could you give me some advice?

-Можно с вами посоветоваться?

I want advice, doctor.

Я хочу, посоветоваться, доктор.

I need your advice, I need it now…

Мне надо с тобой посоветоваться, мне сейчас очень…

Yet, I don’t know what to take up, I need some advice from you.

Я только не знаю, что мне начать я хотел посоветоваться с вами.

My good man, I need an advice.

Уважаемый, хочу посоветоваться.

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Take my advice and stay away from him.

Послушай моего совета, держись от него подальше.

I ain’t saying that, Pinkie, but you stand on my advice and team up with Colleoni.

— Я не говорю это, Пинки но послушай моего совета, объединись с Коллеони.

Honey, if you’ll take my advice, you’ll ditch me.

Милая, послушай моего совета, брось меня.

But, some advice.

Послушай моего совета.

Some advice. Forget about the races.

Послушай моего совета.

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By the way, dear lady… if you want advice on writing anything, you don’t need me.

Кстати, милая леди… Если вам понадобится консультация писателя, вы можете обойтись и без меня.

The most expensive… legal advice in the country.

Наиболее дорогостоящая… юридическая консультация в стране.

I don’t give advice to the lovelorn.

Вы ошиблись местом. Здесь не консультация по любовным вопросам.

You want legal advice?

— Небольшая юридическая консультация?

Because I need legal advice now.

Потому что мне уже нужна консультация, срочно.

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And we shall seek your advice.

Мы будем советоваться с тобой.

For obvious reasons, I can’ t take advice from our people in the department.

По очевидным причинам я не могу советоваться с нашими людьми в департаменте.

And then, when he saw all the things Babekan could do, he started taking advice from him:

Акогда он увидел все, что мог делать Бабекан, то стал советоваться с ним/

So you don’t want to ask my advice.

Так что со мной лучше не советоваться.

When your husband had the pear trees grafted… do you know if he asked for the advice… of Mr. Seymour’s gardener?

Вы не знаете, ваш супруг не советовался с садовником мистера Сеймура, когда прививали грушевые деревья?

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Very well, if you take my advice, you’ll get a move on.

Замечательно, если вы последуете моему совету, то улетите.

If you do as per my advice, within one year your village which is like this will become like this!

Заботиться о деревне и растить урожай. Если вы последуете моему совету, то через год..

If you take my advice, I suggest you approach your studies in a more realistic way.

Если Вы последуете моему совету, я предложил бы Вам более реалистичный путь.

It’s a pity you didn’t take my advice. All that lovely food. Richard will be disappointed.

Зря ты не последовал моему совету такая прекрасная еда.

Because he didn’t take my advice.

Потому что он не последовал моему совету.

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I sure would appreciate some advice.

Я боюсь. Мне так нужен совет,

And I’d like some advice.

И мне нужен совет.

Advice on men?

Нужен совет насчёт мужчин?

He would like your advice.

Ему нужен совет.

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Учимся давать советы на английском языке. Giving advice

Обновлено Ноя 6, 2018

Итак, дорогие друзья, изучающие английский язык, сегодня на вашей улице праздник – вы, я уверена, постоянно читаете различные советы об изучении английского, а сейчас вы будете давать советы.

Будете давать советы или разного рода предложения на английском! А что, вам поделиться, что ли нечем?

Да легко! Сейчас только фразы необходимые для этого подучим, и вперёд!

How to give a piece of advice

Я бы хотел дать совет

Фразы, используемые, чтобы дать совет

Фраза Описание Пример
Should Совет можно дать через модальный глагол should («должен», «следует»). You should… You should study every day. (Вам следует учиться каждый день).

Обратите внимание, что после модального should частица to не ставится.

— Not you should TO study, but you should study.

Would You’d better — ты бы лучше… You’d better call her. (Ты бы позвонил ей.)

В этой конструкции тоже не используется частица to.

— Not you’d better TO call, but you’d better call her.

Have you…? Ещё один способ ненавязчиво дать совет или, скорее, предложить что-либо, — это фраза Have you tried? (ты пробовал?) Have you tried pushing this button? (Ты пробовал нажать на эту кнопку?)
If I were you If I were you, I would (‘d). По-русски эта фраза звучит «На твоём месте, я бы…» или «Будь я на твоём месте, я бы…». If I were you, I’d study every day! На твоём месте я бы занимался каждый день!
Есть ещё одна интересная разновидность такой фразы — If I were in your shoes, I would… В русском языке мы «бываем в чьей-то шкуре», а в английском — в «туфлях». If I were in your shoes, I would move abroad. (Будь я на твоём месте, я бы переехал за границу).
Suggest Можно выразить предложение таким образом — I suggest doing / (that) you do. I suggest calling him. (Я предлагаю тебе позвонить ему).
Recommend Есть очень похожий способ выразить предложение — I recommend doing /(that) you do… I recommend that you call him. (Я рекомендую тебе позвонить ему).

Можно добавить эмоциональности этой фразе — I DO recommend / I strongly recommend…

Propose Похожая конструкция будет и с глаголом propose. I propose that you come to this meeting. (Я предлагаю тебе сходить на это собрание.)
Ought to I think you ought to… Думаю, тебе следует… I think you ought to visit your parents. (Думаю, тебе следует навестить своих родителей.)

Обратите внимание, что здесь уже ставится частица to.

The way I see it The way I see it, you can do… Как мне это видится (То, как я это вижу, с точки зрения моего видения), ты можешь… The way I see it, you can call him and tell the truth. Как я это вижу, ты можешь позвонить ему и рассказать правду.
Advice I advise you to do — я советую тебе сделать что-либо… I advise you to call him.Или можно вежливо начать: Could I give you a piece of advice?

Помним, что слово advice — неисчисляемое. И обратите внимание на разницу в написании — adviSe — советовать, глагол; a piece of adviCe — совет, существительное.

Совет, через высказывание мнения Можно выразить совет косвенно, через высказывание своего мнения о значимости какого-либо действия I think, it’s important / it’s essential / it’s vital to… (Я думаю, важно сделать что-либо…)
I think, it’s important to visit your parents every now and then. (Думаю, важно посещать родителей время от времени).

Ну что ж, I recommend that you learn these phrases. If I were you, I’d use them straightaway!

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Всем привет!

Меня зовут Полина.

Я профессиональный дипломированный учитель английского языка, с высшим педагогическим образованием и повышением квалификации на всевозможных курсах, тренингах, включая курс для учителей в Англии, Оксфорде.

Я счастлива поделиться с вами своими знаниями и опытом!

С 2013 я живу и работаю за границей (Китай, Филиппины, Вьетнам, США), поэтому занятия провожу онлайн по скайпу, а также вы можете приобрести мои авторские курсы.

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He gave us very good advice on one or two occasions.

« Diggory and Jack Vance followed the advice given to Kennedy and Jacobs, and did so rather sheepishly.

It was forthwith arranged that he should occasionally visit the Hermit, to receive instructions, as if for the purpose of asking medical advice.

You could be Lord knows where now if you‘d a took my advice four years ago and lit out when I did.

His patients, the poor African blacks, would walk a hundred miles to seek his advice, and his waggon was followed by a great crowd of sick folk anxious to be healed.

Shelley addressed to Keats in Naples another letter, anxiously enquiring about his health, offering him advice as to the adaptation of diet to the climate, and concluding with an urgent invitation to Pisa, where he could assure him every comfort and attention.

From him Byron sought and received advice, and he owed to him the prevention of what might have been a most foolish and disastrous encounter.

They wanted her advice.

He who had so thoroughly dominated the entire ship, eagerly accepted advice of mea man without experience.

To quote her own words, «Though I do so need advice and wisdom in my own matters, the most extraordinary people think proper to consult me about the most extraordinary things, and I cannot lose the opportunity of giving the only Christian advice they may be in the way of receiving.

She remembered the advice she had given her young brothers, «Don’t pick a fight.

But a furious madness constrains me to follow the worse course; vainly does my heart, insatiable in its desires, long for strength to enable it to adopt thy advice; what reason enjoins is rendered of no avail by this soulsubduing passion.

Had Braddock heeded the advice of the man whom he asked to join his family, the event might have been different.

« «On what point do you wish my advice?« said Mrs. Wilson, kindly, after she had finished reading the letter, «and when do you expect to see your uncle?« «Would you have me accept the offer of my father, dear madam, or am I to remain separated from him for the short residue of his life?« Mrs. Fitzgerald was affected to tears, as she asked this question, and waited her answer, in silent dread of its nature.

«If the sovereign rules badly,« he said, «they should reprove him; if he persists again and again in disregarding their advice, they should dethrone him.«

Here Mr. Hamilton Brown, a Scotch gentleman with considerable knowledge of Greek affairs, joined the party, and induced them to change their course to Cephalonia, for the purpose of obtaining the advice and assistance of the English resident, Colonel Napier.

Feeling himself incapable of coming to a decision, he sent for Belial, unfolded the matter, and requested his advice.

Hadifah heard this advice and repeated it, word for word, to his rider.

There were many details upon which he required Paul‘s advice, and the two men talked together with less constraint than they had hitherto done.

As Quirini wished for nothing more than to return to his own country, he desired therefore advice and assistance to enable him to travel either by the way of Germany or England.

She would take a school some place nearand see what was going to happen; and besidesshe suddenly thought of thisshe must not decide on anything until she saw Mr. Donald, her old teacher, and got his advice.

« There are many sayings of this kind still current among our countryfolk, some of which no doubt contain good advice; and of the plaintain, which from time immemorial has been used as a vulnerary, it is said: «Plantain ribbed, that heals the reaper‘s wounds.

Centuries after St. Benedict‘s death we find St. Bonaventure repeating this advice to his novices.

Sextus rejected the advice with the characteristic words, «You should have done it without asking me.«

« They considered this advice seriously.


: recommendation regarding a decision or course of conduct : counsel

… shall have power, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to make treaties …U.S. Constitution


: information or notice given

usually used in plural

… the latest advices from Mexico …Henry David Thoreau


: an official notice concerning a business transaction


Example Sentences

Parties have to make decisions involving millions of dollars based on incomplete information; to help make those decisions, they inevitably seek advice from pollsters they trust.

Noam Scheiber, New Republic, 24 Feb. 2003

Of all the e-mail advice I’ve received about my herniated disk, from acupuncture to zen, the most immediately applicable has been this: Channel your daily rage away from your spine.

Robert Lipsyte, New York Times, 21 July 2002

My advice is to sell your old car and get a new one.

Take my advice and sell your old car.

He needs advice from an expert.

She’s been giving him some expert advice about investing.

“May I ask your advice about something?” “Certainly. I’m always happy to give advice when asked for it.”

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Recent Examples on the Web

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s advice to women aspiring to succeed in politics or the workplace is simple: Know your motivation, and don’t be afraid to throw a punch.

Natalie Andrews, WSJ, 22 Mar. 2023

My advice is to look for people outside of product management roles that have the mindset and skills to perform the job.

Sara Vassar, Forbes, 22 Mar. 2023

My similar advice is to end all contact with them and never look back.

Kwame Anthony Appiah, New York Times, 22 Mar. 2023

Speaking at a live talk with Moshiry in Copenhagen, Wenders told the mostly young audience how this sense has informed his filmmaking from the beginning, and offered a word of advice.

Lise Pedersen, Variety, 22 Mar. 2023

On Tuesday, the Food Network star posted an Instagram Story that included some inspirational words of advice for any of her fans going through a tough time.

Antonia Debianchi, Peoplemag, 22 Mar. 2023

My advice is to buy a third magazine (sold separately).

Tim Macwelch, Outdoor Life, 21 Mar. 2023

As the franchise attempts to work its way back toward respectability, one Golden State veteran has no shortage of advice.

Michael Shapiro, Chron, 21 Mar. 2023

So one more bit of advice: Back the ever-loving heck off this issue, this couple, this entitlement.

Carolyn Hax, Washington Post, 20 Mar. 2023

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These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘advice.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History


Middle English avis, avise, advis, advise «thought, judgment, opinion,» borrowed from Anglo-French avis, avise, advis, from the phrase a vis «apparent» (in ce m’est a vis «that appears to me»), from a «to, at, in» (going back to Latin ad) + vis, in part from the noun vis «field of vision, sense of sight, face» (going back to Latin vīsus, verbal noun from vidēre «to see»), in part from the Old French phrase ço m’est vis «that seems to me,» continuing Latin mihi est vīsum (with neuter past participle of vidēre) — more at at entry 1, wit entry 2

First Known Use

14th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1

Time Traveler

The first known use of advice was
in the 14th century

Dictionary Entries Near advice

Cite this Entry

“Advice.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


More from Merriam-Webster on advice

Last Updated:
26 Mar 2023
— Updated example sentences

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Here you will learn useful English vocabulary phrases related to problems and advice

Unsure what to say when someone’s facing problems in life? These expressions will help you in English conversations when you’re offering a piece of advice.

By the way, how many words do you know for ‘problem’ in English? Learn 8 other words to say ‘problem’ in English.

Table of Contents



Harry is a native English teacher with over 10 years of experience both online and in face-to-face lessons. With his extensive experience in business, he specialises in Business English lessons but happily teaches ESL students with any English learning needs. 

English Vocabulary related to Problems and Advice

English vocabulary related to problems and advice. Everyday English expressions. Learn English with Harry at #learnenglish #englishlessons #EnglishTeacher #vocabulary #ingles #อังกฤษ #английский #aprenderingles #english #cursodeingles #учианглийский #vocabulário #dicasdeingles #learningenglish #ingilizce #englishgrammar #englishvocabulary #ielts #idiomas

Sometimes life throws up problems for us. We lose our job. We get divorced, a family member dies or sometimes it’s not so dramatic but nevertheless it still tests our resolve and our ability to recover.

That got me thinking about English vocabulary related to problems and advice. What are the phrases to use in English to show we can adjust and we can start again?

Intermediate to Advanced English Marathon

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

INSANITY: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

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Move on

Meaning: to leave the past behind you and look to the future. Or somebody is leaving a company to get a new job.

This can be both physical or mental.

Moving on in your mind means forgetting the problem and think positive.

You can also physically move towns or cities or even countries.

I have had enough of this job time to move on to something bigger.

Get over it

Meaning: to forget about the problem, accept it and leave it in the past.

Often a phrase a friend will use when giving advice. “Ok, so she left you for another guy.”

Get over it and find another girl. There are plenty out there!

English Vocabulary related to Problems and Advice

Let it go

Meaning: to forget about something.

Often a problem stays with us for a long time because we will not let go. Stop the problem letting worry you and make that new start.

If you really want to make a new start you have to let it go.

“Let it go, let it go
Can’t hold it back anymore” – sings Elsa from “Frozen”

Leave it all behind

Meaning: to forget about your problem. Something we all would like to do at some time in our lives.

Oh, why don’t we sell up and move away leave it all behind us, for a while anyway!

Make a new start

Meaning: exactly what it says. Start afresh a whole new beginning.

Making a new start is not always easy but it can also be fun.

English Vocabulary related to Problems and Advice

Draw a line in the sand

Meaning: to set a limit or to put a stop to something

A well-used cliché. However, it can be true. When faced with a problem and continuing with it will only cause more stress then it is often better to draw a line in the sand leave the past behind and look to the future. New rules, new agreements and no old baggage.

They had a very bad argument and nobody was prepared to give in. One person suggested they agree to draw a line in the sand and begin again. The both agreed and the argument was soon forgotten.

English vocabulary related to problems and advice. Everyday English expressions. Learn English with Harry at #learnenglish #englishlessons #EnglishTeacher #vocabulary #ingles #อังกฤษ #английский #aprenderingles #english #cursodeingles #учианглийский #vocabulário #dicasdeingles #learningenglish #ingilizce #englishgrammar #englishvocabulary #ielts #idiomas

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Useful English Collocations


Hey Subscribers welcome to free online English lessons from Let’s Talk English speaking Institute in Mumbai. In this English lesson with Michelle you will learn how to give, take and decline an advice. In life we constantly need advice, or sometimes we are required to give an advice and sometimes we need to decline and advice, when people try to unnecessarily advice us. In this Spoken English lesson you will learn some useful English phrases related to advice.

Complete Lesson Transcript :-

Oops! I got a tooth ache. What do you suggest that I should do? Come on quickly tell me, what would you do, if you were me and if you got a tooth ache, would you go to the dentist? I need your advice over this but are you looking for words to advise me? That’s really sad but I’m gonna help you with that because in this lesson, I’m going to tell you how to ask for advice? How to give advice and not just that, how to even decline advice. Stay with me, Michelle to learn more.

So the first thing that we are going to look at in this lesson is the different forms of the advice. Do you know that advice can be used as a verb? Yes if I tell you that, I advise you to learn English it’s because you’re going to use that in your job application or for bagging good jobs. So here the word advice is acting as a verb because I’m giving it as an action. I advise you, so it is an action that I’m telling you, that I’m performing. So one way of using advice is as a verb. When you use the phrase, I advise you and I must tell you that once my father gave me a great piece of advice. He told me, never give up. When I use the phrase a great piece of advice, here the word advice changes its form. It becomes from a verb to a noun. Advice can also be used as a noun in the phrase, a great piece of advice. Some two common expressions that you can use to talk about advice are should or ought to. So if I say that you ought to admit your mistake, does that sound a bit rude? Yes that talks about a moral obligation or something that is morally correct. So if I ask you to accept your mistake that means that it’s a moral obligation. But if I say, children shouldn’t be allowed to watch too much TV, this one is an advice but the first one was a moral obligation. So should is one way of using or expressing advice.

Now let’s quickly look at the phrases that we have on the board. So I asked you a question in the beginning of the lesson. I said I’ve got a tooth ache, what do you suggest I do? This is one way to ask for advice and it’s a very general question. But if I say, what’s your advice? That is asking your advice specifically. You might want to tell me a specific routine that I must follow when I ask you this question. So I could ask this question to a doctor or possibly to a dentist. I could ask him what what’s your advice doctor and he’d give me a set of routine that I must follow, a set of steps that I must follow. So this is a very specific phrase and you could ask this to a doctor in a more formal way. But the fits phrase where we say, what do you suggest is a more informal that you could ask from your friend.

Let’s look at the third one. If you were me, what would you do? Here, you’re asking the listener to put himself in your shoe. You’re empathizing them; you’re asking them to feel what you’re feeling. So if I’m feeling the toothache, I’d say, I’m having a toothache, what would you do, if you were me? So here I’m asking you to experience my pain so I’m empathizing, I’m asking for empathy, asking for empathy. These three are some ways to ask for advice.

Let’s look at the fourth phrase, why don’t you see the dentist? Am I asking for advice or am I giving advice here? Yes with this phrase, we have moved on from asking advice to giving advice. So if somebody asks you a question, I have a toothache, what do you suggest? You could reply, why don’t you see the dentist? That’s a general answer to a more general question. Let’s look at the next phrase; if you take my advice, so which one, which of these questions do you think this phrase answers the best? According to me, it answers the second question best. What’s your advice? If somebody asks you this question, what’s your advice, you could reply, if you take my advice, you should brush your teeth on a regular basis and you must also a mouth freshener to keep your gums clean. So this one is very formal and it’s the best fit for the second question, to give a more specific answer.

Let’s look at the sixth one. If I were you, as you would have already guessed it, this is how you should answer this question. What would you do if you were me? You should reply, if I were you, I’d see a dentist ASAP, as soon as possible. So here, you’re empathizing with the speaker, which means that you’re trying to understand their situation and help them out with a solution.

So these are three ways to give an advice. Now let’s look at these two phrases. I wish I could help, so if you’re really busy one night and one of your friends, needs some help for a project at work but you’re also very busy with an assignment and he asks for help but you’re not able to. You’re not in a situation where you could help him. So you’d reply, I wish I could help but I’m sorry I have loads of work to complete. So in this situation, you are declining an advice. Declining a favor or advice. Let’s look at the next phrase. I’m afraid I don’t know. So this phrase can be used in a situation where you are scared to answer the question. Maybe you’re too confused or you cannot give a specific answer. So let’s say that your cousin is asking you for a career advice, she says that she wants to be a guitarist and she wants to join professional training for that instead of graduate school. So what do you think is a suggestion? What would you suggest to her? If you’re not in a situation to suggest her, then you could say, I’m afraid, I don’t know. When you can’t suggest anything. Now let’s look at the last phrase that we have on the board, you’d better. What do you think this contraction stands for? Does it stand for you had better? Or does it stand for you would better? The interesting fact is, it can stand for both of them. If you’re talking about a past situation. So let’s say that you had invited some guests at home and you turned up late and your wife ended up hosting your guests. So the moment you reach home, she’ll say you’d better not come late. So she’s talking about a past situation that cannot be changed. You had better for a past situation. You would, you can use this phrase to talk about a future situation, you could say, you’d better obey your parents. So here you’re asking someone to obey their parents in the future. So you can use, you had for a suggestion in the past but you cannot change the situation and you would use you would  for a situation in the future or for an advice in the future.

So these are different expressions to ask advice, to give advice and also to decline advice. Don’t forget to use words like should and ought to that I shared with you and remember to use the word advice both as a verb and also as a noun. thank you so much for staying with me in this lesson, please come back again for another lesson with me Michelle, till then you take care, bye.

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