Phrases with gold in the word

Gold has been considered a precious and valuable metal throughout history. It has been used as a symbol of wealth, success, and prosperity in many cultures, and has inspired a variety of idiomatic expressions in the English language.

From “worth its weight in gold” to “all that glitters is not gold,” these idioms offer a creative and engaging way of expressing various aspects of human experience, from materialism to wisdom.

In this post, we will explore some of the most interesting and widely used gold idioms, examining their meanings and origins, and discovering the valuable insights they offer for everyday communication.

Through these idioms, we can gain a deeper appreciation for the richness and diversity of our language and the ways in which it reflects and shapes our experiences.

Gold idioms

1. As Good As Gold

  • Meaning: to be very good. It can also be used to describe a well-behaved obedient person.
  • Use In A Sentence: How were the kids this afternoon? They were as good as gold. They just played with their toys and watched a movie.

2. A Gold Mine

  • Meaning: something that contains a lot of value.
  • Use In A Sentence: Wow, my grandpa’s attic is a gold mine! I found just what I was looking for.

3. To Have A Heart Of Gold

  • Meaning: used to describe a person who is very genuine. Someone that is always looking for ways to help others.
  • Use In A Sentence: I love your grandmother. She has a heart of gold. She is always willing to lend a hand.

4. A Pot Of Gold

  • Meaning: a large sum of money.
  • Use In A Sentence: He may look like he doesn’t have much money, but I bet they are sitting on a pot of gold.

5. All That Glistens Is Not Gold

  • Meaning: Not everything is as good as it seems.
  • Use In A Sentence: Don’t think that just because a person is rich they are happy. Remember all that glistens is not gold

sitting on a gold mine - gold idioms

6. To Be Sitting On A Gold Mine

  • Meaning: to have access to something that has a lot of value or is worth a lot of money.
  • Use In A Sentence: I never knew all this time George was sitting on a gold mine of antiques that he has collected over the past 50 years.

7. To Be Worth One’s Weight In Gold

  • Meaning: used to describe something that is very valuable or useful.
  • Use In A Sentence: I think this website on idioms is worth its weight in gold.

8. Black Gold

  • Meaning: Oil. It is called black gold because of its colors and its value.
  • Use In A Sentence: We are going to be rich! They just told Dad that our property is sitting on black gold.

9. Crock Of Gold

  • Meaning: a large sum of money.
  • Use In A Sentence: I thought I was going to find a crock of gold when I started my marketing business, but I guess I was wrong.

fool's gold - gold idioms

10. Fool’s Gold

  • Meaning: a yellow metal that is oftentimes confused with gold. It can also be used to refer to a situation that appears too good to be true.
  • Use In A Sentence: You can imagine how disappointed he was when he learned that he dug up nothing but mere fool’s gold.

11. To Go For The Gold

  • Meaning: to try your very best with hopes of winning. It is a reference to winning a gold medal at the Olympics.
  • Use In A Sentence: Tomorrow I am going to compete in the State Spelling Bee. Nice, go for the gold!

12. A Gold Digger

  • Meaning: a female who pursues a romantic relationship with men who have a lot of money.
  • Use In A Sentence: I think Jessica is only planning on marrying him because of his money. I hope Jack comes to his senses before it is too late.

13. Gold Standard

  • Meaning: a model of excellence in which other things are measured up against.
  • Use In A Sentence: Her apple pies are now the gold standard for those competing in the competition.

14. A Goldbrick

  • Meaning: a lazy person.
  • Use In A Sentence: Jim is just a lazy brick. He doesn’t do anything but sit around the house and watch TV.

gold plated - idioms about gold

15. Gold-Plated

  • Meaning: this terms literally means to put a layer of gold over something. However, it can also mean to add unnecessary refinements or embellishments to something.
  • Use In A Sentence: Many of the people in this town are upset at how the government spends the taxpayer’s hard-earned money to gold plate the city’s infrastructure.

16. Like Gold Dust

  • Meaning: used to describe something that is very valuable but difficult to get.
  • Use In A Sentence: A hard-working person is like gold dust in this city. They are so hard to find.

17. Speech Is Silver, Silence Is Gold

  • Meaning: an expression to say that silence is more valuable than too much talking.
  • Use In A Sentence: I would be careful what you say around them. Remember, speech is silver and silence is gold.

18. To Strike Gold

  • Meaning: to discover wealth or success. It usually refers to finding success by chance.
  • Use In A Sentence: John struck gold when he discovered the 17-year old opera singer.

19. Streets Are Paved With Gold

  • Meaning: a place where it is easy to make money or become successful.
  • Use In A Sentence: Lily wants to move to L.A. because she thinks the streets are paved with gold.

there is gold in them there hills

20. There Is Gold In Them There Hills

  • Meaning: there exists the possibility to make a lot of money it a certain place.
  • Use In A Sentence: With the economy growing many investors know there is gold in them there hills and are acting fast.

21. A Golden Calf

  • Meaning: to give an object unworthy wealth.
  • Use In A Sentence: Wealth has become a golden calf in Western countries.

golden years - idioms about gold

22. The Golden Years

  • Meaning: the years after retirement.
  • Use In A Sentence: After Jeff retires, he wants to spend his golden years living on a beach in a foreign country.

23. A Golden Handshake

  • Meaning: a large severance package or a large amount of money a person is given to leave their job.
  • Use In A Sentence: Jill was offered a golden handshake. She’d be a fool to refuse it.

24. A Golden Hello

  • Meaning: an amount of money given to a new recruit as a bonus.
  • Use In A Sentence: I can’t believe it! My first week on the job and my new boss was so impressed that he gave me a golden hello.

a golden key can open any door - gold idioms

25. A Golden Key Can Open Any Door

  • Meaning: with money a person can do just about anything.
  • Use In A Sentence: I can’t believe Jessica was accepted into that university. Well, she comes from a rich family and a golden key can open any door.

26. A Golden Opportunity

  • Meaning: a chance to do something. An opportunity that is very rare. Once in a lifetime.
  • Use In A Sentence: This is a golden opportunity for you to do what you have always wanted to do. Please don’t pass up this opportunity.

27. To Have A Golden Touch

  • Meaning: to be successful at whatever one does or touches.
  • Use In A Sentence: Bill has a golden touch. It seems like whatever company he buys within a year it is making double the amount he paid for it.

29. The Golden Ticket

  • Meaning: Something or someone that provides an opportunity for one to become very successful.
  • Use In A Sentence: The piano his dad bought him was his golden ticket out of this small town. One day he will become a famous piano musician.

30. A Golden Oldie

  • Meaning: a song that was popular in the past and still is popular today.
  • Use In A Sentence: My dad loves to listen to the golden oldies. I can’t complain, I like to listen to them too.

31. Golden Age

  • Meaning: a period of time when something or someone was very successful.
  • Example: My grandma grew up in the golden age of good American Literature.

In conclusion, gold idioms provide a fascinating insight into the ways in which our language is shaped by our cultural experiences and values.

They offer a creative and engaging way of expressing a range of human experiences, from wealth and success to wisdom and value.

By mastering the art of using gold idioms, we can not only improve our language skills but also gain valuable insights into human behavior and interaction, and ultimately, increase our appreciation for the richness and diversity of our world.

Whether we are talking about the value of material possessions or the importance of inner qualities, gold idioms offer a timeless and powerful way of communicating complex ideas and emotions that continue to resonate with us today.

There you have it! 31 Gold Idioms! Which one is your favorite? Please share your thoughts in the comments section below.

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  • As good as gold (Золото, а не человек)
  • A heart of gold (Золотое сердце)
  • Worth its weight in gold (На вес золота)

Hello, I’m a very interesting, and intelligent and rich man.
Not really.
And today this gold and I will be getting together to teach you some English idioms.
I bet you’ve never been taught by some gold before!

Привет, я очень интересный, и умный, и богатый человек.
Вообще-то всё наоборот.
И сегодня я и это золото вместе научим вас некоторым английским идиомам.
Готов спорить, вы никогда раньше не учились у золота!

And now… a metallurgy lesson.
Gold is… good.
Ah. My boss’s dog, Brian.
He asked me to look after him while he went away on holiday.
My boss says Brian’s as good as gold.
But I’m not so sure.
In English, if someone – usually a child, or a pet, is verywell-behaved, we say they’re as good as gold.
As good as gold.
There you are Brian, good dog… Ah!
Argh! Brian! Brian! Get down! No! Let go, Brian! Sit! Sit! Argh! Roll over! No, lay down Brian! ARGHGHGH!

А сейчас… урок металлургии.
Золото… вещь хорошая.
Ах. Это собака моего начальника, Брайан.
Он сам уехал отдыхать, а меня попросил присмотреть за ней.
Начальник говорит, что Брайан — золото, а не собака.
Но я в этом не уверен.
В английском языке, если кто-то — обычно ребёнок или домашнее животное — ведёт себя очень хорошо, мы говорим, что это золотой ребёнок/животное (as good as gold).
As good as gold.Золото, а не человек. Золото, а не собака.
Вот тебе, Брайан, хороший пёс… Ах!.
Агх! Брайан! Брайан! Слезай! Нет! Отпусти, Брайан! Сидеть! Сидеть! Агх! Перевернись! Нет, лежать, Брайан! АГХГХГХ!

Have you met my sister?
She’s a lovely girl, but I don’t know why… nobody seems to like her.
She’s so kind and helpful…
…that’s right. She’s got a heart of gold.
In English, if someone is very kind and helpful, we say they’ve got a heart of gold.
A heart of gold.

Вы знакомы с моей сестрой?
Прекрасная девочка, но — не знаю почему — её никто не любит.
Она такая добрая и отзывчивая…
… правильно. У неё золотое сердце.
В английском языке, если кто-то добр и отзывчив, про него говорят: «Золотое сердце (a heart of gold)».
A heart of gold.Золотое сердце.

And next in our lesson on gold….
Gold is…
… heavy… and… valuable.
Um, what IS the time, by the way?
Ah, thank you.
Clocks are SO useful, aren’t they? In fact, they’re worth their weight in gold.
In English, if something is extremely useful, we say it’s worth its weight in gold.
Worth its weight in gold.
Like my lessons. They’re worth their weight in gold.
What do you mean, my lessons are very lightweight?!

Продолжим наш урок про золото…
… тяжёлое… и… дорого стоит.
Уу, а который час, кстати?
Часы такая нужная вещь! За них не жаль заплатить столько золота, сколько они сами весят.
В английском языке, если какая-то вещь очень полезна, мы говорим, что она «на вес золота (worth its weight in gold)» (стоит столько золота, сколько сама весит).
Worth its weight in gold.На вес золота.
Как мои уроки. Они на вес золота.
Почему вы говорите, что мои уроки очень легковесны?

gold — перевод на русский


«I will not part with this horse for mere gold!»

«Я не отдам коня за золото!»

Gold, silver, copper.

…золото, серебро, медь.

— Yeah, but gold ain’t.

Их легко забыть. — Да, но золото нелегко.

They found this gold on him. Know anything about him?

– У новичка, Тракерна нашли золото.

I shall call back on the way, so have the gold and valuables ready for me.

Заеду позже, приготовьте золото и драгоценности.

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Hello, Miss Gold. Oh, hello.

— Здравствуйте, мисс Голд.

Hoppe and Gold, that Jew.

— Хоппе и Голд, эти жиды!

Well, Edusa Gold, the drama teacher, Clare Quilty and Vivian Darkbloom.

Ну, Эдюса Голд, учительница, Клэр Квилти и Вивиан Даркблум.

-Sir Keith Gold has disappeared.

-Сэр Кит Голд исчез.

You can make as many inquiries as you like, my dear Gold, after we’ve penetrated the Earth’s crust.

Вы можете проводить сколько захотите расследований, мой дорогой Голд, после того как мы проникнем сквозь Земную кору.

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Lizzie Flynn, you’re a gold mine.

Лиззи Флинн, ты золотая жила.

She’s got something. It’s a gold mine.

Она — это золотая жила.

A gold mine.

Золотая жила.

I always understood you had a gold mine in that motel.

Я всегда так понимал, что у тебя золотая жила в том мотеле.

It doesn’t look it now, but this place is a gold mine.

Конечно сейчас так не скажешь, но это место золотая жила.

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Someone has stolen five gold coins?

Кто украл у тебя пять монет?

— 300 gold coins.

Три сотни монет.

Along with my son and 400 gold coins.

А в придачу — сына и четыреста звонких монет.

If you do, I’ll give you 100 pieces of gold.

Примите в качестве знака моего раскаяния 100 монет.

You, lad, pull that gold coin off the mast. Throw it over the side.

Парни, сорвем эту монету и бросим в море.

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Solid Gold, let’s run! The Foul Smell is following us.

Бежим, Червонец! Вонялка гонится! Не канителься с ними, Десять Верст!

Solid Gold, you are here too.

Червонец, и ты здесь? Сзади!

Enough rest, Solid Gold!

Не унывай, Червонец!

Solid Gold, let’s run!

Бежим, Червонец!

Right, Solid Gold?

Эй, Червонец!

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They’ll take you anywhere for enough gold.

За деньги они отвезут тебя куда хочешь.

Every day you’ll be eating horse meat, drinking koumiss, wearing gold coins in your hair.

Каждый день будешь конину кушать, кумыс пить, деньги в волосах носить.

All my precious sacks of gold couldn’t buy me the joys of a family meal.

Все мои деньги не могут подарить мне радость семейной трапезы.

Gold grows under my feet.

Мне достаточно просто нагнуться, чтобы найти деньги.

Georgia takes crap and makes gold out ofit.

Джорджия делает деньги из ничего.

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The gold watch she gave me…

Золотые часы, которые она мне подарила…

It was a gold watch.

Это были золотые часы.

— Yes, a gold one on a chain

— Да, золотые часы на цепочке.

A gold watch, earrings with turquoise, and a snake.

Золотые часы, серьги с бирюзой и змейка.

I’ve also got a gold watch.

Мамины золотые часы.

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See if they got any gold nuggets.

Глянь, может, у них золотишко найдется.

I collected the gold, it was mine, and you took it all for yourself.

Я золотишко собрал, приготовил, а ты все себе захапал.

That’s where the gold is.

Там есть золотишко.

In the old days they searched for gold….

В прежние времена они золотишко делали.

It’s about that gold.

Насчёт золотишка.

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— As good as gold.

Не ребенок, а чистое золото.

His skin is as the most fine gold… his cheeks are as a bed of spices.»

Его кожа — словно чистое золото… его щеки — словно ложе с пряностями.»


Золото, чистое золото, без всякой примеси.

A lump of gold with no impurities.

Чистое золото, без примеси.

Voga, otherwise known as the Planet of Gold.

Вога, как вам должно быть известно, это планета из чистого золота.

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You know the kind. Each piece wrapped in gold paper.

Каждая конфета завернута в золотистую бумагу.

Freshmen take the pink form, sophomores take the gold form…

Новенькие, берите розовую форму, второкурсники, берите золотистую.

The grease has to be gold.

Масло должно быть золотистым.

Thats a cup of flour, a cup of sugar, a cup of fruit cocktail with the juice. Then you mix and bake at 350 until gold and bubbly. -Sounds awfully rich.

Чашка муки, чашка сахара, чашка фруктового сока с мякотью, смешать и всё это в духовку до золотистой корочки.

There’s black, there’s gold, there’s Union Jack or there’s leopard skin.

«ерный, золотистый, под цвет Ѕританского флага и леопардова€ шкура.

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He found «pay» that was no more than «wages» on a dozen surface bars, and from the generous spread of flour gold in the muck and gravel of a score of creeks, he was more confident than ever that coarse gold in quantity was waiting to be unearthed.

Then it was that Carmack, his brother-in-law, Skookum Jim, and Cultus Charlie, another Indian, arrived in a canoe at Forty Mile, went straight to the gold commissioner, and recorded three claims and a discovery claim on Bonanza Creek.

«First of all,» answered the Marionette, «I want to buy a fine new coat for my father, a coat of gold and silver with diamond buttons; after that, I’ll buy an A-B-C book for myself.»

«Do you want one hundred, a thousand, two thousand gold pieces for your miserable five?»

But King James, who had probably expected that the Rose Algier would return laden with gold, refused to have anything more to do with the affair.

But all the Ambassadors of the next countries, which had been there before, and knew the fashions and manners of the Utopians, among whom they perceived no honour given to sumptuous and costly apparel, silks to be contemned, gold also to be infamed and reproachful, were wont to come thither in very homely and simple apparel.

At the base of the «V,» by the water’s edge, he had found the gold colors at the grass roots.

And now that all the false hopes had vanished, and the first shock of certainty was past, the idea of a thief began to present itself, and he entertained it eagerly, because a thief might be caught and made to restore the gold. The thought brought some new strength with it, and he started from his loom to the door.

He gave her a vessel of water and then went back to his place and his thoughts, and with his mind busy over his last adventure, he put his gold into a long and narrow purse, which he could easily carry in his belt.

He would have given much of the gold before him for a little water—for he had to replace what had been thrown overboard when the negro was carried up into the air.

A whole month went by before I obtained any result; but whenever I felt my strength failing as I worked, I heard the chink of gold, I saw gold spread before me, I was dazzled by diamonds.—Ah!

Damon said,» he went on while arranging his papers, «he met me on the train, and he was so taken by the story of the idol of gold that he agreed to accompany me to Central America.»

Unfortunately, Allah has made me so that I must also take off your head — unless,» he added, thoughtfully, «you offer me half of the gold; for He made me weak under temptation.»

He loved the red gold of the sunstone, and the moonstone’s pearly whiteness, and the broken rainbow of the milky opal.

Almost immediately upon his return to the village Tarzan commenced making preparations for leading an expedition in search of the ruined city of gold which old Waziri had described to him.

gold noun

1 yellow metal

ADJ. pure | real | solid | fool’s | 9-carat, 18-carat, etc. | molten | beaten, rolled | burnished | tarnished

VERB + GOLD extract, mine, produce | look for, pan for, prospect for He spent weeks panning for gold in the river. | discover, find, strike | be set in The rubies were set in 18-carat gold.

GOLD + NOUN mine, miner, mining, prospecting, prospector | rush a gold rush town | deposit, dust, nugget | bar, bullion, ingot | leaf, plate | market, reserves, stocks falling government gold stocks | standard The currency was tied to the gold standard.

PHRASES a vein of gold In the afternoon he struck a rich vein of gold.

2 (also gold medal) in sports

ADJ. Olympic

VERB + GOLD get, take, win She got a gold in the long jump. | go for She’s going for gold this time.

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