Перевод gpx в excel

Upload your GPX File and Convert

Drag & Drop files here…

Please note that your data will not be shared to anybody unless you do it yourself.

Conversion from GPX to XLSX

Upload your GPX data (widely used in software like OziExplorer, Google Earth and GPS devices) and convert them by one click to XLSX format (widely used in software like MS Excel).

Notice to XLSX format — In case your data are POINT type, then XY coordinates will be exported as well.

About MyGeodata Converter

Our online converter of GPS Exchange Format format to Microsoft Excel format (GPX to XLSX) is fast and easy to use tool for both individual and batch conversions. Converter also supports more than 90 others vector and rasters GIS/CAD formats and more than 3 000 coordinate reference systems. If the coordinate system of your input data is not present or not recognized correctly, it is possible to assign the correct one. Then it is possible to transform your data to any other coordinate reference system.

Files can be uploaded using multiple selections or packed into any supported format (ZIP, RAR, 7Z, TAR, GZIP). If the input format is directory-based, it is necessary to pack whole directory — not only the content.

To avoid considerable servers loads we had to set conversions limits for each user — please see Free plan. If you exceeded the limit, you may register a prepaid plan — otherwise you will be charged by credit card during the conversion process (one-off payment). Your charges allow us to cover costs associated with the servers operation and to improve our service.

Supported coordinate reference systems

MyGeodata Converter supports more than 3 000 coordinate systems — including:

  • WGS 84
  • ETRS89 / LAEA Europe
  • ETRS89 / UTM zone 30N (N-E)
  • ETRS89 / UTM zone 29N
  • MGI / Austria Lambert
  • GDA94 / MGA zone 54
  • GDA94 / MGA zone 55
  • RGF93 / Lambert-93
  • WGS 84 / UTM zone …
  • ED50 / TM27
  • Amersfoort / RD New
  • Pulkovo 1942 / Gauss-Kruger
  • S-JTSK / Krovak
  • NAD27
  • NAD83

  • Pseudo-Mercator, Spherical Mercator, Google Maps, OpenStreetMap, Bing
  • OSGB 1936 / British National Grid — United Kingdom Ordnance Survey
  • … and 3 000+ other coordinate reference systems

Here is a complete guide for converting GPX files to Excel or CSV format on Windows 11/10. GPX, an acronym for GPS eXchange Format, is a GPS data file format that saves waypoints and route data. If you want to convert a GPX file to a spreadsheet or table structured format like Microsoft Excel (XLS, XLSX) or Comma Separated Values (CSV), this guide is for you. In this post, we are going to show you two different methods to convert GPX to Excel to CSV. So, without much ado, let us check out!

Can you convert a GPX file to CSV?

Yes, you can easily convert GPX files to CSV format. If you want to perform the conversion offline, you can use a free desktop application. You can try this free software called RouteConverter that lets you convert GPX to CSV, Excel, and many more formats. Besides that, you can also convert GPX to CSV online using the AnyConv website. We have discussed some more free tools that you can check out below.

Can you convert GPX file to Excel?

Yes, you can convert GPX to Excel using free software to a free online tool. You can try RouteConverter to convert GPX to XLS or XLSX format on your PC. Or, try using this free online tool called MyGeodata Converter to convert GPX to Excel.

Here are the two main methods to convert a GPX file to Excel or CSV format in Windows 11/10:

  1. Use free software to convert GPX to Excel or CSV.
  2. Try a free online tool to convert GPX to Excel or CSV online.

1) Use free software to convert GPX to Excel or CSV

Here are the free software you can use to convert GPX to Excel or CSV format on Windows 11/10:

  1. RouteConverter
  2. GPSBabel

1] RouteConverter

convert GPX to Excel, CSV

You can try this free desktop application called RouteConverter to convert GPX to CSV or Excel format. Using it, you convert GPX to both Excel formats including XLS and XLSX.

It is primarily a dedicated software to convert GPS data files from one format to another. Using it, you can convert routes, waypoints, and track data. It lets you input a GPX file and convert it to CSV format without any hassle. KML, TRK, RTE, LOG, ASC, and more are some other supported formats in it.

Let us check out how you can convert GPX to CSV or Excel using it.

How to convert GPX to Excel or CSV using RouteConverter

Here are the steps to convert GPX to Excel or CSV using this free software:

  1. Download RouteConverter.
  2. Launch this portable software.
  3. Open a GPX file.
  4. Modify the GPX file if required.
  5. Click on the Save as option.
  6. Select CSV, XLS, or XLSX as the output format.

Let us discuss the above steps in detail.

Firstly, download the software from its official website. After that, simply launch the executable file to start its main GUI. You don’t need to install it as it is a portable application.

Now, use the File > Open option to import a GPX file that you want to convert. It will show you the GPS data including tracks, routes, and waypoints on the right-side panel. You can also see the data on the map for analysis. You can easily edit the imported GPX file as per your requirement.

Next, go to the File > Save as option and set the output format to CSV, XLS, or XLSX in the Save file dialog. Then, type the filename and click on the Save button to start the conversion. That’s it.

Liked this software? You can get it from routeconverter.com.

See: How to convert Excel XLSX or XLS to GPX in Windows 11/10?

2] GPSBabel

GPSBabel is a nice free software to convert GPX to CSV. It is basically a GPS file converter software that supports a variety of file formats as input and output. Some of the formats supported by this freeware include KML, KMZ, TXT, TCX, WPT, TRK, XML, LOG, and RTE. You can also edit some output options prior to conversion e.g., name, description, encoding, etc.

Here are the simple steps to convert GPX to CSV using this free software:

  1. Firstly, download and install GPSBabel on your Windows PC.
  2. Now, launch the software.
  3. Next, in the Input section, set the Format as GPX XML and then press the Filename button to import the source GPX file.
  4. After that, customize Translation Options and then set the output format as CSV.
  5. Then, customize output options and enter the output filename.
  6. Finally, start GPX to CSV conversion by pressing the OK button.

It is a great free GPX to CSV converter software that you can use to convert other GPS data files as well.

Read: Turn on GPS Power Saver in Microsoft Band 2

2) Use a free online tool to convert GPX to Excel or CSV online

You can also try an online tool that lets you convert GPX to Excel or CSV. There are plenty of web services. However, if you are looking for a free one, here are free web services that you can use:

  1. MyGeodata Converter
  2. AnyConv

1] MyGeodata Converter

MyGeodata Converter is a free online GPX to Excel converter. It is basically a free web service that allows you to convert GPS data files from one format to another.  You can easily convert KMZ to GPX, SHP to KML, CSV to SHP, KML to SHP, KML to DXF, KML to GeoJSON, KMZ to KML, KMZ to CSV,  CSV to KML, TAB to KML, etc.

You can also find a useful feature in it called Show in a Map. This feature allows you to visualize the GPS data from imported files on the global map. So, you can view the waypoints, tracks, or routes on the map from the source file. The map image can be downloaded in PNG format. The process to use this converter is very simple. Let us check out.

You can follow the below steps to convert GPX to Excel using MyGeodata Converter:

  1. Go to the MyGeodata Converter website in a web browser.
  2. Browse and import the source GPX file.
  3. Set the output format to CSV.
  4. Press the Convert button to initiate the conversion.
  5. Download and save the resulting Excel file.

Firstly, you need to go to its website; simply open your web browser and open its website. Now, you can import the source GPX file from your PC. It also lets you drag and drop the source GPX file onto its interface. The good thing is that it also lets you import multiple GPX files at a time. You can also add source files from your MyGeodata drive (if you have one). When done adding the source GPX files, click on the Continue button.

Next, set the output format to CSV. When you choose CSV, it converts GPX to Excel (XLS) worksheet. Some other supported output formats in it include GeoPackage, DXF, KML, KMZ, SHP, PDF, etc.

Lastly, press the Convert button and it will convert your GPX files to Excel format in some time. When the conversion process is completed, you can download the ZIP folder containing the resulting Excel files to your PC. For that, you just need to click the Download button.

It is a great online GPS data converter tool that offers a Drive section where you can browser GIS/CAD data shared by other people. You can also upload and manage your own GIS files on its cloud.

You can try it here.

See: What is a FIT file? How to view and convert it in Windows?

2] AnyConv

AnyConv is a free online file converter using which you can convert GPX to CSV format. It is primarily used for the conversion of different file types such as audio, video, images, eBooks, and many more. Here are the steps you can use to convert GPX to CSV online:

  1. First, go to AnyConv’s CSV in a web browser.
  2. Now, browse and upload the source GPX file from your PC.
  3. Next, choose the output format as CSV.
  4. After that, press the Convert button and it will start converting the GPX file to CSV format.
  5. Once the conversion is finished, you can download the output CSV file to your PC.

It is an easy-to-use online GPX to CSV converter that also lets you convert GPX to FIT, KML, KMZ, and PDF.

What app opens a GPX file?

There are multiple apps and software that can open a GPX file on Windows PC. If you are looking for a free one, there are software like GPX Editor, Garmin BaseCamp, and EasyGPS that let you open and view a GPX file.

How do I convert a GPX file?

To convert a GPX file, you can download and install software like GPSBabel. It lets you convert GPX to KML, KMZ, CSV, LOG, and many more file formats. Apart from that, you can also try a free online tool such as MyGeodata Converter using which you can convert GPX files to a wide number of file formats.

Now read: How to convert CSV to GPX or KML using free Converter tools in Windows 11/10?

Notice to GPX: By default, the GPX driver skips sub points (tracks and segments) attributes if you read or export GPX data. Please use options to export all attributes. Also the driver write the empty point as empty route and the multi point as a route path.

Notice to XLSX: The XLSX driver store the geometry as well-known text in the WKT column. Attentional, we don’t support any options for the XLSX driver.

We’ve already processed files with total size of MB

Convert GPX to XLSX file format. All conversion you can make online from any platform: Windows, Linux, macOS and Android. We don’t require registration. This tool absolutely free. The application supports a wide range of input formats:

  • gpx
  • kml, kmz
  • geojson, json
  • topojson
  • shp, dbf, shx, cpg, prj, qix
  • mif, mid
  • tab, map, id, dat
  • gdb, gdbtable, gdbtablx
  • gml
  • osm
  • csv

Also the spatial reference system (SRS) can be changed for the output file. Aspose.GIS supports wide range SRS ( about 10,000 ) and we are constantly updating them. But some formats supports only one SRS (usualy WGS84). In this case, the GPX to XLSX converter returns a warning message.

The GPX to XLSX converter is online tool provided by Aspose.Gis.


GPS Exchange

GPX extension represents GPS Exchange format for interchange of GPS data between applications and web services on the internet. It is a light-weight XML format that contains GPS data i.e. waypoints, routes and tracks to be imported and red by multiple programs. GPX is open and is supported by variety of applications and GPS devices.

Read More


Microsoft Excel Open XML Spreadsheet

XLSX is well-known format for Microsoft Excel documents that was introduced by Microsoft with the release of Microsoft Office 2007.

Read More

how to

How to convert GPX files using XLSX

  • Click inside the file drop area to upload files or drag & drop a file.
  • You can upload maximum 10 files for the operation.
  • Click on Convert button. Your GPX files will be uploaded and converted to result format.
  • Download link of result will be available instantly after conversion.
  • You can also send a link to the GPX file to your email address.
  • Note that file will be deleted from our servers after 24 hours and download links will stop working after this time period.

Features of the Aspose.Gis Conversion free app


  1. How can I convert my GIS files to different formats?

    First, you need to add your GIS file for processing: drag and drop the GIS file or click inside the white area to select the file. Then choose the format in which your file will be saved. Next, select the output reference system if you need more customization. Then wait for the result of the operation. When the file is processed, you can download the result from the link or send the link to the email.

  2. How can I set my output reference system?

    To set your output reference system, you need to select the «Custom…» item in the «Output reference system» drop-down list. Then a window with a field for entering the EPSG code will open. Just enter your system code, and our application will take it into account when converting.

  3. 📁
    What file formats do you support?


  4. 🛡️
    Is it safe to convert files using GIS Conversion?

    Of course! The link to download the results files will be available immediately after conversion. We delete downloaded files after 24 hours and download links will stop working after this period. Nobody has access to your files. Converting files is safe.

  5. 💻
    Can I convert GIS files on Linux, Mac OS, or Android?

    Yes, you can use the free converter on any operating system that has a web browser. Our converter works online and does not require software installation.

  6. 🌐
    Which browser should I use to convert GIS files?

    You can use any modern browser to convert an image, for example, Google Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari.

Если вы хотите преобразовать GPX в аудиофайл XLS, вы попали в нужное место. Легко и просто преобразовать GPX в XLS или любой другой поддерживаемый файл.

1. Загрузите свой файл GPX

2. Преобразовать GPX в XLS

3. Загрузите ваш файл XLS

Популярные преобразования файла GPX

Converthelper.net — это бесплатный инструмент, который обеспечивает 100 000 конверсий каждый день. Вот последние преобразования файла GPX на наших серверах.:


Последние поисковые запросы от GPX до XLS:

GPX в XLS онлайн; Преобразовать GPX в XLS; Конвертируйте GPX в XLS, конвертируйте GPX в XLS бесплатно; как преобразовать GPX в XLS; GPX в XLS; преобразовать окно GPX в XLS; Преобразовать GPX в XLS mac; Онлайн-конвертер для GPX XLS; Конвертер Android GPX в XLS; безопасный конвертер GPX в XLS; Преобразовать GPX в XLS безопасный; преобразовать из GPX в XLS; Измените GPX на XLS; Преобразование из GPX в XLS; Бесплатная загрузка конвертера GPX в XLS

Batch convert gpx files to csv format online for free

Choose files or drag & drop them here.
Only you have access to your files.
All files will be deleted after one hour.

Upload GPX-file

Drag and drop your GPX file into the upload area. The maximum file size is 100 MB.


Click «Convert» to change gpx to csv. The conversion usually takes a few seconds.

Download your CSV

Now you can download the CSV file. The download link only works on your device.


  • ❓ How can I convert files from GPX to CSV?

    First you need to add file for conversion: drag and drop your GPX file or click the «Choose File» button. Then click the «Convert» button. When GPX to CSV conversion is completed, you can download your CSV file.

  • ⏱️ How long does it take to convert GPX to CSV?

    Document conversion is pretty fast. You can change GPX to CSV in a few seconds.

  • 🛡️ Is it safe to convert GPX to CSV on AnyConv?

    Of course! We delete uploaded files immediately, and converted ones after 1 hour. No one has access to your files. File conversion (including GPX to CSV) is absolutely safe.

  • 💻 Can I convert GPX to CSV on Mac OS or Linux?

    Yes, you can use AnyConv on any operating system that has a web browser. Our GPX to CSV converter works online and does not require software installation.

🔸 File format GPX CSV
🔸 Full name GPS Exchange Format CSV — Comma-Separated Values
🔸 File extension .gpx .csv
🔸 MIME type application/gpx+xml, application/octet-stream text/csv
🔸 Developed by Unknown Informational RFC
🔸 Type of format multi-platform, serial data streams
🔸 Description GPX (GPS Exchange Format) is a lightweight XML data format to interchange GPS data (waypoints, routes, and tracks) between applications and Web services on the Internet. The GPX format is open and can be used without the need to pay license fees. Location data (and optionally elevation, time, and other information) is stored in tags and can be interchanged between GPS devices and software. In computing, a comma-separated values (CSV) file stores tabular data (numbers and text) in plain text. Each line of the file is a data record. Each record consists of one or more fields, separated by commas. The comma as a field separator is the source of the name for this file format.
🔸 Technical details The CSV file format is not standardized. The basic idea of separating fields with a comma is clear, but that idea gets complicated when the field data may also contain commas or even embedded line-breaks. CSV implementations may not handle such field data or use quotation marks to surround the field.
🔸 File conversion GPX conversion CSV conversion
🔸 Associated programs Google Earth, MapSource, EasyGPS, GPS Track Editor Microsoft Excel, LibreOffice Calc
🔸 Wiki https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GPS_Exchange_Format https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comma-separated_values

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