Pdf to word for mac pdf to word for mac

Вы когда-нибудь получали PDF-файл, который хотите преобразовать в формат Word DOC или DOCX? Как правило, это необходимо, когда у вас есть PDF, который вы хотите отредактировать содержимое, возможно, резюме или тезис, но, конечно, PDF может быть более сложным. Если вы хотите конвертировать PDF в формат DOC, DOCX, RTF или TXT, мы рассмотрим несколько вариантов, чтобы выполнить задание на извлечение в Mac OS X. Это в основном противоположный сценарий преобразования документа Word в PDF через приложение Microsoft Office Word, но это так же часто необходимо.

Сначала мы рассмотрим, как вы можете использовать Документы Google для преобразования файла в формат Word, а затем мы сможем, как вы можете извлечь текст из PDF-документа, который вы можете превратить в DOC или DOCX самостоятельно. Затем мы покажем вам платное решение от Adobe, которое представляет собой сложный и сложный инструмент конвертирования PDF в DOC, который лучше всего подходит для профессиональных приложений и альтернативное собственное приложение для Mac, которое предлагает аналогичную функциональность. Наконец, мы рассмотрим более автоматический метод, который является расширением первого метода извлечения текста, который может преобразовывать PDF в текстовые файлы, которые вы можете редактировать, что, возможно, наиболее подходит для случайных целей и простых PDF-файлов.

Имейте в виду, если файл, о котором идет речь, имеет защиту паролем, сначала вам нужно сначала удалить пароль файла PDF, а затем начать процесс преобразования.

Вариант 1: Преобразование файлов PDF в DOCX с помощью Документов Google

В веб-документах Google есть довольно впечатляющие инструменты для преобразования PDF, созданные, как мы обсуждали ранее, и это работает очень хорошо.

  1. Зайдите на сайт Документов Google и войдите в аккаунт Google.
  2. Нажмите кнопку «Загрузить» и выберите соответствующий файл PDF с Mac
  3. Выдвиньте меню «Файл» в Документах Google и выберите «Загрузить как» и выберите «Microsoft Word (DOCX)» и сохраните файл Word DOCX на Mac

Преобразование PDF-файла в DOCX Word в Google Docs

Документы Google имеют законные основания конвертировать PDF-файлы в удобный формат DOCX, и он часто сохраняет форматирование очень хорошо. Затем вы можете открыть файл DOCX в Microsoft Office или приложение Apple Pages, чтобы убедиться, что преобразование прошло гладко.

Первичным недостатком Документов Google является то, что для этого требуется доступ к сети и доступ в Интернет, в противном случае это легко и просто попробовать, и это может сработать для вас.

Вариант 2: копирование текста из PDF и вставки в DOC в Mac OS X

Не могли бы вы предположить, что копирование и вставка достаточно эффективны при получении текста из файла PDF и превращении его в файл DOC или DOCX? Это не совсем конвертирует PDF в DOC с помощью любой автоматизированной моды, и это довольно низкотехнологичный, но если PDF-файл в основном (или полностью) основан на тексте, он работает на удивление хорошо. Кроме того, вы можете преобразовать файл во что угодно, будь то doc, docx, rtf или даже pdf.

  1. Откройте файл PDF в приложении Preview на Mac
  2. С помощью курсора мыши выберите текст, который вы хотите скопировать, а затем нажмите Command + C
  3. Перейдите к Microsoft Office, Word, Pages или вашему текстовому процессору по выбору и вставьте с Command + V в документ и сохраните как обычно

Вы также можете использовать Command + A для Select All, если хотите попытаться скопировать все содержимое документа.

Выберите весь текст в PDF и скопируйте его в файл DOC

Очень низкотехнологичный, не так ли? Но угадайте, что, это может сработать! Иногда это работает отлично, иногда это не работает отлично, это во многом зависит от файла PDF, который вы пытаетесь скопировать и получить текст. Затем вы можете сохранить файл в виде файла DOC или DOCX, когда закончите его в Pages, Microsoft Office или в вашем приложении.

Это, по-видимому, наименее технический подход, и при таких минимальных усилиях он, по крайней мере, стоит сделать, прежде чем вы попытаетесь применить другие более сложные методы или до того, как наложите деньги на продукт Adobe.

Вариант 3: использование экспорта PDF в Doc / DOCX / веб-приложение из Adobe

На сегодняшний день самым высоким качеством является платный продукт Adobe, который создал формат PDF для начала, поэтому, наверное, не удивительно, что у них есть продукт, который позволяет конвертировать их формат файла во что-то другое. Adobe предлагает веб-приложение и, следовательно, работает в Mac OS X, iOS, Windows или Linux и может конвертировать PDF-файл в файлы DOC, DOCX, RTF или даже Excel XLSX.

  • Посетите Adobe Acrobat Exporter Online за 25 долларов США в год

Преобразование Adobe PDF в инструмент DOC DOCX

Инструмент конвертера Adobe, вероятно, является лучшим решением, если у вас есть тонны PDF-файлов для конвертирования и нужны вещи с максимально возможным качеством, но цена кажется немного высокой, просто для преобразования файла или двух из PDF в Word, Мне нужно определить, стоит ли это или нет.

К сожалению, самым большим недостатком этого решения Adobe является отсутствие пробной или тестовой способности, которую вы должны заплатить, прежде чем сможете выяснить, работает ли она или нет. Для многих пользователей это не очень удобно, поэтому следующий вариант может появиться у многих пользователей Mac, которые хотят конвертировать PDF-файлы.

Вариант 3B: Попробуйте конвертер PDF в DOCX / DOC и т. Д.

Существует множество других платных опций, но если вы собираетесь искать конвертеры PDF, которые не являются решением Adobe, вы должны стремиться к одному с возможностями OCR (оптическое распознавание символов), поскольку это может помочь идентифицировать и извлеките содержимое файла PDF более точно. Они никогда не являются особенно дешевыми решениями, но, к счастью, многие из них включают бесплатные ознакомительные версии, чтобы вы могли выполнить пробный прогон, чтобы определить, будут ли они работать для ваших нужд. Мы обсудим один из этих вариантов под названием CISDEM PDF Converter OCR, но есть и многие другие.

  1. CISDEM PDF Converter OCR составляет 60 долларов США, с бесплатной пробной версией, позволяющей выполнить пробный запуск извлечения PDF, загрузить приложение и загрузить образ диска
  2. PDF-конвертер OCR для Mac

  3. Перетащите файл PDF, который хотите преобразовать в открытое приложение.
  4. При необходимости отредактируйте идентифицированный PDF-файл и выберите формат вывода
  5. Конвертер PDF для Mac работает достаточно хорошо

  6. Нажмите «Предварительный просмотр» или «Преобразовать», когда закончите работу с экспортированным файлом DOC / DOCX.

В нескольких тестах с различными файлами PDF это решение работает очень хорошо, чтобы извлечь все данные из PDF и превратить их в богатые форматы файлов DOCX, но, как это часто встречается в этом типе преобразования файлов, точное форматирование документа часто теряются для сложных макетов. Это намного превосходит многие другие инструменты конвертации PDF, и с довольно простыми PDF-документами выход почти идеален. Он также имеет преимущество не требовать доступа в Интернет или веб-браузера, поскольку приложение является родным на Mac. По сравнению с методами копирования и вставки или методами Automator, это лучше, но вам действительно нужно протестировать его с пробным документом или двумя, прежде чем приступать к приложению самостоятельно.

Вариант 4. Извлечение текста из PDF-файлов с помощью Automator для Mac OS X

Это в основном автоматизированный подход к методу copy & paste, который мы обозначили как первый трюк, он не выполняет истинное преобразование PDF в Word DOC, но он пытается извлечь текст и вывести его как RTF или TXT файл, который вы можете вручную сохранить в качестве Word DOC или DOCX, если хотите. Automator считается немного более продвинутым, поскольку он в основном создает автоматический макрос для задачи, которую вы настраиваете, но это не особенно сложно, если вы следуете инструкциям по установке:

  1. Откройте Automator на Mac (в папке / Applications / folder) и создайте новый рабочий процесс, приложение или службу
  2. Найдите и выберите «Получить выбранные элементы поиска», если вы хотите использовать это как услугу в контекстном меню правой кнопки мыши (или использовать «Спросить элементы поиска», если вы хотите запускать открытое диалоговое окно при запуске приложения или службы) , затем перетащите его в правую сторону экрана действия
  3. Затем найдите «Извлечь текст PDF» и перетащите его под свой предыдущий выбор, затем выберите, хотите ли вы, чтобы текст в формате PDF был «Обычным текстом» (TXT) или «Rich Text» (RTF)
  4. Преобразование PDF в текстовый документ в Mac OS X с помощью Automator

  5. Нажмите кнопку «Запустить», чтобы дать Automator Action пробный прогон, выберите ваш файл PDF и позвольте ему преобразовать его в текстовый документ
  6. Откройте экспортированный файл PDF и просмотрите содержимое, чтобы определить, является ли это удовлетворительным методом или нет.

Вам действительно нужно хорошо взглянуть на документ экспорта PDF, чтобы определить, удовлетворительно ли полученное содержимое, для стилизованного PDF-файла вы можете заметить, что некоторые буквы и символы отсутствуют, но суть текста есть, как в этом примере ниже :

Пример вывода PDF, преобразованного в txt doc в Mac OS X

Опять же, это не сильно отличается от варианта 1 копирования и вставки PDF-данных в DOC или текстовый файл самостоятельно, но полезно, если вы работаете со многими документами, так как он автоматизирует этот процесс. Помните, чем проще PDF, тем лучше этот метод будет работать, сложные PDF-файлы или PDF-файлы изображений не будут работать, поскольку текст не распознается (поскольку здесь нет OCR, это просто извлечение текста).

Почему бы не открыть PDF-файл в приложениях Pages, Office, TextEdit или XYZ?

Возможно, вы уже заметили, что не можете просто попытаться открыть PDF-файл с помощью универсального текстового редактора в Mac OS X или любой другой ОС, поскольку он просто откроет тарабарщину. Вот почему вы должны либо вручную извлечь содержимое PDF-файла, либо импортировать его в формат файла по вашему выбору, либо использовать доступные инструменты преобразования. Например, вот что происходит при попытке загрузить PDF-файл в текстовый редактор Mac OS X, ни один из PDF-файлов не отображается без преобразования или копирования / вставки или извлечения, это все тарабарщина отображается:

Открытие PDF-файла как Word DOC загружает тарабарщину

Один из вышеуказанных методов работал для ваших потребностей конверсии? Использовал ли простой метод извлечения текста, чтобы захватить данные PDF и превратить его в DOC? Вы пошли с предложением продукта Adobe? Вы знаете другое решение для конвертирования PDF-файлов в формат DOC и DOCX в Mac OS X (или через Интернет)? Дайте нам знать ваш опыт в комментариях!

Which Route Should One Take?


Our desktop app offers offline processing, which removes the need to upload files, but also means we can only process those that are locally stored on your computer. On the other hand, our website does not require you to install any software and allows you to import files from Dropbox and Google Drive. Regardless, the process to convert PDF to Word for Mac is relatively quick and painless, taking only a few seconds to finish.

When it comes to Smallpdf vs Adobe, it really comes down to personal preference, needs and budget. At Smallpdf we believe that the best PDF tools are ones that offer the best user experience, which is why we offer simple UI and fast processing power to simplify your document management workflows.

Furthermore, Smallpdf is free to use online, with a free-trial offline for you to take advantage of all of our tools to their full capacity. Adobe also offers a free trial period for you to test their product out, however a Pro subscription could set you back up to $30. If you’re already subscribed, you can test out their conversion capabilities, following the instructions above.

Here is a list of the best free PDF to Word converter for MAC. It lets you easily extract the text from PDF file, and convert it into Word. These software can easily convert PDF to Word on MAC, and you don’t have to put any extra effort on your part in this regard. You can also make use of commands to convert PDF to Word. Some of these software also provide OCR support, so that you can convert scanned PDF to Doc.

My Favorite PDF to Word Converter FOR MAC:

Out of the exhaustive list of the software included in the PDF to Word Converter for MAC, I like Doxillion Document Converter Software by NCH Software the most. It is due to the fact, that it is quite simple, and easy to use, and requires no extra effort on your part. You can quite easily, and quickly convert the PDF files to Word, and various other formats, like: DOCX, DOC, HTML, ODT, PDF, RTF, TXT, XML, BMP, JPG, TIF, GIF, and PNG. It also supports OCR feature which helps you to convert scanned PDF to Word.

Also check out the list of Merge PDF MAC Software, MAC PDF Editor Software, and Online PDF To Word Converters.

Doxillion Document Converter Software by NCH Software

Doxillion Document Converter Software by NCH Software is a good, and simple freeware, which can be used to convert PDF to Word on MAC and various other formats. It is quite simple and easy to use. You can also add multiple files in it, to batch convert PDF files. The basic layout of the PDF file remains the same, and it saves various other settings, like tables, images, and many more such options. You can use this freeware to convert PDF to Word on OS X Tiger, OS X  Leopard, OS X Snow Leopard, OS X Lion, OS X Mountain Lion, OS X Mavericks, OS X Yosemite, and OS X El Capitan.

How to convert PDF to Word to Mac by Doxillion Software:

  • Open Doxillion by NCH Software.
  • Then click on the button Add Files / Add Folder to choose the PDF files, that you want to convert.
  • Select the output folder which can be either same as the source file, or you can specify a specific format for it.
  • Select the output format from the options: DOCX, DOC, HTML, ODT, PDF, RTF, TXT, XML, BMP, JPG, TIF, GIF, and PNG.
  • Under the Document Settings option you can change margin settings.
  • Under the Preferences tab you can change its different settings, like: output format, errors, overwrite options, and other options.
  • Finally on clicking the Convert button, the document is converted to the specified format. It also supports OCR conversion. In the OCR conversion the PDF file is quite beautifully converted, and the PDF file layout is also saved.


Automator is a good and feature rich software that comes embedded with OS X Leopard, OS X Snow Leopard, OS X Lion, OS X Mountain Lion, OS X Mavericks, OS X Yosemite, and OS X El Capitan. In can be used to convert PDF to Word on MAC but is a bit tricky.

Do note that it actually converts PDF to RTF, and you can then open RTF with any Word processing software, and save as Doc. Also, it does not retain images, and they will be lost.

Steps to convert PDF to TXT or RTF on Mac using Automator:

  • Open Automator.
  • Choose the option to create a Workflow, Application, or Service.
  • Under the Library tab, choose the Files & Folders option, select Ask For Finder Items, and drag it to the larger section of the Automator Window.
  • Then under the Library tab select PDFs option. Drag and drop Extract PDF text to the next window. Here you can choose the Output option which can be either Plain Text, or Rich Text by selecting the appropriate radio button. The Plain Text option does not retain formatting, while the Rich Text option does not do so. Here you can also choose the option to add page header, and page footer. You can also specify the output location, and the output file name. Then save the Workflow, and specify the name you like and choose to save as application, or service.
  • Then you have to simply drag and drop the PDF file on the application created, which then finally extracts the text from the PDF file.

It doesn’t support OCR.


LibreOffice is a good freeware Office suite. This software also acts as a tool to convert PDF to Word on MAC. It is quite simple and easy to use. You can easily convert PDF to Word on MAC versions OS X Mountain Lion, OS X Mavericks, OS X Yosemite, or OS X El Capitan.

Convert PDF to Word on MAC using LibreOffice:

  • Open the PDF file in LibreOffice.
  • The PDF file opens and you can edit its text and images. Options can also be chosen to insert your own text, and images. The format, layout, font, font size, and various other settings can be changed for the PDF file.
  • The layout of the PDF files remain intact, and so does the images. But it does not support OCR feature.
  • Then you are provided the option which lets you save the PDF file as ODG, OTG, and FODG.
  • In order to save the file, as DOC, you have to go to Preferences under the LibreOffice tab. Then browse to Load/Save, and then choose the General tab. Then choose Always Save As option, where you can choose from a number of options, one of them being Microsoft Office format of different versions.
  • Some of the options available are DOC, DOCX, TXT, XML, RTF, and many more.


Ghostscript is a good Freeware that can be used to convert PDF into different format from MAC. It can also be used to convert PDF to image files. It can also be used as OCR, to convert scanned PDF documents to TXT. You need to have the basic information of the Ghostscript codes as well. It is necessary to have the Ghostscript version version 9.05 or later, as the txtwrite device was introduced in Ghostscript 9.05. The earlier versions display the Unknown device: txtwrite error.

How to use Ghostscript to convert PDF to Word, and different formats:

  • Download PKG file from Ghostscript website, and install Ghostscript on your MAC.
  • Open the terminal, and browse to the PDF file location.
  • Command gs -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=txtwrite -dFirstPage=1 -dLastPage=10 -sOutputFile=output.txt -q 5erw.pdf -c quit converts PDF to TXT
  • Command gs -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=txtwrite -dFirstPage=1 -dLastPage=10 -sOutputFile=output.doc -q 5erw.pdf -c quit converts PDF to DOC
  • Command gs -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=txtwrite -dFirstPage=1 -dLastPage=10 -sOutputFile=output.docx -q 5erw.pdf -c quit converts PDF to DOCX
  • You can also make use of its OCR feature to extract text from scanned documents. But first you have to convert it into the image, and then make use of OCR to extract text from PDFs (see here).
  • There are many other features as well, that can be used to perform several other actions on the PDF file. It doesn’t retain formatting.

Adobe Acrobat Reader DC

Adobe Acrobat Reader DC is a popular PDF PDF reader software. It can be used to convert PDF to TEXT. It does not support OCR. You can convert PDF to Word on OS X  Leopard, OS X Snow Leopard, OS X Lion, OS X Mountain Lion, OS X Mavericks, OS X Yosemite, and OS X El Capitan.

How to convert PDF to TEXT using Adobe Acrobat Reader DC:

  • Open the PDF file in Adobe Acrobat Reader DC.
  • Click on File, and choose the option Save As Other. Here you have to select the TEXT option. Then after choosing the name of the file to be saved, and the location of the PDF file, where it is to be saved, click on the Save option. Then the PDF file is extracted as TXT. The formatting of the PDF file is not saved, and it is simply displayed as plain text.

In my testing, there was extra gibbrish added in some of the files after conversion. So, do check the output before using it.


PDF-Converter-Plus is a good software that can be used to convert PDF to Word and many other formats. It also supports the OCR feature. In the free version you can convert single page PDF to Word and other formats. For multi page conversions you have to make In App purchases. You can use it to convert PDF to Word on OS X Lion, OS X Mountain Lion, OS X Mavericks, OS X Yosemite, and OS X El Capitan.

How to use PDF-Converter-Plus to convert PDF to Word:

  • Open PDF-Converter-Plus. Click on the Add File button, and select the file to be converted. Select the file format in which the PDF is to be converted. Clicking on the settings tab, you can choose different options to either keep lines or not, keep text and background color or not, write pictures or not, select picture format, picture resolution settings and picture quality settings. Based on your chosen settings the output document saves the layout of the PDF file, or ignores it. Your text, font, images, graphs, charts, layout, etc. is saved.
  • It can be used to convert PDF to different formats, like: DOC, DOCX, PPTX, XLS, XLSX, HTML, EPUB, RTF, TXT, PNG, JPG, BMP, TIF, and GIF.
  • The option can be set to convert with OCR, or without OCR. In the OCR feature the scanned documents are converted to DOC.


PDF-to-Word-Free is a good software that can be used to convert PDF to word. It also supports the OCR feature. But in the free version it lets you convert only the first two pages of PDF to DOC. It can also be used for batch conversion of PDF files. It is available for OS X Lion, OS X Mountain Lion, OS X Mavericks, OS X Yosemite, and OS X El Capitan.

How to use PDF-to-Word-Free to convert PDF to Word:

  • Open PDF-to-Word-Free.
  • Click on the Add button, and choose whether to use fast mode to convert PDF to Word, or not. In the fast mode the basic layout of the PDF file is not saved, while in the normal mode the layout of the PDF file remains same, along with other elements, like: images, font, charts, tables, and many more other items.
  • You can also choose the option to convert the files that are protected from printing, editing, and copying by owner password, without the need of password. In case the file is open password protected, you need to enter the password first.
  • You can also select the language from a number of options available.
  • Choose the format for conversion which may be either DOC (OCR), DOCX, DOCX (OCR).
  • Click on the Start Convert button, and choose the folder location, where it is to be saved, which then converts the PDF file.


PDF-to-Word-Pro is a simple software that can be used to convert PDF to Word on MAC. It supports the OCR feature, but in the free version, it supports single page PDF formats, and in order to convert multiple pages, you have to make in app purchases. You can also use it to batch convert the PDF files. It works perfectly on OS X Lion, OS X Mountain Lion, OS X Mavericks, OS X Yosemite, and OS X El Capitan.

Convert PDF to Word using PDF-to-Word-Pro:

  • Click on the button Add File, and select the PDF file that you want to convert.
  • Then select the format from the option DOCX, DOCX OCR, or DOC OCR. The DOCX OCR, and DOC OCR supports the OCR feature. It also preserves the layout of the PDF file, where the images, font, text format, tables, and charts formatting remain the same.
  • You can also change its various settings, like: option to keep lines or not, to keep pages or not, keep text and background color or not, write pictures or not, page size, paper size, picture format, picture quality, and picture resolution.
  • You can also choose the option to convert encrypted PDF without password, but in case the encrypted PDF requires password, to open the PDF file, in that case you have to enter the password.
  • You can also choose to add author, keywords, subject, and title details, if required.

PDF WordSmith

PDF WordSmith is a good software that can be used to convert PDF to Word. In the free version there is a limitation, that lets you convert only 10 pages from PDF to Word. It is quite simple and easy to use. It doesn’t support the OCR feature, but it supports the Batch conversion feature. It also features a built in PDF viewer. You can download and use it on OS X Lion, OS X Mountain Lion, OS X Mavericks, OS X Yosemite, and OS X El Capitan.

How to use PDF WordSmith to convert PDF to DOCX:

  • Add the files to be converted, by either using drag and drop feature, or clicking on Add Files Button. Select the Page range that is to be converted, format, and the output folder.
  • Finally on clicking the convert button, the PDF file is converted in the selected folder. You can also use it to convert password protected PDF to DOC.

PDF Reader

PDF Reader is a good software that can be used to convert PDF to WORD. It can also be used to convert PDF to HTML, TXT, JPG, and PNG. The free version lets you convert only 10 pages, and doesn’t support the OCR feature. In it the basic layout of the PDF file remain intact, and preserved. It is quite simple and easy to use.

How to use PDF Reader to convert PDF file to word:

  • Open the PDF file using PDF Reader.
  • Click on the Convert button, and in the new window that appears, select the destination folder, format, and page range. Then on clicking the Convert button, the PDF file is selected to the specified format.

iPubsoft PDF to Word Converter

iPubsoft PDF to Word Converter is a software that can be used to convert PDF to Word for free. In the free version, you are allowed to convert only 5 pages of PDF at a time. It is quite simple and easy to use.

How to convert PDF to Word using iPubsoft PDF to Word Converter:

  • Click on the Add File / Add Folder button to add the PDF files.
  • Then choose the output folder, and set the page range. The page range can be set to either all, current, or a specified range.
  • Finally on clicking the Start button, the PDF file is converted to Word. After the conversion the basic layout, font, images, and different settings of the PDF file remain intact, along with the highlight, annotations, underline, charts, tables, and many more options.


PDF-to-Word-Fast is a good software that can be used to convert PDF to Word on Mac. In the free version there is a limitation that it lets you convert only the first 2 pages of the PDF file. It doesn’t support the OCR feature. You can download it for OS X Mountain Lion, OS X Mavericks, OS X Yosemite, and OS X El Capitan.

PDF-to-Word-Fast is quite easy to use. Simply drag, and drop the PDF file, and select the page range, output format, and option to unlock file, if it is locked. Finally click the Convert button, select the location to be saved, which finally converts PDF into text. The basic layout of the PDF file remains intact after conversion, with the images, tables, charts, and many more such options.

Published Date: 5 Mar, 2016

Modified Date: 5 Mar, 2016

A free and useful PDF converter for Windows

PDF to Word Free is a hassle-free, Cloud-based PDF converter. Most PDFs apps don’t allow for document edits, however with this app, you can edit PDF documents into MS Word files while keeping the original layout and retain the formatting. This PDF app is an excellent time-saving alternative to manually copying and pasting text to edit files.

Compared to UniPDF, Free Word to PDF Converter, and PDF to Doc, this program comes with a simpler interface, allowing you to convert PDFs without much effort.

Convert PDF files to Word documents with ease

PDF to Word Free is a popular Cloud-based application for document conversion. It has been designed to convert PDF files into editable MS Word documents. Since the software comes with a built-in PDF viewer, you don’t need to install a separate application for this purpose. The app uses a powerful conversion engine, which lets you convert documents almost instantly.

Is PDF to Word Free easy to use?

With PDF to Word Free download, you don’t have to worry about losing the original layout or format, and there’s no need to copy and paste text in a different application. You can simply use the converter to change PDFs into DOC or DOCX files. The tool gathers information from the PDF and translates everything into a Word DOC. 

At times, you may see some subtle differences in the layout of the document. This happens with heavy files or ones with too many images. More often than not, the converted document looks exactly the same as the original PDF. 

This is a lightweight PDF converter and doesn’t affect your system resources. Additionally, the simple interface lets you navigate through the features without much hassle.

Can you select the page range?

There are times when you don’t need to convert the entire document. In such cases, the free program is an ideal choice to convert PDF files as it allows you to select specific pages to be converted into a separate DOC file. This feature comes in handy to extract particular information from large PDF documents. It also helps you reduce the amount of storage space required on the system.

For instance, if you need specific data points from some pages of a thesis, you can simply extract the selected text in the form of a Word document. This is a more practical solution than converting the entire thesis with numerous pages. The PDF to Word Converter can be used to source information from long pieces of text to create presentations, reference articles, and other content.

Does PDF to Word Free work with images?

Since most PDFs retain the page layout, they often come with a lot of images. In case you don’t need the images, you can select the option to omit image conversion. On the other hand, if you want to keep some images but not all, you’ll have to retain each image and remove the ones you don’t need.

After the document is converted into a Word file, the images will be a part of the page, and can be removed with the ‘cut’ or ‘delete’ option. If you want the images as separate JPEG files, you can easily paste them on a new page in Adobe Photoshop or Paint.NET. This may lead to some loss in quality, but proves to be a convenient choice to extract images from the PDF or DOC.

What about the Pro version?

Unfortunately, the free version of the program doesn’t support batch conversion. Therefore, in order to convert PDF files, you need to upload and convert each document individually. While the process requires more manual intervention, the program supports fast conversions. If you want to convert large quantities of documents, the Pro version is the better option and also comes with some other additional features.

With a one-time payment, the Pro version supports batch PDF conversions. In addition to this, it comes with a free trial to test out the additional features. As compared to the free version of the program, PDF to Word Pro is completely Cloud-based, and can be used on any leading browser.

The Pro version of the PDF converter uses artificial intelligence to allow inputs from users to recognize and convert tables, paragraphs, numbered lists, bullets, newspaper columns, images, and other formatting features. This is quite useful for someone dealing with a range of PDF documents on a regular basis.

Having said that, if you’re looking for a basic PDF converter, the free version of the software will be sufficient. It’s fast, supports Cloud-based conversions, and comes with a simple interface that’s ideal for beginners. Most importantly, the program retains the quality and formatting of converted documents.

An easy-to-use, Cloud-based PDF converter

PDF to Word Free is a powerful Cloud-based PDF converter that is reliable, and fast. The converted documents retain original formatting, and you can select a page range to convert, and with or without images. The program is lightweight and works in the background without taking up too many resources. The app is available on Windows and Mac operating devices, making this a universal PDF converter for multiple devices. Without a doubt, this is a useful program for anyone working with PDFs.

PDF To Word Converter Free is a powerful freeware application for intelligently converting PDF to easily editable Word DOC documents. PDF To Word Converter Free uses artificial intelligence and also allows inputs from the user code to accurately recognize and convert paragraphs, tables, bullets, numbered lists, newspaper columns, and other standard document formatting features. It is Freeware for any use!

PDF To Word Converter Free is a powerful freeware application for intelligently converting PDF to easily editable Word DOC documents. PDF To Word Converter Free uses artificial intelligence and also allows inputs from the user code to accurately recognize and convert paragraphs, tables, bullets, numbered lists, newspaper columns, and other standard document formatting features. PDF To Word Converter Free outputs Word DOC documents that are well-formatted and easily editable.

Support functions
— Unicode text
— Password protected PDF files
— Detects font size, style and color
— Paragraph alignment
— Include images
— Easy to use
— Very simple, user friendly GUI

PDF To Word Converter Free supports conversion of PDF to DOC. This software is a powerful freeware application for intelligently converting PDF to easily editable Word documents. The output document is well-formatted and easily editable.


Best Of

January 5th, 2023 ,



Let’s easily convert PDF to Word on Mac.

PDF files are commonly used for sharing documents online and creating a professional impression. But editing them isn’t easy. Hence, the need to convert PDF to Word occurs. To do this job, you can find hundreds of PDF to Word converter options. But which ones are the best?

Fortunately, we’ve got the answer, and here we will enlist the best PDF to Word converter for Mac, both free and paid, including PDFelement Pro, Adobe Acrobat, and more.

Best PDF to Word Converter For Mac 2023

Part 1. How we picked the top PDF to Word converter for Mac

Finding the best tool to convert PDF to Word on mac wasn’t easy. But we did the job by keeping certain points in mind, and they are:

  1. They should be accurate in converting PDF to word
  2. Should offer advanced functions like OCR (to read text from images)
  3. Can handle PDF workflow
  4. Most importantly, it should be compatible with Mac.

These points helped narrow down the list and outlined the best Mac PDF converter tools, both offline and online.

Part 2: Top 5 PDF to Word Converter for Mac

1. PDFelement Pro for Mac – Complete PDF to Word Converter

PDFelement Pro for Mac

PDFelement Pro is just about everything a PDF converter tool should be. It gives complete control over PDF files. Moreover, like other photo or video editing tools, it is neither expensive nor complex. PDFelement is just the best pdf to word converter for Mac users. Using it, you can convert several file types like PPT, Excel, Text, etc., to PDF format on Mac.

You can also edit the PDF document, add watermark, split it, and do a lot more. This best PDF to word converter also helps directly editing unprotected PDFs and editing OCR documents. But to use the OCR feature, you need to do an extra download. This is a bit of a hassle, but otherwise, everything PDFelement Pro has to offer is amazing.

What we like

  • Office-style interface
  • One tool to create, convert, and edit PDFs.
  • OCR feature

What we didn’t like

  • Huge Toolbar buttons

2. Adobe Acrobat DC – Best PDF file Converter for Mac

Adobe Acrobat DC

PDF (Portable Document Format) was created by Adobe in the 1990s, and Word was created by Microsoft. Both the formats are different yet; AdobeMicrosoft created word Acrobat DC is a powerful tool for converting PDF to Word on any platform.

This mac PDF converter offers a slew of advanced PDF editing features and is very easy to use. The icons are clear, Adobe created PDF (Portable Document Format), and Adobe even provided tutorials to make the tool easy. Using the excellent PDF to Word converter, you can edit PDF, change text, add text, save PDFs to different file formats.

What we like

  • Convert photos clicked by phone into PDF with the desktop app
  • Cloud-based sharing and commenting
  • Helps convert PDF files into different editable formats.

What we didn’t like

  • Premium service is expensive

3. ABBY FineReader – Best PDF and OCR Converter for Mac

ABBY FineReader

Convert PDFs and scanned documents with accuracy using ABBYY FineReader Pro. The interface of this Mac PDF to Word converter is minimalist and straightforward. The main menu is divided into three separate panes, one for converting existing files, another for creating new files from the scanner, and the third for comparing documents. Each section offers great features, and this makes editing using FineReader simple. But there’s PDF to word converter lacks, and that is the full-text multi-file indexing features. If you are okay with it, then ABBY is a superb OCR and PDF editing tool.

What we like

  • Highest quality and accurate OCR editor
  • Allows exporting the file to different formats
  • Intuitive interface and unique document comparison feature

What we didn’t like

  • No full-text indexing feature

4. PDFpen Pro – Easy to use PDF Editor for Mac

PDFpen Pro

Markup PDFs with highlights, comments, and drawings using PDFpenPro powerful PDF editor for Mac. This tool gives you all the power to edit and convert PDF documents normally considered read-only. Using this safe to use the tool, you can highlight, draw, and make notes. Moreover, you can scan and OCR your paper documents; this will make the text searchable in an image too. PDFpen also allows redacting a text with a block or by erasing it. To do so, you just need to select the text, choose the right redaction option, and move ahead.

What we like

  • Included PDF markup and editing options
  • Securely redact personal information
  • Useful for scanning and OCR documents

What we didn’t like

  • The correct font is not used when we edit text.

5. Foxit PhantomPDF Mac – Advanced PDF to Word Converter

When we are required to create new documents from existing pages, things get complicated. But with Foxit PhantomPDF, you can manipulate PDF files and pages. This amazing PDF editing and converter tool makes organizing workflow easy. Using it, you can merge PDF documents, split PDFs, drag and drop pages within a document, crop, delete, swap, add and rotate PDF pages. Moreover, you can annotate, share, and collaborate with PDF. With an excellent layout using Foxit PhantomPDF becomes easy. But the tabbed options for edit modes are a deal-breaker.

What we like

  • Offers advanced features
  • Create and edit PDF documents and fillable forms
  • Convert paper into editable and searchable PDF

What we didn’t like

  • Cannot access various options easily.

Part 3. Best Free PDF to Word Converter for Mac

All the PDF to Word Converter tools we discussed above are the best, but they are offline. This means to use them; you need to download them. But, when you are using the public system or a friend’s Mac, then things get weird, true?

Worry not, we have a solution for this too. Use the best free PDF to word converter for mac users online. They can be used on any platform, be it Mac, Windows, or any. To use them, all you need is a browser.

Note: Since all the below-mentioned mac PDF converters are online, you don’t need to download them. To use them, you just need a browser and an active internet connection. These free PDF converters will also not offer as many features as the PDFelement Pro, Adobe Acrobat DC and other paid PDF editing tools have to offer.

6. Adobe Acrobat – Online Free PDF to Word Converter

Adobe Acrobat

Seeing Adobe Acrobat listed as a free PDF converter online, you must be shocked. But it’s true Adobe allows you to convert PDF to Word on mac online. Using this quick and easy-to-use free PDF to Word converter for Mac, you can easily convert PDFs into Doc. Not only this but Adobe, the best PDF to Word converter, also allows converting PDFS to DOCX, the latest word format. Most importantly, you will not lose formatting when using Adobe Acrobat’s free online PDF converter.

What we like

  • Convert PDFs to DOCX.
  • Simple drag-and-drop working.
  • The format is kept intact.

What we didn’t like

  • Not completely free.

How to use it?

To use it, visit here and drag and drop the PDF you want to convert. Now just watch Acrobat converting the file to Word. Download it, and it’s all done.

7. SodaPDF – Well-Known PDF Converter


Creating and reading PDF files on Mac or Windows isn’t difficult but editing them is tedious. For this, if you want, you can pay for any PDF conversion tool and use it on your Mac or can use this online best PDF to Word converter.

What we like

  • For security, the files you upload get permanently deleted after 24 hours.
  • Convert PDF to a variety of formats apart from word like Excel, JPG, PPT, etc
  • The layout is kept as it is.

What we didn’t like

  • The conversion speed could have been better.

How to use it?

To use this free PDF to Word converter for Mac, simply copy-paste this URL into your browser. Next, open the PDF you want to convert, click Convert > select the format to which you want to convert > start the process and that’s it.

8. Smallpdf – Fastest PDF to Word Converter


Quickly convert PDF files into editable Word documents with Smallpdf. This online PDF converter is OCR enabled, and it allows saving files to PPT, Excel, and other formats. Moreover, if you want to use its offline tool, it is available, but you need to download it to use it. Which tool you use offline or online completely depends on the requirement. But trust me, both mac PDF converters work as created editors too.

What we like

  • Securely convert PDF to word and in several other formats like PPT, Excel, etc.
  • OCR functionality
  • Upload files from Dropbox and Google Drive as well.

What we didn’t like

  • Pops appearing on the website may distract you.

How to use it?

You don’t need to sign up to use this online tool, you Mac. You need to visit here, drag the PDF, and convert it into the format you want. Not only this, but you can also choose from Dropbox and Google Drive.

9. Freepdfconverter – Quickest & secure online PDF Converter


With a suite of easy-to-use tools, Freepdfconverter free pdf to word converter for Mac helps merge, split, compress, and rotate PDFs. Using this online PDF converter to get Word doc, you can encrypt files also. Freepdfconverter works on 256-bit encryption. This means the data you upload will not be shared with third parties. The files you upload for conversion are also deleted after the process is completed without retaining any reference. Since it is an online PDF to Word converter, you can use it anytime, anywhere.

What we like

  • The same converter lets you merge, split, compress, and rotate PDFs.
  • Military-grade 256-bit encryption.
  • Files are deleted some hours after you upload them.   

What we didn’t like

  • After one conversion, you either have to sign up or wait for a considerable time for the next conversion.

How to use it?

To use it, drag and drop the PDF you want to convert, or you can click the Choose PDF file button here. Once the file is added, you can convert PDF files to Word on Mac and begin extracting the text from images and scanned documents.

10. ZamZar


ZamZar is another best online PDF to Word converter that you can use on Mac or any other system. With an experience of 10+ years, ZamZar has been converting thousands of files daily in 1200+ file formats. Converting a file is always done in under 10 minutes, and if you face any problem, you can simply mail the support team. At a time, you can upload up to 50MB of a file.

What we like

  • 1200+ file formats supported.
  • Fast and easy conversion.
  • Files are permanently deleted after 24 hours of upload.

What we didn’t like

  • The interface could have been slightly better.

How to use it?

Using it is simple. Visit here. Add the file > select the format and click the Convert Now button.

Part 4. Other Ways To Convert PDF to Word for Mac –

1. Use Google Docs

Calling Google Docs yet another web-based editing tool would be an understatement. It can also help you convert PDF to Word on Mac. To use it –

1. Log in to your Google Drive using your Google account.

2. Next, click on the gear icon from the top-right side of the screen.

3. Click on Settings.

4. Click on the checkbox that says Convert uploaded files to Google Docs editor format.

Google Doc Editor Format

5. Now, upload your desired PDF to Google Drive.

6. Click on the File menu > select Download > click on Microsoft Word (.docx)

Microsoft Word

2. Convert PDF to Word Using Preview

PDF to Word using Thumbnail

Let’s assume that most of your PDF is just plain and simple text. You can then open the PDF via Preview, which is already on your Mac. Next up, copy and paste the contents into your Word document.

1. Select PDF, right-click on it and select Preview.

2. Select the text from the PDF you want, and hit Command-C.

3. Go to Microsoft Word or Pages and then press Command V.

4. If you are using pages, head to File > Export To > Word, or you can directly save the file as DOC or DOCX.

3. Convert PDF to Word on Mac Using Automator

Automator is another Mac utility developed to ease repetitive tasks such as resizing images. We are not saying you will convert your PDFs to Word; however, you can extract text from your PDF and turn it into plain or rich text. Post that, you can use any of the above methods.

1. Open Automator located in your Applications folder.

2. Select Workflow as your document type.

3. Drag and drop your PDF file.

4. Under Actions on the left-hand side, select Library > PDFs > Extract PDF Text

Extract PDF Text

5. Opt for Rich Text

6. Select where you want to save the extracted file

7. Hit the Run button.

FAQs: Best PDF to Word Converter For Mac

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