Английский глагол fly [flaɪ], переводится как: летать.
Входит в группы:
неправильные глаголы,
глаголы 3-й класс,
глаголы 4-й класс,
глаголы 5-й класс.
3 формы глагола fly: Infinitive (fly), Past Simple — (flew), Past Participle — (flown).
📚 Глагол fly имеет значения: летать, улетать, пролетать, нестись, мчаться, спешить, ехать, развеваться, улетучиться, исчезнуть, срываться, пилотировать.
👉 Формы глагола fly в настоящем и прошедшем времени 2-я и 3-я форма.
❓ Как будет fly в прошедшем времени past simple.
Три формы глагола fly
Base Form | Past Simple | Past Participle | Перевод |
fly [flaɪ] |
flew [flu:] |
flown [floʊn] |
летать |
Как поставить fly во 2-ю и 3-ю форму?
🎓 Как поставить глагол fly в Past Simple, Future Simple, Present Perfect, Past Perfect, Future Perfect?
👉 Всё очень просто, в этих временах прошедшего, будущего и совершённого времени, в английском используются 2я и 3я форма глагола:
- First form (V1) — fly. (Present simple, Future Simple)
- Second form (V2) —
flew.(Past simple)
- Third form (V3) —
flown.(Present perfect, Past perfect)
Как поставить fly в past simple?
Если вы не совсем поняли какую форму для fly нужно использовать в прошедшем времени, будет:
fly в past simple — flew.
What is the past tense of fly?
The past tense of fly is flew.
The past participle of fly is flown.
Временные формы глагола — Verb Tenses
Past simple — fly в past simple, будет flew.
Future simple — fly в future simple будет fly. (will + V1)
Present Perfect — fly в present perfect будет
(havehas + V3)
Past Perfect — fly в past perfect будет
(had + V3)
Правильный или неправильный глагол fly?
👉 Правильный это глагол ли нет? Глагол fly это неправильный глагол.
Примеры применения глагола fly
She flew into a fury — Она пришла в ярость.
(Past Simple) -
Bad rumors were flying pretty fast — Плохие слухи разлетались довольно быстро.
(Past Continuous) -
Who was the first person to fly the airplane? — Кто первым полетел на аэроплане?
(Past Simple) -
When you fly you forget everything — Когда ты летишь, забываешь обо всем.
(Present Simple) -
Don’t think so, because when I flew last time I couldn’t forget about death — Не думаю, когда я летал последний раз, я не мог забыть о смерти.
(Past Simple) -
When did you last fly to Europe? — Когда ты последний раз летал в Европу?
(Past Simple) -
I’ve flown to Europe twice and it was unbelievable — Я летал в Европу дважды, и это было невероятно.
(Present Perfect) -
We are flying to Paris next week, it’s a gift for our anniversary — Мы летим в Париж на следующей неделе, это подарок на нашу годовщину.
(Present Continuous) -
He’s not flown yet, that’s why he is so scared — Он еще не летал, вот почему так напуган.
(Present Perfect) -
Will you fly with me? — Полетишь со мной?
(Future Simple)
Вместе с fly, часто смотрят глаголы
and win.
Глаголы на букву:
Прошедшая форма fly образуется не по привычному правилу «основа инфинитива + окончание -ed»: его вторая форма заканчивается на -ew, третья — на -own. Глагол относится к разряду irregular verbs — неправильных глаголов.
Глагол fly значит «летать», «пролетать». Также в словарях дается перевод «перевозить по воздуху», «разлетаться, распространяться с большой скоростью». В качестве фразового глагола fly может означать «нападать» (fly at), «улетать» (fly away), «убегать» (fly off), «распространяться» (fly about/around).
3 формы глагола fly
Infinitive |
Past Simple |
Past Participle |
fly |
flew |
flown |
[flaɪ] |
[fluː] |
[fləun] |
Во второй и третьей форме меняются корневые гласные. Поскольку никаких правил на этот счет не существует, правильную форму глагола fly нужно выучить наизусть.
- The bird was obviously in no hurry to fly away. Птица явно не спешила улетать.
- I can’t fly, you know. Я, знаете ли, не умею летать.
- He couldn’t fly anymore. Он не мог больше летать.
- Why can’t we just fly away? Почему бы нам просто не улететь?
- He flew 4,000 miles just to see you. Он пролетел 4000 миль чтобы только увидеть тебя.
- We flew all over the city for 3 hours. Мы 3 часа летали над городом.
- George just flew in from London. Джордж только что прилетел из Лондона.
- Sam flew to the Bahamas with some young actress. Сэм улетел на Багамы с какой-то молодой актрисой.
- I have never flown before. Я никогда раньше не летал.
- Why have you flown there? Зачем ты туда летал?
- That asteroid had flown a very long way. Этот астероид проделал очень долгий путь.
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- fly,
/ flown
/ flying
/ flies - fly,
мн. flies - fly,
мн. flys
Спряжение глагола fly[flaɪ]
летать, лететь, пролететь
Все формы
IndefiniteContinuousPerfectPerfect ContinuousInfinitivesParticiples
Present Indefinite
I fly
you fly
he/she/it flies
we fly
you fly
they fly
Present Perfect
I have flown
you have flown
he/she/it has flown
we have flown
you have flown
they have flown
Present Continuous
I am flying
you are flying
he/she/it is flying
we are flying
you are flying
they are flying
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been flying
you have been flying
he/she/it has been flying
we have been flying
you have been flying
they have been flying
Past Indefinite
I flew
you flew
he/she/it flew
we flew
you flew
they flew
Past Continuous
I was flying
you were flying
he/she/it was flying
we were flying
you were flying
they were flying
Past Perfect
I had flown
you had flown
he/she/it had flown
we had flown
you had flown
they had flown
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been flying
you had been flying
he/she/it had been flying
we had been flying
you had been flying
they had been flying
Future Indefinite
I will fly
you will fly
he/she/it will fly
we will fly
you will fly
they will fly
Future Continuous
I will be flying
you will be flying
he/she/it will be flying
we will be flying
you will be flying
they will be flying
Future Perfect
I will have flown
you will have flown
he/she/it will have flown
we will have flown
you will have flown
they will have flown
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been flying
you will have been flying
he/she/it will have been flying
we will have been flying
you will have been flying
they will have been flying
Conditional Present
I would fly
you would fly
he/she/it would fly
we would fly
you would fly
they would fly
Conditional Present Continuous
I would be flying
you would be flying
he/she/it would be flying
we would be flying
you would be flying
they would be flying
Conditional Perfect
I would have flown
you would have flown
he/she/it would have flown
we would have flown
you would have flown
they would have flown
Conditional Perfect Continuous
I would have been flying
you would have been flying
he/she/it would have been flying
we would have been flying
you would have been flying
they would have been flying
to fly
to have flown
to be flying
to have been flying
Склонение существительного fly[flaɪ]
муха, полет, ширинка
Possessive case
Склонение существительного fly[flaɪ]
полет, мухи
Possessive case
Перевод fly с английского на русский
- летать (пролетать, полететь, лететь, пролететь, прилететь, улететь, улетать, вылетать, прилетать, слетать, перелететь, долететь, облететь)
- вылететь (взлететь, взлетать)
- влететь (залететь)
- подлететь (подлетать)
- отлететь
- слетаться
- unidentified flying object (неопознанный летающий объект)
- fly home (полететь домой)
- fly away (лететь прочь)
- fly further (пролететь дальше)
- fly over (прилететь сюда)
- fly to london (вылететь в лондон)
- fly upwards (взлететь вверх)
3 формы глагола с транскрипцией
Base Form Инфинитив |
Past Simple 2-ая форма |
Past Participle 3-ая форма (Причастие прошедшего времени) |
Gerund Герундий |
fly | flew | flown | flying |
[flaɪ] | [fluː] | [fləʊn] | [ˈflaɪɪŋ] |
[flaɪ] | [fluː] | [fləʊn] | [ˈflaɪɪŋ] |
Тренажёр спряжения для запоминая форм
Спряжение fly в английском языке во всех временах, лицах и числах
Simple Tense — Простое (неопределенное) время
Present Simple
Простое настоящее
- I fly
- you fly
- he, she flys
- we fly
- you fly
- they fly
Past Simple
Простое прошедшее
- I flew
- you flew
- he, she flew
- we flew
- you flew
- they flew
Future Simple
Простое будущее
- I will fly
- you will fly
- he, she will fly
- we will fly
- you will fly
- they will fly
Continuous Tense — Длительное время
Present Simple Continuous
Настоящее длительное
- I am flying
- you are flying
- he, she is flying
- we are flying
- you are flying
- they are flying
Past Simple Continuous
Прошедшее длительное
- I was flying
- you were flying
- he, she was flying
- we were flying
- you were flying
- they were flying
Future Simple Continuous
Будущее длительное
- I will be flying
- you will be flying
- he, she will be flying
- we will be flying
- you will be flying
- they will be flying
Perfect Tense — Совершенное время
Present Perfect
Настоящее совершенное
- I have flown
- you have flown
- he, she has flown
- we have flown
- you have flown
- they have flown
Past Perfect
Прошедшее совершенное
- I had flown
- you had flown
- he, she had flown
- we had flown
- you had flown
- they had flown
Future Perfect
Будущее совершенное
- I will have flown
- you will have flown
- he, she will have flown
- we will have flown
- you will have flown
- they will have flown
Perfect Continuous Tense — Длительное совершенное время
Present Perfect Continuous
Настоящее совершенное длительное
- I have been flying
- you have been flying
- he, she has been flying
- we have been flying
- you have been flying
- they have been flying
Past Perfect Continuous
Прошедшее совершенное длительное
- I had been flying
- you had been flying
- he, she had been flying
- we had been flying
- you had been flying
- they had been flying
Future Perfect Continuous
Будущее совершенное длительное
- I will have been flying
- you will have been flying
- he, she will have been flying
- we will have been flying
- you will have been flying
- they will have been flying
Conditional — Условное наклонение
- I would fly
- you would fly
- he, she would fly
- we would fly
- you would fly
- they would fly
- I would have flown
- you would have flown
- he, she would have flown
- we would have flown
- you would have flown
- they would have flown
Present Continuous
- I would be flying
- you would be flying
- he, she would be flying
- we would be flying
- you would be flying
- they would be flying
Perfect Continuous
- I would have been flying
- you would have been flying
- he, she would have been flying
- we would have been flying
- you would have been flying
- they would have been flying
Imperative — Повелительное наклонение
- you fly
- we Let’s fly
- you fly
Проспрягать другие глаголы
restructure, uphold, surprise, designate, pan, distinct, communicate, sleep, possess, stretch, decide, evade, rise, try, verify, beg, terminate, rely, broadcast, matter, suspect, guard, quote, export, originate, dispute, cull
3 формы глагола
Запомните формы неправильного глагола to fly:
Повторите все формы еще раз, чтобы их запомнить:
fly — flew — flown | лететь — летел — улетел |
Прочитайте предложения с глаголом to fly и посмотрите, в какой форме он стоит:
Penguins can’t fly | Пингвины не умеют летать — V1 |
A bird flew through the window | В окно влетела птица — V2 |
He had never flown before | Он никогда раньше не летал — V3 |
Выберите подходящую форму глагола
We looked up at the plane as it flew above us | Мы смотрели на самолет, когда он летел над нами |
I wish I could fly | Я хотел бы летать |
Have you ever flown a private jet? | Вы когда-нибудь летали на частном самолете? |
I tried to take a picture of the nightingale, but it flew away | Я пытался сфотографировать соловья, но он улетел |
Steve hates to fly | Стив ненавидит летать |
FLIES — летит, летает (он, она, оно)
Форма глагола to fly в 3 лице единственного числа (местоимения he, she, it) в настоящем простом времени — flies
I fly at night | Я летаю ночью |
An owl flies at night | Сова летает ночью |
Последнее в этом уроке задание поможет вам запомнить все формы глагола to fly 👇
I live near the airport. A plane flies over my house every five minutes. | Я живу рядом с аэропортом. Каждые пять минут над моим домом пролетает самолет. |
Have you ever flown in a hot air balloon? | Вы когда-нибудь летали на воздушном шаре? |
Can you fly? | Ты умеешь летать? |
The stone flew above my head | Камень пролетел над моей головой |
Неправильные глаголы — таблицы, произношение, тренажер
Простой способ изучить 50 самых популярных неправильных глаголов. Хотите знать их все? Тогда переходите и тренируйтесь!
1. | Base Form (Infinitive): | Fly |
2. | Simple Past: | Flew |
3. | Past Participle: | Flown |
4. | Present Participle: | Flying |
5. | 3rd Person Singular: | Flies |
Saw |
Flew is the past tense of the word fly. |
Fly past participle
Fly |
Flown is the past participle of the word fly. |
Fly verb forms V1 V2 V3 V4
Infinitive | Past Simple | Past Participle | Present Participle |
Fly | Flew | Flown | Flying |
Conjugation of Fly
Simple / Indefinite Present Tense |
I fly a kite. |
He/She/It flies a kite. |
You/We/They fly a kite. |
Simple Past Tense |
I flew a kite. |
He/She/It flew a kite. |
You/We/They flew a kite. |
Simple Future Tense |
I will/shall fly a kite. |
He/She/It will fly a kite. |
You/We/They will/shall fly a kite. |
Present Continuous Tense |
I am flying a kite. |
He/She/It is flying a kite. |
You/We/They are flying a kite. |
Past Continuous Tense |
I was flying a kite. |
He/She/It was flying a kite. |
You/We/They were flying a kite. |
Future Continuous Tense |
I will be flying a kite. |
He/She/It will be flying a kite. |
You/We/They will be flying a kite. |
Present Perfect Tense |
I have flown a kite. |
He/She/It has flown a kite. |
You/We/They have flown a kite. |
Past Perfect Tense |
I had flown a kite. |
He/She/It had flown a kite. |
You/We/They had flown a kite. |
Future Perfect Tense |
I will have flown a kite. |
He/She/It will have flown a kite. |
You/We/They will have flown a kite. |
Present Perfect Continuous Tense |
I have been flying a kite. |
He/She/It has been flying a kite. |
You/We/They have been flying a kite. |
Past Perfect Continuous Tense |
I had been flying a kite. |
He/She/It had been flying a kite. |
You/We/They had been flying a kite. |
Future Perfect Continuous Tense |
I will have been flying a kite. |
He/She/It will have been flying a kite. |
You/We/They will have been flying a kite. |
More verb past tense
- Focus
- Follow
- Forget
- Forgive
- Freeze
If you have ever been curious about the correct english grammar past tense of fly was, this article will clear that up plus give you a look into the history of the english verb, the definition, and everything else you could want to learn about the word.
What is the Definition of the Irregular Verb Fly?
The word fly is defined as:
Intransitive verb form:
- to move in or pass through the air with wings
- bees flying around the hive
- to move through the air or before the wind or through outer space
- bullets flying in all directions
- to float, wave, or soar in the air
- flags flying at half-mast
- to take flight: flee
- was forced to fly for his life when his enemies came into power
- to fade and disappear: vanish
- mists flying before the morning sun
- to move, pass, or spread quickly
- rumors were flying
- to be moved with sudden extreme emotion
- flew into a rage
- to seem to pass quickly
- the time simply flew
- to become expended or dissipated rapidly
- After he became established in the town, his inheritance flew.
- to operate or travel in an airplane or spacecraft
- They flew to Florida for their vacation.
- to work successfully: win popular acceptance
- knew … a pure human-rights approach would not fly — Charles Brydon
Transitive regular verb “fly”:
- to cause to fly, float, or hang in the air
- flying a kite
- to operate (something, such as a balloon, aircraft, rocket, or spacecraft) in flight
- to journey over or through by flying
- flew the Atlantic
- to flee or escape from
- The bird had flown its cage.
- Avoid, shun
- fly such a talkative woman
- to transport by aircraft or spacecraft
- He was the third person to fly supplies to the disaster area.
- fly at
- to assail suddenly and violently
- He flew at me in a rage because he couldn’t learn english, that’s how I knew it was only conditional friendship.
- fly blind
- to fly a plane solely by instruments
- fly high
- to be elated
- He/she was flying high after winning the contest and seeing infinitive possibilities.
- fly in the face of or fly in the teeth of
- to stand or act forthrightly or brazenly in defiance or contradiction of
- His explanation flies in the face of the evidence.
How Do You Conjugate fly?
Here are the other noun and verb conjugations of the word fly:
Base Form: Fly | ||
Simple Present Tense/ Present Participle | Simple Past Tense | Future |
I fly | Flew | Am flying |
You fly | Flew | Are flying |
He, she, it flys | Flew | Is flying |
We fly | Flew | Are flying |
They fly | Flew | Are flying |
The History and Origin of the Word
The word fly has been used since at least the 12th century. It comes from Old English “flēogan” and then Middle English language word “flien”
Is Flown a Word?
Flown is a correct word, it is the past participle of the word fly.
Synonyms for Fly
- Aviate – to navigate the air (as in an airplane)
- Glide – to move smoothly, continuously, and effortlessly, to go or pass imperceptibly
- Plane – to fly while keeping the wings motionless, skim across the surface of the water, to travel by airplane
- Soar – to fly aloft or about, to rise or increase dramatically (as in position, value, or price)
- Wing – one of the movable feathered or membranous paired appendages by means of which a bird, bat, or insect is able to fly
Examples of the Word in context
- More recently, Stefanik has campaigned for the president, flying to at least one rally in Tulsa during the coronavirus pandemic to appear by his side. – STEFANIK HAILS TRUMP ON NATIONAL STAGE WHILE PITCHING N.Y. VOTERS ON HER BIPARTISANSHIP|RACHAEL BADE|AUGUST 26, 2020|WASHINGTON POST
- To be sure, while value has historically outperformed growth, the run of high-flying and expensive tech stocks have been what’s pushed the market higher in recent months and years. – 12 VALUE STOCKS TO BUY RIGHT NOW—AND 3 TO AVOID—ACCORDING TO BANK OF AMERICA|ANNE SRADERS|AUGUST 25, 2020|FORTUNE
- American expects to be flying at less than 50% of its capacity by the fourth quarter of 2020, it said Tuesday, with long-haul international travel at only a quarter of last year’s levels. – AMERICAN AIRLINES ANNOUNCES PLAN TO CUT 19,000 JOBS—UNLESS CONGRESS EXTENDS PANDEMIC AID|MARIA ASPAN|AUGUST 25, 2020|FORTUNE
- In late 2017, cryptocurrency prices went crazy as Bitcoin brushed $20,000 and the value of other digital tokens—many of them fly-by-night projects—soared inexplicably. – CRYPTO SOARS AGAIN AS TRADERS EMBRACE ‘DEFI’ AND ‘YIELD FARMING’—BUT SOME SEE ECHOES OF THE 2017 BUBBLE|JEFF|AUGUST 25, 2020|FORTUNE
- The man tested positive for the virus again earlier this month after flying back to Hong Kong from Spain. – WHAT THE FIRST CONFIRMED COVID-19 REINFECTION TELLS US ABOUT A FUTURE VACCINE|NAOMI XU ELEGANT|AUGUST 25, 2020|FORTUNE
- Andrew still plans to fly to Davos in Switzerland for the World Economic Forum on January 21, representing the British government. – FROM PLAYBOY PRINCE TO DIRTY OLD MAN?|TOM SYKES|JANUARY 5, 2015|DAILY BEAST
- After some animated debate at the conference, Lelaie declared, with some frustration, “If you push on the stick, you will fly.” – FLIGHT 8501 POSES QUESTION: ARE MODERN JETS TOO AUTOMATED TO FLY?|CLIVE IRVING|JANUARY 4, 2015|DAILY BEAST
- Thus it attracted a wave of cowboy operators to fly passengers and cargo between cities. – WHO WILL GET ASIAAIR 8501’S BLACK BOXES?|CLIVE IRVING|DECEMBER 30, 2014|DAILY BEAST
- Many of these are small operations that would never, in any case, fly beyond Indonesia – WHO WILL GET ASIAAIR 8501’S BLACK BOXES?|CLIVE IRVING|DECEMBER 30, 2014|DAILY BEAST
- Air traffic controllers and pilots together take great care not to fly in conditions that can jeopardize an airplane. – DID BAD WEATHER BRING DOWN AIRASIA 8501?|CLIVE IRVING|DECEMBER 29, 2014|DAILY BEAST
- It was in one of his fits of rage and remorse that Charley had asked Cherrie to fly with him. – A CHANGED HEART|MAY AGNES FLEMING
- He will fly back southeast along the lakeshore to the meeting place. – ASTOUNDING STORIES OF SUPER-SCIENCE JANUARY 1930|VICTOR ROUSSEAU
- Sam was already on the run, and, coming to the turn in the road, he let fly several snowballs. – THE ROVER BOYS ON A TOUR|ARTHUR M. WINFIELD
- They were to fly the American flag; that, too, should mean a subsidy. – THE PRESIDENT|ALFRED HENRY LEWIS
- In captivity, having no web, it actually flees before its prey, and has not the resolution to confront a fly.- THE INSECT|JULES MICHELET
Next time you need to write the word fly, you will be well prepared for everything you need to know what it is and how to use it efficiently. You should feel confident with the different conjugations, the history of the word, and the definition.
- “Fly.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/fly
- https://www.dictionary.com/browse/fly
- http://www.gutenberg.org/files/44287/44287-h/44287-h.htm
- http://www.gutenberg.org/files/18572/18572-h/18572-h.htm
- http://www.gutenberg.org/files/36179/36179-h/36179-h.htm
- http://www.gutenberg.org/files/41672/41672-h/41672-h.htm
- http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2014/12/29/did-bad-weather-bring-down-airasia-8501.html?source=dictionary
- http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2014/12/30/who-will-get-asiaair-8501-s-black-boxes.html?source=dictionary
- http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2015/01/04/flight-8501-poses-question-are-modern-jets-too-automated-to-fly.html?source=dictionary
- http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2015/01/05/from-playboy-prince-to-dirty-old-man.html?source=dictionary
- https://fortune.com/2020/08/25/first-covid-reinfection-hong-kong-coronavirus-vaccine/
- https://fortune.com/2020/08/25/crypto-defi-yield-farming-bitcoin/
- https://fortune.com/2020/08/25/american-airlines-job-cuts/
- https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/stefanik-hails-trump-on-national-stage-while-pitching-ny-voters-on-her-bipartisanship/2020/08/26/36cd2648-e7a5-11ea-a414-8422fa3e4116_story.html
Kevin Miller is a growth marketer with an extensive background in Search Engine Optimization, paid acquisition and email marketing. He is also an online editor and writer based out of Los Angeles, CA. He studied at Georgetown University, worked at Google and became infatuated with English Grammar and for years has been diving into the language, demystifying the do’s and don’ts for all who share the same passion! He can be found online here.