Past perfect tense of the word make

Make V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 is one of the verbs that are used very commonly in English tests as well as in everyday communication. Also, because it’s an irregular verb, Make doesn’t follow the regular rule. So what is Make‘s past? What is the past participle of Make? What is the present participle of Make? How to conjugate verbs with the verb Make?

Let’s find English tivi in the article below.

See more at: Verbs

Make of Definition and Meaning

Make is a verb that means “to create or produce something, to bring about, to cause or effect, to put together, assemble, construct, fabricate, construct from components.”

Make can be a noun or a verb

Noun: His make is really good though.

Verb: Can you make me sandwich?


Base Form (V1) make
Past Form (V2) made
Past Participle Form (V3) made
s / es/ ies (V4) makes
‘ing’ form (V5) making

Make of Past Simple V2

The verb make is also employed in its V2 form as “made”’. It is used to indicate the past tense in sentences.

Make of Past Participle V3

The V3 form is identical to the V2 form. The V3 form is “made”. made is used in the past or present perfect tense. 

+ In the present perfect tense, we use the word make as ‘have + made‘ or ‘has + made‘. 

  • I, you, and we are used as ‘have + made‘. 
  • ‘has + made‘ is used for he, she, and it. 

+ If you need to use the past perfect tense, use ‘had + made‘ regardless of the subject.

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Conjugation of Make V1 V2 V3 V4 V5

Conjugation table: make

Number Singular
Present Simple of make I You She/He/It
make make makes
We You They
make make make
Present Continuous of make I You She/He/It
am making are making is making
We You They
are making are making are making
Present Perfect of make I You She/He/It
have made have made has made
We You They
have made have made have made
Present Perfect Continuous of make I You She/He/It
have been making have been making has been making
We You They
have been making have been making have been making
Past Simple of make I You She/He/It
made made made
We You They
made made made
Past Continuous of make I You She/He/It
was making were making was making
We You They
were making were making were making
Past Perfect of make I You She/He/It
had made had made had made
We You They
had made had made had made
Past Perfect Continuous of make I You She/He/It
had been making had been making had been making
We You They
had been making had been making had been making
Future Simple of make I You She/He/It
will/shall make will/shall make will/shall make
We You They
will/shall make will/shall make will/shall make
Future Continuous of make I You She/He/It
will/shall be making will/shall be making will/shall be making
We You They
will/shall be making will/shall be making will/shall be making
Future Perfect of make I You She/He/It
will/shall have made will/shall have made will/shall have made
We You They
will/shall have made will/shall have made will/shall have made
Future Perfect Continuous of make I You She/He/It
will/shall have been making will/shall have been making will/shall have been making
We You They
will/shall have been making will/shall have been making will/shall have been making
Conditional Present of make I You She/He/It
would make would make would make
We You They
would make would make would make
Conditional Perfect of make I You She/He/It
would have made would have made would have made
We You They
would have made would have made would have made
Conditional Present Continuous of make I You She/He/It
would be making would be making would be making
We You They
would be making would be making would be making
Conditional Perfect Continuous of make I You She/He/It
would have been making would have been making would have been making
We You They
would have been making would have been making would have been making
Present Subjunctive of make I You She/He/It
make make make
We You They
make make make
Past Subjunctive of make I You She/He/It
made made made
We You They
made made made
Past Perfect Subjunctive of make I You She/He/It
had made had made had made
We You They
had made had made had made
Imperative of make I You She/He/It
We You They
Let’s make make

See more at: Vocabulary

Example Sentences with Make V1 V2 V3 V4 V5

In this section, we will learn about  make sentence examples:

+ This sentences doesn’t make sense at all.

+ Bill made this box in 1990.

+ You can ask your mother to make you a lunchbox.

+ Make sure to bring the house key with you.

+ It’s your dream, you can make it whatever you want.

Synonym Words For Make

Synonym of the make word list. Here are a variety of words whose meaning is nearly the synonym of make:

  • build
  • form
  • construct
  • cook up
  • create
  • assemble
  • compose
  • craft
  • fabricate
  • forge
  • prepare
  • produce
  • model
  • originate
  • shape
  • actualize
  • brew
  • contrive
  • develop
  • generate
  • hatch
  • implement
  • render
  • spawn
  • cobble together
  • cobble up
  • invent

Opposite Words For Make

The antonym of the make word list. Here are some words that have nearly the opposite meaning as  make:

  • destroy
  • break
  • demolish
  • dismantle
  • crush
  • ruin
  • abolish
  • annihilate
  • disassemble
  • take apar
  • eradicate
  • obliterate
  • raze
  • smash
  • terminate
  • undo
  • wreck
  • blow up
  • break up
  • flatten
  • knock down
  • pull apart
  • pull down
  • take down
  • take to bits
  • take to pieces
  • tear down
  • ask
  • convince
  • persuade
  • request

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Some Frequently Asked Questions About Make (Verb)

What is the V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 of make?

The past tense of make is made. The third-person singular simple present indicative form of make is makes. The present participle of make is making. The past participle of make is made.

Base Form (V1) make
Past Form (V2) made
Past Participle Form (V3) made
s / es/ ies (V4) makes
‘ing’ form (V5) making

What is the V2 and V3 form of make?

+ The V2 and V3 form of make is “made

What is the sentence of make?

What is the past tense V2 of make?

+ The past tense of make is “made“.

What is the past participle V3 of make?

+ The past participle of make is “made“.

What is the present participle V5 of make?

+ The present participle of make is “making“.


Make V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 Base Form, the Past Simple Form, and the Past Participle Form are described in the text above. We think we have made English more approachable and fun to learn.

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Here are other verbs V1 V2 V3 List

Base Form V1 Past Form V2 Past Participle Form V3
abide abode/abided abode/abided
arise arose arisen
awake awoke awoken
backslide backslid backslidden/backslid
be was/were been
bear bore borne
beat beat beaten/beat
become became become
befall befell befallen
begin began begun
behold beheld beheld
bend bent bent
beset beset beset
bespeak bespoke bespoken
bet bet/betted bet/betted
bid bid bid
bind bound bound
bite bit bitten
bleed bled bled
blow blew blown
break broke broken
breed bred bred
bring brought brought
broadcast broadcast broadcast
browbeat browbeat browbeaten/browbeat
build built built
burn burnt/burned burnt/burned
burst burst burst
bust busted/bust busted/bust
buy bought bought
cast cast cast
catch caught caught
chide chid/chided chid/chidden/chided
choose chose chosen
cleave clove/cleft/cleaved cloven/cleft/cleaved
cleave clave cleaved
cling clung clung
clothe clothed/clad clothed/clad
come came come
cost cost cost
creep crept crept
crossbreed crossbred crossbred
crow crew/crewed crowed
cut cut cut
daydream daydreamed
deal dealt dealt
dig dug dug
disprove disproved disproved/disproven
dive dove/dived dived
do did done
draw drew drawn
dream dreamt/dreamed dreamt/dreamed
drink drank drunk
drive drove driven
dwell dwelt dwelt
eat ate eaten
fall fell fallen
feed fed fed
feel felt felt
fight fought fought
find found found
fit fitted/fit fitted/fit
flee fled fled
fling flung flung
fly flew flown
forbear forbore forborne
forbid forbade/forbad forbidden
forecast forecast/forecasted forecast/forecasted
forego (also forgo) forewent foregone
foresee foresaw foreseen
foretell foretold foretold
forget forgot forgotten
forgive forgave forgiven
forsake forsook forsaken
freeze froze frozen
frostbite frostbit frostbitten
get got got/gotten
gild gilt/gilded gilt/gilded
gird girt/girded girt/girded
give gave given
go went gone
grind ground ground
grow grew grown
hand-feed hand-fed hand-fed
handwrite handwrote handwritten
hang hung hung
have had had
hear heard heard
heave hove/heaved hove/heaved
hew hewed hewn/hewed
hide hid hidden
hit hit hit
hurt hurt hurt
inbreed inbred inbred
inlay inlaid inlaid
input input input
inset inset inset
interbreed interbred interbred
interweave interwove
interwind interwound interwound
jerry-build jerry-built jerry-built
keep kept kept
kneel knelt/kneeled knelt/kneeled
knit knit/knitted knit/knitted
know knew known
lay laid laid
lead led led
lean leaned/leant leaned/leant
leap leapt /leaped leapt /leaped
learn learnt/learned learnt/learned
leave left left
lend lent lent
let let let
lie lay lain
light lit/lighted lit/lighted
lip-read lip-read lip-read
lose lost lost
make made made
mean meant meant
meet met met
miscast miscast miscast
misdeal misdealt misdealt
misdo misdid misdone
mishear misheard misheard
mislay mislaid mislaid
mislead misled misled
mislearn mislearned
misread misread misread
misset misset misset
misspeak misspoke misspoken
misspell misspelt misspelt
misspend misspent misspent
mistake mistook mistaken
misteach mistaught mistaught
misunderstand misunderstood misunderstood
miswrite miswrote miswritten
mow mowed mown/mowed
offset offset offset
outbid outbid outbid
outbreed outbred outbred
outdo outdid outdone
outdraw outdrew outdrawn
outdrink outdrank outdrunk
outdrive outdrove outdriven
outfight outfought outfought
outfly outflew outflown
outgrow outgrew outgrown
outleap outleaped/outleapt outleaped/outleapt
outlie outlied outlied
output output output
outride outrode outridden
outrun outran outrun
outsell outsold outsold
outshine outshined/outshone outshined/outshone
outshoot outshot outshot
outsing outsang outsung
outsit outsat outsat
outsleep outslept outslept
outsmell outsmelled/outsmelt outsmelled/outsmelt
outspeak outspoke outspoken
outspeed outsped outsped
outspend outspent outspent
outswear outswore outsworn
outswim outswam outswum
outthink outthought outthought
outthrow outthrew outthrown
outwrite outwrote outwritten
overbid overbid overbid
overbreed overbred overbred
overbuild overbuilt overbuilt
overbuy overbought overbought
overcome overcame overcome
overdo overdid overdone
overdraw overdrew overdrawn
overdrink overdrank overdrunk
overeat overate overeaten
overfeed overfed overfed
overfly overflew overflown
overhang overhung overhung
overhear overheard overheard
overlay overlaid overlaid
overpay overpaid overpaid
override overrode overridden
overrun overran overrun
oversee oversaw overseen
oversell oversold oversold
oversew oversewed oversewn/oversewed
overshoot overshot overshot
oversleep overslept overslept
overspeak overspoke overspoken
overspend overspent overspent
overspill overspilled/overspilt overspilled/overspilt
overtake overtook overtaken
overthink overthought overthought
overthrow overthrew overthrown
overwind overwound overwound
overwrite overwrote overwritten
partake partook partaken
pay paid paid
plead pleaded/pled pleaded/pled
prebuild prebuilt prebuilt
premake premade premade
prepay prepaid prepaid
presell presold presold
preset preset preset
preshrink preshrank preshrunk
proofread proofread proofread
prove proved proven/proved
put put put
quick-freeze quick-froze quick-frozen
quit quit/quitted quit/quitted
read read read
reawake reawoke reawaken
rebid rebid rebid
rebind rebound rebound
rebroadcast rebroadcast
rebuild rebuilt rebuilt
recast recast recast
recut recut recut
redeal redealt redealt
redo redid redone
redraw redrew redrawn
refit refitted/refit refitted/refit
regrind reground reground
regrow regrew regrown
rehang rehung rehung
rehear reheard reheard
reknit reknitted/reknit reknitted/reknit
relay relaid relaid
relearn relearned/relearnt relearned/relearnt
relight relit/relighted relit/relighted
remake remade remade
rend rent rent
repay repaid repaid
reread reread reread
rerun reran rerun
resell resold resold
resend resent resent
reset reset reset
resew resewed resewn/resewed
retake retook retaken
reteach retaught retaught
retear retore retorn
retell retold retold
rethink rethought rethought
retread retread retread
retrofit retrofitted/retrofit retrofitted/retrofit
rewake rewoke/rewaked rewaken/rewaked
rewear rewore reworn
reweave rewove/reweaved rewoven/reweaved
rewed rewed/rewedded rewed/rewedded
rewet rewet/rewetted rewet/rewetted
rewin rewon rewon
rewind rewound rewound
rewrite rewrote rewritten
rid rid rid
ride rode ridden
ring rang rung
rise rose risen
roughcast roughcast roughcast
run ran run
sand-cast sand-cast sand-cast
saw sawed sawn
say said said
see saw seen
seek sought sought
sell sold sold
send sent sent
set set set
sew sewed sewn/sewed
shake shook shaken
shave shaved shaved/shaven
shear sheared shorn
shed shed shed
shine shone shone
shit shit/shat/shitted shit/shat/shitted
shoot shot shot
show showed shown/showed
shrink shrank shrunk
shut shut shut
sight-read sight-read sight-read
sing sang sung
sink sank sunk
sit sat sat
slay slew slain
sleep slept slept
slide slid slid
sling slung slung
slink slunk slunk
slit slit slit
smell smelt smelt
smite smote smitten
sneak sneaked/snuck sneaked/snuck
speak spoke spoken
speed sped/speeded sped/speeded
spell spelt/spelled spelt/spelled
spend spent spent
spill spilt/spilled spilt/spilled
spin spun/span spun
spoil spoilt/spoiled spoilt/spoiled
spread spread spread
stand stood stood
steal stole stolen
stick stuck stuck
sting stung stung
stink stunk/stank stunk
stride strode stridden
strike struck struck
string strung strung
sunburn sunburned/sunburnt sunburned/sunburnt
swear swore sworn
sweat sweat/sweated sweat/sweated
sweep swept swept
swell swelled swollen/swelled
swim swam swum
swing swung swung
take took taken
teach taught taught
tear tore torn
telecast telecast telecast
tell told told
think thought thought
throw threw thrown
thrust thrust thrust
tread trod trodden/trod
typewrite typewrote typewritten
unbend unbent unbent
unbind unbound unbound
unclothe unclothed/unclad unclothed/unclad
undercut undercut undercut
underfeed underfed underfed
undergo underwent undergone
underlie underlay underlain
understand understood understood
undertake undertook undertaken
underwrite underwrote underwritten
undo undid undone
unfreeze unfroze unfrozen
unhang unhung unhung
unhide unhid unhidden
unlearn unlearned/unlearnt unlearned/unlearnt
unspin unspun unspun
unwind unwound unwound
uphold upheld upheld
upset upset upset
wake woke/waked woken/waked
wear wore worn
wed wed/wedded wed/wedded
weep wept wept
wet wet/wetted wet/wetted
win won won
wind wound wound
withdraw withdrew withdrawn
withhold withheld withheld
withstand withstood withstood
work worked worked
wring wrung wrung
write wrote written

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Перевод make с английского на русский

  • делать (совершать, сделать, совершить)
  • производить (изготавливать, произвести, изготовить, осуществлять)
  • стать (составить, составлять)
  • заставлять (заставить)
  • создавать (создать)
  • зарабатывать (заработать)


  • make telephone calls (делать телефонные звонки)
  • make a copy (сделать копию)
  • make a deal (совершить сделку)
  • make measurements (производить измерения)
  • make furniture (изготавливать мебель)
  • make an impression (произвести впечатление)
  • make detective (стать детективом)
  • make a list (составить список)
  • make people (заставить людей)
  • make problems (создавать проблем)
  • make the universe (создать вселенную)
  • make good money (зарабатывать хорошие деньги)
  • make cash (заработать деньги)

3 формы глагола с транскрипцией

Base Form
Past Simple
2-ая форма
Past Participle
3-ая форма
(Причастие прошедшего времени)
make made made making
[meɪk] [meɪd] [meɪd] [ˈmeɪkɪŋ]
[meɪk] [ˈmeɪd] [ˈmeɪd] [ˈmeɪkɪŋ]

Тренажёр спряжения для запоминая форм


Спряжение make в английском языке во всех временах, лицах и числах

Simple Tense — Простое (неопределенное) время

Present Simple
Простое настоящее

  • I make
  • you make
  • he, she makes
  • we make
  • you make
  • they make

Past Simple
Простое прошедшее

  • I made
  • you made
  • he, she made
  • we made
  • you made
  • they made

Future Simple
Простое будущее

  • I will make
  • you will make
  • he, she will make
  • we will make
  • you will make
  • they will make

Continuous Tense — Длительное время

Present Simple Continuous
Настоящее длительное

  • I am making
  • you are making
  • he, she is making
  • we are making
  • you are making
  • they are making

Past Simple Continuous
Прошедшее длительное

  • I was making
  • you were making
  • he, she was making
  • we were making
  • you were making
  • they were making

Future Simple Continuous
Будущее длительное

  • I will be making
  • you will be making
  • he, she will be making
  • we will be making
  • you will be making
  • they will be making

Perfect Tense — Совершенное время

Present Perfect
Настоящее совершенное

  • I have made
  • you have made
  • he, she has made
  • we have made
  • you have made
  • they have made

Past Perfect
Прошедшее совершенное

  • I had made
  • you had made
  • he, she had made
  • we had made
  • you had made
  • they had made

Future Perfect
Будущее совершенное

  • I will have made
  • you will have made
  • he, she will have made
  • we will have made
  • you will have made
  • they will have made

Perfect Continuous Tense — Длительное совершенное время

Present Perfect Continuous
Настоящее совершенное длительное

  • I have been making
  • you have been making
  • he, she has been making
  • we have been making
  • you have been making
  • they have been making

Past Perfect Continuous
Прошедшее совершенное длительное

  • I had been making
  • you had been making
  • he, she had been making
  • we had been making
  • you had been making
  • they had been making

Future Perfect Continuous
Будущее совершенное длительное

  • I will have been making
  • you will have been making
  • he, she will have been making
  • we will have been making
  • you will have been making
  • they will have been making

Conditional — Условное наклонение


  • I would make
  • you would make
  • he, she would make
  • we would make
  • you would make
  • they would make


  • I would have made
  • you would have made
  • he, she would have made
  • we would have made
  • you would have made
  • they would have made

Present Continuous

  • I would be making
  • you would be making
  • he, she would be making
  • we would be making
  • you would be making
  • they would be making

Perfect Continuous

  • I would have been making
  • you would have been making
  • he, she would have been making
  • we would have been making
  • you would have been making
  • they would have been making

Imperative — Повелительное наклонение


  • you make
  • we Let’s make
  • you make

Проспрягать другие глаголы

scoop, stage, mention, freeze, grieve, exchange, debate, crawl, poll, broadcast, supplement, reinstate, drag, produce, reach, press, duplicate, begin, offload, probe, relax, minimize, swell, broaden, borrow, contain

3 формы глагола make

Английский глагол make [meɪk], переводится как: делать.
Входит в группы:
неправильные глаголы,
глаголы 3-й класс,
глаголы 4-й класс,
глаголы 5-й класс.

3 формы глагола make: Infinitive (make), Past Simple — (made), Past Participle — (made).

📚 Глагол make имеет значения: делать, производить, изготовлять, совершать, создавать, зарабатывать, наживать, составлять, получать, готовить, формировать.

👉 Формы глагола make в настоящем и прошедшем времени 2-я и 3-я форма.
❓ Как будет make в прошедшем времени past simple.

Три формы глагола make

Base Form Past Simple Past Participle Перевод
make [meɪk]

made [meɪd]

made [meɪd]


Как поставить make во 2-ю и 3-ю форму?

🎓 Как поставить глагол make в Past Simple, Future Simple, Present Perfect, Past Perfect, Future Perfect?

👉 Всё очень просто, в этих временах прошедшего, будущего и совершённого времени, в английском используются 2я и 3я форма глагола:

  • First form (V1) — make. (Present simple, Future Simple)
  • Second form (V2) —

    (Past simple)

  • Third form (V3) —

    (Present perfect, Past perfect)

Как поставить make в past simple?

Если вы не совсем поняли какую форму для make нужно использовать в прошедшем времени, будет:
make в past simple — made.

What is the past tense of make?

The past tense of make is made.

The past participle of make is made.

Временные формы глагола — Verb Tenses

Past simple — make в past simple, будет made.

Future simple — make в future simple будет make. (will + V1)

Present Perfect — make в present perfect будет
(havehas + V3)

Past Perfect — make в past perfect будет

(had + V3)

Правильный или неправильный глагол make?

👉 Правильный это глагол ли нет? Глагол make это неправильный глагол.

Примеры применения глагола make

    You’re lucky to make five dollars a day — Ты счастливчик, раз зарабатываешь 5 долларов в день.
    (Present Simple)

    She made him think he was on TV — Она заставила его думать, что он на ТВ.
    (Past Simple)

    I believe this business has made me stronger — Я считаю, что это дело сделало меня сильнее.
    (Present Perfect)

    Mom always makes perfect pancakes — Мама всегда готовит идеальные оладьи.
    (Present Simple)

    Who is making breakfast today? — Кто сегодня готовит завтрак?
    (Present Continuous)

    He is making very important calls, don’t go to him — Он делает очень важные звонки, не ходи к нему.
    (Present Continuous)

    My parents have made that decision for me, so I go to Law school — Мои родители приняли это решение за меня, так что я иду в юридическую школу.
    (Present Perfect)

    The company made an amazing offer, it’s hard to resist — Компания сделала прекрасное предложение, устоять сложно.
    (Past Simple)

    They had made their choice before I came — Они сделали свой выбор до того, как я пришел.
    (Past Perfect)

    He will make good money, but don’t be jelaous — Он хорошо заработает, но не завидуй.
    (Future Simple)

Вместе с make, часто смотрят глаголы


and eat.

Глаголы на букву:

























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  1. Грамматическая характеристика глагола to make
  2. Отличия глагола to make от глагола to do
  3. Устойчивые выражения с глаголом to make
  4. Особенности глагола to make в значении «заставлять»
  5. Фразовые глаголы с основой to make

Разница между make и made

Глагол to make является одним из наиболее широко распространенных в английской речи глаголов. Для него характерно одно основное значение – «делать, совершать, производить».

It is quite easy to make a kite on your own. Довольно просто сделать воздушного змея самостоятельно.
This vase is made of glass. Эта ваза изготовлена из стекла.
At this factory they make spare parts for cars. На этой фабрике производят запасные части для автомобилей.

Однако на базе этого значения существует еще несколько значений, отличающихся отдельными семантическими нюансами, в частности:

изготавливать (своими руками) We made wonderful figures of clay in the morning. Утром мы изготовили прекрасные фигурки из глины.
производить It needs a lot of resources to make all the goods the modern society consumes. Нужно много ресурсов, чтобы произвести все те товары, которые потребляет современное общество.
совершать I don’t understand how you could make such a stupid mistake. Я не понимаю, как ты мог совершить такую глупую ошибку.

Еще одним важным значением глагола to make является значение «заставлять»:

Her parents made her get married. Ее родители заставили ее выйти замуж.

Теперь рассмотрим другие особенности этого глагола.

Грамматическая характеристика глагола to make

Глагол to make относится к группе неправильных глаголов, а значит три основные формы у него образуются не согласно правилам, а требуют запоминания.

Вот эти формы:

the Infinitive (инфинитив, начальная форма) the Past Simple Tense (прошедшее простое время) the Past Participle (причастие прошедшего времени)
to make made made
I’d like to make dinner for you. / Я бы хотел приготовить для тебя ужин. I made a lot of mistakes in the test yesterday. / Я сделал много ошибок в тесте вчера. Have I made any progress in learning English? / У меня есть какие-нибудь продвижения в изучении английского языка?

Глагол to make является переходным глаголом и часто употребляется с прямым дополнением, поскольку обычно мы указываем в речи то, что именно мы «делаем / производим / совершаем».

My granny makes very yummy cakes. Моя бабушка готовит очень вкусные пирожные.
This machine makes a lot of noise. Этот аппарат производит много шума.
You sometimes make such surprising things. Ты иногда совершаешь удивительные поступки.

Данный глагол может употребляться во всех временных формах активного залога. Так выглядят эти временные формы, систематизированные в таблице:

Simple Continuous Perfect Perfect Continuous
Present the Present Simple Tense

make / makes

John makes a lot of friends at parties./ Джон заводит много друзей на вечеринках.

the Present Continuous Tense

am / is / are making

Be quiet! You are making a lot of noise! / Потише! Вы производите слишком много шума!

the Present Perfect Tense

have / has made

Jane has already made a lot of friends here. / Джейн уже завела здесь много друзей.

the Present Perfect Continuous Tense

have / has been making

This factory has been making cars for twenty years. / Эта фабрика производит автомобили уже двадцать лет.

Past the Past Simple Tense


Ann made lunch and cleaned the kitchen. / Энн приготовила ланч и убралась на кухне.

the Past Continuous Tense

was / were making

You were making something of paper when I entered the classroom. / Вы делали что-то из бумаги, когда я вошел в класс.

the Past Perfect Tense

had made

Before you said the answer we had made that stupid mistake. / Прежде, чем ты сказал ответ, мы уже сделали ту глупую ошибку.

the Past Perfect Continuous Tense

had been making

We had been making dinner for half an hour by the time you came to help us. / Мы уже полчаса готовили обед к тому времени, как ты пришел помочь нам.

Future the Future Simple Tense

will make

I will make a cake in the afternoon. / После обеда я буду готовить торт.

the Future Continuous Tense

will be making

At 9 o’clock we will be making supper, I think. / В 9 часов я буду готовить ужин, я думаю.

the Future Perfect Tense

will have made

Sue will have made supper by the time you return home. / Сью приготовит ужин к тому времени, как ты вернешься домой.

the Future Perfect Continuous Tense

will have been making

Sue will have been making a cake only for half an hour by the time you arrive. So it won’t be ready. / Сью будет готовить торт только в течение получаса к тому времени, как вы прибудете. Так что он еще не будет готов.

Переходность глагола to make определяет возможность его употребления в формах страдательного залога Passive Voice .

Simple Continuous Perfect Perfect Continuous
Present This cake is made of cookies, fruit and cream. / Этот торт готовится из печенья, фруктов и сливок. The cake is being made right now. / Торт готовят прямо сейчас. The cake has been made. We can have a cup of tea with a piece of cake. / Торт приготовлен. Мы можем выпить по чашечке чая с куском торта.
Past That cake was made by my sister. / Тот торт был приготовлен моей сестрой. The cake was being made by the cook when the guests arrived. / Торт готовился поваром, когда прибыли гости. The cake had been made when we came. So we had a cup of tea with it. / Торт был приготовлен, когда мы пришли. Поэтому мы выпили по чашке чая с ним.
Future The cake will be made tomorrow in the afternoon. / Торт будет готовиться завтра во второй половине дня. The cake will have been made by the time you come to take it to the birthday party. / Торт будет приготовлен к тому времени, как вы придете забирать его на вечеринку по случаю дня рождения.

Отсутствие некоторых форм в приведенной выше таблице свидетельствует не об отсутствии их у глагола to make, а о полном их отсутствии в парадигме форм страдательного залога.

Отличия глагола to make от глагола to do

В целом, основное отличие этих двух глаголов друг от друга заключается в том, что помимо базового значения «делать», присущего каждому из них, они обладают самостоятельными оттенками этого значения:

to make выполнять, производить небольшое действие I made a mistake in my homework. / Я сделал ошибку в моей домашней работе.
to do совершать поступок, выполнять сложную комбинацию действий I did my homework an hour ago. / Я сделал домашнюю работу час назад.

Однако грань между этими значениями порой очень тонка или вовсе размыта. Поэтому лучше запомнить наиболее распространенные устойчивые выражения с глаголами to make и to do, чтобы избежать ошибок в их употреблении.

Ниже представлены устойчивые выражения с глаголом to do:

to do homework делать домашнее задание I forgot to do my homework yesterday. Я забыл про мою домашнюю работу вчера.
to do housework делать работу по дому My mother and sister do all the housework in our house. Мои мама и сестра выполняют всю работу по дому у нас.
to do a subject изучать предмет What subjects do you do at school? Какие предметы ты изучаешь в школе?
to do a course проходить учебный курс I did a two-month course in business English. Я прошел двухмесячный курс делового английского.
to do the shopping совершать покупки, ходить за покупками I always do the shopping at the weekends. Я всегда хожу за покупками в выходные.
to do research проводить исследование These scientists are doing medical research in spinal injuries. Эти ученые проводят медицинское исследование повреждений позвоночника.
to do smb. a favour сделать кому-либо одолжение Could you do me a favour? Ты не мог бы оказать мне услугу?
to do well хорошо учиться I did well at German, but my brother did badly. Я хорошо учился по немецкому языку, а мой брат учился плохо.
to do badly плохо учиться
to do something / nothing / anything сделать что-то / ничего / что угодно Those people do nothing all day. Can you do anything about it? Те люди ничего не делают целый день. Ты можешь что-нибудь с этим сделать?

Устойчивые выражения с глаголом to make

to make a mistake совершать ошибку He made a few mistakes in the test. Он сделал несколько ошибок в тесте.
to make a meal приготовить пищу I don’t usually make a meal in the evening. Я обычно не готовлю еду вечером.
to make money заработать деньги, сколотить состояние He made a lot of money when he was in China. Он заработал много денег, когда был в Китае.
to make friends завести друзей Tom made a lot of friends in Canada last year. Том завел много друзей в Канаде в прошлом году.
to make a decision принять решение Think about it before you make a decision. Подумай об этом, прежде чем примешь решение.
to make a noise шуметь I can’t work because those people are making a lot of noise. Я не могу работать, потому что эти люди сильно шумят.
to make progress добиться улучшения, прогресса Her English is much better now. She has made remarkable progress. Ее английский сейчас намного лучше. Она достигла значительных успехов.
to make a difference менять дело, иметь значение Now I have a car. It makes a big difference. Сейчас у меня есть машина. Это сильно меняет дело.
to make up one’s mind принять решение, решиться I can’t make up my mind to tell you about it. Я никак не могу решиться рассказать тебе об этом.

Особенности глагола to make в значении «заставлять»

Глагол to make может употребляться перед инфинитивом другого глагола в значении «заставлять побуждать кого-то сделать что-то». при этом инфинитив второго глагола употребляется без частицы to.


John made me tell the truth. Джон заставил меня сказать правду.
Who made you do this? Кто заставил тебя сделать это?

Фразовые глаголы с основой to make

to make after преследовать, пуститься в погоню за… The police were making after the shoplifter. Полиция преследовала магазинного воришку.
to make away убежать, улизнуть The shoplifter was able to make away. Магазинный воришка смог улизнуть.
to make away with покончить с…, избавиться от… All the criminals try to make away with witnesses. Все преступники стараются избавиться от свидетелей.
to make for направляться, броситься в сторону чего-либо A crowd of people made for the exit. Толпа людей бросилась к выходу.
to make out различить, понять разобраться, справляться You can make out images of angels among the clouds in this picture. На этой картине среди облаков можно различить образы ангелов.
to make of расценивать I don’t know what to make of his words. Я не знаю, как расценивать его слова.
to make over переводить (деньги), передавать Her parents make over big sums of money to her once a month. Ее родители переводят ей большие суммы денег раз в месяц.
to make off сбежать, скрыться The thieves have made off with all the valuable things. Воры сбежали со всеми ценными вещами.
to make up составить, придумать; наносить макияж Please, make up a fairy-tale on your own!

A lot of women make up every day.

Пожалуйста, придумайте сказку сами!

Многие женщины наносят макияж каждый день.

Подружитесь с глаголом to make и он станет вашим верным помощником!


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The past perfect tense is had made.

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