Paint a word picture definition

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На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

To give it visual impact, let me paint a word picture.

I am going to try and paint a word picture of our future.

Or do you want me to just, you know, paint a word picture?

I’ll just have to paint a word-picture for you instead.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

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Перевод по словам

paint [noun]

noun: краска, окраска, румяна

verb: покрасить, красить, расписывать, окрашивать, раскрашивать, изображать, выкрасить, закрашивать, заниматься живописью, краситься

    me [pronoun]

    pronoun: мне, меня, мной, себя

    abbreviation: патологоанатом

      a [article]

      article: один, некий, каждый, такой же, неопределенный артикль, одинаковый, какой-то

      noun: высшая отметка, круглое отлично

      abbreviation: возраст, акр, пополудни

        word [noun]

        noun: слово, речь, текст, известие, обещание, замечание, пароль, разговор, девиз, лозунг

        verb: вести, сформулировать, выражать словами, подбирать выражения

          picture [noun]

          noun: рисунок, картина, изображение, картинка, представление, образ, портрет, олицетворение, кинокадр, копия

          verb: изобразить, представлять себе, изображать на картине, описывать, обрисовывать, живописать

            Предложения с «paint me a word picture»

            And he looked at me absolutely askance, and he said, Women didn’t paint these pictures .

            А он посмотрел на меня более чем пренебрежительно и ответил: Женщины этих картин не рисовали.

            These time-space clashes — between protesters and police, between gentrifiers and residents — don’t paint a very pretty picture of what America hopes for black people’s future.

            Эта война времени и пространства — между протестантами и полицией, между поборниками джентрификации и местными жителями — рисует не самую прекрасную картину того, каким Америка видит будущее чёрных людей.

            And so we come back to the path from discrimination to stress to poor health, and it begins to paint a picture that many people of color know to be true: racism is actually making us sick.

            Теперь вернёмся к вопросу о том, как дискриминация влияет на проблемы со здоровьем, и здесь возникает ситуация, правдивость которой могут подтвердить многие темнокожие: расизм действительно приводит к болезням.

            When we paint , we make pictures with paint .

            Когда мы рисуем, мы делаем снимки с краской.

            As well as the city pictures , you also paint outside New York in the countryside.

            Кроме картин города, вы также рисуете за пределами Нью — Йорка в сельской местности.

            They paint pictures , compose verses, create symphonies and sculptures, chisel or carve one thing or another.

            Они пишут картины, сочиняют стихи, создают симфонии, что — то ваяют.

            These particular circumstances will paint a thorough picture of the horrific events endured in Selma.

            Детали произошедшего помогут вам составить подробную картину чудовищных событий, имевших место в Сельме.

            On top of that I painted in Goya’s name with an oil-based paint with a light picture varnish.

            Затем поверх нее написал имя Гойи масляной краской с использованием яркого лака картины.

            I take an old family photograph and I paint a picture of that image.

            Я беру старые семейные фотографии И рисую с них картину.

            You paint this fantastic picture of becoming a farmer, which is what you now are.

            Ты рисуешь фантастическую картину, становления фермера, которым ты теперь являешься.

            I like to paint a rather rustic picture of life on Golden Pond.

            Я хотела нарисовать простую картину жизни на Золотом Пруду.

            The paint was faded, chipped and patchy, and it was difficult to discern with any clarity what the picture was.

            Краски потускнели и местами совсем стерлись, так что с трудом можно было разглядеть изображение.

            He would paint a dreadful picture of what would happen if they received the entire fortune.

            Нарисует чудовищную картину того, что может произойти, если они получат наследство.

            Would the more subtle way be to paint a picture and hang it on the wall for all to see?

            Нарисовать картину и повесить её у всех на виду было бы более утончённо?

            And I’ll paint a picture of you that will make the fat-headed world hold its sides and gasp!

            Я напишу твой портрет, который заставит весь мир ахнуть от изумления.

            He is the microscopic speck of paint in a big picture I’m painting .

            Он лишь мелкое пятнышко в общей картине моей работы.

            The mixed results of the progress made so far in meeting the development goals paint a very gloomy picture indeed.

            Неоднозначные результаты прогресса, достигнутого на сегодняшний день в плане реализации целей в области развития, представляют поистине мрачную картину.

            It would be misleading to paint an overall gloomy picture of the economic situation of Africa.

            Было бы несправедливым окрашивать общую картину экономической ситуации в Африке в одни лишь мрачные тона.

            Whoever tucked Elise Nichols into bed didn’t paint this picture .

            Тот, кто вернул Элис Николс в её постель, не составлял эту картину.

            Other economic indicators paint an equally dismal picture .

            Прочие экономические показатели говорят о в равной степени печальном положении.

            The statistics paint an alarming picture .

            Судя по данным статистики, картина складывается тревожная.

            I look at your pictures now and I don’t just see an old house, chipped paint , empty swings.

            Я смотрю на твои фотографии сейчас и не вижу старого дома, облупившейся краски, пустых качелей.

            Use Paint 3D to make simple crops, add text to your pictures , or paint directly onto your favorite images.

            Используйте Paint 3D, чтобы выполнить простое кадрирование, добавить текст к изображениям и рисовать непосредственно на любимых изображениях.

            Or, if you want to paint , you can paint it blue throughout because every roof which you see in this picture collects rainwater drops and deposit in the rooms.

            Если вы хотите раскрасить этот слайд — можете закрашивать его целиком в синий, потому — что каждая крыша, которую вы видите на этой картинке собирает дождевые капли и сохраняет их в комнатах.

            Or, as so often happens in a racist society, one can paint the women who care for the elite’s children out of the picture altogether.

            Или, как часто происходит в расистском обществе, можно просто полностью зарисовать на картине женщин, заботящихся о детях элиты.

            Yet the Russian leader chose to paint a rosier picture than any self-respecting analyst would buy.

            Как бы то ни было, российский президент нарисовал чрезмерно радужную картину, в которую не поверит ни один уважающий себя аналитик.

            Yeah, it might paint a perfect picture for you but it’s a ton of data to sift through.

            Да, он может нарисовать идеальную картинку для тебя но это тонна данных для просеивания.

            She had once given Philip a paint-box as a Christmas present, and he had started by copying her pictures .

            Однажды на рождество тетушка Луиза подарила Филипу ящик с красками, и он стал копировать ее акварели.

            This is the raw material of a picture of life that I’m gonna paint with words.

            Это сырье для изображения жизни и я собираюсь рисовать словами.

            Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, the prosecution has tried to paint a very dark picture of my client. They’ve used such words as irresponsible, negligent.

            Господа присяжные, обвинение попыталось изобразить моего клиента в темном свете с помощью слов безответственность, небрежность.

            On top of that I painted in Goya’s name with an oil-based paint with a light picture varnish.

            Затем поверх неё написал имя Гойи масляной краской с использованием яркого лака картины.

            There are people who paint in abstract because they don’t know how to do anything else but Picasso… not Picasso, Picasso… painted pictures at 14 that looked like photographs.

            Есть люди, которые рисуют абстракции, потому что не умеют иначе, но Пикассо… Пикассо нет, Пикассо… с 14 лет рисовал картины, которые выглядят, как фотографии.

            Then there’s the kind that, while it has no specific plot, does paint a series of, more or less, definite pictures .

            Затем, не имеющая определенного сюжета, а просто рисующая ряд более — менее конкретных картин.

            She, like, decorates them with puffy paint and, like, does these little collages, you know, with pictures and stuff.

            Она оформляет их шикарными красками, и такими небольшими коллажами, из фотографий и прочих мелочей.

            I heard about this inmate whose family smuggled him drugs by melting them and using the mixture to paint a picture in a coloring book.

            Я слышал о заключенном, семья которого передавала ему наркотики, расплавляя их и используя смесь для нанесения картинок в книге — раскраске.

            How could a man who looked like him paint pictures or write letters to people, or be upset and worried like I saw him once when he got a letter back?

            Разве может человек вроде него рисовать картинки, писать письма или тревожиться и расстраиваться, как было с ним один раз, когда он получил ответ на письмо?

            For any Designer to clearly articulate their point of view, a full show gives them the opportunity to paint that picture .

            Для любого дизайнера, чтобы ясно выразить свою точку зрения, полное шоу даёт возможность нарисовать эту картину.

            Thekla painted in water colour, and occasionally she and Philip, with another of the girls to keep them company, would go out and paint little pictures .

            Текла рисовала акварелью, и порой они с Филипом отправлялись писать этюды, пригласив одну из девушек для компании.

            And I’ll paint a picture of you that will make the fat-headed world hold its sides and gasp!

            И я напишу твой портрет, перед которым весь мир, весь этот мир болванов застынет с разинутым ртом!

            He is the microscopic speck of paint in a big picture I’m painting .

            Он лишь мелкое пятнышко в общей картине моей работы.

            Let me fill in this paint-by-numbers picture for you since you seem so unable.

            Позвольте мне нарисовать вам всю картину, раз уж вы не в состоянии.

            I think recidivism rates paint a bleak picture .

            Я думаю, что цифры по рецидивизму просто устрашают.

            The black and white pictures I paint .

            Черно – белые я рисую.

            Can you paint a picture of me with my face rotting off?

            Ты можешь нарисовать меня с гниющим лицом?

            I don’t need to paint you any pictures .

            И мне нет нужды рисовать перед вами жуткие картинки.

            I want to paint you so that that picture will be the finest thing I’ve ever done.

            Я хочу написать тебя так, чтоб эта картина была наилучшей из всего сделанного мною.

            How long does it take you to paint a picture ?

            Сколько времени у тебя занимает написать картину?

            He had a passion for pictures , and why should he not be able to paint as well as anybody else?

            У него врожденная страсть к живописи; он сможет писать картины не хуже других.

            He had a passion for pictures , and why should he not be able to paint as well as anybody else?

            У него врожденная страсть к живописи; он сможет писать картины не хуже других.

            Believe me, there was enough DNA on these sheets to paint a very clear picture of life at Beta Delta Sigma.

            Поверь, на этих простынях достаточно ДНК чтобы нарисовать очень четкую картину жизни в Бета Дельта Сигма.

            How is it just that Richard can paint such a false picture of our marriage?

            Как это Ричарду удалось нарисовать такую ложную картину своего брака?

            Did you paint a picture of me, man?

            Ты нарисовал меня, что ли?

            You paint a very clear picture of the prisoner’s state of mind.

            Вы дали вполне ясную картину психического состояния подсудимого.

            I’m sorry but it’s very difficult to paint a pleasant picture of his demise right now.

            Я сожалею, но очень трудно скрасить картину его смерти прямо сейчас.

            Let me paint you a picture of a world where no one has to die because of the supernatural.

            Представьте картинку мира, где никто не умирает из — за сверхъестественного.

            Only Gabriel would paint a picture of us as Dante and Beatrice.

            И только Габриэль напишет картину, изобразив нас как Данте и Беатриче.

            Just paint a nice picture of him.

            Просто напиши хороший портрет.

            Paint a picture of how he’s gonna look with words.

            Нарисуй словами картину того, как он будет выглядеть.

            Let me paint you a picture of your life without me.

            Давай я вкратце обрисую тебе жизнь без меня.

            Before you finish that thought, let me paint a picture of the past few weeks here at the Masters and Johnson Institute.

            Пока вы не закончили эту мысль… Позвольте описать последние недели здесь, в институте Мастерса и Джонсон.

            display, icon, image, paint, pattern, picture, representation, record кфт.

            * * *



            изображе́ние ви́дно несовмещё́нным () — the images are seen [appear] unmatched (in a range finder)

            восстана́вливать изображе́ние () — reconstruct the image (in holography)

            дава́ть перевё́рнутое изображе́ние — form an inverted image

            дава́ть прямо́е изображе́ние — form an erect image

            искажа́ть изображе́ние — distort the image

            (ме́тод) получе́ния изображе́ния — imagery

            наблюда́ть изображе́ние — view the image

            накла́дывать одно́ изображе́ние на друго́е — superimpose two images [one image onto another]

            получа́ть изображе́ние чего-л. с по́мощью электро́нного луча́ — image smth. by [with] an electron beam

            проеци́ровать изображе́ние на экра́не — project [throw] the image on the screen

            развё́ртывать изображе́ние — scan the image [picture]

            изображе́ния слива́ются — (two) images fuse together

            слия́ние изображе́ний — the fusion of (two) images

            «сма́зать» изображе́ние () — blur the picture [image]

            совмеща́ть (полови́нки или два) изображе́ния () — match the images

            увели́чивать изображе́ние — blow up [enlarge, magnify] the image

            уменьша́ть изображе́ние — reduce [scale down] the image

            уменьша́ть изображе́ние () — demagnify the image

            чё́тко фокуси́ровать изображе́ние — bring the image into a sharp focus

            изображе́ние сжа́то, напр. све́рху, сни́зу — the picture is cramped at, e. g., top, bottom


            рлк., осцил.

            representation, display, pattern

            смеща́ть [перемеща́ть] изображе́ние — shift the display [pattern]



            representation; transform

            аксонометри́ческое изображе́ние — axonometric drawing

            ви́димое изображе́ние — visible image

            внеосево́е изображе́ние — off-axis image

            изображе́ние в рентге́новских луча́х — X-ray image

            голографи́ческое изображе́ние — holographic image

            графи́ческое изображе́ние — graphic representation

            двойно́е изображе́ние — double image

            действи́тельное изображе́ние — real image

            дифракцио́нное изображе́ние — diffraction image

            зерка́льное изображе́ние — mirror image

            зерка́льное изображе́ние анте́нны — image antenna

            искажё́нное изображе́ние — distorted image

            изображе́ние исто́чника — source image

            изображе́ние исто́чника, зерка́льное — image source

            картографи́ческое изображе́ние — cartographic(al) representation

            кванто́ванное изображе́ние по вре́мени — sampled picture

            изображе́ние ко́да — code pattern

            конгруэ́нтное изображе́ние — true-sided image

            контра́стное изображе́ние — contrast [hard] image

            лапла́сово изображе́ние — Laplace transform

            находи́ть лапла́сово изображе́ние фу́нкции — apply the Laplace transform to a function

            находи́ть оригина́л по лапла́сову изображе́нию — recover the original function from its Laplace transform

            оты́скивать лапла́сово изображе́ние фу́нкции — find the Laplace transform of a function

            лате́нтное изображе́ние — latent image

            мни́мое изображе́ние — virtual image

            негати́вное изображе́ние — negative image

            неконтра́стное изображе́ние — soft image

            неподви́жное изображе́ние



            stationary pattern

            нечё́ткое изображе́ние — blind image

            обра́тное изображе́ние — reversed [inverted] image

            объё́мное изображе́ние — stereoscopic picture, three-dimensional presentation, 3-d image

            опти́ческое изображе́ние — optical image

            оста́точное изображе́ние () — after-image, retained image, image retention

            параксиа́льное изображе́ние — paraxial image

            перевё́рнутое изображе́ние — reversed [inverted] image

            перспекти́вное изображе́ние — perspective, panorama [panoramic] sketch

            побо́чное изображе́ние — false [ghost] image

            позити́вное изображе́ние — positive image

            по́лное изображе́ние — composite picture

            полутенево́е изображе́ние — scale-of-gray [gray-scale] image

            полуто́новое изображе́ние — half-tone image, half-tone picture

            изображе́ние, полу́ченное шли́рен-ме́тодом — schlieren image

            простра́нственное изображе́ние — stereoscopic picture, three-dimensional presentation, 3-d image

            прямо́е изображе́ние

            радиолокацио́нное изображе́ние — radar display

            ориенти́ровать радиолокацио́нное изображе́ние — orient [stabilize] the radar display

            радиолокацио́нное изображе́ние, ориенти́рованное относи́тельно и́стинного се́вера (меридиа́на) — north-(upwards-)stabilized [north-oriented, azimuth-stabilized] display

            радиолокацио́нное изображе́ние с ориента́цией по ку́рсу — heading-stabilized [vessel-oriented, relative] display

            радиолокацио́нное изображе́ние с ориента́цией по се́веру — north-(upwards-)stabilized [north-oriented, azimuth-stabilized] display

            размы́тое изображе́ние — diffuse image

            расплы́вчатое изображе́ние — blurred image

            ра́стровое изображе́ние



            half-tone (photography), screening, half-tone reproduction

            расфокуси́рованное изображе́ние — out-of-focus [defocused] image

            ре́зкое изображе́ние — sharp [crisp] image

            изображе́ние релье́фа — relief representation

            изображе́ние релье́фа, гипсометри́ческое — colour-relief presentation, graded coloring, tonal printing

            изображе́ние релье́фа, стереоскопи́ческое — stereoscopic relief presentation

            изображе́ние релье́фа, фотографи́ческое — gelatin relief image

            светлопо́льное изображе́ние () — bright-field image

            сере́бряное изображе́ние () — silver image

            скры́тое изображе́ние — latent image

            сма́занное изображе́ние — smeared picture

            изображе́ние с рва́ными края́ми — ragged picture

            стереоскопи́ческое изображе́ние — stereoscopic picture, three-dimensional presentation, 3-d image

            стигмати́ческое изображе́ние — stigmatic [punctual] image

            стробоскопи́ческое изображе́ние — stroboscopic [frozen] image

            сфери́ческое изображе́ние — spherical representation

            сфокуси́рованное изображе́ние — in focus image

            схемати́ческое изображе́ние — diagrammatic representation, sketch

            темнопо́льное изображе́ние () — dark-field image

            тенево́е изображе́ние — shadowgraph, direct-shadow image, skiagraph

            топографи́ческое изображе́ние — topographic(al) expression, representation of ground, terrain representation

            то́чечное изображе́ние — point image

            трёхме́рное изображе́ние — stereoscopic picture, three-dimensional presentation, 3-d image

            изображе́ние усло́вными зна́ками — symbolization

            фотографи́ческое изображе́ние — photographic image

            фотоэлектростати́ческое изображе́ние — photoelectrostatic image

            изображе́ние фу́нкции по Лапла́су — Laplace transform of a function

            цветно́е изображе́ние — colour image

            чё́рно-бе́лое изображе́ние — black-and-white picture

            чё́ткое изображе́ние — sharp [crisp] image

            чрезме́рно контра́стное изображе́ние — hard [harsh] image

            штрихово́е изображе́ние — line image

            электри́ческое изображе́ние — electrical image

            электро́нное изображе́ние — electronic image

            • Defenition of the word paint a picture

              • call to mind or evoke
              • call to mind

            Synonyms for the word paint a picture

              • evoke
              • suggest

            Hyponyms for the word paint a picture

              • imply
              • incriminate
              • inculpate
              • reek
              • smack
              • smell

            Hypernyms for the word paint a picture

              • evince
              • express
              • show

            See other words

              • What is gomuti
              • The definition of sugar palm
              • The interpretation of the word acer saccharum
              • What is meant by rock maple
              • The lexical meaning sugar maple
              • The dictionary meaning of the word sugar daddy
              • The grammatical meaning of the word sugar cookie
              • Meaning of the word sugar candy
              • Literal and figurative meaning of the word sugar bowl
              • The origin of the word suggestibility
              • Synonym for the word prompting
              • Antonyms for the word self-annihilation
              • Homonyms for the word suicide pact
              • Hyponyms for the word suicide pill
              • Holonyms for the word suicide squeeze play
              • Hypernyms for the word suicide squeeze
              • Proverbs and sayings for the word suidae
              • Translation of the word in other languages family suidae

            Other forms: word pictures

            Definitions of word picture

            1. noun

              a graphic or vivid verbal description

            DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘word picture’.
            Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of or its editors.
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              • See Also:
                • pain
                • paine
                • pained
                • Painesville
                • painful
                • painkiller
                • painless
                • pains
                • painstaking
                • paint
                • paint bridge
                • paint horse
                • paint pot
                • paint roller
                • paint stripper
                • paint-by-numbers
                • paintball game
                • paintbox
                • paintbrush
                • painted
                • painted beauty
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            Also see: paint | a

            WordReference Random House Learner’s Dictionary of American English © 2023

            pic•ture /ˈpɪktʃɚ/USA pronunciation  
            n., v., -tured, -tur•ing. 
            n. [countable]

            1. a representation of a person, object, or scene, as a painting, drawing, or photograph:He drew a little picture of his dog.
            2. a mental image:a picture in his mind of that beautiful mountainside in Norway.
            3. a strong, powerful description:a frightening picture of life in a totalitarian society.
            4. Show Business
              • motion picture (def. 2):Her latest picture won her an Oscar.

            5. the image or perfect likeness of someone else:[the + ~]She is the picture of her father.
            6. a concrete example of some quality or condition:[singular* the/a + ~]He is the very picture of health.
            7. a situation or set of circumstances:He’s missing the big picture (= He does not understand the entire situation).
            8. Computing, Cinemathe image on a television screen, motion-picture screen, or computer monitor.

            v. [+ object]

            1. to represent pictorially, as by painting or drawing:The artist pictured her as a young, vibrant woman.
            2. to form a mental picture of;
              imagine:Picture this: a herd of elephants charging right at you.

            WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2023

            (pikchər),USA pronunciation n., v., -tured, -tur•ing. 

            1. a visual representation of a person, object, or scene, as a painting, drawing, photograph, etc.:I carry a picture of my grandchild in my wallet.
            2. any visible image, however produced:pictures reflected in a pool of water.
            3. a mental image:a clear picture of how he had looked that day.
            4. a particular image or reality as portrayed in an account or description;
            5. Show Businessa tableau, as in theatrical representation.
            6. Show BusinessSee motion picture. 
            7. Show Business pictures, Informal (older use). movies.
            8. a person, thing, group, or scene regarded as resembling a work of pictorial art in beauty, fineness of appearance, etc.:She was a picture in her new blue dress.
            9. the image or perfect likeness of someone else:He is the picture of his father.
            10. a visible or concrete embodiment of some quality or condition:the picture of health.
            11. a situation or set of circumstances:the economic picture.
            12. Computing, Cinemathe image on a computer monitor, the viewing screen of a television set, or a motion-picture screen.


            1. to represent in a picture or pictorially, as by painting or drawing.
            2. to form a mental picture of;
              imagine:He couldn’t picture himself doing such a thing.
            3. to depict in words;
              describe graphically:He pictured Rome so vividly that you half-believed you were there.
            4. to present or create as a setting;
              portray:His book pictured the world of the future.
            • Latin pictūra the act of painting, a painting, equivalent. to pict(us) (past participle of pingere to paint) + -ūraure
            • late Middle English 1375–1425

            pictur•a•ble, adj. 
            pictur•a•ble•ness, n. 
            pictur•a•bly, adv. 
            pictur•er, n. 

              • 13, 15.See corresponding entry in Unabridged delineate, paint, draw, represent.

            Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::

            picture /ˈpɪktʃə/ n

            1. a visual representation of something, such as a person or scene, produced on a surface, as in a photograph, painting, etc
            2. (as modifier): picture gallery, picture postcard
            3. a mental image or impression: a clear picture of events
            4. a verbal description, esp one that is vivid
            5. a situation considered as an observable scene: the political picture
            6. a person or thing that bears a close resemblance to another: he was the picture of his father
            7. a person, scene, etc, considered as typifying a particular state or quality: the picture of despair
            8. a complete image on a television screen, comprising two interlaced fields
            9. a motion picture; film
            10. (as modifier): picture theatre
            11. the pictureschiefly Brit Austral a cinema or film show
            12. another name for tableau vivant
            13. in the pictureinformed about a given situation

            vb (transitive)

            1. to visualize or imagine
            2. to describe or depict, esp vividly
            3. (often passive) to put in a picture or make a picture of: they were pictured sitting on the rocks

            Etymology: 15th Century: from Latin pictūra painting, from pingere to paint

            paint a picture‘ also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations):

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            To paint a picture

            Today’s phrase is a little unique. It’s more of a rhetorical device than an actual expression. Earlier in the program, you heard that some unverified reports paint a dark picture about what happened to Jamal Khoshoggi. Here’s what that means. It means those reports are showing that what happened was pretty bad. They are painting a dark picture. They are painting a disturbing picture; they are painting a frightening picture. All those work.

            In English, when you want to say that a person, or a report, or like in this case a series of details—when they describe something in a certain way, you can say they are painting a picture. This is going to be one of those expressions where it’s easier for me to give you a bunch of examples instead of trying to explain it too much. So here we go.

            China’s official statistics paint an optimistic picture about its economy over the last few years. They are leading us to have an optimistic view about its economy. But

            The Neflix series “Making of a Murderer” paints a disturbing picture of the criminal justice system.

            Candidates for public office often try to paint a negative picture about their opponents, while painting a positive picture about themselves. Actually as I’m writing this, I’m seeing an ad on TV painting a pretty negative picture about an opposing candidate.

            When there are conflicting versions of a story—as with the disappearance of Jamal Khoshoggi—it can be difficult to paint an accurate picture of what happened. It can be difficult to describe what happened in an accurate way, to paint an accurate picture.

            The British government is trying to paint a picture of unity—of all being in agreement—as it negotiates its exit from the European Union. Though it may try to paint a picture of unity, in fact there are many varying opinions on how Britain should negotiate its exit.

            I hope those examples paint a clear picture of how to use the expression “paint a picture.”

            Thanks for being with us today. If you want to get in touch with us, you can find JR and me on Facebook and Twitter under the user name PlainEnglishPod on both of those. If you prefer to email, you can send me a message to and

            ¿Hablas español?

            The transcript of this lesson is available with interactive translations into Spanish. In each lesson transcript, we select about one hundred difficult words, phrases , and expressions for translation.

            How is this different than simply using a translation engine?

            Translation engines are powerful tools for communicating in the modern world . However, they often miss the context and can either mislead you or leave you confused . Our human translators are here to make sure that you’re getting not only the correct definition, but also the full context .

            How can I use the translations in my studies?

            Most members use the translations as they are listening to the lesson and reading along . When you come across a word you don’t understand, you don’t have to press pause to discover the meaning . You can simply hover your mouse over the highlighted word . This lets you learn the definition of the word without having to press pause on the audio.

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            How can I access the translations?

            Translations are included in two memberships: Plain English Plus+ and Starter. Choose a plan and get started today!


            The transcript of this lesson is available with interactive translations into your language. In each lesson transcript, we select about one hundred difficult words, phrases , and expressions for translation.

            How is this different than simply using a translation engine?

            Translation engines are powerful tools for communicating in the modern world . However, they often miss the context and can either mislead you or leave you confused . Our human translators are here to make sure that you’re getting not only the correct definition, but also the full context .

            How can I use the translations in my studies?

            Most members use the translations as they are listening to the lesson and reading along . When you come across a word you don’t understand, you don’t have to press pause to discover the meaning . You can simply hover your mouse over the highlighted word . This lets you learn the definition of the word without having to press pause on the audio.

            Do the translations work on mobile?

            Yes! Instead of hovering over a highlighted word, just tap on it .

            How can I access the translations?

            Translations are included in two memberships: Plain English Plus+ and Starter. Choose a plan and get started today!

            Parlez-vous français?

            The transcript of this lesson is available with interactive translations into your language. In each lesson transcript, we select about one hundred difficult words, phrases , and expressions for translation.

            How is this different than simply using a translation engine?

            Translation engines are powerful tools for communicating in the modern world . However, they often miss the context and can either mislead you or leave you confused . Our human translators are here to make sure that you’re getting not only the correct definition, but also the full context .

            How can I use the translations in my studies?

            Most members use the translations as they are listening to the lesson and reading along . When you come across a word you don’t understand, you don’t have to press pause to discover the meaning . You can simply hover your mouse over the highlighted word . This lets you learn the definition of the word without having to press pause on the audio.

            Do the translations work on mobile?

            Yes! Instead of hovering over a highlighted word, just tap on it .

            Can I see a sample?

            Yes, please visit to see a sample episode with the Spanish translations.

            How can I access the translations?

            Translations are included in two memberships: Plain English Plus+ and Starter. Choose a plan and get started today!

            Você fala português?

            The transcript of this lesson is available with interactive translations into your language. In each lesson transcript, we select about one hundred difficult words, phrases , and expressions for translation.

            How is this different than simply using a translation engine?

            Translation engines are powerful tools for communicating in the modern world . However, they often miss the context and can either mislead you or leave you confused . Our human translators are here to make sure that you’re getting not only the correct definition, but also the full context .

            How can I use the translations in my studies?

            Most members use the translations as they are listening to the lesson and reading along . When you come across a word you don’t understand, you don’t have to press pause to discover the meaning . You can simply hover your mouse over the highlighted word . This lets you learn the definition of the word without having to press pause on the audio.

            Do the translations work on mobile?

            Yes! Instead of hovering over a highlighted word, just tap on it .

            Can I see a sample?

            Yes, please visit to see a sample episode with the Spanish translations.

            How can I access the translations?

            Translations are included in two memberships: Plain English Plus+ and Starter. Choose a plan and get started today!


            The transcript of this lesson is available with interactive translations into your language. In each lesson transcript, we select about one hundred difficult words, phrases , and expressions for translation.

            How is this different than simply using a translation engine?

            Translation engines are powerful tools for communicating in the modern world . However, they often miss the context and can either mislead you or leave you confused . Our human translators are here to make sure that you’re getting not only the correct definition, but also the full context .

            How can I use the translations in my studies?

            Most members use the translations as they are listening to the lesson and reading along . When you come across a word you don’t understand, you don’t have to press pause to discover the meaning . You can simply hover your mouse over the highlighted word . This lets you learn the definition of the word without having to press pause on the audio.

            Do the translations work on mobile?

            Yes! Instead of hovering over a highlighted word, just tap on it .

            Can I see a sample?

            Yes, please visit to see a sample episode with the Spanish translations.

            How can I access the translations?

            Translations are included in two memberships: Plain English Plus+ and Starter. Choose a plan and get started today!

            Parli italiano?

            The transcript of this lesson is available with interactive translations into your language. In each lesson transcript, we select about one hundred difficult words, phrases , and expressions for translation.

            How is this different than simply using a translation engine?

            Translation engines are powerful tools for communicating in the modern world . However, they often miss the context and can either mislead you or leave you confused . Our human translators are here to make sure that you’re getting not only the correct definition, but also the full context .

            How can I use the translations in my studies?

            Most members use the translations as they are listening to the lesson and reading along . When you come across a word you don’t understand, you don’t have to press pause to discover the meaning . You can simply hover your mouse over the highlighted word . This lets you learn the definition of the word without having to press pause on the audio.

            Do the translations work on mobile?

            Yes! Instead of hovering over a highlighted word, just tap on it .

            Can I see a sample?

            Yes, please visit to see a sample episode with the Spanish translations.

            How can I access the translations?

            Translations are included in two memberships: Plain English Plus+ and Starter. Choose a plan and get started today!

            Sprechen Sie Deutsch?

            The transcript of this lesson is available with interactive translations into your language. In each lesson transcript, we select about one hundred difficult words, phrases , and expressions for translation.

            How is this different than simply using a translation engine?

            Translation engines are powerful tools for communicating in the modern world . However, they often miss the context and can either mislead you or leave you confused . Our human translators are here to make sure that you’re getting not only the correct definition, but also the full context .

            How can I use the translations in my studies?

            Most members use the translations as they are listening to the lesson and reading along . When you come across a word you don’t understand, you don’t have to press pause to discover the meaning . You can simply hover your mouse over the highlighted word . This lets you learn the definition of the word without having to press pause on the audio.

            Do the translations work on mobile?

            Yes! Instead of hovering over a highlighted word, just tap on it .

            Can I see a sample?

            Yes, please visit to see a sample episode with the Spanish translations.

            How can I access the translations?

            Translations are included in two memberships: Plain English Plus+ and Starter. Choose a plan and get started today!

            Sen Türkçe konuşmayı biliyor musun?

            The transcripts of Plain English lessons are available with interactive translations into your language. In each lesson transcript, we select about one hundred difficult words, phrases , and expressions for translation. Turkish translations are available starting at Lesson 278.

            How is this different than simply using a translation engine?

            Translation engines are powerful tools for communicating in the modern world . However, they often miss the context and can either mislead you or leave you confused . Our human translators are here to make sure that you’re getting not only the correct definition, but also the full context .

            How can I use the translations in my studies?

            Most members use the translations as they are listening to the lesson and reading along . When you come across a word you don’t understand, you don’t have to press pause to discover the meaning . You can simply hover your mouse over the highlighted word . This lets you learn the definition of the word without having to press pause on the audio.

            Do the translations work on mobile?

            Yes! Instead of hovering over a highlighted word, just tap on it .

            Can I see a sample?

            Yes, please visit to see a sample episode with the Spanish translations.

            How can I access the translations?

            Translations are included in two memberships: Plain English Plus+ and Starter. Choose a plan and get started today!

            Mówisz po polsku?

            The transcript of Plain English lessons are available with interactive translations into your language. In each lesson transcript, we select about one hundred difficult words, phrases , and expressions for translation. Polish translations are available starting at Lesson 278.

            How is this different than simply using a translation engine?

            Translation engines are powerful tools for communicating in the modern world . However, they often miss the context and can either mislead you or leave you confused . Our human translators are here to make sure that you’re getting not only the correct definition, but also the full context .

            How can I use the translations in my studies?

            Most members use the translations as they are listening to the lesson and reading along . When you come across a word you don’t understand, you don’t have to press pause to discover the meaning . You can simply hover your mouse over the highlighted word . This lets you learn the definition of the word without having to press pause on the audio.

            Do the translations work on mobile?

            Yes! Instead of hovering over a highlighted word, just tap on it .

            Can I see a sample?

            Yes, please visit to see a sample episode with the Spanish translations.

            How can I access the translations?

            Translations are included in two memberships: Plain English Plus+ and Starter. Choose a plan and get started today!

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