Pain and suffering one word

pain and suffering

1) Общая лексика: моральный вред

2) Юридический термин: моральный ущерб

3) Деловая лексика: боль и страдание

Универсальный англо-русский словарь.

Смотреть что такое «pain and suffering» в других словарях:

  • Pain and suffering — is the legal term for the physical and emotional stress caused from an injury (see also pain and suffering). Some damages that might be under this category would be: aches, temporary and permanent limitations on activity, potential shortening of… …   Wikipedia

  • pain and suffering — pain and suf·fer·ing n: mental or esp. physical distress for which one may seek damages in a tort action Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. pain and suffering …   Law dictionary

  • pain and suffering — UK US noun [U] (US LAW ► in the US legal system, the emotional suffering caused by one person or organization to another person: »Family members of those who died were granted $50,000 to cover pain and suffering. in/for pain and suffering »The… …   Financial and business terms

  • PAIN and Suffering — Infobox Album | Name = PAIN And Suffering Type = Compilation album Artist = Rhino Bucket Released = Feb 6, 2007 Recorded = 1994 Genre = Heavy metal Hard rock Length = Label = Acetate Records Producer = Reviews = *Allmusic… …   Wikipedia

  • pain and suffering — Term used to describe not only physical discomfort and distress but also mental and emotional trauma which are recoverable as elements of damage in torts. Recovery for pain and suffering is restricted by statute in certain states. See cap …   Black’s law dictionary

  • Pain and suffering in laboratory animals — The extent to which animal testing causes pain and suffering, and the capacity of laboratory animals to experience and comprehend them, is the subject of much debate. [Duncan IJ, Petherick JC. [… …   Wikipedia

  • pain and suffering — noun A species of damages that one may recover for physical or mental pain that results from a wrong done …   Wiktionary

  • pain and suffering — (Law) physical or mental anguish (one of the chief factors taken into consideration when figuring monetary compensation) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • suffering — index adversity, discipline (punishment), distress (anguish), hardship, misfortune, pain, prostra …   Law dictionary

  • pain — n 1: punishment 2 a: physical discomfort associated with bodily disorder (as disease or injury) b: acute mental or emotional suffering pain·less adj pain·less·ly adv …   Law dictionary

  • Suffering — This article is about suffering or pain in the broadest sense. For physical pain, see Pain. For other uses, see The Suffering. Tragic mask on the façade of the Royal Dramatic Theatre in Stockholm Suffering, or pain in a broad sense,[1] is …   Wikipedia

Предложения с «pain and suffering»

We measured her strength by her capacity to endure pain and suffering .

Мы мерили её силу тем, насколько легко она переносила боль и страдания .

Reduced pain and suffering , reduced time in the operating rooms, reduced anesthetic times, had the ultimate dose-response curve that the more you did it, the better it benefitted patients?

Уменьшает боль и страдания , сокращает время операций, сокращает время анестезии, обладает превосходной кривой доза — ответ, показывающей, что чем больше её используешь, тем бóльшую пользу она приносит пациентам?

Their ability to inflict pain and suffering was legend.

Их способность причинять боль и страдания вошла в легенды.

It means pain and suffering and disease and death.

Это означает боль и страдания , болезни и смерть.

A lot of the riders, they describe the Tour as a journey, an odyssey into pain and suffering and endurance, an almost religious experience.

Многие гонщики описывают Тур Как одиссею Боли, Страдания и Испытаний.

The magnitude of the disaster was such that without international support we would have seen more pain and suffering .

Бедствие было настолько масштабным, что без международной поддержки боли и страданий было бы еще больше.

I should just neuter you anyway, gizmo, spare you a lot of pain and suffering .

Нужно бы всё равно тебя кастрировать, Гизмо, избавить от боли с страданий .

5 measly grand doesn’t cover my finger, or my pain and suffering .

Эти пять кусков не покрывают потерю моего пальца, мою боль и мои страдания .

It’s about easing pain and suffering .

А в том, чтобы облегчить боль и страдания .

In fear of the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen, who has inflicted untold pain and suffering .

В страхе перед Дьяволом Адской Кухни, который прятал боль и страдания .

In his belly, you will find a new definition of pain and suffering … as you are slowly digested over 1,000 years.

У него в желудке вам откроются новые глубины боли и страданий … по мере того, как вас будут переваривать в течение тысячи лет.

We grant to all who contribute to St. Peter’s pence a plenary indulgence from the pain and suffering of Purgatory.

Мы предоставим всем, кто пожертвует деньги Святой церкви полную индульгенцию от боли и страданий Чистилища.

A true gladiator is taught to embrace Pain and suffering .

Настоящий гладиатор учиться преодолевать боль и страдания .

In the hierarchy of pain and suffering , I really can’t complain.

По сравнению с другими, в плане боли и страданий мне, правда, не на что жаловаться

Was this what all the years of hope and pain and suffering had finally come to?

Чем кончились все эти годы надежды, боли и страдания , каков их итог?

You have brought nothing but pain and suffering to this crew.

Твое появление не принесло нам ничего, кроме боли.

Yeah, what’d you do with your pain and suffering money?

Точняк, а что будешь делать со своей болью и денежной компенсацией?

All the pain and suffering in the world just… let everybody wipe each other out.

Всю боль и страданья в этом мире и просто… позволить людям уничтожить друг друга.

Uh, Your Honor, ladies and gentlemen, I stand here today a humble man, a contrite man, a man who deeply regrets all the pain and suffering he has caused with his foolish actions.

Ваша честь, леди и джентльмены, я пришел сюда смиренным человеком, кающимся человеком, человеком, который глубоко сожалеет о боли и страдании , причиненных своим глупым поступком.

First, you want to mitigate pain and suffering .

Сначала вам необходимо смягчить боль и страдание .

Hey, heads up… just so you guys know, if you lose, the teens’ families are bringing civil suit for their medical bills, pain and suffering , and criminal charges.

Эй, предупреждаю… просто к вашему сведению, если вы проиграете, семьи подростков подадут гражданский иск по оплате счетов, возмещению моральных убытков, и будут требовать уголовной ответственности.

Hospital bills, pain and suffering , tire marks on my cleavage.

счета из больницы, боль и страдания , и следы шин у меня на теле.

Is the world a place of pain and suffering , of grief and despair, or is it a place full of joy, all sweetness and light?

Является ли этот мир местом для боли и страданий , скорби и отчаяния, или же это место, полное радости, такое все милое и светлое?

The voters of Oregon have declared the termination of a life of pain and suffering to be a legitimate medical purpose and whether they’re right is none of the DEA’s business.

Избиратели в Орегоне объявили прекращение жизни из боли и страдания законной медицинской целью, и честно говоря, были они правы или нет это не дело УБН.

The pain and suffering caused by our indiscriminate scalpels is great indeed.

Наш неразборчивый скальпель причиняет много боли и страданий .

So, pain and suffering are compensable.

За боль и страдания можно получить компенсацию.

Each minute that you and Mr. Gordon knew that you were going to die is compensable as pain and suffering .

За каждую минуту, в течении которой вы с мистером Гордоном были уверены, что погибните вы можете получить компенсацию.

You cause only pain and suffering .

Вы вызываете только боль и страдания

I mean, that’s gotta be… well, you are a Grimm, so I guess you’re used to a certain amount of pain and suffering .

Я имею в виду, так и должно быть… ну, ты всё — таки Гримм, так что я думаю, ты привык к определенному количеству боли и страданий .

Lord God, please ease my mother’s pain and suffering .

Господь Всемогущий, прошу, облегчи страдания моей матери.

We realize that many of you want revenge… against those who caused such great pain and suffering .

Мы понимаем, что многие из вас хотят мести тем, кто причинил вам такую великую боль и страдания .

I’ll just talk about the incident that led Dickie to his current stay in prison and that which caused me… Great pain and suffering .

Я хочу рассказать о том случае, который привел его к заключению, и мне доставил… большую боль и страдания .

Otto Delaney has endured more pain and suffering for his organization than any other felon I’ve ever known.

Отто Делейни вынес из — за этого клуба столько боли и страданий , сколько не вынес ни один другой уголовник.

The Greek spirits of pain and suffering .

Греческое божество боли и страданий .

Where’s the compensation for their pain and suffering ?

Где компенсация за их боль и страдания ?

It can cause pain and suffering … But you can get through it.

Может быть много боли… но с этим можно справиться.

You were brought to this world by people that don’t care for you and you are thrown into a world of pain and suffering , and tears and hunger.

Вы были принесены в этот мир людьми, которые не заботятся о вас, и вы брошены в мир боли и страдания , слез и голода.

In this manner, the neural networks in the human brain have evolved to create pain and suffering when the evolutionary instincts cannot keep up with the outside world.

Таким образом, нейронные сети в человеческом мозге эволюционировали, чтобы создавать боль и страдание , когда эволюционные инстинкты не могут идти в ногу с внешним миром.

New Humanism focuses on the overcoming of pain and suffering at a personal, interpersonal and social level.

Новый гуманизм ориентирован на преодоление боли и страданий на личностном, межличностном и социальном уровнях.

It defines violence as anything that causes pain and suffering to human beings.

Она определяет насилие как все, что причиняет боль и страдания людям.

Consequently, he mobilizes himself trying to overcome pain and suffering .

Следовательно, он мобилизует себя, пытаясь преодолеть боль и страдание .

And all that is produced is loaded with meaning, with an intention and this intention is ultimately to surpass pain and suffering .

И все, что производится, наполнено смыслом, намерением, и это намерение в конечном счете должно превзойти боль и страдание .

As of February 2017, Lufthansa had paid €75,000 to every family of a victim, as well as €10,000 pain and suffering compensation to every close relative of a victim.

По состоянию на февраль 2017 года Lufthansa выплатила 75 000 евро каждой семье жертвы, а также 10 000 евро компенсации за боль и страдания каждому близкому родственнику жертвы.

In some cases the physical effects are temporary; however, the pain and suffering they cause a child should not be discounted.

В некоторых случаях физические эффекты носят временный характер, однако нельзя сбрасывать со счетов боль и страдания , которые они причиняют ребенку.

Everyone enjoys the singing except for Odysseus who bursts into tears because of the pain and suffering of which the song reminds him.

Все наслаждаются пением, кроме Одиссея, который разражается слезами из — за боли и страдания , о которых напоминает ему эта песня.

Except for harm, the heads of liability for the action for pain and suffering are exactly the same as for the Aquilian action.

За исключением вреда, главы ответственности за действие, причиняющее боль и страдание , точно такие же, как и за действие Аквилиана.

The claims are usually embodied in one action, and no distinction is drawn between the Aquilian action and the action for pain and suffering .

Притязания обычно воплощаются в одном действии, и не проводится никакого различия между акульим действием и действием боли и страдания .

In the documentary the forests were portrayed as a place of great pain and suffering as the different species tried to kill and eat each other.

В документальном фильме леса изображались как место великой боли и страданий , когда различные виды пытались убить и съесть друг друга.

The Bhagavad Gita emphasises detachment from the world and coming to view pain and suffering as neither positive or negative.

Бхагавад — Гита подчеркивает отрешенность от мира и способность видеть боль и страдание как нечто ни положительное, ни отрицательное.

The extent to which animal testing causes pain and suffering in laboratory animals is the subject of much debate.

Вопрос о том, в какой степени тестирование на животных вызывает боль и страдания у лабораторных животных, является предметом многочисленных споров.

I did not see animals I would consider distressed, and I didn’t see pain and suffering .

Я не видел животных, которых считал бы несчастными, и не видел боли и страданий .

Positives cannot exist apart from negatives, and authentic happiness grows from pain and suffering .

Позитивное не может существовать отдельно от негативного, и подлинное счастье вырастает из боли и страдания .

Anukampa, yet another word for compassion, refers to one’s state after one has observed and understood the pain and suffering in others.

Анукампа, еще одно слово для обозначения сострадания, относится к состоянию человека после того, как он наблюдал и понимал боль и страдания других людей.

However, it does not cover general damages which are non-monetary for example, mental anguish, pain and suffering .

Однако она не покрывает общий ущерб, который не является денежным, например, душевные страдания , боль и страдания .

These individuals tend to sense other’s pain and suffering as they are very sensitive persons.

Эти люди склонны чувствовать чужую боль и страдания , поскольку они очень чувствительные люди.

Although they are normal, negative complexes can cause us pain and suffering .

Хотя они нормальны, негативные комплексы могут причинять нам боль и страдания .

Passenger pain and suffering was an important factor in determining the level of compensation that was paid by Korean Air Lines.

Боль и страдания пассажиров были важным фактором, определяющим уровень компенсации, выплачиваемой авиакомпанией Korean Air Lines.

They addressed the issue of pre-death pain and suffering .

Они касались вопроса о предсмертной боли и страданиях .

Though in great pain and suffering from exhaustion, he continued to help by writing directions with his left hand.

Несмотря на сильную боль и изнеможение, он продолжал помогать, выписывая указания левой рукой.

(Sings in Spanish) There is not one death that does not cause me pain, there are no winners, here’s nothing but suffering and another life blown away.

Нет смерти, которая не причиняет мне боль,

нет победителей, нет ничего, кроме страданий и ещё одной унесённой жизни.

Some common synonyms of suffering are agony, distress, and misery. While all these words mean “the state of being in great trouble,” suffering implies conscious endurance of pain or distress.

What’s a fancy word for pain?

What is another word for pain?

ache sting
throbbing twinge
smarting pang
pricking spasm
hurt aching

How would you describe unbearable pain?

extremely painful; causing intense suffering; unbearably distressing; torturing: an excruciating noise; excruciating pain. exceedingly elaborate or intense; extreme: done with excruciating care.

How do you describe feelings of pain?

Consider words like ache, throb, distress, flare. Severe: This is pain your character can’t ignore. It will stop them from doing much of anything. Consider words like agony, anguish, suffering, throes, torment, stabbing.

How do you express hurt feelings in words?

Avoid blaming the person for how you feel. Instead, express what you’re feeling by using “I” instead of “you.” Explain the issue in an objective way. This will be less likely to put the person on the defensive. For example, you might say, “I felt hurt that I didn’t get a call to tell me you couldn’t make it yesterday.”

How do you say I’m hurt?

Synonyms for I am hurt

  1. i get hurt.
  2. i got hurt.
  3. i am smitten.
  4. i am wounded.
  5. it hurts me.
  6. my feelings are hurt.
  7. wounds me.
  8. hurt me.

How can I express my feelings to my crush?

How to Tell Your Crush You Like Them Without Making Things Weird

  1. Drop A Few Hints. If you’re feeling extra nervous about revealing your feelings, try hinting at your crush and see how they respond.
  2. Give Yourself a Deadline.
  3. Be Confident.
  4. Make It Easy for Them.
  5. But Also Make Sure You’re Comfortable.
  6. Consider How You Would Feel If You Didn’t Tell Them.
  7. Look At The Big Picture.
  8. Stay Positive.

How do you express yourself positively?

4 Ways to Express Yourself

  1. Acknowledge your emotions. It is common to suppress your emotions because you are ashamed and embarrassed for having them.
  2. Write about your feelings. Writing about your emotions in a journal or notebook can be a great way of connecting with yourself.
  3. Verbalize your feelings in a productive way.
  4. Express yourself creatively.

How powerful your words are?

Your thoughts become your words. Your words become your actions. When you start blending your beliefs and your words together, they become so powerful you can move mountains. You are the creator of your destiny, and it starts with the words you speak into your life.

How do you speak kindly?

How to Always Speak With a Kind Heart

  1. Speak Thoughtfully. While your words may not be remembered years later, choose them carefully.
  2. Speak Kindly. Being kind doesn’t mean that you can’t make your point.
  3. Listen.
  4. Reserve Judgement.
  5. Be Honest.
  6. Consider Another Opinion.
  7. Don’t Yell.
  8. Say Thank You.

How do you talk nicely to everyone?

When it’s your turn to talk…

  1. Get your thinking straight. The most common source of confusing messages is muddled thinking.
  2. Say what you mean. Say exactly what you mean.
  3. Get to the point. Effective communicators don’t beat around the bush.
  4. Be concise.
  5. Be real.
  6. Speak in images.
  7. Do it with thought and care.
  8. Use your eyes.

How do you use polite words?

Words that are polite include “Please,” “Thank you,” and “Excuse me.” “Excuse me” is what I say when I would like the attention of another person. I can use my words to say, “Excuse me” when I want to talk to another person. When I use “Excuse me” I wait for the other person to look at me, move, or speak to me.

How can I be kind with words?

3 Ways to Be More Mindful With Your Words

  1. 1) A Little Kindness Goes a Long Way. Kindness shouldn’t ever be mistaken with weakness.
  2. 2) Mind the Gap. Instead of speaking mindlessly, make room for the pause or gap in conversation.
  3. 3) Set a Daily Intention. Set a daily intention for how you’d like to express yourself.

How can I be careful with my words?

How to Be More Careful About What You Say

  1. Take a pause.
  2. Keep your message simple.
  3. Listen more.
  4. Ask open-ended questions.
  5. Don’t see disagreements as win-or-lose.
  6. THINK before you criticize someone.
  7. Speak in a way that’s consistent with your goals.
  8. Only say important things.

Why are positive words powerful?

You will soon feel the healing power of its positive words, as it will make your brain think about good things, like love, fulfillment, happiness, and encouragement. Words aren’t powerful just when you say them, as they are powerful when they’re in your mind as well.

How do positive words affect us?

Speaking positive words leads to positive thoughts Using positive words more often than negative ones can kick-start the motivational centers of the brain, propelling them into action. Likewise, when we use negative words, we’re keeping certain neuro-chemicals from being produced which contribute to stress management.

What does God say about words?

Proverbs 15:4 “Gentle words bring life and health; a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit.” Proverbs 16:24 “Kind words are like honey–sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.” Proverbs 18:4 “A person’s words can be life-giving water; words of true wisdom are as refreshing as a bubbling brook.”

Are words more powerful than actions?

Yes, words are more powerful than actions because they create what kind of actions we take in our lives, relationships, and business.

Do words have energy?

Words have energy and power with the ability to help, to heal, to hinder, to hurt, to harm, to humiliate and to humble.” Considering the ‘powerful force’ of the words we utter, we must discipline ourselves to speak in a way that conveys respect, gentleness and humility.

What is the most dangerous word?

According to research the most dangerous word for our brains is no

  • Vocalising your negativity, saying no, or frowning produces stress chemicals in your brain and in the listener’s brain.
  • Secondly, the listener will experience more anxiety and this further undermines cooperation and trust.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


Animals deserve to live their lives free from abuse, pain and suffering.

Животные заслуживают того, чтобы жить своей жизнью, свободные от насилия, боли и страданий.

It acts as an effective distraction from pain and suffering.

Она действует как фактор, эффективно отвлекающий человека от боли и страданий.

Our family has already endured enough pain and suffering because of this.

«Уже принесено нашей семье достаточное количество боли и страданий в связи с этим.

Catch it early and spare these youths a lifetime of pain and suffering.

Поймайте эту болезнь на ранней стадии и избавьте их от пожизненной боли и страданий.

In the short-term, they avoid pain and suffering by running away from their problems.

В краткосрочной перспективе они избегают боли и страданий, убегая от своих проблем.

He was determined to discover the source of all pain and suffering in the world.

Он был полон решимости, чтобы обнаружить источник боли и страданий в мире.

There is no pain and suffering there-only peace, tranquility, and vast knowledge.

Там нет боли и страданий — только мир, спокойствие и обширные знания.

They are free from the pain and suffering of their mortal bodies.

The arguments made in its favor speak about reducing the pain and suffering that the dog is experiencing.

Аргументов в ее пользу говорят о снижении боли и страданий, что собака переживает.

Often family and friends cannot appreciate the depth of pain and suffering that depression can cause.

Часто семья и друзья не могут оценить всю глубину боли и страданий, которую может вызвать депрессия.

The thoughts that they need to be educated to better than others are the causes of pain and suffering.

Мысли, что они должны быть образованными, чтобы лучше других являются причинами боли и страданий.

Lack of drugs in the life of a drug addict makes it unbearable, full of pain and suffering, both mental and physical.

Отсутствие наркотиков в жизни наркомана делает ее невыносимой, полной боли и страданий как психических, так и физических.

But disrupting our operations and continuing to obstruct the inevitable can only result in more pain and suffering.

Но нарушения нашей деятельности и продолжение препятствования неизбежному может только вылиться в больше боли и страданий.

And out of his pain and suffering, I was born.

Never have I seen so much pain and suffering.

That is what the man has the capacity to interrupt: this cycle of pain and suffering.

Этот человек имеет возможность остановить: этот цикл боли и страданий.

The pain and suffering caused by our indiscriminate scalpels is great indeed.

There’s been too much pain and suffering, and it has to stop.

Нас стало окружать слишком много боли и страданий, этому нужно положить конец.

As well as exposing pain and suffering, both artists seek to protect and elevate their imaginary creaturely beings.

Помимо демонстрации боли и страданий, художница стремится защитить и поднять воображаемые существа.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат pain and suffering

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Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

References in periodicals archive

After a jury trial, despite finding that WNF was negligent, and that negligence was the cause of the injury sustained, the jury awarded $0 for pain and suffering. The trial court denied the plaintiff’s motion for a new trial on the issue of damages.

The Bush administration’s initiative to reform medical malpractice laws should raise the larger question about the consequences of a legal system that bestows astonishing awards for pain and suffering. While the economic impact of these payments is obvious, the health consequences to those involved in litigation resulting from injury in an accident is an issue that policymakers should study carefully.

Not only was pain seen as negative, but the entire concept of the penitent imitatio christi lost its relevance as society looked to relieve rather than sacralize corporal pain and suffering. Professor Silverman thus suggests a close relationship between medical culture, law and secular politics as a basis for the Enlightenment, opening the door to a new field of study.

Experts hold MICRA as the standard of medical-liability tort reform, pointing to its $250,000 cap on noneconomic damages for mental suffering or pain and suffering as the linchpin of its effectiveness.

The number of English words associated with illness, pain and suffering is huge.

Fortunately for us, we have the eloquent testimony of Boethius, a sixth-century scholar who wrote The Consolation of Philosophy — a work dealing largely with the purpose of pain and suffering — while in prison awaiting a traitor’s execution on dubious charges.

The guide notes the experience in the Netherlands, where doctors may assist in killing a terminally ill patient who is experiencing unbearable pain and suffering after a process of counselling and consultation that must involve at least one other physician.

The Schleier Court clarified that the availability of compensatory damages for intangible harms (e.g., pain and suffering, emotional distress, harm to reputation, or Other consequential damages) was a primary characteristic of such a broad range.

They could also demand that doctors take all available steps to reduce pain and suffering, which, amazingly enough, doctors often do not do.

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  • Pain and nociception
  • Pain and nociception
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  • Pain disorder

Table of Contents

  1. What type of word is suffer?
  2. What does Sufference mean?
  3. How do you use the word suffer?
  4. What is another word for Suffer?
  5. Which means almost the same as suffer?
  6. What is the opposite word for suffering?
  7. What is opposite of suffering?
  8. What’s a fancy word for pain?
  9. What is the word for extreme pain?
  10. How do you express the word pain?
  11. What do you say when something hurts?
  12. How do you describe pain symptoms?
  13. How do you describe different types of pain?
  14. How can you tell the difference between muscle pain and bone pain?
  15. How do you describe pain level?
  16. How can you tell the difference between muscle pain and nerve pain?
  17. What does an irritated nerve feel like?
  18. What do doctors prescribe for nerve pain?
  19. Does nerve pain hurt to touch?
  20. Why does nerve pain get worse at night?
  21. When should I be worried about muscle pain?
  22. Does an MRI scan show nerve damage?
  23. Can you see inflammation on an MRI?
  24. What are symptoms of nerve damage?
  25. How does a neurologist check for nerve damage?
  26. How do you test for nerve damage?
  27. Can nerve damage be detected?
  28. What is the most common neurological disorder?

Some common synonyms of suffering are agony, distress, and misery. While all these words mean “the state of being in great trouble,” suffering implies conscious endurance of pain or distress.

What type of word is suffer?

verb (used with object) to undergo, be subjected to, or endure (pain, distress, injury, loss, or anything unpleasant): to suffer the pangs of conscience. to undergo or experience (any action, process, or condition): to suffer change. to tolerate or allow: I do not suffer fools gladly.

What does Sufference mean?

1 : patient endurance. 2 : pain, misery. 3 : consent or sanction implied by a lack of interference or failure to enforce a prohibition.

How do you use the word suffer?


  1. ​ [intransitive] to be badly affected by a disease, pain, sad feelings, a lack of something, etc. I hate to see animals suffering.
  2. ​ [transitive] suffer something to experience something unpleasant, such as injury, defeat or loss.
  3. ​[intransitive] to become worse. His school work is suffering because of family problems.

What is another word for suffer?

hurt ache
grieve anguish
mourn bleed
sorrow pain
be distressed feel pain

Which means almost the same as suffer?

Frequently Asked Questions About suffer Some common synonyms of suffer are abide, bear, endure, stand, and tolerate. While all these words mean “to put up with something trying or painful,” suffer often suggests acceptance or passivity rather than courage or patience in bearing.

What is the opposite word for suffering?

What is the opposite of suffering?

ease happiness
alleviation good health
gratification buoyancy
merriment good
windfall contentedness

What is opposite of suffering?

Antonyms: happy, untroubled. Synonyms: agony, woe, distress, hurt, woefulness, excruciation. distress, hurt, suffering(noun)

What’s a fancy word for pain?

What is another word for pain?

ache sting
throbbing twinge
smarting pang
pricking spasm
hurt aching

What is the word for extreme pain?

extremely painful; causing intense suffering; unbearably distressing; torturing: an excruciating noise; excruciating pain.

How do you express the word pain?

Consider words like ache, throb, distress, flare. Severe: This is pain your character can’t ignore. It will stop them from doing much of anything. Consider words like agony, anguish, suffering, throes, torment, stabbing.

What do you say when something hurts?

Here are FIVE THINGS we COULD say to someone who is some serious pain.

  1. This really stinks. Or, this really is awful/heartbreaking/painful.
  2. My heart breaks WITH yours. Empathy from others is felt when it’s real.
  3. You are NOT ALONE. Then, don’t leave them alone…just show up, be present…
  4. You are doing GREAT.
  5. Nothing.

How do you describe pain symptoms?

Here are some adjectives you may use when describing discomfort: Achy: Achy pain occurs continuously in a localized area, but at mild or moderate levels. You may describe similar sensations as heavy or sore. Dull: Like aching pain, dull discomfort occurs at a low level over a long period of time.

How do you describe different types of pain?

Pain is most often classified by the kind of damage that causes it. The two main categories are pain caused by tissue damage, also called nociceptive pain, and pain caused by nerve damage, also called neuropathic pain. A third category is psychogenic pain, which is pain that is affected by psychological factors.

How can you tell the difference between muscle pain and bone pain?

The pain may also be similar in intensity. However, in general, bone pain feels sharper, deeper, and more debilitating than muscle pain….Causes of muscle pain

  1. stinging pain at the site of injury, which may become duller with time.
  2. soreness.
  3. inflammation or swelling.
  4. redness.
  5. reduced movement of the affected area.

How do you describe pain level?

There are many different kinds of pain scales, but a common one is a numerical scale from 0 to 10. Here, 0 means you have no pain; one to three means mild pain; four to seven is considered moderate pain; eight and above is severe pain.

How can you tell the difference between muscle pain and nerve pain?

Consider the following differences:

  1. Muscle pain is usually caused by a physical injury.
  2. Once an injury heals, muscle pain subsides (nerve pain often lingers)
  3. Muscle pain is described as sore and achy, but nerve pain is described in other more specific ways.
  4. Pain medicine provides relief to muscle pain but not nerve pain.

What does an irritated nerve feel like?

People with nerve pain feel it in different ways. For some, it’s a stabbing pain in the middle of the night. For others, symptoms can include a chronic prickling, tingling, or burning they feel all day.

What do doctors prescribe for nerve pain?

The main medicines recommended for neuropathic pain include:

  • amitriptyline – also used for treatment of headaches and depression.
  • duloxetine – also used for treatment of bladder problems and depression.
  • pregabalin and gabapentin – also used to treat epilepsy, headaches or anxiety.

Does nerve pain hurt to touch?

Nerve pain often feels like a shooting, stabbing or burning sensation. Sometimes it can be as sharp and sudden as an electric shock. People with neuropathic pain are often very sensitive to touch or cold and can experience pain as a result of stimuli that would not normally be painful, such as brushing the skin.

Why does nerve pain get worse at night?

Neuropathic pain is sometimes worse at night, disrupting sleep. It can be caused by pain receptors firing spontaneously without any known trigger, or by difficulties with signal processing in the spinal cord that may cause you to feel severe pain (allodynia) from a light touch that is normally painless.

When should I be worried about muscle pain?

If muscle stiffness and aches are accompanied by weakness and tenderness and dark urine, call your doctor ASAP or seek emergency treatment.

Does an MRI scan show nerve damage?

MRI is sensitive to changes in cartilage and bone structure resulting from injury, disease, or aging. It can detect herniated discs, pinched nerves, spinal tumors, spinal cord compression, and fractures.

Can you see inflammation on an MRI?

MRI allows to assess the soft tissue and bone marrow involvement in case of inflammation and/or infection. MRI is capable of detecting more inflammatory lesions and erosions than US, X-ray, or CT.

What are symptoms of nerve damage?

The signs of nerve damage

  • Numbness or tingling in the hands and feet.
  • Feeling like you’re wearing a tight glove or sock.
  • Muscle weakness, especially in your arms or legs.
  • Regularly dropping objects that you’re holding.
  • Sharp pains in your hands, arms, legs, or feet.
  • A buzzing sensation that feels like a mild electrical shock.

How does a neurologist check for nerve damage?

Electromyography (EMG) is a form of electrodiagnostic testing that is used to study nerve and muscle function. It is commonly performed by a physiatrist or neurologist with special training for this procedure.

How do you test for nerve damage?

A nerve conduction velocity (NCV) test — also called a nerve conduction study (NCS) — measures how fast an electrical impulse moves through your nerve. NCV can identify nerve damage. During the test, your nerve is stimulated, usually with electrode patches attached to your skin.

Can nerve damage be detected?

CT or MRI scans can look for herniated disks, tumors or other abnormalities. Nerve function tests. Electromyography (EMG) records electrical activity in your muscles to detect nerve damage. A thin needle (electrode) is inserted into the muscle to measure electrical activity as you contract the muscle.

What is the most common neurological disorder?

Epilepsy is the most common serious brain disorder worldwide with no age, racial, social class, national nor geographic boundaries.


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When we are compassionate enough to fill the pain and suffering of




act in order to relieve that other’s anguish, three things happen.


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Когда мы достаточно сострадательны, чтобы заполнить боль и страдания другого


действовать для того, чтобы облегчить


что друга, три вещи случаются.


In that regard, Thailand shares the pain and suffering of our friends around


world who have been affected by




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В этой связи Таиланд разделяет боль и страдания наших друзей во всем мире, которые пострадали от этого бедствия.



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Каждый вынесенный Трибуналом вердикт способствует облегчению боли и страданий жертв


их семей.



causes them to say anything to end

the pain.


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к тому, что они говорят все, что угодно, чтобы прекратить




feeling of uncertainty when not

informed of


length of solitary confinement exacerbates the pain and suffering of


individuals who are subjected to it.


context icon

Чувство неопределенности в условиях отсутствия

информации о сроках одиночного содержания обостряет боль и страдание людей, подвергнутых этому виду наказания.


We grant to all who contribute to

context icon

Мы предоставим всем,

кто пожертвует деньги Святой церкви полную индульгенцию от боли и страданий Чистилища.

It is not admissible that large parts of


world remain seriously

undersupplied with medicines that are necessary to alleviate the pain and suffering of patients.


context icon

Нельзя допустить, чтобы во многих странах мира по-прежнему сохранялась острая

нехватка лекарственных средств, необходимых для избавления больных от боли и страданий.


Peace would have been better, but everyone who took part in



context icon

Мир был бы лучше, но все, кто принимал участие в этой

войне на нашей стороне, сказали бы, что это стоило боли и страданий.


If a witch will do anything to see their own needs met, regardless of the pain and suffering that they cause others.

context icon

Если ведьма сделает что угодно, только бы видеть ее нужды удовлетворенными, независимо от боли и страданий, которые они причиняют другим.

Sport was


only activity that has allowed oppressed


context icon

Спорт является единственной деятельностью, которую могут осуществлять угнетенные



которая позволяет им наслаждаться свободным временем посреди этой нескончаемой боли и страданий на их родине.



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вы можете поместить ряд( среднее значение в долларах) к боли и страданий, которые могут возникнуть в результате его.


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Всю боль и страданья в этом мире


просто… позволить людям уничтожить друг друга.

There’s even


possibility that


Cardassians will issue a formal apology for the pain and suffering inflicted on


Bajoran people during



context icon

Есть даже вероятность, что кардассианцы объявят официальное извинение за страдания и боль, причиненные баджорскому народу во время оккупации.

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я всегда ставлю на красное потому что этот цвет напоминает мне о боли, и страданиях, которые творятся в мире.

Mr. Wolff(United States of America):


United States remains deeply concerned about the pain and suffering endured by Palestinians


Israelis alike.


context icon

Гн Вулфф( Соединенные Штаты Америки)( говорит по-английски):

Соединенные Штаты по-прежнему глубоко озабочены болью и страданиями, выпавшими на долю как палестинцев, так




Now look at all the pain and suffering that has wrought around


world- was any of it worthwhile or necessary?


context icon

А сейчас посмотрите на все эти страдания и боль, возделанные по всему миру- разве это чего-то стоит или есть такая необходимость?


I deeply regret the pain and suffering«I have caused my wife»and no longer wish to punish her with my presence.

context icon

Я глубоко сожалею о том горе и страдании, которые я причинил своей жене,


не хочу больше наказывать ее своим присутствием.


affected countries could only seek solace in


overwhelming expression of international cooperation, assistance, solidarity




context icon

пострадавшие страны могут искать утешения только в повсеместных проявлениях международного сотрудничества, содействия, солидарности




Your Honor, ladies


gentlemen, I stand here today a humble man, a contrite man,

a man who deeply regrets all the pain and suffering he has caused with his foolish actions.

context icon

Ваша честь, леди


джентльмены, я пришел сюда смиренным человеком, кающимся человеком, человеком,

который глубоко сожалеет о боли и страдании, причиненных своим глупым поступком.

consider it our moral obligation to raise our voices in a clarion call for




peaceful resolution of all confrontations.


context icon

Мы, южноафриканцы, знаем, что такое боль и страдания, причиняемые насильственной конфронтацией,


считаем своим моральным долгом присоединить свой голос к громкому призыву к политическому


мирному урегулированию любых конфронтаций.


have fallen victim to landmines. Guatemala has made great efforts, with international assistance, to carry out mine clearance despite financial restrictions

and the



variety of


responsibilities borne by various sectors.


context icon

Моя страна разделяет боль и страдания тех, кто во многих странах стал жертвой применения наземных

мин. Гватемала приложила большие усилия, с международной помощью, для осуществления разминирования, несмотря на финансовые ограничения




разнообразие ответственности, которую несут различные секторы.


When Sergio Vieira de Mello visited Armenia several years ago,

he came looking for ways to minimize the pain and suffering of Armenian refugees forced to flee their homes in Baku


Sumgait in Azerbaijan.


context icon

Когда несколько лет назад Армению посетил Сержиу Виейра ди Меллу,

он искал способы максимального облегчения боли и страданий армянских беженцев, которые были вынуждены покинуть свои дома в Баку


Сумгаите на территории Азербайджана.


This applies as well to situations in which solitary confinement is imposed as a result of a breach of prison discipline,


context icon

Это положение также применимо


к ситуациям, в которых одиночное содержание

используется в ответ на нарушение тюремной дисциплины, поскольку боль и страдание, переживаемые жертвой, достигают необходимого уровня тяжести.


Recognizing that a number of Governments as well as national


international health organizations, including


World Health Organization,

have called for greater availability of opiates to relieve the pain and suffering of medical patients afflicted with cancer


acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.


context icon

Признавая, что ряд правительств, а также национальных


международных организаций здравоохранения, включая Всемирную организацию здравоохранения,

призывают увеличить наличие опиатов для ослабления боли и страданий пациентов, у которых обнаружен рак


синдром приобретенного иммунодефицита.



Kurdistan Regional Government is implementing a number of service projects, including


construction of residential units for distribution among them.


context icon

Чтобы облегчить боль и страдания родственников жертв операции» Анфал», правительство региона

Курдистан реализует ряд проектов, в том числе строит предназначенное для них жилье.



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pain and suf·​fer·​ing

: mental or especially physical distress for which one may seek damages in a tort action

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pain and suffering

pair-or-set clause

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“Pain and suffering.” Legal Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.

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The example sentences of PAIN AND SUFFERING in videos (2 in total of 2)

in preposition or subordinating conjunction
fact noun, singular or mass
it personal pronoun
is verb, 3rd person singular present
pain noun, singular or mass
and coordinating conjunction
suffering verb, gerund or present participle
that preposition or subordinating conjunction
often adverb
causes verb, 3rd person singular present
us personal pronoun
to to
become verb, base form
the determiner
very adverb
opposite noun, singular or mass
of preposition or subordinating conjunction
good adjective
and coordinating conjunction
the determiner
very adverb
opposite noun, singular or mass
of preposition or subordinating conjunction
loving adjective
and coordinating conjunction
loved verb, past tense
individuals noun, plural

what wh-pronoun
we personal pronoun
had verb, past tense
to to
do verb, base form
to to
put verb, base form
in preposition or subordinating conjunction
the determiner
work noun, singular or mass
to to
get verb, base form
that determiner
diamond noun, singular or mass
it personal pronoun
‘s verb, 3rd person singular present
a determiner
certain adjective
kind noun, singular or mass
of preposition or subordinating conjunction
pain noun, singular or mass
and coordinating conjunction
suffering verb, gerund or present participle

How to use «pain and suffering» in a sentence?

  • Pain and suffering are always inevitable for a large intelligence and a deep heart. The really great men must, I think, have great sadness on earth.

  • Pain and suffering, they are a secret. Kindness and love, they are a secret. But I have learned that kindness and love can pay for pain and suffering.

    -Alan Paton-

  • Pain and suffering are the dark strands through the tapestry of your life, providing the shadows that give depth and dimension to the masterpiece God is fashioning within you.

    -Joseph Girzone-

  • We are the spirit, the collective conscience. We create the pain, and suffering, and beauty in this world.

    -Tracy Chapman-

  • Pain and suffering are the soil of strength and courage.

    -Lurlene McDaniel-

  • Those who worship and adore the Lord through the Guru’s Word forget all their pain and suffering.

    -Guru Gobind Singh-

  • Satan can imitate God, but he cannot duplicate Him — God is the only One who can deliver us from our pain and suffering.

    -David Jeremiah-

  • True power does not amass through the pain and suffering of others.

    -Joy Harjo-

Special thanks to The Free Dictionary
and azquotes

for providing us with the information used in this web page

English idiom

«pain and suffering» is an English idiom. Meaning «A legal term for the physical and emotional trauma endured by the complainant in a case. Primarily heard in US.»

Similar phrases & idioms

in the medium term

over or for a period of time of moderate length.

over or for a period of time of moderate length.

jump at the opportunity

To accept or seize with alacrity an opportunity (to do something).

To accept or seize with alacrity an opportunity (to do something).

pour out

cause a liquid to flow from a container into a cup or other vessel.

cause a liquid to flow from a container into a cup or other vessel.

every trick in the book

every available method of achieving what one wants.

every available method of achieving what one wants.

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