Packing list скачать excel

A packing list template provides ample space to write a description about the contents of the package. This list is usually attached along with the package, so the receiver can easily understand about the quantity of package. Apart from being used for writing instructions about handling of products, a packing list comes with crucial details such as; packing date, time and expiry period of goods. Moreover, it helps in storing different products according to its specification or suitable atmosphere which help goods to prevent from disorder. A packing list is intended to let transport agencies about the instructions of packages because they are responsible to maintain package safety. They can use shopping list templates for this purpose. The person who is inserting data in this list can also provide details of packing, which helps to know about the nature of stock.

A packing list also gives information about the dimension and weight of packages. As per business practices, it is essential to provide a packing list along with parcel or other types of packages to prevent from any type of loss or damage. This list is also provided to the customers along with package, so the customer can easily read about different contents of package. This list offers description about consignment which is highly used for customs declaration. It is the best way to inform transportation companies about moving object. If you wish to save your beloved time, then use a ready to use format for preparing an efficient packing list. You can also check our to do list templates, which are also available for free downloading.

Sample Packing List Template

A sample packing list template is a key document for acknowledgment about consignment. This format for packing slip have different blocks for inserting information related to products and inventories.

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Free Packing List Template

It is a orange colored packing list format and looking attractive. If you wish get this desirable template then single click on download button and get various benefits of our marvelous formats.

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Printable Packing List Template

You can mention date, time, and other valuable information in specified space and can make some changes according to your desire need. Our template is downloadable without paying any cost and able to utilize without any single adjustment.

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More Templates

Downloadable Packing List Template

Packing List Template Word

Packing List Template Excel

Packing List Template PDF

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Best Packing List Template

Professional Packing List Template

Unique Packing List Template

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Brilliant Packing List Template

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Excellent Packing List Template

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Desirable Packing List Template

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Packing List Template Word

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Smart Packing List Template

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Travel Packing List Template

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Personal Packing List Template

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Tour Packing List Template

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Beach Packing List Template

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Additional Information

General Benefits of Excel Template

In these fast days, individuals are stressed over the wastage of time and looking for useful formats for creating a report inside brief day and age. Our amazing format is very much intended be experts and made with their aptitudes and capacities. It is an editable format and you can without much of a stretch roll out a few improvements wanted to your commitment. You can consume our offered design on multiple occasions for different professional purposes based on your need. It is loaded up with superb substance and allow sufficient space for creating additional data. Our delightful template can spare your valuable time and ready to provide assistance. You can without much of a stretch get a splendid format by downloading it from our website.

Rich Benefits

  • Get a one of a kind layout with no expense from our free website.
  • Filled with high quality contents.
  • It is planned by experts having encounters in significant field.
  • It is an editable layout and ready to utilize different time.
  • No need of correction or any kind of adjustment.
  • Beneficial for unraveling your commitments with an expert style.
  • Eye catching and alluring format.
  • Able to meet with your requirements.
  • Get with one click.
  • Easily printable and efficient template.
  • Содержание

    1. Export Packing List Template In Excel
    2. Export Packing List Sample
    3. Download Link:
    4. Form Designing Services by SemiOffice.Com
    5. Related
    6. Author: David Beckham
    7. Упаковочный лист
    8. Интересные материалы по теме:
    9. 30 Free Packing Slip Templates – Editable – Word | Excel
    10. Double-check the items
    11. Track all items
    12. Identify damaged products
    13. For the compensation of lost or stolen items
    14. Estimate the value of the shipment
    15. Provides information about the contents
    16. Confirm that the order was received
    17. Recipient name, shipping address, order date, and contact info
    18. Shipment company name and contact information
    19. Itemized list of the shipped items
    20. Itemized list of out-of-stock items
    21. Quantity of each item
    22. Weight of the product
    23. SKU or UPC of each item
    24. Slip number or PO number
    25. Return address
    26. Sender’s company name and contact information
    27. Step 1
    28. Step 2
    29. Step 3
    30. Step 4
    31. Step 5
    32. Step 6
    33. Step 7
    34. Step 8
    35. Step 9
    36. Step 10

    Export Packing List Template In Excel

    Sample Export Packing List Template In Excel for UK, USA, India, Pakistan, Europe, and UAE. This export list is used for exporting items abroad or to another country.

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    This list is taken from a textile export company, and it can be used for all kinds of items after making changes to the list. You can change all the content of the list and must use the correct information about your business.

    Export Lists help us maintain export records, and it also allows us to improve our services because this list starts from the production unit and ends at ready for export products.

    This list format is taken from an export company, and you can customize this form as per your business and company needs. Standards remain the same.

    Export Packing List Sample

    Download Link:

    Form Designing Services by SemiOffice.Com

    Dear Visitors, we offer form designing services for your business and professional need. If you need us to design any form for your business, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us or post comments in the form at the bottom. We will be happy to serve you on priority. Thanks

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    Упаковочный лист

    Упаковочный лист — документ доступен для скачивания с нашего сайта. Воспользуйтесь прямыми ссылками для загрузки. Скачайте пример заполнения и пустой бланк в форматах для открытия в программах Word и Excel. Распечатайте и заполните правильный образец документа. Во избежании ошибок используйте инструкцию по заполнению.

    Упаковочный лист – акт, который сопровождает определенный груз или товар. Лист предназначен для фиксации основных характеристик перевозимых и передаваемых материальных благ. Составляется начальником склада или бухгалтером предприятия. Применяется повсеместно.

    Текст представлен сведениями о получателе груза и отправителе. Также указывается вид упаковки и адрес точки назначения. Отдельно и тщательно прописываются параметры транспортируемых товаров – вес, количество, объем. Рекомендуется сделать акцент на ответственности за целостность упаковки, которая лежит на плечах транспортной организации.

    В конце указывается масса нетто и брутто. Отображается, кто упаковал ценности и кто проверил упаковку. Как правило, упаковыванием занимается кладовщик, а проверкой – экспедитор.

    Интересные материалы по теме:

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    Данный сайт является некоммерческим информационным проектом, никаких услуг не предоставляет. Документы, отчетности, инструкции, видео и другие материалы взяты с открытых источников.

    Логотипы и товарные знаки, размещённые на сайте, принадлежат их законным владельцам, правообладателям.


    30 Free Packing Slip Templates – Editable – Word | Excel

    A packing slip is a formal document describing all the shipment contents. The products/goods are written in the form of an itemized list that primarily details the product description/type, number, and quantity. Other details such as weight, internal order IDs, and dimensions can also be added. The seller prepares the packing slip and can be placed inside the package or sealed in a pouch (commonly colourless) that is attached outside the package.

    Alternative names

    Other names used to refer to a packing slip are:

    • Waybill
    • Bill of parcel
    • Manifest
    • Shipping slip
    • Shipping list
    • Unpacking note
    • Packing list
    • Order slip
    • (Delivery) docket
    • Customer receipt

    It is essential to use the relevant documentation in business and be familiar with the documents involved in the purchasing process, whether you are a seller or a customer. A packing slip is one of the documents used to buy and sell physical goods. Packing slips are used with both brick-and-mortar retailers and eCommerce transactions.

    The packing slip template contains descriptions of products in the purchase order and important information about the order that the seller would like to relay to the buyer, such as missing goods and backorders. Packing slip templates will typically accompany the products and communicate to parties involved during ordering, shipping, and receiving goods, such as authorities at checkpoints, customs, and inventory recording.

    A packing slip is a multi-functional document. First, it helps streamline transactions between retailers (sellers) and their customers. The main reason for attaching a packing slip with a shipment is that the document facilitates the identification of the package being shipped. It can be used for identifying evidence of payment of shipping fees. Furthermore, a packing slip is used in customs office when the product being shipped lands in a foreign country. It is used to verify goods by the government through electronic export information, popularly known as EEI.

    Below are reasons why it is wise to use a packing slip when buying or selling a product:

    Double-check the items

    Sellers want to send the correct package as part of the order fulfilment process, and buyers want to receive precisely what they ordered as part of the order receiving process. A packing slip template is a document used to verify if the shipment is as per the order. It will describe each item inside, and the parties can verify if all items were included or not.

    Track all items

    Every seller or buyer always wants to keep track of their goods. A packing slip template is physical evidence of a shipment and its contents, and it thus simplifies the process of tracking any lost goods, which is crucial for insured and tracking goods that were shipped in separate shipments. The document is also used to locate items in the warehouse received in different shipments.

    Identify damaged products

    Goods in transit are ordinarily prone to damage due to human error or unavoidable accidents. A packing slip, paired with an RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization) form, speeds up the return process for damaged or mismatched orders. Buyers can identify the product on the packing slip template and share its description and information with the seller.

    For the compensation of lost or stolen items

    While going through the transitioning process, if any product gets stolen or lost, a packing slip template can be consulted to check the items that left the seller’s warehouse and the ones received by the customer. This makes it straightforward to identify any missing packages and prevents misunderstandings. If the items were insured, insurance providers could use the packing slip as evidence that the seller indeed released the goods they claim to have been lost in transit.

    Estimate the value of the shipment

    By listing all the items in a shipment, authorities such as the government, traffic agencies, and customs can estimate the value of the shipment and impose the appropriate fees. The fees will vary for international shipments and shipments within or outside the associated state.

    Note: Packing slip templates do not indicate the total amount paid for the products but rather other details which precisely define the product.

    Provides information about the contents

    A packing slip template also helps inform authorities such as customs officials of what is contained in a shipment. This way, the document can be used for inspection instead of inspecting the entire shipment item after item. The packing slip is thus used to give additional information such as whether the product is hazardous or not, meets country standards, etc. Some carriers and shippers have restrictions on products they can ship, and a packing slip template is a quick way of establishing this.

    Confirm that the order was received

    With a packing slip template in place, customers can quickly identify what the seller sent, compare it with the invoice issued, and look for discrepancies to ensure the right products were delivered. This makes it easy to identify products that were tampered with in transit.

    Packing lists come in different formats and variations according to the preferences of businesses and institutions.

    • Packing slips with forms: This type of packing slip consists of a return form. This form is used by recipients of packages who want to return the package.
    • Packing slip with order and ship quantity: This type of packing slip gives a detailed description of the amount and quantity of the package being shipped.
    • Landscape packing slip: This is a packing slip that consists of additional tables which enable one to fill more information regarding the package and the shipment in the subject.

    A standard packing slip template will contain information about the shipper, customer, order, carrier, and item. All these categories of information should appear in the packing slip template of any transaction.

    Below are a few things to consider when preparing a packing slip:

    Recipient name, shipping address, order date, and contact info

    The customer’s shipping and billing information should appear on the packing slip template, just like an invoice. Include the customer name, contact information, shipping/delivery address, order date, and number. This information is used for filing purposes and facilitates communication with any party interacting with the shipment in transit, if necessary.

    Shipment company name and contact information

    Like any other formal business document, details about the package’s business shipping must be provided. This includes the business name, address, and contact information.

    Itemized list of the shipped items

    The packing slip template should have each product in the shipment. This is one of the essential components of a packing slip. Anyone reviewing the document should see all the items in the package at a glance.

    Itemized list of out-of-stock items

    In the packing slip template, there should be a category for listing all the products that the customer ordered but was not shipped due to unavoidable circumstances such as being out-of-stock. Since this information may be hard to determine before the package is ready for shipping, it is best communicated through a packing slip than an invoice.

    Quantity of each item

    Each product has to be delivered in a specified quantity, whether units, kgs, ounces, meters, liters, etc. Therefore, the exact product quantities must be indicated for each item listed on the packing slip template. Sometimes the right product may be delivered in the wrong quantities; therefore, it is best to indicate the quantities to ensure orders are correct to the last detail.

    Weight of the product

    Weight is another characteristic of importance to carriers, authorities, and customers. This is because shipping costs and customs fees will more often than not factor in the weight of a shipment.

    SKU or UPC of each item

    Each product is expected to have its unique stock-keeping-unit (SKU) number or Universal Product Code (UPC) for sales tracking and record-keeping purposes. A column that provides each product’s SKU or UPC should be added to a packing slip template to show that the product was scanned and released from the warehouse. This is essential for sellers who have to track their inventory. In addition, in case of any issues with the product, customers can use the SKU or UPC numbers to inform the seller of the exact product they are complaining about.

    Slip number or PO number

    To facilitate the tracking process, each packing slip should have a slip number and a purchase order (PO) number jointly with other shipment identifiers or codes. The slip or PO number can be added to the order management system as part of inventory keeping.

    Return address

    A return address should be added to the packing slip template. The return address is the seller’s business address and is used if the carrier or customer has to return the package to the seller. For example, this can be helpful in situations where the customer’s shipping details are inaccurate, and the carrier has to return the package to the seller.

    Sender’s company name and contact information

    Lastly, the seller should provide their details by indicating the business name and contact details on the packing slip template that can be used if the carrier or customer has to contact them. It can also include a logo to indicate who the customer purchased from and increase brand visibility as the shipment is being transported.

    A purchase order is a business-related document issued by a buyer to a seller showing the type, quantities, and arranged prices for goods the seller will provide to the buyer. The purchase order, once issued, becomes a binding contract between the buyer and the seller and thus offers the seller some legal cushion against non-paying customers once products are delivered.

    An invoice, otherwise known as a bill, is a business document issued by a retailer to a buyer indicating the goods, quantities, and agreed prices for the products the seller has to deliver to the buyer. In addition, the invoice indicates the date when payments are due according to the agreed terms unless payment is made in advance. An invoice acts as a formal request for payment of goods delivered. Invoices are sent to the person responsible for making payments.

    A packing list is a document used to list all the products being shipped or delivered to a customer. It operates just like a packing slip and is used to verify that the correct order was delivered and clear shipment through customs. A packing list can be used to detail multiple packing slips; however, the use of the terms packing slip and packing list typically depends on personal preference. In contrast, a packing slip is a formal document that indicates the products delivered by a seller to a buyer to verify the order was delivered accordingly. Packing slip templates are primarily used for goods that are being shipped or delivered. A packing slip is issued to the party receiving the shipment, who may not be the same person as the one who receives the invoice. These terms can be illustrated through the following example:

    A buyer X wants to ship 10 TV sets from seller Y. Buyer X writes a purchase order detailing the type of TV sets, quantities and prices of each unit, and total price of the shipment. Upon receiving the purchase order, Seller Y confirms that they can deliver the specific products. They then ship the products to buyer X and a packing slip detailing all the items they delivered. Finally, seller Y issues buyer X with an invoice with the total amount owed upon shipment. Upon receiving the shipment, buyer X verifies the shipment is correct by comparing it with the purchase order and the invoice. Once buyer X has verified everything is in order, they can make payments and complete the transaction.

    The use of a packing slip template is relatively straightforward and can save a lot of time, especially when dealing with multiple orders. This article will look into a few quick steps anyone can use to create their own personalized packing slip template.

    Step 1

    Firstly, open MS word and navigate to create the document.

    Step 2

    Create a blank document meant to outline all the details that should appear in the packing slip.

    Step 3

    Navigate to the “Insert” option, add a header file, or double-click the top part of the blank document. The header is meant to outline the seller’s/shipper’s details. Type the business name and contact details in bold, such as telephone number. Add a logo and try a different color that makes the document appear more professional.

    Step 4

    Underneath the header, create spaces to input details about the customers. For example, create spaces for the recipient’s name, shipping address, and contact details.

    Step 5

    Next, navigate to the “Insert” option and add a table of about five columns and five rows. The rows are meant to list all the products to be shipped. The columns are meant to contain relevant details of the shipment.

    Step 6

    Go to the first column and name “Purchase order (PO) number.” This number is substantial when referring to a transaction.

    Step 7

    Next, name the subsequent column “Product description.” This column describes each listed product by type and other vital details.

    Step 8

    In the next column, the template should indicate “Quantity Delivered.” This is the product quantity signed off by the seller.

    Step 9

    The fourth column should then be titled “Back Ordered” to list any items ordered but not delivered due to unavoidable circumstances.

    Step 10

    Next, label the fifth column as “SKU/UPC” to be filled out with the identifying number or code for each product. The template can be added to other columns to accommodate more detailed information. Finally, save the template as “Packing Slip Template” on your computer and cloud.

    If you don’t want to go through the hassle of creating the packing slip, Download the collection of free templates and use it for your business.


    Word Templates

    After a purchase order, you usually process the order, send an acknowledgment to customers that their goods are on the way, and then you ship the products to them. However, it would be wrong to send goods to a customer without including a packing list in the box that contains the shipment.

    packing list templates

    So, use a free packing list templates model to create suitable packing lists that you can dispatch with goods. You can find samples for Google Docs, Google Sheets, and more. There are also other generic materials useful for your business like a packing slip, proforma, and shipment unit form. Whether you’re shipping gamer accessories, bottles of Corton, or other products, incorporating the proper packing process is integral.

    Editable Packing List Template

    free packing list template


    File Format

    • MS Word
    • Pages
    • Editable PDF

    Size: A4, US


    Pre Vacation Packing List Template

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    File Format

    • MS Word
    • Google Docs
    • Apple Pages


    Free College Packing List Template

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    File Format

    • MS Word
    • Google Docs
    • Apple Pages


    Women Packing List Template

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    File Format

    • MS Word
    • Google Docs
    • Apple Pages


    Export Packing List Template

    export packing list template


    File Format

    • MS Word
    • Google Docs
    • Apple Pages


    Cruise Vacation Packing List Template

    cruise vacation packing list template


    File Format

    • MS Word
    • Google Docs
    • Apple Pages


    Trip Packing List Template

    trip packing list template


    File Format

    • MS Word
    • Google Docs
    • Apple Pages


    Disney Packing List Template

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    File Format

    • MS Word
    • Google Docs
    • Apple Pages


    Garment Packing List Template

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    File Format

    • MS Word
    • Google Docs
    • Apple Pages


    Family Packing List Template

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    File Format

    • MS Word
    • Google Docs
    • Apple Pages


    Kids Packing List Template

    kids packing list template


    File Format

    • MS Word
    • Google Docs
    • Apple Pages


    Beach Vacation Packing List Template

    beach vacation packing list template


    File Format

    • MS Word
    • Google Docs
    • Apple Pages


    Travel Packing List Template

    travel packing list template


    File Format

    • MS Word
    • Google Docs
    • Apple Pages


    Destination Wedding Packing List Template

    destination wedding packing list template


    File Format

    • MS Word
    • Google Docs
    • Apple Pages


    Wedding Packing List Template

    wedding packing list template


    File Format

    • MS Word
    • Google Docs
    • Apple Pages


    Honeymoon Packing List Template

    honeymoon packing list template


    File Format

    • MS Word
    • Google Docs
    • Apple Pages


    About Template:

    You will need the template to create the best rick steves packing list for your small business template. The best thing is that it should not take you a lot of time to do this. It is relatively easy.

    • The first thing is to browse through a list of the available templates
    • Pick a grocery list you feel is suitable for you, and customize it to your business standards.
    • Make a batch printout, usually in bulk because you will need this most times whenever you are shipping goods to your customers.

    Why Packing List is Important:

    Your business cannot do without this packing list. You want the customer to get the exact goods they ordered for and in such a case the best thing to do would be to provide them with a packing list. The holiday packing list template is therefore ideal, usually in the following ways: You may also see Address Label.

    • It helps you note down a clear list of the items that you are about to dispatch.
    • It makes it easy for the customer to check on the list of goods delivered to them.
    • Used as evidence that only the ordered goods reached the customers.

    Vacation Packing List Template Word

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    Cruise Packing List

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    College Packing List

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    Beach Vacation Holiday Packing List

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    Dispatch Packing List Template

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    File Format

    • PDF

    Size: 67 KB


    Carton Packing List Template

    carton packing list


    File Format

    • PDF

    Size: 35 KB


    How to Make a Packing List for Moving?

    Creating a packing list for moving helps you get everything organized, thereby ensuring lesser hassle and an easy movement. You can easily design such a list using the various list Printable available online. You can even make use of the packing list generator software that many websites offer. However, in case you are thinking of creating such a list yourself, here is how to go about it.

    • First, open a blank document or use a sheet of paper.
    • Create bullet points for all the various things that you need to pack.
    • The sections should be termed as living room, kitchen, bedroom, etc.
    • You can also list these as utensils, electronics, clothes, etc.
    • Now start with each section and list all the things that would come under it.
    • Once you are done with all the sections, cross-check these against all the items to ensure that you have not missed out on anything important.

    What is Commercial Invoice and Packing List?

    A commercial invoice is designed by the employee of an export large organization template at the behest of the owner. This invoice is made against the purchase order that is sent by the customer. It comes in handy when declaring the details of the consignment to the customs department. A packing list on other hand is a detailed list of all the products that have been packed into the shipment. Using List in PDF helps to design such a list quickly. This list is attached with the commercial invoice and is sent to the customer, thus making it easier for him to check whether all the products have been shipped or not.

    What should a Packing List Include?

    A packing list is nothing more than the details of the products that have been packed into a shipment. You can get an idea of the layout of such a list by taking a look at To-Do List Planner. When it comes to commercial use, a packing list should include the following details.

    • Details of the person sending the shipment
    • Details of the person/organization receiving the shipment
    • Invoice Number
    • Date of shipment
    • Order number and order date
    • Country/place of shipment
    • Country/place to which the shipment is being sent
    • Terms of delivery
    • Terms of payment
    • Number of packages
    • Nature of the packages
    • Details of the goods packed like weight, value, etc.
    • Declaration
    • Signature and seal of the authorized personnel

    Packing List Tips

    Going on a holiday or moving to a new city can be quite exciting. However, this begins with the most strenuous of tasks, which is packing. Designing a packing list can surely make the ordeal easier. Using Inventory List can help you get an idea of the format to follow. Here are some tips that will simplify the whole packing list creation process.

    • First things first, create main categories for all the things that should be packed. It would be a good idea to list these based on priority.
    • Check each item and then decide which category you need to put it into.
    • You can also create a section named Miscellaneous for the items that do not fall under any category.
    • Review the list time and again to add any other things that you might have left out at the onset.

    Not sure how to design a packing list? Fret not! We have a wide range of Simple List in our collection. You can choose the one that would be perfect for your needs. These templates would give you an idea of the format to follow and the segments to be included in the list. Since these are easy to customize, making changes to these as per your requirement is easy.

    More in Word Templates

    4. Упаковочный лист.xlsx

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    Всем спасибо за использование нашего ресурса!


     Прямые загрузки. Без ожидания.

     Отсутствие рекламы.

     Неограниченное количество загрузок.

     Максимальная скорость загрузки.

     Техподдержка (

     Неограниченная файловая зона.

     Файлы в премиум-аккаунте хранятся вечно.

     Загрузка файла размером свыше 10.00 GB .

     Отсутствие ограничения на загрузки.

     Низкая цена в сутки.

     Отсутствие подписок.

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