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Oxford Word Skills, Intermediate, Gairns R., Redman S., 2008.

    Oxford Word Skills is a series of three books for students to learn, practise and revise new vocabulary.
Each book contains 80 units of vocabulary presentation and practice. Units are between one and three pages long, depending on the topic. New vocabulary is presented in manageable quantities for learners, with practice exercises following immediately, usually on the same page. The units are grouped together thematically in modules of five to ten units. At the end of each module there are further practice exercises in the review units, so that learners can revise and test themselves on the vocabulary learned.

Oxford Word Skills, Intermediate, Gairns R., Redman S., 2008

I can talk about vocabulary learning.
Replace the words in italics with a single word that has the same meaning.
I looked at the pictures but didn’t understand the written part.      
1 I understood the general meaning of the text.    
2 We couldn’t recognize and decide what language they were speaking      
3 The way you use words together to make a sentence in German is different.    
4 He is from another country.    
5 You can guess the meaning from the words before and after the new word.   
6 There was a text which I had to change from one language into another.     

Circle the correct answer.
If you explain something, you make it easy to say/understand)
1 If you revise something, you say it again/study it again.
2 If something works, it is successful/difficult.
3 If you experiment with something, you try something/find something.
4 You can do/make a mistake.
5 A method is an opportunity to do something/а way of doing something.
6 A chat is a formal/an informal conversation.

Starter unit.
Abbreviations and symbols.
1 I can talk about vocabulary learning.
2 I can describe my progress and aims.
3 I can understand a learner’s dictionary.
4 I can talk about English punctuation.
5 I can talk about appearance.
6 I can talk about character.
7 I can describe my feelings.
8 I can talk about relationships.
9 I can talk about families.
10 I can talk about weddings and funerals.
The world around us.
11 I can describe the universe.
12 I can talk about rivers and the sea.
13 I can describe the climate.
14 I can describe natural disasters.
15 I can describe animals and insects.
Daily life.
16 I can describe a range of food.
17 I can talk about diets and cooking.
18 I can talk about money.
19 I can talk about sleep.
20 I can talk about injuries.
21 I can talk about cars and driving.
22 I can describe travel problems and accidents.
23 I can talk about clothes and fashion.
Getting things done.
24 I can describe a visit to the dentist.
25 I can describe hospital procedures.
26 I can explain household tasks.
27 I can describe housework.
28 I can talk to a hairdresser.
Describing things.
29 I can describe urban life.
30 I can describe parts of a building.
31 I can describe objects.
32 I can describe the senses.
33 I can describe a painting.
34 I can describe actions.
Social and political issues.
35 I can talk about crime.
36 I can describe the justice system.
37 I can discuss health issues.
38 I can talk about politics.
39 I can talk about war and peace.
40 I can talk about events in history.
Media and entertainment.
41 I can understand newspapers.
42 I can talk about films.
43 I can talk about art and photography.
44 I can talk about music.
45 I can talk about people and places in sport.
46 I can describe sporting events.
47 I can talk about books.
48 I can describe festivals.
Work and study.
49 I can get through exams.
50 I can describe university life.
51 I can apply for a job.
52 I can describe jobs.
53 I can describe a career.
54 I can describe working conditions.
55 I can talk about finance.
56 I can talk about companies.
57 I can describe a successful business.
58 I can discuss marketing.
Social English.
59 I can express probability.
60 I can explain similarities and differences.
61 I can make arrangements to meet.
62 I can discuss my likes and dislikes.
63 I can give my opinion.
64 I can talk about rules.
65 I can discuss hopes and plans.
66 I can express dissatisfaction.
67 I can understand warnings.
68 I can use link words.
69 I can use a range of adjectives.
70 I can express time and place.
71 I can use prepositions in phrases.
72 I can use prefixes.
73 I can use suffixes.
74 I can use verb patterns.
75 I can use phrasal verbs.
76 I can use a range of adverbs.
Styles of English.
77 I can recognize informal English.
78 I can write a formal letter.
79 I can understand abbreviations and short forms.
80 I can understand American English.
Vocabulary building tables.
Answer key.
Answer key to-review units.
List of spotlight boxes.
Word list / Index.

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учебник по английскому языку :: английский язык :: Gairns :: Redman

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Oxford Word Skills Basic

Учебник (Student’s Book 1): скачать.

Oxford Word Skills Intermediate

Учебник (Student’s Book 2): скачать.

Oxford Word Skills Advanced

Учебник (Student’s Book 3): скачать.

Oxford Word Skills Idioms and Phrasal Verbs (Intermediate)

Учебник (Student’s Book 4): скачать.

Oxford Word Skills Idioms and Phrasal Verbs (Advanced)

Учебник (Student’s Book 5): скачать.

Oxford Word Skills Intermediate CD ROM Texts


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Oxford Word Skills Basic


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Oxford Word Skills Intermediate Audio With Timeline


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آموزش رایگان کتاب Oxford Word Skills


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Lesson 2 Oxford Word Skills Intermediate


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Oxford Word Skills Intermediate Unit 4


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یادگیری زبان انگلیسی خودآموز درس 31 Oxford Word Skills Basic آدرس


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Oxford Word Skills 2nd edition Free Download
Oxford Word Skills 2nd edition Free Download

Oxford Word Skills 2nd edition Free download PDF [Update 2022]

  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Oxford University Press (2020)
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English

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Free download Oxford Word Skills 2nd edition [update 2022], Full 03 PDF books & 03 CDs:

Oxford Word Skills Elementary Vocabulary 2nd edtion PDF

The first level in a three-level topic-based vocabulary course to learn and practice.   DOWNLOAD

Oxford Word Skills Intermediate Vocabulary 2nd edtion PDF

The second level in a three-level topic-based vocabulary course to learn and practice.  DOWNLOAD

Oxford Word Skills Upper-Intermediate – Advanced Vocabulary 2nd edtion PDF

The third level in a three-level topic-based vocabulary course to learn and practice. DOWNLOAD

Learn to use the most important words and phrases in English topic by topic.

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