Out and about word meaning

29 June 2015 в 17:46, автор Софья Михалева


1) быть на ходу, гулять, выходить на прогулку, бродить по окрестностям, быть в пути, выходить из дома

2) вести активный образ жизни

3) поправиться, восстановиться, прийти в себя

Синонимы: to roam, to go out


When I’m out and about, I’ll text or email myself from my phone. A smart phone is a great tool for a writer. (Steven Hall)

I didn’t much like being in Parliament physically. I found it a bit depressing. It’s very dark and heavy. I like being out and about. (Geoff Mulgan)

I loved being in London. Always walking everywhere, always out and about and always at markets, walking around Brick Lane and Covent Garden and Soho. (Alice Temperley)


Идиома «out and about», скорее всего, относится к фразам, построенным по типу «рифмованного удвоения» вроде «hanky-panky», «razzle-dazzle» «namby-pamby». Наречие «about» присоединилась к стандартному выражению «to be out» не только для большего благозвучия, но и чтобы подчеркнуть деятельное значение, присущее этой идиоме: в своем современном употреблении идиома «out and about» синонимична выражению «to run errands», то есть активно перемешаться по городу по делам.

Проверьте себя:

If I happen to see my favourite singer just out and about in London,

  1. I’ll never believe my eyes.
  2. I’ll call the police.
  3. I’ll be too star-struck to ask for an autograph.

Правильный ответ на наш предыдущий тест – вариант A.

out and about идиома

out and about

Away from one’s home or normal environment, especially to socialize, run errands, visit various places, etc. I’m just out and about with Mary if you would like to come join us. It feels so nice getting out and about again after being bedridden for so long.

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

*out and about

outside the house; outdoors. (*Typically: be ~; get ~.) Beth has been ill, but now she’s out and about. As soon as I feel better, I’ll be able to get out and about.

McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

out and about

Well enough to come and go, especially after an illness. For example, I’m glad to see you’re out and about again. [Late 1800s] Also see up and about.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer. Copyright © 2003, 1997 by The Christine Ammer 1992 Trust. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

out and about

(of a person, especially after an illness) engaging in normal activity.

Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017

ˌout and aˈbout

(British English) able to go outside again after an illness: I saw Mrs Neve in town this morning. I was pleased to see her out and about again.

Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017

See also:

  • be out and about
  • get out and about
  • see you in a (little) while
  • see you in a little while
  • go on an errand
  • (one’s) (true) stripes
  • (one’s) true color(s)
  • sick and tired
  • sick and tired of (something)
Subject English Russian inf. be out and about прогуливаться (esquimo) inf. be out and about быть снова на ногах (в знач. «выздороветь») Be well enough to come and go, especially after an illness: Good to see you out and about, mate. • I’m glad to see you’re out and about again. 4uzhoj) inf. be out and about гулять (esquimo) inf. be out and about быть в разъездах (особенно в течение дня 4uzhoj) idiom. be out and about быть не дома (по делам, по работе: иногда просто не переводится, подразумевается обычная активность человека: When I am out and about, one thing I always bring is my tablet. – С собой я всегда ношу свой планшет. • It’s not even a nice place to live anymore. Between the congestion, the noise, planes and fear of what can happen to us when we are out and about, we are looking forward to leaving soon. – …когда мы выходим из дома/на улицу; The room was small, but as we were out and about during the day, this was just fine. ART Vancouver) idiom. be out and about поехать (по делам, по работе: Out and about with my wife taking care of needs that can’t be done during the week. — Поехали с женой по делам ART Vancouver) inf. be out and about мотаться по делам (т.е. быть не дома и не в офисе) When I say «I’m out and about» or «I was out and about», I mean that I was away from home or from my desk, going about my business: I’m out and about the whole day but still want to look stylish and trendy. • I looked like a mess when I got home after being out and about the whole day. 4uzhoj) inf. be out and about выйти пройтись inf., context. been out and about driving кататься (4uzhoj) gen. get out and about выходить на прогулку (Ann_tofelyuk) gen. get out and about бродить (Ann_tofelyuk) gen. get out and about тусоваться (Дмитрий_Р) Игорь Миг go out and about выйти на двор Игорь Миг go out and about выйти на улицу Игорь Миг go out and about пойти прошвырнуться Игорь Миг go out and about выйти на прогулку Игорь Миг go out and about пойти прогуляться Makarov. he got very white, about-turned, and marched out of the room он сильно побледнел, повернулся и вышел из комнаты Makarov. he’ll soon be out and about again он скоро снова будет здоров gen. he was out and about all day он был на ногах весь день Makarov. he would have clearly liked to stick out, but there was something about the lot of us that meant mischief, and at last he struck Stevenson он очевидно хотел бы отказаться, но было нечто столь угрожающее в большинстве из нас, что он в конце концов уступил Makarov. if you’re not careful, the police could yank you in on a small charge and then find out about the jewel robbery если ты будешь вести себя неосторожно, полиция может задержать тебя по пустяковому обвинению, а затем докопаться до ограбления tech. live cattle dress out about 60% meat and meat products выход мяса при забое живого скота составляет около 60% Makarov. morrow got very white-about-faced, and marched out of the room морроу сильно побледнел, повернулся и вышел из комнаты gen. Morrow got very white, about-faced, and marched out of the room Морроу сильно побледнел, повернулся и вышел из комнаты gen. out and about на людях (VLZ_58) idiom. out and about снова в норме (Beth has been ill, but now she is out and about. goorun) gen. out and about на ногах (в знач. «выздоровевший»: Good to see you out and about, mate. • I’m glad to see you’re out and about again.) Makarov. she has been ill for three weeks, but now she is out and about again она болела три недели, но теперь она опять на ногах Makarov. she is out and about now теперь она опять на ногах Makarov. she understands nothing about football, so it all goes in one ear and out of the other она ничего не понимает в футболе, и поэтому всё это у неё в одно ухо входит и в другое выходит Makarov. the painter evolved his ideas about form and colour out of the work of an earlier artist этот художник вывёл свои идеи о форме и цвете из работ более старого мастера Makarov. the painter evolved his ideas about form and colour out of the work of an earlier artist этот художник почерпнул свои идеи о форме и цвете из работ более старого мастера gen. then he dropped out and has been a true hippie – lives on some land in Oregon, grows a lot of his own food, welcomes all passers-by, creating a commune feeling, smokes dope and likes to talk about peace and love и тогда он отверг жизнь в обществе и стал самым настоящим хиппи – живёт на каком-то участке в Орегоне, сам выращивает для себя еду, в духе коммуны привечает всех приезжих, курит травку и любит поговорить о мире и любви gen. there’s more money going out than coming in, and I’m worried about the business наши затраты превышают доходы, я беспокоюсь о судьбе нашего предприятия gen. there’s more money going out than coming in, and I’m worried about the business Наши затраты превышают наши доходы, я беспокоюсь о судьбе нашего дела busin. tips and recommendations about how to get the most out of советы и рекомендации по использованию возможностей (financial-engineer) proverb when there’s nothing you have and nothing comes out, there’s nothing to blame for and argue about на нет и суда нет

  • #1

Can anybody help me with the meaning of » out and about » .

if I’m not out and about, I’m hanging out with my dogs.


    • #2

    «Out and about» is used to refer to the free time one spends outside the house (generally). That means, essentially, frolicking: passing time with friends, driving around, etc. However, the expression is not restricted to the house and can be used to mean ready to do such frolicking: i.e. «Your car will be out and about in an hour» «Why thank you kind automobile repairman». :)

    • #3

    Hi ivansantos,

    It means that he is out of his house and is going about here and there, maybe doing errands, maybe visiting people, etc.



    • #4

    Hi ivansantos,

    Generally speaking, «to be out and about» simply means that you are getting out of the house and going to the places you usually go to (shops, stores, work, parks, theaters, etc.). It means that you are not staying home all of the time.

    In your example, it means that the person is not doing anything special. If he/she is going out, it’s to the same old places, but most of the time, the person just stays at home with his/her dogs.

    I hope this helps.

    This is actually a ‘general reference’ question; i.e. it can be answered simply by looking it up in a dictionary:

    out and about (Oxford Dictionary)

    Engaging in normal activity after an illness. (British English definition)
    (Of a person, especially after inactivity) engaging in normal activity. (American English definition)

    Same examples from both British & American English definitions:
    Again, this was all due to my illness and generally not getting out and about.
    Many of the activities for the next seven days focus on getting out and about in the Ilkley area.
    Maria is currently a bit under the weather and all her friends and family hope to see her out and about again real soon.

    out and about (Cambridge Dictionary — British English) (No American English definition)

    active; doing the things you usually do:
    The doctor says she’s making a good recovery, and she should be out and about in a few days’ time.

    out and about (Collins English Dictionary — Retrieved from Dictionary.com)

    regularly going out of the house to work, take part in social activity, etc, esp after an illness

    out and about (The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer. Retrieved from Dictionary.com)

    Well enough to come and go, especially after an illness. [Late 1800s]
    I’m glad to see you’re out and about again.

    The alternative expressions up and about, up and around, and up and doing can also be used with similar meanings:

    up and around (Dictionary.com)
    recovered from an illness; able to leave one’s bed.

    up and about (The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer. Retrieved from Dictionary.com)

    Also, up and around; up and doing.

    Active again, especially after an illness or rest. [Early 1800s]
    They had her up and about just one day after surgery
    I’m so glad you’re up and around; we need your help
    It’s time to be up and doing.

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