Ответ choose the correct word and complete the sentences




9 лет назад

Английский язык

5 — 9 классы

   Choose the correct word and complete the sentences.
1.    I’d like (some / a) cheese.
2.    We all eat (some / an) apple every day.
3.    Have (some / a) water. It’s good for you.
4.  I need (some / a) meat, (some / a) potatoes and (some / a) bottle of orange juice.

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Ответ проверен экспертом

(5 оценок)


9 лет назад

Светило науки — 17621 ответ — 451600 раз оказано помощи

1.    I’d like some  cheese.
2.    We all eat an apple every day.
3.    Have some water. It’s good for you.
4.    I need some meat, some potatoes and a bottle of orange juice.

(5 оценок)


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
Example: Another spaceship was launched yesterday from the Baikonur Cosmodrome.

a) was flown

b) was launched

c) was taken

1. Will you try to … this problem? − I’ll do my best.

a) do

b) take

c) solve

2. Have the engineers … all the possibilities of the invention?

a) explored

b) given

c) thought

3. The former astronaut wrote an interesting book about space …

a) expression.

b) exploration.

c) exploring.

4. Can you help me to translate the article? − …

a) I think.

b) Yes, I do.

c) No problem.

5. … (without astronauts) flight to other planets has now become a reality.

a) Unmanned

b) Manned

c) Men

6. I believe it is a … problem and we have to solve it in our research.

a) keen

b) key

c) kind


Английский язык ENJOY ENGLISH Английский с удовольствием 8 класс Биболетова. SECTION 4. Do We Need Space Exploration. Номер №69


Перевод задания
Выберите правильные слова, чтобы завершить предложения.
Пример: Вчера с космодрома Байконур был запущен еще один космический корабль.
а) летали
b) запущен

был взят
1. Вы попробуете … эту проблему? − Я постараюсь.
а) делать


2. Have инженеры … все возможности изобретения?

a) explored

b) given

c) thought

3. Бывший космонавт написал интересную книгу о космическом …
а) выражение.


4. Можете ли вы помочь мне перевести статью? − …
а) Думаю.

b) Yes, I do.

Нет проблем.
5. … (без космонавтов) полет на другие планеты теперь стал реальностью.
а) Беспилотный


6. Я считаю, что это … проблема, и мы должны решить ее в наших исследованиях.
а) увлеченный



1 − c, 2 − a, 3 − b, 4 − c, 5 − a, 6 − b.
1. Will you try to solve this problem? − I’ll do my best.
2. Have the engineers explored all the possibilities of the invention?
3. The former astronaut wrote an interesting book about space exploration.
4. Can you help me to translate the article? − No problem.
5. Unmanned (without astronauts) flight to other planets has now become a reality.
6. I believe it is a key problem and we have to solve it in our research.

Перевод ответа
1. Вы попытаетесь решить эту проблему? − Я постараюсь.
2. Инженеры исследовали все возможности изобретения?
3. Бывший космонавт написал интересную книгу об освоении космоса.
4. Можете ли вы помочь мне перевести статью? − Без проблем.
5. Беспилотный (без космонавтов) полет на другие планеты теперь стал реальностью.
6. Я считаю, что это ключевая проблема, и мы должны решить ее в нашем исследовании.


1 Choose the correct words to complete the
1 I love talk / talking to my friend and I love go!
going shopping with her too.
2 i sing / am singing in the school hall on Fridays.
3 The film was / were very exciting.
4 In my free time, I usually stay / stay usually
at home.
5 That is / was a very good barbecue last Sunday.

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<span><u /> Choose the correct word and complete the sentences.
</span><span>1. I’d like (some / a) cheese.
2. We all eat (some / an) apple every day.
3. Have (some / a) water. It’s good for you.
4. I need (some / a) meat, (some / a) potatoes and (some / a) bottle of orange juice.

1 ответ:



1.    I’d like some  cheese.
2.    We all eat an apple every day.
3.    Have some water. It’s good for you.
<span>4.    I need some meat, some potatoes and a bottle of orange juice.</span>

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It depends on the situation








1.is served

2.has already been built

3.was stolen

4.will be set

5.was taken

1. Dad is going to look for wood.

2. Dad and Charlie are going to put up the tent.

3. Mum and Molly are going to make the beds.

4. Mum is going to cook dinner.

5. Harry is going to play with his toys.

6. It is going to be hot.

7. We are going to have fun.

8. I am going to sleep in a tent.

Продолжи текст с правильным past simple (прошлым простым) со словами из табличек.

c. 2. wanted

  3. booked

  4. took

  5. arrived

  6. went

  7. asked

  8. looked

  9. could not

  10. went

d. 2.did they want

   3.did they book

   4.did they arrive

   5.did the woman at the desk

   6.did they go

1   A   1……………………….. people are invited to the party?

     B   Kate said she didn’t want 2……………………….. people there, so I only invited 3……………………….. of her close friends.

2   A   4……………………….. did this cost? It looks expensive!

     B   It didn’t cost 5……………………….. at all. The shop had so 6……………………….., they were trying to sell them quickly.

3   A   7……………………….. cheese do we have?

     B   I’m afraid we only have 8……………………….. . There ‘s 9……………………….. pasta either, so maybe it’s time to go shopping.

4   A   We’ve got 10……………………….. time before the film starts. Let’s buy some sweets. What types do you like?

     B   11……………………….., really. Only chocolates. Just buy 12……………………….. sweets for yourself. I haven’t got 13……………………….. money anyway.

5   A   14……………………….. money do you have on you?

     B   Just 15……………………….. coins. Why?

     A   I need to buy milk. It probably won’t cost 16………………………..

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