How is the word think distinct from other similar verbs?
Some common synonyms of think are conceive, envisage, envision, fancy, imagine, and realize. While all these words mean «to form an idea of,» think implies the entrance of an idea into one’s mind with or without deliberate consideration or reflection.
I just thought of a good joke
When is it sensible to use conceive instead of think?
Although the words conceive and think have much in common, conceive suggests the forming and bringing forth and usually developing of an idea, plan, or design.
conceived of a new marketing approach
How do envisage and envision relate to one another, in the sense of think?
Both envisage and envision imply a conceiving or imagining that is especially clear or detailed.
envisaged a totally computerized operation
envisioned a cure for the disease
When is fancy a more appropriate choice than think?
The synonyms fancy and think are sometimes interchangeable, but fancy suggests an imagining often unrestrained by reality but spurred by desires.
fancied himself a super athlete
When might imagine be a better fit than think?
The words imagine and think can be used in similar contexts, but imagine stresses a visualization.
imagine you’re at the beach
When can realize be used instead of think?
In some situations, the words realize and think are roughly equivalent. However, realize stresses a grasping of the significance of what is conceived or imagined.
realized the enormity of the task ahead
What is another word for “think”? Following is a list of commonly used synonyms for “think” in English with ESL images and useful example sentences. Learning these words to use instead of “think” will help you broaden your English vocabulary.
Table of Contents
Think Synonym
“Think” Definition and Examples
Meaning of “Think”:
This means having a thought on something or an idea towards somethings. It is mostly involved in decision making and refers to guessing about something. This verb can also lead to the act of thinking.
- I think I can remember a little bit of what the lecturer just said.
- I need some space to think about what I just said a while ago.
- Some persons do first, think afterward, and then repent forever.
Other Words for “Think”
Commonly used synonyms for “think”.
- Anticipate
- Believe
- Conclude
- Conjecture
- Consider
- Deem
- Determine
- Estimate
- Expect
- Imagine
- Opine
- Presume
- Reckon
- Suppose
- Surmise
Large list of 90+ different words to use instead of “think”.
- About
- Anticipate
- Assume
- Belief
- Believe
- Cerebrate
- Cogitate
- Conceive
- Conclude
- Conjecture
- Consider
- Considers
- Contemplate
- Deem
- Deliberate
- Determine
- Estimate
- Evaluate
- Expect
- Expected
- Fancy
- Feel
- Feeling
- Felt
- Figure
- Figure out
- Figured
- Find
- Guess
- Have in mind
- Hold
- I believe
- I guess
- I think
- I thought
- I was thinking
- Idea
- Imagine
- Infer
- It appears
- It appears that
- It looks
- It seems
- It seems that
- It sounds
- Judge
- Know
- Locate
- Look
- Maybe
- Mean
- Meditate
- Mind
- Mull over
- Muse
- Opine
- Opinion
- Perhaps
- Picture
- Ponder
- Presume
- Pretend
- Reason
- Recall
- Reckon
- Reflect
- Reflection
- Regard
- Remember
- Ruminate
- Said
- See
- Seem
- Sense
- Speculate
- Study
- Suppose
- Sure
- Surmise
- Suspect
- Take
- Take for granted
- Tell
- Think about it
- Think over
- Think that
- Thinking
- Thought
- Trust
- Understand
- View
- Weigh
- Well
- Wonder
Think Synonyms Infographic
Another Word for Think
Think Synonyms with Examples
Learn another word for “think” with example sentences.
- Anticipate
I don’t anticipate it being a problem.
- Believe
I believe the first test of truly great man is his humility.
- Conclude
We may conclude that he never had recourse to this simple experiment.
- Conjecture
We could not conjecture the fact from what he said.
- Consider
We should consider the buildings as an ensemble.
- Deem
I deem it advisable to purchase the shares in the railway now.
- Determine
I tried to determine the reasons for his actions.
- Estimate
It is hard to estimate how many children suffer from dyslexia.
- Expect
I’m going to the audition but I don’t expect I’ll get a part.
- Imagine
It’s difficult to imagine anything coming between them.
- Opine
I opined that it would certainly be dramatic, if un-presidential.
- Presume
I presume that an agreement will eventually be reached.
- Suppose
I suppose you’ll hector me until I phone him.
- Surmise
They surmise that members of this kingdom may be considered the largest organism in the world.
Synonyms for Think with Examples | Infographic
Last Updated on January 9, 2021
What is another word for Think?
opinion, mental condition
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Hello everyone and welcom back to Learn English Fun Way! Today we are going to give you 21 advanced alternatives for “I think”.
“I think” is very a boring, overused, and repetitive phrase.
In debates, in English classes, in conversation, we are always asked to give our opinion. And more often than not, many English learners say: “I think…” or “I don’t think…”
If you really want to show that you have an incredible, and profound, and advanced vocabulary, then you need to find som other ways of saying “I think”. Therefore, in this lesson today, we have got 21 advanced alternatives, ranging from formal to informal.
This article is really going to help you with your vocabulary,
Right, let’s get started with the lesson!
1, I’m not going to lie/ I’m not gonna lie
This phrase is an informal one.
We can say “I’m not gonna lie”, and sometimes it is just shortened down to “Not Gonna Lie” or abbreviated to N-G-L. So if we’re texting, we can text NGL, and then our opinion.
For example:
- I’m not going to lie, I was pretty insulted to not be invited to my ex-boyfriend’s wedding.
2, In all honesty
This is very commonly used nowadays, it is leaning towards informal.
For example:
- In all honesty, I had every right to be there.
3, In my view
This one is slightly more formal, actually.
For example:
- In my view, I should have been invited, so it was totally fair for me to turn up on the day.
A lot of these examples will use should have, would have, and could have.
4, If you ask me
For example:
- If you ask me, the church service was wonderful, but it was a shame I have to stand at the back.
5, As far as I can tell
This phrase is fairly neutral, neither informal nor formal.
For example:
- As far as I can tell, the bride wasn’t really expecting me.
6, To my mind
This just means ‘to me’, but we’re talking about our brain rather than ourselves, and it is more formal.
For example:
- To my mind, she should have been happier to see me and receive my support.
7, As far as I’m concerned
This is, again, slightly more formal,
For example:
- As far as I’m concerned, she totally overreacted and shouldn’t have cried.
8, The way I see things/ The way I see it
You can use either of the two above phrases.
For example:
- The way I see things, I made the family photographs a lot more interesting.
9, As I see things/ As I see it
This is a quite neutral alternative
For example:
- As I see it, they obviously didn’t take me into consideration when drawing up the seating plans.
10, It seems to me that
This phrase is quite a neutral one, maybe leaning on formal.
For example:
- It seems to me that everyone overreacted when I tried to sit at the top table.
11, I believe
This is just a really good alternative for ‘I think’. If you’re in a pinch, and you want to say “I think” and you don’t know what else to say, just say, “I believe.”
For example:
- I believe they should have just made space for me in the first place.
12, I would say
This can also be shortened down to “I’d say”
For example:
- I’d say the food was very good, but it was a shame I had to share it with my neighbour.
13, I consider
This is normally followed by something then to be,
“I consider something to be.”
For example:
- I consider it to be very rude that I was forced to sit down when I stood up to make a speech.
14, To me
This is just another way of saying, “in my opinion.”
For example:
- To me, no one knows my ex better than I do, so I should have been able to tell all of his funny stories.
15, From my point of view
This again is slightly more formal, but can be used in both informal and formal situations.
For example:
- From my point of view, the first dance was cringeworthy, so I did everyone a favour by joining in.
16, It is my view that/ It is my belief that
Both of them are more or less the same.
For example:
- It is my view that the open bar made everything worse.
17, I reckon
This phrase is a very slang one, and is also a very British one.
For example:
- I reckon the sixth gin and tonic tipped me over the edge.
18, I honestly believe that
For example:
- I honestly believe that if I hadn’t started cutting the cake, no one would have.
19, Honestly speaking
This phrase is quite an informal one.
For example:
- Honestly speaking, I probably shouldn’t have thrown my slice at the bride.
20, I feel that
This is another good one-word alternative for think, just like believe.
I feel, I think, I believe.
For example:
- I feel that my excould have found a more welcoming bride with a better sense of humour.
21, Personally speaking
This last one is, again, quite neutral.
For example:
- Personally speaking, calling the police was a bit OTT.
OTT means Over The Top, too much. It is often shortened down to OTT.
That is the end of our today’s lesson. Thank you for reading and hope you can apply well all the above-mentioned alternative phrases for “I think”. To get further explanation as practice your listening English, you should watch the video below. The English teacher- Lucy, with her warm voice and interesting ways of presentation, will certainly make you become engaged in the lesson.
Credit: Youtube Channel “English with Lucy”
На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.
На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.
Другими словами, я думаю
Иными словами, я думаю
In other words, I think the global situation for marriage will get worse before it gets better.
Другими словами, я думаю, что глобальная ситуация с браком станет хуже, перед тем как начать улучшаться.
In other words, I think I have twelve cases representing gradations of the same problem.
Другими словами, я думаю, что эти двенадцать случаев представляют собой проявления одной и той же проблемы.
In other words, I think that there is a close connection between bifacially flaked Oldowan artifacts and the early bifaces, so that the introduction of the latter is not a really a sharp jump or break.
Иными словами, я думаю, что существует тесная связь между олдувайскими артефактами с двусторонним отщеплением и ранними собственно бифасами, так что появление последних не является таким уж резким скачком или переломом традиции.
In other words, I think that there are many things in the universe that we cannot perceive or penetrate and that also we experience some of the most beautiful things in life in only a very primitive form.
Иными словами, я думаю, что во вселенной существует множество вещей, в которые мы не можем проникнуть и их постичь, и это подобно тому как в жизни мы постигаем множество прекрасных вещей лишь в самой примитивной форме.
In other words, I think we can expect a 50 percent improvement in graphics performance for the kind of high-end graphics used in games.
Другими словами, я думаю, что мы можем ожидать 50-процентного улучшения графической производительности для высококачественной графики, используемой в играх.
(In other words, I think there is about a 10-20% chance that if the same protocol was run, we would see the same results).
(Другими словами, Я думаю, что примерно 10-20% вероятность, что если один и тот же протокол было работать, мы бы увидели те же результаты).
In other words, I think the issue is serious enough to prevent you from taking the academic job… again, for exactly the reasons you say.
Другими словами, Я думаю, что проблема достаточно серьезна, чтобы помешать вам в научной работе… опять же, именно по тем причинам, что вы говорите.
In other words, I think it’s a good idea to inform people that you have Asperger or ADD, especially those you work closely with, but it’s more important to explain the positive aspects rather than just stating your condition.
Другими словами, Я думаю, что это хорошая идея, чтобы сообщить людям, что у вас Аспергер или добавить, особенно внимательно работать с, но это более важно для объяснения позитивных моментах, а не просто констатирую свое состояние.
«In other words, I think a recession next year is almost inevitable given the current policies,» Soros said, later clarifying that he meant a recession in Europe as a whole.
«Другими словами, я думаю, что рецессия в следующем году почти неизбежна, учитывая нынешнюю политику», — сказал Сорос, позже уточнив, что он имеет в виду рецессию во всей Европе.
Or in other words, I think the Bhutanese believe
Or in other words, I think the Bhutanese believe happiness equals wanting what you have —
Or in other words, I think the Bhutanese believe happinessequals wanting what you have — imagine gratitude — divided byhaving what you want — gratification.
Другими словами, я думаю, жители Бутана верят, что счастьеравно желанию того, что у вас есть. Представьте благодарность, разделеную на то, что вы хотите, — наслаждение.
In other words, I think the pound is a better bet than the dollar in the medium term.
In other words, I think this book is interesting and that quite educational to some extent.
Мне кажется, что эта книга очень интересна и сегодня в некоторой степени поучительна.
In other words, I think the current behavior
In other words, I think there was a need to distinguish more types within that species.
In other words, I think I would make a good diplomat.
In other words, I think principles should guide policy.
In other words, I think he is firmly ‘on the side of the angels’.
In other words, I think every McDonald’s in the nation should adopt this innovation.
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