Other word than reason

What is another word for Reason?

  • cause

    intention, event

  • intellect

    mind, sense

  • understanding

    sense, mind

  • sense

    character trait, sane

  • motive

    cause, intention

  • ground

    cause, purpose

  • mind

    sense, mental condition

  • justification

    explanation, true

  • argument

    explanation, intention

  • sanity

    sense, mental condition

  • rationale

    intention, cause

  • occasion

    intention, motive

  • conclude

    deduce, calculate

  • reasonableness

    common sense, mental analysis

  • rationality

    sense, mental analysis

  • excuse

    explanation, motive

  • explanation

    language, rationalisation

  • argue

    speech, debate

  • grounds

    cause, motive

  • basis

    cause, true

  • account

    motive, subject

  • logic

    evidence, rationalism

  • intelligence

    understanding, mind

  • reasoning

    rationality, rationalization

  • infer

    deduce, activity

  • ratiocination

    language, explanation

  • deduce

    calculate, reach a conclusion

  • wit

    mind, intellect

  • motivation

    motive, start

  • think

    activity, calculate

  • rationalization

    explanation, reasoning

  • foundation

    basis, true

  • purpose

    subject, aim

  • incentive

    aim, objective

  • case

    justification, explanation for an action

  • wisdom

    good sense, mental analysis

  • persuade

    speech, argue

  • intention

    view, aim

  • brains

    intelligence, mental analysis

  • gather

    deduce, reach a conclusion

Use filters to view other words, we have 2602 synonyms for reason.

Synonyms for reason

How is the word reason different from other verbs like it?

Some common synonyms of reason are cogitate, deliberate, reflect, speculate, and think. While all these words mean «to use one’s powers of conception, judgment, or inference,» reason stresses consecutive logical thinking.

able to reason brilliantly in debate

When is it sensible to use cogitate instead of reason?

The meanings of cogitate and reason largely overlap; however, cogitate implies deep or intent thinking.

cogitated on the mysteries of nature

Where would deliberate be a reasonable alternative to reason?

The synonyms deliberate and reason are sometimes interchangeable, but deliberate suggests slow or careful reasoning before forming an opinion or reaching a conclusion or decision.

the jury deliberated for five hours

When is reflect a more appropriate choice than reason?

The words reflect and reason can be used in similar contexts, but reflect suggests unhurried consideration of something recalled to the mind.

reflecting on fifty years of married life

When can speculate be used instead of reason?

The words speculate and reason are synonyms, but do differ in nuance. Specifically, speculate implies reasoning about things theoretical or problematic.

speculated on the fate of the lost explorers

When would think be a good substitute for reason?

Although the words think and reason have much in common, think is general and may apply to any mental activity, but used alone often suggests attainment of clear ideas or conclusions.

teaches students how to think

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причины, кроме

причин, кроме

She hates me for no reason, other than the fact that I’m hearing.

Она ненавидит меня без причины, кроме самого факта, что я слышу.

There is no reason, other than their belief in analogy, why the alchemists should have held such views concerning the metals.

Нет никакой причины, кроме аналогии, объясняющих, почему алхимик придерживались таких взглядов на металлы.

There should be some reason, other than tradition.

There is absolutely no reason, other than pure, corrupt profit intersts, that every single vehicle in the world cannot be electric, and utterly clean, with zero need for gasoline.

Нет абсолютно никаких причин, кроме чистой безнравственной заинтересованности в прибыли, против того, чтобы каждый автомобиль в мире стал электромобилем, совершенно безопасным для экологии, без необходимости заправлять его бензином.

I am overcome by the profundity of the experience, and how much more powerful it was than previous experiences, for no apparent reason, other than a continually improving state of being.

Я поражен глубиной этого опыта, и насколько же он был мощнее, чем предыдущие, без явной на то причины, кроме постоянно улучшающегося состояния бытия.

Most of what you have probably heard about him from non-Satanic sources are from his enemies and people who hate him for no real reason, other than this is what they were taught to believe.

Почти все, что вы, наверное, слышали о нем, было из не-сатанинских источников от его врагов и людей, которые ненавидят его без какой-либо реальной причины, кроме лжи, в которую их учили верить.

Is there an actual reason, other than inertia?

It is there for a reason, other than to scare you.

There seems to be no real reason, other than by the choice of the country.

For giving me the wheels right out from under you for no good reason, other than… you love me.

За то, что взял и отдал мне свои колёса без особой на то причины, кроме той, что… ты любишь меня.

There is absolutely no reason, other than pure, corrupt profit interest, that every single vehicle in the world could not be electric and utterly clean, with zero need for gasoline.

И нет абсолютно никаких причин кроме чистой и безнравственной заинтересованности в прибыли против того, чтобы каждый автомобиль в мире стал электромобилем совершенно безопасным для экологии и без необходимости заправлять его бензином.

And for what reason, other than a disdainful hubris?

There was no reason, other than the obstructionism of Morocco, why the people of Western Sahara could not do likewise.

Не существует каких-либо других причин, помимо обструкционизма со стороны Марокко, по которым народ Западной Сахары не мог бы поступить аналогичным образом.

I’m even heating the passenger seat- for no good reason, other than to burn fuel.

Я даже подогрею пассажирское сиденье, просто так, чтобы сжечь топливо.

What could possibly be the reason, other than the first one I gave?

Другие результаты

Hair loss and skin problems can be caused by various reasons, other than biotin deficiency.

Выпадение волос и проблемы с кожей бывают вызваны различными причинами, не только дефицитом биотина.

However, this was not for technical reasons, other than Russia was disrupted by the Napoleonic War.

Однако, это было сделано не только по техническим причинам, Россия еще не успела оправится после войны с Наполеоном.

This circular reasoning excludes from the debate a possibly fruitful aspect of research, in terms of coming to understand the reasons, other than psi, that might account for the fact that different experimenters have obtained different results.

Рассуждения в таком ключе исключают возможный плодотворный аспект исследования, с точки зрения понимания причин, кроме паранормальных, которые могли бы объяснить факт, что различные экспериментаторы получили разные результаты.

One of the principal reasons, other than simply wanting to redesign the bathroom is the simple fact that lots of homeowners are taking a look at ways they can enhance their homes rather than attempting to pay for the cost of moving.

Одна из главных причин переделки ванной комнаты — тот факт, что многие домовладельцы ищут способ улучшить дом в целом, а не пытаться окупить счет переезда.

Sony hasn’t given a good reason why, other than that it was a «business decision».

Sony не привела веских причин, почему, кроме этого, это было «деловое решение».

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

WiktionaryRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. reasonnoun

    To persuade by reasoning or argument.

    to reason one into a belief; to reason one out of his plan


  2. reasonnoun

    To overcome or conquer by adducing reasons.

    to reason down a passion

    motive, rationale

  3. reasonverb

    To find by logical process; to explain or justify by reason or argument.

    to reason out the causes of the librations of the moon


English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:3.0 / 1 vote

  1. reasonverb

    To reason is to examine by means of the reason, to prove by reasoning, or to influence or seek to influence others by reasoning or reasons. Persons may contend either from mere ill will or self-interest, or from the highest motives; «That ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered to the saints,» Jude 3. To argue (Latin arguo, show) is to make a matter clear by reasoning; to discuss (Latin dis, apart, and quatio, shake) is, etymologically, to shake it apart for examination and analysis. Demonstrate strictly applies to mathematical or exact reasoning; prove may be used in the same sense, but is often applied to reasoning upon matters of fact by what is called probable evidence, which can give only moral and not absolute or mathematical certainty. To demonstrate is to force the mind to a conclusion by irresistible reasoning; to prove is rather to establish a fact by evidence; as, to prove one innocent or guilty. That which has been either demonstrated or proved so as to secure general acceptance is said to be established. Reason is a neutral word, not, like argue, debate, discuss, etc., naturally or necessarily implying contest. We reason about a matter by bringing up all that reason can give us on any side. A dispute may be personal, fractious, and petty; a debate is formal and orderly; if otherwise, it becomes a mere wrangle.

    argue, contend, controvert, debate, demonstrate, discuss, dispute, establish, prove, question, wrangle

    We reason with a person about a subject, for or against an opinion; we reason a person into or out of a course of action; or we may reason down an opponent or opposition; one reasons from a cause to an effect.

  2. reasonnoun

    While the cause of any event, act, or fact, as commonly understood, is the power that makes it to be, the reason of or for it is the explanation given by the human mind; but reason is, in popular language, often used as equivalent to cause, especially in the sense of final cause. In the statement of any reasoning, the argument may be an entire syllogism, or the premises considered together apart from the conclusion, or in logical strictness the middle term only by which the particular conclusion is connected with the general statement. But when the reasoning is not in strict logical form, the middle term following the conclusion is called the reason; thus in the statement «All tyrants deserve death; Cæsar was a tyrant; Therefore Cæsar deserved death,» «Cæsar was a tyrant» would in the strictest sense be called the argument; but if we say «Cæsar deserved death because he was a tyrant,» the latter clause would be termed the reason. Compare CAUSE; REASON, v.; MIND; REASONING.

    account, aim, argument, cause, consideration, design, end, end, ground, motive, object, principle, purpose

    The reason of a thing that is to be explained; the reason for a thing that is to be done.

Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:5.0 / 2 votes

  1. reasonnoun

    ground, account, cause, explanation, motive, proof, apology, understanding, reasoning, rationality, right, propriety, justice, order, object, sake, purpose

    pretext, pretence, misinterpretation, falsification, misconception, disproof, unreasonableness, absurdity, fallacy, irrationality, wrong, unreason, impropriety, unfairness, folly, aimlessness, unaccountableness

  2. reasonverb

    debate, discuss, argue, infer, deduce, conclude

Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:1.0 / 1 vote

  1. reason, groundnoun

    a rational motive for a belief or action

    «the reason that war was declared»; «the grounds for their declaration»

    ground, priming coat, intellect, primer, cause, background, reasonableness, undercoat, basis, grounds, solid ground, dry land, primer coat, footing, land, priming, soil, rationality, flat coat, understanding, earth, terra firma

  2. reasonnoun

    an explanation of the cause of some phenomenon

    «the reason a steady state was never reached was that the back pressure built up too slowly»

    cause, grounds, ground, intellect, understanding, reasonableness, rationality

  3. reason, understanding, intellectnoun

    the capacity for rational thought or inference or discrimination

    «we are told that man is endowed with reason and capable of distinguishing good from evil»

    intellect, rationality, savvy, apprehension, discernment, cause, grounds, reasonableness, intellectual, agreement, ground, mind, sympathy, understanding

  4. rationality, reason, reasonablenessnoun

    the state of having good sense and sound judgment

    «his rationality may have been impaired»; «he had to rely less on reason than on rousing their emotions»

    tenability, intellect, rationality, moderateness, modestness, rationalness, grounds, reasonableness, tenableness, ground, cause, understanding

  5. cause, reason, groundsnoun

    a justification for something existing or happening

    «he had no cause to complain»; «they had good reason to rejoice»

    ground, suit, intellect, causal agency, yard, crusade, drive, effort, causa, evidence, case, campaign, reasonableness, movement, curtilage, rationality, grounds, lawsuit, understanding, cause, causal agent

  6. reasonverb

    a fact that logically justifies some premise or conclusion

    «there is reason to believe he is lying»

    cause, grounds, ground, intellect, understanding, reasonableness, rationality

  7. reason, reason out, concludeverb

    decide by reasoning; draw or come to a conclusion

    «We reasoned that it was cheaper to rent than to buy a house»

    conclude, resolve, reason out, argue, close

  8. argue, reasonverb

    present reasons and arguments

    reason out, indicate, debate, conclude, fence, argue, contend

  9. reasonverb

    think logically

    «The children must learn to reason»

    conclude, reason out, argue

Matched Categories

    • Explanation
    • Justification
    • Present
    • Rational Motive
    • Sanity
    • Think

Editors ContributionRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. predicate

    predicate can imply reasoning

    the reason or predicate for investigation him was because of his involvement in the cover up.

    Submitted by anonymous on August 16, 2020  

Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:5.0 / 1 vote

  1. reasonnoun

    intellect, mind, sense, understanding, rational faculty, thinking principle, intellectual powers or faculties, discursive power or faculty

  2. reasonnoun

    cause, ground, principle, motive, consideration, account, efficient cause

  3. reasonnoun

    design, purpose, end, object, aim, final cause

  4. reasonnoun

    argument, reasoning, chain of reasoning, process of reasoning

  5. reasonnoun

    reasonableness, wisdom, common sense, good sense, right or just view

  6. reasonnoun

    theory, exposition, rationale

  7. reasonverb

    draw conclusions, draw inferences, make deductions

  8. reasonverb

    argue, debate, dispute, chop logic, try conclusions, bandy words or arguments, hold or carry on an argument

Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated WordsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. reasonnoun

    motive, consideration, design, purpose, rationality, logic, account

    Associated words:
    dialectics, logic, syllogism, premises, conclusion

  2. reasonverb

    ratiocinate, syllogize, argue, remonstrate, expostulate

PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. List of paraphrases for «reason»:

    reasons, right, cause, raison, result, ground, motive, grounds, basis, justification, rationale, motif, occasion, virtue, sense, explanation, motivation, floor, talk, why, account, purpose, argument

Suggested Resources

  1. reason

    Song lyrics by reason — Explore a large variety of song lyrics performed by reason on the Lyrics.com website.

How to pronounce reason?

How to say reason in sign language?

How to use reason in a sentence?

  1. Andrew Bailey:

    It works well today. There is no reason to disrupt that model.

  2. Honore’ de Balzac:

    It is easier to be a lover than a husband for the simple reason that it is more difficult to be wiity every day than to say pretty things from time to time.

  3. John Kirby:

    The president believes it shouldn’t evolve into conflict, there’s no reason for the bilateral relationship – the most consequential bilateral relationship in the world – to erupt into some kind of conflict. We do believe, and the president has made clear, that we are in a competition with China, a competition that he believes the United States is well poised to win.

  4. Amit Mehta:

    Regionalizing is not a fair alternative, why should that group of customers have to incur the costs of regionalizing ? … There is a reason for them to sole source.

  5. Seth Rogen:

    There are certain jokes that for sure have not aged well, but I think that’s the nature of comedy, i think conceptually those movies are sound, and I think there’s a reason they’ve lasted as far as people still watching and enjoying them today. Jokes are not things that necessarily are built to last.

Translations for reason

From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary

  • عقلArabic
  • аҡылBashkir
  • raonar, raóCatalan, Valencian
  • rozumCzech
  • ræsonnere, overveje, slutte, fornuftDanish
  • Verstand, Grund, Vernunft, IntellektGerman
  • λόγος, λογικήGreek
  • raciecoEsperanto
  • razónSpanish
  • عقلPersian
  • järki, pohtia, kohtuus, järkeillä, tekosyy, syyFinnish
  • raisonFrench
  • réasún, ábhar, fáthIrish
  • razónGalician
  • סיבהHebrew
  • कारणHindi
  • értelem, okHungarian
  • motivo, argomentare, perché, causa, ragionare, ragioneItalian
  • 思慮, 理由Japanese
  • ಕಾರಣKannada
  • 이성Korean
  • ratioLatin
  • cēlonis, saprātsLatvian
  • rede, redenerenDutch
  • resonnere, fornuftig, diskutere, fornuft, overveieNorwegian
  • rasonOccitan
  • rozum, rozumować, przekonywaćPolish
  • argumentar, razão, causa, motivoPortuguese
  • rațiuneRomanian
  • по́вод, рассуждать, продумать, моти́в, причи́на, ра́зум, резо́нRussian
  • rȁzūmSerbo-Croatian
  • arësyetoj, arsyeAlbanian
  • förstånd, anledning, skälSwedish
  • sebepTurkish
  • 原因Chinese

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  • Ελληνικά (Greek)
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  • Norsk (Norwegian)
  • English (English)


Use the citation below to add these synonyms to your bibliography:

Are we missing a good synonym for reason?

  • logic
  • reasoning
  • sense
  • acumen
  • apprehension
  • argumentation
  • bounds
  • brain
  • brains
  • comprehension
  • deduction
  • dialectics
  • discernment
  • generalization
  • induction
  • inference
  • intellect
  • intellection
  • judgment
  • limits
  • lucidity
  • marbles
  • mentality
  • mind
  • moderation
  • propriety
  • ratiocination
  • rationalism
  • rationality
  • rationalization
  • reasonableness
  • saneness
  • sanity
  • senses
  • sensibleness
  • soundness
  • speculation
  • understanding
  • wisdom
  • wit
  • sound mind
  • argument
  • basis
  • cause
  • consideration
  • goal
  • idea
  • impetus
  • incentive
  • motivation
  • motive
  • proof
  • purpose
  • rationale
  • antecedent
  • design
  • determinant
  • end
  • grounds
  • inducement
  • object
  • occasion
  • root
  • spring
  • target
  • warrant
  • wherefore
  • why
  • ulterior motive
  • why and wherefore
  • whyfor
  • argument
  • case
  • excuse
  • idea
  • justification
  • proof
  • rationale
  • account
  • apologia
  • apology
  • cover
  • defense
  • exposition
  • ground
  • notion
  • rationalization
  • vindication
  • wherefore
  • why
  • song and dance
  • sour grapes
  • the whole idea
  • whatfor
  • why and wherefore
  • whyfor
  • figure out
  • infer
  • speculate
  • adduce
  • cerebrate
  • cogitate
  • conclude
  • contemplate
  • decide
  • deduce
  • deduct
  • deliberate
  • examine
  • gather
  • generalize
  • philosophize
  • ratiocinate
  • rationalize
  • reflect
  • resolve
  • solve
  • study
  • suppose
  • syllogize
  • think
  • draw conclusion
  • draw from
  • make out
  • think through
  • thresh out
  • work out
  • contend
  • debate
  • demonstrate
  • discourse
  • discuss
  • dispute
  • dissuade
  • establish
  • expostulate
  • justify
  • move
  • prove
  • remonstrate
  • urge
  • bring around
  • point out
  • prevail upon
  • show error of ways
  • talk into
  • talk out of
  • win over

On this page you’ll find 284 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to reason, such as: logic, reasoning, sense, acumen, apprehension, and argumentation.

  • block
  • discouragement
  • hindrance
  • charge
  • indictment
  • disbelieve
  • disregard
  • forget
  • ignore
  • neglect
  • question
  • wonder
  • agree
  • go along
  • agree
  • be quiet
  • confuse
  • discourage
  • disprove
  • dissuade
  • give in
  • go along

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

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How to use reason in a sentence


OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • cause
  • ground
  • grounds
  • interest
  • justification
  • motive
  • rationale
  • rationalization
  • reason
  • regard
  • sake
  • account
  • affirmation
  • airtight case
  • allegation
  • answer
  • assertion
  • assurance
  • avowal
  • case
  • cop-out
  • cover
  • declaration
  • excuse
  • explanation
  • fish story
  • justification
  • plea
  • pretext
  • profession
  • proof
  • reason
  • reply
  • retort
  • song and dance
  • stall
  • statement
  • vindication
  • agitate
  • canvass
  • clarify
  • debate
  • discuss
  • dispute
  • expostulate
  • hold
  • maintain
  • question
  • reason
  • remonstrate
  • talk about
  • altercates
  • bandies
  • battles
  • bickers
  • breaks with
  • bucks
  • bumps heads
  • contends
  • crosses
  • crosses swords
  • disagrees
  • disputes
  • faces down
  • faces off
  • feuds
  • gangs up on
  • gets in one’s face
  • goes one on one
  • hammers
  • hammers away
  • has at each other
  • has at it
  • hash over
  • hashes
  • hassles
  • jumps
  • jumps on
  • knocks around
  • locks horns
  • mixes it up
  • pettifos
  • picks an argument
  • puts up a fight
  • puts up a struggle
  • quarrels
  • quibbles
  • rehashes
  • rows
  • sasses
  • sets to
  • socks it to
  • squabbles
  • sticks it to
  • talks back
  • wrangles
  • altercating
  • bandying
  • battling
  • bickering
  • breaking with
  • bucking
  • bumping heads
  • contending
  • crossing
  • crossing swords
  • disagreeing
  • disputing
  • facing down
  • facing off
  • feuding
  • ganging up on
  • getting in one’s face
  • going one on one
  • hammering
  • hammering away
  • hash over
  • hashing
  • hassling
  • having at each other
  • having at it
  • jumping
  • jumping on
  • knocking around
  • locking horns
  • mixing it up
  • pettifoing
  • picking an argument
  • putting up a fight
  • putting up a struggle
  • quarrelling
  • quibbling
  • rehashing
  • rowing
  • sassing
  • setting to
  • socking it to
  • squabbling
  • sticking it to
  • talking back
  • wrangling
  • argumentation
  • assertion
  • case
  • claim
  • contention
  • debate
  • defense
  • discussion
  • exchange
  • expostulation
  • grounds
  • line of reasoning
  • logic
  • plea
  • pleading
  • polemic
  • proof
  • questioning
  • reason
  • reasoning
  • remonstrance
  • remonstration

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

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  • Other word than many
  • Other word than give
  • Other word than for example
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  • Other word same meaning of