What is another word for Plant?
attach, seed
place, activity
factory, equipment
activity, seed
factory, equipment
place, attach
establishment, make
factory, equipment
activity, sow
place, establish
place, establish
place, establish
establish, put
action, show
flower, nature
sow, sprout
flower, organism belonging to the vegetable kingdom
nature, herb
establish, implant
flower, nature
put, insert
machinery, facility
sow, put in the ground for growing
flower, vegetal
facility, equipment
insert, hide
equipment, shop
hide, show
activity, put in the ground for growing
factory, smeltery
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- tree (shrub)
Plant Thesaurus
Definitions of Plant
Plant Antonyms
Nearby Words
plan, plantation, planted, planter, planting
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Synonyms for Plant. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 13, from https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/plant
Synonyms for Plant. N.p., 2016. Web. 13 Apr. 2023. <https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/plant>.
Synonyms for Plant. 2016. Accessed April 13, 2023. https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/plant.
plural of plant
as in factories
a building or set of buildings for the manufacturing of goods
a furniture plant that employs hundreds of people
present tense third-person singular of plant
as in seeds
to put or set into the ground to grow
I’ll plant the marigold seeds in the spring
Antonyms & Near Antonyms
as in founds
to be responsible for the creation and early operation or use of
soon the sect had planted churches across the breadth of the colony
Antonyms & Near Antonyms
as in breeds
to set permanently in the consciousness or mind-set
a profound respect for Mother Nature that had been planted by long experience with hurricanes
Thesaurus Entries Near plants
Cite this Entry
“Plants.” Merriam-Webster.com Thesaurus, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/thesaurus/plants. Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.
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What is another word for plant?
1772 synonyms found
[ plˈant], [ plˈant], [ p_l_ˈa_n_t]
Table of Contents
Similar words for plant:
counterfeit (adjective)
lupine (adjective)
other relevant words (adjective)
wolflike (adjective)
wooden (adjective)
accessory (noun)
armory (noun)
bush (noun)
cache (noun)
cheat (noun)
cognition (noun)
constitute (noun)
decoy (noun)
double agent (noun)
engraft (noun)
establishment (noun)
factory and its buildings, equipment (noun)
fake (noun)
flower (noun)
implant (noun)
industrial plant (noun)
living thing (noun)
location (noun)
organism (noun)
organism belonging to the vegetable kingdom (noun)
other relevant words (noun)
place (noun)
plant (noun)
potato (noun)
premises (noun)
reserve (noun)
shrub (noun)
spot (noun)
spy (noun)
stool pigeon (noun)
supply (noun)
tobacco (noun)
vegetable (noun)
vegetation (noun)
workshop (noun)
adulterate (verb)
anchor (verb)
base (verb)
bury (verb)
cache (verb)
conceal (verb)
cultivate (verb)
deposit (verb)
dilute (verb)
embed (verb)
engineer (verb)
ensconce (verb)
entrench (verb)
erect (verb)
establish (verb)
establish, set (verb)
farm (verb)
fib (verb)
fix (verb)
found (verb)
graft (verb)
hide (verb)
inculcate (verb)
infix (verb)
infuse (verb)
inhume (verb)
install (verb)
inter (verb)
lay (verb)
lie (verb)
lodge (verb)
manage (verb)
misrepresent (verb)
mold (verb)
place (verb)
put (verb)
put away (verb)
put in the ground for growing (verb)
raise (verb)
reserve (verb)
secrete (verb)
set (verb)
sophisticate (verb)
store (verb)
strike (verb)
tamper (verb)
till (verb)
underpin (verb)
upraise (verb)
uprear (verb)
- other synonyms
other relevant words
put away
How to use «plant» in context?
for plant
Homophones for plant
Hypernyms for plant
Hyponyms for plant
Antonyms for plant
• counterfeit (adjective)
- most imitation,
- mis-leading,
- most faked,
- wont fly,
- more faked,
- more put-on,
- two faced,
- twofaced,
- mis leading,
- most puton,
- crockest,
- more put on,
- more hollywood,
- plantest,
- most put on,
- pre-tended,
- more imitation.
• lupine (adjective)
- most wolfish,
- more wolfish.
• Other relevant words: (adjective)
- Crocker,
- supposititious,
- wolfish,
- vegetal,
- wooden,
- not kosher,
- not genuine,
- suppositious,
- counterfeit,
- won’t fly,
- soft shell.
• wolflike (adjective)
- lupine.
• wooden (adjective)
- logger,
- clapboard,
- framer,
- timbered,
- Pegger,
- slabber,
- planter,
- ligneous.
- contraption,
- contrivance,
- automation,
- Accouterments,
- array,
- clunker,
- big beast,
- automaton,
- apparatus,
- black box.
- deadhead,
- drill,
- compost,
- feed,
- bonsai,
- start,
- bed out,
- cross-fertilize,
- aerate,
- cross-pollinate.
- counterintelligence,
- occult,
- collaborate,
- collaboration,
- collaborator,
- espionage,
- bug,
- agent,
- industrial espionage.
- skew,
- stir,
- decide,
- work,
- color,
- lead to,
- pack a punch,
- grip,
- catch,
- influence.
- annual,
- bedding plant,
- brassica,
- alpine,
- clone,
- climber,
- cereal.
- defuse,
- deploy,
- armed,
- detonation,
- armament,
- draw,
- duel,
- armorer,
- arm,
- brandish.
- put down,
- pile,
- balance,
- settle.
- obscure,
- cover,
- mask,
- submerge,
- camouflage,
- tuck away.
- foundry,
- cannery,
- cooling tower,
- gasholder,
- brickworks,
- gasometer,
- blast furnace,
- derrick.
- loot,
- plunder,
- swag,
- haul,
- booty.
• accessory (noun)
- in-sider,
- sub ordinate,
- co-conspirators,
- sub ordinates,
- co conspirators,
- sub-ordinate,
- sub-ordinates,
- coconspirators,
- co conspirator,
- in sider.
• armory (noun)
- head-quarters.
• bush (noun)
- shrub,
- Boscage,
- forest,
- wilds,
- chaparral,
- the wild,
- briars,
- hinterland,
- briar,
- scrubland.
• cache (noun)
- drop joints,
- drop-offs,
- drop offs,
- hiding places.
• cheat (noun)
- fast shuffles,
- cozenings,
- doubledealing,
- bamboozlements,
- fast ones,
- puton,
- hankypanky,
- buncos,
- bill goods,
- hoaxings,
- shady deals.
• cognition (noun)
- plant.
• constitute (noun)
- constitute.
• decoy (noun)
- blow off,
- shill,
- sitting duck,
- chicane,
- Seducement,
- chicanes,
- narks,
- nark,
- drawing card,
- comeon,
- ensnarement.
• double agent (noun)
- counter-spies,
- counterspies,
- double-agent,
- counter spy,
- counter spies.
• engraft (noun)
- engraft.
• establishment (noun)
- out-fits,
- out fits,
- out fit,
- out-fit.
• factory and its buildings, equipment (noun)
- shop,
- gear,
- machinery,
- works,
- forge,
- yard.
• fake (noun)
- pre tenders,
- four flushers,
- pre tender,
- four flusher,
- re productions,
- pseudi,
- gold bricks,
- pre-tenders,
- re-productions,
- fourflushers,
- four-flushers,
- re-production,
- makebelieve.
• flower (noun)
- pea.
• implant (noun)
- implant.
• industrial plant (noun)
- industrial plant.
• living thing (noun)
- organism.
• location (noun)
- spot.
• organism (noun)
- organisms,
- Morphon.
• organism belonging to the vegetable kingdom (noun)
- perennial,
- creeper,
- herb,
- biennial,
- tree,
- slip,
- grass,
- seedling,
- weed,
- flower,
- cutting,
- vine,
- greenery.
• Other relevant words: (noun)
- operatives,
- wealth,
- foreign agent,
- cheat,
- stool-pigeon,
- decoy,
- treasury,
- sell,
- fraud,
- mill,
- XS,
- bush,
- run around,
- emergency funds,
- armory,
- place,
- installation,
- Workplaces,
- victimization,
- tater,
- narc,
- Intelligencer,
- stool pigeon,
- squealer,
- fast shuffle,
- dirty trick,
- narcs,
- deep throat,
- workplace,
- tipster,
- bamboozlement,
- head quarters,
- cache,
- insider,
- ace in hole,
- yam,
- yams,
- neck of woods,
- establishment,
- tobacco,
- canary,
- double agent,
- coconspirator,
- police informer,
- drop-off,
- co-conspirator,
- insiders,
- rat fink,
- drop joint,
- jives,
- rainy day fund,
- Double dealing,
- swindle,
- potato,
- emergency fund,
- canaries,
- wherever,
- sweatshops,
- fourflusher,
- fast one,
- whistleblower,
- spy,
- shills,
- four-flusher,
- tipsters,
- hiding place,
- double-dealing,
- inside agent,
- whistle-blower,
- sweatshop,
- gold brick,
- sleeper,
- counterspy,
- undercover agent,
- arsenal,
- jive,
- murphy,
- bunco,
- espionage agent,
- Hanky Panky,
- phonies,
- premises,
- manufactory,
- limits,
- spotters,
- ripoff,
- junque,
- manufactories,
- sleepers,
- shady deal,
- bluffers,
- counter-spy,
- jazz.
• place (noun)
- longitudes,
- longitude,
- hangout.
• plant (noun)
- plant life.
• potato (noun)
- murphies.
• premises (noun)
- pre-mises,
- neck woods,
- neck the woods,
- pre mises.
• reserve (noun)
- pro-visions,
- re sources,
- re source,
- re-serve,
- re-sources,
- pro visions,
- re-serves,
- re serve,
- re serves,
- re-source,
- rainy day funds,
- ace hole.
• shrub (noun)
- Ferns,
- fern.
• spot (noun)
- x’s,
- x marks spot,
- wherevers.
• spy (noun)
- espionage agents,
- in-former,
- in-formers,
- inside agents,
- undercover agents,
- foreign agents,
- in formers,
- intelligencers.
• stool pigeon (noun)
- whistle-blowers,
- doublecrosser,
- whistle blower,
- double crosser,
- rat finks,
- police informers,
- in-formant,
- deep throats,
- whistleblowers,
- in formants,
- in formant,
- whistle blowers,
- in-formants.
• supply (noun)
- reserve.
• tobacco (noun)
- Smokings,
- shag,
- shags,
- weeds,
- smoking.
• vegetable (noun)
- corn,
- cactus.
• vegetation (noun)
- moss,
- fruit,
- fungus,
- vegetable,
- algae,
- wort.
• workshop (noun)
- sawmill,
- clinic,
- factory,
- workshop,
- boatyard,
- workbench,
- bench,
- laboratory.
• adulterate (verb)
- dis-solving,
- de natured,
- doctoring up,
- inter mixes,
- de grading,
- de-natures,
- inter-mixes,
- phonying up,
- de-natured,
- trans fuse,
- co oking,
- inter-mixing,
- trans fused,
- inter mixing,
- inter-mix,
- de filing,
- de-files,
- de-nature,
- de-filing,
- de-grades,
- dis solves,
- in filtrate,
- inter mixed,
- de-graded,
- in filtrated,
- trans fusing,
- de-filed,
- co oked,
- inter mix,
- de-grade,
- de-value,
- de-valued,
- de valued,
- phonies up,
- de files,
- doctors up,
- de grades,
- de-valuing,
- de-file,
- de-values,
- in filtrating,
- de filed,
- de valuing,
- de values,
- trans-fusing,
- de value,
- de graded,
- trans-fused,
- dis-solves,
- co-oked,
- trans-fuse,
- dis solve,
- inter-mixed,
- de-grading,
- phonied up,
- trans-fuses,
- in-filtrating,
- dis solved,
- in-filtrates,
- making impure,
- de file,
- dis-solve,
- dis solving,
- de grade,
- trans fuses,
- co-oking,
- doctored up,
- dis-solved,
- made impure,
- de natures,
- de nature,
- in-filtrate.
• anchor (verb)
- making port,
- makes port,
- made port.
• base (verb)
- de pending,
- de pended,
- de-pending,
- de-pend,
- de-pends,
- de rive,
- de pend,
- de-rive,
- de pends,
- de-riving,
- de rived,
- de-pended,
- re sting,
- de rives,
- de riving,
- re-sting,
- de-rived,
- de-rives.
• bury (verb)
- holding services for,
- ensepulchered,
- in earths,
- consigns grave,
- holds last rites for,
- held last rites for,
- inurns,
- consigned grave,
- consigning grave,
- holding last rites for,
- stows away,
- consign grave,
- stowing away,
- in earth,
- ensepulchering,
- held services for,
- sepultured,
- holds services for,
- in-earth,
- in earthed,
- stowed away,
- consigned to grave,
- ensepulchers,
- puts six feet under,
- in-earthing,
- consigning to grave,
- consigns to grave.
• cache (verb)
- stashing away,
- putting hole,
- put the hole,
- laid away,
- puts in hole,
- putting the hole,
- stashes away,
- puts the hole,
- put hole,
- putting in the hole,
- puts hole,
- put in hole,
- putting in hole,
- laying away,
- puts in the hole.
• conceal (verb)
- staid out of sight,
- puts a hole,
- lied low,
- lies low,
- put a hole,
- keeping secret,
- staid out sight,
- stay out sight,
- tucking away,
- stayed out of sight,
- keeps dark,
- tucks away,
- stays out of sight,
- keeping dark,
- staying out of sight,
- putting a hole,
- putting in a hole,
- kept dark,
- stays out sight,
- puts in a hole.
• cultivate (verb)
- pre pared,
- pre pares,
- pre paring,
- pre pare,
- pre-paring,
- pre-pared,
- pre-pare.
• deposit (verb)
- in vested,
- de livers,
- de livering,
- de posit,
- in vest,
- de posited,
- de-livered,
- de-positing,
- de-posit,
- de-livering,
- in-vested,
- in-vests,
- giving trust,
- de liver,
- de-posits,
- de-livers,
- gave trust,
- in vests,
- re-pose,
- plunks down,
- in-vesting,
- stocks up,
- de livered,
- giving in trust,
- plunking down,
- de-liver,
- sate down,
- de positing,
- re posed,
- re pose,
- in-vest,
- de-posited,
- plunked down,
- de posits,
- sits down,
- gives trust,
- re-posed,
- gave in trust.
• dilute (verb)
- de creases,
- de-creasing,
- de-creases,
- re duce,
- re-duces,
- de creased,
- re duces,
- de-crease,
- de-creased,
- re-duce,
- de creasing,
- de crease.
• embed (verb)
- puts in to,
- in-lay,
- in-laid,
- in graining,
- thrusts in,
- driving in,
- in grain,
- in laid,
- drave in,
- hammering in,
- rammed in,
- drives in,
- in-lays,
- in lays,
- hammers in,
- in-grain,
- stuffing in,
- in-grains,
- tucks in,
- in-sert,
- in-laying,
- put in to,
- sticking in,
- hammered in,
- putting into,
- in-grained,
- in lay,
- sticks in,
- puts into,
- tucked in,
- stuffs in,
- ramming in,
- rams in,
- sticked in,
- tucking in,
- thrusting in,
- drove in,
- putting in to,
- in-graining,
- in grains,
- in laying,
- in sert.
• engineer (verb)
- super vising,
- plays games,
- pulling strings,
- super-intended,
- puts through,
- pulled strings,
- pulls strings,
- up stages,
- super vised,
- putting over,
- super intend,
- up staged,
- super intended,
- played games,
- pulled wires,
- up stage,
- puts one over,
- up staging,
- super-intending,
- super vise,
- super-vise,
- up-stages,
- super-intend,
- puts one on,
- super-intends,
- putting one over,
- pulls wires,
- pulling wires,
- putting through,
- up-staging,
- up-staged,
- up-stage,
- super intends,
- super intending,
- puts over,
- super-vised.
• ensconce (verb)
- snuggled up,
- snuggles up,
- snuggling up,
- curls up,
- curling up.
• entrench (verb)
- de-fine,
- de fined,
- de fines,
- de-fines,
- de-fining,
- de-fined,
- de fine,
- de fining.
• erect (verb)
- prefabricates,
- fudged together,
- pre fabricate,
- pro-duces,
- knocked together,
- throwing together,
- pre-fabricating,
- up reared,
- pro duce,
- ran up,
- cobbles up,
- fudges together,
- fudging together,
- running up,
- knocking together,
- pre-fabricated,
- stands up,
- threw together,
- pre-fabricates,
- pre fabricates,
- up raises,
- prefabricating,
- knocks together,
- pre-fabricate,
- pre fabricated,
- cobbling up,
- fits together,
- throws together,
- pre fabricating,
- cobbled up,
- pro duces.
• establish (verb)
- pro-vide,
- de-crees,
- laid foundation,
- pro-viding,
- end owing,
- rivetted,
- pro viding,
- started ball rolling,
- pro-vided,
- rang in,
- de crees,
- domiciliates,
- end owed,
- ringed in,
- end-owed,
- pro vided,
- ringing in,
- rings in,
- pro vides,
- laying foundation,
- starts ball rolling,
- de cree,
- end-owing,
- pro vide,
- starting ball rolling,
- de-cree,
- de-creed,
- rivetting,
- lays foundation,
- de creed,
- pro-vides.
• establish, set (verb)
- plunk,
- institute,
- insert,
- park.
• farm (verb)
- sub-dues,
- brought under cultivation,
- sub-due,
- tills the soil,
- re aped,
- sub dues,
- till soil,
- tilled the soil,
- brings under cultivation,
- tilling soil,
- bringing under cultivation,
- sub due,
- re-aped,
- tilling the soil,
- tilled soil,
- tills soil,
- re-aping.
• fib (verb)
- stretch truth,
- in-vents,
- in vents,
- tells little white lie,
- in-vented,
- in venting,
- pro-mote,
- spoke with forked tongue,
- stretching the truth,
- stretching truth,
- in-vent,
- pro-motes,
- pro-moting,
- creates fiction,
- telling a little white lie,
- speaks with forked tongue,
- spake with forked tongue,
- in vented,
- stretched the truth,
- tell little white lie,
- stretches the truth,
- created fiction,
- in-venting,
- told a little white lie,
- creating fiction,
- stretched truth,
- tells a little white lie,
- stretches truth,
- telling little white lie,
- speaking with forked tongue,
- trumps up,
- in vent,
- trumping up,
- told little white lie,
- pro moting.
• fix (verb)
- in-stilling,
- freezes to,
- in-stilled,
- rigidifies,
- staid put,
- nails down,
- in stilled,
- nailing down,
- stays put,
- froze to,
- freezing to,
- stayed put,
- in stilling.
• found (verb)
- settling up,
- starts the ball rolling,
- be-gun,
- be ginning,
- gat going,
- settled up,
- settles up,
- starting up,
- be-ginning,
- gotten going,
- starting the ball rolling,
- started the ball rolling,
- starts up,
- be gun,
- gets going.
• graft (verb)
- in-grafting,
- in grafted,
- in grafts,
- in-graft,
- in-grafted,
- ingrafts,
- in grafting,
- in graft,
- in-grafts.
• hide (verb)
- blots out,
- dis guise,
- putting out of the way,
- puts out the way,
- dis-guises,
- put out way,
- dis-guising,
- kept from,
- with held,
- not tells,
- goes underground,
- not give awayed,
- dis guises,
- goes in to hiding,
- goes into hiding,
- with holding,
- dis guised,
- puts out of way,
- dis-guised,
- not give aways,
- took cover,
- dis-guise,
- go in to hiding,
- put out of way,
- not give awaying,
- going underground,
- with-held,
- keeps secret,
- with hold,
- not telling,
- puts out of the way,
- with holds,
- went into hiding,
- going into hiding,
- putting out of way,
- keeping from,
- putting out the way,
- takes cover,
- puts out way,
- went underground,
- putting out way,
- keeps from,
- with-hold,
- put out the way,
- went in to hiding,
- with-holds,
- going in to hiding,
- dis guising.
• inculcate (verb)
- shapes up,
- shaping up,
- broke down,
- works over,
- breaks down,
- wrought over,
- hammers in to,
- drum in to,
- brake down,
- hammer in to.
• infix (verb)
- in-fix,
- in fixed,
- in fixes,
- in-fixed,
- in-fixing,
- in-fixes,
- in fix,
- in fixing.
• infuse (verb)
- in spires,
- breathes in to,
- breathed into,
- breathed in to,
- in spiring,
- in-spires,
- in spired,
- in fusing,
- in-spiring,
- breathe in to,
- breathing in to,
- in fused,
- in fuse,
- in-fused,
- in-fuses,
- breathes into,
- in-fuse,
- in-spire,
- in-spired,
- in spire,
- in fuses,
- breathing into,
- in-fusing.
• inhume (verb)
- in-hume,
- in hume.
• install (verb)
- locate,
- connect,
- initiate,
- position,
- build in,
- Instate.
• inter (verb)
- entomb,
- embalm,
- cremate.
• lay (verb)
- dis-posing,
- re-posing,
- dis posing,
- dis-pose,
- dis-posed,
- re posing,
- dis posed,
- dis pose,
- sets out.
• lie (verb)
- brake promise,
- mis represents,
- dis simulate,
- put a front,
- mis-informed,
- mis instructed,
- puts front,
- mis-represented,
- mis-representing,
- mis-states,
- over draw,
- mis speaks,
- mis speaking,
- over drew,
- beared false witness,
- mis-spoke,
- mis represented,
- over drawing,
- puts up front,
- mis spoke,
- dis simulated,
- mis-guiding,
- mis instructing,
- mis-represents,
- mis-stating,
- mis instruct,
- be guile,
- mis-guide,
- breaks promise,
- over draws,
- mis-speaking,
- put up front,
- be guiles,
- bsing,
- softsoaped,
- mis lead,
- mis stated,
- art untruthful,
- Overdrew,
- mis-instructing,
- putting up a front,
- be-guiles,
- dis tort,
- dis-simulated,
- mis representing,
- dis torts,
- put front,
- misinstructs,
- over-draws,
- dis-simulate,
- being untruthful,
- dis-simulates,
- misinstructing,
- phonied,
- mis-speak,
- soft-soaps,
- mis speak,
- de-lude,
- over-drew,
- de ludes,
- bears false witness,
- putting up front,
- mis-guided,
- breaking promise,
- overdraws,
- puts a front,
- soft soaping,
- am untruthful,
- mis guides,
- mis spoken,
- is untruthful,
- bare false witness,
- mis-state,
- mis-instruct,
- over-drawing,
- are untruthful,
- mis-instructs,
- mis-stated,
- mis-leads,
- soft soaped,
- dis-tort,
- mis represent,
- mis-inform,
- were untruthful,
- dis simulates,
- bore false witness,
- mis guiding,
- wast untruthful,
- mis states,
- de lude,
- mis-lead,
- mis informing,
- mis-speaks,
- mis informed,
- softsoaps,
- be-guile,
- over-draw,
- over-drawn,
- wert untruthful,
- broke promise,
- de-ludes,
- mis guide,
- dis simulating,
- dis-torts,
- dis-simulating,
- mis-instructed,
- mis-represent.
• lodge (verb)
- comes rest,
- re mained,
- re main,
- re maining,
- re-mains,
- come rest,
- re mains,
- coming rest,
- coming to rest,
- re-main,
- comes to rest,
- came rest.
• manage (verb)
- pushed around,
- copes with.
• misrepresent (verb)
- salt a mine.
• mold (verb)
- de-vise,
- de vised,
- de vising,
- de-vised,
- de vise,
- de-vising.
• place (verb)
- dis-tributes,
- dis tributes,
- dis tribute,
- dis-tribute.
• put (verb)
- planked down,
- Concentering,
- concenters,
- planking down,
- Concentered,
- planks down.
• put away (verb)
- dis-patching,
- dis patched,
- put sleep,
- de-stroys,
- dusted off,
- dis-patch,
- de stroy,
- de stroys,
- de-stroyed,
- dis-patches,
- putting sleep,
- de stroying,
- putting out of its misery,
- dusts off,
- dis patches,
- dis-patched,
- putting out its misery,
- dusting off,
- puts out its misery,
- put out its misery,
- de stroyed,
- de-stroy,
- dis patching,
- puts sleep,
- puts out of its misery,
- de-stroying,
- dis patch.
• put in the ground for growing (verb)
- seed,
- sow,
- stock,
- scatter,
- seed down,
- pot,
- transplant.
• raise (verb)
- fetched up,
- dragging up,
- drags up,
- fetches up,
- dragged up,
- fetching up.
• reserve (verb)
- storing up,
- de-lay,
- re tains,
- de-lays,
- re serving,
- sets aside,
- post-pones,
- de lay,
- stores up,
- pre-serving,
- re-serving,
- re tain,
- re-tains,
- stored up,
- post pone,
- re-tain,
- pre serve,
- pre serves,
- pre-served,
- pre serving,
- de lays,
- de-laying,
- post pones,
- de laying,
- re-served,
- pre served,
- pre-serves,
- re served.
• secrete (verb)
- keeping oneself,
- keep oneself,
- keeps oneself,
- kept under wraps,
- hiding out,
- keeping under wraps,
- keeps quiet,
- hid out,
- kept quiet,
- hides out,
- keeps under wraps,
- sweeps under rug,
- swept under rug,
- kept oneself,
- hided out,
- sweeping under rug,
- keeps to oneself,
- keeping quiet,
- kept to oneself.
• set (verb)
- be-stows,
- be stowed,
- be-stowing,
- be stow,
- making fast,
- makes ready,
- be-stow,
- makes fast,
- zeroes in,
- be stows,
- be stowing,
- zeroing in,
- be-stowed.
• sophisticate (verb)
- de-base,
- de based,
- de basing,
- de-based,
- de base,
- de-basing.
• store (verb)
- Victualled,
- keeps reserve,
- rolls up,
- putting storage,
- saving for rainy day,
- packs away,
- keep reserve,
- keeps in reserve,
- rolled up,
- keeping reserve,
- put storage,
- keeping in reserve,
- putting in storage,
- rolling up,
- puts in storage,
- packing away,
- puts storage,
- kept reserve,
- saves for rainy day,
- locking away,
- saved for rainy day,
- locks away.
• strike (verb)
- runs in to,
- smashing in to,
- boffs,
- Percussed,
- bump in to,
- run in to,
- running in to,
- smashes into,
- boffing,
- ran in to,
- smashed into,
- smash in to,
- smashing into,
- boffed,
- percusses.
• tamper (verb)
- monkeyed around,
- mucks about,
- busybodying,
- fiddles with,
- inter-loping,
- inter posed,
- inter posing,
- inter lopes,
- inter-lope,
- poked nose in to,
- inter lope,
- pokes nose into,
- mucked about,
- poking nose into,
- poked nose into,
- inter pose,
- messes around with,
- inter-pose,
- poking nose in to,
- inter loped,
- inter-posed,
- inter-posing,
- poke nose in to,
- mucking about.
• till (verb)
- raising crops,
- raises crops,
- raised crops.
• underpin (verb)
- under-pinned,
- under pinning,
- under pins,
- under-pinning,
- under pinned,
- under-pins.
• upraise (verb)
- up raised,
- up raising,
- up-raise,
- up raise,
- up-raising,
- up-raises,
- up-raised.
• uprear (verb)
- up rearing,
- up rears,
- up-rear,
- up rear,
- up-rears,
- up-rearing,
- up-reared.
Other synonyms:
- contraband,
- louse,
- toadstool,
- campus,
- ill-gotten gains,
- trick,
- tomato.
- facility,
- beautify,
- attraction.
- grow.
• cane
- reed.
• comrade
- associate.
• conceal
- lying low,
- keep secret,
- keep dark,
- stay out of sight,
- tucked away,
- put in a hole,
- lay low,
- kept secret.
• dilute
- diffuses,
- diffusing,
- diffused.
• entrench
- hole up.
• flag
- iris.
• hawthorn
- mayflower.
• infuse
- breathe into,
- Inoculated,
- infuse,
- pervades.
• install
- builds in,
- puts in,
- putting in,
- building in,
- put in.
• inter
- Inurned,
- interred.
• kill
- put away.
• Other relevant words:
- homesteads,
- resin,
- positioning,
- fix,
- rootstock,
- covering up,
- bark,
- keep quiet,
- Husbanded,
- ploughed,
- make ready,
- moor,
- legume,
- set down,
- store up,
- keep from,
- vegetation,
- fudge together,
- put aside,
- predicate,
- peduncle,
- enshrouded,
- keeping to oneself,
- thicken,
- put,
- occults,
- midrib,
- covered up,
- Inearth,
- underpin,
- seat,
- hammer in,
- seeded,
- calyx,
- boff,
- set out,
- put through,
- make fast,
- plunk down,
- cover up,
- making ready,
- Hoed,
- Patting,
- keep to oneself,
- steadied,
- blotting out,
- plop,
- plank down,
- Garrisoned,
- Secreted,
- plank,
- rigidified,
- misspeaks,
- stuff in,
- hide out,
- adulterate,
- taking cover,
- embed,
- Ingrafting,
- inter,
- set,
- hide,
- farm,
- conceal,
- instilling,
- prefabricate,
- wood,
- freeze to,
- ranched,
- cobble up,
- plonk,
- pushing around,
- cope with,
- plowed,
- Planked,
- erect,
- raise,
- lock up,
- setting out,
- rigidifying,
- molding,
- ring in,
- looked after,
- agriculture,
- pull strings,
- soft-soap,
- Sepulchering,
- play games,
- stalk,
- Overdrawn,
- hammer into,
- misguide,
- settle up,
- pull wires,
- engineer,
- inseminate,
- stashed away,
- ranching,
- till,
- tamper,
- till the soil,
- pitch,
- stuck in,
- propagandize,
- Hoeing,
- tie,
- create fiction,
- misspeaking,
- entrench,
- stood up,
- homestead,
- stock up,
- rivet,
- found,
- put six feet under,
- locking up,
- branch,
- fit together,
- Maneuvered,
- coping with,
- plumule,
- whop,
- Overdrawing,
- Pastured,
- plonked,
- Misguiding,
- filament,
- coped with,
- hoe,
- Palmed,
- imbeds,
- make impure,
- domiciliate,
- founding,
- not tell,
- put together,
- Bulled,
- cultivate,
- prickle,
- sculpted,
- put one on,
- xylem,
- blot out,
- stamen,
- bulling,
- bean,
- start ball rolling,
- get going,
- started up,
- covers up,
- rigidify,
- stash away,
- homesteaded,
- Berthed,
- blotted out,
- sets down,
- anchor,
- locked up,
- put out of the way,
- ploughs,
- twig,
- landscaped,
- lie,
- ram in,
- Mulched,
- trump up,
- sprout,
- strike,
- fixate,
- compound leaf,
- set up,
- put by,
- Occulted,
- hoes,
- sets up,
- fitted together,
- thorn,
- sophisticate,
- palm,
- deposit,
- nestle,
- zeroed in,
- store,
- Palming,
- inflorescence,
- start the ball rolling,
- cone,
- indoctrinate,
- fetch up,
- deal with,
- tuber,
- start up,
- keeping back,
- Gluing,
- plough,
- shape up,
- fixed,
- ran into,
- stash,
- stick,
- come to rest,
- break down,
- bearing false witness,
- stow away,
- throw together,
- landscape,
- put over,
- hybrid,
- Wedging,
- messed around with,
- poke nose into,
- Moored,
- Imbedding,
- lay,
- root hairs,
- install,
- rain forest,
- bear false witness,
- go underground,
- homesteading,
- put into,
- Riveted,
- fertilizer,
- grove,
- Pasturing,
- horticulture,
- bonking,
- ingraft,
- stuffed in,
- petiole,
- root,
- tell a little white lie,
- plonking,
- kept back,
- petal,
- put one over,
- prefabricated,
- running into,
- secrete,
- standing up,
- Husbanding,
- sculpting,
- sit down,
- jived,
- inhume,
- Domiciliating,
- Snowed,
- Occulting,
- tuck in,
- whopped,
- seed pod,
- snuggle up,
- Inurning,
- consign to grave,
- base,
- scamming,
- misspoken,
- break promise,
- Ingrafted,
- Uprear,
- scammed,
- berry,
- lodge,
- jiving,
- busybodied,
- under pin,
- pollen,
- understory,
- getting going,
- denatures,
- lay foundation,
- putting one on,
- setting down,
- concenter,
- flora,
- monkey around,
- kept out,
- worked over,
- Berthing,
- bonk,
- shoot,
- establish,
- denature,
- sculpts,
- Internode,
- playing games,
- looks after,
- stocking up,
- ploughing,
- cork,
- Instituting,
- phony up,
- run up,
- Seeding,
- curl up,
- bonks,
- raise crops,
- graft,
- take cover,
- stoma,
- keep back,
- fib,
- smash into,
- Sepulchered,
- soft-soaping,
- pistil,
- mold,
- stay put,
- breaking down,
- tap root,
- posits,
- inculcate,
- Propping,
- work over,
- imbed,
- photosynthesis,
- bulb,
- doctor up,
- plonks,
- be untruthful,
- overdraw,
- made fast,
- monkeying around,
- curtained,
- bud,
- mess around with,
- infix,
- misinstructed,
- soil,
- needle,
- was untruthful,
- drive in,
- Tombed,
- ensepulcher,
- keeps out,
- ensconce,
- embryo,
- Misspeak,
- make port,
- push around,
- sweep under rug,
- fitting together,
- not told,
- bury,
- inearthed,
- pith,
- bring under cultivation,
- go into hiding,
- stretch the truth,
- Tombing,
- not give away,
- setting aside,
- steadying,
- lay away,
- Shrouded,
- shrouding,
- glued,
- nectar,
- whops,
- looking after,
- Patted,
- stand up,
- Mulching,
- Imbedded,
- look after,
- grain,
- zero in,
- keep out,
- sunlight,
- put in the hole,
- came to rest,
- canopy,
- soft-soaped,
- curled up,
- gum,
- Roosting,
- Curtaining,
- drag up,
- denaturing,
- Roosted,
- Embedding,
- palms,
- keeping out,
- stick in,
- keep under wraps,
- inearthing,
- brush,
- station,
- run into,
- bonked,
- Domiciliated,
- shovel,
- knock together,
- spore,
- rivets,
- harrow,
- planking,
- Inurn,
- fiddled with,
- jungle,
- lays away,
- speak with forked tongue,
- thrust in,
- lie low,
- put up a front,
- upraise,
- staying put,
- got going,
- sculpt,
- manage,
- harden,
- come with,
- dilute,
- Snowing,
- Gardened,
- fibbing,
- sat down,
- Garrisoning,
- denatured,
- keeps back,
- made ready,
- pin on,
- runs up.
• put away
- putting to sleep,
- dust off,
- put out of its misery,
- puts to sleep,
- put to sleep.
• settle
- colonize.
• store
- Victualling,
- Hived,
- keep in reserve,
- Bottled,
- Warehoused,
- Hutching,
- lock away,
- victual,
- Binned,
- Victualing,
- save for rainy day,
- roll up,
- put in storage,
- mothballs,
- Hiving,
- Victualed,
- packed away,
- mothballed,
- kept in reserve,
- pack away,
- mothball,
- warehousing,
- Hutched,
- mothballing,
- locked away,
- Binning,
- Bottling.
• viola
- pansy.
How to use «Plant» in context?
A plant is an organism of the vascular plant kingdom that has photosynthetic cells in their woody stem, roots and leaves.flowering plants are plants that produce fertilised egg cells and seed, in contrast to the other two main plant kingdoms of ferns and gymnosperms.
Paraphrases for Plant:
Paraphrases are highlighted according to their relevancy:
Proper noun, singular
facility, Facilities.
Noun, singular or mass
Proper noun, singular
Reverse Entailment
Proper noun, singular
crop, factory, planting, Factories, crops, smelters, powerplant, plantes.
Noun, singular or mass
crop, factory, implantation, refinery, smelter, powerplant.
Verb, base form
Proper noun, singular
Proper noun, singular
station, Its, Les, Schools, elders, arrangements, systems, places, structures, comments, observations, remarks, ISS, fitments.
Noun, singular or mass
plan, station, Les.
Verb, base form
lay, plan, stick.
Proper noun, singular
Other Related
Proper noun, singular
mill, vegetation, Elevators, Seedlings, herbs, PLANTE, planta, phytosanitary.
Noun, singular or mass
abattoir, location, mill, plantation, planting, sawmill, seedling, slaughterhouse, steelworks, transplant, vegetation, planta, phytosanitary.
Verb, base form
sow, transplant.
Proper noun, singular
Homophones for Plant:
Hypernym for Plant:
puddle, root, checkrow, dibble, forest, replant, bed, afforest, tree.
Hyponym for Plant:
stratagem, dodge, contrivance.
role player, thespian, Histrion, player, actor.
position, place, pose, put, lay, set.
English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:1.0 / 1 vote
We set or set out slips, cuttings, young trees, etc., tho we may also be said to plant them; we plant corn, potatoes, etc., which we put in definite places, as in hills, with some care; we sow wheat or other small grains and seeds which are scattered in the process. Tho by modern agricultural machinery the smaller grains are almost as precisely planted as corn, the old word for broadcast scattering is retained. Land is seeded or seeded down to grass.
seed, seed down, set, set out, sowAntonyms:
eradicate, extirpate, root up, uproot, weed out
Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes
set, insert, settle, establish, introduce, stock, fix, placeAntonyms:
remove, extract, eradicate, extirpate, disestablish, transport, denude, transplant, displace
Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:3.8 / 5 votes
plant, works, industrial plantnoun
buildings for carrying on industrial labor
«they built a large plant to manufacture automobiles»
whole kit and boodle, whole kit and caboodle, whole shebang, flora, works, industrial plant, whole caboodle, plant life, whole works, workings, full treatment, deeds, whole kit, kit and caboodle, kit and boodle -
plant, flora, plant lifenoun
(botany) a living organism lacking the power of locomotion
plant life, vegetation, industrial plant, botany, flora, works -
an actor situated in the audience whose acting is rehearsed but seems spontaneous to the audience
plant life, industrial plant, flora, works -
something planted secretly for discovery by another
«the police used a plant to trick the thieves»; «he claimed that the evidence against him was a plant»
plant life, industrial plant, flora, works -
plant, setverb
put or set (seeds, seedlings, or plants) into the ground
«Let’s plant flowers in the garden»
lay out, go under, dress, place, prepare, institute, put, localize, coiffe, fix, establish, fructify, gear up, go down, implant, found, imbed, jell, position, arrange, define, specify, mark, lay, correct, countersink, determine, coiffure, do, engraft, sic, coif, ready, set up, congeal, embed, limit, constitute, set, typeset, adjust, rig, pose, localise -
implant, engraft, embed, imbed, plantverb
fix or set securely or deeply
«He planted a knee in the back of his opponent»; «The dentist implanted a tooth in the gum»
ingraft, set, implant, institute, engraft, found, constitute, imbed, establish, graft, embed -
establish, found, plant, constitute, instituteverb
set up or lay the groundwork for
«establish a new department»
engraft, demonstrate, name, ground, implant, set up, install, be, set, base, found, institute, instal, launch, build, appoint, imbed, comprise, prove, represent, form, give, shew, lay down, embed, establish, make up, bring, nominate, make, show, constitute -
place into a river
«plant fish»
establish, set, implant, institute, engraft, found, constitute, imbed, embed -
place something or someone in a certain position in order to secretly observe or deceive
«Plant a spy in Moscow»; «plant bugs in the dissident’s apartment»
establish, set, implant, institute, engraft, found, constitute, imbed, embed -
plant, implantverb
put firmly in the mind
«Plant a thought in the students’ minds»
establish, set, implant, institute, engraft, found, constitute, imbed, embed
Matched Categories
- Actor
- Animal Husbandry
- Building Complex
- Communicate
- Initiate
- Place
- Position
- Stock
PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes
List of paraphrases for «plant»:
factory, plants, vegetable, plante, mill, planta, station, vegetation, usine, facility, roślin, factories, central, crop, planting, phytosanitary, mills, installation, facilities, vegetative, plantes, floor, installations
How to pronounce plant?
How to say plant in sign language?
How to use plant in a sentence?
Jeff Schuster:
Everyone was growing, you were refilling the plant. Back to 2016 you were pretty much fully utilized. Now you’ve pulled back from that and you start to squeeze a little more. You add in the acceleration of the shift to crossovers and SUVs, you end up with things like GM.
Chinese Proverb:
If you are planning for a year, sow rice if you are planning for a decade, plant trees if you are planning for a lifetime, educate people.
Christina Georgina Rossetti:
When I am dead, my dearest, Sing no sad songs for me Plant thou no roses at my head, Nor shady cypress tree. Be the green grass above me With showers and dewdrops wet And if thou wilt, remember And if thou wilt, forget.
Brandon Wipf:
Certainly, if this trade war were to continue to escalate, you’re going to see some big time switch in strategy [on] the part of farmers all across America going into the next year and the next year, if everybody switches to plant corn for instance, well what do you think the price of corn is going to do? It’s going to tank.
Liakot Ali:
We have demanded the release of all 17 people who have been arrested, the withdrawal of cases against villagers who demonstrated against this plant … and the treatment of those injured during the demonstration.
Translations for plant
From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary
- аҵиааAbkhaz
- PlantAfrikaans
- ተክልAmharic
- mataAragonese
- نبات, يزرع, زرع, مصنعArabic
- গছ-গছনিAssamese
- bitki, بیتکیAzerbaijani
- үҫемлекBashkir
- раслі́наBelarusian
- растѐниеBulgarian
- গাছBengali
- རྩི་ཤིང་།Tibetan Standard
- plantenn, plantañBreton
- planta, plantarCatalan, Valencian
- ораматChechen
- tinanomChamorro
- rostlinaCzech
- ӳсентăранChuvash
- planhigynWelsh
- plante, vækst, placere, såDanish
- Pflanze, Kombination, pflanzen, platzierenGerman
- ގަސްDivehi
- ཤིང་།Dzongkha
- φυτόGreek
- planto, plantiEsperanto
- planta, mata, vegetal, fabricación, infiltrar, plantar, colocar, sembrarSpanish
- taimEstonian
- landareBasque
- گياه, کاشتنPersian
- kasvi, lavaste, kone, istuttaa, sijoittaa, ujuttaa, kylvää, asettaaFinnish
- plantaFaroese
- matériel, plante, végétal, planterFrench
- lusIrish
- luibh, lusScottish Gaelic
- planta, vexetal, plantarGalician
- ka’a, ñotyGuaraní
- છોડGujarati
- lus, losserey, kialg, saihManx
- shukaHausa
- צמחHebrew
- पौधाHindi
- növény, gépállomány, tégla, berendezés, géppark, letelepít, ültetHungarian
- բույս, տնկելArmenian
- planta, plantarInterlingua
- tumbuh-tumbuhan, tanam, menanamIndonesian
- osisiIgbo
- nautchiiruq, nautchiaqInupiaq
- planto, plantacarIdo
- jurt, plantaIcelandic
- pianta, piantareItalian
- ᐱᕈᖅᑐᖅInuktitut
- 草木, 草, 植物, 草花, 植えるJapanese
- tanduranJavanese
- მცენარეGeorgian
- muti, mũmeraKikuyu, Gikuyu
- өсімдікKazakh
- naasoqKalaallisut, Greenlandic
- ដើមKhmer
- ಸಸ್ಯKannada
- 식물, 植物, 심다, 이식하다Korean
- nebat, درهخت, ڕووهک, چانکردن, شینکردن, ڕواندنKurdish
- өсүмдүк, ۅسۉمدۉكKyrgyz
- planta, herba, serō, cōnserō, ponōLatin
- PlanzLuxembourgish, Letzeburgesch
- ekimeraGanda
- ຕົ້ນ, ຕົ້ນພືດLao
- augalasLithuanian
- augsLatvian
- tipu, otaota, whakatōMāori
- растение, подметка, постројка, подвала, сади, подметнува, подвалува, посадува, насадува, засадува, забива, местиMacedonian
- ургамалMongolian
- रोपेMarathi
- tumbuhan, تومبوهن, kōiri, tanamMalay
- အပင်Burmese
- बिरूवाNepali
- plant, gewas, planten, potenDutch
- planteNorwegian
- chʼilNavajo, Navaho
- chomeraChichewa, Chewa, Nyanja
- planta, plantarOccitan
- biqilaOromo
- ଉଦ୍ଭିଦOriya
- ਪੌਦਾPanjabi, Punjabi
- roślina, roślina zielna, sadzić, zasadzićPolish
- نباتPashto, Pushto
- vegetal, planta, erva, plantarPortuguese
- yura, tarpuyQuechua
- plantaRomansh
- plantă, înscenare, interpusRomanian
- расте́ние, сажа́ть, подложи́ть, посади́ть, подкла́дывать, устана́вливать, установи́тьRussian
- ikimeraKinyarwanda
- prantaSardinian
- raslina, раслина, биљка, biljkaSerbo-Croatian
- පැළයSinhala, Sinhalese
- rastlinaSlovak
- rastlinaSlovene
- mbesaShona
- dhirSomali
- bimëAlbanian
- semelaSouthern Sotho
- tutuwuhan, pepelakanSundanese
- planta, växt, planteraSwedish
- mmeaSwahili
- செடி, நடுTamil
- మొక్క, నాటుTelugu
- ниҳолTajik
- พืช, ปลูกThai
- ተኽሊTigrinya
- ösümlikTurkmen
- halamanTagalog
- bitki, ekmekTurkish
- үсемлекTatar
- duaTwi
- ئۆسۈملۈكUyghur, Uighur
- росли́наUkrainian
- نباتUrdu
- ўсимлик, oʻsimlikUzbek
- cây, thực vật, trồngVietnamese
- isityaloXhosa
- ohun ọ̀gbìnYoruba
- 厂Chinese
- isitshaloZulu
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