Origin of word saint

English word saint comes from Proto-Indo-European *sān-, and later Old English (ca. 450-1100) sanct (Saint.)

Detailed word origin of saint

Dictionary entry Language Definition
*sān- Proto-Indo-European (ine-pro) healthy, happy
sancio Latin (lat) (legal) I fix (unalterably); establish, decree, ordain; enact, confirm, ratify, sanction.. I devote, consecrate, dedicate.. I forbid under the pain of punishment, enact a penalty against.. I render, make or appoint as sacred or inviolable by a religious act.
sanctus Latin (lat) (Late Latin) A person who is officially proclaimed as having lived a life of heroic virtue.. (Late Latin) A saint; person who lives a holy and virtuous life.. (Late Latin) A title given to (2), usually capitalized, prefixed to the person’s name.
sanct Old English (ca. 450-1100) (ang) Saint.
sainct Middle English (1100-1500) (enm)
saint English (eng) (archaic) A holy object.. (figuratively, by extension) A person with positive qualities; one who does good.. A person to whom a church or another religious group has officially attributed the title of «saint»; a holy or godly person; one eminent for piety and virtue.. One of the blessed in heaven.. One who is sanctified or made holy; a person who is separated unto God’s service. […]

Words with the same origin as saint

In religious belief, a saint is a person who is recognized as having an exceptional degree of holiness, likeness, or closeness to God. However, the use of the term saint depends on the context and denomination. In Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Anglican, Oriental Orthodox, and Lutheran doctrine, all of their faithful deceased in Heaven are considered to be saints, but some are considered worthy of greater honor or emulation.[1] Official ecclesiastical recognition, and consequently a public cult of veneration, is conferred on some denominational saints through the process of canonization in the Catholic Church or glorification in the Eastern Orthodox Church after their approval.[2]

While the English word saint originated in Christianity, historians of religion tend to use the appellation «in a more general way to refer to the state of special holiness that many religions attribute to certain people», referring to the Jewish tzadik, the Islamic walī, the Hindu rishi or Sikh Bhagat and guru, the Shintoist kami, the Taoist shengren, and the Buddhist arhat or bodhisattva also as saints.[3][4] Depending on the religion, saints are recognized either by official ecclesiastical declaration, as in the Catholic faith, or by popular acclamation (see folk saint).[5]

General characteristics[edit]

The English word saint comes from the Latin sanctus, with the Greek equivalent being ἅγιος (hagios) ‘holy’.[6] The word ἅγιος appears 229 times in the Greek New Testament, and its English translation 60 times in the corresponding text of the King James Version of the Bible.[7]

The word sanctus was originally a technical one in ancient Roman religion, but due to its globalized use in Christianity the modern word saint is now also used as a translation of comparable terms for persons «worthy of veneration for their holiness or sanctity» in other religions.

Many religions also use similar concepts (but different terminology) to venerate persons worthy of some honor.[3] Author John A. Coleman of the Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, California, wrote that saints across various cultures and religions have the following family resemblances:[8]

  1. exemplary model
  2. extraordinary teacher
  3. wonder worker or source of benevolent power
  4. intercessor
  5. a life often refusing material attachments or comforts
  6. possession of a special and revelatory relation to the holy.

The anthropologist Lawrence Babb in an article about Indian guru Sathya Sai Baba asks the question «Who is a saint?», and responds by saying that in the symbolic infrastructure of some religions, there is the image of a certain extraordinary spiritual king’s «miraculous powers», to whom frequently a certain moral presence is attributed. These saintly figures, he asserts, are «the focal points of spiritual force-fields». They exert «powerful attractive influence on followers but touch the inner lives of others in transforming ways as well».[9]


Catholic Church[edit]

According to the Catholic Church, a saint may be anyone in Heaven, whether recognized on Earth or not, who forms the «great cloud of witnesses» (Hebrews 12:1).[10][11] These «may include our own mothers, grandmothers or other loved ones (cf. 2 Tim 1:5)» who may have not always lived perfect lives, but «amid their faults and failings they kept moving forward and proved pleasing to the Lord».[10] The title Saint denotes a person who has been formally canonized—that is, officially and authoritatively declared a saint, by the church as holder of the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven, and is therefore believed to be in Heaven by the grace of God. There are many persons that the church believes to be in Heaven who have not been formally canonized and who are otherwise titled saints because of the fame of their holiness.[12] Sometimes the word saint also denotes living Christians.[13]

According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, «The patriarchs, prophets, and certain other Old Testament figures have been and always will be honored as saints in all the church’s liturgical traditions.»[14]

In his book Saint of the Day, editor Leonard Foley says this: the «[Saints’] surrender to God’s love was so generous an approach to the total surrender of Jesus that the Church recognizes them as heroes and heroines worthy to be held up for our inspiration. They remind us that the Church is holy, can never stop being holy and is called to show the holiness of God by living the life of Christ.»[15]

The Catholic Church teaches that it does not «make» or «create» saints, but rather recognizes them. Proofs of heroic virtue required in the process of beatification will serve to illustrate in detail the general principles exposed above[16] upon proof of their holiness or likeness to God.

On 3 January 993, Pope John XV became the first pope to proclaim a person a saint from outside the diocese of Rome: on the petition of the German ruler, he had canonized Bishop Ulrich of Augsburg. Before that time, the popular «cults», or venerations, of saints had been local and spontaneous and were confirmed by the local bishop.[17] Pope John XVIII subsequently permitted a cult of five Polish martyrs.[17] Pope Benedict VIII later declared the Armenian hermit Simeon of Mantua to be a saint, but it was not until the pontificate of Pope Innocent III that the Popes reserved to themselves the exclusive authority to canonize saints, so that local bishops needed the confirmation of the Pope.[17] Walter of Pontoise was the last person in Western Europe to be canonized by an authority other than the Pope: Hugh de Boves, the Archbishop of Rouen, canonized him in 1153.[18][19] Thenceforth a decree of Pope Alexander III in 1170 reserved the prerogative of canonization to the Pope, insofar as the Latin Church was concerned.[18]

Alban Butler published Lives of the Saints in 1756, including a total of 1,486 saints. The latest revision of this book, edited by Herbert Thurston and Donald Attwater, contains the lives of 2,565 saints.[20] Monsignor Robert Sarno, an official of the Dicastery for the Causes of Saints of the Holy See, expressed that it is impossible to give an exact number of saints.[21]

The veneration of saints, in Latin cultus, or the «cult of the Saints», describes a particular popular devotion or entrustment of one’s self to a particular saint or group of saints. Although the term worship is sometimes used, it is only used with the older English connotation of honoring or respecting (dulia) a person. According to the church, Divine worship is in the strict sense reserved only to God (latria) and never to the saints. One is permitted to ask the saints to intercede or pray to God for persons still on Earth,[22] just as one can ask someone on Earth to pray for him.

A saint may be designated as a patron saint of a particular cause, profession, or locale, or invoked as a protector against specific illnesses or disasters, sometimes by popular custom and sometimes by official declarations of the church.[23] Saints are not believed to have power of their own, but only that granted by God. Relics of saints are respected, or venerated, similar to the veneration of holy images and icons. The practice in past centuries of venerating relics of saints with the intention of obtaining healing from God through their intercession is taken from the early church.[24] For example, an American deacon claimed in 2000 that John Henry Newman[25] (then blessed) interceded with God to cure him of a physical illness. The deacon, Jack Sullivan, asserted that after addressing Newman he was cured of spinal stenosis in a matter of hours. In 2009, a panel of theologians concluded that Sullivan’s recovery was the result of his prayer to Newman. According to the church, to be deemed a miracle, «a medical recovery must be instantaneous, not attributable to treatment, disappear for good.»[26]

Once a person has been canonized, the deceased body of the saint is considered holy as a relic.[27] The remains of saints are called holy relics and are usually used in churches. Saints’ personal belongings may also be used as relics.[27] Some of the saints have a special symbol by tradition, e.g., Saint Lawrence, deacon and martyr, is identified by a gridiron because he is believed to have been burned to death on one. This symbol is found, for instance, in the Canadian heraldry of the office responsible for the St. Lawrence Seaway.

Stages of canonization[edit]

Formal canonization is a lengthy process, often of many years or even centuries.[28] There are four major steps to become a saint.[29][30] The first stage in this process is an investigation of the candidate’s life by an expert. After this, the official report on the candidate is submitted to the bishop of the pertinent diocese and more study is undertaken. The information is then sent to the Dicastery for the Causes of Saints of the Holy See for evaluation at the universal level of the church.[31] If the application is approved the candidate may be granted the title Venerable (stage 2).[31] Further investigation, step 3, may lead to the candidate’s beatification with the title Blessed,[31] which is elevation to the class of the Beati. Next, and at a minimum, proof of two important miracles obtained from God through the intercession of the candidate are required for formal canonization as a saint. These miracles must be posthumous.[31] Finally, in the last stage, after all of these procedures are complete, the Pope may canonize the candidate as a saint[31] for veneration by the universal church.

Eastern Orthodoxy[edit]

In the Eastern Orthodox Church, a saint is defined as anyone who is in Heaven, whether recognized here on Earth, or not.[2] By this definition, Adam and Eve, Moses, the various prophets, except for the angels and archangels are all given the title of «Saint». Sainthood in the Orthodox Church does not necessarily reflect a moral model, but the communion with God: there are countless examples of people who lived in great sin and became saints by humility and repentance, such as Mary of Egypt, Moses the Ethiopian, and Dysmas, the repentant thief who was crucified. Therefore, a more complete Eastern Orthodox definition of what a saint is, has to do with the way that saints, through their humility and their love of humankind, saved inside them the entire Church, and loved all people.

Orthodox belief considers that God reveals saints through answered prayers and other miracles. Saints are usually recognized by a local community, often by people who directly knew them. As their popularity grows they are often then recognized by the entire Church. The word canonization means that a Christian has been found worthy to have his name placed in the canon (official list) of saints of the Church. The formal process of recognition involves deliberation by a synod of bishops.[2] The Orthodox Church does not require the manifestation of miracles; what is required is evidence of a virtuous life.

If the ecclesiastical review is successful, this is followed by a service of Glorification in which the Saint is given a day on the Church calendar to be celebrated by the entire Church.[32] This does not, however, make the person a saint; the person already was a saint and the Church ultimately recognized it.

As a general rule, only clergy will touch relics in order to move them or carry them in procession, however, in veneration the faithful will kiss the relic to show love and respect toward the saint. The altar in an Orthodox Church usually contains relics of saints,[33] often of martyrs. Church interiors are covered with the Icons of saints. When an Orthodox Christian venerates icons of a saint he is venerating the image of God which he sees in the saint.

Because the Church shows no true distinction between the living and the dead, as the saints are considered to be alive in Heaven, saints are referred to as if they are still alive, and are venerated, not worshiped. They are believed to be able to intercede for salvation and help mankind either through direct communion with God or by personal intervention.

In the Eastern Orthodox Church, the title Ὅσιος, Hosios (f. Ὁσία Hosia) is also used. This is a title attributed to saints who had lived a monastic or eremitic life equivalent to the more usual title of «Saint».[citation needed]

Oriental Orthodoxy[edit]

The Oriental Orthodox churches ‒ the Armenian Apostolic Church, the Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria, the Tewahedo Church, the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church, and the Syriac Orthodox Church ‒ follow a canonization process unique to each church. The Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria, for example, has the requirement that at least 50 years must pass following a prospective saint’s death before the Coptic Orthodox Church’s pope can canonize the saint.


In the Anglican Communion and the Continuing Anglican movement, the title of Saint refers to a person who has been elevated by popular opinion as a pious and holy person. The saints are seen as models of holiness to be imitated, and as a «cloud of witnesses» that strengthen and encourage the believer during his or her spiritual journey (Hebrews 12:1). The saints are seen as elder brothers and sisters in Christ. Official Anglican creeds recognize the existence of the saints in heaven.

In high-church contexts, such as Anglo-Catholicism, a saint is generally one to whom has been attributed (and who has generally demonstrated) a high level of holiness and sanctity. In this use, a saint is therefore not merely a believer, but one who has been transformed by virtue. In Catholicism, a saint is a special sign of God’s activity. The veneration of saints is sometimes misunderstood to be worship, in which case it is derisively termed «hagiolatry».

So far as invocation of the saints is concerned,[34] one of the Church of England’s Articles of Religion «Of Purgatory» condemns «the Romish Doctrine concerning…(the) Invocation of Saints» as «a fond thing vainly invented, and grounded upon no warranty of Scripture, but rather repugnant to the Word of God». Anglo-Catholics in Anglican provinces using the Articles often make a distinction between a «Romish» and a «Patristic» doctrine concerning the invocation of saints, permitting the latter in accordance with Article XXII. Indeed, the theologian E.J. Bicknell stated that the Anglican view acknowledges that the term «invocation may mean either of two things: the simple request to a saint for his prayers (intercession), ‘ora pro nobis’, or a request for some particular benefit. In medieval times the saints had come to be regarded as themselves the authors of blessings. Such a view was condemned but the former was affirmed.»[35]

Some Anglicans and Anglican churches, particularly Anglo-Catholics, personally ask prayers of the saints. However, such a practice is seldom found in any official Anglican liturgy. Unusual examples of it are found in The Korean Liturgy 1938, the liturgy of the Diocese of Guiana 1959 and The Melanesian English Prayer Book.

Anglicans believe that the only effective Mediator between the believer and God the Father, in terms of redemption and salvation, is God the Son, Jesus Christ. Historical Anglicanism has drawn a distinction between the intercession of the saints and the invocation of the saints. The former was generally accepted in Anglican doctrine, while the latter was generally rejected.[35] There are some, however, in Anglicanism, who do beseech the saints’ intercession. Those who beseech the saints to intercede on their behalf make a distinction between mediator and intercessor, and claim that asking for the prayers of the saints is no different in kind than asking for the prayers of living Christians. Anglican Catholics understand sainthood in a more Catholic or Orthodox way, often praying for intercessions from the saints and celebrating their feast days.

According to the Church of England, a saint is one who is sanctified, as it translates in the Authorized King James Version (1611) 2 Chronicles 6:41:

Now therefore arise, O LORD God, into thy resting place, thou, and the ark of thy strength: let thy priests, O LORD God, be clothed with salvation, and let thy saints rejoice in goodness.


«Scripture does not teach calling on the saints or pleading for help from them. For it sets before us Christ alone as mediator, atoning sacrifice, high priest, and intercessor.»—A.C. Article XXI.[36]

In the Lutheran Church, all Christians, whether in Heaven or on Earth, are regarded as saints. However, the church still recognizes and honors specific saints, including some of those recognized by the Catholic Church, but in a qualified way: according to the Augsburg Confession,[37] the term saint is used in the manner of the Catholic Church only insofar as to denote a person who received exceptional grace, was sustained by faith, and whose good works are to be an example to any Christian. Traditional Lutheran belief accounts that prayers to the saints are prohibited, as they are not mediators of redemption.[38][39] But, Lutherans do believe that saints pray for the Christian Church in general.[40] Philip Melanchthon, the author of the Apology of the Augsburg Confession, approved honoring the saints by saying they are honored in three ways:

1. By thanking God for examples of His mercy;
2. By using the saints as examples for strengthening our faith; and
3. By imitating their faith and other virtues.[41][42][43]

The Lutheran Churches also have liturgical calendars in which they honor individuals as saints.

The intercession of saints was criticized in the Augsburg Confession, Article XXI: Of the Worship of the Saints. This criticism was rebutted by the Catholic side in the Confutatio Augustana,[44] which in turn was rebutted by the Lutheran side in the Apology to the Augsburg Confession.[45]


While Methodists as a whole do not venerate saints, they do honor and admire them. Methodists believe that all Christians are saints, but mainly use the term to refer to biblical figures, Christian leaders, and martyrs of the faith. Many Methodist churches are named after saints—such as the Twelve Apostles, John Wesley, etc.—although most are named after geographical locations associated with an early circuit or prominent location. Methodist congregations observe All Saints’ Day.[46] Many encourage the study of saints, that is, the biographies of holy people.

The 14th Article of Religion in the United Methodist Book of Discipline states:

The Romish doctrine concerning purgatory, pardon, worshiping, and adoration, as well of images as of relics, and also invocation of saints, is a fond thing, vainly invented, and grounded upon no warrant of Scripture, but repugnant to the Word of God.[47]

Other Protestantism[edit]

In many Protestant churches, the word saint is used more generally to refer to anyone who is a Christian. This is similar in usage to Paul’s numerous references in the New Testament of the Bible.[48] In this sense, anyone who is within the Body of Christ (i.e., a professing Christian) is a saint because of their relationship with Christ Jesus. Many Protestants consider intercessory prayers to the saints to be idolatry, since what they perceive to be an application of divine worship that should be given only to God himself is being given to other believers, dead or alive.[49]

Within some Protestant traditions, saint is also used to refer to any born-again Christian. Many emphasize the traditional New Testament meaning of the word, preferring to write «saint» to refer to any believer, in continuity with the doctrine of the priesthood of all believers.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints[edit]

The use of «saint» within the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) is similar to the Protestant tradition. In the New Testament, saints are all those who have entered into the Christian covenant of baptism. The qualification «latter-day» refers to the doctrine that members are living in the latter days before the Second Coming of Christ, and is used to distinguish the members of the church, which considers itself the restoration of the ancient Christian church.[50] Members are therefore often referred to as «Latter-day Saints» or «LDS», and among themselves as «saints».[51]

Other religions[edit]

In some theological literature, the use of the term saint tends to be used in non-Christian contexts as well. In many religions, there are people who have been recognized within their tradition as having fulfilled the highest aspirations of religious teaching. In English, the term saint is often used to translate this idea from many world religions. The Jewish hasid or tsaddiq, the Islamic qidees, the Zoroastrian fravashi, the Hindu rsi or guru, the Buddhist arahant or bodhisattva, the Daoist shengren, the Shinto kami, and others have all been referred to as saints.[52]

African diaspora[edit]

Cuban Santería, Haitian Vodou, Trinidad Orisha-Shango, Brazilian Umbanda, Candomblé, and other similar syncretist religions adopted the Catholic saints, or at least the images of the saints, and applied their own spirits/deities to them. They are worshiped in churches (where they appear as saints) and in religious festivals, where they appear as the deities. The name santería was originally a pejorative term for those whose worship of saints deviated from Catholic norms.


Buddhists in both the Theravada and Mahayana traditions hold the Arhats in special esteem, as well as highly developed Bodhisattvas.

Tibetan Buddhists hold the tulkus (reincarnates of deceased eminent practitioners) as living saints on earth.[53]


Hindu saints are those recognized by Hindus as showing a great degree of holiness and sanctity. Hinduism has a long tradition of stories and poetry about saints. There is no formal canonization process in Hinduism, but over time, many men and women have reached the status of saints among their followers and among Hindus in general. Unlike in Christianity, Hinduism does not canonize people as saints after death, but they can be accepted as saints during their lifetime.[54] Hindu saints have often renounced the world, and are variously called gurus, sadhus, rishis, devarishis, rajarshis, saptarishis, brahmarshis, swamis, pundits, purohits, pujaris, acharyas, pravaras, yogis, yoginis, and other names.[55]

Some Hindu saints are given god-like status, being seen as incarnations of Vishnu, Shiva, Devi, and other aspects of the Divine—this can happen during their lifetimes, or sometimes many years after their deaths. This explains another common name for Hindu saints: godmen.[56]


Main article: Wali

Besides prophets, according to Islam, saints possess blessings (Arabic: بركة, «baraka») and can perform miracles (Arabic: كرامات, Karāmāt). Saints rank lower than prophets, and they do not intercede for people on the Day of Judgment. However, both the tombs of prophets and saints are visited frequently (Ziyarat). People would seek the advice of a saint in their quest for spiritual fulfilment. Unlike saints in Christianity, Muslim saints are usually acknowledged informally by consensus of common people, not by scholars. Unlike prophets, women like Rabia of Basra were accepted as saints.[57]

Islam has had a rich history of veneration of saints (often called wali, which literally means ‘Friend [of God]’),[58] which has declined in some parts of the Islamic world in the twentieth century due to the influence of the various streams of Salafism. In Sunni Islam, the veneration of saints became a very common form of devotion early on,[58] and saints came to be defined in the eighth-century as a group of «special people chosen by God and endowed with exceptional gifts, such as the ability to work miracles.»[59] The classical Sunni scholars came to recognize and honor these individuals as venerable people who were both «loved by God and developed a close relationship of love to Him.»[59] «Belief in the miracles of saints (karāmāt al-awliyāʾ) … [became a] requirement in Sunni Islam [during the classical period],»[60] with even medieval critics of the ubiquitous practice of grave visitation like Ibn Taymiyyah emphatically declaring: «The miracles of saints are absolutely true and correct, and acknowledged by all Muslim scholars. The Quran has pointed to it in different places, and the sayings of the Prophet have mentioned it, and whoever denies the miraculous power of saints are innovators or following innovators.»[61] The vast majority of saints venerated in the classical Sunni world were the Sufis, who were all Sunni mystics who belonged to one of the four orthodox legal schools of Sunni law.[62]

Veneration of saints eventually became one of the most widespread Sunni practices for more than a millennium, before it was opposed in the twentieth century by the Salafi movement, whose various streams regard it as «being both un-Islamic and backwards … rather than the integral part of Islam which they were for over a millennium.»[63] In a manner similar to the Protestant Reformation,[64] the specific traditional practices which Salafism has tried to curtail in both Sunni and Shia contexts include those of the veneration of saints, visiting their graves, seeking their intercession, and honoring their relics. As Christopher Taylor has remarked: «[Throughout Islamic history] a vital dimension of Islamic piety was the veneration of Muslim saints…. [Due, however to] certain strains of thought within the Islamic tradition itself, particularly pronounced in the nineteenth and the twentieth centuries … [some modern day] Muslims have either resisted acknowledging the existence of Muslim saints altogether or have viewed their presence and veneration as unacceptable deviations.»[65]


The term Tzadik, ‘righteous’, and its associated meanings developed in rabbinic thought from its Talmudic contrast with Hasid, ‘pious’, to its exploration in ethical literature, and its esoteric spiritualization in Kabbalah. In Hasidic Judaism, the institution of the Tzadik assumed central importance, combining former elite mysticism with social movement for the first time.


The concept of sant or bhagat is found in North Indian religious thought including Sikhism, most notably in the Guru Granth Sahib. Figures such as Kabir, Ravidas, Namdev, and others are known as Sants or Bhagats. The term Sant is applied in the Sikh and related communities to beings that have attained enlightenment through God realization and spiritual union with God via repeatedly reciting the name of God (Naam Japo). Countless names of God exist. In Sikhism, Naam (spiritual internalization of God’s name) is commonly attained through the name of Waheguru, which translates to «Wondrous Guru».

Sikhs are encouraged to follow the congregation of a Sant (Sadh Sangat) or «The Company of the Holy». Sants grace the Sadh Sangat with knowledge of the Divine God, and how to take greater steps towards obtaining spiritual enlightenment through Naam. Sants are to be distinguished from «Guru» (such as Guru Nanak) who have compiled the path to God enlightenment in the Sri Guru Granth Sahib. Sikhism states however, that any beings that have become one with God are considered synonymous with God. As such, the fully realized Sant, Guru, and God are considered one.[66]

See also[edit]

  • Calendar of saints
  • Communion of saints
  • Hagiography
  • Hallow
  • Mar
  • Latter Day Saint movement
  • List of bodhisattvas
  • List of canonizations
  • List of Christian saints
    • List of saints from Africa
    • List of American saints and beatified people
    • List of Breton saints
    • List of Canadian Catholic saints
    • List of Coptic saints
    • List of saints of India
    • List of saints of the Augustinian Order
    • List of saints of the Benedictine Order
    • List of saints of the Carmelite Order
    • List of saints of the Dominican Order
    • List of saints of the Franciscan Order
    • List of saints of the Society of Jesus
    • List of Russian saints
  • List of Hindu gurus and sants
  • List of Sufi saints
  • Martyrology
  • Sage (philosophy)
  • Saint Companions
  • Secular saint



  1. ^ Woodward, Kenneth L. (1996). Making Saints. Simon & Sachier. p. 16. ISBN 978-0-684-81530-5. Among other Christian churches, the Russian Orthodox retains a vigorous devotion to the saints, especially the early church fathers and martyrs. On rare occasions, new names (usually monks or bishops) are grafted onto their traditional list of saints…. Something like the cult continues among Anglicans and Lutherans, who maintain feast days and calendars of saints. But while the Anglicans have no mechanism for recognizing new saints, the Lutherans from time to time do informally recommend new names (Da Hammarskjold, Dietrick Bonhoeffer, and Pope John XXIII are recent additions) for thanksgiving and remembrance by the faithful. The saint, then, is a familiar figure in all world religions. But only the Roman Catholic Church has a formal, continuous, and highly rationalized process for ‘making’ saints.
  2. ^ a b c Bebis, George (n.d.). «The Lives of the Saints». Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. Retrieved 7 May 2016.
  3. ^ a b Jones, Lindsay, ed. (2005). «Sainthood». Thomson Gale Encyclopedia of Religion (2nd ed.). Macmillan. p. 8033. Historians of religion have liberated the category of sainthood from its narrower Christian associations and have employed the term in a more general way to refer to the state of special holiness that many religions attribute to certain people. The Jewish hasid or tsaddiq, the Muslim waliy, the Zoroastrian fravashi, the Hindu rsi or guru, the Buddhist arahant or bodhisattva, the Daoist shengren, the Shinto kami and others have all been referred to as saints.
  4. ^ Gustav, Mensching. «Saint – Encyclopedia Britannica». Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved 13 January 2020. Shintō, the native Japanese religion, is concerned with the veneration of nature and with ancestor worship; it does not have saints according to the standards of ethical perfection or of exceptionally meritorious performance. According to Shintō belief, every person after his death becomes a kami, a supernatural being who continues to have a part in the life of the community, nation, and family. Good men become good and beneficial kamis, bad men become pernicious ones. Being elevated to the status of a divine being is not a privilege peculiar to those with saintly qualities, for evil men also become kamis. There are in Shintō, however, venerated mythical saints—such as Ōkuninushi («Master of the Great Land») and Sukuma-Bikona (a dwarf deity)—who are considered to be the discoverers and patrons of medicine, magic, and the art of brewing rice.
  5. ^ Ben-Ami, Issachar (1998). Saint Veneration Among the Jews in Morocco. Wayne State University Press. p. 13. ISBN 978-0-8143-2198-0. Retrieved 7 September 2012. Veneration of saints is a universal phenomenon. All monotheistic and polytheistic creeds contain something of its religious dimension …
  6. ^ «Canonization». oca.org. Retrieved 19 January 2020.
  7. ^ «What does the word ‘saint’ mean in the Bible?». Retrieved 16 November 2020.
  8. ^ Coleman, John A. «Conclusion: After sainthood», in Hawley, John Stratton, ed. Saints and Virtues Berkeley: University of California Press, 1987. pp. 214–217. ISBN 0-520-06163-2
  9. ^ Babb, Lawrence A. «Sathya Sai Baba’s Saintly Play», in Hawley, John Stratton, ed. Saints and Virtues. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1987. pp. 168–170. ISBN 0-520-06163-2.
  10. ^ a b «Gaudete et exsultate: Apostolic Exhortation on the call to holiness in today’s world». Holy See. 19 March 2018. Retrieved 4 May 2018.
  11. ^ Kevin Cotter. «How Does Someone Become a Saint? A 5-Step Process». focusoncampus, CHURCH. Retrieved 23 September 2017.
  12. ^ What is a saint? Vatican Information Service, archived from What is a saint? the original on 13 October 1999
  13. ^ «Catechism of the Catholic Church (Second Edition)». Scborromeo.org. Retrieved 12 October 2013.
  14. ^ Catechism of the Catholic Church Chapter 2, Article 1, 61
  15. ^ Saint of the Day, edited by Leonard Foley, OFM, (Cincinnati: St. Anthony Messenger Press, 2003), xvi. ISBN 0-86716-535-9
  16. ^ The Catechism of the Catholic Church Archived 12 August 2011 at the Wayback Machine, from the Knights of Columbus site
  17. ^ a b c Luscombe, David and Riley-Smith, Jonathan. 2004. New Cambridge Medieval History: c.1024–c.1198, Volume 5. p. 12.
  18. ^ a b William Smith, Samuel Cheetham, A Dictionary of Christian Antiquities (Murray, 1875), 283.
  19. ^ «Alexander III». Saint-mike.org. Retrieved 12 October 2013.
  20. ^ «Religion: 2,565 Saints». Time. 6 August 1956. Archived from the original on 14 December 2008. Retrieved 23 May 2010.
  21. ^ «Keeping Saints Alive». CBS News. 4 April 2010.
  22. ^ The Intercession of the Saints Archived 19 June 2009 at the Wayback Machine on Catholic.com
  23. ^ Patron Saints from Catholic Encyclopedia (1913) on Wikisource.org
  24. ^ Acts of the Apostles, 19: 11–2
  25. ^ «Cardinal Newman declared a saint by the Pope». 13 October 2019. Retrieved 19 January 2020.
  26. ^ Jenna Russell, «Marshfield man’s prayer an answer in sainthood query», The Boston Globe, 28 April 2009, B1, 4.
  27. ^ a b Relics Catholic Encyclopedia on NewAdvent.org
  28. ^ Table of the Canonizations during the Pontificate of His Holiness John Paul II on Vatican.va
  29. ^ «John Paul II Sainthood: 4 Steps to Becoming a Catholic Saint».
  30. ^ «4 Steps to Becoming a Saint» (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 30 October 2020. Retrieved 27 January 2020.
  31. ^ a b c d e «The Steps of Canonization». HowStuffWorks. 20 April 2001.
  32. ^ Frawley J The Glorification of the Saints in the Orthodox Church at Orthodox Church in America, Syosset, New York
  33. ^ Hopko T «The Orthodox Faith»
  34. ^ «Article XXII». Eskimo.com. Retrieved 12 October 2013.
  35. ^ a b Sokol, David F. (2001). The Anglican Prayer Life: Ceum Na Corach’, the True Way. p. 14. ISBN 978-0-595-19171-0. In 1556 Article XXII in part read… «The Romish doctrine concerning…invocation of saints, is a fond thing vainly invented, and grounded upon no warranty of Scripture, but rather repugnant to the word of God.» The term «doctrina Romanensium» or Romish doctrine was substituted for the «doctrina scholasticorum» of the doctrine of the school authors in 1563 to bring the condemnation up to date subsequent to the Council of Trent. As E.J. Bicknell writes, invocation may mean either of two things: the simple request to a saint for his prayers (intercession), ‘ora pro nobis’, or a request for some particular benefit. In medieval times the saints had come to be regarded as themselves the authors of blessings. Such a view was condemned but the former was affirmed.
  36. ^ Augsburg Confession, Article 21, «Of the Worship of the Saints». trans. Kolb, R., Wengert, T., and Arand, C. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2000.
  37. ^ A Confession of Faith Presented in Augsburg by certain Princes and Cities to His Imperial Majesty Charles V in the Year 1530
  38. ^ Apology of the Augsburg Confession XXI 14–30
  39. ^ Smalcald Articles-II 25
  40. ^ Apology of the Augsburg Confession XXI 9
  41. ^ Apology of the Augsburg Confession XXI 4–7
  42. ^ «Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod – Christian Cyclopedia». lcms.org.
  43. ^ Augsburg Confession XXI 1
  44. ^ «1530 Roman Confutation». bookofconcord.org. 28 December 2019.
  45. ^ Apology to the Augsburg Confession, Article XXI : Of the Invocation of Saints
  46. ^ «Daily Bible Study». Methodist Church in Britain. Retrieved 15 June 2019. [T]day we reach one of the high points of the Christian Year – All Saints Day.
  47. ^ The Book of Discipline of the United Methodist Church. Cokesbury. 2016. p. 104. ISBN 978-1-501-83321-2.
  48. ^ «Beloved of God, Called to Be Saints», New Testament Gospel Doctrine Teacher’s Manual. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Salt Lake City, Utah. p. 150.
  49. ^ «The Sin of Idolatry and the Catholic Concept of Iconic Participation». Philvaz.com. Retrieved 25 December 2012.
  50. ^ Smith, Joseph Jr. «Pearl of Great Price». Archived from the original on 17 August 2000.
  51. ^ M. Russell Ballard, «Faith, Family, Facts, and Fruits», Ensign, Nov 2007, 25–27
  52. ^ Lindsay Jones, ed. (2005). Thomson Gale Encyclopedia of Religion (in Tajik). Vol. Sainthood (Second ed.). Macmillan Reference USA. p. 8033.
  53. ^ Ray, Reginald A. «Some Aspects of the Tulku Trrdition in Tibet». The Tibet Journal, vol. 11, no. 4, 1986, pp. 35–69. JSTOR, www.jstor.org/stable/43300222. Accessed 14 August 2021.
  54. ^ Bhaskarananda, Swami (2002). The Essentials of Hinduism. Seattle: The Vedanta Society of Western Washington. p. 12. ISBN 978-1-884852-04-6.
  55. ^ Robin Rinehart (1 January 2004). Contemporary Hinduism: Ritual, Culture, and Practice. ABC-CLIO. pp. 87–90. ISBN 978-1-57607-905-8. Retrieved 3 June 2013.
  56. ^ Kenneth L. Woodward (10 July 2001). The Book of Miracles: The Meaning of the Miracle Stories in Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism and Islam. Simon & Schuster. p. 267. ISBN 978-0-7432-0029-5. Retrieved 3 June 2013.
  57. ^ Josef W. Meri The Cult of Saints among Muslims and Jews in Medieval Syria OUP Oxford, 14.11.2002 isbn 9780191554735 pp. 60-81
  58. ^ a b See John Renard, Friends of God: Islamic Images of Piety, Commitment, and Servanthood (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2008); Idem., Tales of God Friends: Islamic Hagiography in Translation (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2009)
  59. ^ a b Radtke, B., «Saint», in: Encyclopaedia of the Qurʾān, General Editor: Jane Dammen McAuliffe, Georgetown University, Washington DC.
  60. ^ Jonathan A.C. Brown, «Faithful Dissenters: Sunni Skepticism about the Miracles of Saints,» Journal of Sufi Studies 1 (2012), p. 123
  61. ^ Ibn Taymiyyah, Mukhtasar al-Fatawa al-Masriyya (al-Madani Publishing House, 1980), p. 603
  62. ^ John Renard, Friends of God: Islamic Images of Piety, Commitment, and Servanthood (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2008)
  63. ^ Juan Eduardo Campo, Encyclopedia of Islam (New York: Infobase Publishing, 2009), p. 600
  64. ^ See Jonathan A.C. Brown, Misquoting Muhammad (London: Oneworld Publications, 2015), p. 254
  65. ^ Christopher Taylor, In the Vicinity of the Righteous (Leiden: Brill, 1999), pp. 5–6
  66. ^ Khalsa, Sant Singh (2007). Sri Guru Granth Sahib: English Translation of Sri Guru Granth Sahib. Arizona: Hand Made Books (Mandeep Singh). pp. 12–263.


  • Beyer, Jürgen, et al., eds. Confessional sanctity (c. 1550 – c. 1800). Mainz: Philipp von Zabern, 2003.
  • Bruhn, Siglind. Saints in the Limelight: Representations of the Religious Quest on the Post-1945 Operatic Stage. Hillsdale, New York: Pendragon Press, 2003. ISBN 978-1-57647-096-1.
  • Cunningham, Lawrence S. The Meaning of Saints. San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1980.
  • Hawley, John Stratton, ed. Saints and Virtues. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1987. ISBN 0-520-06163-2.
  • Hein, David. «Saints: Holy, Not Tame». Sewanee Theological Review 49 (2006): 204–217.
  • Jean-Luc Deuffic (ed.), Reliques et sainteté dans l’espace médiéval [1]
  • O’Malley, Vincent J. Ordinary Suffering of Extraordinary Saints, 1999. ISBN 0-87973-893-6.
  • Perham, Michael. The Communion of Saints. London: Alcuin Club/SPCK, 1980.
  • Woodward, Kenneth L. Making Saints. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1996.

Further reading[edit]

  • Delehaye, Hippolyte (1911). «Saint» . Encyclopædia Britannica. Vol. 23 (11th ed.). pp. 1010–1011.
  • Gallick, Sarah (2014). 50 Saints Everyone Should Know. Wise Media Group. ASIN B007UI2LDE. E-book.
  • Hebert, Alber (15 October 2004). Saints Who Raised the Dead: True Stories of 400 Resurrection Miracles. Illinois: TAN Books. ISBN 978-0-89555-798-8.
  • Trigilio, John; Brighenti, Kenneth (2010). Saints for Dummies. ISBN 978-0-470-53358-1.

External links[edit]

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Saints.

Look up saint in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.

  • Today’s Saints on the Calendar
  • Saints’ Books Library
  • Orthodox Saints and Martyrs of the Ancient Church
  • Saints and Their Legends: A Selection of Saints
  • Biographies of Saints and Gurus in the Indian Tradition



From saint.


  • IPA(key): /seɪnt/
    • compound names in RP : IPA(key): /sənt/ (unstressed)
  • Rhymes: -eɪnt


Saint (plural Saints)

  1. A title given to a saint, often prefixed to the person’s name.
    Saint Stephen was the first martyr.
  2. (sports) Someone connected with any of the sports teams known as the Saints, such as a player or coach, or sometimes a fan.
    • 2008, Monica M. Dalide, 683 Things About New Orleans, Outskirts Press, page 88:
      In 1971, during Archie Manning’s first game as a New Orleans Saint and the season opener against the Los Angeles Rams, []
    • 2008, David Rife, Jazz Fiction: A History and Comprehensive Reader’s Guide, Scarecrow Press, →ISBN, page 86:

      Former New Orleans Saint and current blues historian at Tulane University, Nick Travers becomes involved in a case related to the mysterious death []

    • 2015, Craig T. Smith, 100 Things Tennessee Fans Should Know & Do Before They Die, Triumph Books, →ISBN:

      Their prayers were answered when future New Orleans Saint and Super Bowl champion Jabari Greer intercepted Croyle’s pass. In the fourth overtime, …

  3. (UK, rail transport) Saint class, a class of steam locomotives used on the GWR.


  • (title): St, St., SS, SS.

Derived terms[edit]


title given to a saint

  • Egyptian Arabic: سيدي
  • Aragonese: Sant m
  • Asturian: San m, Santa f
  • Catalan: Sant (ca) m, Santa (ca) f
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin:  (zh) (shèng)
  • Czech: Svatý m, Svatá m
  • Danish: Sankt
  • Dutch: Sint
  • Finnish: Pyhä (fi)
  • French: Saint (fr) m
  • Galician: San m, Santa f
  • German: Sankt (de) n
  • Hungarian: szent (hu)
  • Irish: San m or f, Naomh m or f
  • Italian: San, Santo (it) m, Santa f
  • Japanese:  (ja) (せい, sei), セイント (seinto)
  • Khmer: សន្ត (sɑnta’)
  • Korean:  (ko) (seong)
  • Low German:
    German Low German: Sünn (nds) n
  • Polish: Święty m, Święta (pl) f
  • Portuguese: São m, Santo (pt) m, Santa (pt) f
  • Romanian: Sfântul m, Sfânta f
  • Russian: свято́й (ru) (svjatój)
  • Scottish Gaelic: Naomh m
  • Serbo-Croatian: Sveti (sh) m
  • Sinhalese: ශුද්ධවූ (śuddhawū)
  • Sorbian:
    Lower Sorbian: swěty m, swěta f
  • Spanish: San m, Santa f, Santo (es) m (with specific male names)
  • Swedish: Sankt (sv) m, Sankta (sv) f
  • Vietnamese: thánh (vi)

Proper noun[edit]

Saint (plural Saints)

  1. A surname.

Proper noun[edit]

the Saint

  1. A nickname, given to someone of very good character.
  2. A nickname, given to someone of extreme religiosity.


  • Astin, Insta, Santi, Sinta, Tanis, Tians, antis, insta-, sat in, satin, stain, stian, tians, tisan

What’s the origin of the word Saint?

I am asking because the Chinese word for Saint is pronounced the same and has been around for more than 2000 years, including Confucius writings.

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This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.


any of certain persons of exceptional holiness of life, formally recognized as such by the Christian Church, especially by canonization.

a person of great holiness, virtue, or benevolence.

a founder, sponsor, or patron, as of a movement or organization.

(in certain religious groups) a designation applied by the members to themselves.

verb (used with object)

to enroll formally among the saints recognized by the Church.

to give the name of saint to; reckon as a saint.



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Which sentence is correct?

Origin of saint

before 1000; Middle English (noun and v.) <Old French (noun) <Latin sānctus sacred, adj. use of past participle of sancīre to consecrate, equivalent to sanc- (akin to sacersacred) + -tus past participle suffix; replacing Old English sanct<Latin, as above


saintless, adjectiveoutsaint, verb (used with object)su·per·saint, noun

Words nearby saint

sailyard, Saimaa, sain, sainfoin, Sainsbury, saint, Saint Agnes’s Eve, Saint Albans, Saint Andrews, Saint Andrew’s Cross, Saint Anthony’s Cross

Dictionary.com Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

Words related to saint

How to use saint in a sentence

  • The students delve into meditative practices and learn gymnastics, wrestling, martial arts and stick-fighting, to develop the mind of a saint and the body of a warrior.

  • The capsule currently includes an eclectic mix of photographs, charts and even a drawing appearing to depict infectious diseases expert Anthony Fauci as a saint.

  • Farmers, it turns out, in addition to being hard-working saints who do largely thankless work for increasingly less money, are also business people.

  • A timed kibble dispenser can also help your pet learn that you aren’t the patron saint of food.

  • The gadfly of ancient Athens, patron saint of Western philosophy, and its first martyr has much to teach about modern life and business.

  • The exhibit also includes examples of designers borrowing from fine art, as Yves Saint Laurent did with his Mondrian dress.

  • It was in Saint-Rémy where Van Gogh sends his brother word of how all his sacrifice may soon be for nothing in this life.

  • Race relations in Saint Louis could hinge on the outcome of this announcement.

  • Tensions are rising in Saint Louis, Mo., as race relations heat up.

  • Saint Louis City police also spent $325,000 upgrading helmets, sticks and other civil disobedience equipment.

  • May looked along at the dimpled grace, And then at the saint-like, fair old face, “How funny!”

  • One of her humours was to unite the son of her minister, with a niece of the widowed Queen of Saint Germain’s.

  • He marched to meet it with the throbbing pulses of a soldier rushing to victory or a saint to martyrdom.

  • Happening to walk down the Rue Saint Honoré, he had come upon tragedy.

  • Upon our return from this river Saint John, our route turned towards the country of the Armouchiquoys.

British Dictionary definitions for saint


/ (seɪnt, unstressed sənt) /


a person who after death is formally recognized by a Christian Church, esp the Roman Catholic Church, as having attained, through holy deeds or behaviour, a specially exalted place in heaven and the right to veneration

a person of exceptional holiness or goodness

(plural) Bible the collective body of those who are righteous in God’s sight


(tr) to canonize; recognize formally as a saint

Derived forms of saint

saintdom, nounsaintless, adjectivesaintlike, adjective

Word Origin for saint

C12: from Old French, from Latin sanctus holy, from sancīre to hallow

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

Cultural definitions for saint

The New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, Third Edition
Copyright © 2005 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

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The creed of a true saint is to make the best of life, and to make the most of it.

Edwin Hubbel Chapin



From Old French, from Latin sanctus holy, from sancīre to hallow.


Etymology is the study of the origin of words and their changes in structure and significance.






Saint is a verb and can also act as a noun.

A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.

The verb is the part of the sentence that is conjugated and expresses action and state of being.

See the conjugation of the verb saint in English.




A saint is one who has been recognized for having an exceptional degree of holiness. While the English term «saint» originated in Christianity, historians of religion now use the term «in a more general way to refer to the state of special holiness that many religions attribute to certain people,» with the Jewish Tzadik, the Islamic Mu’min, the Hindu rishi or guru, and the Buddhist arhat or bodhisattva also referred to as saints. Depending on the religion, saints are recognized either through official church recognition or by popular acclaim. In Christianity, «saint» has a wide variety of meanings, depending on its usage and the denomination. The original Christian usage referred to any believer who is «in Christ» and in whom Christ dwells, whether in heaven or in earth. In Orthodox and Catholic teachings, all Christians in heaven are considered to be saints, but some are considered to be worthy of higher honor, emulation, or veneration, with official church recognition given to some saints through canonization or glorification.

Definition of saint in the English dictionary

The first definition of saint in the dictionary is a person who after death is formally recognized by a Christian Church, esp the Roman Catholic Church, as having attained, through holy deeds or behaviour, a specially exalted place in heaven and the right to veneration. Other definition of saint is a person of exceptional holiness or goodness. Saint is also the collective body of those who are righteous in God’s sight.




I saint

you saint

he/she/it saints

we saint

you saint

they saint

Present continuous

I am sainting

you are sainting

he/she/it is sainting

we are sainting

you are sainting

they are sainting

Present perfect

I have sainted

you have sainted

he/she/it has sainted

we have sainted

you have sainted

they have sainted

Present perfect continuous

I have been sainting

you have been sainting

he/she/it has been sainting

we have been sainting

you have been sainting

they have been sainting

Present tense is used to refer to circumstances that exist at the present time or over a period that includes the present time. The present perfect refers to past events, although it can be considered to denote primarily the resulting present situation rather than the events themselves.



I sainted

you sainted

he/she/it sainted

we sainted

you sainted

they sainted

Past continuous

I was sainting

you were sainting

he/she/it was sainting

we were sainting

you were sainting

they were sainting

Past perfect

I had sainted

you had sainted

he/she/it had sainted

we had sainted

you had sainted

they had sainted

Past perfect continuous

I had been sainting

you had been sainting

he/she/it had been sainting

we had been sainting

you had been sainting

they had been sainting

Past tense forms express circumstances existing at some time in the past,



I will saint

you will saint

he/she/it will saint

we will saint

you will saint

they will saint

Future continuous

I will be sainting

you will be sainting

he/she/it will be sainting

we will be sainting

you will be sainting

they will be sainting

Future perfect

I will have sainted

you will have sainted

he/she/it will have sainted

we will have sainted

you will have sainted

they will have sainted

Future perfect continuous

I will have been sainting

you will have been sainting

he/she/it will have been sainting

we will have been sainting

you will have been sainting

they will have been sainting

The future is used to express circumstances that will occur at a later time.



I would saint

you would saint

he/she/it would saint

we would saint

you would saint

they would saint

Conditional continuous

I would be sainting

you would be sainting

he/she/it would be sainting

we would be sainting

you would be sainting

they would be sainting

Conditional perfect

I would have saint

you would have saint

he/she/it would have saint

we would have saint

you would have saint

they would have saint

Conditional perfect continuous

I would have been sainting

you would have been sainting

he/she/it would have been sainting

we would have been sainting

you would have been sainting

they would have been sainting

Conditional or «future-in-the-past» tense refers to hypothetical or possible actions.



you saint
we let´s saint
you saint

The imperative is used to form commands or requests.


Present Participle


Infinitive shows the action beyond temporal perspective. The present participle or gerund shows the action during the session. The past participle shows the action after completion.


Synonyms and antonyms of saint in the English dictionary of synonyms

Translation of «saint» into 25 languages

online translator


Find out the translation of saint to 25 languages with our English multilingual translator.

The translations of saint from English to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «saint» in English.

Translator English — Chinese


1,325 millions of speakers

Translator English — Spanish


570 millions of speakers



510 millions of speakers

Translator English — Hindi


380 millions of speakers

Translator English — Arabic


280 millions of speakers

Translator English — Russian


278 millions of speakers

Translator English — Portuguese


270 millions of speakers

Translator English — Bengali


260 millions of speakers

Translator English — French


220 millions of speakers

Translator English — Malay


190 millions of speakers

Translator English — German


180 millions of speakers

Translator English — Japanese


130 millions of speakers

Translator English — Korean


85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Javanese


85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Vietnamese

vị thánh

80 millions of speakers

Translator English — Tamil


75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Marathi


75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Turkish


70 millions of speakers

Translator English — Italian


65 millions of speakers

Translator English — Polish


50 millions of speakers

Translator English — Ukrainian


40 millions of speakers

Translator English — Romanian


30 millions of speakers

Translator English — Greek


15 millions of speakers

Translator English — Afrikaans


14 millions of speakers

Translator English — Swedish


10 millions of speakers

Translator English — Norwegian


5 millions of speakers

Trends of use of saint


The term «saint» is very widely used and occupies the 28 position in our list of most widely used terms in the English dictionary.



Very widely used

The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «saint» in the different countries.

Principal search tendencies and common uses of saint

List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our English online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «saint».


The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «saint» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «saint» appears in digitalised printed sources in English between the year 1500 and the present day.

Examples of use in the English literature, quotes and news about saint


Famous quotes and sentences with the word saint.

I wanted to show that Martin Luther King was simply a human being, not a god, not a saint.

The difference between a saint and a hypocrite is that one lies for his religion, the other by it.

The anguish of the neurotic individual is the same as that of the saint. The neurotic, the saint are engaged in the same battle. Their blood flows from similar wounds. But the first one gasps and the other one gives.

Bill Gates has become the patron saint of philanthropy and the poster child of rebirth, and from what I can tell, rightly so.

There is no sinner like a young saint.

My ultimate goal is to become a saint.

I like visiting people’s homes on saint Joseph’s Day, when people set up altars, serve food as a tribute to the saint, and invite the public — I enjoy that much more than Mardi Gras.

Existentialism is about being a saint without God; being your own hero, without all the sanction and support of religion or society.

Character in a saint means the disposition of Jesus Christ persistently manifested.

The creed of a true saint is to make the best of life, and to make the most of it.


Discover the use of saint in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to saint and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.


Saint: A Paradise Novel

When, after being kidnapped, his memory is erased by intense training and torture, assassin Carl, who is gifted with telekinetic abilities, is given a new set of memories that transform him into a killer with an extraordinary mission.

When a scientist discovers that human knowledge and memories can be absorbed on a molecular level, the Pope loans the remains of Saint Peter for DNA research, but the resurrected Peter has escaped and is being stalked by an unknown assassin …


Saint Louis Armstrong Beach

A boy, a dog, and New Orleans’ most famous hurricane Saint is a boy with confidence as big as his name is long.

Presents the account of a successful businessman in the United States who returned to the jungles of Ecuador to help the tribe who killed his father, revealing the difficult choices he confronted and the long-buried secrets surrounding his …


The Kongolese Saint Anthony: Dona Beatriz Kimpa Vita and the …

This book tells the story of the Christian religious movement led by Dona Beatriz Kimpa Vita in the Kingdom of Kongo from 1704 until her death, by burning at the stake, in 1706.

«Publisher Note: Saint has been previously published. The book has been substantially expanded and revised from its original release.»


Saint Foucault: Towards a Gay Hagiography

Offering a rebuke to recent criticism of Foucault, this text is a defence of the late French philosopher and historian.


Saint Joan: A Chronicle Play in Six Scenes and an Epilogue

Fascinated by the story of Joan of Arc, but unhappy with the way she had traditionally been depicted, Shaw wanted to remove ‘the whitewash which disfigures her beyond recognition’.

Bernard Shaw, Dan H. Laurence, 2001


Saint Joan of Arc: Born, January 6th, 1412, Burned as a …

In a clever, brisk voice, Vita Sackville-West tells the triumphant story of a French peasant girl raised in a country torn apart by the Hundred Years’ War who rose from poverty to military greatness.

Vita Sackville-West, Victoria Sackville-West, 2001


Saint Paul: The Foundation of Universalism

This book revisits and revises some of the most basic concepts of time in the Judeo-Christian tradition, drawing on St. Paul’s writings to rethink a new kind of radical faith in truth as an event, as the advent of the incalculable, a …


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term saint is used in the context of the following news items.

Pittsburgh Steelers celebrate 50th year at Saint Vincent College

Saint Vincent College has, in many ways, tied a half-century of Steelers generations together. The team on Sunday celebrated 50 years of camp at the small … «NFL.com, Jul 15»

Saint Laurent Spring 2016 Menswear

In the gloom of backstage and beyond the restless human static of besuited security giants, street-cast gamines, and Lenny Kravitz, Saint Laurent’s creative … «Style.com, Jun 15»

Saint Laurent Cruise Ship Hits Lock Wall in New York

The Saint Laurent, a small cruise ship in its inaugural season for Haimark Line, struck a wall in a lock on the Saint Lawrence Seaway in New York at about 9:15 … «TravelPulse, Jun 15»

Alibaba is being sued over counterfeit sales of Gucci and Saint

Luxury group Kering, parent company to numerous global fashion brands including Gucci, Saint Laurent, and Bottega Veneta, is suing Alibaba. It’s accusing the … «Quartz, May 15»

Paris Saint-Germain win Ligue 1 title with 2-1 victory away at …

Paris Saint-Germain have been crowned champions of France for the third season in a row, following their 2-1 victory away at Montepellier. They needed just a … «mirror.co.uk, May 15»

Barcelona vs Paris Saint-Germain, Champions League: live

Clive T has picked up a nasty dose of «that’s better» from Andy Townsend. It is being applied to Paris Saint Germain — or Pagination, as I like to call them — making … «Telegraph.co.uk, Apr 15»

3 things we learned from Barcelona’s 3-1 win over Paris Saint

Paris Saint-Germain’s Champions League dreams may be at an end just one leg in to their quarterfinal tie with Barcelona after losing 3-1 at home. They never … «SB Nation, Apr 15»

PSG 4-1 Saint Etienne: Zlatan Ibrahimovic hat-trick takes him past …

Zlatan Ibrahimovic scored a hat trick as Paris Saint-Germain thrashed Saint-Etienne 4-1 to reach the French Cup final on Wednesday. Ibrahimovic took his PSG … «Daily Mail, Apr 15»

Paris Saint-Germain beat Marseille 3-2 in a Classique for the …

It was both epic and dramatic. In other words, this matchup between Marseille and Paris Saint-Germain was a classic Classique, and one which should go … «ESPN FC, Apr 15»

10000 people in Le Mont-Saint-Michel enjoy ‘super moon effect’

“Mont Saint-Michel is completely surrounded by the sea,” explained one local man, adding, “I was born in this region and I’ve never seen this. This has been the … «euronews, Mar 15»


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Discover all that is hidden in the words on educalingo

  • Defenition of the word saint

    • in the Catholic church; declare to be a saint; «On Sunday, the martyr will be beatified by the Vatican»
    • hold sacred
    • model of excellence or perfection of a kind; one having no equal
    • a person who has died and has been declared a saint by canonization
    • person of exceptional holiness
    • in the Catholic church; declare (a dead person) to be a saint; «After he was shown to have performed a miracle, the priest was canonized»
    • declare (a dead person) to be a saint

Synonyms for the word saint

    • angel
    • apotheosis
    • beatify
    • canonize
    • enshrine
    • holy man
    • holy person
    • ideal
    • nonesuch
    • nonpareil
    • nonsuch
    • paragon

Meronymys for the word saint

    • sainthood

Hyponyms for the word saint

    • Ambrose
    • Andrew
    • Anselm
    • Apostle of Germany
    • Apostle of the Gentiles
    • Apostle Paul
    • Aquinas
    • Athanasius
    • Athanasius the Great
    • Augustine
    • Augustine of Hippo
    • Baeda
    • Basil
    • Basil of Caesarea
    • Basil the Great
    • Becket
    • Beda
    • Bede
    • Benedict
    • Boniface
    • Bride
    • Bridget
    • Brigid
    • Bruno
    • Buddha
    • class act
    • crackerjack
    • Domingo de Guzman
    • Dominic
    • doubting Thomas
    • Edward the Confessor
    • Edward the Martyr
    • Eusebius Hieronymus
    • Eusebius Sophronius Hieronymus
    • fakeer
    • fakir
    • faqir
    • faquir
    • Francis of Assisi
    • Giovanni di Bernardone
    • Gregory
    • Gregory I
    • Gregory Nazianzen
    • Gregory of Nazianzen
    • Gregory the Great
    • Hieronymus
    • humdinger
    • Ignatius
    • Ignatius of Loyola
    • James
    • Jerome
    • jimdandy
    • jimhickey
    • John
    • John Chrysostom
    • John the Baptist
    • John the Divine
    • John the Evangelist
    • Judas
    • Jude
    • Laurentius
    • Lawrence
    • Leo I
    • Leo the Great
    • Levi
    • Louis IX
    • Loyola
    • Luke
    • Mark
    • Martin
    • Mary Magdalen
    • Mary Magdalene
    • Matthew
    • Nicholas
    • Olaf II
    • Olav II
    • patron saint
    • Paul
    • Paul the Apostle
    • Peter
    • Saint Ambrose
    • Saint Andrew
    • Saint Andrew the Apostle
    • Saint Anselm
    • Saint Athanasius
    • Saint Augustine
    • Saint Baeda
    • Saint Beda
    • Saint Bede
    • Saint Benedict
    • Saint Boniface
    • Saint Bride
    • Saint Bridget
    • Saint Brigid
    • Saint Bruno
    • Saint Dominic
    • Saint Edward the Confessor
    • Saint Edward the Martyr
    • Saint Francis
    • Saint Francis of Assisi
    • Saint Gregory I
    • Saint Ignatius
    • Saint Ignatius of Loyola
    • Saint James
    • Saint James the Apostle
    • Saint Jerome
    • Saint John
    • Saint John the Apostle
    • Saint Jude
    • Saint Lawrence
    • Saint Louis
    • Saint Luke
    • Saint Mark
    • Saint Matthew
    • Saint Matthew the Apostle
    • Saint Nicholas
    • Saint Olaf
    • Saint Olav
    • Saint Paul
    • Saint Peter
    • Saint Peter the Apostle
    • Saint Thomas
    • Saint Thomas a Becket
    • Saint Thomas Aquinas
    • Saul
    • Saul of Tarsus
    • Simon
    • Simon Peter
    • Simon the Canaanite
    • Simon the Zealot
    • Simon Zelotes
    • St. Ambrose
    • St. Andrew
    • St. Anselm
    • St. Athanasius
    • St. Augustine
    • St. Baeda
    • St. Basil
    • St. Basil the Great
    • St. Beda
    • St. Bede
    • St. Benedict
    • St. Boniface
    • St. Bride
    • St. Bridget
    • St. Brigid
    • St. Bruno
    • St. Dominic
    • St. Edward the Confessor
    • St. Edward the Martyr
    • St. Francis
    • St. Francis of Assisi
    • St. Gregory I
    • St. Gregory of Nazianzen
    • St. Ignatius
    • St. Ignatius of Loyola
    • St. James
    • St. James the Apostle
    • St. Jerome
    • St. John
    • St. John Chrysostom
    • St. John the Apostle
    • St. John the Baptist
    • St. Jude
    • St. Lawrence
    • St. Leo I
    • St. Louis
    • St. Luke
    • St. Mark
    • St. Martin
    • St. Mary Magdalen
    • St. Mary Magdalene
    • St. Matthew
    • St. Matthew the Apostle
    • St. Nicholas
    • St. Olaf
    • St. Olav
    • St. Paul
    • St. Peter
    • St. Peter the Apostle
    • St. Simon
    • St. Thomas
    • St. Thomas a Becket
    • St. Thomas Aquinas
    • St. Vitus
    • Thaddaeus
    • the Venerable Bede
    • Thomas
    • Thomas a Becket
    • Thomas Aquinas
    • Thomas the doubting Apostle
    • Vitus
    • Winfred
    • Wynfrith

Hypernyms for the word saint

    • adjudge
    • declare
    • deity
    • divinity
    • fear
    • god
    • good person
    • hold
    • immortal
    • model
    • revere
    • reverence
    • role model
    • venerate

See other words

    • What is small house
    • The definition of take lodgings
    • The interpretation of the word lodged
    • What is meant by lodger
    • The lexical meaning pillaging
    • The dictionary meaning of the word barefaced
    • The grammatical meaning of the word be a lodger
    • Meaning of the word hunting lodge
    • Literal and figurative meaning of the word gatehouse
    • The origin of the word sojourns
    • Synonym for the word festival
    • Antonyms for the word holidayed
    • Homonyms for the word holidaying
    • Hyponyms for the word vacationed
    • Holonyms for the word local holiday
    • Hypernyms for the word raiding
    • Proverbs and sayings for the word vacationers
    • Translation of the word in other languages vacationing

«Sainthood» redirects here. For the Tegan and Sara album, see Sainthood (album).

In traditional Christian iconography, saints are often depicted as having halos, which is a symbol of their holiness. Note that Judas is depicted without a halo. Mention must be made that in Orthodox Church a halo is considered to be not an iconographic element only but as referring to some spiritual reality (see the conversation between Seraphim of Sarov and Motovilov).

A saint is a holy person.[1] In various religions, saints are people who are believed to have exceptional holiness.

In Christian usage, «saint» refers to any believer who is «in Christ», and in whom Christ dwells, whether in heaven or in earth.[1] (2Corinthians 5:17; Ephesians 3:14-19; 2Corinthians 13:5) In Orthodox and Catholic teachings, all Christians in heaven are considered to be saints, but some are considered to be worthy of higher honor, emulation, or veneration.[2][3]

In the Christian Bible, only one person is expressly called a saint: «They envied Moses also in the camp, and Aaron the saint of the Lord.» (Psalms 106:16-18) The apostle Paul declared himself to be «less than the least of all saints» in Ephesians 3:8.


  • 1 General characteristics
  • 2 Christianity (alphabetical order)
    • 2.1 Anglicanism
    • 2.2 Eastern Orthodoxy
    • 2.3 Lutheranism
    • 2.4 Methodism
    • 2.5 Mormons (Latter-day Saints)
    • 2.6 Oriental Orthodox
    • 2.7 Other Christian groups
    • 2.8 Protestantism
    • 2.9 Roman Catholicism
  • 3 Other religions (alphabetical)
    • 3.1 African Diaspora
    • 3.2 Buddhism
    • 3.3 Discordianism
    • 3.4 Hinduism
    • 3.5 Islam
    • 3.6 Judaism
    • 3.7 Sikhism
  • 4 See also
  • 5 References
    • 5.1 Notes
    • 5.2 Bibliography
  • 6 External links

General characteristics

The term in English is mostly used for Christians, and is «…used predominantly in the popular and theological sense indicated above, that is, as referring to all those who have died and are with God in Christ.»[4]

Many religions use similar concepts to venerate individuals worthy of honor in some way, e.g., see Hindu saints. John A. Coleman S.J., Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley,[5] wrote that saints across various cultures and religions have the following family resemblances:

  1. exemplary model;
  2. extraordinary teacher;
  3. wonder worker or source of benevolent power;
  4. intercessor;
  5. a life often refusing material attachments or comforts;
  6. possession of a special and revelatory relation to the holy.[6]

While there are parallels between these (and other) concepts and that of sainthood, each of these concepts has specific meanings within a given religion. Also, new religious movements have sometimes taken to using the word in cases where the people so named would not be regarded as saints within mainstream Christianity. Some of the Cao Dai saints and saints of Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica are examples of such.[citation needed]

The anthropologist [7] Lawrence Babb in an article about Sathya Sai Baba asks the question «Who is a saint?», and responds by saying that in the symbolic infrastructure of some religions, there is the image of a certain extraordinary spiritual king’s «miraculous powers», to whom frequently a certain moral presence is attributed. These saintly figures, he asserts, are «the focal points of spiritual force-fields», exerting «powerful attractive influence on followers but touch the inner lives of others in transforming ways as well.»[8]

Christianity (alphabetical order)


In the Anglican Communion and the Continuing Anglican movement, the title of Saint refers to a person who has been elevated by popular opinion as a pious and holy person. The saints are seen as models of holiness to be imitated, and as a ‘cloud of witnesses’ that strengthen and encourage the believer during his or her spiritual journey (Hebrews 12:1). The saints are seen as elder brothers and sisters in Christ. Official Anglican creeds recognise the existence of the saints in heaven.

So far as invocation of the saints is concerned,[9] one of the Church of England’s Articles of Religion «Of Purgatory» condemns «the Romish Doctrine concerning…(the) Invocation of Saints» as «a fond thing vainly invented, and grounded upon no warranty of Scripture, but rather repugnant to the Word of God». However, each of the 44 member churches in the Anglican Communion are free to adopt and authorise their own official documents, and the Articles are not officially normative in all of them (e.g., The Episcopal Church USA, which relegates them to «Historical Documents»). Anglo-Catholics in Anglican provinces using the Articles often make a distinction between a «Romish» and a «Patristic» doctrine concerning the invocation of saints, permitting the latter.

In high-church contexts, such as Anglo-Catholicism, a saint is generally one to whom has been attributed (and who has generally demonstrated) a high level of holiness and sanctity. In this use, a saint is therefore not a believer, but one who has been transformed by virtue. In Roman Catholicism, a saint is a special sign of God’s activity. The veneration of saints is sometimes misunderstood to be worship, in which case it is derisively termed «hagiolatry».

Some Anglicans and Anglican churches, particularly Anglo-Catholics, personally ask prayers of the saints. However, such a practice is seldom found in any official Anglican liturgy. Unusual examples of it are found in The Korean Liturgy 1938, the liturgy of the Diocese of Guiana 1959 and The Melanesian English Prayer Book.

Anglicans believe that the only effective Mediator between the believer and God the Father, in terms of redemption and salvation, is God the Son, Jesus Christ. Historical Anglicanism has drawn a distinction between the intercession of the saints and the invocation of the saints. The former was generally accepted in Anglican doctrine, while the latter was generally rejected. There are some, however, in Anglicanism, who do beseech the saints’ intercession. Those who beseech the saints to intercede on their behalf make a distinction between «mediator» and «intercessor», and claim that asking for the prayers of the saints is no different in kind than asking for the prayers of living Christians. Anglican Catholics understand sainthood in a more Catholic or Orthodox way, often praying for intercessions from the saints and celebrating their feast days.

According to the Church of England, a saint is one who is sanctified, as it translates in the Authorised King James Version (1611) 2 Chronicles 6:41

Now therefore arise, O LORD God, into thy resting place, thou, and the ark of thy strength: let thy priests, O LORD God, be clothed with salvation, and let thy saints rejoice in goodness.

Eastern Orthodoxy

In the Eastern Orthodox Church a saint is defined as anyone who is in Heaven, whether recognized here on earth, or not.[2] By this definition, Adam and Eve, Moses, the various prophets, except for the angels and archangels are all given the title of «Saint». Sainthood in the Orthodox Church does not necessarily reflect a moral model, but the communion with God: there are countless examples of people who lived in great sin and became saints by humility and repentance, such as Mary of Egypt, Moses the Ethiopian, and of course Dysmas, the repentant thief who was crucified. Therefore, a more complete definition of what a saint is, has to do with the way that saints, through their humility and their love of humankind, saved inside them the entire Church, and loved all people.

Orthodox belief considers that God reveals his saints through answered prayers and other miracles.[2] Saints are usually recognized by a local community, often by people who directly knew them. As their popularity grows they are often then recognized by the entire church. The formal process of recognition involves deliberation by a synod of bishops.[2] If successful, this is followed by a service of Glorification in which the Saint is given a day on the church calendar to be celebrated by the entire church.[10] This does not, however, make the person a saint; the person already was a saint and the Church ultimately recognized it.

It is believed that one of the ways the holiness (sanctity) of a person is revealed, is through the condition of their relics (remains).[citation needed] In some Orthodox countries (such as Greece, but not in Russia) graves are often reused after 3 to 5 years because of limited space. Bones are washed and placed in an ossuary, often with the person’s name written on the skull. Occasionally when a body is exhumed something miraculous is reported as having occurred; exhumed bones are claimed to have given off a fragrance, like flowers, or a body is reported as having remained free of decay, despite not having been embalmed (traditionally the Orthodox do not embalm the dead) and having been buried for some years in the earth.

The reason relics are considered sacred is because, for the Orthodox, the separation of body and soul is unnatural.[citation needed] Body and soul both comprise the person, and in the end, body and soul will be reunited; therefore, the body of a saint shares in the «Holiness» of the soul of the saint.[citation needed] As a general rule only clergy will touch relics in order to move them or carry them in procession, however, in veneration the faithful will kiss the relic to show love and respect toward the saint. Every altar in every[dubious – discuss] Orthodox church contains relics, usually of martyrs. Church interiors are covered with the Icons of saints.

Because the Church shows no true distinction between the living and the dead (the saints are considered to be alive in Heaven), saints are referred to as if they were still alive. Saints are venerated but not worshipped. They are believed to be able to intercede for salvation and help mankind either through direct communion with God, or by personal intervention.

In the Eastern Orthodox Church, the title Όσιος, Hosios (f. Οσία Hosia) is also used. This is a title attributed to saints who had lived a monastic or eremitic life, and it is equal to the more usual title of «Saint».[citation needed]


In the Lutheran Church, all Christians, whether in heaven or on earth, are regarded as saints. However, the church still recognizes and honors specific saints, including some of those recognized by the Catholic Church, but in a qualified way: according to the Augsburg Confession,[11] the term «saint» is used in the manner of the Roman Catholic Church only insofar as to denote a person who received exceptional grace, was sustained by faith and whose good works are to be an example to any Christian. Traditional Lutheran belief accounts that prayers to the saints are prohibited, as they are not mediators of redemption.[12][13] But, Lutherans do believe that saints pray for the Christian Church in general.[14] Philip Melancthon, the author of the Apology of the Augsburg Confession, approved honoring the saints by saying they are honored in three ways: 1. By thanking God for examples of His mercy; 2. By using the saints as examples for strengthening our faith; 3. By imitating their faith and other virtues.[15][16][17] The Lutheran Churches also have liturgical calendars in which they honor individuals as saints.


Further information: Saints in Methodism

While Methodists as a whole do not practice the patronage or veneration of saints, they do honor and admire them. Methodists believe that all Christians are saints, but mainly use the term to refer to bibilical people, Christian leaders, and martyrs of the faith. Many Methodist churches are named after saints, such as the Twelve Apostles, John Wesley, etc. Although, most are named after geographical locations associated with an early circuit or prominent location. Some Methodist congregations observe All Saints Day if they follow the liturgical calendar. Many encourage the study of saints, that is, the biography of holy people. The 14th Article of Religion in the United Methodist Discipline states, «The Romish doctrine concerning purgatory, pardon, worshiping, and adoration, as well of images as of relics, and also invocation of saints, is a fond thing, vainly invented, and grounded upon no warrant of Scripture, but repugnant to the Word of God.» John Wesley, the theological father of world Methodism, did not practice or permit Roman Catholic practices associated with the veneration of the Virgin Mary or prayers to saints.

Mormons (Latter-day Saints)

The beliefs within The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) with regard to saints are similar but not quite the same as to the Protestant tradition described below. In the New Testament the saints are all those who have entered into the Christian covenant of baptism. The qualification «latter-day» refers to the doctrine that members are living in the «latter days», before the Second Coming of Christ, and is used to distinguish the members of the LDS Church, which considers itself the restoration of the ancient Christian church.[18] Therefore members are often referred to as «Latter-day Saints» or «LDS», and among themselves as «Saints».[19]

Oriental Orthodox

The Syriac Orthodox, Coptic Orthodox, Ethiopian Orthodox, Eritrean Orthodox, Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church and Armenian Apostolic churches do accept the existence of saints, but officially recognize them via their own individual processes. For example, the Pope of the Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria canonizes saints, through the approval of that church’s Holy Synod. A requirement of the Coptic Orthodox faith is that at least 50 years must pass from a saint’s death to his canonization, and the Coptic Orthodox Pope must follow that rule.

Other Christian groups

There are some groups who do not accept the idea of the Communion of Saints. Some believe all of the departed are in soul sleep until the final resurrection on Judgment Day. Others believe that the departed go to either Paradise or Tartarus, to await the day in which the living and the dead are judged. Certain groups do not believe that the departed have any connection with the living.


«Scripture does not teach calling on the saints or pleading for help from them. For it sets before us Christ alone as mediator, atoning sacrifice, high priest, and intercessor.»—Augsburg Confession, Article XXI.[20]

In many Protestant churches, the word «saint» is used more generally to refer to anyone who is a Christian. This is similar in usage to Paul’s numerous references in the New Testament of the Bible.[21] In this sense, anyone who is within the Body of Christ (i.e., a professing Christian) is a ‘saint’ because of their relationship with Christ Jesus. Because of this, many Protestants consider prayers to the saints to be idolatry[clarification needed] or even necromancy. Dead Christians are awaiting resurrection, and are not able to do anything for the living saint.

Within some Protestant traditions, «saint» is also used to refer to any born-again Christian. Many emphasise the traditional New Testament meaning of the word, preferring to write «saint» to refer to any believer, in continuity with the doctrine of the priesthood of all believers.

Roman Catholicism

One Roman Catholic website states that «There are over 10,000 named saints and beatified people from history, the Roman Martyrology and Orthodox sources, but no definitive head count».[22]

Rev. Alban Butler, published Lives of the Saints in 1756, containing 1,486 saints. The latest edition of this work, edited by Father Herbert Thurston, S.J., and British author Donald Attwater, contains the lives of 2,565 saints.[23] Monsignor Robert Sarno, an official of Vatican’s Congregation for the Causes of Saints, expressed that it is impossible to say the exact number of saints.[24]

The Catholic Church teaches that it does not, in fact, make or create anyone a saint. Rather, it recognizes a saint.[25] In the Church, the title of Saint refers to a person who has been formally canonized (officially recognized) by the Catholic Church, and is therefore believed to be in Heaven.

By this definition there are many people believed to be in Heaven who have not been formally declared as saints (most typically due to their obscurity and the involved process of formal canonization) but who may nevertheless generically be referred to as saints. All in Heaven are, in the technical sense, saints, since they are believed to be completely perfected in holiness.[26] Unofficial devotions to uncanonized individuals take place in certain regions.[27] Sometimes the word «saint» is used to refer to Christians still sojourning here on earth.[3]

In his book, Saint of the Day, editor Leonard Foley, OFM, says this of saints: «[Saints’] surrender to God’s love was so generous an approach to the total surrender of Jesus that the Church recognizes them as heroes and heroines worthy to be held up for our inspiration. They remind us that the Church is holy, can never stop being holy and is called to show the holiness of God by living the life of Christ.» [28]

In his book, Making Saints: How the Catholic Church Determines Who Becomes a Saint, Who Doesn’t and Why, author Kenneth L. Woodward notes the following:

A saint is always someone through whom we catch a glimpse of what God is like — and of what we are called to be. Only God ‘makes’ saints, of course. The church merely identifies from time to time a few of these for emulation. The church then tells the story. But the author is the Source of the grace by which saints live. And there we have it: A saint is someone whose story God tells.[29]

The veneration of saints, in Latin, cultus, or the «cult of the saints», describes a particular popular devotion or abandonment to a particular saint or saints. Although the term «worship» is sometimes used, it is intended in the old-sense meaning to honor or give respect (dulia). According to the Catholic Church, Divine Worship is properly reserved only for God (latria) and never to the saints.[30] They can be asked to intercede or pray for those still on earth,[31] just as one can ask someone on earth to pray for them.

A saint may be designated as a patron saint of a particular cause or profession, or invoked against specific illnesses or disasters, sometimes by popular custom and sometimes by official statements of the Magisterium.[32] Saints are not thought to have power of their own, but only that granted by God. Relics of saints are respected in a similar manner to holy images and icons. The practices of past centuries in venerating relics of saints for healing is taken from the early Church.[33]

For example, an American deacon claimed in 2000 that Blessed John Henry Newman interceded with God to cure him. The American, Jack Sullivan, asserted that after addressing Newman he was cured of spinal stenosis in a matter of hours. In 2009, a panel of theologians concluded that Sullivan’s recovery was the result of his prayer to Newman. According to the Catholic Church, to be deemed a miracle, «a medical recovery must be instantaneous, not attributable to treatment, disappear for good.»[34]

Once a person has been declared a saint, the body of the saint is considered holy.[35] The remains of saints are called holy relics and are usually used in churches. Saints’ personal belongings may also be used as relics.[35] Some of the saints have a symbol that represents their life.

In Church tradition, a person who is seen as exceptionally holy can be declared a saint by a formal process, called canonization. Formal canonization is a lengthy process often taking many years, even centuries.[36]

The first step in this process is an investigation of the candidate’s life, undertaken by an expert. After this, the report on the candidate is given to the bishop of the area and more studying is done. It is then sent to the Congregation for the Causes of Saints in Rome.[37]

If the application is approved, the person may be granted the title of «Venerable».[37] Further investigations may lead to the candidate’s beatification and given title of «Blessed.»[37] At a minimum, two important miracles are required to be formally declared a saint. These miracles must be posthumous. [37] Finally, when all of this is done the Pope canonizes the saint.[37]

Other religions (alphabetical)

The use of the term «saint» is not exclusive to Christianity. In many religions, there are people who have been recognized within their tradition as having fulfilled the highest aspirations of religious teaching. In English, the term saint is often used to translate this idea from many world religions.

African Diaspora

Cuban Santería, Haitian Vodou, Brazilian Umbanda and Candomblé, and other similar syncretist religions adopted the Catholic saints, or at least the images of the saints, and applied their own spirits/deities to them. They are worshiped in churches (where they appear as saints) and in religious festivals, where they appear as the deities. The name santería was originally a pejorative term for those whose worship of saints deviated from Catholic norms.


Main articles: Buddha and Bodhisattva

Buddhists hold the Arhats and Arahants in special esteem, as well as Bodhisattvas and Buddhas.


Main article: Discordianism

In Discordianism, anyone, living or dead, or even anything can be named a saint. Anyone may canonize anything or anyone else as everyone, whether they are aware of it or not, is a pope in the POEE. This is because «moral perfection isn’t necessary for Discordian Sainthood. You just have to suffer a lot.»


Main article: Hindu saints

There are individuals who have been described as being Hindu saints, most of whom have also been more specifically identified by the terms Mahatma, Paramahamsa, or Swami, or with the titles Sri or Srila.


Main article: Wali

The Arabic term wali (Arabic ولي, plural Awliyā’ أولياء) is commonly translated into English as «Saint». However, the wali should not be confused with the Christian tradition of sainthood. A prominent early scholar of Sunni Islamic beliefs, Ahmad ibn Muhammad al-Tahawi, mentioned in his book «Al-Aqidah At-Tahawiya»:

We do not prefer any of the saintly men among the Ummah over any of the Prophets but rather we say that any one of the Prophets is better than all the awliya’ put together. We believe in what we know of Karamat, the marvels of the awliya’ and in authentic stories about them from trustworthy sources.[38]

Unlike Prophets and Messengers, the awliya can be either male and female. One of the best known female saints is Rabi`a al-Adawiyya.

In Sufism, the major wali are considered to have been masters in the art of spiritual purification. Some groups within Islam hold the Hadrat (literally, Presence, a title of Sufi saints) in esteem.

Anthropologists have also noted the parallels between the regard for some Sufi figures in popular Muslim observance and Christian ideas of sainthood. In some Muslim countries there are shrines at the tombs of Sufi saints, with the observation of festival days on the anniversary of death, and a tradition of miracle-working. In some cases, the rites are observed according to the solar calendar, rather than the normal Islamic lunar calendar.[39]

Hazrat Babajan (c. 1806 — September 18, 1931) was a Baloch Muslim saint considered by her followers to be a sadguru or qutub.


The term Tzadik «righteous», and its associated meanings, developed in Rabbinic thought from its Talmudic contrast with Hasid («Pious» honorific), to its exploration in Ethical literature, and its esoteric spiritualisation in Kabbalah. In Hasidic Judaism, the institution of the Tzadik assumed central importance, combining former elite mysticism with social movement for the first time.


The concept of sant or bhagat is found in North Indian religious thought including Sikhism. Figures such as Kabir, Ravidas, Nanak, and others are widely regarded as belonging to the Sant tradition. Some of their mystical compositions are incorporated in the Guru Granth Sahib. The term «Sant» is still sometimes loosely applied to living individuals in the Sikh and related communities.

See also

Gloriole blur.svg Saints portal
  • Calendar of saints
  • Communion of Saints
  • Congregation for the Causes of Saints          
  • Coptic saints
  • Gnostic saint
  • Hagiography
  • Icon
  • Intercession of saints
  • List of canonizations
  • List of saints
  • List of Russian saints
  • Martyrology
  • Patron saint
  • Tzadik



  1. ^ a b Wycliffe Bible Encyclopedia, «saint», ISBN 0-8024-9697-0, «Christians in general are ‘saints’ in NT usage, and the term is common in reference to the inclusive membership of a local church . . . Other references in the NT equate Christians in general with ‘saints’ . . . All these are identified as saints because they are in Christ Jesus.»
  2. ^ a b c d Bebis G The Saints of the Orthodox Church at Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, New York
  3. ^ a b Catechism of the Catholic Church (Second Edition)
  4. ^ Francis Schüssler Fiorenza, John P. Galvin, Systematic theology: Roman Catholic perspectives, Fortress Press, 1991, p.148
  5. ^ Hawley, John Stratton, ed. Saints and Virtues, Berkeley: University of California Press, 1987. p. 239
  6. ^ Coleman, John A. S.J. «Conclusion: after sainthood», in Hawley, John Stratton, ed. Saints and Virtues Berkeley: University of California Press, 1987. pp 214-217
  7. ^ Hawley, John Stratton, ed. Saints and Virtues Berkeley: University of California Press, 1987. page 239
  8. ^ Babb, Lawrence A. «Sathya Sai Baba’s Saintly Play», in Hawley, John Stratton, ed. Saints and Virtues Berkeley: University of California Press, 1987. pp 168-170
  9. ^ Article XXII
  10. ^ Frawley J The Glorification of the Saints in the Orthodox Church at Orthodox Church in America, Syosset, New York
  11. ^ A Confession of Faith Presented in Augsburg by certain Princes and Cities to His Imperial Majesty Charles V in the Year 1530
  12. ^ Apology of the Augsburg Confession XXI 14-30
  13. ^ Smalcald Articles-II 25
  14. ^ Apology of the Augsburg Confession XXI 9
  15. ^ Apology of the Augsburg Confession XXI 4-7
  16. ^ Lutheran teaching
  17. ^ Augsburg Confession XXI 1
  18. ^ Smith, Joseph Jr. «Pearl Of Great Price». http://lds.org/library/display/0,4945,106-1-2-1,FF.html
  19. ^ M. Russell Ballard, «Faith, Family, Facts, and Fruits», Ensign, Nov 2007, 25–27
  20. ^ Augsburg Confession, Article 21, «Of the Worship of the Saints». trans. Kolb, R., Wengert, T., and Arand, C. Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress, 2000.
  21. ^ «Beloved of God, Called to Be Saints», New Testament Gospel Doctrine Teacher’s Manual. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Salt Lake City, Utah. p. 150. lds.org. Retrieved on November 21, 2009.
  22. ^ All About Saints at Catholic Online (USA) FAQs- Saints and Angels
  23. ^ «Religion: 2,565 Saints». Time. 1956-08-06. http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,862347,00.html. Retrieved 2010-05-23.
  24. ^ «Keeping Saints Alive». CBS News. 2010-04-04. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2010/04/04/sunday/main6362140.shtml.
  25. ^ The Catechism of the Catholic Church From the Knights of Columbus website
  26. ^ What is a saint? Vatican Information Service, 29 July 1997
  27. ^ Folk_saint from Citizendium
  28. ^ Saint of the Day edited by Leonard Foley, OFM, (Cincinnati: St. Anthony Messenger Press, 2003), xvi. ISBN 0-86716-535-9
  29. ^ Kenneth Woodward, Making Saints: How the Catholic Church Determines Who Becomes a Saint, Who Doesn’t and Why (New York: Touchstone/Simon and Shuster, 1996) ISBN 0-7432-0029-2
  30. ^ Scully, Teresita Do Catholics Worship Mary? on American Catholic.org
  31. ^ The Intercession of the Saints on Catholic.com
  32. ^ Patron Saints from Catholic Encyclopedia (1913) on Wikisource.org
  33. ^ Acts 19:11-12
  34. ^ Jenna Russell, «Marshfield man’s prayer an answer in sainthood query», The Boston Globe April 28, 2009, B1,4.
  35. ^ a b Relics Catholic Encyclopedia on NewAdvent.org
  36. ^ Table of the Canonizations during the Pontificate of His Holiness John Paul II on Vatican.va
  37. ^ a b c d e How Stuff Works
  38. ^ http://www.masud.co.uk/ISLAM/misc/tahawi.htm
  39. ^ Michael Gilsenan (1973). Saint and Sufi in Modern Egypt. Oxford. ISBN 0-19-823181-4.


  • Beyer, Jürgen, et al., eds. Confessional sanctity (c. 1550 — c. 1800). Mainz: Philipp von Zabern, 2003.
  • Bruhn, Siglind. Saints in the Limelight: Representations of the Religious Quest on the Post-1945 Operatic Stage. Hillsdale, New York: Pendragon Press, 2003. ISBN 978-1-57647-096-1.
  • Cunningham, Lawrence S. The Meaning of Saints. San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1980.
  • Hawley, John Stratton, ed. Saints and Virtues. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1987.
  • Hein, David (2006). «Saints: Holy, Not Tame». Sewanee Theological Review 49: 204–17.
  • Hein, David. «Farrer on Friendship, Sainthood, and the Will of God.» In Captured by the Crucified: The Practical Theology of Austin Farrer. Edited by David Hein and Edward Hugh Henderson. New York and London: T & T Clark / Continuum, 2004. 119-48.
  • Jean-Luc Deuffic (éd.), Reliques et sainteté dans l’espace médiéval [1]
  • O’Malley, Vincent J. «Ordinary Suffering of Extraordinary Saints», 1999. ISBN 0-87973-893-6
  • Perham, Michael. The Communion of Saints. London: Alcuin Club / SPCK, 1980.
  • Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. Insight on the Scriptures: Volume 1. Brooklyn,: Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, 1988.
  • Woodward, Kenneth L. Making Saints. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1996.

External links

  • Inspirational Quotes from the Saints
  • Today’s Saints on the Calendar
  • http://www.oodegr.com/english/istorika/britain/British_saints.htm
  • Biographies of Saints and Gurus in the Indian Tradition
Stages of canonization in the Catholic Church
  Servant of God   →   Venerable   →   Blessed   →   Saint  

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