Origin of the word product

English word product comes from Latin duco (I draw, pull. I lead, guide. I prolong. I think, consider.), Latin pro, Latin pro-

Detailed word origin of product

Dictionary entry Language Definition
duco Latin (lat) I draw, pull. I lead, guide. I prolong. I think, consider.
pro Latin (lat) About. According to. As befitting. As, like. Before. For. In front, instead of. On behalf of.
pro- Latin (lat) (prefixed to verbs of utterance) in place of, on behalf of. (temporally) prior, fore-. Action directed forward or in front. Advantage. Bringing into being, forth, or into the open. Downward and forward movement. Forward direction, forward movement. Prominence.
produco Latin (lat) (figuratively) I bring into use, make, invent devise, produce.. (figuratively) I draw or drag out, lengthen out, prolong, protract.. (figuratively) I lead or induce someone to do something, entice.. (figuratively) I plant, cultivate.. (figuratively) I raise, promote, advance.. (figuratively, of time) I pass, spend.. (grammar, of pronunciation) I lengthen, prolong.. I advance, draw out.. I […]
produire French (fra) (reflexive) to happen, take place (of an event). (reflexive) to perform (of a singer, etc.). (transitive) to produce, to yield.
produire Middle French (ca. 1400-1600) (frm) To produce; to yield; to give.
productus Latin (lat)
product English (eng) (US, slang) Illegal drugs, especially cocaine, when viewed as a commodity.. (chemistry) A chemical substance formed as a result of a chemical reaction.. (cosmetics, uncountable) Any preparation to be applied to the hair, skin, nails, etc.. (countable, uncountable) A commodity offered for sale.. (mathematics) Any operation or a result thereof which generalises multiplication of numbers, like […]

Words with the same origin as product

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This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

[ produhkt, -uhkt ]

/ ˈprɒd əkt, -ʌkt /

This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.


a thing produced by labor: products of farm and factory; the product of his thought.

a person or thing produced by or resulting from a process, as a natural, social, or historical one; result: He is a product of his time.

the totality of goods or services that a company makes available; output: a decrease in product during the past year.

Chemistry. a substance obtained from another substance through chemical change.



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Origin of product

1400–50; late Middle English <Latin prōductum (thing) produced, neuter of past participle of prōdūcere to produce


mul·ti·prod·uct, adjectivesubproduct, noun

Words nearby product

produce, producer, produce race, producer gas, producer goods, product, product differentiation, productile, production, production control, production line

Dictionary.com Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

Words related to product

amount, brand, commodity, crop, device, fruit, merchandise, output, produce, production, profit, stock, work, aftermath, artifact, blend, brew, by-product, compound, concoction

How to use product in a sentence

  • The company is currently shooting for a product launch in May of next year.

  • The financing will be used to grow InsideSherpa’s staff, with more engineering, product and sales roles.

  • The product is multifunctional and has a ton of uses as a stand-alone product.

  • Making the most of that work — translating a successful clinical product into real-world progress — will require some patience.

  • She notes that Google does pollution monitoring and that IKEA has started buying up crop stubble, which is typically burned and a major source of pollution in India, to turn into products.

  • Together, the teams are working 24 hours a day for a product that promises much higher risk than it does profit.

  • The billionaire philanthropist tastes the product of a machine that processes human sewage into drinking water and electricity.

  • Bitcoin began 2013 with a roaring price of $770 per unit, and businesses right and left were converting to the ethereal product.

  • And, with Coca-Cola announcing the launch of a new milk product, the beverage could be back in our hands before we know it.

  • The resulting product included four single-cask variants along with finished pictures of McKidd enjoying a glass of The Macallan.

  • It is the principal waste-product of metabolism, and constitutes about one-half of all the solids excreted—about 30 gm.

  • The product is then multiplied by the number of cubic centimeters voided in twenty-four hours and divided by 1000.

  • I should judge that a peck of corn is about the average product of a day’s work through all this region.

  • I suspect, from the evident care taken of it, that its product is considerably relied on for food.

  • Virginia leaf still continues to flourish, and to-day it is the great agricultural product of the State.

British Dictionary definitions for product


something produced by effort, or some mechanical or industrial process

the result of some natural process

a result or consequence

a substance formed in a chemical reaction

mainly US any substance used to style hair, such as gel, wax, mousse, or hairspray


  1. the result of the multiplication of two or more numbers, quantities, etc
  2. Also called: set product another name for intersection (def. 3)

Word Origin for product

C15: from Latin prōductum (something) produced, from prōdūcere to bring forth

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

Scientific definitions for product

A number or quantity obtained by multiplication. For example, the product of 3 and 7 is 21.

The American Heritage® Science Dictionary
Copyright © 2011. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


The word product is a noun and can be used as a countable or uncountable noun depending on the context it is used in. The word itself originates from the early fifteenth century and used in a mathematical context to express mathematical quantity obtained by multiplication. 

As well, from the Latin word productum which means something that is produced. Later it took on a meaning of anything that is produced could be considered a product. There are several contextual meanings of the word product that are used currently.

1. Meaning of Product:

We use the word product in a mathematical context to describe the process of when 2 numbers are multiplied together the result is another number or a product. In this context, this would be considered a countable noun.

  • Johnny, if you multiply 3 x 3 what is product?
  • I always have difficulty coming up with the correct product answer when multiplying large numbers in my head.

2. Meaning of Product:

We can also use the word product to refer to refer to people and things that are produced or influenced because of the unique environment they are from or are in.

  • In my opinion, children’s behavior and values are the product of their parents and friends, the people they surround themselves matter more that their genes.
  • The food we eat and the organic purity of it is a product of the environment it is grown in and raised in.

3. Meaning of Product:

One of the more common ways product is used is to refer to something that is made, grown for use.

  • The software company’s new product is amazing.
  • The product we grow is organic and all natural.

4. Meaning of Product:

We will use the word product when we want to refer to something that is the outcome of a procedure or product.

  • I had to opportunity to see the end product of the new bio fuel they have been developing.
  • Writing this blog was difficult but I am happy with the end product.

5. Meaning of Product:

Today, in the use when someone uses product to refer to any substance used to style hair. For example, hair gel, hairspray, mouse etc.  The use of the word product in this way is primarily used in North America.

  • What product are you using to style your hair?
  • I need to go out and buy some product, I have a date tonight and I want to fix my hair up.


Francis: He Paul, what do you think our new product line this year?

Paul: Well, I like products that have a low-cost production. When I multiply the numbers, we get a good product number.

Francis: Got it. By the way, how do you get your hair to look so neat and tidy for the whole day, what product are you using? 

Paul: I use a product made by Franco.  All of their products are very good.

Francis: Great are they the product of organic production?

Paul: I am not sure if the product is organic.

Francis: I better get back to work, I have many products to review before I go home.

Paul: You are a chip off the old block, a real product of your environment.

Related Phrases & Phrasal Verbs

By-product – in the context of product, we use this to describe the secondary effects, often times unintentional, of an original product.

  • The organizations development was the by-product of the company’s product line’s success.

Spin off – within the context of the noun product and the scope of business, we use spin-off to refer to an additional or incidental product produced as a result of the original product.

  • The spin-off was due in part to the product development team’s efforts.

Season’s Growth – when used in the context of product, we would use this to refer to the outcome or result of something.

Turn out – this is a phrase we use to describe how something develops or the ending result of something.

  • The product had gone through many revisions and it turned out to be one of the best we have seen this year.

After-effect – In the context of product, this is a term we would use to express something that follows the original primary effect.

  • The product was developed from the aftereffects of a product from the 1800’s.

Side Effect – we use this phrase in the context of product, to express the secondary and often undesirable effects of the original product’s intent.

  • The side effects of his father’s drinking problem result in his son developing anxiety issues, his son was a product of the dysfunctional environment his father created.

End result – this is a phrase we use to describe the final outcome of something or someone.

  • After the final product was presented, it was clear that the end result was a success.

Offshoot – in the context of product, we would use this to refer to something or someone that has resulted from something or someone else.

  • He was an offshoot of the educational problems teenagers have today and the product of our environment.

Related idioms:

Chip off the old block – in the context of product, we would use this term to describe someone who is a similar product to the original.  It is often used to refer to people.

  • He is a product of his environment, he is a chip off the old block – just like his father.

Synonyms for product:












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На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

происхождение продукта

происхождения товара

происхождения продукта

происхождение товара

происхождении продукта

происхождении товара

происхождении этого продукта

происхождения продукции

Elevated levels of estrogen indicates a questionable origin of the product.

Traceability is not merely about finding the origin of the product.

It is possible to register a trademark or a name of the place of origin of the product for these purposes.

Для этих целей можно зарегистрировать товарный знак или наименование происхождения товара.

Another more popular means of individualization used as a regional brand is considered to be a name of the place of origin of the product.

Другим более популярным средством индивидуализации, используемым в качестве регионального бренда, считается наименование происхождения товара.

Citizens are entitled to an equivalent level of protection throughout the single market, regardless of the origin of the product.

Потребители, работники и другие пользователи имеют право на эквивалентный уровень защиты на всем рынке, независимо от происхождения продукта.

When using it is important to consider the amount of cholesterol in the liver, depending on the origin of the product.

При употреблении важно учитывать количество холестерина в печенке, в зависимости от происхождения продукта.

The consumer used to associate the European origin of the product with high quality, production control and naturalness.

Европейское происхождение продукта ассоциировалось у потребителя с высоким качеством, контролем производства и натуральностью.

CE marking does not indicate the origin of the product.

The label not only certifies the Trappist origin of the product.

The name and design of the packaging emphasize the Russian origin of the product, which is important for consumers from China.

Название и оформление упаковки подчеркивают российское происхождение продукта, что важно для потребителей из КНР.

A name of the place of origin of the product and a geographical indication: what will the difference be?

Наименование места происхождения товара и географическое указание: чем будут отличаться?

indication of the country or place of origin of the product, if necessary

The actual duty rate to be applied also depends on, inter alia, the country of origin of the product and free trade agreements.

Фактическая ставка пошлины, подлежащая применению, также зависит, в частности, от страны происхождения продукта и соглашений о свободной торговле.

The word indicates the geographical origin of the product

It could help confirm the origin of the product!

I believe that the problem of «tracing the origin of the product in reverse order from the store shelf to the farm» is hardly solvable.

Я считаю, что задача «проследить происхождение продукта в обратном порядке от полки магазина до фермы» вряд ли решаема.

any other practice likely to mislead the consumer as to the true origin of the product.

любых действий, способных ввести потребителя в заблуждение относительно истинного происхождения товара.

Country of origin of the product (if the effective address of the manufacturer is different from legal).

страна происхождения продукта (если фактический адрес производителя отличается от юридического)

On the neck of the bottle there is a sticker confirming the origin of the product

Отметка о подлинности отсутствует На горлышке бутылки есть наклейка, подтверждающая происхождение продукта

The GI prevents unauthorized parties from using a protected GI for products not from that region or from misleading the public as to the true origin of the product.

ГН предотвращают использование неутвержденными сторонами защищенных ГН продуктов не из соответствующего региона или ввод в заблуждение относительно действительного происхождения продукта.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 71. Точных совпадений: 71. Затраченное время: 101 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

context icon

More exotic positions employ more vibrant, tropical patterns and color schemes,

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Более экзотические позиции используют яркие, тропические орнаменты и цветовые решения,

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In this respect, there were proposals for including in






traceability and

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В этой связи были внесены предложения включить в повестку дня вопросы о

возможностях отслеживания и средствах поиска документации, касающейся истории и происхождения продукции.

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intention is to encourage and reward those who did manage their forest sustainably with market outlets, possibly even price premiums, and to enable consumers, and even Ggovernments,

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Цель этой работы заключается в стимулировании и поощрении тех, кто использует устойчивые методы лесопользования, путем предоставления выхода на рынки сбыта, и, возможно, даже ценовых надбавок, а также в обеспечении

условий для информированного выбора потребителями и правительствами товаров на основе достоверной информации о происхождении продукции.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

This allows producers and


industry to 1. meet quality and regulatory requirements, 2. manage recall more effectively

3. provide accurate information to consumers on


origin of the product, thereby improving consumer safety as well as enhancing efficiency.

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Благодаря этому производители и компании отрасли могут: 1 выполнить требования в отношении качества и соответствующие нормы и правила; 2 повысить эффективность процесса отзыва


3 предоставить потребителю точную информацию о происхождении продукции, повысив тем самым не только безопасность потребителя, но и эффективность своей деятельности.

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All inbound shipments


materials should

be accompanied by more detailed information indicating


origin of the product, its exact chemical composition,

and a declaration on








receiving countries.

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На все ввозимые в страну

материалы должна иметься сопроводительная документация, содержащая более подробную информацию о происхождении продукта и его точном химическом составе,

а также декларация


характере использования данного


странами- получателями;

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of the

preferential duties reflected


differences in sensitivity

of the products,

this sensitivity was now analysed on

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Хотя модуляция преференциальных пошлин отражает различия в чувствительности


эта чувствительность в настоящее время анализируется исключительно

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Patents will be available for any new, innovative and industrially applicable invention, whether


or process, in all fields


technology, and without discrimination as to place



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Патенты будут выдаваться на любое новое инновационное и применимое в промышленности изобретение, будь то


или процесс, во всех областях технологии и без какой-либо дискриминации на основе места изобретения,

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Such an approach would be in line with current best practice,

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Этот подход будет соответствовать современной наилучшей практике и

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In addition,


construction manager has developed a

system to track



of the

trade contractors,


origin of the products and



of products

used for


capital master plan.

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Кроме того, управляющая компания разработала систему,

позволяющую отслеживать гражданство подрядчиков, страну происхождения продукции и стоимость товаров, используемых в рамках генерального плана капитального ремонта.

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by ensuring yourself, you can enhance




you to reach your willing.

context icon

что, обеспечивая себя, вы можете улучшить средства для достижения Вашего готовы.

by guaranteeing on your own, you could enhance




you to reach your ready.

context icon

Очевидно, гарантируя себя, вы можете улучшить методы для достижения Вашего готовы.

by guaranteeing yourself, you can enhance




you to reach your willing.

context icon

К истокам продукта, вы можете быть уверенней потреблять его. Естественно, обеспечив

себя, вы могли бы улучшить пути для достижения Вашего готовы.

by ensuring on your own, you can improve




you to reach your ready.

context icon

Конечно, гарантируя себе, вы можете улучшить пути для достижения Вашего готовы.

and imported into Russia shall be determined in accordance with



of origin

in force in


Russian Federation.

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при их импорте в Россию, определяются в соответствии с правилами


действующими в Российской Федерации.

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and imported into


Community shall be determined in accordance with



of origin

in force in



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при их импорте в Сообщество, определяется в соответствии с правилами


действующими в Сообществе.

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For obtaining


certificate on definition


country of origin of the product,



of the

Customs Union or foreign


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Для получения аттестата по определению страны происхождения товара, статуса


Таможенного союза или иностранного


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GI prevents unauthorized parties from using a protected GI for


not from that region or

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ГН предотвращают использование неутвержденными сторонами защищенных ГН


не из соответствующего региона или

But for reasons


morality and efficiency, they believed it was

important to try to establish


truth by determining


origin of the product involved and prosecuting those responsible.

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Но по соображениям морального порядка и эффективности они полагают,

что необходимо принять меры для выявления истины, определения характера продуктов и привлечения виновных к ответственности.

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ten reports on internship,

confirmed its participation in


works on definition


country of origin of the product,



of the

Customs Union or foreign


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Копии десяти отчетов о прохождении стажировок,

подтверждающих его участие в проведении работ по определению страны происхождения товара, статуса


Таможенного союза или иностранного


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If possible communicate to


competent administration(s)

of the



origin of the product(if it is not a Party to


1958 Agreement)


information that an establishment in its country has offered for sale unauthorized parts or items



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По возможности связаться с компетентной( ыми) администрацией( ями) страны происхождения продукции( если эта страна не является Стороной Соглашения 1958 года), с тем чтобы сообщить

ей, что одно из предприятий ее страны поставляет в продажу детали или предметы оборудования, не допущенные к использованию;

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If possible communicate to


competent administration(s)

of the



origin of the product(b) if it is not a Party to





information that an establishment in its country has offered for sale unauthorized parts or items



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По возможности связаться с компетентной администрацией( компетентными администрациями) страны происхождения продукции( если эта страна не является Стороной Соглашения 1958 года), с тем чтобы

сообщить ей, что одно из предприятий ее страны поставляет в продажу детали или оборудование, не допущенное к использованию;

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which hardly goes together with fast food preparation.

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что не всегда идет рука об руку с быстрым приготовлением еды.

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She requests that


samples taken by




experts undergo an analysis which will make it possible to identify



companies and countries of origin of the products which entered Paraguay illegally, so that they can be sent back.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

context icon

Она рекомендует осуществить анализ отобранных этой группой проб с целью определения лабораторий,

предприятий и стран происхождения продуктов, незаконно ввезенных в Парагвай, для обеспечения их реэкспорта.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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  • Origin of the word power
  • Origin of word flat
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  • Origin of the word population