Oracle add in for excel

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Oracle Visual Builder Add-in for Excel

The Oracle Visual Builder Add-in for Excel is an add-in for Microsoft Excel that allows Excel users to edit business data available from REST services.


Oracle Visual Builder Add-in for Excel (Windows)

  • Documentation for the Oracle Visual Builder Add-in for Excel
  • Recorded demo (8:02)

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Your Oracle , Your Way!

The Excel Add-In for Oracle provides the easiest way to connect with Oracle Database .
Users simply supply their credentials via the connection wizard to create a connection and can immediately begin
working with live Oracle Database tables of data. The Excel Add-In is completely self-contained; no additional
software installation is required.

Bi-Directional Access To Live Oracle Database From Excel

The Excel Add-In for Oracle is integrated with the Excel toolbar and ribbon, providing direct access to
live data with a single click.

Easy-To-Use, Straightforward Configuration:

  1. Install the Add-In
  2. Login with User & Password
  3. Select Tables

Installing any of the Excel Add-Ins creates a new CData data access toolbar in Excel that users can
access to connect to remote data. From the Excel toolbar, users can select any of the installed CData Add-Ins
to configure a connection.

Select Tables and Columns

Once the data connection is configured, just specify the table and the Excel Add-In will populate a new Excel
sheet with live Oracle Database .

Oracle Database With The Full Power of Excel

Perfect for mass imports / exports / updates, data cleansing & de-duplication, Excel based data analysis, and more!

  • Modify and delete Records.
  • Quickly export and backup data.
  • Operate on data with Charts and Pivot Tables.

Building custom dashboards & reports that connect with live Oracle data has never
been easier. Download the CData Excel Add-In for Oracle Server now, and get connected.

  Download Now

In this oracle tutorial, we will learn how to connect excel to an oracle database. also, we will cover these topics.

  • Connect Excel to Oracle Database
  • Connect Excel to Oracle Database 12c
  • Excel Connect to Oracle Database without ODBC
  • Excel Connect to Oracle Database with ODBC
  • Excel Connect to Oracle Database using OLED
  • Excel Connection String to Oracle Database
  • Can you link excel to Oracle Database

In this section, we will learn how to connect Excel to Oracle Database without ODBC.

  • Microsoft Excel has built-in feature of connecting excel to oracle database and we show show you how to use it.
  • Once the connection is established, you will be able to access all the files in the oracle database of that common particular user.
  • In our case, c##sqlserverguides is the name of our common user name. Please note that it is mandatory to c## as suffix while creating a user name.
  • There are three things required to connect excel with the oracle database.
    • Server or SSID
    • Username
    • Password
  • Default ssid is “orcl” which is also the Global Database name. In case you have changed it or created a new one then please mention that one.
  • Open Microsoft Excel and click on the Data tab, from there click on the the From Database dropdown and select ‘From Oracle Database‘.
Connect Excel to Oracle Database
Connect Excel to Oracle Database
  • If you encounter this error then simply click on the on the OK button. The error won’t create problem while connecting excel with the Oracle database.
Oracle.DataAccess.Client is not Installed
  • Enter the name of server or ssid here. ssid is the name of the global database created at the time of installation. In our case, it is ‘orcl’, click on the ok button to proceed.
Enter Server or SSID to connect excel with oracle database
Enter Server or SSID to connect excel with oracle database
  • Excel is connected to oracle database now you can browse of all the oracle data on the microsoft excel.
Excel Connected to Oracle Database

Read How to Check Oracle Database Version

Connect Excel to Oracle Database with ODBC

In this section, we will learn how to connect excel to the oracle database on the windows operating system.

  • Offline installed Excel software can only be connected to the oracle database. Web based excel won’t give option to connect with the database.
  • First step in the process is we have to create a new data source on “Windows Administrative Tools” on windows operating system.
windows administrative tools
Windows Administrative Tools
  • Inside “Windows Administrative Tool” click on the ODBC Data Sources (64-bit). From the appeared prompt select “User DSN” tab and click on Add button.
  • Another prompt will appear “Create New Data Source” in that prompt select “Oracle in OraDB19Home1“. This name may change in future but it will always start with the key ‘oracle’. Click on the the finish button.
create new data source
Create New Data Source
  • Once you clicked on the finish button in the previous option, you will see “Oracle Database Driver Configuration” window.
  • Data Source Name: Name provided here will reflect in excel and you have to choose it over there.
  • Description: If you want to add a little description about your database you can write it here. Description can also be treated as instruction for other users of the database.
  • TNS Service Name: ‘orcl’ is the global database configured while installing the Oracle databse software. Incase you have changed it or created a new one then mention that here.
  • User ID: It is optional to provide user id. You can mention the common username here.
  • Click on the “Test Connection” button and provide the username and password and click on the ok button. If a prompt appear “Test Successful” that means you can move to next step now. Click on the Ok button on the “Oracle ODBC Driver Configuration” window.
oracle odbc driver connect
Oracle ODBC Driver Connect
  • Open Microsoft Excel and click on the Data tab, from there click on the the Get Data dropdown and select ‘From Other Sources‘, click on the option “From ODBC“.
Connect Excel to Oracle Database
Connect Excel to Oracle Database
  • Select the Data Source Name that we created in Oracle Odbc Driver Configuration.
  • Once done, it will ask for the username and password. Enter the credential and you will see that a screen with Navigation title will appear and now you can browse your data there. This is how we can connct excel with oracle database.
select database from ODBC in oracle database

Read How to Get List all Tables in Oracle Database

Connect Excel to Oracle Database 12c

In this section, we will learn how to connect excel to oracle database 12c on the windows operating system.

  • Oracle has released various versions so far out of these 12c and 11g were most popular and widely used versions.
  • Current stable long term version is Oracle database 19c and 21c is in innovation mode.
  • Though 12c has been obsolete still many organisations are still using it.
  • Steps to connect excel to oracle database 12c is similar to oracle database 19c. So you can follow section section “Connect Excel to Oracle Database with ODBC” of this tutorial.

Read: How to create table in Oracle

Excel Connect to Oracle Database without ODBC

In this section, we will learn how to connect excel connect to the oracle database without ODBC on the windows operating system.

  • Most of the connection between microsoft excel and oracle database are established using ODBC.
  • This type of connections are established in previous versions of microsoft excel when there was no option for from connecting oracle directly with excel.
  • In new versions there is already option to connect with oracle database as you can see in the below image.
from oracle database option in excel
From Oracle Database Option in Excel
  • In case this option is not available then using oled you can connect with the database.
  • to see practical implementation of excel connect to oracle database with oled visit the first section of this tutorial ” Connect Excel to Oracle Database”.

Also, check: How to Fetch Data from Oracle Database in Python

Excel Connect to Oracle Database using OLED

In this section, we will learn how excel connects to an oracle database using OLED in the Microsoft Windows operating system.

  • Open Microsoft Excel and click on the Data tab, from there click on the the Get Data dropdown, now click on ‘From Other Sources‘ and select From OLEDB.
excel connect to oracle using oled
Excel Connect to Oracle Database using OLED
  • In the connection string prompt enter the below code. In our case ‘orcl’ is the name of our global database so we have set source=orcl.
provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle.1;data source=orcl
  • After entering the above code click on the build button a new promot will appear “Data Link Properties”. Enter the user name and password for the user you want to connect with. In our case we are connecting with “c##sqlserverguides”.
  • Once filled all the required information (username & password) click on “Test connection” button. If Test connection succeeded click on ok for all the three screens.
microsoft data link to excel connect with oracle database using oled
Microsoft Data Link
  • New prompt will appear immedietly after clicking on ok button of “From OLE
    DB” window.
  • Enter username and password one last time and click on connect. It may take few seconds then excel will be connected to oracle database.
final step excel connect to oracle database using oled
Final Step: Excel Connect to Oracle Database using OLED
  • Below is the window that will appear on the successful establishment of the connection. You will be able to access all the files, folder and tables available inside the connected user.
Excel Connected to Oracle Database
Excel Connected to Oracle Database

Read: Oracle get database name

Excel Connection String to Oracle Database

In this section, we will learn how to establish an excel connection string to an oracle database.

  • While connecting excel to oracle database you must have noticed ‘Credential Connection String’ box that might be optional in some cases.
  • Excel Connection String holds all the information about the connecting database like host, hostname, port, IP address, server type and service name.
  • while connecting excel to oracle database using oled we have to provide excel connection string that you can us the below excel connection string to connect with oracle databse.
provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle.1;data source=orcl
  • If you are advance user and want to connect via oracle database on server than you can configure the setting using the below code.
provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle.1;data source=
              DESCRIPTION = 
                 (ADDRESS = 
                   (PROTOCOL = TCP)
                   (HOST = localhost)
                   (PORT = 1521)
              (CONNECT_DATA = 
                  (SERVER = DEDICATED) 
                  (SERVICE_NAME = orcl))

Can you link excel to Oracle Database

In this section, we will answer the question “can you link excel to the oracle database“.

  • Yes, we can link excel to oracle database and there are multiple ways of doing that.
  • In this tutorial, we have explained 3 mojor ways that are widely used to connect excel to oracle database.
    • Connect excel to oracle database
    • Excel Connect to Oracle Database with ODBC
    • Excel Connect to Oracle Database using OLED
  • Visit each section to learn more about how to connect excel with oracle database.

In this tutorial, we have learned how to connect excel to an oracle database. Also, we have covered these topics.

  • Connect Excel to Oracle Database
  • Connect Excel to Oracle Database 12c
  • Excel Connect to Oracle Database without ODBC
  • Excel Connect to Oracle Database using OLED
  • Excel Connection String to Oracle Database
  • Can you link excel to Oracle Database


I am Bijay having more than 15 years of experience in the Software Industry. During this time, I have worked on MariaDB and used it in a lot of projects. Most of our readers are from the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, etc.

Want to learn MariaDB? Check out all the articles and tutorials that I wrote on MariaDB. Also, I am a Microsoft MVP.


  1. Image titled Connect Excel to an Oracle Database Step 1


    Open your workbook in Microsoft Excel. Excel comes with a feature called Power Query (also called Get & Transform) that makes it easy to connect to an Oracle database.[1]

    • If you haven’t installed the Oracle client software on your computer, you’ll need to do so first. You can get the latest 64-bit version here, and the 32-bit version here.
  2. Image titled Connect Excel to an Oracle Database Step 2


    Click the Data tab. It’s at the top of the screen.


  3. Image titled Connect Excel to an Oracle Database Step 3


    Click Get Data. If you don’t see this option, click New Query instead.

  4. Image titled Connect Excel to an Oracle Database Step 4


    Click From Database.

  5. Image titled Connect Excel to an Oracle Database Step 5


    Click From Oracle Database.

  6. Image titled Connect Excel to an Oracle Database Step 6


    Enter the Oracle server name into the ″Oracle Database″ box. This should be the host name or address of the server that hosts your database.

    • If the database requires an SID, use this format to type the server name/address: servername/SID.[2]
  7. Image titled Connect Excel to an Oracle Database Step 7


    Enter a native database query (optional). If importing data from the database requires a specific query, expand the ″SQL Statement″ box by clicking the small triangle, and then type the statement.[3]

  8. Image titled Connect Excel to an Oracle Database Step 8


    Click OK. This saves your options and initiates a connection to the database.

  9. Image titled Connect Excel to an Oracle Database Step 9


    Log into the database. If the database requires you to log in, enter your username and password, and then click Connect. This connects the workbook to the database.

    • Depending on your settings, you may also have to choose an authentication method.
    • If you entered a native database query, the results will appear in a Query Editor window.
  10. Advertisement

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Article SummaryX

1. Click Data.
2. Click Get Data.
3. Click From Database.
4. Click From Oracle Database.
5. Enter the server name.
6. Enter a query (optional).
7. Click OK.
8. Log in to the database.

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Devart Excel Add-in for Oracle allows you to connect Excel to Oracle databases, retrieve and load live Oracle data to Excel, and then modify these data and save changes back to Oracle. Here is how you can connect Excel to Oracle and load Oracle data to Excel in few simple steps.

To start linking Excel to Oracle, on the ribbon, click the DEVART tab and then click the Get Data button. This will display the Import Data wizard, where you need to create Excel Oracle connection and configure query for getting data from Oracle to Excel:

  1. Specify Connection Parameters
  2. Select whether to Store Connection in Excel Workbook
  3. Configure Query to Get Data

Editing Live Oracle Data

After the data is loaded from Oracle to Excel spreadsheet, you can work with these data like with usual Excel worksheet. You can instantly refresh data from Oracle by clicking Refresh on the Devart tab of the ribbon, and thus, always have fresh live data from Oracle in your workbook.

If you want to edit Oracle data in Excel and save changes made in Excel to Oracle database, you need to click Edit Mode on the Devart tab of the ribbon first. Otherwise, the changes you make cannot be saved to Oracle.

After you start the Edit mode, you can edit the data as you usually do it in excel — delete rows, modify their cell values. Columns that cannot be edited in Oracle, will have Italic font, and you cannot edit values in these columns. To add a new row, enter the required values to the last row of the table that is highlighted with green.

To apply the changes to actual data in the database, click the Commit button. Or click Rollback to rollback all the changes. Please note that the changes are not saved to the database till you click Commit, even if you save the workbook.

Read the full tutorial at

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