One word words to describe someone

Find the perfect words to describe someone with the world’s most comprehensive and carefully curated collection of adjectives to describe a person. Describing someone can be a challenge because everyone is so unique and we all have our own distinguishing characteristics which often leave us tongue-tied when trying to describe another person. Every word in here was carefully chosen to ensure that it actually should be included in a list of words to describe a person. So many lists online are haphazardly created, full of words that can’t actually be used to describe someone. However, here you can rest assured that every word in here is a word to describe someone.

Whether you are looking to describe someone’s appearance or for words to describe personality characteristics of an individual, you will find them all right here in one place. This list is arranged alphabetically to make it easy to sort through and scan. All words here are adjectives, which are parts of speech that describe one of three things: a person, place or thing. And since this is a collection of words to describe people, all of those included here are adjectives. You’ll also notice that we have included both negative and positive words to describe someone. While we would prefer to see a world of love and kindness, in the interest of accuracy and comprehensiveness, we have included positive, negative and neutral words here. We hope you enjoy this collection and return to it again and again whenever you are searching for some adjectives to describe someone.

words to describe someone

Words to Describe Someone

Here is our list of adjectives to describe a person. Enjoy and we hope you are able to paint the perfect picture!

A words to describe someone

  • abandoned
  • able
  • able-bodied
  • abrasive
  • absentminded
  • abstracted
  • abusive
  • accepting
  • accessible
  • acclaimed
  • accommodating
  • accountable
  • active
  • admirable
  • adoptive
  • adorable
  • adoring
  • adroit
  • adult
  • adventurous
  • affable
  • affectionate
  • African
  • ageless
  • aggressive
  • agitated
  • agreeable
  • adjectives that start with A
  • alert
  • alien
  • alive
  • all-around
  • alleged
  • alone
  • aloof
  • amazing
  • ambitious
  • American
  • amiable
  • amusing
  • anemic
  • angelic
  • angry
  • animated
  • annoyed
  • annoying
  • anonymous
  • antagonistic
  • antisocial
  • antsy
  • anxious
  • apathetic
  • apologetic
  • appalling
  • appealing
  • appreciative
  • apprehensive
  • approachable
  • ardent
  • argumentative
  • aristocratic
  • arresting
  • arrogant
  • artistic
  • artless
  • aspiring
  • assertive
  • astute
  • athletic
  • atrocious
  • attentive
  • attractive
  • atypical
  • auspicious
  • Australian
  • Austrian
  • authentic
  • available
  • avant-garde
  • average
  • avid
  • awesome
  • awful
  • awkward

adjectives to describe a person

B words to describe someone

  • babbling
  • baby
  • bad
  • bad-tempered
  • bald
  • balding
  • barren
  • bashful
  • beautiful
  • befuddled
  • believable
  • bellicose
  • belligerent
  • bent
  • best
  • adjectives that start with B
  • better
  • bewildered
  • biased
  • big
  • bighearted
  • bigoted
  • bilingual
  • bitter
  • bizarre
  • black
  • blameless
  • blessed
  • blind
  • blissful
  • bloated
  • blonde
  • bloodthirsty
  • blue
  • blunt
  • blushing
  • boastful
  • boisterous
  • bold
  • bookish
  • bossy
  • boyish
  • brainy
  • brash
  • brave
  • brawny
  • Brazilian
  • breathtaking
  • bright
  • bright-eyed
  • brilliant
  • British
  • broken
  • broken-hearted
  • bruised
  • brunette
  • bubbly
  • bulky
  • burly

C words to describe someone

  • calm
  • Canadian
  • cantankerous
  • capable
  • captivating
  • carefree
  • careful
  • careless
  • casual
  • Catholic
  • caustic
  • cautious
  • celebrated
  • centered
  • challenged
  • charismatic
  • charitable
  • charming
  • chatty
  • cheap
  • cheerful
  • cheery
  • chic
  • chicken
  • childish
  • childlike
  • Chinese
  • chivalrous
  • Christian
  • chubby
  • chunky
  • civilized
  • classy
  • adjectives that start with C
  • clean
  • clear-headed
  • clever
  • close
  • close-minded
  • clownish
  • clueless
  • clumsy
  • cocky
  • coherent
  • cold
  • cold-hearted
  • colorful
  • colorless
  • combative
  • comfortable
  • committed
  • communist
  • compassionate
  • competent
  • competitive
  • complacent
  • compulsive
  • conceited
  • concerned
  • condemned
  • condescending
  • confident
  • confused
  • congenial
  • conscientious
  • considerate
  • content
  • contented
  • controlling
  • controversial
  • convinced
  • convincing
  • convivial
  • cool
  • coolest
  • cool-headed
  • cooperative
  • corny
  • corpulent
  • corrupt
  • courageous
  • courteous
  • cowardly
  • crabby
  • crafty
  • cranky
  • crazy
  • creative
  • credible
  • creepy
  • crippled
  • cruel
  • cultured
  • curious
  • cute
  • cynical

D words to describe someone

  • dandy
  • dangerous
  • dapper
  • daring
  • dark
  • dashing
  • daughterly
  • dazzling
  • dead
  • deaf
  • dear
  • debonair
  • deceitful
  • deceptive
  • decisive
  • decrepit
  • dedicated
  • defeated
  • defenseless
  • defensive
  • defiant
  • deformed
  • dehydrated
  • dejected
  • delicate
  • delightful
  • delinquent
  • delirious
  • demanding
  • demented
  • demure
  • democrat
  • demonstrative
  • dependable
  • depressed
  • deranged
  • desirable
  • desperate
  • despondent
  • destructive
  • adjectives that start with D
  • determined
  • devious
  • devoted
  • devout
  • difficult
  • dignified
  • diligent
  • dim
  • dingy
  • diplomatic
  • direct
  • dirty
  • disabled
  • disadvantaged
  • disagreeable
  • disciplined
  • disconnected
  • discourteous
  • discriminatory
  • diseased
  • disgraceful
  • disgruntled
  • dishonest
  • dishonorable
  • disingenuous
  • disinterested
  • disloyal
  • dismissive
  • disobedient
  • disorganized
  • displeased
  • disreputable
  • disrespectful
  • disruptive
  • dissatisfied
  • distant
  • distinguished
  • distracted
  • distraught
  • distressed
  • distrustful
  • disturbed
  • diverse
  • dizzy
  • dogged
  • domestic
  • domineering
  • doting
  • dowdy
  • down
  • downhearted
  • dramatic
  • dreamy
  • driven
  • dull
  • Dutch
  • dutiful
  • dynamic

E words to describe someone

  • eager
  • earnest
  • easy
  • easy-going
  • ebullient
  • eccentric
  • ecstatic
  • educated
  • effervescent
  • efficient
  • egocentric
  • egotistical
  • Egyptian
  • elderly
  • elegant
  • eligible
  • elite
  • eloquent
  • emaciated
  • embattled
  • embittered
  • eminent
  • emotional
  • emotionless
  • enchanting
  • encouraging
  • endearing
  • energetic
  • engaging
  • enigmatic
  • enlightened
  • enormous
  • adjectives that start with E
  • enraged
  • enterprising
  • entertaining
  • enthralling
  • enthusiastic
  • entitled
  • entrepreneurial
  • envious
  • equable
  • equanimous
  • established
  • ethnic
  • European
  • even-tempered
  • evil
  • exact
  • exalted
  • exceptional
  • excitable
  • excited
  • exciting
  • exhausted
  • exhilarated
  • exotic
  • expectant
  • expert
  • explicit
  • explosive
  • expressionless
  • expressive
  • extra-large
  • extraordinary
  • extra-small
  • extreme
  • exuberant

F words to describe someone

  • fabulous
  • fair
  • faithful
  • faithless
  • famished
  • famous
  • fantastic
  • farsighted
  • fascinated
  • fascinating
  • fashionable
  • fast
  • fast-moving
  • fat
  • fatherly
  • fatigued
  • favorite
  • fearful
  • fearless
  • feckless
  • fecund
  • feeble-minded
  • female
  • feminine
  • fertile
  • fidgety
  • fierce
  • Filipino
  • filthy
  • fine
  • finicky
  • first
  • fit
  • flamboyant
  • flashy
  • flawless
  • flexible
  • flirtatious
  • fluent
  • focused
  • foolish
  • adjectives that start with F
  • forceful
  • foreign
  • forgetful
  • forgivable
  • forgiving
  • formal
  • fortunate
  • forward
  • foxy
  • fractious
  • fragile
  • frail
  • frank
  • frantic
  • fraternal
  • freaky
  • freckled
  • free
  • French
  • friendly
  • frightened
  • frisky
  • frugal
  • frumpy
  • frustrated
  • fulfilled
  • fully-grown
  • fun
  • fun-loving
  • funny
  • furious
  • fussy
  • fuzzy

G words to describe someone

  • gabby
  • gallant
  • garrulous
  • gaunt
  • gawky
  • generous
  • genial
  • gentle
  • genuine
  • German
  • ghoulish
  • giant
  • giddy
  • gifted
  • gigantic
  • giggling
  • gilded
  • giving
  • glamorous
  • gleeful
  • glib
  • gloomy
  • glowing
  • glum
  • gluttonous
  • adjectives that start with G
  • god-awful
  • god-like
  • godly
  • good
  • good-for-nothing
  • good-looking
  • good-natured
  • goofy
  • gorgeous
  • graceful
  • gracious
  • grand
  • great
  • greedy
  • Greek
  • gregarious
  • groggy
  • groovy
  • grotesque
  • grouchy
  • growling
  • grown-up
  • grumpy
  • guarded
  • guileless
  • guiltless
  • guilt-ridden
  • guilty
  • gullible
  • gushy
  • gutsy

H words to describe someone

  • haggard
  • hairless
  • hairy
  • half-hearted
  • handsome
  • handy
  • hapless
  • happy
  • happy-go-lucky
  • hardworking
  • harmless
  • harried
  • harsh
  • hasty
  • healthy
  • heartbroken
  • heartless
  • heavy
  • hefty
  • helpful
  • helpless
  • heroic
  • hideous
  • high-functioning
  • high-maintenance
  • high-spirited
  • hilarious
  • Hindu
  • adjectives that start with H
  • homeless
  • homely
  • honest
  • honorable
  • hopeless
  • horrible
  • hospitable
  • hostile
  • hot
  • hot-headed
  • hot-shot
  • hot-tempered
  • hubristic
  • huffy
  • huge
  • huggable
  • hulking
  • humble
  • humongous
  • humorless
  • humorous
  • husky
  • hypercritical
  • hypersensitive
  • hypnotic
  • hysterical

I words to describe someone

  • idealistic
  • ignorant
  • ill-educated
  • ill-humored
  • illiterate
  • illustrious
  • imaginative
  • immature
  • impatient
  • imperfect
  • impolite
  • important
  • impossible
  • impoverished
  • impressionable
  • impressive
  • impulsive
  • inarticulate
  • inartistic
  • inattentive
  • incapable
  • incoherent
  • incompetent
  • inconsiderate
  • inconsolable
  • incorrigible
  • incorruptible
  • adjectives that start with I
  • incredible
  • indecisive
  • independent
  • Indian
  • indigenous
  • indiscreet
  • indispensable
  • Indonesian
  • industrious
  • inelegant
  • infallible
  • infamous
  • infatuated
  • inflexible
  • influential
  • inhospitable
  • inhuman
  • innocent
  • innovative
  • inquisitive
  • insane
  • insecure
  • insensitive
  • insightful
  • insincere
  • inspirational
  • inspiring
  • instinctive
  • intellectual
  • intelligent
  • intimidating
  • intransigent
  • intrepid
  • introverted
  • invincible
  • Irish
  • irresistible
  • irresponsible
  • irritable
  • irritating
  • Italian

J words to describe someone

  • jaded
  • Jainist
  • Japanese
  • jeering
  • Jewish
  • jobless
  • jolly
  • adjectives that start with J
  • joyful
  • joyless
  • joyous
  • jubilant
  • judgmental
  • jumpy
  • junior
  • juvenile

K words to describe someone

  • keen
  • kind
  • kind-hearted
  • kindly
  • kingly
  • adjectives that start with K
  • knightly
  • knowledgeable
  • known
  • kooky
  • Korean

L words to describe someone

  • lame
  • languid
  • lanky
  • large
  • lascivious
  • late
  • lavish
  • lazy
  • leading
  • lean
  • learned
  • left-handed
  • legendary
  • lenient
  • level-headed
  • liberal
  • adjectives that start with L
  • lighthearted
  • likable
  • likeable
  • like-minded
  • lily-livered
  • limber
  • limping
  • literate
  • lithe
  • little
  • lively
  • livid
  • loathsome
  • local
  • logical
  • lonely
  • loose
  • loquacious
  • lost
  • lovely
  • loving
  • loyal
  • lucky
  • luscious

M words to describe someone

  • Machiavellian
  • macho
  • mad
  • magnanimous
  • manly
  • maniacal
  • manic
  • manipulative
  • marketable
  • married
  • masculine
  • massive
  • master
  • materialistic
  • maternal
  • matronly
  • mature
  • mean
  • mean-spirited
  • meek
  • mellow
  • memorable
  • adjectives that start with M
  • mercurial
  • merry
  • messy
  • meticulous
  • Mexican
  • middle-class
  • mighty
  • militant
  • mindful
  • mindless
  • mirthful
  • miscreant
  • miserable
  • mistrustful
  • modern
  • modest
  • money-grubbing
  • monstrous
  • moody
  • moronic
  • morose
  • mortal
  • motherly
  • mournful
  • multicultural
  • multi talented
  • munificent
  • muscular
  • Muslim
  • mute
  • mutinous
  • mysterious

N words to describe someone

  • naïve
  • nameless
  • narcissistic
  • narrow-minded
  • nasty
  • natural
  • naughty
  • nearsighted
  • neat
  • needy
  • negative
  • neglectful
  • negligent
  • neighborly
  • adjectives that start with N
  • nervous
  • new
  • nice
  • nifty
  • nimble
  • noble
  • noisy
  • nonchalant
  • noncommittal
  • normal
  • nosy
  • notorious
  • nutty

O words to describe someone

  • oafish
  • obedient
  • obese
  • objective
  • obliging
  • oblivious
  • obnoxious
  • observant
  • obsessive
  • obstinate
  • odd
  • odd-looking
  • odious
  • officious
  • okay
  • old
  • old-fashioned
  • omniscient
  • omnivorous
  • openhearted
  • open-minded
  • opinionated
  • oppressive
  • adjectives that start with O
  • optimistic
  • opulent
  • ordinary
  • original
  • ornery
  • outgoing
  • outraged
  • outspoken
  • outstanding
  • overactive
  • overambitious
  • overbearing
  • overcautious
  • overconfident
  • overcritical
  • overemotional
  • overenthusiastic
  • overjoyed
  • overoptimistic
  • overprotective
  • overqualified
  • overrated
  • oversensitive
  • overwhelmed
  • overwhelming
  • overworked
  • overwrought
  • overzealous

P words to describe someone

  • pale
  • pallid
  • parched
  • parental
  • parsimonious
  • particular
  • passionate
  • passive
  • paternal
  • paternalistic
  • pathetic
  • pathological
  • patient
  • patriotic
  • peaceable
  • peaceful
  • pedestrian
  • peerless
  • peevish
  • peppery
  • perfect
  • perky
  • persevering
  • persistent
  • personable
  • persuasive
  • pert
  • perverse
  • pessimistic
  • petite
  • pettish
  • petulant
  • phenomenal
  • philanthropic
  • philosophical
  • phobic
  • pigheaded
  • pious
  • pitiless
  • adjectives that start with P
  • placid
  • plain
  • plausible
  • playful
  • pleasant
  • pleased
  • pleasing
  • pliable
  • plodding
  • plucky
  • plump
  • pneumatic
  • poised
  • polished
  • polite
  • pompous
  • poor
  • poor-mannered
  • popular
  • portly
  • Portuguese
  • positive
  • possessive
  • posthumous
  • potent
  • powerful
  • powerless
  • practical
  • praiseworthy
  • precious
  • precise
  • precocious
  • predictable
  • preeminent
  • pregnant
  • prejudiced
  • premature
  • preoccupied
  • presentable
  • presidential
  • presumptuous
  • pretentious
  • pretty
  • prickly
  • prim
  • princely
  • principled
  • prissy
  • private
  • proactive
  • productive
  • profane
  • professed
  • professional
  • proficient
  • profound
  • profuse
  • progressive
  • prolific
  • prominent
  • promising
  • prompt
  • proper
  • prospective
  • prosperous
  • protective
  • Protestant
  • proud
  • provocative
  • prudent
  • prying
  • psychotic
  • public
  • puckish
  • pugnacious
  • pumped
  • punctual
  • puny
  • pure
  • pushy
  • pusillanimous

Q words to describe someone

  • qualified
  • quarrelsome
  • queenly
  • queer
  • querulous
  • questionable
  • quick
  • adjectives that start with Q
  • quick-minded
  • quick-tempered
  • quick-thinking
  • quick-witted
  • quiescent
  • quiet
  • quintessential
  • quirky
  • quizzical
  • quotable

R words to describe someone

  • rakish
  • rambunctious
  • rare
  • rascally
  • rational
  • raucous
  • ravishing
  • real
  • reasonable
  • reassuring
  • rebellious
  • receptive
  • reckless
  • recognizable
  • red-blooded
  • regal
  • regular
  • reigning
  • relatable
  • relaxed
  • relentless
  • relevant
  • reliable
  • adjectives that start with R
  • religious
  • remarkable
  • remorseful
  • remorseless
  • representative
  • republican
  • repulsive
  • resentful
  • reserved
  • resilient
  • resolute
  • resourceful
  • respectable
  • respectful
  • responsible
  • restless
  • retired
  • revengeful
  • rich
  • righteous
  • right-handed
  • rigid
  • romantic
  • rotund
  • rough
  • rowdy
  • rude
  • Russian
  • ruthless

S words to describe someone

  • sad
  • saintly
  • sane
  • satisfied
  • scholarly
  • Scottish
  • secure
  • seductive
  • self-absorbed
  • self-assured
  • self-centered
  • self-interested
  • selfish
  • selfless
  • self-reliant
  • self-satisfied
  • senior
  • sensational
  • senseless
  • sensitive
  • sentimental
  • serious
  • Shintoist
  • short
  • short-tempered
  • shrewd
  • sick
  • silly
  • simpleminded
  • sincere
  • sinful
  • single
  • skilled
  • sleeping
  • slender
  • adjectives that start with S
  • slim
  • sly
  • small
  • smart
  • sneaky
  • snotty
  • sober
  • sociable
  • softhearted
  • Spanish
  • special
  • speechless
  • spineless
  • spirited
  • spiritless
  • spiteful
  • splendid
  • spoiled
  • spooky
  • stable
  • star-crossed
  • steaming
  • stern
  • stingy
  • straight
  • strange
  • strong
  • stubborn
  • stuck-up
  • studious
  • stunned
  • stunning
  • stylish
  • suave
  • submissive
  • successful
  • super
  • superior
  • supreme
  • sweet

T words to describe someone

  • taciturn
  • tactful
  • tactical
  • tactless
  • talented
  • talkative
  • tall
  • tame
  • tan
  • tanned
  • tardy
  • teachable
  • tearful
  • tearing
  • teenage
  • telepathic
  • temperamental
  • tempestuous
  • tenacious
  • tender
  • tenderhearted
  • tense
  • terrible
  • terrified
  • testy
  • tetchy
  • thankful
  • thankless
  • theatrical
  • theoretical
  • thick
  • thin
  • thirsty
  • thorough
  • thoughtful
  • thoughtless
  • threatening
  • thriftless
  • thrifty
  • thrilled
  • tidy
  • tight
  • timeless
  • timid
  • tiny
  • adjectives that start with T
  • tired
  • tireless
  • tolerant
  • tone-deaf
  • toothsome
  • tormented
  • torpid
  • touched
  • touchy
  • tough
  • towering
  • traditional
  • traitorous
  • transparent
  • transplanted
  • treasured
  • tremendous
  • tremulous
  • tribal
  • tricky
  • triumphant
  • troubled
  • truculent
  • true
  • trusted
  • trustful
  • trusting
  • trustworthy
  • truthful
  • tumultuous
  • twinkling
  • twitter-pated
  • tyrannical

U words to describe someone

  • ugly
  • unabashed
  • unaccountable
  • unaffected
  • unapologetic
  • unapproachable
  • unattached
  • unbalanced
  • unbelievable
  • unbelieving
  • unblemished
  • unblushing
  • unbreakable
  • unchangeable
  • uncharitable
  • uncivilized
  • uncomfortable
  • unconvincing
  • uncooperative
  • uncoordinated
  • uncouth
  • undefeated
  • underprivileged
  • understanding
  • undeterred
  • uneducated
  • unemployed
  • adjectives that start with U
  • unfailing
  • unfaithful
  • unfaltering
  • unflappable
  • unforgettable
  • unforgiving
  • unfortunate
  • unfriendly
  • unfulfilled
  • unglamorous
  • ungraceful
  • ungracious
  • ungrateful
  • unhandsome
  • unhappy
  • unharmed
  • unhealthy
  • unhelpful
  • unimaginative
  • unimpeachable
  • uninformed
  • uninterested
  • uninvited
  • unkempt
  • unkind
  • unlikable
  • unloved
  • unmanageable
  • unmanly
  • unmatched
  • unopposed
  • unperturbed
  • unpleasant
  • unpredictable
  • unpretentious
  • unprincipled
  • unprofessional
  • unreasonable
  • unreceptive
  • unrelenting
  • unreliable
  • unrepentant
  • unruffled
  • unruly
  • unscrupulous
  • unselfish
  • unskilled
  • unsociable
  • unsophisticated
  • unsound
  • unstable
  • unsteady
  • unstoppable
  • unstressed
  • unsupervised
  • unsupported
  • unsure
  • unsuspected
  • unsuspecting
  • unsympathetic
  • untested
  • untidy
  • untouchable
  • untrained
  • untroubled
  • untrustworthy
  • unusual
  • unwary
  • unwilling
  • unwise
  • unwitting
  • unworthy
  • unyielding
  • upbeat
  • uppity
  • upright
  • upset
  • uptight
  • urbane
  • useless

V words to describe someone

  • vacuous
  • vagabond
  • vain
  • valiant
  • valorous
  • vehement
  • venal
  • venerable
  • vengeful
  • venomous
  • venturesome
  • versed
  • vibrant
  • victorious
  • vigilant
  • vigorous
  • vile
  • villainous
  • vindictive
  • violent
  • virtuous
  • visionary
  • adjectives that start with V
  • vital
  • vivacious
  • vivid
  • vocal
  • voiceless
  • voluptuous
  • voracious
  • vulgar
  • vulnerable

W words to describe someone

  • wacky
  • warm
  • warm-blooded
  • waspy
  • wasted
  • watchful
  • weak
  • weak-willed
  • wealthy
  • weary
  • weird
  • welcoming
  • well
  • well adjusted
  • well balanced
  • well behaved
  • well dressed
  • well endowed
  • well groomed
  • well heeled
  • well informed
  • well known
  • well liked
  • well mannered
  • well meaning
  • well-off
  • adjectives that start with W
  • well read
  • well rounded
  • well spoken
  • well-to-do
  • well traveled
  • whimsical
  • wholehearted
  • wicked
  • wide-eyed
  • wild
  • willful
  • willing
  • wily
  • winsome
  • wise
  • witty
  • wonderful
  • wondrous
  • worn
  • worn out
  • worried
  • worse
  • worthless
  • wry

X words to describe someone

  • xanthoriatic
  • xaroncharoo
  • xenodochial
  • xenophobic
  • adjectives that start with X

Y words to describe someone

  • yappy
  • yellow
  • Yemeni
  • Yemenite
  • yielding
  • Yiddish
  • young
  • young-looking
  • youthful
  • yucky
  • yummy
  • adjectives that start with Y

Z words to describe someone

  • zaftig
  • Zairean
  • Zambian
  • zany
  • zealous
  • zen
  • zero
  • zestful
  • Zimbabwean
  • Zionist
  • zooty
  • adjectives that start with Z
  • words to describe love

words to describe a person

We hope you enjoyed looking through these words to describe people and personality adjectives! Perhaps you came here in search of nice words to describe someone you love in order to write a poem, to find the right word for a game you are playing, are writing a greeting card for a friend or family member or were simply stuck trying to find the right word to express some characteristic about a particular individual. In any case, we hope you were able to find just the right word to fit whatever you were looking for. In any case, whenever you are in need of some adjectives to describe people, we hope you will return here whenever you need this list. And of course please feel free to share this list of adjectives to describe a person with anyone who might find them interesting, such as an educator, poet, writer, student or anyone who wants to expand their vocabulary.

The English language is full of many beautiful and positive words.  Often these words trigger a specific memory, pleasant thought, or a dream in our minds. The words that appeal to us are often very personal and the feelings they trigger are essentially unique to you.  Here is my list of the top 25 positive words in English that appeal to me.

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Ineffable means too great or extreme to be described or expressed in words. It reflects that feeling of awe such as what you feel when your first child is born.


Serendipity is used to describe the occurrence and development of events by chance in a beneficial or happy way. That stroke of luck comes at exactly the right time, out of the blue.


Ethereal means extremely light and delicate so that something appears not to be of this world. I associate this word with heavenly and beautiful things, such as dragonfly wings or a voice that gives you chills.


Iridescent is a word to describe seeing luminous colors that change when seen from different angles. This positive word reminds me of carefree days blowing bubbles and watching them float away.


Epiphany is that sudden moment of realization or revelation. That light-bulb moment often changes your life. Everyone needs an epiphany now and then.


Luminescence is when a substance gives off the light without being heated such as phosphorescence and fluorescence. The fun of chasing lightning bugs or stirring up the sea and being rewarded with an eerie green glow.


Eloquence is persuasive and fluent in writing and speaking. Don’t we all wish to be eloquent at the right times? What a bonus when you can give a speech and engage your entire audience!


Sonder is the realization that every random passerby is living a vivid, complex life full of their own ambitions, worries, friends, and routines, in which you might be an extra on a park bench or a lit office on their route. As a people watcher, this positive word resonates.


Effervescence means enthusiastic and vivacious, and also the bubbles in your fizzy drink. This reminds me of the excitement of a child, perhaps even tasting their first fizzy drink.


Magnanimous means being forgiving or generous to someone who is not a friend or is less powerful than you. I think we all need to be magnanimous and this world would be a better place.


Benevolent means being kindly and well-meaning. Similar to magnanimous, except this kindness being expressed to anyone. Being benevolent has its own rewards, and it makes you feel great too.


Amusement means enjoying entertainment or finding something funny.  The world needs more laughter and we should be able to find amusement in most situations, even laugh at ourselves.


Contentment is a state of satisfaction and happiness.  I believe that for most of us, life is about striving for contentment. Appreciate the small things to find contentment in your daily life.

positive words Iridescent


Determination is a firmness of purpose.  Achieving anything in life takes determination. Set the goal and succeed through determination.


Dignity is being worthy of respect or honor.  I like to believe everyone should be afforded basic dignity as a right especially our elders, who have so much to share if we listen.


Flourishing means thriving, developing successfully and rapidly. We all want something to flourish: a flourishing bank balance, perhaps a flourishing business, a flourishing garden. What a versatile and evocative word.


positive words Harmonious

Harmonious has three lovely meanings tuneful, forming a pleasing whole, free from dissent and disagreement. I like the peaceful feel this word has, like music from a waterfall.


Lustrous is basically a nicer word for shining. I like to think of this positive word as being used for hair and eyes, giving a description extra depth and reflection.  Who wouldn’t want lustrous hair?


Noble has a number of meanings, but I like the one which refers to a person showing high moral principles or good personal qualities. I like to think that our aim as humans should be to strive to be noble.


Respect is the feeling of admiration due to their abilities, achievements, or qualities. It also refers to giving the necessary regard for other people’s rights and feelings. Although for most people, respect is something that is earned, we should offer basic respect to all humans.


Laughter is the sound of someone laughing. This sounds more than almost any other has a way of lifting spirits. Laughter is contagious and makes us feel good.


positive words Tranquility

Tranquility is the state of being calm and tranquil. We all need this sort of peace in our lives now and then to regroup.


Unconditional means there are no conditions attached. I prefer this word as part of the phrase unconditional love. A love that transcends everything, there are no ifs and buts, a love that offers everything without demanding anything.


Smiling is laughing in a smaller, quieter way. Turning those corners of the mouth up showing a happy look. Smiling is also contagious, and when it is genuine, it lights up your whole face.


Hope is the expectation that something will happen. Even when situations are dire, keeping hope alive is what makes the human spirit fight through the worst of situations. Never lose hope.

Those are my top 25 positive and uplifting words, what are yours? Use this resource when you need information related to one positive word, positive vocabulary, 100 positive words, beautiful positive words, positive vocabulary words with meaning, some positive words, strong positive words,

The power of positive words – To me, a positive word equals a positive mindset. The language you use can change the path of your entire day.

Positivity in terms of the words that you use day-to-day is one of the best ways to improve your state of mind, yet it is a way that we often overlook.

This is why I am here today to tell you the importance of positive words in my life and the ways that I try to use them.

1. Meditation to increase the power of positive words

One way that I try to stay positive is to meditate as and when I can. This links to positive words because while I am being mindful of the thoughts and feelings that come and go, I try to keep as many positive words flowing through my mind.

Whether it is just sitting down, closing your eyes, and taking deep breaths while going through positive language in your mind. Possibly downloading an app for mindfulness, reading a book about it, or even using podcasts, there are endless ways to incorporate positivity into your life. If you use any of these methods you will find that the positive words will begin to flow into your world with little to no effort.

2. Compliments to express the power of positive words

When someone compliments you, you find your mood picking up entirely, don’t you? So why not gift that feeling to someone else.

It is important to let the people around you know that they have done something well, one of the best ways to do this is affirmation through positive language.

Another person that you must remember to shower with positivity is yourself. If you’re willing to raise someone else’s love for themselves, you have to include the one person who is always there. Yes, you!

3. Rewards to validate the power of positive words

All the way through your life there are always rewards systems. For example, behaving well in school often wound up coming back to you in the form of a certificate, trophy, or another prize. These objects would always be plastered from top to bottom with positive words. This validation of good behavior, positive contributions, or effort in school would be what every child wanted. This is reflected forever in many other situations.

Reward yourself, tell yourself all of the positive impacts that you have made. Let your mind go and explore all of the possible positive words that you could use to describe your achievements.

Setting goals can be helpful in this aspect, useful objectives that can help yourself and others.

4. Times of stress

As a student who has gone through their GCSE’s, AS’ and being a hair away from beginning my A-Level exams, stress is particularly rife.

It is extremely easy to get yourself in a slight huff during exam season, this is why keeping the vibes positive is important in situations like that, especially within education.

Writing a list of positive words is something that I have found incredibly helpful in stressful situations. As I said at the start, positive words can completely transform your mindset. Times that require an expanded mindset are the ones that you need the most positivity.

Overall, I truly believe that using positive language day-to-day is potentially one of the most underrated ways to improve your life.

By sharing my opinion on positive words and how they affect me, I hope that others will be inspired to delve into their own use of productive language.

Charlotte Yorke

A short bio about the writer: My name is Charlotte Yorke and I am an eighteen-year-old A-Level Student in Shakespeare’s Stratford-upon-Avon. I am beginning my exciting journey into the world of Journalism by beginning my Undergraduate Degree at Staffordshire University in September 2017. I am an avid reader and writer, I thoroughly enjoy expressing myself through the written word. Link to my blog: (Photo Credits: Sam Herdman)

This week’s positive word is


By Victoria J.Brown

To forgive will make you stronger.

Some people believe forgiveness is weak. They feel as if they are saying it’s okay for people to treat them disrespectfully. They may feel they are allowing people to walk over them. But think of it in another way …

How does this lack of forgiveness make you feel?

Tired? No energy?

Do you feel WEAK?

Trust me when I say, forgiving someone will only make you stronger. In forgiving, you will find peace.

Forgiving someone will actually lift the cloud from your life, it will enable you to see life from a brighter perspective. If you were to believe that everything DOES happen for a reason, ask yourself, why has this happened?

Ask yourself, what can you learn from this experience? What can you take forward into your future? We must learn to live a happy life and find peace. Forgiveness will enable us to do that.

What some people don’t see, because they are so angry, is that lack of forgiveness is only hurting them. It doesn’t actually hurt the other person. Many times you will find the other person continuing to live their life, not hurting or dwelling, it’s the person who is holding a grudge that is hurting.

Here’s a quick exercise for you:

I love therapeutic writing, it can really help when you feel like something is on your mind and churning you over. So take a piece of paper and start writing. In this piece of writing concentrate on the following things:

  • What this person has done to you?
  • What are you gaining from NOT forgiving them?
  • What have you learned from the situation?
  • Imagine thanking this person for enabling you to learn something new.
  • How can you move on from here? What steps can you put in place?
  • How would it feel to take hold of this situation, bring it close and love the fact that this has happened because you have learned something new?
  • How wonderful would it feel to let this go?
  • Describe how you would feel if you could love this experience and move on.

Really take the time to write down your emotions and what you have learned from this experience.

Don’t be the person who is wasting your life with anger … replace it with love and awesome things will happen!

Positive Words Research – This Week’s Positive Word is FORGIVE –


Words to describe People

Often at times, we struggle to get the right words to describe people. This struggle can be so intimidating that we end up making a mess – using the word.

Well, do not worry about it any further, because we bring you some words to describe people (one-word substitutes) that you can use them in your daily conversations or writings.

We assume that you already have an idea about what 0ne-word substitutes here. If you don’t know read it here – One-Word Substitutes

So Let’s Begin!

Words to describe People

words to describe people with negative qualities:

In this post, we will be discussing a few words to describe people and their behavior. You don’t have to get intimidated anymore. Learn the right word (One-word Substitute) and use them in the right context and impress everyone with your vocabulary.

  • Bellicose – the behavior that exhibits or displays an eagerness to fight or wage a war.  Example: 1. His bellicose personality made him a champion in the wrestling competition.  2. John wasn’t invited to the party because of his bellicose behavior.
  • Egotist – is the term used to describe a person who considers himself or herself to be the best. They are the ones who are excessively self-observed and they hold a favorable opinion about themselves. In simple words, they consider themselves to be the best and most important ones among all.  Example: Brian is such an egotist. He constantly keeps bragging about himself and his achievements irrespective of time, place and situation.
  • Fugitive – is a person who runs away. Mostly he is used in a context when someone hides from justice or law. Example: Instead of admitting the crime, Sophia flew to another country and became a fugitive from the law.
  • Hypocrite – is used to describe a person who acts or pretends against his own beliefs. For instance, they speak of something which they themselves don’t approve or believe. As an Example, John lectures a lot about Humanity and Philosophy. However, he never considers to help anyone- he’s such a hypocrite.
  • Petulant – is a term used to describe someone who gets annoyed and irritated like a child. Example: After being dismissed from the team, John behaved like a petulant toddler throwing tantrums. 

words to describe people with Positive qualities:

Furthermore, Now let’s look at some words to describe people with positive qualities.

  • Infallible – usually one who never makes mistakes. Besides, he is free from failures and defects. Example: James will be leading the new project soon. His previous projects were infallible. 
  • Indefatigable – is someone who is determined to achieve and fulfill his goals and objectives. Particularly, it can also mean to describe someone who doesn’t weaken, tire or exhaust easily.
  • Impervious – Generally, it means waterproof. In addition, it may also mean to describe someone who is not affected by what people say. Example: Bella is impervious. She doesn’t pay heed to what others say. She only does what she likes.
  • Humanitarian – Someone who works for improving the lives of people. He is the one who seeks to promote the welfare of people. For Example,  Mother Teresa is the greatest humanitarian. She gave her entire life for the welfare of people.
  • Optimist – Someone who is almost positive in every life situation. He always looks at the bright side of life. He is always happy, content and doesn’t complain. Example: Most of the Successful Entrepreneurs of Optimist. They take criticism and feedback constructively. 

Well, these are some words that you can use regularly in your daily conversation. Now that you have learned them, try to include them in your daily conversation and impress everyone with your language skills.

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Love such posts, visit: Wordful Wednesday

  • Part 1: Words to Describe Someone’s Physical Appearance

  • Part 2: Words to Describe Someone’s Personality

  • Part 3: Words to Describe Someone’s Mental Qualities

  • Part 4: Words to Describe Someone’s Moral Qualities

  • Part 5: Words to Describe Someone’s Spiritual Qualities

  • Part 6: Words to Describe Someone’s Behavior

  • Part 7: Words to Describe Someone’s Voice

When generally talking about someone’s personality, the point of concern should always be about what makes that person unique and different, perhaps even makes them stand out from the rest.

How many times has it occurred to you that specific characteristics about people attract or repel against our nature without us even noticing? That’s why relying on first impressions can summarize someone’s attitude, behavior, personality, appearance, and even their intellect.

Individual differences usually strike at some point or another; identifying them would require considerable attention. In order to actually describe people accurately and remember what aspects and traits about them impressed you, comparing and categorizing people is made easier. Note that it is not only differences but commonalities as well, which refers to the characteristics that interest people and draw them towards you. In this manner, personality, thoughts, feelings and appearances can be described using several adjectives. Listed below is an extensive list of words to describe someone’s physical appearance, personality, behaviors and so on.

(Please note that although words have been categorized into positive and negative; your own understanding of certain adjectives being positive or negative may differ. This articles does not intend to judge any quality.)

Part 1: Words to Describe Someone’s Physical Appearance




1.         Active

2.         Adept

3.         Adroit

4.         Agile

5.         Agreeable

6.         Ambitious

7.         Attractive

8.         Beautiful

9.         Brawny

10.     Charming

11.     Comely

12.     Cooper

13.     Curvy

14.     Comely

15.     Dainty

16.     Dapper

17.     Delicate

18.     Dexterous

19.     Elegant

20.     Exquisite

21.     Fair

22.     Fascinating

23.     Fit

24.     Good-looking

25.     Graceful

26.     Gorgeous

27.     Handsome

28.     Hardy

29.     Immaculate

30.     Lively

31.     Lovely

32.     Muscular

33.     Neat

34.     Nimble

35.     Presentable

36.     Pretty

37.     Ravishing

38.     Robust

39.     Shapely

40.     Skillful

41.     Slender

42.     Spirited

43.     Spruce

44.     Stalwart

45.     Strapping

46.     Strong

47.     Sturdy

48.     Tall

49.     Virile

50.     Vivacious

51.     Well-built

52.     Winsome

1.         Awkward

2.         Bald

3.         Bizarre

4.         Cadaverous

5.         Chubby

6.         Clumsy

7.         Coarse

8.         Decrepit

9.         Emaciated

10.     Fat

11.     Feeble

12.     Frail

13.     Flabby

14.     Gawky

15.     Ghastly

16.     Graceless

17.     Grotesque

18.     Hideous

19.     Horrible

20.     Incongruous

21.     Invidious

22.     Large

23.     Loathsome

24.     Obese

25.     Odious

26.     Ordinary

27.     Plain

28.     Plump

29.     Repellent

30.     Repugnant

31.     Repulsive

32.     Scruffy

33.     Short

34.     Sickly

35.     Slovenly

36.     Skinny

37.     Spare

38.     Thin

39.     Ugly

40.     Ungainly

41.     Unkempt

42.     Unmanly

43.     Unwomanly

44.     Weak

Part 2: Words to Describe Someone’s Personality




1.         Adaptive

2.         Classy

3.         Compassionate

4.         Conscientious

5.         Creative

6.         Constitutionally

7.         Diligent

8.         Discreet

9.         Dynamic

10.     Easy-going

11.     Energetic

12.     Exuberant

13.     Fair-minded

14.     Faithful

15.     Fearless

16.     Flexible

17.     Forceful

18.     Frank

19.     Friendly

20.     Funny

21.     Great

22.     Hardworking

23.     Helpful

24.     Honest

25.     Humorous

26.     Imaginative

27.     Inclined

28.     Innate

29.     Intelligent

30.     Intuitive

31.     Larger-than-life

32.     Natural

33.     Patient

34.     Perfect

35.     Persistent

36.     Placid

37.     Risky

38.     Self-aware

39.     Self-confessed

40.     Sensible

41.     Sporty

42.     Temperate

43.     Thick-skinned

44.     Tidy

45.     Warm-hearted

46.     Well-endowed

47.     Willing

48.     Witty

49.     Active

50.     Ambitious

51.     Assertive

52.     Cautious

53.     Conscientious

54.     Creative

55.     Curious

56.     Extroverted

57.     Inventive

58.     Perfectionist

59.     Pragmatic

60.     Trustworthy

1.         Addictive

2.         Arrogant

3.         Clingy

4.         Flawed

5.         Needy

6.         Outward

7.         Overweening

8.         Reactive

9.         Sad

10.     Sniveling

11.     Temperamental

12.     Territorial

13.     Wayward

14.     Aggressive

15.     Aloof

16.     Arrogant

17.     Cruel

18.     Cunning

19.     Cynical

20.     Loony

21.     Deceitful

22.     Detached

23.     Foolish

24.     Impolite

25.     Impatient

26.     Impulsive

27.     Inconsiderate

28.     Indecisive

29.     Harsh

30.     Inflexible

31.     Jealous

32.     Machiavellian

33.     Miserly

34.     Narrow-minded

35.     Moody

36.     Pessimistic

37.     Obstinate

38.     Self-centered

39.     Pompous

40.     Ruthless

41.     Rude

42.     Stubborn

43.     Silly

44.     Stupid

45.     Superficial

46.     Tactless

47.     Untrustworthy

48.     Vain

49.     Shy

50.     Careless

51.     Conceited

52.     Impulsive

53.     Introverted

54.     Nervous

55.     Reserved

56.     Serious

57.     Volatile

58.     Passive

Part 3: Words to Describe Someone’s Mental Qualities




1.         Apt

2.         Astute

3.         Capable

4.         Clever

5.         Competent

6.         Crafty

7.         Cunning

8.         Educated

9.         Erudite

10.     Gifted

11.     Ingenious

12.     Intellectual

13.     Intelligent

14.     Inventive

15.     Learner

16.     Observant

17.     Precocious

18.     Prudent

19.     Rational

20.     Reasonable

21.     Sage

22.     Scholarly

23.     Sensible

24.     Shrewd

25.     Subtle

26.     Talented

27.     Wily

28.     Wise

1.       Bigoted

2.       Dull

3.       Fatuous

4.       Foolish

5.       Ignorant

6.       Illiterate

7.       Inane

8.       Irrational

9.       Narrow-minded

10.    Obtuse

11.     Puerile

12.     Shallow

13.     Simple

14.      Stupid

15.     Ungifted

16.     Unintellectual

17.     Unintelligent 

18.     Unlettered

19.     Unschooled

20.     Vacuous

Part 4: Words to Describe Someone’s Moral Qualities




1.         Abstemious

2.         Austere

3.         Beneficial

4.         Blasé

5.         Careful

6.         Carefree

7.         Chaste

8.         Confident

9.         Decent

10.     Diligent

11.     Dutiful

12.     Empathetic

13.     Enlightened

14.     Exemplar

15.     Exuberant

16.     Faultless

17.     Forgiving

18.     Idealistic

19.     Innocent

20.     Just

21.     Harmless

22.     Honest

23.     Logical

24.     Light-hearted

25.     Loyal

26.     Methodical

27.     Peaceful

28.     Puritanical

29.     Reserved

30.     Respectable

31.     Responsible

32.     Righteous

33.     Savvy

34.     Serious

35.     Sophisticated

36.     Spiritual

37.     Steady

38.     Straight-forward

39.     Trustworthy

40.     Tolerant

41.     Truthful

42.     Upright

43.     Virtuous

44.     Whimsical

1.         Corrupt

2.         Criminal

3.         Deceitful

4.         Fraudulent

5.         Hypocritical

6.         Puritanical

7.         Self-indulgent

8.         Self-appointed

9.         Self-centered

10.     Treasonous

11.     Uptight

12.     Unscrupulous

Part 5: Words to Describe Someone’s Spiritual Qualities




1.         Angelic

2.         Believer

3.         Faithful

4.         Holy

5.         Godlike

6.         Religious

7.         Saintly

1.         Blasphemous

2.         Cynical

3.         Diabolic

4.         Evil

5.         Godless

6.         Profane

7.         Suspicious

8.         Skeptical

9.         Unregenerate

Part 6: Words to Describe Someone’s Behavior




1.         Caring

2.         Charming

3.         Considerate

4.         Enthusiastic

5.         Excitable

6.         Faithful

7.         Funny

8.         Kind

9.         Pleasant

10.     Polite

11.     Sincere

12.     Thoughtful

13.     Tactful

1.         Aggressive

2.         Argumentative

3.         Bossy

4.         Deceitful

5.         Domineering

6.         Inconsiderate

7.         Irritating

2.         Manic

3.         Manipulative

4.         Moody

5.         Rude

6.         Spiteful

7.         Thoughtless

8.         Tactless

Part 7: Words to Describe Someone’s Voice




1.         appealing

2.         booming

3.         fruity

4.         honeyed

5.         husky

6.         matter-of-fact

7.         modulated

8.         orotund

9.         penetrating

10.     plummy

11.     quietly

12.     ringing

13.     silvery

14.     singsong

15.     small

16.     smoky

17.     soft spoken

18.     toneless

19.     tremulous

1.         Adenoidal

2.         Breathy

3.         Brittle

4.         Croaky

5.         Dead

6.         Disembodied

7.         Flat

8.         Grating

9.         Gravelly

10.     Gruff

11.     Guttural

12.     High-pitched

13.     Hoarse

14.     Low

15.     Monotonous

16.     Nasal

17.     Quavering

18.     Raucous

19.     Rough

20.     Shrill

21.     Sotto voce

22.     Stentorian

23.     Strangled

24.     Strident

25.     Taut

26.     Thick

27.     Throaty

28.     Tight

29.     Wheezy

30.     Wobbly

My friend says she wants me to describe her in one word and I think she does not care about anything most of the time. So I’m looking for a word that describes that.

Safira's user avatar


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asked May 31, 2016 at 3:59

Jimena Alejandra Villaseor 's user avatar


I can’t find a noun for that. But I can think of some adjectives:

Apathetic derived from ODO

Which not interested or concerned. Having or showing little or no emotion.

The synonym may be:


Which means lacking physical sensation or sensitivity.



Which means having no particular interest or sympathy; unconcerned.

Community's user avatar

answered May 31, 2016 at 4:07

Safira's user avatar

Carefree — M-W

adjective having no worries or problems : free from care

«She has a carefree attitude toward life.»
«They spent a carefree day at the lake.»

Free spirit — M-W

noun a person who thinks and acts in a free way without worrying about normal social rules

«Their daughter is a real free spirit.»

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answered May 31, 2016 at 4:12

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