One word with two meanings examples

Words with Multiple Meanings: How to Understand and Use Them

7 min

Created: March 29th, 2023Last updated: March 29th, 2023

Words with Multiple Meanings


English is a notoriously tricky language due to various nuances, spellings, and pronunciation issues. Many commonly used words have several definitions – an all-too-familiar obstacle constantly appearing in language learning! But never fear; working on words with multiple meanings can become incredibly rewarding in expanding your lexicon.

Here’s an insightful guide to some commonly used English words with several meanings. We will discuss different types of such expressions and provide examples so that you can better understand the fascinating complexity behind them.

What is a Word That Has Multiple Meanings

A word with various meanings is simply one with more than its initial definitions. Depending on the context they are used in, such expressions can possess an extensively diverse set of interpretations and have various uses.

It’s common to come across one word with two meanings, and knowing this nuance is part of developing an enriching vocabulary. Some tend to be basic and easy to understand, whereas others can present quite a challenge, even for the most experienced English speakers!

As you work to understand the definition of such expressions, remember that they can fall into a few distinct categories. It’s essential to be aware of these, as each type has nuances you should pay attention to. Below, we discuss the three kinds of words in English with multiple meanings.


This category is an umbrella term for words with any combination of the same spelling or sound but different meanings. Whether the words are homophones or homographs, they will always be classified as homonyms.


Within the homonyms group, there are homophones – specifically words with multiple definitions and spellings but the same pronunciation. An example would be ‘right’ and ‘write’ (/raɪt/). While they are pronounced the same, their meanings differ drastically.


In contrast, homographs have different meanings and the same spelling but different pronunciations. We see an excellent example in the word ‘bass.’ If this expression is pronounced with one syllable (/bæs/), it refers to a type of fish. And if uttered with two syllables (/beɪs/), it means a lower-range musical note or instrument.


Examples of Words with Multiple Meaning

Now, it’s time to look at the words with multiple meanings examples. We will discuss each expression in context and delve deeper into the different definitions they could carry.

  • Strike
  1. An act of hitting or pushing something forcefully (noun).

He put his full strength into the strike, pushing away the box with great vigor.

  1. An organized collective action carried out to protest or accomplish something (noun).

The workers are planning to go on strike as a sign of protest for their reduced wages.

  • Type
  1. A grouping or class of instances that have similar features (noun).

The teacher asked us to describe five types of animals living on our continent.

  1. The different sizes and styles of letters in a typeface (noun).

The latest type used in most marketing materials is more modern and eye-catching.

  1. An action of pressing a key on a typewriter or keyboard (verb).

The writer typed on her laptop, with the sound of clicking keys echoing throughout the room.

  • Minutes
  1. The notes taken down during a meeting, outlining decisions made and action steps (noun).

The CEO asked the manager to send out an email containing yesterday’s meeting minutes.

  1. A unit of time equivalent to sixty seconds (noun).

The waiter asked us to wait for five more minutes before he could bring our order.

  • Fair
  1. A public event featuring amusement park rides, food stands, and other activities (noun).

Cathy and her friends watched the Ferris wheel twirl around during their visit to the fair.

  1. Treating someone or something without bias (adjective).

The competition’s regulations are apparent – every contestant will be judged according to fair criteria.

  • Lead
  1. A heavy metal primarily used in batteries and other electrical items (noun).

The manufacturer found a large quantity of lead while excavating the site.

  1. To take charge or guide someone else to do something effectively (verb).

The teacher led the students through their exercises, giving instructions one at a time.

  • Row
  1. One of several lines or sequences that make up a set (noun).

We took the data from last month’s report and organized it into 20 rows on the spreadsheet. 

  1. To propel a boat using oars (verb).

The kayakers rowed along the river as they felt its gentle current. 

  • Right
  1. That which is proper and should be done (adjective).

It was the right thing to do; I’m glad he helped his neighbor with the repairs.

  1. The opposite of the left (adjective).

The shop was on the right side of the street.

  1. An entitlement or privilege that has been granted (noun). 

The company gave their employees certain rights when they started working there.

  • Tie
  1. Something that joins, links, or connects two people; a relationship (noun).

The family members have kept the ties between them strong for many generations.

  1. A piece of clothing worn around the neck and knotted under the chin (noun). 

The student wore a plain tie with his formal outfit to the presentation.

  1. To fasten or secure an object in place (verb). 

The thief was trying to tie up a bag full of money when he got caught by the cops. 

  • Watch
  1. An action of monitoring someone or something with focus and attention (verb). 

Everyone was watching the news on television yesterday, shocked at hearing the breaking story.

  1. A small time-telling device, typically worn on the wrist (noun).

She looked at her watch and saw she was late for the meeting.

  • Rose
  1. A flower (noun).

He presented her with a beautiful rose as a symbol of his admiration. 

  1. To increase or develop in intensity (verb).

The level of debate between the two politicians rapidly rose, with each one making piercing points. 

  • Left
  1. The direction toward the west (noun).

She ended up taking a wrong turn and suddenly found herself heading left.

  1. Past or gone (verb).

He left the party without even saying goodbye.

  • Novel
  1. An original, untold story that transcends its categories (noun).

Her latest novel was praised for its remarkable plot twists.

  1. Something highly unusual or extraordinary (adjective).

The novel solution he offered solved the issue quickly with minimum effort.

  • Nail
  1. A short, thin piece of metal with a point at one end and a head on the other (noun).

I realized I had left out some nails while constructing my shelf, so I quickly grabbed some more.

  1. Doing something remarkably well or achieving excellent results (verb).

He nailed his recent presentation by thoroughly covering all topics without missing any details. 

  • Saw
  1. A tool with a serrated blade used for cutting wood (noun). 

He took extra precautions when using the saw – its sharp edges could always pose potential risks. 

  1. To observe or have previously seen something (verb). 

I saw a nice rainbow yesterday when I was walking home from school.

  • Bow
  1. A type of weapon used for aiming and shooting arrows (noun).

She constantly practiced with her bows to compete in the tournament. 

  1. Bending slightly to greet somebody, usually as an act of respect (verb).

He bowed in front of the monarch to show his respect and admiration.

These examples demonstrate some of the most common words with multiple meanings in English. Pay close attenton to the context they are used in and their definition each time you come across them to better understand the language.

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Thanks to our guide, now you know the answer to the question, what is a word that has multiple meanings. Understanding the nuances and types of such expressions can help you avoid confusion and become more confident in your written and spoken communication. Keep practicing, and you’ll be able to master such multi-functional words.


Why do words have multiple meanings?

The reason behind this phenomenon may have historical, cultural, or linguistic roots. For example, it could be that a word with double meaning originates from two languages and describes different concepts. Another possible explanation is that the usage of words can transform over time due to cultural changes and adaptations.

How many meanings can a word have?

Some words can have as few as two meanings, while others may possess up to dozens! Nothing is definite here; this amount varies greatly depending on the specific expression. Generally-used ones tend to accumulate additional connotations over time due to transformations in language use.

Why is understanding these words important?

Recognizing multiple meaning phrases provides an essential framework for writing and speaking fluidly with precision, accuracy, and clarity. Sometimes, the wrong usage can drastically alter the meaning of a sentence and misinterpret the speaker’s intentions.

How can I work on multiple-meaning words?

It’s all about practicing regularly and familiarizing yourself with different contexts! Learn from examples, allow yourself to make mistakes, and don’t be afraid to check the definition in dictionaries like Cambridge or Merriam-Webster. These references will undoubtedly give you a better understanding of such expressions.

Many English words have multiple meanings. This means that the same word, with the same spelling and pronunciation may have more than one meaning. Sometimes the meanings may be very different. This can be confusing for people learning English. You may wonder,” How do I know what the meaning is?” The best way is rely on context, illustrations, or diagrams in the text. However, if you still are not sure of the meaning, look it up. A dictionary will tell you all the meanings of any word. This posting cannot discuss every word with multiple meanings. There are simply too many of them. In this posting, however, I talk about 25 common words with multiple meanings. These are word you may see and hear in your daily life. I show you parts of speech, definitions, and example sentences for each meaning of each word.The download at the end will give you additional practice understanding words with multiple meanings.

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Below is a list of common words with multiple meanings.


  1. bank

2. bark

3. bill

4. break

5. bug


6. charge

7. company

8. current


9. date

10. fair

11. fast

12. fly

13. hit


14. jam

15. left

16. mine

17. nail


18. patient

19. pool

20. pupil

21. run


22. season

23. set

24. take

25. turn

You now know many common English words with multiple meanings. Often you can guess the meaning of the word through context. If that is not helpful, however, don’t hesitate to look the word up. The download will give you additional practice understanding words with multiple meanings.

You can download the practice sheet NOW!

Idioms of the day

  1. no picnic–This means something is difficult and not pleasant. I’m glad I moved, but making all the preparations was no picnic
  2. turn a blind eye to–This means to not notice a very obvious problem. Her husband comes home drunk every night, but she turns a blind eye to his problems. She insists that he’s not an alcoholic. 

One example of polysemy is the word ‘sound’. This word has a very large number of meanings. It has 19 noun meanings, 12 adjective meanings, 12 verb meanings, 4 meanings in verb phrases, and 2 adverb meanings. A word with an even greater number of meanings is another example, ‘set’.

  1. Which one is an example of Polysemous words?
  2. What are Polysemous words?
  3. What are Polysemantic words?
  4. What is Homonymy and examples?
  5. What are homonyms give 5 examples?
  6. How do you use polysemy in a sentence?
  7. What is Oronyms?
  8. What are words with two meanings called?
  9. What is a word with two meanings called?
  10. What predetermines the meaning of a Polysemantic word?
  11. How does polysemy gain importance in enriching the vocabulary?

Which one is an example of Polysemous words?

English has many polysemous words. For example, the verb «to get» can mean «procure» (I’ll get the drinks), «become» (she got scared), «understand» (I get it) etc. In linear or vertical polysemy, one sense of a word is a subset of the other.

What are Polysemous words?

A polysemous word is a word that has different meanings that derive from a common origin; a homograph is a word that has different meanings with unrelated origins. Polysemous words and homographs constitute a known problem for language learners.

What are Polysemantic words?

Definitions of polysemantic word. noun. a word having more than one meaning.

What is Homonymy and examples?

A homonym is a word that is said or spelled the same way as another word but has a different meaning. «Write” and “right” is a good example of a pair of homonyms.

What are homonyms give 5 examples?

Homonym Examples

  • Address — to speak to / location.
  • Air — oxygen / a lilting tune.
  • Arm — body part / division of a company.
  • Band — a musical group / a ring.
  • Bark — a tree’s out layer / the sound a dog makes.
  • Bat — an implement used to hit a ball / a nocturnal flying mammal.

How do you use polysemy in a sentence?

4. As a pervasive semantic phenomenon across languages, polysemy has been given a systematic and extensive study, but there is not much attention shown to spatial polysemous words. 5. Its polysemy makes it a key concept articulating different fields such as new media technology, popular culture and media economy.

What is Oronyms?

A sequence of words (for example, «ice cream») that sounds the same as a different sequence of words («I scream»). The term oronym was coined by Gyles Brandreth in The Joy of Lex (1980).

What are words with two meanings called?

Homonyms, or multiple-meaning words, are words that have the same spelling and usually sound alike, but have different meanings (e.g. dog bark, tree bark).

What is a word with two meanings called?

A double entendre (plural double entendres) is a figure of speech or a particular way of wording that is devised to have a double meaning, of which one is typically obvious, whereas the other often conveys a message that would be too socially awkward, sexually suggestive, or offensive to state directly.

What predetermines the meaning of a Polysemantic word?

1. polysemantic word — a word having more than one meaning.

How does polysemy gain importance in enriching the vocabulary?

A well-developed polysemy is not a drawback but a great advantage in a language. … Therefore at a certain stage of language development the production of new words by morphological means becomes limited, and polysemy becomes increasingly important in providing the means for enriching the vocabulary.

Words with multiple meanings -

What do you call words with multiple meanings?

Two words spelled the same but with different meanings are called homographs. Homographs are words that are spelled the same but may or may not be pronounced differently.

Words with multiple meanings And Examples

Homographs are examples of words that are spelled the same but are pronounced differently.

Bow /bəʊ/

  • (noun) A knot tied with two loops – usually used when tying shoelaces or wrapping gifts.

She tied her hair up with ribbon and made a little bow.

  • (noun) A weapon used in archery to propel arrows.

Pierre slung the bow and arrows over his shoulder and trudged into the forest.

Bow /baʊ/

  • (verb) To bend the upper part of the body to show respect.

When Mae meets her grandparents, she always bows to greet them.

Lead /liːd/

  • (verb) To direct someone, to cause someone to follow

My father doesn’t like Simon. He thinks he’s leading me astray.

  • (noun) A person or route that enables one to access information.

We finally have a lead in this case – the man we just interviewed says he knew the victim!

Lead /lɛd/

  • (noun) A poisonous, soft and malleable metal that was used in pencils.

Car batteries and ammunition are often made with lead.

Row /rəʊ/

  • (noun) A straight line going across horizontally

The row in the table indicates the country and each column indicates the number of awards received each year.

  • (noun) A line of seats in the theatre.

My tickets show that I am in Row C.

  • (verb) Using two oars to propel a boat.

Lee wakes up every morning at 5 am to practice rowing.

Row /raʊ/

  • (noun – British informal) A quarrel

Hiya and Ishita often row about who gets to play video games.

Homonyms are examples of words that are spelled and pronounced the same


  • (noun) The outer layer of a tree

Tree bark is used to make paper.

  • (verb) A sound a dog makes.

The dog’s bark was so vicious that I ran away, terrified.


  • (noun) The hard surface on the tips of your fingers.

She went to the salon to get her nails done.

  • (noun) A small metal spike with a flat tip drilled into wood to join things together.

Claire drilled a nail into the wall to hang up a picture.

  • (verb) To get something completely correct, or to make no errors.

I nailed that exam – it was far too easy!


  • (noun) A fiction book.

“The Grapes of Wrath” is John Steinbeck’s best novel.

  • (adjective) Something new or original.

The steam engine was a novel invention that changed the way people traveled.


  • (noun) Changes in the weather marked by shifting temperatures. These include summer, winter, spring and autumn.

My favorite season is winter because the snow is so magical.

  • (verb) To enhance the flavor of a dish by using spices like basil, cumin, turmeric, paprika etc.

The recipe says to season the dish with plenty of salt and pepper.


  • (verb) To crush or squeeze something (generally to destroy it). Can be used literally or metaphorically.

She squashed my dreams of ever becoming a famous singer.

  • (noun) A family of vegetables with hard orange or green shells.

My dad made butternut squash soup for dinner.


  • (noun) A piece of equipment used when playing tennis

I hate carrying my racket around when I have tennis practice – it’s so huge and annoying.

  • (noun) A load, unpleasant noise-causing disruption.

I couldn’t sleep with the racket coming from the party next door.

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                         PRESENT         MUMMY                   MIGHT                 FOX                         
      HUMBLE          GRAM                   BAG              BOX                CRANE                                                                                     COUNTER



         | existing or happening now
         | present situation

a thing that you give to somebody as a gift

         |  word for a mother

a dried and embalmed body (in ancient Egypt)

MIGHT (Modal V./N)
        | past tense of may (Modal V.)

energy, power, great strength

         | a wild animal of the dog family

a very attractive woman

deceive somebody

        | modest, kind
        | showing that you are not important as other people

to easily defeat an opponent, especially a strong or powerful one

     | a unit for measuring things


several beans used as a food for people and cattle

          a container made from cloth, plastic, leather, etc, used to carry things in

an ugly or ill-tempered woman

hunting of birds and animals

to claim something as yours before somebody else claims it

         |   a container for holding things

evergreen shrubs or small trees

         | a tall machine with a long arm

a large bird with long legs and a long neck

to lean or stretch over something in order to see something better


         | a long flat surface over which goods are sold or business is done in a shop

a small disc used for playing or scoring in some board games

to reply to somebody by trying to prove that what they said is not true

a machine for counting 

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Books on Grammar:

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The Elephants Of Style


English Grammar in Use Book


Practical English Usage


The Elements of Style


Essentials of English


Handbook of English Grammar and Usage


Woe Is I


Grammar Girl’s Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Writing


It was the best of sentences, it was the worst of sentences.


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  • One word with two different meanings
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  • One word with multiple meaning