One word with hindi

Sr. No. Many Word One Word Hindi Meaning 1 A Place Where Animals
Are Slaughtered For The Market Abattoir कसाईखाना 2 Shortening Something
By Omitting Parts Of It Abbreviation संक्षिप्त 3 To Give Up A Throne
Voluntarily Abdicate त्यागना 4 Voluntary Giving Up
Of Throne In Favour Of Someone Abdication त्याग 5 Do Away With Abolish समाप्त करना 6 The Original
Inhabitants Of A Country Aborigines मुलनिवासी 7 An Edition A Book In
Which It Has Been Condensed Abridged संगृहीत 8 To Do Away With Rules Abrogate अभिनिषेध करना 9 Move Faster Accelerate में तेजी लाने के 10 Which Can Be
Approached Accessible सुलभ 11 To Accustom Oneself
In New Climate Acclimatize जलवायु का अभ्यस्त
बनाना 12 A Partner In Crime Accomplice साथी 13 Responsible For One’s
Actions Accountable उत्तरदायी 14 Make Oneself Familiar
With A Person Or A Thing Acquaint परिचित 15 The Act Of Freeing A
Person From A Charge By Verdict Acquittal दोषमुक्ति 16 Someone Versed In The
Interpretation Of Numerical Data Actuary मुंशी 17 A Substance That Can
Stick Or Cause Sticking Adhesive गोंद 18 The Period Between
The Beginning Of Puberty And Adulthood Adolescence किशोरावस्था 19 To Falsify A Thing By
Admixture Or Baser Ingredients Adulteration मिलावट 20 Person Who Pilots Or
Travels In A Balloon Airship Or Other Aircraft Aeronaut वायु-यान चलानेवाला 21 Science Of Flight Of
Aeroplanes Aeronautics एयरोनॉटिक्स 22 Fear Of Height Aerophobia ऊंचाई का डर 23 Person Who Claims To
Have Great Love For Understanding Of What Is Beautiful In Nature , Art Etc Aesthete 24 A List Of Headings Of
The Business To Be Transacted At A Meeting Agenda कार्यसूची 25 To Increase The
Gravity Of An Offence Or The Intensity Of A Disease Aggravate छेड़ना 26 Someone Who Attacks Aggressor आक्रामक 27 Fear Of Pain Agliophobia 28 A Person Who Claims
The Existence Of God Is Unknowable Agnostic अज्ञेयवाद का 29 Fear Of Open Spaces
Or Crowd Agoraphobia भीड़ से डर लगना 30 Belonging To A
Foreign Country Alien विदेशी 31 Arouse Hostility Or
Indifference In Alienate हटाना 32 Allowance Paid To
Wife On Legal Separation Alimony गुजारा भत्ता 33 A Story In Which
Ideas Are Symbolised As People Allegory रूपक 34 Commencement Of Words
With The Same Letter Alliteration अनुप्रास 35 An Annual Calender
With Positions Of Stars Almanac पंचांग 36 A Raised Place On
Which Offering To A God Are Made Altar वेदी 37 A Person Who Loves
Every Body Altruist परोपकार के सिद्धन्त
का 38 A Lover Of Mankind Altruist/Philanthropist एल्ट्रूइस्ट /
परोपकारी 39 A Man Who Does A
Thing For Pleasure And Not As A Profession Amateur शौकिया 40 Fear Of Riding A Car Amaxophobia 41 One Who Represents A
State In A Foreign Country Ambassador दूत 42 One, Who Can Use
Either Hand With Ease Ambidexter 43 Of A Person Who Can
Use Both Hands Equally Well Ambidextrous कपटी 44 An Expression Or
Statement That Has More Than One Meaning Ambiguity अस्पष्टता 45 Uncertain Or Unable
To Decide About What Course To Follow Ambivalent 46 A Van Which Is Used
In Transporting Wounded Or Serious Patients Ambulance एम्बुलेंस 47 One Who Is Likeable Amiable सौम्य 48 Partial Or Total Loss
Of Memory Amnesia भूलने की बीमारी 49 A Warrant Granting
Release From Punishment For An Offense Amnesty आम माफ़ी 50 Animals Which Live
Both On Land And Sea Amphibian उभयचर 51 To Cut Off A Part Of
A Person’s Body Which Is Infected Amputate अंग-विच्छेद करना 52 A Person Or Thing Out
Of Time And Out Of Date; Belonging To A Different Era Either Earlier Or Later Anachronism कालभ्रम 53 One, Who Is Out To
Destroy All Governance, Law And Order Anarchist अराजकतावादी 54 A State Of
Lawlessness And Disorder Anarchy अराजकता 55 Physical Structure Anatomy एनाटॉमी 56 Fear Of Males Androphobia 57 One Who Is Fond Of
English People And Their Customs Anglophile 58 The Yearly Return Of
A Date Anniversary सालगिरह 59 Which Happens Once A
Year Annual वार्षिक 60 Medicine Which
Lessens Pain Anodyne पीड़ा-नाशक 61 Deviation Or
Departure From Common Rule Of Standard Anomaly विसंगति 62 Having No Known Name
Or Identity Or Known Source Anonymous गुमनाम 63 Fear Of Getting Fat
Makes Young Girl Stop Eating Resulting Inharmful Effect Anorexia आहार 64 Capable Of Being
Answered Answerable जवाबदेह 65 A Person Who Opposes
Another Antagonist प्रतिपक्षी 66 Be Earlier In Time;
Go Back Further Antedate समय से पूर्व घटित
होना 67 Room Leading Into A
Large Room Anteroom गलियारा 68 A Collection Of Poems Anthology संकलन 69 Student Of The
Development Of The Mankind Anthropologist मानवविज्ञानी 70 Science Of The
Origins And Social Relationships Of Humans Anthropology नृविज्ञान 71 A Remedy That Stops
Or Controls The Effects Of A Poison Antidote मारक 72 Strong Dislike Or
Hostility Antipathy घृणा 73 Thoroughly Clean And
Free Of Disease-Causing Organisms Antiseptic सड़न रोकनेवाली दबा 74 A Word That Expresses
An Opposite Meaning Antonym विलोम 75 Lack Of Feeling Apathy उदासीनता 76 Loss Of Speech Aphasia बोली बंद होना 77 That Which Causes
Sexual Arousal Aphrodisiac कामोद्दीपक 78 One Who Deserts His
Religion Apostate स्वधर्मत्यागी 79 A Pioneer Of A Reform
Movement Apostle प्रेरित 80 Be Fully Aware Of Appreciate सराहना 81 A Person Who Has Just
Started Learning Apprentice अपरेंटिस 82 A Place Where Fishes
Are Kept Aquarium मछलीघर 83 Animals/Plants Ere
Which Live In Water Aquatic जलीय 84 A Person, Appointed
By Two Parties To Solve A Dispute Arbitrator पंच 85 The Branch Of
Anthropology That Studies Prehistoric People Archaeology पुरातत्व 86 Words Used In Ancient
Time But No Longer In General Use Now Archaic प्राचीन 87 One Who Prepares
Plans For Buildings Architect वास्तुकार 88 A Place Where
Government Or Public Records Are Kept Archives अभिलेखागार 89 Government By The
Nobles Aristocracy शिष्टजन 90 The Cessation Of
Warfare Before A Treaty Is Signed Armistice युद्धविराम 91 A Place For
Ammunition And Weapons Arsenal आर्सेनल 92 One Who Is Guilty Of
Firing Property Arsonist 93 One Who Is Not
Interested In The Pleasures Of The World Ascetic तपस्वी 94 An Assembly Of
Hearers Assemblage जमावड़ा 95 Star-Shaped Flower Aster एस्टर 96 Fear Of Thunder And
Lightening Astraphobia 97 A Person Who Studies
The Influence Of Heavenly Bodies On Human Beings Astrologer ज्योतिषी 98 One Who Is Skilled In
The Study Of Celestial Bodies Astronomer खगोलविद 99 A Person Who Does Not
Believe In God Atheist नास्तिक 100 Fear Of Failure Atychiphobia 101 Sound Which Can Be
Heard Audible सुनाई देने योग्य 102 A Number Of People
Listening To A Lecture Audience दर्शक 103 The Study Of Hearing,
Especially Hearing Defects And Their Treatment Audiology ऑडियोलॉजी 104 A Qualified
Accountant Who Inspects Accounting Records Auditor आडिटर 105 A Specialist With
Regard To Ear Aurist 106 A Life History
Written By Oneself Autobiography आत्मकथा 107 Government By One
Person Autocracy एकतंत्र 108 Person Who Rules
Without Consulting The Opinion Of Others Autocrat अनियन्त्रित शासक 109 Getting Signature Of
Some Important Person In His Handwriting Autograph हस्ताक्षर 110 Self-Rule Autonomy स्वायत्तता 111 Fear Of Being Alone Autophobia 112 Reprehensible
Acquisitiveness; Insatiable Desire For Wealth Avarice लोभ 113 Immoderately Desirous
Of Acquiring Something Avaricious लालची 114 A Place Where Birds
Are Kept Aviary पक्षीशाल 115 A Statement Which Is
Accepted As True Without Proof Axiom स्वयंसिद्ध

Srl. No.


One Word

Hindi Meaning


A Place Where Animals Are Slaughtered For The Market




Shortening Something By Omitting Parts Of It




To Give Up A Throne Voluntarily




Voluntary Giving Up Of Throne In Favor Of Someone




Do Away With


समाप्त करना


The Original Inhabitants Of A Country




An Edition A Book In Which It Has Been Condensed




To Do Away With Rules


अभिनिषेध करना


Move Faster


में तेजी लाने के


Which Can Be Approached




To Accustom Oneself In New Climate


जलवायु का अभ्यस्त बनाना


A Partner In Crime




Responsible For One’s Actions




Make Oneself Familiar With A Person Or A Thing




The Act Of Freeing A Person From A Charge By Verdict




Someone Versed In The Interpretation Of Numerical Data




A Substance That Can Stick Or Cause Sticking




The Period Between The Beginning Of Puberty And Adulthood




To Falsify A Thing By Admixture Or Baser Ingredients




Person Who Pilots Or Travels In A Balloon Airship Or Other


वायु-यान चलानेवाला


Science Of Flight Of Aeroplanes




Fear Of Height


ऊंचाई का डर


Person Who Claims To Have Great Love For Understanding Of What
Is Beautiful In Nature , Art Etc



A List Of Headings Of
The Business To Be Transacted At A Meeting




To Increase The
Gravity Of An Offence Or The Intensity Of A Disease




Someone Who Attacks




Fear Of Pain


पीड़ा का डर


A Person Who Claims The Existence Of God Is Unknowable


अज्ञेयवाद का


Fear Of Open Spaces Or Crowd


भीड़ से डर लगना


Belonging To A Foreign Country




Arouse Hostility Or Indifference In




Allowance Paid To Wife On Legal Separation


गुजारा भत्ता


A Story In Which Ideas Are Symbolised As People




Commencement Of Words With The Same Letter




An Annual Calender With Positions Of Stars




A Raised Place On Which Offering To A God Are Made




A Person Who Loves Every Body


परोपकार के सिद्धन्त का


A Lover Of Mankind



एल्ट्रूइस्ट /


A Man Who Does A Thing For Pleasure And Not As A Profession




Fear Of Riding A Car


कार चलाने का डर


One Who Represents A State In A Foreign Country




One, Who Can Use Either Hand With Ease


दोनों हाथो से सहज
कार्य करने वाला


Of A Person Who Can Use Both Hands Equally Well




An Expression Or Statement That Has More Than One Meaning




Uncertain Or Unable To Decide About What Course To Follow




A Van Which Is Used In Transporting Wounded Or Serious Patients




One Who Is Likeable




Partial Or Total Loss Of Memory


भूलने की बीमारी


A Warrant Granting Release From Punishment For An Offense


आम माफ़ी


Animals Which Live Both On Land And Sea




To Cut Off A Part Of A Person’s Body Which Is Infected


अंग-विच्छेद करना


A Person Or Thing Out Of Time And Out Of Date; Belonging To A Different Era Either
Earlier Or Later




One, Who Is Out To Destroy All Governance, Law And Order




A State Of Lawlessness And Disorder




Physical Structure




Fear Of Males


पुरुषो से डर


One Who Is Fond Of English People And Their Customs




The Yearly Return Of A Date




Which Happens Once A Year




Medicine Which Lessens Pain




Deviation Or Departure From Common Rule Of Standard




Having No Known Name Or Identity Or Known Source




Fear Of Getting Fat Makes Young Girl Stop Eating Resulting IN harmful Effect




Capable Of Being Answered




A Person Who Opposes Another




Be Earlier In Time; Go Back Further


समय से पूर्व घटित होना


Room Leading Into A Large Room




A Collection Of Poems




Student Of The Development Of The Mankind




Science Of The Origins And Social Relationships Of Humans




A Remedy That Stops Or Controls The Effects Of A Poison




Strong Dislike Or Hostility




Thoroughly Clean And Free Of Disease-Causing Organisms


सड़न रोकने वाली दवा


A Word That Expresses An Opposite Meaning




Lack Of Feeling




Loss Of Speech


बोली बंद होना


That Which Causes Sexual Arousal




One Who Deserts His Religion




A Pioneer Of A Reform Movement




Be Fully Aware Of




A Person Who Has Just Started Learning




A Place Where Fishes Are Kept




Animals/Plants Ere Which Live In Water




A Person, Appointed By Two Parties To Solve A Dispute




The Branch Of Anthropology That Studies Prehistoric People




Words Used In Ancient Time But No Longer In General Use Now




One Who Prepares Plans For Buildings




A Place Where Government Or Public Records Are Kept




Government By The Nobles




The Cessation Of Warfare Before A Treaty Is Signed




A Place For Ammunition And Weapons




One Who Is Guilty Of Firing Property



One Who Is Not Interested In The Pleasures Of The World




An Assembly Of Hearers




Star-Shaped Flower




Fear Of Thunder And Lightening



A Person Who Studies The Influence Of Heavenly Bodies On Human Beings




One Who Is Skilled In The Study Of Celestial Bodies




A Person Who Does Not Believe In God




Fear Of Failure



Sound Which Can Be Heard


सुनाई देने योग्य


A Number Of People Listening To A Lecture




The Study Of Hearing, Especially Hearing Defects And Their Treatment




A Qualified Accountant Who Inspects Accounting Records




A Specialist With Regard To Ear



A Life History Written By Oneself




Government By One Person




Person Who Rules Without Consulting The Opinion Of Others


अनियन्त्रित शासक


Getting Signature Of Some Important Person In His Handwriting








Fear Of Being Alone


अकेलेपन का डर


Reprehensible Acquisitiveness; Insatiable Desire For Wealth




Immoderately Desirous Of Acquiring Something




A Place Where Birds Are Kept




A Statement Which Is Accepted As True Without Proof



Hello friends ! In the previous notes, we have learned about some important English One Word Substitution List. Even today, we are going to tell you about 100+ Best One Word Substitution List with Hindi Meaning. These will also prove to be helpful for you in the competitive examination.

As such, it is difficult to cover the English One Word Substitution in one or two notes. But today we are presenting useful and important 100+ Best One Word Substitution List with Hindi Meaning for you from the examination point of view :

List of Best 100+ One Word Substitution with Hindi Meaning

100 Most important one Word substitution List for Exams : Friends! As we knew in the previous notes, one word substitution is a single word expression in place of many words or a sentence.

That is, substitution of one word in place of many words. A list of some such important One Word Substitutions is given in the table below. You should understand carefully and remember them as well. So that you can get help in Exams.

#1. 100+ Best One Word Substitution List with Hindi Meaning :

आशावादीSr. Statement One Word Meaning
1. A choice of taking what is available or nothing at all. — Hobson’s choice एक ही विकल्प
2. A person who completely abstains from alcohol. — Teetotaller मद्यत्यागी
3. A person learning a trade under someone. — Apprentice प्रशिक्षु
4. A place where fruit trees are grown. — Orchard फलवाटिका
5. One who always takes a hopeful view of things. — Optimist आशावादी
Sr. Statement One Word Meaning
6. A humorous drawing dealing with current events of politics. — Cartoon कार्टून
7. When something move in straight line. — Rectilinear सीधा
8. Tending to associate with others of one’s kind. — Gregarious झुण्ड में रहनेवाला
9. General Pardon for offences against the state. — Amnesty आम माफ़ी
10. Misappropriation of Money. — Embezzlement ग़बन
Sr. Statement One Word Meaning
11. Person who eats too much. — Glutton पेटू
12. Deviation from the right course. — Aberration विपथन
13. The ceremony of crowing a sovereign. — Coronation राज तिलक
14. One who knows everything. — Omniscient सर्वज्ञ
15. Nation engaged in war. — Belligerents जुझारू
Sr. Statement One Word Meaning
16. A man with abnormal habits. — Eccentric विलक्षण
17. Act of making things like new again. — Renovate नवीनीकरण करना
18. Providing relief. — Reprieve दण्डविराम
19. No longer a child, but not yet an adult. — Adolescent किशोर
20. That which can be believed. — Credible विश्वसनीय

#2. One Word Substitution – 100+ Words Capsule :

Sr. Statement One Word Meaning
1. Hard working and diligent. — Sedulous परिश्रमी
2. A person who has lost the protection of the law. — Outlaw ग़ैरक़ानूनी
3. The art of delaying. — Procrastination टालमटोल
4. Thing that can be felt or touched. — Helpable मदद करने योग्य
5. The scientific study of elections. — Psephology चुनाव विश्लेषण
Sr. Statement One Word Meaning
6. A shady fertile place in the desert. — Oasis नखलिस्तान
7. Shine with a bright but brief or irregular light. — Flicker झिलमिलाहट
8. A brief or short stay at a place. — Sojourn डेरा डालना
9. One who is indifferent to pain or pleasure. — Stoic उदासीन
10. A notice or a person’s death. — Obituary शोक सन्देश
Sr. Statement One Word Meaning
11. A place where money is coined. — Mint टकसाल
12. To make atonement for one’s sins. — Expiate निवृत्त करना
13. A person’s peculiar habit. — Idiosyncratic विशेष स्वभाव का
14. Killing one’s sister. — Sororicide बहन की हत्या
15. Falsification of documents etc. — Forgery जालसाजी
Sr. Statement One Word Meaning
16. Regular users of places. — Clientele ग्राहक
17. A brave, noble-minded man. — Gallant वीर
18. A place where soldiers live. — Barracks सैनिकों के लिए बने घर
19. Of the highest quality. — Superlative श्रेष्ठतम
20. Obsession with books. — Bibliomania पुस्तकों का प्यार

#3. List of 100 + One Word Substitutions with Meaning :

Sr. Statement One Word Meaning
1. Land covered by water on three sides. — Peninsula प्रायद्वीप
2. A round-about way of expression. — Circumlocution कपटपूर्ण बातें
3. To give money to agents for sales. — Commission दलाली
4. Lack of skill. — Ineptness मूर्खता
5. Suitable or intended for only young persons. — Juvenile किशोर
Sr. Statement One Word Meaning
6. An exact copy. — Facsimile प्रतिकृति
7. One who designs buildings. — An architect एक वास्तुकार
8. Lasting for a very short time. — Ephemeral अल्पकालिक
9. Art of working with metals. — Metallurgy धातुकर्म
10. A handsome man. — Adonis सुन्दर पुरुष
Sr. Statement One Word Meaning
11. Incapable of being tired. — Indefatigable अथक
12. One who sells articles at public sales. — Auctioneer नीलामकर्ता
13. A cinema show held in the afternoon. — Matinee तीसरे पहर के नाटक का गायन
14. A place where arms and weapons or pardon. — Arsenal शस्त्रागार
15. Rules governing socially acceptable behaviour. — Etiquette शिष्टाचार
Sr. Statement One Word Meaning
16. Pay attention. — Heed ध्यान देना
17. One who is rather fastidious. — Meticulous सूक्ष्म
18. A person who collects or studies stamps. — Philatelist डाक के टिकट का संग्रहक
19. That which can be drunk. — Potable पीने योग्य
20. A small village or a group of houses. — Hamlet छोटा गांव

#4. 100+ List of One Word Substitution For Competitive Exams :

Sr. Statement One Word Meaning
1. Beyond correction. — Incorrigible असंशोधनीय
2. A poem of 14 lines. — Sonnet चतुर्दश-पदी
3. One who does something for the first time. — Pioneer प्रथम अन्वेषक
4. One who is neither intelligent nor dull. — Mediocre औसत दर्जे का
5. One who plays for pleasure rather than as a profession. — Amateur शौक़ीन व्यक्ति
Sr. Statement One Word Meaning
6. Widespread scarcity of good. — Famine सूखा
7. Inflammation of gums. — Gingivitis मसूड़े की सूजन
8. Wild imagination. — Fantasy कपोल कल्पित
9. An event that causes great harm of dams. — Disaster आपदा
10. A drug of other substance that induces sleep. — Sedative शामक औषधि
Sr. Statement One Word Meaning
11. A book written by an unknown author. — Anonymous गुमनाम
12. Having a state smell or taste. — Rancid बासी
13. Government by the few. — Oligarchy कुलीनतंत्र
14. Person believing in free will. — Libertarian मुक्तिवादी
15. Pertaining to sheep. — Ovine भेड़ के समान
Sr. Statement One Word Meaning
16. Relating to kinship with the father. — Patriarchal पितृवंशीय
17. Passing out of use. — Obsolescent अप्रचलित
18. A supplement to a will. — Codicil उपदित्सा, कोडपत्र
19. A speaker’s platform. — Podium मंच
20. An extract from a book of writing. — Excerpt अंश

#5. Important 100+ English One Word Substitution List with Meaning :

Sr. Statement One Word Meaning
1. A special fondness or liking for. — Penchant लगन
2. Estimation to thing’s worth. — Appraisal मूल्यांकन
3. To free completely from blame. — Exonerate दोषमुक्त करना
4. Motive or incitement to action. — Incentive प्रोत्साहन
5. A game in which no one wins. — Draw बराबरी का खेल
Sr. Statement One Word Meaning
6. Completing a period of hundred years. — Centennial सौ साल का
7. A decorative ring of flowers and leavers. — Wreath माला
8. Measures taken to please the people. — Popular लोकप्रिय
9. A figure with many angles or sides. — Polygon बहुभुज
10. A part of a word that can be pronounced separately. — Syllable शब्दांश
Sr. Statement One Word Meaning
11. A place of shelter for ships. — Harbour बंदरगाह
12. One who possesses many talents. — Versatile बहुमुखी
13. The line when the land and sky seems to meet. — Horizon क्षितिज
14. An obviously true or hackneyed statement. — Truism स्वयंसिद्ध सत्य
15. That which cannot be defeated. — Invincible अजेय
Sr. Statement One Word Meaning
16. To reduce to nothing. — Annul रद्द
17. Having juicy or fleshy and thick tissues. — Succulent रसीला
18. Detailed plan or a journey. — Itinerary यात्रा कार्यक्रम
19. Inability to sleep. — Insomnia अनिद्रा
20. Fit to be eaten. — Edible खाद्य

Thus today we have known 100+ Best One Word Substitution List with Hindi Meaning. Hopefully this list will prove useful for you. We have provided you a total of 200+ One Word Substitutions List with Hindi Meaning so far. Apart from this, you can remember by making a list of important One Word Substitutions according to yourself.

Understand this well too :

  • Tense Rules With Examples in English Grammer
  • Active and Passive Voice Rules With Examples
  •  My Last Duchess Ferrara By Robert Browning
  • The World is Too Much With Us By William Wordsworth
  • Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard By Thomas Gray
  • London Poem By William Blake

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Hope you have understood today’s topic “100+ Best One Word Substitution List with Hindi Meaning” very well. If you want something more important One Word Substitution List with Hindi Meaning, then send us a comment in the comment box. We will also provide you One Word Substitution List further.

You must share this list with your friends so that they too can benefit from it. thanks for your cooperation !

Someone who speaks Hindi can be a Muslim Irishman or a German Jew.

What language someone speaks (even as a mother tongue!) does not necessarily mean anything about that person’s geographical or ethnic background.

An Indian is someone from India. They can speak many languages, and Hindi might be one. They may identify with Hinduism religiously, culturally or socially, but they may be Muslims or Christian or Buddhist or whatever.

A Hindu is someone who identifies religiously, culturally or socially with Hinduism, but they may speak many languages, and Hindi might be one. They may be German, English, American or come from or live anywhere else in the world.

A speaker of Hindi is someone who speaks the Hindi language. They may identify with Hinduism religiously, culturally or socially, but they may be Muslims or Christian or Buddhist or whatever. They may be German, English, American or come from or live anywhere else in the world.

One word Substitution is one of the integral parts of vocabulary. It is asked in various competitive exams like IBPS PO/ Clerical, SSC, LIC, CDS etc. It simply means that a sentence has to be replaced with a single word. This area requires a good vocabulary to solve the questions well.

One easy method of doing one word substitution is by using the root method. Roots are nothing but the words from which the main word has been derived. In our other series of vocabulary we have consolidated the lists of root words that will ease your preparation.

Sr. No. Many Word One Word Hindi Meaning 1 A Place Where Animals
Are Slaughtered For The Market Abattoir कसाईखाना 2 Shortening Something
By Omitting Parts Of It Abbreviation संक्षिप्त 3 To Give Up A Throne
Voluntarily Abdicate त्यागना 4 Voluntary Giving Up
Of Throne In Favour Of Someone Abdication त्याग 5 Do Away With Abolish समाप्त करना 6 The Original
Inhabitants Of A Country Aborigines मुलनिवासी 7 An Edition A Book In
Which It Has Been Condensed Abridged संगृहीत 8 To Do Away With Rules Abrogate अभिनिषेध करना 9 Move Faster Accelerate में तेजी लाने के 10 Which Can Be
Approached Accessible सुलभ 11 To Accustom Oneself
In New Climate Acclimatize जलवायु का अभ्यस्त
बनाना 12 A Partner In Crime Accomplice साथी 13 Responsible For One’s
Actions Accountable उत्तरदायी 14 Make Oneself Familiar
With A Person Or A Thing Acquaint परिचित 15 The Act Of Freeing A
Person From A Charge By Verdict Acquittal दोषमुक्ति 16 Someone Versed In The
Interpretation Of Numerical Data Actuary मुंशी 17 A Substance That Can
Stick Or Cause Sticking Adhesive गोंद 18 The Period Between
The Beginning Of Puberty And Adulthood Adolescence किशोरावस्था 19 To Falsify A Thing By
Admixture Or Baser Ingredients Adulteration मिलावट 20 Person Who Pilots Or
Travels In A Balloon Airship Or Other Aircraft Aeronaut वायु-यान चलानेवाला 21 Science Of Flight Of
Aeroplanes Aeronautics एयरोनॉटिक्स 22 Fear Of Height Aerophobia ऊंचाई का डर 23 Person Who Claims To
Have Great Love For Understanding Of What Is Beautiful In Nature , Art Etc Aesthete 24 A List Of Headings Of
The Business To Be Transacted At A Meeting Agenda कार्यसूची 25 To Increase The
Gravity Of An Offence Or The Intensity Of A Disease Aggravate छेड़ना 26 Someone Who Attacks Aggressor आक्रामक 27 Fear Of Pain Agliophobia 28 A Person Who Claims
The Existence Of God Is Unknowable Agnostic अज्ञेयवाद का 29 Fear Of Open Spaces
Or Crowd Agoraphobia भीड़ से डर लगना 30 Belonging To A
Foreign Country Alien विदेशी 31 Arouse Hostility Or
Indifference In Alienate हटाना 32 Allowance Paid To
Wife On Legal Separation Alimony गुजारा भत्ता 33 A Story In Which
Ideas Are Symbolised As People Allegory रूपक 34 Commencement Of Words
With The Same Letter Alliteration अनुप्रास 35 An Annual Calender
With Positions Of Stars Almanac पंचांग 36 A Raised Place On
Which Offering To A God Are Made Altar वेदी 37 A Person Who Loves
Every Body Altruist परोपकार के सिद्धन्त
का 38 A Lover Of Mankind Altruist/Philanthropist एल्ट्रूइस्ट /
परोपकारी 39 A Man Who Does A
Thing For Pleasure And Not As A Profession Amateur शौकिया 40 Fear Of Riding A Car Amaxophobia 41 One Who Represents A
State In A Foreign Country Ambassador दूत 42 One, Who Can Use
Either Hand With Ease Ambidexter 43 Of A Person Who Can
Use Both Hands Equally Well Ambidextrous कपटी 44 An Expression Or
Statement That Has More Than One Meaning Ambiguity अस्पष्टता 45 Uncertain Or Unable
To Decide About What Course To Follow Ambivalent 46 A Van Which Is Used
In Transporting Wounded Or Serious Patients Ambulance एम्बुलेंस 47 One Who Is Likeable Amiable सौम्य 48 Partial Or Total Loss
Of Memory Amnesia भूलने की बीमारी 49 A Warrant Granting
Release From Punishment For An Offense Amnesty आम माफ़ी 50 Animals Which Live
Both On Land And Sea Amphibian उभयचर 51 To Cut Off A Part Of
A Person’s Body Which Is Infected Amputate अंग-विच्छेद करना 52 A Person Or Thing Out
Of Time And Out Of Date; Belonging To A Different Era Either Earlier Or Later Anachronism कालभ्रम 53 One, Who Is Out To
Destroy All Governance, Law And Order Anarchist अराजकतावादी 54 A State Of
Lawlessness And Disorder Anarchy अराजकता 55 Physical Structure Anatomy एनाटॉमी 56 Fear Of Males Androphobia 57 One Who Is Fond Of
English People And Their Customs Anglophile 58 The Yearly Return Of
A Date Anniversary सालगिरह 59 Which Happens Once A
Year Annual वार्षिक 60 Medicine Which
Lessens Pain Anodyne पीड़ा-नाशक 61 Deviation Or
Departure From Common Rule Of Standard Anomaly विसंगति 62 Having No Known Name
Or Identity Or Known Source Anonymous गुमनाम 63 Fear Of Getting Fat
Makes Young Girl Stop Eating Resulting Inharmful Effect Anorexia आहार 64 Capable Of Being
Answered Answerable जवाबदेह 65 A Person Who Opposes
Another Antagonist प्रतिपक्षी 66 Be Earlier In Time;
Go Back Further Antedate समय से पूर्व घटित
होना 67 Room Leading Into A
Large Room Anteroom गलियारा 68 A Collection Of Poems Anthology संकलन 69 Student Of The
Development Of The Mankind Anthropologist मानवविज्ञानी 70 Science Of The
Origins And Social Relationships Of Humans Anthropology नृविज्ञान 71 A Remedy That Stops
Or Controls The Effects Of A Poison Antidote मारक 72 Strong Dislike Or
Hostility Antipathy घृणा 73 Thoroughly Clean And
Free Of Disease-Causing Organisms Antiseptic सड़न रोकनेवाली दबा 74 A Word That Expresses
An Opposite Meaning Antonym विलोम 75 Lack Of Feeling Apathy उदासीनता 76 Loss Of Speech Aphasia बोली बंद होना 77 That Which Causes
Sexual Arousal Aphrodisiac कामोद्दीपक 78 One Who Deserts His
Religion Apostate स्वधर्मत्यागी 79 A Pioneer Of A Reform
Movement Apostle प्रेरित 80 Be Fully Aware Of Appreciate सराहना 81 A Person Who Has Just
Started Learning Apprentice अपरेंटिस 82 A Place Where Fishes
Are Kept Aquarium मछलीघर 83 Animals/Plants Ere
Which Live In Water Aquatic जलीय 84 A Person, Appointed
By Two Parties To Solve A Dispute Arbitrator पंच 85 The Branch Of
Anthropology That Studies Prehistoric People Archaeology पुरातत्व 86 Words Used In Ancient
Time But No Longer In General Use Now Archaic प्राचीन 87 One Who Prepares
Plans For Buildings Architect वास्तुकार 88 A Place Where
Government Or Public Records Are Kept Archives अभिलेखागार 89 Government By The
Nobles Aristocracy शिष्टजन 90 The Cessation Of
Warfare Before A Treaty Is Signed Armistice युद्धविराम 91 A Place For
Ammunition And Weapons Arsenal आर्सेनल 92 One Who Is Guilty Of
Firing Property Arsonist 93 One Who Is Not
Interested In The Pleasures Of The World Ascetic तपस्वी 94 An Assembly Of
Hearers Assemblage जमावड़ा 95 Star-Shaped Flower Aster एस्टर 96 Fear Of Thunder And
Lightening Astraphobia 97 A Person Who Studies
The Influence Of Heavenly Bodies On Human Beings Astrologer ज्योतिषी 98 One Who Is Skilled In
The Study Of Celestial Bodies Astronomer खगोलविद 99 A Person Who Does Not
Believe In God Atheist नास्तिक 100 Fear Of Failure Atychiphobia 101 Sound Which Can Be
Heard Audible सुनाई देने योग्य 102 A Number Of People
Listening To A Lecture Audience दर्शक 103 The Study Of Hearing,
Especially Hearing Defects And Their Treatment Audiology ऑडियोलॉजी 104 A Qualified
Accountant Who Inspects Accounting Records Auditor आडिटर 105 A Specialist With
Regard To Ear Aurist 106 A Life History
Written By Oneself Autobiography आत्मकथा 107 Government By One
Person Autocracy एकतंत्र 108 Person Who Rules
Without Consulting The Opinion Of Others Autocrat अनियन्त्रित शासक 109 Getting Signature Of
Some Important Person In His Handwriting Autograph हस्ताक्षर 110 Self-Rule Autonomy स्वायत्तता 111 Fear Of Being Alone Autophobia 112 Reprehensible
Acquisitiveness; Insatiable Desire For Wealth Avarice लोभ 113 Immoderately Desirous
Of Acquiring Something Avaricious लालची 114 A Place Where Birds
Are Kept Aviary पक्षीशाल 115 A Statement Which Is
Accepted As True Without Proof Axiom स्वयंसिद्ध 116 State Of Being
Unmarried Bachelorhood अविवाहित्ता 117 A Story In Verse Ballad गाथा 118 Science Dealing With
The Motion Of Projectile Like Rockets Bombs & Shells Ballistics 119 One Who Can’t Pay The
Debts Bankrupt दिवालिया 120 Fear Of Depths Bathophobia 121 Cut The Head Of Behead सिर काट लेना 122 A Person Who Is Fond
Of Fighting Bellicose लड़ाकू 123 A Person, Nation That
Is Involved In War Belligerent युद्धरत 124 Nations Engaged In
War Belligerents 125 Wishing Good Things
For Another Benevolent उदार 126 To Surround With
Armed Forces Besiege मुहासिरा करना 127 Engaged To Be Married Betrothed मंगेतर 128 A Great Lover Of
Books Bibliophile पुस्तकों का प्यार
करनेवाला 129 An Event Which
Happens Once In Two Years Biennial द्विवाषिक 130 The Practice Of
Having Two Wives Or Husbands At A Time Bigamy द्विविवाह का प्रथा 131 One Who Intolerantly
Devoted To A Particular Creed Bigot कट्टर व्यक्रित 132 Using Or Knowing Two
Languages Bilingual द्विभाषिक 133 Life Of Person
Written By Someone Else Biography जीवनी 134 One Who Studies The
Science Of Animals And Plants Biologist जीवविज्ञानी 135 The Science That
Studies Living Organisms Biology जीवविज्ञान 136 Examination Of Living
Tissue Biopsy बायोप्सी 137 Animal Having Two
Feet Biped दो पैरों का 138 The Act Of Speaking
Disrespectfully About Sacred Things Blasphemy ईश-निंदा 139 An Unconventional
Style Of Living Bohemian बोहेनिया का 140 In Good Faith Bona Fide प्रामाणिक 141 One Who Devotes Full
Time In Studying Course Books Bookworm किताबी कीड़ा 142 Clumsy Or Ill‐Bred
Fellow Boor गंवार 143 One Who Studies The
Science Of Plants Botanist वनस्पति-विज्ञानिक 144 The Branch Of Biology
That Studies Plants Botany बॉटनी 145 A Collection Of
Flowers Bouquet गुलदस्ता 146 Being Of The
Property-Owning Class Bourgeois पूंजीपति 147 A Small Shop That
Sells Fashionable Clothes, Cosmetics Etc Boutique बूटिक 148 A Factory For
Manufacturing Of Beers Brewery शराब की भठ्ठी 149 A Bandit Or Robber,
[Esp Brigand बटमार 150 Gold Or Silver Before
Using For Manufacturing Ornaments Bullion बुलियन 151 One Who Comes From A
Village And Considered Stupid Bumpkin बेढंग आदमी 152 A Small House With
All Rooms On One Floor Bungalow बंगला 153 A Collection Of Flags Bunting गौरेया 154 Government By The
Officials Bureaucracy नौकरशाही 155 One Who Breaks Into A
House To Commit Theft Burglar सेंधमार 156 The Dwelling Place If
An Animal Underground Burrow बिल 157 Person Who Holds
Scholarship At A University Bursar 158 One Who Kills Animals
And Sells Their Flesh Butcher कसाई 159 Place Where Cows Are
Sheltered Byre गोशाला 161 A Person, Who Is Bad
In Spellings Cacographist 162 Ugly, Illegible
Handwriting Cacography 163 Fear Of Ugliness Cacophobia 164 The Infirmity Of Old
Age Caducity जरा जीर्णता 165 A Person, Who Writes
Beautiful Handwriting Calligraphist सुलेखककों 166 Beautiful Handwriting Calligraphy सुलेख 167 Having Calluses Callous कठोर 168 One, Who Feeds On
Human Flesh Cannibal नरभक्षक 169 A Lover Of Dogs Canophilist 170 The Dead Body Of A
Animal Caracas कराकस 171 A Person, Who Is
Specialist In Heart Diseases Cardiologist हृदय रोग विशेषज्ञ 172 A Picture Drawn To
Make People Laugh Caricature कारटूनवाला 173 One, Who Lives On
Flesh Carnivorous मांसभक्षी 174 One, Who Draws Maps Cartographer काटोग्रफ़र 175 A Person Who Os Bad
In Spelling Cartographist 176 The Art Of Making
Maps And Charts Cartography नक्शानवीसी 177 A Complete List Of
Things, Usually Arranged Systematically Catalogue सूची 178 Soldiers, Who Fight
On Horse Back Cavalry घुड़सवार सेना 179 Abstaining From
Sexual Relations Celibacy क्वांरापन 180 Abstaining From
Sexual Intercourse Celibate अविवाहित 181 Extreme Fear Of
Beauty Cellophobia 182 A Place For Burial Of
Dead Bodies Cemetery कब्रिस्तान 183 One Who Is More Than
A Hundred Years Old Centenarian सौ वर्ष का 184 The 100th Anniversary
(Or The Celebration Of It) Centenary शताब्दी 185 Anything Tending To
Move Away From Centre Centripetal केंद्राभिगामी 186 One Hundred Years Century सदी 187 Elderly Women In
Charge Of A Girl On Social Occasions Chaperon संरक्षिका 188 Be The Emodment Or
Perfect Example Of Characterise 189 Person Who Pretends
To Have More Knowledge Charlatan मायावी 190 An Extremly Deep
Crack Or Opening In The Ground Chasm खाई 191 One, Who Is Employed
To Drive A Motor Car Chauffeur ड्राइवर 192 A Person Who Is
Blindly Devoted To An Idea Chauvinist अंधराष्ट्रीवादी 193 An Unreal And
Visionary Ideal Chimerical असाध्य 194 A Small Piece Of Wood Chip टुकड़ा 195 A Person Who Is An
Expert At Penmanship Chirographer 196 A Person Who Reads
Palms Chiromancer 197 Palm-Reading Chiromancy कैरोमंसी 198 Specialist Who Takes
Care Of The Ailments Of The Feet Chiropodist किरोपडिस्ट 199 One, Who Teaches
Dancing Choreographer कोरियोग्राफर 200 The Science Of
Colours Chromatics 201 Calendar Of Events In
Order Of Occurrence Chronology कालक्रम 202 Method Of Talking In
A Roundabout Way Circumlocution कपटपूर्ण बातें 203 Fear Of Doctors Claustrophobia क्लौस्ट्रफ़ोबिया 204 Fear Of Going To Bed Clinophobia 205 A Place For Luggage
At Railway Station Cloak Room लबादा कक्ष 206 An Associate That One
Works With Colleague सहयोगी 207 People Who Work
Together Colleagues सहयोगियों 208 Informal Expression
Used In Everyday Conversation Colloquialism 209 Belong To Same
Country Compatriot स्वदेशवासी 210 One Who Introduces
Performing Artists On The Stage Program Compere कमपेरे 211 A Performance Given
By A Number Of Musicians Concert कॉन्सर्ट 212 Live In Relationship
A Man And A Woman Living Without Being Married Concubinage बेविवाति साथ रहना 213 A Country Ruled By
Two Country Condominium सम्मिलित 214 One Who Sells Sweets
And Pastries Confectioner हलवाई 215 Present At Birth But
Not Necessarily Hereditary Congenital जन्मजात 216 An Assembly Of
Worshippers Congregation मण्डली 217 A Critical Judge Of
Any Art And Craft Connoisseur विशेषज्ञ 218 Relationship By Blood
Or Birth Consanguinity रक्तसंबंध 219 Compulsory Enlistment
For Military Service Conscription भरती 220 A Number Of Stars
Grounded Together Constellation नक्षत्र 221 A Disease Which
Spreads By Contact Contagious संक्रामक 222 Belonging To Or
Living At The Same Time Contemporaries समकालीन 223 Gradual Recovery From
Illness Convalescence आरोग्यलाभ 224 One, Who Is
Recovering Health Convalescent अच्छा हो जानेवाला 225 A Funeral Procession
Comprising A Number Of Mourners Cortege जूलुस 226 Metaphysical Study Of
The Origin And Nature Of The Universe Cosmology ब्रह्मांड विज्ञान 227 A Person Who Regards
Whole World As His Country Cosmopolitan कॉस्मोपॉलिटन 228 A Citizen Of The
World Cosmopolite 229 A Stanza Having Two
Lines In Verse Couplet दोहा 230 A Nursery Where
Children Are Cared For While Their Parents Are At Work Creche क्रेच 231 Showing A Lack Of
Judgment Or Experience Credulous विश्रंभी 232 A Religious War Crusade धर्मयुद्ध 233 Study Of Secret
Writing And Coded Words Cryptography क्रिप्टोग्राफी 234 Science Of
Crystallization Crystallography क्रि 235 Man Whose Wife Is
Unfaithful To Him Cuckold व्यभिचारी 236 Which Can Be Cured Curable इलाज 237 A Person Incharge Of
A Museum Curator क्यूरेटर 238 A Low Area Storm With
High Winds Rotating About A Centre Of Low Atmospheric Pressure Cyclone चक्रवात 239 One, Who Sneers At
The Aims And Beliefs Of His Fellow Men Cynic निंदक 240 Fear Of Dogs Cynophobia 241 Centre Of Attraction Cynosure ऋक्ष 242 Study Of Cell Cytology कोशिका विज्ञान 243 One Who Pays Too Much
Attention To His Cloths And Appearance Dandy बांका 244 An Unclaimed Letter Dead Letter मृत पत्र 245 One Who Cannot Hear Deaf बहरा 246 Prevent A Person From
Admission Or A Right Debar प्रवेश न होने देना 247 Suave (Polished And
Light Heart Person) Debonair ख़ुशमिज़ाज 248 A Period Of Ten Years Decade दशक 249 An Original Glass
Bottle For Holding Wine Or Other Alcoholic Drinks Decanter कंटर 250 Act Or Art Of
Rhetorical Exercise Declamation शब्दपांडित्य 251 A Person Appointed Or
Elected To Represent Others Delegate प्रतिनिधि 252 A Political Leader
Who Tries To Stir Up People Demagogue दुर्जनों का नेता 253 The Orientation Of
Those Who Favor Government By The People Democracy जनतंत्र 254 Science Of Vital And
Social Statistics Demography जनसांख्यिकी 255 Show Of Force To
Intimidate Demonstration प्रदर्शन 256 The Home Of A Large
Fierce Wild Animal Den मांद 257 A Person Who Gives
Written Testimony For Use In A Court Deponent साक्षी 258 Lose In Value Depreciate पछताना 259 A Doctor Who Treats
Skin Diseases Dermatologist त्वचा विशेषज्ञ 260 Study Of Skin Dermatology त्वचा विज्ञान 261 To Derive A Thing Of
Its Holy Character Desecrate अपवित्र करना 262 Where Neither Water
Nor Vegetation Is Found Desert रेगिस्तान 263 One Whose Business Is
To Find Out Criminals Detective जासूसी 264 Become Worse Or
Disintegrate Deteriorate बिगड़ना 265 State Of Being Split
Into Two Parts Dichotomy विरोधाभास 266 One Who Gives Orders
In A Manner That Permits No Refusal Dictator तानाशाह 267 Government Carried On
By An Absolute Ruler Dictatorship अधिनायकत्व 268 A Book Dealing With
Words In Alphabetical Order Dictionary शब्दकोश 269 A Small Allowance Of
Food To Become Slim Dieting परहेज़ 270 That Which Can Be
Digested Digestible सुपाच्य 271 A Dabbler In The Arts Dilettante अनुरागी 272 Morbid Compulsion Of
Drink Dipsomania मद्यासक्ति 273 Fear Of Thirst Dipsophobia 274 Song Sung At Burial Dirge मरसिया 275 One Who Works In
Return For Being Taught The Trade Disciple शिष्य 276 That Which Can Be
Divided Divisible भाज्य 277 A Person Living
Permanently In A Certain Place Domicile अधिवास 278 The Sleeping Rooms
With Several Beds Especially In A College Or Institution Dormitory छात्रावास 279 Old Age When A Man
Behave Like A Fool Dotage मतिक्षीणता 280 The House Of An Arab Dower दहेज 281 A Game In Which
Neither Party Wins Draw खींचना 282 A Game That Results
Neither In Victory Nor In Defeat Drawn नंगी 283 A Game Or Batter In
Which Neither Party Wins Drawn/ Tie नंगी / टाई 284 A Squirrel’s Home Dray छकड़ा 285 Mania For Travel Dromomania 286 Continuous Dry
Weather And Lack Of Rain And Water Drought सूखा 287 One Who Deals In
Cattle Drover चौपायों को बेचनेवाला 288 One Who Cannot Speak Dumb गूंगा 289 A Person Who Is Slow
In Learning Dunce कुंद

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