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WordReference English-Spanish Dictionary © 2023:

Compound Forms:
one word
Inglés Español
in one word adv (in summary) en pocas palabras loc adv
  How was the movie? In one word, awful.
    en resumidas cuentas expr
   (coloquial) en dos palabras loc adv
  Esta oración no es una traducción de la original. Te lo voy a decir en dos palabras: esto es una patraña. (Está claro que son cuatro palabras ;-))

one word‘ aparece también en las siguientes entradas:

In the English description:

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


And with this one word, alarm bells go up in him.

Y con esta palabra, las campanas de alarma suben en él.

For the one word dog, I’ve become an enemy to Rakesh.

Para la palabra perro, yo he convertido en un enemigo a Rakesh.

And then you each continue with one word at a time.

With one word the father has switched the balance of power.

Con una sola palabra el padre ha cambiado el equilibrio de poder.

Mouth, using one word, describe how your classmates see you.

And, sometimes words are linked together, sounding like one word.

Only one word and the pills make you sleep a whole week.

And if you breathe one word, I’ll know.

The kicker is, you did respond, with one word

Scientific measurement and enjoyment of heat combined with one word.

Medición científica y disfrute del calor todo combinado en una sola palabra.

They prefer to use one word instead of two or three.

We don’t accept one word of what the board writes.

With one word that l forgot your marriage, you have…

And on the side of the shell Is painted one word.

Say one word to dean, and I’ll take your license.

The musical world of Gabriella cannot be described using one word.

Whenever she answers, exaggerate your responses to her one word replies.

Cuando te conteste, exagera tus respuestas a sus mensajes de una palabra.

He can actually sit through an hour-long interview without uttering one word.

Él puede sentarse realmente con una entrevista hora-larga sin pronunciar una palabra.

He’s not saying one word, because we’re leaving now.

No va a decir ni una palabra, porque nos vamos ya.

Practice your speech and say one word for every step you take.

Practica tu discurso y di una palabra por cada paso que des.

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one word and one word only….WOW!!!

One word and one word only: fun.

The one word descriptions of one word links is the let down.

Even one word comments are enough.

And this one word did it.

One word change, totally different feelings.

Define Love: Getting One word right.

One word for ACE PUMPKIN, delicious!

One word for this show: epic!

Recovery: one word with countless possibilities.

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