Synonym: adore, be fond of, care for, cherish, fancy, idolize, like. Antonym: abhor, enmity, hate, spite. Similar words: glove, all over, fall in love, all over again, fall in love with, all over the world, over and over, over. Meaning: [lʌv] n. 1. a strong positive emotion of regard and affection 2. any object of warm affection or devotion 3. a beloved person; used as terms of endearment 4. a deep feeling of sexual desire and attraction 5. a score of zero in tennis or squash 6. sexual activities (often including sexual intercourse) between two people. v. 1. have a great affection or liking for 2. get pleasure from 3. be enamored or in love with 4. have sexual intercourse with.
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1. Love makes the world go round.
2. When love puts in, friendship is gone.
3. Love asks faith, and faith firmness.
4. Love is not to be found in the market.
5. All’s fair in love and war. Anne Frank
6. All is fair in love and war.
7. Falling out of lovers is the renewing of love.
8. Quarrels of lovers but renew their love.
9. The greatest pleasure of life is love.
10. No love is foul, no prison fair.
11. Where love fails, we espy all faults.
12. Love rules his kingdom without a word.
13. Whom the gods love die young.
14. Love, and love only, is the loan for love.
15. Wise men love truth, whereas fools shun it.
16. Men love to hear well of themselves.
17. Hatred is blind as well as love.
18. Without respect, love cannot go far.
19. Love is the true price of love.
20. Love is the mother of love.
21. Labour is light where love doth pay.
23. Love of money is the root of all evil.
24. Love is never paid but with true love.
25. Love me little and love me long.
26. Whom the Gods love die young.
27. Love will find out the way.
28. Love makes a wit of the fool.
28. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
29. Love can neither be bought nor sold.
30. Love understands love; it needs no talk.
More similar words: glove, all over, fall in love, all over again, fall in love with, all over the world, over and over, over, oven, move, novel, shove, stove, cover, oversee, get over, go over, be over, move on, overall, remove, recover, approve, hand over, lay over, run over, governor, over there, cover up, uncover.
List of top 100 famous quotes and sayings about love one word to read and share with friends on your Facebook, Twitter, blogs.
Top 100 Quotes About Love One Word
#1. We repeat the shout of the Universe. You and I blend together. You are one word and I am another. — Author: Robin Rumi
#2. I never thought Id have a family again, and now Im going to get to be a part of a big, kind, supportive one. Its like things have been so hard, but suddenly they have the potential to be really good. I turn to gaze at Lea, wanting to remember every detail, every word and touch and moment with her. — Author: Love Maia
#3. I’m drawn to almost any piece of writing with the words ‘divine love’ and ‘impeachment’ in the first sentence. But I know the word ‘divine’ makes many progressive people run screaming for their cute little lives, and so one hesitates to use it. — Author: Anne Lamott
#4. Please. It’s one word, but the way I say it means so much more. Please don’t say anything. Please don’t look at me. Please don’t hurt me. Please just stay away. Please. — Author: Carey Heywood
#5. You ask me why I don’t speak
Not a word at will
But write so much worth well over a mill’
Well I value words like I value kisses
A sober one, a closer one penetrates the heart
Darling it’s how it mends it — Author: Criss Jami
#6. For God’s sake, let’s take the word ‘possess’ and put a brick round its neck and drown it … We can’t possess one another. We can only give and hazard all we have. — Author: Dorothy L. Sayers
#7. Love. The wide sea that one word conjures up, all the currents and tides and storms and oily swells of it. — Author: Rosie Thomas
#8. We are one … alone … and only … and we love you who are one … alone … and only. We looked into each other’s eyes and we knew the breath of a miracle had touched us, and fled, and left us groping vainly. And we felt torn, torn for some word we could not find. — Author: Ayn Rand
#9. The Holy Prophet Mohammed came into this world and taught us: ‘That man is a Muslim who never hurts anyone by word or deed, but who works for the benefit and happiness of God’s creatures. Belief in God is to love one’s fellow men.’ — Author: Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan
#10. The cure for all the ills and wrongs, the cares, the sorrows, and the crimes of humanity, all lie in the one word ‘love’. It is the divine vitality that everywhere produces and restores life. — Author: Lydia M. Child
#11. I guess the answer would be yes.»
«Got to love that word.» He kissed her so sweetly then, it brought tears to her eyes. «Got it in you to say it again?»
And then he did the unthinkable. He went down on one knee. — Author: Cindy Gerard
#12. Our love was a two-person game. At least until one of us died, and the other became a murderer. — Author: Dark Jar Tin Zoo
#13. The word ‘love’ designates a subjective condition in which the welfare and happiness of another person are essential to one’s own happiness. — Author: Robert A. Heinlein
#14. I love you too, I’ve always loved you,» she said, finally. Then there was nothing left to tell, but the one word that made his dark eyes light up, brighter than any moon. «I always will, my Tigerlily. — Author: Charlotte Stein
#15. One word
Frees us of all the weight and pain of life:
That word is love. — Author: Sophocles
#16. I know why the Jews and Muslims have nine hundred names for God; one small word is not enough for love. — Author: Diana Gabaldon
#17. She didn’t say a work, and I gave up trying, because you couldn’t hear either one of us over the shattering noise of hearts breaking and the looming shadow of the last word, the one we refused to say. — Author: Kami Garcia
#18. Whenever you remember me, now or hereafter, one word you must remember: God only lives in cozy homes. Man without a cozy home is a man without God. And coziness is the relationship between you and your purity, your piety and your principles to which you have agreed. — Author: Harbhajan Singh Yogi
#19. Someone has written, Love is a verb. It requires doing -not just saying and thinking. The test is in what one does, how one acts, for love is conveyed in word and deed. — Author: David B. Haight
#20. My father was a minister for 50 years (with) Pentecostal Church of God in Christ. We prayed about everything, every day, then he always said, «Amen. God is love.» I thought God is love was one word. Like «Godislove.» And it took me a long time to learn what that really meant. — Author: Denzel Washington
#21. I was aware that I was acting atrociously but I couldn’t stop myself. Rarely had I behaved in such a manner. But I guess when we’re feeling lonely in life, we attack those who actually do love us. It’s one of the things that characterizes human nature and can be summed up in one word: FLAWED. — Author: Jonathan Ames
#22. Love is manifested not only through the distribution of one’s possessions, but even moreso through the spreading of the word of God and helpful deeds. — Author: Maximus The Confessor
#23. Let it be the one business of my life to glorify Thee by every word of my tongue, by every work of my hand, by professing Thy truth, and by engaging all men, so far as in me lies, to glorify and love Thee. — Author: Barbara Hughes
#24. How many a knot of mystery and misunderstanding would be untied by one word spoken in simple and confiding truth of heart! How many a solitary place would be made glad if love were there, and how many a dark dwelling would be filled with light! — Author: Orville Dewey
#25. Love is many things. It’s every raw human emotion rolled up into one messy four letter word. There’s no rule book and definitely no guarantees. — Author: J.L. Berg
#26. 5:14 For the entire law is fulfilled by one word: «You shall love your neighbor as yourself.» 5:15 But if you bite and devour one another, be careful that you are not consumed by one another! 5:16 So then, I say: Walk in the spirit, and you will not fulfill the desires of the flesh. — Author: Ronald L. Conte Jr.
#27. In the lower half of one wall, she has traced the word so many times in such enormous script — LOVE, each letter the size of a child — and gouged so deeply into the stone that the O has formed a tunnel, and she has gotten out. — Author: Lauren Oliver
#28. In love, as in life, one misheard word can be tremendously important. If you tell someone you love them, for instance, you must be absolutely certain that they have replied «I love you back» and not «I love your back» before you continue the conversation. — Author: Lemony Snicket
#29. There’s always a moment when you start to fall out of love, whether it’s with a person or an idea or a cause, even if it’s one you only narrate to yourself years after the event: a tiny thing, a wrong word, a false note, which means that things can never be quite the same again. — Author: Douglas Adams
#30. So to you, or anyone else who has spent four minutes on me in some way
listening to just one song, or watching one of my videos … .Thank you. I love you like I love sparkles and having the last word. And that’s real love. — Author: Taylor Swift
#31. When I ask, «Tell me the first word that comes to your mind when I say Christian,» not one time has someone suggested the word love. Yet without question that is the proper biblical answer. — Author: Philip Yancey
#32. I said only one word, brought only one message: Love. Love — nothing else. — Author: Nikos Kazantzakis
#33. I might have been afraid that if I really loved someone and needed her, one day she might suddenly disappear without a word, and I’d be left all alone. — Author: Haruki Murakami
#34. For me, one of the toughest things about Valentine’s Day is that it gets geared up as the day to profess your love. See, T-E-S-T — that’s a bad word that doesn’t go with L-O-V-E. — Author: Matthew McConaughey
#35. One word, that’s all you said and something in your voice caused me to turn my head. Your smile just captured me. — Author: Kenny Chesney
#36. I love to think about chance — about how one little overheard word, one pebble in a shoe, can change the universe. — Author: Anne Tyler
#37. I don’t just love you. It’s like the word I want to use hasn’t been invented yet. Maybe it’s because no one’s ever felt this type of love before. Maybe I’m the first to feel it. I don’t know. I can’t explain it. But those words
I love you
they just don’t seem like enough. Not anymore. — Author: Jay McLean
#38. You are loved and cherished. You have nothing to fear. There is nothing you can do wrong. If I had to boil this entire message down to one sentence, it would run this way: You are loved. And if I had to boil it down further, to just one word, it would (of course) be, simply: Love. — Author: Eben Alexander
#39. To love the one who loves you, To admire the one who admires you, In a word, to be the idol of one’s idol, Is exceeding the limit of human joy; It is stealing fire from heaven. — Author: Delphine De Girardin
#40. By walking in his spiritual life, the Christian will experience growing in his faith, becoming a holy person, understanding more the Word of God, being able to love one’s neighbour more, to do acts of mercy and experience more the light of God. — Author: George Calleja
#41. The history of the world, as it is written and handed down by word of mouth, often fails us completely; but man’s intuitive capacity, though it often misleads, does lead, does not ever abandon one. — Author: Franz Kafka
#42. A little smile, a word of cheer, A bit of love from someone near, A little gift from one held dear, Best wishes for the coming year. These make a merry christmas! — Author: John Greenleaf Whittier
#43. That a woman’s happiness does not come through man’s glory and honour, nor through his generosity and affection, but through love that unites both of their hearts and affections, making them one member of life’s body and one word upon the lips of God. — Author: Kahlil Gibran
#44. It has been hard, I know, my daughters, but one word alone wipes out all of the hardships: love. — Author: Sophocles
#45. One word frees us all the weight and pain of life:
That word is Love.
-Sophocles — Author: Anne Gracie
#46. Sanskrit has different words to describe love for a brother or sister, love for a teacher, love for a partner, love for one’s friends, love of nature, and so on. English has only one word, which leads to never-ending confusion. — Author: Sharon Salzberg
#47. I hope one day it won’t matter who you’re in love with. Gender is just a word. LOVE is beautiful. labels are for assholes. don’t ever stop being yourselves. — Author: Jeffree Star
#48. With his two hands he props up his jaw. He passes without a word. Perhaps he does not see me. One of these days I’ll challenge him. I’ll say, I don’t know, I’ll say something, I’ll think of something when the time comes. — Author: Samuel Beckett
#49. Hubris, n.
Every time I call you mine, I feel like I’m forcing it, as if saying it can make it so. As if I’m reminding you, and reminding the universe: mine. As if that one word from me could have that kind of power. — Author: David Levithan
#50. Just one word, infused with naked desperation; half prayer, half enchantment. It felt like a freezing charm on her soul making her his prisoner, yet setting her free all at once. — Author: Genevieve Dewey
#51. One of my most precious possessions is my memory of a home in which love was supreme, in which I cannot recall ever a cross word having passed between father and mother. We all owe such a blessing to our children. — Author: David O. McKay
#52. As long as love is «blind» — that is, as long as it does not see a whole being — it does not yet truly stand under the basic word of relation. Hatred remains blind by its very nature; one can hate only part of a being. — Author: Martin Buber
#53. DESIREE: Don’t forget, Madame, that love is a perpetual juggling of three balls. Their names are heart, word and sex. How easily these three balls can be juggled, and how easily one of them can be dropped. — Author: Ingmar Bergman
#54. She bombarded me with breeze and blossoms;left a flirtatious smile; provoked me to say the most beautiful word in the world. Then … She said ‘no’ and started breezing the next one!! — Author: Nelson Jack
#55. We each have words for «love» in our languages. What would the world look like if we acted on that one word for humanity’s sake? — Author: Julie Saffrin
#56. You are a story. do not become a word. one word. because you want to be loved. love does not ask you to be nothing for something. — Author: Nayyirah Waheed
#57. If one has fear, there can be no initiative in the creative sense of the word. To have initiative in this sense is to do something original — to do it spontaneously, naturally, without being guided, forced, controlled. It is to do something which you love to do. — Author: Jiddu Krishnamurti
#58. Neither of us had anything to say, or rather we had everything to say, but after all those nights of not saying a word, we suddenly found we had not one dollar of time left between us. — Author: David Mitchell
#59. The love of God should electrify us, push us to hunger, and stir a fiery passion in our bones that cannot be quenched. Consistent lack of emotion in our spiritual walk can often be defined in one simple word: complacency. — Author: John Crowder
#60. a kiss is just a kiss till its with the one you love.
a hug is just a hug till its with the one your thinking of.a dream is just a dream till you make it come true.
and love is just a word till its priven to you.. — Author: Heather Reed
#61. For above all things Love means sweetness, and truth, and measure; yea, loyalty to the loved one and to your word. — Author: Marie De France
#62. As for those whose role it is to love us — I mean, relatives and in-laws (what a word)- It’s a different tune. They find the right word, but it’s usually the one that wounds. — Author: Albert Camus
#63. True love was a language, so many looks, touches and one word references that told the other more than full sentences of paragraphs, more than full outpourings of speech.
Our language was extensive and beautiful, and over a joyful lifetime together, we stayed fluent in it. — Author: R.K. Lilley
#64. ‘Passion’ a word which involves so many feelings. I feel it when we touch; I feel it when we kiss; I feel it when I look at you. For you are my passion; my one true love. — Author: Samuel Richardson
#65. A powerful truth is that if we love the Lord, love His Word, love His people, and love one another, we won’t want to gossip. — Author: Elizabeth George
#66. There was only one four-lettered word having precedence over life itself and it was LOVE. — Author: Faraaz Kazi
#67. Fall in love so madly that every leaf whispers words of love to your lover. Every raindrop explodes with only one word as it hits the Earth. — Author: Shekhar Kapur
#68. For to love is to give what one is, his very being, in the most absolute, the most brazenly metaphysical, the least phenomenalizable sense of this word. — Author: Jacques Maritain
#69. This one word «Love» has revolutionized the whole planet in an evolutionary way. Without this, none of us might have been born. — Author: Abhijit Naskar
#70. I am sure that no one coming to this ceremony expected a High Court judge to use the occasion to talk about that four-letter word, love. But that’s a good thing. In life, never be predictable. It’s so uncool. — Author: Michael Kirby
#71. No! he wanted to cry out. No, Tania, please come back. What can I leave her with, what can I say, what one word can I leave with her, for her? What one word for my wife?
«Tatiasha,» Alexander called after her. God, what was the curator’s name … ?
She glanced back.
«Remember Orbeli- — Author: Paullina Simons
#72. Delirium: «What’s the name of the word for the precise moment when you realize that you’ve actually forgotten how it felt to make love to somebody you really liked a long time ago?»
Dream: «There isn’t one.»
Delirium: «Oh. I thought maybe there was. — Author: Neil Gaiman
#73. Good. Or instead, what if I just told you that I love you?» Payton gazed
into his eyes. «What would you say, J. D. Jameson, if I told you that?»
J.D. smiled. He touched his forehead to Payton’s, closed his eyes, and
answered her with one word.
«Finally. — Author: Julie James
#74. One word can change your life forever.
I love you
I hate you
Think about it — Author: Alan Macmillan Orr
#75. Son, don’t mind what’s missing. Count allthat’s free: friendship, laughter, all thelove your heart can carry, and time — count time. — Author: Nikki Grimes
#76. If we must part forever,
Give me but one kind word to think upon
and please myself with, while my heart’s breaking. — Author: Thomas Otway
#77. It would have been so easy to believe every word he said and drive off with him into the moonlight like a scene from a fairy tale. But I wasn’t meant for happily ever after in my past life, and it was starting to seem like this one wouldn’t be any different. — Author: Michelle Madow
#78. I love Derrick Brown for the surprise of one word waking up next to another. One moment tender, funny or romantic, the next, visceral, ironic and relevatory-here is the full chaos of life. An amazing talent. — Author: Janet Fitch
#79. The one who is truly born again will love the Word of God. — Author: R.A. Torrey
#80. If hate, the antonym of love, is one strong word that we all know it exist but despise, why do people like playing with LOVE like it’s nonentity? — Author: PK Gyewu Akrofi
#81. She was convinced a word existed, a noun, that meant the loss of feelings for someone who was formerly loved — a word for the act of falling out of love. I said I couldn’t think of it. It wasn’t in the dictionary either, not the one she wanted. — Author: Olivia Sudjic
#82. The source of love is deep in us and we can help others realize a lot of happiness. One word, one action, one thought can reduce another person’s suffering and bring that person joy. — Author: Nhat Hanh
#83. Marriage couple represent one heavenly being. — Author: Lailah Gifty Akita
#84. Live your life by just one word and that is reciprocity. — Author: Debasish Mridha
#85. Love; n.; (luhv), The emotion of something unexplainable. A word so powerful, it’s hard to find meaning in any dictionary. Just be glad you found it. (eg: The world shall love someday) — Author: No One
#86. A song fluttered down in the form of a dove,
And it bore me a message, the one word-Love! — Author: Paul Laurence Dunbar
#87. Griddle cakes, pancakes, hot cakes, flapjacks: why are there four names for grilled batter and only one word for love? — Author: George Carlin
#88. For every romantic possiblity, no matter how robust, there exists at least one equal and opposite sentence, phrase, or word capable of extinguishing it. — Author: Malcolm Gladwell
#89. No holy place existed without us then,
no woodland, no dance, no sound.
Beyond all hope, I prayed those timeless
days we spent might be made twice as long.
I prayed one word: I want.
Someone, I tell you, will remember us,
even in another time. — Author: Sappho
#90. Promise One: Love and listen to my father. This whole time I’ve been obeying his every word, following all the rules, saying all the right things. But I never did what he really wanted all along.
Because I was never really listening. — Author: Jackson Pearce
#91. One of the greatest testimonials to God’s love is His provision of His Word. — Author: Max Anders
#92. After all the thousand times I’ve told you I love you, how could you let one word break your faith in me? … I could see it in your eyes, that you honestly believed that I didn’t want you anymore. The most absurd, ridiculous concept — as if there were any way that I could exist without needing you! — Author: Stephenie Meyer
#93. If you boiled down the gospel to one word, it would be love. — Author: Adam Hamilton
#94. Love is being able to talk to someone else without effort, without hiding, and at the same time to feel absolutely comfortable not saying a word. At least that’s one way I’ve figured out hot to describe love. — Author: Viet Thanh Nguyen
#95. If eskimos can come up with fifty words for snow because its a matter of life and death, why do we have just one word for love? — Author: Mike Gayle
#96. Every ordinary thing in your life is a word of God’s love: your home, your work, the clothes you wear, the air you breathe, the food you eat … the flowers under your feet are the courtesy of God’s heart flung down on You! All these things say one thing only: «See how I love you.» — Author: Caryll Houselander
#97. But at this moment, this one word feels like the answer to every question:
You. — Author: Julie Eshbaugh
#98. god, they say, is love. and some one’s got to pass the word. — Author: Richard Farina
#99. A film is like a battleground. It’s love, hate, action, violence, death — In one word, emotions. — Author: Samuel Fuller
#100. Religion is not knowledge. Religion is love. The word ‘religion’ comes from a root which means binding together — falling into love, becoming one. — Author: Rajneesh
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Русский язык – великий язык, которым было написано немало гениальных произведений, многие из которых посвященные любви. Но так о своем родном языке может сказать каждый народ, в том числе и англоговорящие. Не согласиться с ними сложно, особенно после прочтения красивых небольших цитат о любви на английском.
Не уверены в том, что ваших знаний достаточно для того, чтобы понять смысл написанного? Тогда коллекция афоризмов и высказываний великих людей с переводом на русский – то, что вам нужно. Наслаждайтесь интересными мыслями других, вдохновляйтесь и настраивайтесь на романтическую волну.
I love you from the bottom of my heart — «Я люблю тебя всем сердцем».
Never love anyone who treats you like you’re ordinary. Никогда не люби никого, кто обращается с тобой, будто ты обычный.
The more you give the more you love. «Чем больше ты отдаешь, тем больше любишь»
You and I – belong. «Ты и я – одно».
Where there is love there is life. «Где любовь – там жизнь».
Better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. — «Лучше любить и потерять, чем не любить вовсе». Альфред Теннисон.
A very small degree of hope is sufficient to cause the birth of love. – «Малейшей капли надежды достаточно для рождения любви». Стендаль
One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life: that word is love. — «Одно слово освобождает нас от груза жизненных тягот и боли: и это слово – любовь».
One is loved because one is loved. No reason is needed for loving. ― Paulo Coelho. «Любят, потому что любят. Для любви нет причин».
The true love suffers silently. – «Истинная любовь страдает молча».
Love is a fire. But whether it is going to warm your heart or burn down your soul, you can never tell – «Любовь – это пламя. Но никогда невозможно предсказать, согреет ли она твое сердце или сожжет твою душу».
In revenge and in love, woman is more barbarous than man. «В любви или в гневе женщина намного жестче мужчины».
To love and win is the best thing. To love and lose, the next best. «Победить в любви — лучшее, что может быть. Проиграть в любви — второе среди лучшего».
The heart wants what it wants. There’s no logic to these things. You meet someone and you fall in love and that’s that. — Сердце хочет то, что хочет. В этом нет никакой логики. Вы встречаете кого-то, вы влюбляетесь — и это все. (Вуди Аллен)
Love runs away from those chasing her, and those who run away, she throws herself on his neck. «Любовь бежит от тех, кто гонится за нею, а тем, кто прочь бежит, кидается на шею».
While I’m breathing, I love and believe. — «Пока дышу — люблю и верю».
You turn me inside out. – «Ты переворачиваешь мой мир с ног на голову».
Love is an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired. — «Любовь — это непреодолимое желание быть непреодолимо желаемым». (Роберт Фрост)
All we need is love. «Все что нам нужно — это любовь».
If someone thinks that love and peace is a cliche that must have been left behind in the Sixties, that’s his problem. Love and peace are eternal. John Lennon — «Если кто-то думает, что любовь и мир — это клише, которое надо было бы оставить в шестидесятых, то это их проблемы. Любовь и мир вечны». Джон Леннон
Be loyal to the one who is loyal to you. — «Будь верен тому, кто верен тебе».
Give me my heart back! — «Верни мне моё сердце!»
Love is friendship set on fire. — «Любовь – это дружба, воспламененная огнем». (Jeremy Taylor)
Look after my heart. I have left it with you. — «Присмотри за моим сердцем. Я оставляю его с тобой».
It was love at first sight, at last sight, at ever and ever sight. (Vladimir Nabokov, Lolita) — «Это была любовь с первого взгляда, с последнего взгляда, с извечного взгляда». (Владимир Набоков, «Лолита»)
While I’m breathing — I love and believe. — «Пока дышу — люблю и верю».
Only love can break your heart so be sure it’s right befor you fall. — «Только любовь может разбить твое сердце и будь к этому готов, прежде чем влюбляться».
Love is being stupid together — «Любовь — это дурачиться вместе». Пол Валери
Better a little fire to warm us, than a great one to burn us. — «Лучше маленький огонь, который нас согреет, чем большой, который нас сожжет».
I think of you as more than a friend. — «Ты для меня больше, чем друг».
The one thing we can never get enough of is love. And the one thing we never give enough is love. — «Единственное, чего никогда не бывает достаточно — это любовь. И единственное, чему мы никогда не отдаем достаточно — это тоже любовь». Генри Миллер
Джон Леннон когда-то сказал: All you need is love. — «Все, что вам нужно, это любовь». Эта фраза, кажется, никогда не потеряет популярности!
Love is a despot who spares no one. — «Любовь – это деспот, который никого не щадит».
Love is when you can”t fall asleep because reality is better than your dreams… Любовь – это когда ты не можешь уснуть, потому что реальность лучше снов.
One is very crazy when in love. — «Все влюбленные безумны». Зигмунд Фрейд
Love is a game that two can play and both win. — «Любовь — это игра, в которую могут играть двое и оба выигрывать». Ева Габор.
You don’t love someone because they’re perfect, you love them in spite of the fact that they’re not. — «Вы не любите кого-то за то что он идеальный, вы любите, несмотря на то что он таким не является».
One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life: that word is love — «Одно слово освобождает нас от всех тяжестей и болей жизни: это слово — любовь».
Only time can tell….if you be mine again…— «Только время может сказать….будешь ли ты моим опять…»
The more people you love, the weaker you are. (The Game of Thrones). — «Чем больше людей ты любишь, тем ты слабее. (Игра престолов)».
Hot love is soon cold. — «Горячая любовь быстро остывает».
Love as expensive crystal, you with it be cautious! — «Любовь как дорогой хрусталь, будь с ней осторожен!»
Emotions are not proven by love words but action – there’s no doubt about that.
However, all of us enjoy hearing words of love, receiving goodnight paragraphs, good morning paragraphs for him and her, love poems, and other romantic things from our partners. So, your loved one is no exception.
That’s why we’re here: to give you a hand and save you from having to think of the right words to express your feelings.
Deepen your love by using all the right words – CLICK HERE.
Here you have the ultimate list of love messages and romantic words of love for every situation.
List of Romantic Words For Her And Him
1. Sweetie, when I tell you how much I love you, I don’t say it out of habit. I say it to remind you that you’re the best thing that ever happened to me.
2. Until I met you, I wasn’t aware that I could love another person this much.
3. Words can’t express the magnitude and the depth of my feelings for you.
4. You might have your flaws, but to me, you’re perfectly imperfect.
5. The way you look at me makes it impossible not to love you.
6. I could never thank you enough for being the light to my darkness and the angel in my hell.
7. Sometimes, I wonder what I did to deserve having someone as you in my life.
8. Loving you made me the happiest person in the world .
9. If I could choose how to die, I’d want for it to happen in your arms.
10. I love the person I became next to you. Thank you for showing me that I am lovable.
11. From the top of your head to the tips of your toes, I adore everything and everywhere in between.
12. I cannot imagine my life with you not being a part of it. I cannot imagine a life without your kissable lips, captivating look, and a calming hug.
13. Just remember, when things aren’t going the right way, I’ll be there to make it better.
14. I thought I fell in love with you from the very first moment I caught your captivating look and saw your ravishing beauty. I knew that you’re the love of my life after all the love songs started reminding me of you and I started looking for you in all romantic quotes.
15. When I met you, I finally realized why it never worked out with anyone else before you and why I had to go through all of those heartbreaks. You’re my only true love, my best friend, my destiny, my soulmate, my forever person, and the love of my life.
16. Waking up next to you every morning is a dream come true.
17. Sometimes, in the middle of the night, I wake up just to listen to the rhythm of your breathing.
18. I can’t find the right words to express my undying love for you. I can only promise to love you for the rest of our lives. I know I love you because every time you cross my mind, I can’t help but smile.
19. You’re my peaceful harbor and your kindhearted soul is my home.
20. Having you in my life makes each day a little brighter.
21. Every love story is beautiful but ours is my favorite.
22. There’s no doubt about one thing – we belong together.
23. The moment you showed up in my life, you filled all the empty space in my heart.
24. Your mesmerizing eyes captured my attention from the very first time I saw you. And those mesmerizing eyes are the reason I keep falling in love with you every time you look at me.
25. I’m convinced you were made to perfectly fit in my arms and that your luscious and kissable lips were made for mine.
26. You’re the best thing that has ever happened to me and I can’t thank God enough for sending you in my life.
27. Nothing and nobody could ever stop me from loving you.
28. I love the way you love me.
29. I choose you. And I will choose you over and over again. Without a doubt, in a heartbeat, I will forever keep on choosing you.
30. Sweetie, I will stop loving you when the stars fall from the sky, when all the rivers run dry, and when I die.
31. Your love is like a flame that has been lighting my path.
32. You’re not just my number 1, you’re my one and only. You’re not just my main squeeze, you’re the only person in my life.
33. I wish you two things: everything and nothing. Everything that makes you happy and nothing that makes you suffer.
34. You make my entire body tremble and my heart smile. You’re endearing, lovable, and adorable.
35. The first person I think of when I hear the word “love” is you.
36. Thoughts of how much I love you are keeping me up longer and longer each night.
37. I’m addicted to your touch and smile. I’m hooked on your love.
38. If I could give you one thing in life, I’d give you the ability to see yourself through my eyes because only then would you realize how special you are to me.
39. Now that I have you, I know that fairytales come true.
40. The adorable sound of your voice is my favorite melody.
41. I might have fallen for you just because you’re a good-looking heartthrob. But I grew to love you because of your kindhearted and feisty personality.
42. Ever since you entered my life, I cry a little less, laugh a little harder, and smile a little more.
43. All of us have our motivation to get up in the morning and face the world. You’re mine.
44. I’m not asking you to do any romantic things for me. Just promise that we’ll laugh together for the rest of our lives.
45. You are my answered prayer, my fulfilled wish, and my realized dream. My whole life would be pointless without you in it.
46. I don’t know for how long I am going to live, but I know that every single second will be worth a lifetime because I will spend it with you.
47. You may hold my hand for a while but you hold my heart forever.
48.All sweet words of love that exist on this planet might not be enough for me to tell you how much I love you and how much you mean to me.
49. Whenever you feel alone, I will be your shadow. Whenever you want to cry, I will be your shoulder. Whenever you’re sad, I will be your smile. Whenever you need me, I will be there.
50. My loved one, thank you for painting my whole life with the colors of happiness.
Love Messages And Romantic Words For A Long Distance Relationship
When you’re in a long distance relationship and you don’t have your partner by your side all the time, doing romantic things for them is quite difficult.
However, that doesn’t mean that you can’t at least try and come up with some sweet good morning texts for him or her to send them at the beginning of every day to let them know you’re thinking about them and put a smile on their face.
1. I miss you more and more every day and I can’t wait to roll to the other side of the bed to find your luscious lips instead of a text message.
2. Even though we’re apart, you’re still my best friend, and my soulmate.
3. Out of all the sweet love words, I can’t find one that can express how much I miss you.
4. Every day I spend without you by my side is a new heartbreak.
5. Whenever I close my eyes, I can’t help but see your bewitching look right in front of me.
6. When I fell in love with you, suddenly, all the love songs and love messages started making sense.
7. In love like ours, the smallest distance is too great and the greatest distance can be bridged.
8. You might be a thousand miles away, but no one else is closer to my heart than you are.
9. My sweet love, I’m jealous of the people who get to see you every day.
10. The thought of being with you tomorrow gives me the strength to get through today.
Love Messages And Romantic Words For A Special Occasion
You don’t need a special occasion to declare your love to your significant other.
However, there are days in which you want to tell them some love romantic words to let them know how important they are to you on that day and always.
Romantic Words About Love For Valentine’s Day:
1. There’s nothing better than spending this day with the person I care about the most.
2. You make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I just want nothing else but to be with you on Valentine’s Day and forever after.
3. On this day of lovers, I want to make you three promises: to always be there for you, to respect you, and to love you for all my life.
4. You are a special gift from the heavens. Your smile warms my heart and your presence makes me whole. I love you on this special day and forever.
5. There is no one I’d rather share my heart with on this Valentine’s Day than you.
Romantic Words For Lover On Their Birthday:
1. May you have a birthday that is as awesome as you.
2. Every day with you is special, but today is extra special because it’s your day. With all my love and kisses, happy birthday to you!
3. Your birthday is just another excuse for me to shower you with kisses, love, and affection.
4. What poem should I write for you? Which song should I sing for you? Which lyrics should I pen for you? Which notes should I compose for you? Which melody should I hum for you? If you have an answer to this, let me know today so I can wish you an original happy birthday.
5. You’re not special because it’s your birthday. You’re special because you’re you.
Romantic Words For Him And Her On Your Anniversary:
1. With every year, I love you more and more. Remember that our best years are still ahead of us, and you and I will be there for every up and down in between.
2. On the day I met you, you gave me a reason to wake up every morning and thousand more to love you after that.
3. You’re the one who keeps reminding me what butterflies feel like after all these years.
4. You are mine, forever and a day. I thank God for this date that marks the day we officially became an item.
5. Our anniversary is not just a date. It signifies how beautifully intertwined our fates are.
Funny and Sassy Love Messages And Romantic Quotes
Romantic words don’t have to be pathetic – they can also be sassy yet classy. So, here is a witty list of romantic words:
1. You’re my main squeeze and my only true love.
2. I know looks aren’t everything. But I love it that you’re good-looking, just in case.
3. I kinda love you (meaning: I’m madly in love with you and absolutely adore you, but I’m afraid to say it.)
4. I know I’m a handful but that’s why you’ve got two hands.
5. Your lips are the gun. Your smile is the trigger. Your kisses are the bullets. I label you a killer.
6. If I had a dollar for every time I thought of you, I’d be in a higher tax bracket.
7. I love you with all of my belly. I would say heart but my belly is bigger.
8. I am yours and you are mine – no refunds.
9. I lost my teddy bear, will you sleep with me tonight?
10. I promise to always be by your side. Or under you. Or on top.
11. You’re stuck with me. Deal with it.
12. Sometimes I wonder how you put up with me. Then I remember that I put up with you as well. So I guess we’re even.
13. I love you so much that I’d fight a bear for you. Well, not a grizzly bear, they have claws, and not a panda bear, they know kung fu. But a care bear, I’d definitely fight a care bear for you.
14. I didn’t want to fall in love with you but at some point, you smiled and I blew it.
15. I plan on bugging you every single day for the foreseeable future.
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Table Of Content:
- Use love in a sentence | The best 492 love sentence examples
- 20 of the Most Heartwarming Love Sentences
- English Sentences with Audio Using the Word «Love»
- Love | Definition of Love by Merriam-Webster
- Love in a sentence (esp. good sentence like quote, proverb…)
- Use “love” in a sentence | “love” sentence examples
- Love Sentence | Star vs. the Forces of Evil Wiki | Fandom
- A Sentence About a Sentence I Love, by Alexandra Chasin – BIG …
- How would you complete this sentence: ‘Love is ______’? — Quora
- Run-On Sentences and Sentence Fragments — Grammar — Academic …
1. Use love in a sentence | The best 492 love sentence examples
«I not only understood her, but it was just that inner, spiritual force, that sincerity, that frankness of soul— that very soul of hers which seemed to be …
2. 20 of the Most Heartwarming Love Sentences Nabokov quote is one of my all time favorite love sentences. It’s all-out romantic, with no holds barred. I love how he lays it out so straight forwardly.
3. English Sentences with Audio Using the Word «Love»
[M] [T] I realize that this may sound crazy, but I think I’ve fallen in love with your younger sister. · Random Page. The data from …
4. Love | Definition of Love by Merriam-Webster definition is — strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personal ties. How to use love in a sentence.
5. Love in a sentence (esp. good sentence like quote, proverb…) 24, 2016 … Love in a sentence · 1. Love makes the world go round. · 2. When love puts in, friendship is gone. · 3. Love asks faith, and faith firmness. · 4.
6. Use “love” in a sentence | “love” sentence examples
Use “love” in a sentence | “love” sentence examples · 1. Love makes the world go round. · 2. He knows not what love is that has no children. · 3. When love puts in …
7. Love Sentence | Star vs. the Forces of Evil Wiki | Fandom[Source] Love Sentence is a five-member boy band consisting of lead singer Justin Towers and four unnamed male singers. Their theme appears to be centered …
8. A Sentence About a Sentence I Love, by Alexandra Chasin – BIG … 10, 2010 … «Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.» How is the question posed by any simile, how is this to that, …
9. How would you complete this sentence: ‘Love is ______’? — Quora
Love is unconditional. * Love is respect. * Love is acceptance. * Love is caring and daring. Daring to stand up and accepting the person regardless of their …
10. Run-On Sentences and Sentence Fragments — Grammar — Academic … example: I love to write papers. I would write one every day if I had the time. Use a semicolon. Inserting a semicolon between independent clauses …
Finally, you got the answer of a sentence about love in this article. We update details about Use love in a sentence | The best 492 love sentence examples. Thank you for reading.