One word meaning for names

Cool one word names are used by businesses everywhere you look.

From Amazon and Google to Apple and eBay, it seems as though many of the most popular companies in the world thrive on short and simple one word business names.

In the past, companies had no trouble earning recognition with names that were 2 or 3 words long. Entrepreneurs believed that the more they could tell people about their organisation in their name, the easier it would be to attract customers. However, in today’s fast-paced digital world, minimalist names are often more compelling and memorable than their lengthy counterparts.

It’s much easier to say you have a job interview with IBM than with the International Business Machines company. What’s more, telling someone you got a fabulous new pair of shoes from Nike rolls off the tongue better than “Blue Ribbon Sports.”

If you can convey the value in your business with a single word, you increase your chances of a building a brand with excellent recognition and memorability.

So, how companies invest in cool one word names?

The challenge of creating something ‘cool’

According to The Guardian, the right name generates unique business opportunities, by providing organisations with an impressive and catchy identity. Unfortunately, the wrong name can also mar your chances of success, harming your reputation before you’ve had a chance to find your place in your industry. It’s no wonder that leading brands spend anywhere up to $75,000 on an effective title.

Choosing cool one word names is challenging. Not only do you need to know a great deal about language and human psychology to pick the perfect name, but you also need to define the word “cool” too. After all, a “cool” name in the technology sector might have completely different qualities to one in the marketing industry.

To overcome the challenge of creating cool one word business names, it’s best to start with a few basic concepts. For instance, it’s easy to agree that the right name should be something that stands out from the competition, and attracts the attention of your audience. Other characteristics of “cool” one word names include:

They engage your audience

An appealing business name elevates your brand identity with intrigue and whimsy. Sometimes, this might mean choosing a name that’s a play on words. For instance, Lego is a combination of the words “Leg Godt” in Danish, translating to “play well.” Choosing a name with meaning and background draws your audience in and helps them to understand your purpose.

Cool One Word Names

They’re evocative

Speaking of names with meaning, many cool one word business names drive emotional connection via evocative, rather than descriptive terms. For instance, a Greek restaurant named “Food” won’t mean much to your audience, but one named “Ambrosia,” creates a unique and emotional experience. For example, Verizon is a combination of the words “horizon” and “veritas” (the Latin word for truth). The one word name tells you what you need to know about the company’s values, without being obvious.

Cool one word names are unique

When you’re launching a new business, it can be tempting to mimic your rivals. After all, they must know what they’re doing. However, the worst thing you can do is blend in with the crowd. Think of the people you would have described as “cool” at school. The chances are they were the kids who weren’t afraid to stand out. Rather than just doing what other people doing, look for a way to convey your essence in your title. For instance, the tech company “Codal” chose a name that combined the words “Code” and “Portal” to express meaning and capture customer attention.

They’re intelligent

Often, cool one word business names have an impact on us because they cause us to think differently about something, or visualise a concept. These titles are clever. They know how to tap into human psychology to encourage specific responses from customers. For instance, there’s a lot of research out there about the emotional impact of specific word categories. For example, the term “email” often makes people feel stressed. On the other hand, fruit-related names are calming.

Choosing cool one word names isn’t just about finding a specific keyword with a particular meaning. Instead, the best business names come from an understanding of human behaviour.

Cool One Word Names

The long and short of cool one word names

At this point, you know that cool business names should be smart, meaningful, unique and engaging. However, why do they need to be short too? Wouldn’t you have more opportunities to get your message across with a brand name that’s two or three words long?

While some companies still thrive on names featuring multiple words, like “USA Today” and “Coca-Cola,” the truth is that the shorter your business name can be, the better. In a world where human attention span is shrinking, people simply won’t remember your business if your name is too long. Obscure, lengthy terms leave us grasping at straws when we’re trying to remember what to type into Google. Imagine if Twitter was called the “Microblogging Social Network” instead.

People prefer brief terms that stick in their mind. Having to continually remind people of your name and how to spell it is just a barrier to your business. That’s why cool one word names are growing increasingly popular. Here are some of the reasons why you should always stick to a single word:

  • Cool one word business names are memorable: What good is a fantastic business name if no-one can remember it? Word of mouth marketing continues to be the best form of advertising. If your clients can’t recall your whole name, or they struggle to pronounce it, how can they advocate for your company? Diversify and simplify when you choose a title, and you’ll see the benefits. Look at Tesla – the name conveys science, innovation, and transformation in just two syllables.
  • One word names are flexible: As well as being memorable, cool one word names also have flexibility. For instance, the founder of Smirk chose his name because it was brief and easy to use in the company’s internal language. The business has “Smirkers” instead of employees, and “Smirkstorm” sessions. One-word names can even become verbs. For instance, “Just Skype me,” or “Google it.” The same “verbing” strategy wouldn’t work with a multi-word name.
  • A single-word name is excellent for your visual identity: Many companies use word marks to identify their brand. These days, it’s rare to find a logo that’s just a graphic. Businesses generally use their name in some part of their image. It’s much harder to do that, however, when your name is long. A shorter business name fits more seamlessly into a logo. It also means that your brand mark will continue to work well on smaller screens in today’s mobile world.

Just remember that picking cool one word business names doesn’t just mean choosing a word at random. Nor does it mean that you should select an “obvious” word. Calling your computer company “PC” wouldn’t work, because it would be impossible to trademark the term. Naming your business after a single product that you sell might work at first, but also restricts your ability to evolve and grow into new niches in the future. A cool one word name is an excellent investment. However, like any business name, it’s not always easy to choose the right moniker.

Cool One Word Names

4 rules for being ‘cool’ with your company name

An amazing business name isn’t just something that looks great on your business card.

Meaningful brand names aren’t guaranteed to be successful just because you like them. You need to make sure that there’s something in your title that can help your organisation to grow. Choosing cool one word business names means going beyond giving your audience a convenient way to identify your brand.

Here are some tips for how you can choose a title with style.

1. Think like your customer

Ultimately, it doesn’t matter if everyone on your team hates your business name – as long as your customers think it’s cool. Stepping into the shoes of your target audience is an excellent way to choose a title that will resonate with your audience. While looking at user personas, ask yourself:

  • What does this name make me feel? Does the title you choose conjure up pleasant feelings and memories? A word like Xeoxolite creates a very different feeling to the word “Mushums.” How do you want your audience to relate to your brand?
  • Is the name easy to spell and remember? One of the biggest advantages of cool one word names is that they’re memorable. However, a single-word title loses its simplicity when it’s 12 letters long.
  • Does this name make sense? Does the moniker have an automatic connection with the industry you’re in? A name like Datologic seems ideally suited to the tech world, but it wouldn’t work for a baking company.

2. Give yourself space to grow

If you’re lucky enough to find cool one word business names that are perfect for your brand, then you’ll want to hold onto them for as long as possible. While the products and services your company sells might change, your title should stick with you. With that in mind, it’s worth avoiding any name that might have baggage.

While it’s tempting to simply misspell a word that your customers are familiar with, this could hold you back in the long term. For instance, a luggage company named “Bagage” might sound great at first – but what if you decide to sell other products like clothes and travel accessories too?

When choosing a name, look for something that represents the potential of your company, not what you do right now. The perfect cool one word names resonate with the spirit of your business throughout its life.

Cool One Word Names

3. Don’t just jam keywords together

If you’re struggling to think of a single word name that hasn’t already been trademarked, you might think that the best option is to take two terms and mash them together. That way, you get a one-word name, and you make sure that you’re saying something valuable about your business. Unfortunately, while there are some “merged” business names out there that sound good, they often require the expertise of a naming specialist.

The majority of companies that try to combine words into a single term end up with a train wreck – not a title that they want to hold onto for years to come. Combining the words “Serenity” and “Spa” into “SeriniSpa” might be easier than coming up with a new word from scratch. However, it also means that you end up with a relatively cliché name. These titles look and sound awkward from day one.

4. Remember to test your name

Finally, after you’ve given up on the brainstorming sessions and turned to a specialist for help, you may think that you’ve found the ultimate title. It’s quick, it’s snappy, and it tells your audience everything they need to know about you in a single word. However, before you go out and hit the “buy” button on that title, or start applying for your trademark, make sure that you test your moniker first.

Grab a few members of your team and ask them to describe what your name makes them feel and think when they hear it out loud. Check to see what your name looks like when it’s written down and whether it looks good next to a .com domain. Most importantly, make sure that your people can remember your name and what it stands for over a few days.

Taking the time to give your name a test run is an excellent way to make sure that you’re making the right investment. It’s easy for a business leader to lose track of their goals when building a brand – particularly when they’ve been searching for the proper name for a while. A little bit of outside input can be all it takes to keep you on track.

Cool One Word Names

Where to find cool one word business names

You know what cool one word names look like, and you even know what kind of rules you need to follow when you’re choosing your moniker. Now we come to the tricky part – finding the right title.

Unfortunately, tracking down the ultimate business name is rarely as easy as just opening a dictionary at a random page and choosing a word. What’s more, you’ll have a tough time finding a single-word business name with a name generator online. Most digital tools provide suggestions by combining numerous keywords. Unfortunately, robots don’t quite have the creative scope of humans just yet.

That means that you’re left with two options. The first thing you can do is spend hours, days or weeks in brainstorming sessions with your team. Unfortunately, that often leads to frustration when you find out that almost every word you can think of has already been taken. The other solution is to go back to running your business and leave the naming to the experts.

At Naimeo, we specialise in creating unique, engaging and inspiring business names. Most of the titles that we offer are one word names for businesses. Whatever style or type of name you’re looking for, you can find it with Naimeo. When we create cool one word business names, we focus on:

1. Allusion over description

When you’re choosing a one-word name for your company, it’s often tempting to pick a term that you and your audience are familiar with. Unfortunately, words have different connotations depending on where you are in the world, and what kind of customer you serve. For instance, the word “Mist” in Germany is a slang term for manure.

Instead of taking risks with pre-established words, Naimeo creates business names from scratch, using evocative sounds and language. This means that you can allude to specific meanings with your name, without taking unnecessary risks. For instance, Panera comes from the words for “Bread” and “Age” in Spanish, but together, they create a title that’s entirely new.

Cool One Word Names

2. Positive experiences

A business name doesn’t have to explain precisely what you do to be compelling. Many cool one word business names thrive because they create positive feelings in their audiences. For instance, the online marketplace “Amazon” was originally going to be called Cadabra – according to Jeff Bezos. However, the company’s lawyer at the time suggested that the word sounded too similar to “Cadaver.”

When we choose one word names to sell to our clients, we make sure that they only create positive feelings in your customer. That means staying away from any dangerous associations or tricky words.

3. Stickiness and memorability

As we’ve mentioned previously in this article, cool one word names are great because it’s easier to remember a single word than a group of terms. However, it’s easy to damage the memorability of your moniker by choosing something that’s too long and complex. That’s why we avoid names that would be far too difficult for your audience to track down on their own.

Many of the world’s biggest companies have begun adapting their names to make them as memorable and simple as possible. For instance, “AsSeenOnScreen” became ASOS. With a title from Naimeo, you won’t have to worry about reducing your name. We keep most of our names short, sweet and simple.

4. Brandability

Finally, when our experienced team of naming experts starts searching for cool names to list on our website, we always prize “brandability.” That doesn’t just mean making sure that each of our titles come with an available .com domain and a logo suggestion by the way. It also means that we choose words with real emotional impact. These are the terms that will speak to your audience, and take on their own, dynamic meaning over time.

With our simple and short company names, you might even find that your new business name starts to benefit from qualities like being “verbified” the more your audience uses it. For instance, people don’t just say “send me the money on PayPal” anymore, they say “PayPal me.” We choose names with exceptional potential so that you can build your business and your future around them.

Cool One Word Names

Chill, we’ve got your cool company names covered

Most business owners know that if they want to get ahead in today’s competitive landscape, they need a memorable brand. Usually, that starts with choosing a name that your audience and your employees can get behind. Once you’ve got your title in place, you can begin to build the rest of your identity around it, selecting a meaningful logo, an engaging company voice and more.

Unfortunately, choosing a great brand name is often easier said than done. If you want to track down cool one word business names, you’ll need a lot of time and expertise. Finding a title today means knowing how to filter through all the trademarked and taken terms, to discover something unique.

Here at Naimeo, we use a combination of consumer psychology, creative knowledge, and technical expertise to create titles that appeal to almost any industry. You can browse through our selection of brand names by style or sector and find the identity you’ve been hunting for within a couple of clicks.

As the competition for one word names continues to heat up, don’t lose your head. Chill out and hand the stress over to the team here at Naimeo. We’ll make sure that you get the cool business name you need.

To get ahead, get a great name. From Naimeo.

Usernames don’t need to be complicated or cryptic. Choosing just one word can help you create a simple but impactful and memorable username.

Shorter usernames also look cleaner to the eye. Longer usernames that include multiple words, numbers, special characters, and “keyboard smash” letter combinations are harder to read and look less aesthetically pleasing.

See our list of options on our list below, or scroll past the list for a name generator and tips on creating your own one-word username.

  1. Eclipse

  2. Vital

  3. Legacy

  4. Schism

  5. Mystic

  6. Cosmic

  7. Infinity

  8. Static

  9. Vertical

  10. Inspired

  11. Orion

  12. Iconic

  13. Indigo

  14. Mystery

  15. Toast

  16. Depth

  17. Havoc

  18. Threat

  19. Phoenix

  20. Wireless

  21. Logic

  22. Strike

  23. Hammer

  24. Mosaic

  25. Trouble

  26. Theory

  27. Viper

  28. Elite

  29. Atomic

  30. Force

  31. Combat

  32. Clutch

  33. Seeker

  34. Rogue

  35. Sunrise

  36. Judicial

  37. Intent

  38. Domain

  39. Adjacent

  40. Maverick

  41. Justice

  42. Phantom

  43. Optimist

  44. Arctic

  45. Lecturer

  46. Polaris

  47. Onyx

  48. Warrant

  49. Forum

  50. Unity

  51. Proof

  52. Saga

  53. Variable

  54. Champion

  55. Original

  56. Audio

  57. Nectar

  58. Tension

  59. Tangible

  60. Endeavor

  61. Python

  62. Relevant

  63. Bionic

  64. Absolute

  65. Capture

  66. Intense

  67. Attitude

  68. Priority

  69. Medieval

  70. Anchor

  71. Rugged

  72. Infinity

  73. Tactical

  74. Epic

  75. Strategist

  76. Delay

  77. Momentum

  78. Audit

  79. Crucial

  80. Panther

  81. Quiver

  82. Spartan

  83. Stealth

  84. Mirage

  85. Noodle

  86. Swan

  87. Tempest

  88. Schemer

  89. Abstract

  90. Antics

  91. Linear

  92. Animal

  93. Serious

  94. Eventual

  95. Ghost

  96. Wolf

  97. Aloof

  98. Storm

  99. Ornery

  100. Forced

  101. Asset

  102. Noble

  103. Vantage

  104. Equal

  105. Evidence

  106. Kerfuffle

  107. Alliance

  108. Leverage

  109. Abandon

  110. Feral

  111. Maven

  112. Thirteen

  113. Profound

  114. Virtual

  115. Mohawk

  116. Rival

  117. Integral

  118. Revised

  119. Pending

  120. Laser

  121. Penalty

  122. Apocalypse

  123. Agenda

One-Word Username Generator

How to Create a Cool One-Word Username

There are thousands upon thousands of words in the English language, no matter which dictionary you use.

With so many options to choose from when creating a one-word username, keep the following tips in mind to narrow down your options:

  • Pick a set number of letters. Perhaps the site or app you’re creating a username for has a minimum character limit, or you have a favorite single-digit number. Choosing a set number of letters for your username is an easy way to narrow down your options. For some ideas, see our lists of three-letter, four-letter, and five-letter usernames.
  • Pick a letter to start your username. You can use your favorite letter, the first letter of your first or last name, or just pick one at random. Looking for words within a particular letter is another easy way to narrow down those thousands of choices! You can also combine this with our previous tip, choosing both one letter and a certain number of letters, to come up with a very focused list of options.
  • Get inspiration from a different language! As noted above, there is no shortage of options for one-word English usernames, but you can also get inspiration from other languages. Whether you’re fluent in another language or just want to find a unique username, try translating some of your favorite English words or browsing a translated dictionary. For some suggestions to get you started, see our list of cool Latin words for usernames.

Name meanings might be bold or hidden, easy to understand or difficult to pinpoint. We’ve gathered lists of names with meanings, including girl names, boy names, and unisex names.

The most popular name meanings include names that mean hope, names meaning love, and names that mean strength or power. Traditional name meanings often relate to physical characteristics, like hair color, or dwelling places.

Modern name meanings are often obvious, since many of today’s unique baby names are created from words or nature or spiritual qualities. Baby names such as True and Ivy and Bear mean as names exactly what they mean as words.

The meanings of names, whether obvious or hidden, have become more rather than less popular in recent years. Many parents search for name meanings that symbolize a quality that’s important to them — names that mean new beginnings, for instance, or names that mean life — and work backwards to find a name that fits.

Not all name meanings are positive, of course. Some otherwise-appealing names have negative meanings like lame or rival (sorry, Emily). This may matter to you or it may not, but you definitely should be aware of a name’s meaning before you settle on it.

Search these lists of name meanings to find the type of baby name and style of meaning that works best for you.

Lists of Names by Meaning

This is a list of names in which the meaning contains the keyword one.

Aino f Finnish, Estonian, Finnish Mythology
Means «the only one» in Finnish. In the Finnish epic the Kalevala this is the name of a girl who drowns herself when she finds out she must marry the old man Väinämöinen.

Amon m Egyptian Mythology (Anglicized)
From Ἄμμων (Ammon), the Greek form of Egyptian jmn (reconstructed as Yamanu) meaning «the hidden one». In early Egyptian mythology he was a god of the air, creativity and fertility, who was particularly revered in Thebes. Later, during the Middle Kingdom, his attributes were combined with those of the god Ra and he was worshipped as the supreme solar deity Amon-Ra.

Aonghus m Irish, Scottish Gaelic, Irish Mythology
From Old Irish Óengus, possibly meaning «one strength» from óen «one» and guss «force, strength». Aonghus (sometimes surnamed Mac Og meaning «young son») was an Irish god of love and youth, one of the Tuatha Dé Danann. He was the son of Dagda and Boann. The name was also borne by an 8th-century Pictish king, several Irish kings, and a few saints, including a 9th-century bishop of Tallaght.

Ásbjǫrn m Old Norse
Old Norse name derived from the elements áss «god» and bjǫrn «bear». It is therefore a cognate of Osborn.

Asger m Danish
From the Old Norse name Ásgeirr, derived from the elements áss meaning «god» and geirr meaning «spear». It is a cognate of Ansgar.

Åshild f Norwegian
From the Old Norse name Áshildr, derived from the elements áss «god» and hildr «battle».

Aslaug f Norwegian
Derived from the Old Norse elements áss meaning «god» and laug possibly meaning «vowed, promised, bound in oath».

Åsmund m Norwegian
From the Old Norse name Ásmundr, derived from the elements áss «god» and mundr «protection» (a cognate of Osmond).

Bai m & f Chinese
From Chinese (bái) meaning «white, pure», (bǎi) meaning «one hundred, many» or (bǎi) meaning «cypress tree, cedar» (which is usually only masculine). Other Chinese characters can form this name as well. This name was borne in the 8th century by the Tang dynasty poet Li Bai, whose given was .

Basit m Arabic
Means «one who enlarges» in Arabic.

Bridget f Irish, English
Anglicized form of the Irish name Brighid, Old Irish Brigit, from old Celtic *Brigantī meaning «the exalted one». In Irish mythology this was the name of the goddess of fire, poetry and wisdom, the daughter of the god Dagda. In the 5th century it was borne by Saint Brigid, the founder of a monastery at Kildare and a patron saint of Ireland. Because of the saint, the name was considered sacred in Ireland, and it did not come into general use there until the 17th century. In the form Birgitta this name has been common in Scandinavia, made popular by the 14th-century Saint Birgitta of Sweden, patron saint of Europe.

Carter m English
From an English surname that meant «one who uses a cart». A famous bearer of the surname is former American president Jimmy Carter (1924-).

Cernunnos m Gaulish Mythology (Latinized)
Means «great horned one», from Celtic *karnos «horn» and the divine or augmentative suffix -on. This was the name of the Celtic god of fertility, animals, wealth, and the underworld. He was usually depicted having antlers, and was identified with the Roman god Mercury.

Cody m English
From an Irish surname, an Anglicized form of both Irish Gaelic Ó Cuidighthigh meaning «descendant of the helpful one» and Mac Óda meaning «son of Odo». A famous bearer of the surname was the American frontiersman and showman Buffalo Bill Cody (1846-1917).

Dexter m English
From an occupational surname meaning «one who dyes» in Old English. It also coincides with the Latin word dexter meaning «right-handed, skilled».

Dubhán m Irish (Rare)
From Old Irish Dubán meaning «little dark one», derived from dub «dark, black» combined with a diminutive suffix. This was the name of a few early saints.

Ehud m Biblical, Hebrew, Biblical Hebrew
Meaning unknown, possibly related to Hebrew אֶחָד (‘echad) meaning «one». In the Old Testament this is the name of one of the biblical judges. He killed Eglon, the king of Moab, and freed the city of Jericho from Moabite rule.

Einar m Norwegian, Icelandic, Swedish, Danish, Estonian
From the Old Norse name Einarr, derived from the elements einn «one, alone» and herr «army, warrior». This name shares the same roots as einherjar, the word for the slain warriors in Valhalla.

Eindride m Norwegian (Rare)
Derived from the Old Norse name Eindriði, possibly from the elements einn «one, alone» and ríða «to ride».

Eka 1 m & f Indonesian
Means «one, first» in Indonesian, ultimately from Sanskrit एक (eka).

Ekwueme m Western African, Igbo
Means «one says, one does» in Igbo, indicating a person who is truthful about his behaviour.

Garbhán m Irish
From Old Irish Garbán meaning «little rough one», derived from garb «rough» combined with a diminutive suffix. This was the name of a 7th-century Irish saint.

Gefjon f Norse Mythology
Probably means «the giving one», from Old Norse gefa «to give». Gefjon or Gefion was a Norse goddess associated with ploughing and fertility.

Goyaałé m Indigenous American, Apache
Means «one who yawns» in Chiricahua Apache. This was the real name of the Apache leader Geronimo (1829-1909), who fought against Mexican and American expansion into his territory.

Haji m Arabic
Refers to a person who has participated in the حَجّ (hajj), the annual pilgrimage to Mecca in Saudi Arabia that Muslims must undertake at least once in their lifetimes.

Hifumi m & f Japanese
From Japanese (hi) meaning «one», (fu) meaning «two» and (mi) meaning «three».

Hunahpu m Mayan Mythology
Possibly means «one blowgunner», from Classic Maya jun «one» and puw «blowgun» (with the agentive prefix aj-). Hunahpu and his twin brother Xbalanque are the central characters of the Popol Vuh, the sacred book of the K’iche’ Maya.

Ichirō m Japanese
From Japanese (ichi) meaning «one» and (rō) meaning «son». This was traditionally a name given to the first son. Other combinations of kanji characters are also possible.

Jun’ichi m Japanese
From Japanese (jun) meaning «obey, submit» or (jun) meaning «pure» combined with (ichi) meaning «one». Other kanji combinations are possible.

Kali 1 f & m Hinduism, Bengali, Tamil
Means «the black one» in Sanskrit. The Hindu goddess Kali is the fierce destructive form of the wife of Shiva. She is usually depicted with black skin and four arms, holding a severed head and brandishing a sword. As a personal name, it is generally masculine in India.

Kanna f Japanese
From Japanese (kan) meaning «bookmark» and (na) meaning «vegetables, greens». Other kanji combinations can form this name as well.

Kapono m Hawaiian
Means «the good one» from Hawaiian ka, a definite article, and pono «good, moral».

Kauʻi f & m Hawaiian
Means «the youthful one» from Hawaiian ka, a definite article, and uʻi «youth, beauty».

K’awil m Mayan Mythology
Possibly means «powerful one» in Classic Maya. This was the name of the Maya god of lightning, generations and corn. He was sometimes depicted with one of his legs taking the form of a serpent. His name was also used as a title for other gods.

Kazue f Japanese
From Japanese (kazu) meaning «harmony, peace» or (kazu) meaning «one» combined with (e) meaning «branch» or (e) meaning «favour, benefit». Other combinations of kanji characters can potentially form this name.

Kazuhiko m Japanese
From Japanese (kazu) meaning «harmony, peace» or (kazu) meaning «one» combined with (hiko) meaning «boy, prince». Other kanji combinations can also form this name.

Kazuki m Japanese
From Japanese (kazu) meaning «one» or (kazu) meaning «harmony, peace» combined with (ki) meaning «brightness», (ki) meaning «hope» or (ki) meaning «tree», as well as other combinations of kanji characters.

Kazuko f Japanese
From Japanese (kazu) meaning «one» or (kazu) meaning «harmony, peace» combined with (ko) meaning «child». This name can also be formed from other kanji combinations.

Kazumi f & m Japanese
From Japanese (kazu) meaning «harmony, peace» or (kazu) meaning «one» combined with (mi) meaning «beautiful». Other combinations of kanji can form this name as well.

Kazuo m Japanese
From Japanese (kazu) meaning «one» or (kazu) meaning «harmony, peace» combined with (o) meaning «male, man» or (o) meaning «husband, man». Other kanji combinations can also form this name.

Kazuya m Japanese
From Japanese (kazu) meaning «one» or (kazu) meaning «harmony, peace» combined with (ya) meaning «to be, also». Other combinations of kanji can form this name as well.

Kealoha f & m Hawaiian
Means «the loved one» from Hawaiian ke, a definite article, and aloha «love».

Ken’ichi m Japanese
From Japanese (ken) meaning «healthy, strong» or (ken) meaning «study, sharpen» combined with (ichi) meaning «one». Other kanji combinations are possible.

Lommán m Old Irish
Means «little bare one», derived from Old Irish lomm «bare» combined with a diminutive suffix. This was the name of a 5th-century saint, a nephew of Saint Patrick.

Lorcán m Irish
Means «little fierce one», derived from Old Irish lorcc «fierce» combined with a diminutive suffix. Saint Lorcán was a 12th-century archbishop of Dublin.

Meallán m Irish (Rare)
From Old Irish Mellán, derived from mell meaning either «pleasant, delightful» or «lump, ball» combined with a diminutive suffix. This was the name of a few early saints.

Momoka f Japanese
From Japanese (momo) meaning «hundred» or (momo) meaning «peach» combined with (ka) meaning «flower» or (ka) meaning «fragrance». Other kanji combinations are possible.

Momoko f Japanese
From Japanese (momo) meaning «hundred» or (momo) meaning «peach» combined with (ko) meaning «child». This name can be constructed from other kanji combinations as well.

Monica f English, Italian, Romanian, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, Late Roman
Meaning unknown, most likely of Berber or Phoenician origin. In the 4th century this name was borne by a North African saint, the mother of Saint Augustine of Hippo, whom she converted to Christianity. Since the Middle Ages it has been associated with Latin moneo «advisor» and Greek monos «one».… [more]

Muadhnait f Irish (Rare)
Means «little noble one», derived from the Old Irish poetic word muad meaning «noble, good» combined with a diminutive suffix. This was the name of a 6th-century saint, a sister of Saint Mo Laisse.

Mustafa m Arabic, Turkish, Bosnian, Urdu
Means «the chosen one» in Arabic, an epithet of Muhammad. This was the name of four Ottoman sultans. Another famous bearer was Mustafa Kemal (1881-1938), also known as Atatürk, the founder of modern Turkey.

Myfanwy f Welsh
From the Welsh prefix my- meaning «my, belonging to me» (an older form of fy) combined with either manwy meaning «fine, delicate» or banwy meaning «woman» (a variant of banw). This was the name of an 1875 Welsh song composed by Joseph Parry.

Nefertiti f Ancient Egyptian
From Egyptian nfrt-jjtj meaning «the beautiful one has come». Nefertiti was a powerful Egyptian queen of the New Kingdom, the principal wife of Akhenaton, the pharaoh that briefly imposed a monotheistic religion centered around the sun god Aton.

Njeri f Eastern African, Kikuyu
Means «travelling one» in Kikuyu. Njeri (or Wanjeri) is the name of one of the nine daughters of Mumbi in the Kikuyu origin legend.

Nolwenn f Breton
From the Breton phrase Noyal Gwenn meaning «holy one from Noyal». This was the epithet of a 6th-century saint and martyr from Brittany.

Paphnutius m Ancient Egyptian (Latinized)
Latinized form of Greek Παφνούτιος (Paphnoutios), derived from Egyptian pꜣj-pꜣ-nṯr meaning «the one of God». This was the name of several saints, including the 4th-century bishop Paphnutius of Thebes.

Pocahontas f Indigenous American, Powhatan (Anglicized)
Means «little playful one» in Powhatan, an Algonquian language. This was the nickname of a 17th-century Powhatan woman, a daughter of the powerful chief Wahunsenacawh. She married the white colonist John Rolfe and travelled with him to England, but died of illness before returning.

Pranee f Thai
Means «living being, one that breathes» in Thai, of Sanskrit origin.

Qasim m Arabic, Urdu
Means «one who divides goods among his people», derived from Arabic قسم (qasama) meaning «to share» or «to divide». This was the name of a son of the Prophet Muhammad who died while young.

Reva f Hinduism, Indian, Hindi
Means «one that moves» in Sanskrit. This is another name of the Hindu goddess Rati.

Russell m English
From an English surname, of Norman origin, meaning «little red one» (a diminutive of Old French rous «red»). A notable bearer of the surname was the agnostic British philosopher Bertrand Russell (1872-1970), who wrote on many subjects including logic, epistemology and mathematics. He was also a political activist for causes such as pacifism and women’s rights.… [more]

Ryōichi m Japanese
From Japanese (ryō) meaning «good» or (ryō) meaning «clear» combined with (ichi) meaning «one». Other kanji combinations are possible.

Saddam m Arabic
Means «one who confronts» in Arabic.

Saga f Norse Mythology, Swedish, Icelandic
From Old Norse Sága, possibly meaning «seeing one», derived from sjá «to see». This is the name of a Norse goddess, possibly connected to Frigg. As a Swedish and Icelandic name, it is also derived from the unrelated word saga «story, fairy tale, saga».

Scout f & m English (Modern)
From the English word scout meaning «one who gathers information covertly», which is derived from Old French escouter «to listen». Harper Lee used this name in her novel To Kill a Mockingbird (1960).

Senán m Irish, Old Irish
Means «little old one», derived from Old Irish sen «old» combined with a diminutive suffix. Saint Senán was a 6th-century monk who founded the monastery on Inis Cathaigh.

Shin’ichi m Japanese
From Japanese (shin) meaning «real, genuine» or (shin) meaning «fresh, new» combined with (ichi) meaning «one». Other kanji combinations are also possible.

Siddhartha m Sanskrit, Bengali
Means «one who has accomplished a goal», derived from Sanskrit सिद्ध (siddha) meaning «accomplished» and अर्थ (artha) meaning «goal». Siddhartha Gautama was the real name of Buddha.

Taichi m Japanese
From Japanese (ta) meaning «thick, big, great» and (ichi) meaning «one», in addition to other combinations of kanji that are pronounced the same way.

Tanner m English
From an English surname meaning «one who tans hides».

Thetis f Greek Mythology
Possibly derived from Greek θέτης (thetes) meaning «one who places», a derivative of τίθημι (tithemi) meaning «to set, to place». This was the name of one of the Nereids in Greek mythology. With Peleus she was the mother of Achilles.

Una f English
Anglicized form of Irish Úna or Scottish Ùna. It is also associated with Latin una, feminine form of unus meaning «one». The name features in Edmund Spenser’s poem The Faerie Queene (1590).

Uno m Swedish, Estonian
Meaning uncertain. It is possibly from the Old Norse name Uni. It could also come from Latin unus «one».

Vanadís f Norse Mythology
Means «goddess of the Vanir» in Old Norse. This was an epithet of the Norse goddess Freya, given because she was a member of the Vanir (as opposed to the Æsir).

Wickaninnish m Indigenous American, Nuu-chah-nulth (Anglicized)
Possibly means «having no one in front of him in the canoe» in Nuu-chah-nulth. This was the name of a chief of the Clayoquot in the late 18th century, at the time of European contact.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is a list of notable people best known by a stage name consisting of a single word.

This list does not include the many famous people who are commonly referred to by their surname (e.g., Liberace, Mantovani, Morrissey, Mozart, Shakespeare); it is quite common and regular for surnames to be used to identify historic and pop culture figures.


  • Aaliyah (1979-2001), American singer and actress.
  • Aamani (born 1973), Indian actress
  • Aaradhna (born 1983), New Zealand singer-songwriter and record producer
  • Aarathi (born 1954), Indian actress and producer
  • Aarthi (born 1985), Indian actress and television host
  • Abbas (born 1975), Indian actor
  • Abdominal (born 1974), Canadian rapper
  • Abhirami (born 1983), Indian actress
  • Abigail, English singer
  • Above (born 1981), American street artist
  • Abyale, French singer
  • Abyss (born 1973), American wrestler
  • Aceyalone (born 1970), American rapper
  • Adamski (born 1967), English music producer
  • Adassa (born 1987), American singer-songwriter
  • Adele (born 1988), English singer-songwriter
  • Aderet (born 1976), Israeli entertainer
  • Adeva (born 1960), American musician
  • Adeyto (born 1976), French singer-songwriter, actress and director
  • Adira (born 1991), Malaysian singer
  • Adithyan (1954–2017), Indian film score and soundtrack composer
  • Aeone (born 1959), British singer-songwriter
  • Afra (born 1980), Japanese beatboxer
  • Afrob (born 1977), Italian-born German rapper
  • Afrojack (born 1987), Dutch music producer and DJ
  • Afroman (born 1974), American rapper and musician
  • Agallah (aka 8-Off, Swagallah; born 1974), American rapper and record producer
  • Agha (1914–1992), Indian Bollywood actor
  • Ahlam (born 1969), Arab singer
  • Ai (born 1981), Japanese-American singer
  • Aidonia (born 1981), Jamaican musician
  • Aiko (born 1975), Japanese pop singer-songwriter
  • Ailyn (born 1982), Spanish singer
  • AiM (born 1975), Japanese voice actress and singer
  • Aisha (born 1962), English singer
  • Ajdar (born 1973), Turkish singer-songwriter
  • Ajeesh, Indian singer
  • Ajith (born 1971), Indian Tamil actor
  • Ajoo (born 1990), South Korean singer
  • AKA (1988–2023), South African rapper
  • Akala (born 1983), British rap and hip hop artist
  • Akam (born 1993), Canadian wrestler
  • Akarova (1904–1999), Belgian dancer and choreographer
  • Akhenaton (born 1968), French rapper and producer
  • Akir, American hip hop artist and producer
  • Akon (born 1973), Senegalese hip-hop artist
  • Ákos (born 1968), Hungarian singer-songwriter
  • Akrobatik (born 1974), American rapper
  • Akufen (born 1966), Canadian electronic musician
  • Alamgir (born 1955), Pakistani singer
  • Alan (born 1973), Mexican actor and singer
  • alan (born 1987), Chinese singer
  • Alaska (born 1963), Spanish-Mexican singer
  • Albela (1941–2004), Pakistani actor
  • ALB (born 1979), French electro-pop musician
  • Alberte (born 1963), Danish singer and actress
  • Alesso (born 1991), Swedish DJ, record producer and musician
  • Alex (born 1978), Danish singer, songwriter and actor
  • Alexandra (1942–1969), German singer
  • Alexia (born 1967), Italian singer
  • Alexis (born 1968), German singer
  • Alexis & Fido, Puerto Rican reggaeton duo
  • Aleyn, English composer
  • Alfio (born 1978), Italian-Australian singer-songwriter and musician
  • Algérino, or L’Algérino (born 1980), French rapper of Algerian descent
  • Ali (born 1967), Indian actor
  • Ali (born 1975), French rapper
  • Ali (born 1984), South Korean singer
  • Ali (born 1986), American wrestler
  • Alias (1976–2018), American rapper, producer and record label founder
  • Alice (born 1954), Italian singer-songwriter and pianist
  • Alişan (born 1976), Turkish singer and actor
  • Alisha (born 1968), American singer
  • Aliyah (born 1994), Canadian wrestler
  • Alizée (born 1984), French singer
  • Alloise (born 1984), Ukrainian singer
  • Alonzo (born 1982), French hip hop artist and rapper
  • Alpay (born 1935), Turkish singer
  • Alsou (born 1983), Tatar Russian singer
  • Alu, American singer-songwriter and musician
  • Alyosha (born 1986), Ukrainian singer
  • Alyth (born 1970), Scottish singer and actress
  • Amadeus (born 1962), Italian presenter
  • Amala (born 1968), Indian actress
  • Amanda (born 1985), French-born Swedish singer
  • Amandititita (born 1982), Mexican singer-songwriter
  • Amar (born 1982), British-Indian singer
  • Amarfis, Dominican singer-songwriter
  • Amber (born 1970), Dutch-German singer-songwriter
  • Ambika (born 1962), Indian actress
  • A-Mei (aka A-mei, a-MEI, a MEI, Chang Hui-mei; born 1972), Taiwanese Puyuma singer-songwriter
  • Amen (born 1972), Finnish guitarist
  • Américo (born 1977), Chilean singer-songwriter
  • Amerie (born 1980; aka Ameriie), American singer, songwriter, author, actress and record producer
  • Amidou (1935–2013), Moroccan actor
  • Amil (born 1978), American rapper and singer
  • Amine (born 1982), Moroccan-born French singer
  • Aminé (born 1994), American rapper and singer
  • Amoc (born 1984), Finnish rap musician
  • Amoolya (born 1993), Indian actress
  • Anabela (born 1976), Portuguese singer and actress
  • Anacani (born 1954), Mexican-born American singer
  • Anagnorisis (born 1986), Russian-born German singer-songwriter and musician
  • Anamor, Italian singer and actress
  • Anari (born 1970), Spanish singer-songwriter
  • Anasol (born 1976), Argentine-born Colombian pop singer
  • Andrade (born 1989), Mexican wrestler
  • Aneka (born 1954), Scottish singer
  • Anelia (born 1982), Bulgarian singer
  • Anémone (1950–2019), French actress, filmmaker and political activist
  • Angel (born 1988), American singer
  • Angel (born 1987), English singer-songwriter
  • Angel (born 1982), Mexican wrestler
  • Angèle (born 1995), Belgian singer-songwriter and musician
  • Angelica (born 1972), American singer
  • Angélica (born 1973), Brazilian singer, actress and TV hostess
  • Angelyne (born 1958), American model
  • Anggun (born 1974), Indonesian singer-songwriter
  • Angham (born 1972), Egyptian singer, record producer and actress
  • Ania (born 1981), Polish singer and composer
  • Aniki (1969–2018), American model and pornographic film actor
  • Animal (1960–2020), American wrestler
  • Anita (born 1960), Austrian singer
  • Anitta (born 1993), Brazilian singer, songwriter, actress, dancer and businesswoman
  • Anjali (born 1982), Indian actress and model
  • Anjani (born 1959), American singer-songwriter and pianist
  • Anjulie (born 1983), Canadian singer-songwriter
  • Anjuman (born 1955), Pakistani actress
  • Anna (born 1987), Japanese-born American singer
  • Annabella (1909–1996), French film actress
  • Annabelle (born 1967), French singer and actress
  • Annapurna (born 1948), Indian actress
  • Annie (born 1977), Norwegian singer and DJ
  • Anniela (born 1990), Swedish pop singer
  • Annupamaa (born 1968), Indian singer
  • Anodajay (born 1977), Canadian rapper
  • Anouk (born 1975), Dutch singer
  • Anoushka (born 1960), Egyptian singer
  • Anquette (born 1972), American rapper
  • Anri (born 1961), Japanese singer-songwriter
  • Ant (born 1970), American hip hop producer
  • Ant (born 1967), American comedian and actor
  • Antoine (born 1944), French singer
  • Antoinette (born 1970), American rapper
  • Anuj, Indian-born Australian singer
  • Anwar (born 1949), Indian singer
  • Anza (born 1976), Japanese musician, singer and actress
  • Aoife, Irish singer and composer
  • Apache (1964-2010), American rapper
  • Apathy (born 1979), American rapper and producer
  • Apex (1981-2017), British musician
  • Aphrodite, British DJ and producer
  • Apollo (born 1987), American wrestler
  • Appa (born 1983), Dutch rapper
  • Aqualung (born 1972), English singer-songwriter
  • Arabesque (born 1981), Canadian rapper
  • Aramary, Japanese singer and voice actress
  • Aranza (born 1971), Mexican singer and TV presenter
  • Arash (born 1977), Iranian-Swedish entertainer
  • Arata (born 1974), Japanese actor
  • Arcángel (born 1986), Puerto Rican singer-songwriter, rapper and actor
  • Archana, Indian actress
  • Aref (born 1941), Iranian singer
  • Ares (born 1973), Norwegian singer and musician
  • Argenis (born 1986), Mexican wrestler
  • Aria (born 1979), American singer-songwriter and actress
  • Aril (born 1985), Malaysian singer, actor, dancer and television host
  • Arisa (born 1982), Italian singer
  • Arletty (1898–1992), French model, singer, and actress
  • Armand, singer
  • Arrow (1954–2010), West Indian singer-songwriter
  • Aruray (born 1920), Filipina actress
  • Arya (born 1980), Kerala-born Indian actor
  • Aṣa (born 1982), Nigerian singer-songwriter
  • Ásgeir (born 1992), Icelandic singer
  • Ashanti (born 1980), American singer-songwriter
  • Ashe (born 1993), American singer and songwriter
  • Ashley (born 1975), Puerto Rican singer
  • Asin (born 1985), Indian actress and dancer
  • Aslyn (born 1980), American singer-songwriter
  • Asmahan (1912–1944), Syrian singer, actress
  • Assia (born 1973), French singer
  • Assol (born 1993), Ukrainian singer
  • Asspizza (born 1998), American fashion designer
  • Astro (1957-2021) British rapper
  • Asuka (born 1981), Japanese wrestler
  • Asya (born 1965), Turkish singer-songwriter
  • Ateed, German singer
  • Atlantis (born 1962), Mexican wrestler
  • Auburn (born 1989), American singer
  • Aurora (born 1996), Norwegian singer-songwriter
  • Averno (born 1977), Mexican wrestler
  • Avicii (1989–2018), Swedish EDM DJ, remixer, and record producer
  • Avra, Greek-Australian singer-songwriter, actress, dancer and producer
  • Awie (born 1968), Malaysian singer, actor
  • Awkwafina (born 1989), American actress, rapper
  • Axel (born 1977), Argentine singer-songwriter
  • Axwell (born 1977), Swedish DJ and record producer
  • Ayaka (born 1987), Japanese singer-songwriter
  • Ayana, Japanese singer-songwriter
  • Ayane, Japanese singer
  • Ayshea,(born 1948), English singer, actress and television presenter
  • Ayọ (born 1980), German singer-songwriter
  • AZ (born 1972), American rapper
  • Azad (born 1974), Iranian-born German-Kurdish rapper
  • Azekel, Nigerian-born British singer-songwriter, musician and producer
  • Azis (born 1978), Bulgarian singer
  • Azu (born 1981), Japanese singer
  • Azuquita (1946–2022), Panamanian singer and composer


  • Badshah (born 1984), Indian rapper
  • B-Real (born 1970), American rapper
  • Baauer (born 1989), American record producer
  • Baaziz (more detailed article in French) (born c. 1963), Algerian-born Berber singer
  • Babalu (1942–1998), Filipino actor and comedian
  • Babatunde (born 1988), Polish wrestler
  • Babydaddy (born 1976), American musician
  • Babyface (born 1958), American musician
  • Bacchelli (born 1952), Spanish singer
  • Bada (born 1980), South Korean singer
  • Bahadoor (1930–2000), Indian comedian
  • Bahamadia (born 1966), American hip hop artist, DJ, and emcee
  • Bahamas (born 1981), Canadian musician
  • Bahiano (born 1962), Argentine reggae singer
  • Bakermat (born 1991), Dutch DJ and music producer
  • Balvaz (born 1970), Norwegian musician
  • Bangkay (1947–2018), Filipino actor
  • Bapu (1933–2014), Indian film director
  • Barbara (1930–1997), French singer
  • Barbette (1899–1973), American performer and trapeze artist
  • Baron (1838–1920), French actor and singer
  • Barzin, Canadian singer-songwriter
  • Bashy (born 1985), British hip hop artist
  • Basia (born 1954), Polish singer-songwriter and record producer
  • Basim (born 1992), Danish singer
  • Basshunter (born 1984), Swedish singer-songwriter and producer
  • Bassima (born 1973), Lebanese singer
  • Basto (born 1975), Belgian record producer, musician and DJ
  • Batista (born 1969), American wrestler
  • Battlecat (born 1968), American hip hop producer
  • Bayianteras (1903–1985), Greek singer and composer
  • Bayley (born 1989), American wrestler
  • beabadoobee (born 2000), Filipino-British indie singer-songwriter
  • Beans (born 1971), American hip hop artist and producer
  • Beauregarde (born 1936), American wrestler and musician
  • Beaver (1951–2010), New Zealand singer
  • Bebe (born 1978), Spanish singer and actress
  • Becca (born 1989), American singer-songwriter and guitarist
  • Beck (born 1970), American musician
  • Becky (born 1984), Japanese TV personality
  • Bedders (born 1961), English musician, songwriter and composer
  • Beefy (born 1985), American rapper and webcomic artist
  • Beenzino (born 1987), South Korean rapper
  • Belchior (born 1946), Brazilian singer and composer
  • Belinda (born 1989), Spanish-born Mexican singer-songwriter and actress
  • Belladonna (born 1981), American pornographic actress
  • Belly (born 1984), Canadian rapper
  • BélO (born 1979), Haitian singer-songwriter and musician
  • Ben (born 1981), German singer-songwriter, occasional voice actor and TV host
  • Ben (born 1991), South Korean singer
  • Bénabar (born 1969), French singer-songwriter
  • Bender (1980–2018), Canadian underground hip hop artist
  • Bengü (born 1979), Turkish singer
  • Beni (born 1986), Japanese singer-songwriter
  • Bentot (1928–1986), Filipino comedian
  • Benzino (born 1965), American hip hop artist, media executive, and record producer
  • Berri (born 1974), English singer
  • Beth (born 1981), Spanish singer and actress
  • Beto (1967–2010), Portuguese singer
  • Betzaida (born 1981), American singer
  • Beyoncé (born 1981), American singer, songwriter, dancer
  • Bez (born 1964), English percussionist, dancer, media personality and comedian
  • Bhavatharini (born 1976), Indian singer and music director
  • Bhavya (born 1966), Indian actress
  • Bïa (born 1967), Brazilian-born French singer
  • Bibie (born 1957), Ghanaian singer
  • Bigflo (born 1993), French rapper
  • Bilal (born 1983), Lebanese singer
  • Biquardus, French composer
  • Birdman (born 1969), American rapper
  • Biyouna (born 1952), Algerian singer, dancer and actress
  • Bizarre (born 1976), American hip hop artist
  • Bizniz (born 1982), South Korean rapper and singer
  • Blaaze (born 1975), Indian rap artist and singer
  • Black (1962–2016), British singer-songwriter
  • Blackbear (born 1990), American musician, singer-songwriter and record producer
  • Bladee (born 1994), Swedish rapper
  • Blanche (born 1999), Belgian singer
  • Blaqstarr (born 1985), American rapper, singer, producer and DJ
  • Bleubird, American rap artist
  • Bligg (born 1976), Swiss rapper
  • Blinky (born 1944), American singer
  • Blowfly (born 1945), American singer-songwriter, comedian and rapper
  • Blu (born 1983), American rapper
  • Blueprint (born 1974), American rapper and hip hop producer
  • Blumio (born 1985), Japanese-German rapper
  • BoA (born 1986), South Korean pop singer
  • Boa (born 1995), Chinese wrestler
  • Bobbito (born 1967), American DJ and member of the Rock Steady Crew
  • Bobby (born 1988), Bangladeshi film actress and producer
  • Bobina (born 1982), Russian trance DJ, record producer and radio host
  • Bocafloja (born 1978), Mexican MC and spoken word artist
  • Bojoura (born 1947), Dutch singer
  • Bombolo (1931–1987), Italian actor and comedian
  • Bones (stylized as BONES; born 1994), American rapper
  • Bono (born 1960), Irish singer-songwriter
  • Bonvi (1941–1995), Italian comic book artist
  • Booba (born 1976), French rapper
  • Boondox (born 1975), American rapper
  • Borgeous, American DJ and producer
  • Borgore (born 1987), Israeli producer and DJ
  • Boris (born 1965), French singer-songwriter
  • Borlet, French composer
  • Boss (born 1969), American rapper
  • Bossman (born 1983), American rapper
  • Bosson (born 1969), Swedish singer-songwriter
  • Bourvil (1917–1970), French actor and singer
  • Bowzer (born 1947), American singer
  • Brädi (born 1979), Finnish hip hop artist
  • Bradshaw (born 1966), American wrestler and businessman
  • Braguinha (1907–2006), Brazilian songwriter and singer
  • Brahmanandam (born 1956), Indian actor and comedian
  • Brainpower (born 1975), Belgium-born Dutch rapper
  • Braintax (born 1973), British hip hop artist and producer
  • Branco, Danish rapper
  • Brandy (born 1979), American singer and entertainer
  • Brassaï (1899–1984), Hungarian photographer and filmmaker
  • Braulio (born 1946), Spanish singer-songwriter
  • Breakage (born 1982), British electronic producer and DJ
  • Breakbot (born 1981), French producer and DJ
  • Brendon, British singer
  • Bricktop (1894–1984), American dancer, jazz singer, and vaudevillian
  • Brisco (born 1983), American rapper
  • Broery (1944–2000), Indonesian singer
  • Brolle (born 1981), Swedish singer and musician
  • Buckethead (born 1969), American musician
  • Buckwheat (1931–1980), American child actor
  • Bukkcity (born 1980), Australian-born American rapper
  • Busdriver (born 1978), American rapper
  • Bushido (born 1978), German rapper
  • Bussunda (1962–2006), Brazilian TV comedian
  • Butterscotch (born 1985), American singer and pianist
  • Byul (born 1983), South Korean singer
  • Byz (born 1984), Swedish hip hop musician


  • Cadenet (1160–1235), French-Spanish composer
  • Cage (born 1973), American rapper
  • Cali (born 1968), French singer-songwriter
  • Calogero (born 1971), French singer
  • Calpurnio (1927–2022), Spanish comic artist and illustrator
  • Cam (born 1984), American singer
  • Camané (born 1966), Portuguese singer
  • Chameleone (born 1979), Ugandan DJ and AfroBeat artiste and musician reggae
  • Camelia (born 1974), Malaysian singer and model
  • Camilla (born 1981), English singer and actress
  • Camille (born 1978), French singer-songwriter and actress
  • Camoflauge (1981–2003), American rapper
  • Cam’ron (born 1976), American rapper
  • Canardo (born 1984), French rapper, singer, songwriter and music producer
  • Cancerbero (born 1977), Mexican wrestler
  • Candice (born 1978), American model and wrestler
  • Canibus (born 1974), Jamaican-born American rapper
  • Cantinflas (1911–1993), Mexican comedian and actor
  • Canuplin (1904–1979), Filipino actor, and comedian
  • Caparezza (born 1973), Italian rapper
  • Cappadonna (born 1968), American rapper
  • Capucine (1928–1990), French actress
  • Capulina (born 1927), Mexican comedy actor
  • Caravelli (born 1930), French orchestra leader, composer and arranger
  • Caribou (born 1978), Canadian musician
  • Carlos (1943–2008), French entertainer
  • Carlprit (born 1986), Zimbabwean rapper and actor
  • Carmel (born 1958), British singer
  • Carmella (born 1987), American cheerleader, dancer, fitness trainer, model and professional wrestler
  • Carminho (born 1984), Portuguese singer
  • Carola (born 1966), Swedish singer
  • Carpentras (1470–1548), French composer
  • Carrara, Italian singer, composer and DJ
  • Cartola (1908–1980), Brazilian singer and composer
  • Cascarita (1920–1975), Cuban singer
  • Case (born 1975), American singer
  • Cashis (born 1978), American rapper
  • Cassiane (born 1972), Brazilian singer
  • Cassiano (1943–2021), Brazilian singer-songwriter and guitarist
  • Cassidy (born 1982), American rapper
  • Cassie (born 1986), American singer
  • Castelloza, French composer
  • Caushun (born 1977), American rapper
  • Cazuza (1958–1990), Brazilian singer and composer
  • Cazwell (born 1979), American rapper and songwriter
  • Ceca (born 1973), Serbian singer
  • Cecilia, Norwegian singer
  • Cecilia (1948–1976), Spanish singer-songwriter
  • Cecilia (born 1943), Chilean singer-songwriter
  • Celeda, American singer and drag performer
  • Ceo (born 1981), Swedish singer-songwriter and guitarist
  • Cepillín (born 1946), Mexican television clown
  • Cesaro (born 1980), Swiss wrestler
  • Céu (born 1980), Brazilian singer-songwriter
  • Ceui, Japanese singer-songwriter
  • Ceza (born 1976), Turkish rapper
  • Chabelo (1935–2023), Mexican actor, comedian, TV presenter and singer
  • Chacrinha (1917–1988), Brazilian TV host and comedian
  • Chakri (born 1974), Indian music director and singer
  • Chakuza (born 1981), Austrian rapper
  • Chalam (1929–1989), Indian actor, comedian and director
  • Chalice (born 1983), Estonian singer and rapper
  • Cham (born 1977), Jamaican DJ, singer-songwriter and record producer
  • Chamillionaire (born 1979), American rapper
  • Chandrashekhar (1922–2021), Indian actor
  • Chanyeol (born 1992), South Korean singer/rapper
  • Chara (born 1968), Japanese singer, songwriter, musician and actress
  • Charizma (1973–1993), American MC
  • Charlene (born 1950), American singer
  • Charlotte (born 1986), American wrestler
  • Charmion (1875–1949), American vaudeville trapeze artist and strongwoman
  • Charo (born 1951), Spanish-American entertainer
  • Charuhasan (born 1930), Indian actor
  • Charytín (born 1954), Saint Lucia-born Dominica-based singer and actress
  • Chata (born 1979), Japanese singer
  • Chaundon (born 1976), American hip-hop artist
  • Chayanne (born 1968), Puerto Rican singer
  • Cheek (born 1981), Finnish rapper
  • Chen (born 1992), South Korean singer
  • Chenoa (born 1975), Argentine-Spanish singer
  • Cheran (born 1965), Indian actor and director
  • Cherie (born 1984), French singer
  • Cherrelle (born 1958), American singer
  • Cheryl (born 1983), English singer, songwriter and television personality
  • Chessman (born 1975), Mexican wrestler
  • Chetes (born 1979), Mexican rock musician
  • Chezidek (born 1973), Jamaican singer
  • Chiaki (born 1971), Japanese entertainer
  • Chiara (born 1976), Maltese singer
  • Chiara (born 1986), Italian singer
  • Chicane (born 1971), British musician, composer and producer
  • Chicháy (1918–1993), Filipino comedian
  • Chikezie (born 1985), American singer
  • Chilli (born 1971), American dancer, singer-songwriter, actress, and television personality
  • Chingy (born 1980), American hip-hop artist
  • Chinmayi (born 1984), Indian singer
  • Chipmunk (born 1990), English rapper and singer-songwriter
  • Chiquito (1932–1997), Filipino actor
  • Chiranjeevi (born 1955), Indian actor
  • Chisu (born 1982), Finnish singer-songwriter and producer
  • Chitragupta (1917–1991), Indian composer
  • Chloe, Australian singer-songwriter
  • Cho (born 1993), Dutch rapper
  • Choclair (born 1975), Canadian rapper
  • Chocolat (born 1978), Japanese singer
  • Choice, American rapper
  • Chokoleit (1972–2019), Filipino comedian
  • Choppa (born 1980), American rapper
  • Chorão (1970–2013), Brazilian musician, singer, poet
  • Chouchou, Lebanese comedian, stage actor, director
  • Chrisanthos (1934–2005), Greek singer-songwriter
  • Chrispa (born 1982), Greek singer
  • Christell (born 1998), Chilean singer and musician
  • Christian (1821–1889), French actor and singer
  • Christian (born 1949), Italian singer
  • Christian (born 1973), Canadian professional wrestler
  • Christo (1935–2020), Bulgarian artist
  • Christophe (born 1945), French singer-songwriter
  • Christopher (born 1992), Danish singer
  • Chrisye (1949–2007), Indonesian singer
  • Chyna (1970–2016), American professional wrestler
  • Chynna (1994–2020), American rapper, disc jockey, and model
  • Ciara (born 1985), American singer
  • Cibelle (born 1978), Brazilian performance artist, singer-songwriter and producer
  • Cibernético (born 1975), Mexican wrestler
  • Cicciolina (born 1951), Hungarian-Italian porn star, politician, and singer
  • Cilvaringz (born 1979), Dutch rapper and hip hop producer
  • Cindy & Bert (born 1948)/(1945–2012), German vocalists
  • Cineplexx (born 1973), Argentine musician
  • CKay, Nigerian singer
  • Clairette (1919–2008), French-Canadian actress and singer
  • Classified (born 1978), Canadian rapper
  • Cláudya (born 1948), Brazilian singer
  • Clemens (born 1979), Danish rapper, singer, music writer, actor
  • Clémentine (born 1963), French singer-songwriter
  • Cléo (born 1946), French singer
  • Cleo (born 1983), Polish singer
  • Cleo (born 1987), Swedish rap artist, singer and songwriter
  • Cleo. (born 1988), English rapper and musician
  • Cleopatra (aka Kleopátra; born 1963), Greek singer
  • Clueso (born 1980), German singer-songwriter, rapper and producer
  • CNU (born 1991), South Korean singer and actor
  • Coba (born 1959), Japanese musician
  • Cocco (born 1977), Japanese singer
  • Coko (born 1970), American singer
  • Colette (1873–1954), French novelist
  • Colleen (musician) (born 1976), French ambient/experimental musician/composer
  • Colos (born 1981), Albanian-born German rapper
  • Coluche (1944–1986), French comedian and actor
  • Common (born 1972), American rapper and actor
  • Conchita (born 1980), Finnish-born Spanish singer
  • Consequence (born 1977), American rapper
  • Coolio (born 1963), American rapper
  • Coppé, Japanese singer-songwriter and music producer
  • Copywrite (born 1978), American underground hip hop artist
  • Corina, American singer
  • Corina (born 1980), Romanian singer and composer
  • Cormega (born 1973), American emcee rapper
  • Corneille (born 1977), Canadian Rwandan singer
  • Cornelius (born 1969), Japanese musician and producer
  • Cougnut (1968–2001), American rapper
  • Criolo (born 1975), Brazilian singer and rapper
  • Cristie (born 1978), Spanish singer-songwriter
  • Cro (born 1990), German rapper, singer, and producer
  • Cronos (born 1963), English heavy metal singer and bass guitarist
  • Crowbar (born 1974), American wrestler
  • Csézy (born 1979), Hungarian singer
  • Culture, Canadian rapper, reggae and hip hop artist
  • Cupcakke (born 1997), American rapper
  • Currensy (born 1981), American rapper
  • Curse (born 1978), German hip hop artist
  • Cybele (1887–1978), Greek actress
  • Cytherea (born 1981), American pornographic actress and model


  • DaBaby, American rapper
  • Dabo, Japanese rapper
  • Daboy (1952–2008), Filipino actor and producer
  • Dadju (born 1991), French singer
  • Dadoo (born 1976), French rapper
  • Daedelus (born 1977), American record producer
  • Daesung (born 1989), South Korean singer, MC and actor
  • Daffney (born 1975), American wrestler
  • Dagmar (1921–2001), American actress, model, and TV personality
  • Dagmar (born 1955), Puerto Rican TV host, comedian, and singer
  • Daigo (born 1978), Japanese singer-songwriter
  • Dajim (born 1977), Thai hip-hop artist
  • Daklon (born 1944), Israeli singer
  • Dalia, Egyptian singer
  • Dalida (1933–1987), Italo-French Egyptian-born singer and actress, diva
  • Damae, German model, television presenter and singer-songwriter
  • Damia (1889–1978), French singer and actress
  • Damian (1964-2017), English musician and actor
  • Damso (born 1992), Belgian-Congolese rapper, singer and songwriter
  • Dana (born 1951), Irish singer
  • Dana (born 1986), South Korean singer, dancer and pianist
  • Danarto (1941–2018), Indonesian writer and artist
  • Dan-e-o (born 1977), Canadian hip hop artist and actor
  • D’Angelo (born 1974), American singer
  • Dani (born 1945), French actress and singer
  • Daniel (born 1955), Montenegro-born singer
  • Daniel (born 1968), Brazilian singer
  • Danny (born 1942), Finnish singer
  • Danny! (born 1983), American rapper and producer
  • Danzel (born 1976), Belgian singer and musician
  • Daphné (born 1974), French singer
  • Dappy (born 1987), English-born Greek rapper, singer and actor
  • Dara (born 1984), South Korean singer and actress
  • Dara (born 1998), Bulgarian pop singer
  • Darin (born 1987), Swedish singer
  • Darina (born 1980), Mexican singer-songwriter
  • Darine (born 1984), Lebanese-born Swedish singer-songwriter
  • Darpan (1928–1980), Pakistani actor
  • Darude (born 1975), Finnish trance producer and DJ
  • Daryl (born 1955), magician
  • Dataz (born 1984), Tanzanian rapper
  • Daubray (1837–1892), French actor and operetta singer
  • Dave (born 1944), Dutch-born French singer
  • Dave (born 1998), British rapper, singer and songwriter
  • Davina (born 1966), American singer and musician
  • Dax (born 1969–1970), musician, producer, and music manager
  • Daya (born 1998), American singer-songwriter
  • Dead (1969–1991), Swedish vocalist
  • Deadlee, rapper
  • Deadmau5 (born 1981), record producer, DJ, musician, and composer
  • Deakin (born 1978), singer and musician
  • Dean (born 1992), South Korean singer, rapper, and record producer
  • Dee, Canadian singer-songwriter, DJ, musician and producer
  • Deeba (born 1947), Pakistani actress
  • Deedar (born 1980), Pakistani actress
  • Deemi (born 1980), American singer-songwriter and producer
  • Deen (born 1982), Bosnia and Herzegovina singer
  • Deetah (born 1976), Chilean rapper and singer
  • Deeyah (born 1977), Norwegian singer, composer and filmmaker
  • Defconn (born 1977), South Korean rapper, comedian and MC
  • Delirious (born 1981), American wrestler
  • Délizia (born 1952), Italian-Belgian singer
  • Delkash (1924–2004), Iranian singer and actress
  • Delta (born 1985), Mexican wrestler
  • Dendemann (born 1974), German rapper
  • Denyo (born 1977), German hip hop artist
  • Désiré (1823–1873), French baritone, who created many comic roles for Offenbach
  • Desireless (born 1952), French singer
  • Des’ree (born 1968), British singer
  • Dessa (born 1981), spoken word artist, author and MC
  • Dev (born 1989), American singer
  • Deva (born 1950), Indian composer and singer
  • Devadarshini (born 1975), Indian actress and TV anchor
  • Devayani (born 1974), Indian actress
  • Devika (1943–2002), Indian actress
  • Devon (born 1963), Canadian rapper
  • Devon (born 1977), American pornographic actress
  • Dexter (born 1973), Brazilian rapper
  • D-Flame, German hip hop and reggae musician
  • Dhamu, Indian actor and comedian
  • Dhanush (born 1978), Indian actor and singer
  • Dhany (born 1972), Italian singer-songwriter
  • Dharan (born 1983), Indian composer and music director
  • Dharmendra (born 1935), Indian actor
  • Dharshana, Indian singer
  • Diamond (born 1988), rapper
  • Diana (born 1954), singer
  • Diaz (born 1976), Norwegian rapper
  • Dicte (born 1966), Danish musician and songwriter
  • Dido (born 1971), British singer
  • Diesel (born 1959), actor and wrestler
  • Diganth (born 1983), Indian actor and model
  • Dilana (born 1972), South African singer-songwriter and guitarist
  • Dilba (born 1971), Turkish-born Swedish singer-songwriter of Kurdish origin
  • Dilber (born 1958), Chinese singer
  • Dileep (born 1968), Indian actor and producer
  • Dilip (c. 1955–2012), Indian actor
  • Dina (born 1956), Portuguese singer
  • Dina (born 1985), Norwegian singer
  • Dinio (born 1972), Cuban singer and pornographic actor
  • Dino (born 1963), American DJ, singer-songwriter and record producer
  • Dino (born 1948), Italian singer and actor
  • Dio (1942–2010), heavy metal vocalist and songwriter
  • Dion (born 1939), American singer-songwriter
  • Diplo, American DJ, producer and songwriter
  • Diverse, rapper
  • Divine (1945–1988), transvestite actor
  • Divino, Puerto Rican reggaeton artist
  • Divyadarshini (born 1980), Indian actress and TV anchor
  • Djavan (born 1949), Brazilian singer and composer
  • DMX (1970–2021), American rapper and actor
  • Dntel, electronic music artist
  • Do (born 1981), Dutch singer
  • Doda (born 1984), Polish singer
  • Doddanna (born 1949), Indian actor
  • Dodie (born 1995), British singer-songwriter
  • Dolcenera (born 1977), Italian singer-songwriter
  • Dolla (1987–2009), American rapper
  • Dollarman, Grenada-born singer, songwriter, producer and musician
  • Dolphy (1928–2012), Filipino actor and comedian
  • Dominguinhos (born 1941), Brazilian singer and composer
  • Domino (born 1970), American record producer and DJ
  • Domino (born 1972), American rapper
  • Dompan (1924–2008), Swedish jazz alto saxophonist and clarinetist
  • Donatello (born 1947), Italian singer
  • Dondria (born 1987), American singer-songwriter
  • Donghae (born 1986), South Korean singer and occasional actor
  • Donovan (born 1946), Scottish singer-songwriter
  • Dora (born 1966), Portuguese singer
  • Doris (1947–2023), Swedish singer
  • Dorismar (born 1975), Argentine model, actress, TV hostess and singer
  • Dorlis (born 1982), Japanese musician
  • Doro (born 1964), German singer-songwriter
  • Dorothée (born 1953), French singer and TV presenter
  • Doseone (born 1977), American emcee, artist and poet
  • Dosseh (born 1985), French rapper and singer
  • Dotan (born 1986), Dutch-Israeli singer-songwriter
  • Dottsy (born 1963), American singer
  • Double (born 1975), Japanese singer
  • Doudrop (born 1991), Scottish wrestler
  • Drake (born 1986), Canadian rapper and singer
  • Drama (born 1981), rapper
  • Dranem (1869–1935), French singer and actor
  • Dregen (born 1973), Swedish musician
  • Dres (born 1967), rapper
  • Dresta (born 1971), American rapper
  • Dru, Canadian singer-songwriter
  • Drupi (born 1947), Italian pop-rock singer
  • Dry (born 1977), French rapper of Congolese origin
  • Dugazon (1746–1809), French actor
  • Duilio (born 1973), Swiss singer
  • Duke, English singer-songwriter and producer
  • Dulce (born 1961), Filipina singer
  • Dumbfoundead (born 1986), Argentine-born American rapper
  • Duquende (born 1965), Spanish singer
  • Dwele (born 1978), American singer-songwriter and record producer
  • DyE, French musician
  • Dyango (born 1940), Spanish musician
  • Dynamo (born 1982), British magician
  • Dev, Indian actor


  • E (born 1963), American lead singer, songwriter, guitarist, keyboardist and drummer
  • Eamon (born 1984), American singer-songwriter
  • Eartha, American singer-songwriter and musician
  • Earthquake (born 1963), American actor and comedian
  • Earthquake (1963–2006), Canadian sumōtori and professional wrestler
  • Ebi (born 1949), Iranian singer
  • Edan (born 1978), American hip hop artist, emcee, DJ and record producer
  • Edge (born 1973), Canadian actor, podcaster, and professional wrestler
  • Edurne (born 1985), Spanish singer
  • Edwin (born 1968), Canadian musician
  • Eilera, French singer-songwriter and guitarist
  • Eita (born 1982), Japanese actor
  • Eivør (born 1983), Faroese singer
  • Egardus, Flemish composer
  • Ektor (born 1980), Puerto Rican singer and actor
  • Elán (born 1983), Mexican singer-songwriter and pianist
  • Elastinen (born 1981), Finnish rap musician
  • Eldee (born 1977), Nigerian-American rapper and producer
  • Electrico (born 1986), Mexican wrestler
  • Electroshock (born 1970), Mexican wrestler
  • Elektra (born 1970), American retired professional wrestling valet and professional wrestler
  • Eleni (aka Eleni Tzoka; born 1956), Polish singer
  • Eliana (born 1972), Brazilian TV hostess, actress and singer
  • Elias (born 1987), American wrestler and musician
  • Eliel (born 1981), Puerto Rican reggaeton producer
  • Eligh, American emcee, songwriter and record producer
  • Elisa (born 1977), Italian singer-songwriter
  • Elisa (born 1989), Japanese singer and model
  • Elissa (born 1972), Lebanese singer
  • Elizângela (born 1954), Brazilian actress and former singer
  • EliZe (born 1982), Dutch singer
  • Ella (born 1966), Malaysian singer
  • Elkie (born 1998), Hong Kong singer and actress
  • Elodie (born 1990), Italian singer
  • Elpida (born 1950), Greek singer-songwriter
  • Elvis (1935–1977), American singer
  • eLZhi (born 1978), American rapper
  • Emade (born 1981), Polish hip hop producer
  • Emicida (born 1985), Brazilian rapper and songwriter
  • Emii, American actress, pop recording artist, and martial artist
  • Emilia (born 1978), Ethiopian-Swedish singer
  • Emilia (born 1982), Bulgarian singer
  • Emilio (1962–2016), American singer-songwriter
  • Eminem (born 1972), American rapper, songwriter, record producer, record executive, and actor
  • Emir (born 1980), Turkish pop singer
  • Emma (born 1974), Welsh singer
  • Emma (born 1989), Australian wrestler
  • Emmanuel (born 1955), Mexican singer
  • Emme (born 1963), American plus-size supermodel
  • Emmi, Australian singer-songwriter
  • Emmi (born 1979), Finnish singer-songwriter
  • Emmy (born 1984), Armenian singer
  • Emmy (1989–2011), Albanian singer
  • Emyli (born 1988), Japanese singer
  • Encore (born 1974), German singer
  • Engelina (born 1978), Danish singer-songwriter
  • Envy (born 1987), English rapper and MC
  • Enya (born 1961), Irish musician
  • Eon (1954–2009), British producer
  • Epaksa (born 1954), South Korean singer
  • Ephesto (born 1965), Mexican wrestler
  • Erakah, New Zealand singer
  • Ercandize (born 1981), German rapper
  • Erfan (born 1983), Iranian rapper and producer
  • Erik, British singer
  • Erik (born 1984), American wrestler
  • Eru (born 1983), American singer, musician, and composer, based in South Korea
  • Escoria (born 1980), Mexican wrestler
  • Esham, American rapper
  • Esmeray (1949–2002), Turkish singer
  • Esquerita (1935–1986), American singer
  • Esteban (born 1948), American singer
  • Estelle (born 1980), British singer, songwriter, rapper, record producer, and actress
  • Esthero (born 1978), Canadian singer-songwriter
  • Eternia, Canadian rapper
  • Étienne (born 1971), Canadian singer
  • Euforia (born 1974), Mexican wrestler
  • Eugene (born 1981), South Korean singer and actress
  • Eugene (born 1975), American wrestler and promoter
  • Eunhyuk (born 1986), South Korean entertainer
  • Euronymous (1968–1993), Norwegian guitarist
  • Eve (born 1978), American rapper
  • Eve (born 1984), American actress and wrestler
  • Everlast (born 1969), American rapper, singer, and songwriter
  • Evidence (born 1976), American hip hop artist and producer
  • Evil (born 1987), Japanese professional wrestler
  • Evridiki (born 1968), Cypriot singer
  • Example (born 1982), British rapper
  • Excalibur, American wrestler
  • Exile, American hip hop DJ, producer and rapper
  • Excision (musician) (born 1986), Canadian producer and EDM DJ
  • Extince (born 1967), Dutch rapper
  • Eyedea (1981–2010), American rapper
  • Ezinma (born 1991), American violinist, model music educator and film composer
  • Ezkimo (1980–2015), Finnish hip-hop musician


  • Faarooq (born 1958), American footballer and wrestler
  • Fabian (born 1943), American singer and actor
  • Fabio (born 1959), Italian fashion model
  • Fabio (born 1965), British disc jockey and record producer
  • Fabo (born 1983), American rapper and producer
  • Fabolous (born 1977), American rapper
  • Facundo (born 1978), Mexican TV host
  • Fairuz sometimes Feyrouz or Fayrouz (born 1935), Lebanese singer
  • Falco (1957–1998), Austrian singer, songwriter and rapper
  • Falete (born 1978), Spanish singer
  • Fallulah (born 1985), Danish singer-songwriter
  • Falu, Indian-born American singer-songwriter
  • Fanchon (1668–1743), French operatic soprano and celebrated beauty
  • Fancy (born 1946), German singer
  • Fandango (born 1983), American professional wrestler
  • Fanfulla (1913–1971), Italian actor and comedian
  • Fanny (born 1979), French singer
  • Fantasia (born 1984), American singer
  • Fargetta (born 1962), Italian DJ, producer and composer
  • Farruko (born 1993), Puerto Rican reggaeton singer-songwriter
  • Fashawn (born 1988), American rapper
  • Fatlip (born 1969), American hip hop musician
  • Faudel (born 1978), French singer
  • Favorite (born 1986), German rapper
  • Fawni (born 1985), Austrian singer-songwriter and actress
  • Faylan, Japanese singer
  • Feiticeira (born 1976), Brazilian model and TV personality
  • Feloni, American rapper
  • Fénix (born 1990), Mexican wrestler
  • Fenriz (born 1971), Norwegian musician and songwriter
  • Fergie (born 1975), American singer-songwriter
  • Fernandel (1903–1971), French actor and singer
  • Ferras (born 1982), American singer-songwriter
  • Ferréz (born 1975), Brazilian rapper
  • Ferron (born 1952), Canadian singer-songwriter
  • Fey (born 1973), Mexican singer
  • Feyrouz (1943–2016), Egyptian film child actress
  • Fianso (born 1986), French rapper
  • Fieldy (born 1969), American bass guitar player
  • Fiend (born 1976), American rapper
  • Finlay (born 1958), Northern Irish professional wrestler
  • Finneas (born 1997), American singer-songwriter
  • Fiona (born 1961), American singer and actress
  • Fiordaliso (born 1956), Italian singer
  • Fish (born 1958), Scottish singer-songwriter and occasional actor
  • Fisz (born 1978), Polish rap artist
  • Fiuk (born 1990), Brazilian singer-songwriter and actor
  • Flash (born 1981), Mexican wrestler
  • Flea (born 1962), Australian-born American musician
  • Fler (born 1982), German rapper
  • Flex (born 1980), Panamanian reggaeton artist
  • Flor (born 1984), Argentine singer
  • Florence (1749–1816), French actor
  • Flume (born 1991), Australian record producer, musician and DJ
  • F’Murr (aka F’Murrr; 1946–2018), French cartoonist and comic book writer
  • Fontaine (born 1979), American singer-songwriter and guitarist
  • Fosforito (born 1932), Spanish singer
  • Foxes (born 1989), British singer, songwriter and actress
  • Foxx (born 1984), American rapper
  • Franco (born 1959), Cuban singer
  • Frankee (born 1983), American singer
  • Frankmusik (born 1985), English electropop musician, singer
  • Frauenarzt (born 1978), German rapper
  • Fredwreck (born 1972), American producer
  • Free (born 1968), American rapper, singer and TV personality
  • Freebo, American bassist, tubist, guitarist, singer-songwriter, and producer
  • Freeman (born 1972), Algerian-born French hip hop artist, actor and dancer
  • Freeway (born 1977), American rapper
  • Fréhel (1891–1951), French singer and actress (also aka Pervenche)
  • Frenkie (born 1982), Bosnian rapper
  • Fugative (born 1994), British hip hop and grime artist
  • Funaki (born 1968), Japanese–American professional wrestler and color commentator
  • Future (born 1983), American rapper, singer, and producer


  • Gaahl (born 1975), Norwegian singer
  • Gabrielle (born 1969), English singer
  • Gackt (born 1973), Japanese musician, songwriter and actor
  • Gajala (born 1985), Indian actress
  • Gala (born 1975), Italian singer-songwriter
  • Galder (born 1976), Norwegian composer, musician and singer
  • Gambi, French rapper and hip hop artist
  • Game (born 1979), American rapper
  • Ganesh (born 1977), Indian actor
  • Ganeshkar (born 1978), Tamil actor and comedian
  • Garbo (born 1958), Italian singer-songwriter and record producer
  • Garou (born 1972), Canadian singer
  • Gauge (born 1980), American pornographic actress and former stripper
  • Gazebo (born 1960), Italian singer and musician
  • Gazo (born 1995), French rapper
  • Geetha (born 1962), Indian actress
  • Gemini, American rapper
  • Genevieve (1920–2004), full name Ginette Marguerite Auger, American comedian, actress, and singer–
  • Genvieve (born1987), full name Genevieve Schatz, American indie pop singer
  • Geraldo (1904–1974), British bandleader
  • Gerardo (born 1965), Ecuadorian rapper
  • Gert and Daisy, British female comedy duo
  • Ghali (born 1993), Italian rapper of Tunisian origin
  • Ghantasala (1922–1974), Indian singer and composer
  • Ghetto (born 1984), English grime artist
  • Ginger (born 1964), Solo artist and also frontman for The Wildhearts
  • Giggs (born 1981), British rapper
  • Gigi (born 1974), Ethiopian singer
  • Gilda (1961–1996), Argentine singer-songwriter
  • Gilla (born 1950), Austrian singer
  • Gilli (born 1992), Danish rapper and actor
  • Gimma, Swiss rapper
  • Ginger (born 1964), English guitarist and singer-songwriter
  • Ginuwine (born 1970), American singer, songwriter, dancer and actor
  • Giovanna (born 1945), Italian singer
  • Girija (born 1969), Indian actress
  • Gisburg (born 1966), Austrian singer
  • Gisela (born 1979), Spanish singer
  • Gisselle (born 1969), Puerto Rican singer
  • Gloria (born 1951), Irish singer
  • Gloria (born 1973), Bulgarian singer
  • Glory, Puerto Rican singer
  • Glukoza (born 1986), Russian singer
  • Glykeria (born 1953), Greek singer
  • Goapele (born 1977), American singer-songwriter
  • Godsilla (born 1984), German rapper
  • Göksel (born 1971), Turkish singer-songwriter and musician
  • Goldberg (born 1966), American wrestler, actor, and football player
  • Goldie (born 1965), English musician, DJ, visual artist and actor
  • GoldLink (born 1993), American rapper
  • Goldust (born 1969), American professional wrestler
  • Goldy (born 1969), American rapper
  • Gombloh (1948–1988), Indonesian singer and songwriter
  • Gonzaguinha (1945–1991), Brazilian singer and composer
  • Gonzales (born 1972), Canadian musician
  • Googoosh (born 1950), Iranian singer and actress
  • Gopika (born 1984), Indian actress
  • Gotye (born 1980), Belgium-born Australian multi-instrumentalist and singer-songwriter
  • Goundamani (born 1939), Indian film actor and comedian
  • Governor (born 1972), American singer
  • Govinda (born 1963), Indian actor
  • Graciela (1915–2010), Cuban singer
  • Gradur (born 1990), French-Congolese rapper
  • Grégoire (born 1979), French singer and composer
  • Gretchen (born 1959), Brazilian singer
  • Gribouille (1941–1968), French singer
  • Griff (born 2001), English singer and songwriter
  • Grimace, French composer
  • Grimes (born 1988), Canadian musician and singer-songwriter
  • Griot, Swiss rapper
  • Gripsta, American rapper
  • Grock (1880–1959), Swiss clown, composer and musician
  • Grooverider (born 1967), British DJ
  • Gru (1973–2019), Serbian rapper, musician and DJ
  • Guinga (born 1950), Brazilian composer and musician
  • Gülşen (born 1976), Turkish singer-songwriter and model
  • Gülseren (born 1973), Turkish-born French singer
  • Gummy (born 1981), South Korean singer
  • Guru (1966–2010), American rapper
  • Gurukiran, Indian actor and music director
  • GZA (born 1966), American rapper and songwriter


  • H (born 1976), Welsh singer, dancer and stage actor
  • Hadise (born 1985), Belgian-born Turkish singer-songwriter, dancer and presenter
  • Hafiz (born 1990), Malaysian singer
  • Haha (born 1979), South Korean entertainer
  • Haiducii (born 1977), Romanian musician, songwriter, model and actress
  • Hakim (born 1962), Egyptian singer
  • Hakimakli, French DJ
  • Halloween (born 1971), Mexican wrestler
  • Hallowicked (born 1981), American wrestler
  • Halna (born 1980), Japanese singer
  • Halsey (born 1994), American singer-songwriter
  • Halston (1932–1990), American fashion designer
  • Hamsalekha (born 1951), Indian music director and lyricist
  • Hamuchtar (born 1971), Israeli singer, actor and director
  • Hamza (born 1994), Belgian-Moroccan rapper, singer and beatmaker
  • Hanayo (born 1970), Japanese musician and actress
  • Hani (born 1992), South Korean singer and entertainer
  • Hannah (born 1978), Australian singer-songwriter and musician
  • Hariharan (born 1955), Indian singer
  • Harini (born 1979), Indian film playback singer and classical singer
  • Harisu (born 1975), South Korean transsexual/transgender singer, model, and actress
  • Harper (1979–2020), American wrestler
  • Harpo (born 1950), Swedish singer, musician and actor
  • Harvey (born 1951), American radio and TV personality
  • Harvey (aka MC Harvey, Harvey; born Michael Harvey Jr.), MC
  • Haspop (born 1977), French stage director, choreographer and dancer
  • Hatik (born 1992), French rapper and actor
  • Hawk (1957–2003), American wrestler
  • Hayden (born 1971), Canadian singer-songwriter
  • Hayedeh (aka Haideh, Haydeh; 1942–1990), Iranian singer of Persian classical and pop music
  • Haystak (born 1973), American rapper
  • Haytana (born 1979), Ukrainian singer-songwriter
  • Headliner (born 1967), American rapper and DJ
  • Heath (born 1968), Japanese musician and singer-songwriter
  • Heath (born 1983), American wrestler
  • Heino (born 1938), German singer
  • Heinrich, German singer-songwriter
  • Heinz (1942–2000), German-born English bassist and singer
  • Heklina (1967–2023), American actor, drag queen, and entrepreneur
  • Helen (born 1939), Indian actress and dancer
  • Hemlata (born 1954), Indian playback singer
  • Hergé (1907–1983), Belgian comics writer and artist
  • Hero (born 1986), South Korean entertainer
  • Hervé (1825–1892), French singer, composer and conductor
  • Hervé (born 1980), British DJ and producer
  • Hichkas (born 1985), Iranian rap artist
  • hide (1964–1998), Japanese musician
  • Hildegarde (1906–2005), American cabaret singer
  • Himeka (born 1981), Canadian singer
  • Hind (born 1979), Bahraini singer
  • Histeria (born 1969), Mexican wrestler
  • hitomi (born 1976), Japanese singer and songwriter
  • Hizaki (stylized as HIZAKI; born 1979), Japanese musician
  • Hoku (aka Hoku Ho Clements; born 1981), American musician, singer-songwriter and actress
  • Homicide (born 1977), American wrestler
  • Honoka (born 1983), Japanese actress, pornographic actress and TV personality
  • Hooligan (born 1972), Mexican wrestler
  • Hornswoggle (born 1986), American professional wrestler
  • Horse (born 1958), Scottish singer-songwriter
  • Houston (born 1969), American pornographic actress
  • Houston (born 1983), American singer
  • Hozier (born 1990), Irish singer-songwriter
  • Huey (born 1988), American rapper
  • Hümeyra (born 1947), Turkish actress and singer-songwriter
  • Humph (1921–2008), English jazz musician and broadcaster
  • Hunterz, Pakistani-born English musician
  • Hush (born 1972), American rap rock and hip hop artist
  • Husna, Pakistani actress
  • Hwanhee (born 1982), South Korean singer and actor
  • Hwayobi (born 1982), South Korean singer
  • Hyde (born 1969), Japanese singer and lyricist
  • Hydra (aka Leslie Butterscotch), American wrestler
  • Hyolyn (born 1990), South Korean singer-songwriter
  • Hyoyeon (born 1989), South Korean entertainer
  • Hyuna (born 1992), South Korean singer


  • Icarus (born 1982), American wrestler
  • Ichiro (born 1973), Japanese and American baseball player
  • ICHIKO (born 1970), Japanese singer-songwriter
  • Ichimaru (1906–1997), Japanese recording artist and geisha
  • Iconiq (born 1984), Japanese singer, actress and MC
  • Ida (born 1994), Danish singer
  • Idaira (born 1985), Spanish singer
  • Idha (born 1972), Swedish singer-songwriter
  • Idir (1949–2020), Algerian musician
  • Iftekhar (1922–1995), Indian actor
  • Ihriel (born 1972), Norwegian musician and singer
  • Ihsahn (born 1975), Norwegian composer, musician and singer
  • Iiris (born 1991), Estonian singer, songwriter, and stage actress
  • iJustine (born 1984), American YouTube personality, host, actress and model
  • Ilaiyaraaja (born 1943), Indian singer and composer
  • Ilanit (born 1947), Israeli singer
  • ili (born 1998), Scottish singer-songwriter
  • iLLmacuLate (aka Illmaculate, Illmac; born 1986), Native American battle rapper and hip hop artist
  • Illmind (born 1980), Filipino American hip hop producer
  • Illy (born 1986), Australian rapper, singer, songwriter
  • Ilya (born 1986; known mononymously as ILYA), Swedish songwriter, producer and singer
  • Ima (aka IMA; born 1978), Canadian singer
  • Imaani (born 1972), English singer
  • Iman (born 1955), Somali American supermodel
  • Imani (born 1971), American rapper
  • Imany (born 1979), Comores Islands Afro-soul singer
  • Imposs (born 1980), Canadian rapper
  • India (born 1977), American pornographic actress, singer and rap artist
  • Indigo (born 1984), American actress
  • Indila (born 1984), French singer
  • Indio, Canadian singer-songwriter
  • Indra (born 1967), French-Swedish singer
  • Indrans (born 1957), Indian actor
  • Inez (born 1977), Danish singer
  • Infernus (born 1972), Norwegian black metal musician
  • Ingeborg (born 1966), Belgian singer and TV presenter
  • Ingola (born 1973), Slovak singer
  • Inna (born 1986), Romanian singer
  • Innocent (born 1945), Indian actor
  • Inoran (born 1970), Japanese musician and singer-songwriter
  • Insooni (born 1957), South Korean singer
  • Iota, Australian singer-songwriter, musician and actor
  • Irene, South Korean singer, actress and television host
  • Irma (born 1988), Cameroonian singer-songwriter
  • Isgaard (born 1972), German singer
  • iSH, Canadian singer, actor
  • Ishtar (born 1968), Israeli-born French singer
  • Islaja (born 1979), Finnish singer-songwriter and musician
  • Isol (born 1972), Argentine singer
  • Israel (born 1983), Filipino-born Australian singer
  • IU (born 1993), South Korean singer-songwriter and actress
  • Ivana (born 1969), Bulgarian singer
  • Ivar (born 1984), American wrestler
  • Ivory (born 1961), American wrestler
  • Ivy (born 1982), South Korean singer, model and occasional actress
  • Iza (born 1995), Brazilian singer-songwriter and dancer


  • Jacno (1957–2009), French musician
  • Jacotin (d. 1529), Franco-Flemish singer and composer
  • Jacynthe (born 1979), Canadian singer
  • Jadakiss (born 1975), American rapper
  • Jaddanbai (1892–1949), Indian singer, composer, actress and filmmaker
  • Jaël (born 1979), Swiss singer-songwriter and guitarist
  • Jagadish (born 1958), Indian actor
  • Jagannathan (1938–2012), Indian actor
  • Jagdeep (born 1939), Indian actor and comedian
  • Jaggesh (born 1963), Indian actor, director, producer, and politician
  • Jaheim (born 1978), American singer
  • Jai (born 1985), Indian actor
  • Jaibi (1943–1984), American singer-songwriter
  • Jaidev (1919–1987), Indian composer
  • Jaimeson, British musician, emcee, and producer
  • Jaishankar (1938–2000), Indian actor
  • Jamala (born 1983), Ukrainian singer-songwriter and actress
  • Jamelão (1913–2008), Brazilian samba singer
  • Jamelia (born 1981), British entertainer
  • Jana (born 1980), American singer, songwriter, actress, author and philanthropist
  • Janagaraj (born 1950), Indian comedian
  • Janardhanan (born 1946), Malayalam film actor
  • Jandek (born 1945), American musician
  • Janita (born 1978), Finnish singer-songwriter
  • Januarisman (born 1985), Indonesian singer-songwriter and musician
  • Jão (born 1994), Brazilian singer-songwriter
  • Jaqee (born 1977), Ugandan-Swedish musician
  • Jaramar (born 1954), Mexican singer-songwriter
  • Jarboe, American singer-songwriter and keyboardist
  • Jasmine (born 1976), Finnish Romani singer
  • Jasmine (born 1981), Chinese-born Taiwanese singer-songwriter and musician
  • Jaya (born 1969), Filipino singer, record producer, TV hostess and actress
  • Jayabharathi, Indian actress
  • Jayachitra (born 1957), Indian actress
  • Jayalalithaa (1948–2016), Indian actress and politician
  • Jayamala, Indian actress
  • Jayamalini (born 1948), Indian actress
  • Jayan (1938–1980), Indian actor
  • Jayant (1915–1975), Indian film actor
  • Jayanthi (born 1950), Indian actress
  • Jayasudha (born 1958), Indian actress-turned-politician
  • Jayasurya (born 1978), Indian actor and mimicry artist
  • Jazz (born 1973), American wrestler
  • Jazzmun (born 1969), American actor and performer
  • Jeanette (born 1951), English-born Spanish singer and actress
  • Jędker (born 1977), Polish emcee
  • Jedward (born 1991), Irish singing and television presenting duo
  • Jeet (born 1978), Indian actor
  • Jeetendra (born 1942), Indian actor
  • Jeeva (born 1952), Telugu actor
  • Jeeva (1963–2007), Indian Tamil cinematographer and film director
  • Jeevan (born 1975), Indian actor
  • Jehst (born 1979), English rapper
  • Jem (born 1975), Welsh singer-songwriter
  • Jenifer (born 1982), French singer
  • Jennie (born 1996), South Korean singer
  • Jentina (born 1984), British singer
  • Jeremías (born 1973), British-born Venezuelan singer-songwriter
  • Jeremih (born 1987), American singer-songwriter and producer
  • Jero (born 1981), American-born Japanese singer
  • Jessicka (born 1975), American singer-songwriter
  • Jetta (born 1987), British wrestler
  • Jewel (born 1974), American singer-songwriter, guitarist and actress
  • Jewell (born 1968), American singer
  • Jhene (born 1988), American singer
  • J-Hope (born 1994), South Korean rapper
  • Jibbs (born 1990), American rapper
  • Jigsaw (born 1983), American wrestler
  • Jiiva (born 1984), Tamil actor
  • Jikki (1935–2004), Indian playback singer
  • Jimena (born 1980), Mexican singer
  • Jimeoin (born 1966), Irish-born Australian actor and comedian
  • Jimilian (born 1994), Albanian-Danish singer
  • Jimin (born 1995), South Korean singer
  • Jin (born 1982), Chinese American rapper
  • Jin (born 1992), South Korean singer
  • Jinny (born 1987), British wrestler
  • Jippu (born 1985), Finnish pop singer
  • Jiro (born 1972), Japanese musician
  • Jisoo (born 1995), South Korean singer
  • Jlin (born 1987), American electronic musician
  • Joanna (born 1957), Brazilian singer
  • Jobriath (1946–1983), American glam rock singer
  • Jøden (born 1974), Danish rapper
  • Joe (born 1973), American singer, songwriter and record producer
  • Joelma (born 1974), Brazilian singer-songwriter and dancer
  • Joeystarr (born 1967), French rapper
  • Johnson (born 1979), Danish rapper
  • JoJo (born 1990), American singer and songwriter
  • JoJo (born 1994), American ring announcer, valet, professional wrestler and singer
  • Joker (born 1983), American wrestler
  • Jokeren (born 1973), Danish rapper and hip hop artist
  • Jolens (born 1978), Filipino actress, recording artist, and television host
  • Jomol (born 1982), Indian actress
  • Jonah (born 1988), Australian wrestler
  • Jonell, American singer
  • Jonesmann, German rapper
  • Jónsi (born 1975), Icelandic musician
  • Jont (born 1973), British singer-songwriter
  • Jorane (born 1975), Canadian singer and cellist
  • Jordan (1955-2022), English model and actress
  • Jordan (born 1978), English model
  • Jordy (born 1988), French singer and musician
  • Joselito (born 1943), Spanish singer and actor
  • Joselo (1936–2013), Venezuelan actor and comedian
  • Josenid (born 1998), Panamanian singer
  • Joshiy, Indian film director
  • Jovanotti (born 1966), Italian singer-songwriter and rapper
  • Joy (born 1996), South Korean singer and actress
  • Joya (born 1978), American singer
  • Joyce (born 1948), Brazilian singer and composer
  • J-Son (born 1985), Brazilian-Swedish singer
  • JSX (rapper), French rapper
  • Juanes (born 1972), Colombian singer-songwriter and guitarist
  • Juanito, French singer
  • Jude (born 1969), American singer-songwriter
  • Juju, Japanese singer
  • Juju, Finnish rapper
  • Jujubee (born 1984), American performer and TV personality
  • Juka (born 1981), Japanese singer
  • Jul, French rapper hip hop artist
  • Juliette (1926–2017), Canadian singer and TV hostess
  • Juliette (born 1989), Brazilian singer
  • Jullie (born 1988), Brazilian singer-songwriter, model, actress and presenter
  • Julyo (born 1978), Italian guitarist, songwriter, producer and DJ
  • Jun (born 1983), Japanese visual kei rock musician and singer-songwriter
  • Jungah (born 1983), South Korean singer
  • Jungkook (born 1997), South Korean singer
  • Junjun (born 1988), Chinese-Japanese singer
  • Juvelen (born 1976), Swedish electro-pop singer
  • Juvenile (born 1975), American rapper
  • Jyongri (born 1988), Japanese musician and singer-songwriter


  • K.Maro (born 1980), Lebanese Canadian singer, record producer, entrepreneur
  • Kafani (born 1981), American rapper
  • Kahi (born 1982), South Korean singer-songwriter, dancer and choreographer
  • Kai (born 1994), South Korean dancer, singer and model
  • Kaitlyn (born 1986), American entrepreneur, bodybuilder, model, and professional wrestler
  • Kajjanbai (aka «Miss Kajjan»; 1915–1945), Indian singer and actress
  • Kajol (aka Kajol Devgan; born 1974), Indian actress
  • Kakko (born 1969), Japanese actress, TV presenter and singer
  • Kalaranjini (born 1962), Indian actor
  • Kalel (born 1976), American Christian musician
  • Kalimba (born 1982), Mexican singer and actor
  • Kaliopi (born 1966), Macedonian singer-songwriter
  • Kalisto (born 1986), Mexican-American professional wrestler
  • Kalomoira (born 1985), Greek-American singer
  • Kalpana (1943–1979), Indian actress
  • Kalpana (1946–2012), Indian actress
  • Kalpana (1965-2016), Indian actress
  • Kamahl (born 1934), Australian singer
  • Kamala (born 1950), American wrestler
  • Kamaliya (born 1977), Ukrainian musical performer, actress and model
  • Kamelia (born 1971), Bulgarian singer
  • Kam-Hill (1856 to 1935), French cabaret performer and singer
  • Kamini (born 1979), French rapper
  • Kana (born 1977), Finnish female rap musician
  • Kanaka, Indian actress
  • Kanchana (born 1939), Indian actress
  • Kandi (born 1976), American singer-songwriter
  • Kane (born 1967), American wrestler and actor
  • Kangta (born 1979), South Korean singer
  • Kano (born 1985), British rapper
  • Kanon (born 1980), Japanese singer-songwriter and producer
  • Kaoru (born 1969), Japanese wrestler
  • Karan, Indian actor
  • Karandash (1901–1983), Soviet clown
  • Karina (Spanish singer) (born 1946), Spanish singer
  • Karina (born 1968), Venezuelan singer-songwriter and actress
  • Karolina, Israeli singer-songwriter
  • Karpaga, Indian transsexual actress
  • Karthik (born 1980), Indian singer
  • Karunas (born 1970), Indian actor
  • Karylle (born 1981), Filipina singer
  • Ka$hdami (born 2004), American rapper
  • Kaskade (born 1971), American DJ, record producer and remixer
  • Kashinath (1951–2018), Indian actor, director, and filmmaker
  • Kassia, Byzantine composer
  • Kasthuri (born 1974), Indian actress and TV anchor
  • Kathleen, Canadian singer
  • Katman, Greek singer and TV personality
  • Kato Kato (born 1981), Danish DJ
  • Katsuni (born 1979), French pornographic actress
  • Kausalya (born 1978), Indian actress
  • Kavana (born 1977), English singer and actor
  • Kaveri, Indian actress
  • Kayah (born 1967), Polish singer-songwriter
  • Kayahan (born 1949), singer-songwriter and musician
  • Kayamar (born 1985), Hungarian singer, jazz and classical composer
  • Kaysha (born 1974), Congolese-born French rapper
  • Kaytranada (born 1992), Haitian-Canadian electronic musician
  • Kaze, American rapper
  • Kazzer (born 1977), Canadian musician and TV personality
  • K-Ci & JoJo (born 1969 & 1971, respectively), American R&B & soul duo
  • Kefee (1980–2014), Nigerian female gospel singer and composer
  • Keith (born 1949), American singer
  • Kehlani (born 1995), American singer
  • Kelis (born 1979), American singer, songwriter and chef
  • Kellee (born 1968), American electronica-house artist
  • Kem (born 1969), American singer-songwriter and producer
  • Ken (born 1968), Japanese guitarist
  • Ken (born 1979), Swedish rap artist
  • Kenna (born 1978), Ethiopian-American musician
  • Kennedy (born 1972), American political satirist, radio personality, and former MTV VJ
  • KENTA (born 1981), Japanese wrestler
  • Kerli (born 1987), Estonian pop singer
  • Kesha (aka Ke$ha; born 1987), American singer-songwriter, rapper and actress
  • Kevinho (born 1998), Brazilian singer and songwriter
  • Key (born 1991), South Korean singer, dancer, rapper, actor, recording artist, promotional model, radio host and MC
  • Khaled (born 1960), Algerian musician
  • Khalid (born 1998), American singer
  • Khéops (born 1966), French DJ
  • Khia (born 1977), American rapper, songwriter and producer
  • Khosrovidukht, Armenian composer
  • Khotan (born 1973), Mexican actor
  • Khrysis, American hip hop producer
  • Khujo (aka Khujo Goodie)
  • Kiara (born 1963), Venezuelan singer, actress and TV presenter
  • Kidd (born 1996), American rapper
  • Kidd (sometimes stylized as KIDD; born 1989), Danish-Scottish rapper and hip hop artist
  • Kiesza (born 1989), Canadian singer, instrumentalist
  • Kiiara (born 1995), American singer and songwriter
  • Kiki (1901–1953), French artists’ model, nightclub singer, actress, and painter
  • Killjoy (1966–2018), American musician; lead vocalist (Necrophagia)
  • Kimbra (born 1990), New Zealand singer
  • Kimera (born 1954), South Korean singer
  • Kimeru (born 1980), Japanese musician, singer and actor
  • Kina (born 1969), American musician
  • Kipper, British musician
  • Kira (born 1977), Belgian singer and model
  • Kira (born 1978), German singer-songwriter
  • Kirito, Japanese singer
  • Kirka (1950–2007), Finnish musician
  • Kish,
  • Kishore, Indian actor
  • Kissey (born 1982), singer, songwriter, producer and performer
  • Kitarō (born 1953), Japanese New Age musician
  • Kitkat (born 1984), Filipino singer, actress and comedian
  • Kiyoharu (born 1968), Japanese singer-songwriter
  • Kizzy (born 1979), Dutch actress, singer-songwriter and TV personality
  • Klaha, Japanese singer
  • Klashnekoff (born 1975), British rapper
  • Klayton (born 1970), American musician and record producer
  • Klopfer (born 1980), German writer
  • K’Maro (born ), Lebanese-Canadian rapper
  • K’naan (born 1978), Somali-Canadian poet, rapper, and musician
  • Knobody, American record producer
  • Knox (born 1945), British singer-songwriter and guitarist
  • Kohndo (born 1975), French rapper and producer
  • Kokane (born 1969), American rapper and singer
  • Kokia (born 1976), Japanese singer-songwriter and producer
  • Kollegah (born 1984), German rapper
  • Konnan (born 1964), Cuban wrestler and rapper
  • Konnor (born 1980), American professional wrestler
  • k-os (born 1972), Canadian rapper, singer, producer
  • Kotoko (born 1980), Japanese singer-songwriter
  • Koushik, Canadian musician
  • Kovas (born 1984), American songwriter, record producer and recording artist
  • Koxie (born 1977), French singer of Tunisian origin
  • Koyuki (born 1976), Japanese model and actress
  • Közi (born 1972), Japanese musician
  • Kramer, American musician and record producer
  • Krazy, American rapper
  • Kraus, New Zealand musician and composer
  • Kreayshawn (born 1989), American rapper
  • Kreskin (born 1935), American magician
  • Kreva (born 1976), Japanese hip hop MC and producer
  • Kris (born 1990), Canadian-Chinese singer and actor
  • Krisdayanti (born 1975), Indonesian singer and actress
  • Krishna (born 1943), Indian actor
  • Krishnaveni (born 1924), Indian actress, singer and producer
  • Kristina (born 1987), Slovak singer
  • Krohme (born 1980), American hip hop MC and producer
  • Kshetrayya (1600–1680), Indian composer
  • KSI (born 1993), British YouTube personality, amateur boxer, comedian and actor
  • Kujira (born 1961), Japanese voice actress
  • Kūkahi (born 1999), Hawaiian singer-songwriter
  • Kumar (born 1984), Cuban rapper
  • Kunchacko (1912–1984), Indian producer and director
  • Kurious (aka Kurious Jorge), American hip hop artist
  • Kuroneko, Japanese singer
  • Kurupt (born 1972), American rapper
  • Kushida (born 1983), Japanese wrestler
  • Kwes (born 1987), English record producer, songwriter and musician
  • Kyla (born 1981), Filipino R&B singer-songwriter and occasional actress
  • Kylee (born 1994), Japanese singer
  • Kyo (born 1976), Japanese singer-songwriter and producer
  • Kyouka (born 1999), Japanese businesswoman, television personality, and former singer
  • Kyper, American rapper
  • Kyuhyun (born 1988), South Korean singer, dancer, actor and model
  • Kyulkyung (born 1998), Chinese singer


  • L (born 1992), South Korean singer and actor
  • Lââm (born 1971), French singer
  • Laava (born 1983), Brazilian singer
  • Labrinth (born 1989), English singer-songwriter and producer
  • Lacey (born 1983), American wrestler
  • Lach, American musician and songwriter
  • LaChanze (born 1961), American actress, singer, and dancer
  • Lachi, American visually impaired musician
  • Ladyhawke (born 1979), New Zealand singer-songwriter and musician
  • Lagbaja, Nigerian Afrobeat musician, singer and songwriter
  • Lahannya, British singer-songwriter, performer and DJ
  • Lakshmi (born 1952), Indian actress
  • Lal (born 1958), Indian director and actor
  • Lalaine (born 1987), American actress
  • Laleh (born 1982), Iranian-born Swedish singer-songwriter
  • L’Algérino (born 1981), French rapper of Algerian descent
  • Lana (born 1985), American wrestler
  • Laraaji (born 1943), American musician
  • Larry (born 1998), French rapper
  • Larusso (born 1979), French singer
  • Lasairfhíona, Irish singer-songwriter
  • Late, British rapper
  • Lateef (born 1974), American hip hop artist
  • Latifa (born 1968), Tunisian singer
  • Latino (born 1973), Brazilian singer
  • Lauv (born 1994), American singer, songwriter and record producer
  • Lawrence (born 1961), English singer, songwriter, and guitarist
  • Lay (born 1991), Chinese singer
  • Laya, Indian actress and dancer
  • Lazee (born 1985), Swedish rapper
  • LE (born 1991), South Korean rapper, songwriter and composer
  • Lebleba (born 1945), Egyptian Armenian film actress and entertainer
  • Lecca, Japanese singer-songwriter
  • Lecrae (born 1980), American Christian rapper
  • Leeteuk (born 1983), South Korean singer and presenter
  • Lehri (1929–2012), Pakistani actor and comedian
  • Leif (born 1989), American rapper
  • Lekain (1728–1778), French actor
  • Leki (born 1978), Congolese-Belgian R&B artist
  • Lele (1986–2010), Puerto Rican rapper
  • Lemar (born 1978), English singer-songwriter
  • Lemmy (1945–2015), English musician, bass guitarist, and singer-songwriter
  • Lena (born 1991), German singer-songwriter
  • Lena, Indian actress
  • Lenine (born 1959), Brazilian singer-songwriter
  • Lenka (born 1978), Australian TV actress, musician and singer-songwriter
  • Leon (born 1962), American actor and singer
  • Leon (born 1969), German singer
  • Léonce (1823–1900), French comic actor and singer
  • Léonin (d. 1201), French composer
  • Leslie (born 1985), French singer
  • Letrux (born 1982), Brazilian singer-songwriter
  • Lexa (born 1995), Brazilian singer-songwriter and dancer
  • Lexy (born 1979), Korean singer and rapper
  • Leyona (born 1977), Japanese singer-songwriter
  • Lia, Japanese singer-songwriter
  • Life, British rapper
  • Ligalize (born 1977), Russian hip hop artist
  • Ligero, British wrestler
  • Lights (born 1987), Canadian singer-songwriter and musician
  • Lilimar (born 2000), Venezuelan actress
  • Limahl (born 1958), British singer
  • Limenius, Athenian musician and composer
  • Liminha (born 1951), Brazilian musician and producer
  • Lina, American singer-songwriter
  • Linda (born 1977), Russian singer-songwriter
  • Liniker (born 1995), Brazilian singer-songwriter
  • Lio (born 1962), Portuguese-born Belgian singer and actress
  • Lior (born 1976), Israeli-born Australian singer-songwriter
  • Liroy (born 1971), Polish rapper
  • Lisa (born 1974), Japanese-Colombian singer and producer
  • LiSA (born 1987), Japanese singer-songwriter
  • Lisa (born 1997), French dancer, actress and singer
  • Lisa (born 1997), Thai rapper and singer
  • Lissette (born 1949), Peruvian-born Cuban singer-songwriter and record producer
  • Lita (born 1975), American singer and professional wrestler
  • Lizy (born 1967), Indian actress
  • Lizzo (born 1988), American rapper and singer-songwriter
  • Lobão (born 1957), Brazilian singer-songwriter and TV host
  • Lobo (born 1943), American singer-songwriter
  • Lobo (born 1975), American wrestler
  • L.O.C. (born 1979), Danish rapper
  • Logic (born 1990), American rapper and singer
  • Lole y Manuel (1954/1948–2015), Spanish Romani flamenco artists
  • Lolita (1931–2010), Austrian singer
  • Lolita (1950–1986), Italian singer
  • Lolly (born 1977), British singer, TV presenter and actress
  • Lomepal (born 1991), French rapper and singer
  • Lonyo, British producer and MC
  • Loona (born 1974), Dutch singer-songwriter and dancer
  • Loquillo (born 1961), Spanish singer
  • Lora (born 1982), Romanian singer
  • Lorde (born 1996), New Zealand singer-songwriter and record producer
  • Loredana (1924–2016), Italian actress
  • Loreen (born 1983), Swedish singer and music producer
  • Lorena (born 1986), Spanish singer
  • Lorie (born 1982), French singer-songwriter and actress
  • Loriot (born 1923), German humorist, film director and actor
  • Lorna (born 1983), Panamanian rapper and reggaeton artist
  • Lou (born 1963), German singer
  • Louiselle (born 1946), Italian singer
  • Louison (1668-after 1692), French operatic soprano and celebrity
  • Lovefoxxx (born 1984), Brazilian singer
  • Lovefreekz, British producer and remixer
  • Lowkey (born 1986), British musician, poet and playwright
  • Luba (born 1958), Canadian singer-songwriter and musician
  • Luce (born 1990), French singer-songwriter
  • Lucenzo (born 1983), Portuguese-French singer-songwriter, and producer
  • Lucero (born 1969), Mexican singer and actress, formerly known as Lucerito
  • Lucía (born 1964), Spanish singer
  • Luciano (born 1964), Jamaican singer-songwriter
  • Lucrecia, Spanish-Cuban singer
  • Ludacris (born 1977), American rapper
  • Ludmilla (born 1995), Brazilian singer-songwriter
  • Luenell (born 1959), American comedian and actress
  • Luhan (born 1990), Chinese singer and actor
  • Luka (born 1979), Brazilian singer and songwriter
  • Lula (born 1973), German singer and songwriter
  • Lulu (born 1948), Scottish singer-songwriter and actress
  • Lumidee (born 1984), American singer-songwriter and rapper
  • Lunna (born 1960), Puerto Rican singer
  • Lura (born 1975), Portuguese singer and musician
  • Lydia (born 1980), Spanish singer
  • Lyn (born 1981), South Korean singer
  • Lynn (born 1992), Japanese voice actress
  • Lyrian (born 1985), Italian-born Japanese singer
  • Lyrik, Israeli music producer, dancer and singer


  • -M- (born 1971), French musician guitarist
  • MAA, previously known as Mar, Japanese singer-songwriter, former television host and model
  • Mac (born 1977), American rapper
  • Macklemore (born 1983), American singer, rapper and musician
  • Machito (1908?–1984), Cuban jazz musician
  • Macromantics (born 1980), Australian hip hop artist
  • Madeon (born 1994), French musician, DJ, producer and singer
  • Madhavi (born 1962), Indian actress
  • Madhoo (born 1972), Indian actress
  • Madhu (born 1933), Indian actor
  • Madhubala (1933–1969), Indian actress
  • Madhumitha (born 1981), Indian actress
  • Madhushree (born 1969), Indian singer
  • Madita (born 1978), Austrian singer and actress
  • Madlib (born 1973), American DJ, musician, rapper and producer
  • Madusa (born 1964), American monster truck driver and former professional wrestler
  • Maes (born 1995), French rapper of Moroccan origin
  • Maestro (born 1980), American producer, singer-songwriter and rapper
  • Maestro (born 1968), Canadian rapper, record producer, and actor
  • Maggot (born 1976), British rapper
  • Magic (born 1968), American rapper
  • Magik (1978–2000), Polish rapper
  • Magnet (born 1970), Norwegian singer-songwriter
  • Magnifico (musician) (born 1965), Slovenian singer
  • Magno (born 1984), Mexican wrestler
  • Mahadevan (born 1961), Indian actor
  • Mahasti (1946–2007), Iranian-American singer
  • Mahendran, Indian actor
  • Mahlathini (1938–1999), South African singer
  • Mahmood (born 1992), Italian singer-songwriter
  • Maía (born 1982), Colombian singer-songwriter
  • Majdala, Lebanese singer
  • Majid, Danish rapper of Moroccan-Berber origin
  • Makano (born 1983), Panamanian singer
  • Mākii (born 1987), Japanese musician and singer-songwriter
  • Mako (1933–2006), Japanese-American actor, voice actor, and singer
  • MAKO (born 1986), Japanese female band member
  • MakSim (born 1983), Russian female singer
  • Mala (born 1939), Pakistani singer
  • Malaika, American singer
  • Malavika (born 1979), Indian actress
  • Mallika, Indian actress
  • Malú (born 1982), Spanish singer
  • Maluma (born 1994), Colombian singer and songwriter
  • Mammootty (born 1951), Indian actor
  • Mamukkoya (born 1946), Indian comedian actor
  • Mana, Japanese musician and fashion icon
  • Manafest (born 1981), Canadian rapper
  • Mandakini (born 1969), Indian actress
  • Mandaryna (born 1978), Polish singer, dancer and actress
  • Mandisa (born 1976), American singer
  • Mando (born 1966), Greek singer-songwriter
  • Mango (1954–2014), Italian singer-songwriter and musician
  • Maniaco (born 1966), Mexican wrestler
  • Manikuttan, Indian actor
  • Manivannan, Indian actor and director
  • Manjula (1951–1986), Indian actress
  • Mankind (born 1965), American wrestler, actor and comedian
  • Mano (born 1965), Indian singer
  • Manobala (born 1960), Indian director and comedian actor
  • Manorama (born 1943), Indian actress
  • Manoush (born 1971), Dutch actress and singer-songwriter
  • Manskee (born 1978), Filipino-American musician
  • Mansoor (born 1995) Saudi Arabian wrestler
  • Mansour (born 1971), Iranian singer, composer and actor
  • Mantas (born 1961), English heavy metal guitarist
  • Mantra, Indian actress
  • Manya, Indian actress
  • Maradja, French singer, songwriter and music producer
  • Marce (born 1974), Colombian singer-songwriter
  • Marcela (born 1971), Mexican professional wrestler
  • Marčelo (born 1983), Serbian hip-hop artist and lyricist
  • Marcha (born 1956), Dutch singer and TV presenter
  • Mareko (born 1981), New Zealander rapper
  • Margo (1917–1985), Mexican-American actress
  • Margo (born 1951), Irish singer
  • marhy, Japanese singer-songwriter
  • Maria, Danish singer and songwriter
  • Maria (born 1982), Bulgarian pop-folk singer
  • Maria (born 1987), Japanese singer and actress
  • Mariama (born 1986), Sierra Leone-born German singer-songwriter
  • Maribelle (born 1960), Dutch singer
  • Marilou (born 1990), Canadian singer
  • Marilú (1927–2023), Mexican singer and actress
  • Marilyn (born 1962), Jamaica-born British pop singer and songwriter
  • Marina (born 1985), Welsh singer-songwriter
  • Marinella (born 1938), Greek singer
  • Mario (born 1810), Italian operatic tenor
  • Mario (born 1986), American R&B singer
  • Mario (1810–1883), Italian operatic tenor
  • Marisela (born 1966), American-Mexican singer
  • Mariska (born 1979), Finnish rapper
  • Marisol (born 1948), Spanish singer and actress
  • Mariz, Filipina singer, actress and TV hostess
  • Mariza (born 1973), Portuguese singer
  • Marjo (born 1953), Canadian singer-songwriter
  • Markoolio (born 1975), Swedish-Finnish entertainer
  • Marlayne (born 1971), Dutch singer and presenter
  • Marracash (born 1979), Italian rapper
  • Mars (born 1954), Hong Kong actor, action director and stuntman
  • Mars (born 1980), American rapper
  • Marshmello (born 1992), American music producer and DJ
  • Martika (born 1969), American singer-songwriter and actress
  • Martirio (born 1958), Spanish singer
  • Marwan, Danish-Palestinian rapper
  • Maryon (born 1987), French singer
  • Maryse (born 1983), French Canadian actress, businesswoman, glamour model, professional wrestling manager, and former professional wrestler
  • Marz, American rapper
  • Marzieh (1924–2010), Persian traditional singer
  • Masada, American wrestler
  • Mase (aka Ma$e; born 1975), American rapper, songwriter and minister
  • Mashonda (born 1981), American singer
  • Maskiri, Zimbabwean rapper
  • Massari (born 1980), Lebanese Canadian R&B singer
  • Massiel (born 1947), Spanish singer
  • Massiv (born 1982), German rapper
  • Matisyahu (born 1979), Jewish American reggae vocalist, beatboxer, and alternative rock musician
  • Maurane (1960–2018), Belgian singer and actress
  • Mavado (born 1981), Jamaican musician and DJ
  • Max (born 1988), South Korean singer-songwriter and occasional actor
  • Max (born 1992), American singer, songwriter, actor, dancer and model
  • Maxi (born 1950), Irish DJ, actress and singer
  • Maximo (born 1980), Mexican wrestler
  • Maxwell (born 1973), American singer-songwriter and producer
  • May (born 1982), South Korean singer-songwriter
  • Maya (born 1975), South Korean singer
  • Mayoori (d. 2005), Indian actress
  • Maysa (1936–1977), Brazilian bossa nova singer
  • Maysa (born 1966), American jazz singer
  • MCA (1964–2012), American rapper, singer-songwriter, director and film distributor
  • Mcenroe, Canadian hip hop musician
  • McG (born 1970), American film producer and director
  • Mdot, American rapper and actor
  • Medina (born 1982), Danish singer-songwriter
  • Médine, French rapper
  • Meechie, American singer
  • MeeK (born 1971), Franco-English singer songwriter
  • Meenakshi, Indian actress
  • Meera (born 1976), Pakistani actress
  • Meg (born 1980), Japanese singer-songwriter
  • Megas (born 1945), Icelandic singer-songwriter
  • Mehmood (1932–2004), Indian actor, director and producer
  • Mehnaz (born 1958), Pakistani singer
  • Meiko (born 1982), American singer-songwriter
  • Meja (born 1969), Swedish composer and singer
  • Melanie (born 1947), American singer-songwriter
  • Melissa (born 1982), Lebanese singer
  • Mell, Japanese singer-songwriter
  • Melody (born 1977), Belgian singer
  • Melody (born 1982), Japanese singer and TV hostess
  • Melody (born 1990), Spanish singer
  • Menaka, Indian actress
  • Ménélik (born 1970), French rapper
  • Menny (born 1983), Mexican singer-songwriter
  • Mephisto (born 1968), Mexican wrestler
  • Mercedes (born 1978), American rapper and singer
  • Merche (born 1974), Spanish singer
  • Merton, American musician and personality
  • Merz, English musician and singer-songwriter
  • Metis (born 1984), Japanese singer-songwriter
  • Metro (born 1983), Mexican wrestler
  • Micachu (born 1987), English singer-songwriter and producer
  • Michal (born 1983), Polish singer
  • Michele (born 1942), Italian singer
  • Michelle (born 1972), German singer
  • Michel’le (born 1970), American singer-songwriter
  • Micky (born 1943), Spanish singer
  • Micky (born 1986), South Korean singer-songwriter and occasional actor
  • Mictlán (born 1982), Mexican wrestler
  • Midori (born 1968), American pornographic actress
  • midwxst (born 2003), American singer and rapper
  • Mietta (born 1969), Italian singer and actress
  • Miguel (born 1985), American recording artist, songwriter and producer
  • Miguelito (born 1999), Puerto Rican reggaeton artist
  • Mika (born 1983), British singer
  • Mikeyla, Swedish singer
  • miKKa, Serbian musician
  • Milan (1941–1971), Serbian-American musician
  • Millie (born 1946), Jamaican singer-songwriter
  • Milow (born 1981), Belgian singer-songwriter
  • Milva (1939–2021), Italian singer, actress and TV personality
  • Mim, British singer
  • Mimosa (1960–2023), French humorous magician
  • Mina (born 1940), Italian singer
  • Mina (born 1993), German singer
  • Minette (1767–1789), Haitian actress, singer and dancer
  • Mink (born 1984), South Korean-born Japanese singer
  • Minmi (born 1974), Japanese musician, singer-songwriter and producer
  • Minmini (born 1970), Indian singer
  • Minzy (born 1994), South Korean singer
  • Mirah (born 1974), American musician
  • Mireille (1906–1996), French singer-songwriter and actress
  • Mirela (born 1990), Spanish singer
  • Miria, American singer-songwriter
  • Miriam (born circa 1981), Mexican pre-operative transsexual
  • Mirud, Albanian snger
  • Mirusia (born 1985), Australian soprano
  • Misha (born 1975), Slovak singer
  • Mísia (born 1955), Portuguese singer
  • Misia (born 1978), Japanese singer-songwriter and musician
  • misono (born 1984), Japanese singer
  • MIST (born 1992), British rapper
  • Misterioso (born 1966), Mexican-American wrestler
  • Místico (born 1982), Mexican wrestler
  • Mistinguett (1875–1956), French singer
  • Mitski (born 1990), Japanese-American singer
  • Mitsou (born 1970), Canadian pop singer, businesswoman, television and radio host, and actress
  • Miúcha (born 1937), Brazilian singer and composer
  • Miwa (born 1990), Japanese singer-songwriter, musician and radio DJ
  • Miyavi (born 1981), Japanese entertainer
  • Miz (born 1981), Japanese singer
  • Mizchif (born 1976), Zimbabwean-born South African rapper
  • MØ (born 1988), Danish singer, songwriter and record producer
  • Moana (born 1961), New Zealand singer-songwriter and documentary maker
  • Moby (born 1965), American musician
  • Mocky (born 1974), Canadian musician, producer, songwriter and performer
  • Moddi, Norwegian musician
  • Mogol (born 1936), Italian music lyricist
  • Mohan (born 1956), Indian actor
  • Mohini, Indian actor
  • Mohombi (born 1986), Swedish-Congolese R&B singer, songwriter
  • Mokobé (born 1976), French-Malian rapper
  • Mokona (born 1968), Japanese manga artist
  • Molière (1622–1673), French playwright and actor
  • Momo (born 1974), Japanese singer-songwriter
  • Momus (born 1960), Scottish singer-songwriter
  • Monguito (d. 2006), Cuban singer
  • Monica (born 1980), American singer-songwriter and actress
  • Monica (born 1987), Indian actress
  • Monice (born 1989), Bosnian-born Austrian pop singer
  • Monifah (born 1972), American singer-songwriter
  • Mo’Nique (born 1967), American comedian and Academy Award-winning actress
  • Monisha (1971–1992), Indian actress
  • Montéhus (1872–1952), French singer-songwriter
  • Montrouge (died 1903), a comic actor in French musical theatre
  • Moomin (born 1972), Japanese reggae artist
  • Moony (born 1980), Italian musician
  • Moos (born 1974), French singer
  • Morena (born 1984), Maltese singer
  • Morgane (born 1975), Belgian singer
  • Morlacchi (born 1846), Italian dancer and actor
  • Moroccoblu (born 1979), Mexican singer-songwriter
  • Morris (born 1976), Romanian singer and DJ
  • Motilal (1910–1965), Indian actor
  • Motsu, Japanese rapper (Member of m.o.v.e.)
  • MoZella (born 1981), singer-songwriter
  • Mozez, Jamaican-born English singer-songwriter
  • Mugihito (born 1944), Japanese voice actor
  • Mugison (born 1976), Icelandic musician
  • Muhin, Bangladeshi singer
  • Muhsinah (born 1983), American singer-songwriter and producer
  • Mukesh (1923–1976), Indian singer
  • Mukesh (born 1957), Indian actor and producer
  • Muki (born 1975), Israeli singer-songwriter, musician and rapper
  • Mukkamala (1920–1987), Indian actor
  • Mumtaj (born 1980), Indian actress
  • Mumtaz (born 1947), Indian actress
  • Muna, Nigerian hip hop artist and model
  • Mundy (born 1976), Irish singer-songwriter
  • Murali (1954–2009), Indian actor and author
  • Murali (1964–2010), Indian actor
  • Murcof (born 1970), Mexican musician and record producer
  • Murphy (born 1988), Australian wrestler
  • Muscles, Australian electronica musician
  • Musidora (1889–1957), French actress
  • Muska (born 1952), Finnish singer
  • Mussum (1941–1994), Brazilian actor and musician
  • Muzi (born 1991), South African musician and record producer
  • Mxmtoon (born 2000), American singer-songwriter and YouTuber
  • Mýa (born 1979), American singer
  • Myco (born 1979), Japanese singer, voice actress and radio personality
  • Mynavathi (1935–2012), Indian actress
  • Mystic, American hip hop artist
  • Mystikal (born 1970), American rapper and actor
  • Myztiko (born 1988), Canadian reggaeton producer


  • Naama (born 1934), Tunisian singer
  • Nabiha, Danish singer-songwriter and actress
  • Nacho (born 1983), Venezuelan singer
  • Nada (born 1953), Italian singer
  • Nadeem (born 1941), Indian-born Pakistani actor
  • Nadhiya (born 1966), Indian actress
  • Nádine (born 1982), South African singer
  • Nâdiya (born 1973), French singer
  • Nagesh (1933–2009), Indian comedian and actor
  • Nagma (born 1974), Indian actress
  • Najee (born 1957), American jazz saxophonist and flautist
  • Najim (born 1985), Algerian/French raï singer
  • Nakul (born 1984), Indian actor and singer
  • Naldo, Puerto Rican singer-songwriter and producer
  • Naledge (born 1983), American rapper
  • Namitha (born 1980), Indian actress
  • Nana (born 1968), Ghanaian-born German rapper
  • Nana (born 1983), Malaysian DJ, singer and actress
  • Nana (born 1991), South Korean singer, actress, and model
  • Nanao (born 1988), Japanese model and actress
  • Nanda (born 1939), Indian actress
  • Nanditha (born 1978), Indian singer
  • Naomi (born 1987), American professional wrestler, actress, model, dancer, and singer
  • Napoleon (born 1963), Indian actor
  • Napoleon (born 1977), American rapper and motivational speaker
  • Narain (born 1979), Indian actor
  • Naresh (born 1960), Indian film actor, politician, and social activist
  • Nargis (1929–1981), Indian actress
  • Nargis (born 1976), Pakistani actress
  • Narsha (born 1981), South Korean singer and dancer
  • Nas (born 1973), American rapper
  • Nashad (1923–1981), Pakistani-Indian composer and music producer
  • Nasri (born 1981), Canadian singer, songwriter and music producer
  • Nassar (born 1958), Indian actor, producer, director, lyricist and singer
  • Natalia (born 1980), Belgian singer
  • Natalia (born 1982), Spanish singer
  • Natalia (born 1983), Greek singer
  • Natalie (born 1979), American singer-songwriter
  • Natalise (born 1985), American singer-songwriter
  • Natalya (born 1982), Canadian female wrestler
  • Natassha (born 1981), Indian model and actress
  • Nature (born 1972), American rapper
  • Naushad (1919–2006), Indian musician and music director
  • NAV (born 1989), Canadian rapper
  • Navdeep (born 1980), Indian actor
  • Nawal, Comorian musician
  • Nayantara (born 1984), Indian actress
  • Nayobe (born 1968), American singer
  • Naza (born 1993), French rapper and singer of Congolese origin
  • Necro (born 1976), American rapper, producer, actor and director
  • Necrobutcher (born 1968), Norwegian musician
  • Needlz, American hip hop producer and composer
  • Neeli (born 1966), Pakistani actress
  • Neja (born 1972), Italian singer
  • Nek (born 1972), Italian singer-songwriter
  • Nekfeu (born 1990), French-Greek rapper, actor and record producer
  • Nelly (born 1974), American rapper
  • Nelly (born 1949), Egyptian actress, singer, comedian, television personality
  • Nely (born 1987), Puerto Rican reggaeton producer
  • Nena (born 1960), German singer and actress
  • Népal (1994–2019), French rapper and beatmaker
  • Nerdkween, American singer-songwriter
  • Nesli (born 1980), Italian rapper and producer
  • Nesty (born 1973), Puerto Rican reggaeton producer
  • Nevaeh (born 1986), American wrestler
  • Neville (born 1986), English wrestler
  • Newkid (born 1990), Swedish-Filipino rapper
  • Neymar (born 1992), Brazilian footballer
  • Ngaire, New Zealand singer
  • Niarn (born 1979), Danish rapper
  • Nichkhun (born 1988), American/Thai K-pop singer
  • Nicki (born 1966), German singer and composer
  • Nico (1938–1988), German model and singer-songwriter
  • Nico (born 1970), Romanian singer
  • Nicolay, Dutch hip hop musician
  • Nicole (born 1964), German singer
  • Nicole (born 1977), Chilean singer
  • Nicoletta (born 1944), French singer
  • Nicolette, British singer-songwriter
  • Niello, Swedish rapper and electronic hip hop artist
  • Nikki, Japanese-born American musician
  • Nikki (born 1985), Malaysian singer
  • Niklas (born 1983), Danish singer songwriter
  • Nimmi (born 1933), Indian actress
  • Nina (born 1966), Spanish singer and actress
  • Nine (born 1969), American rapper
  • Ninezero, Australian singer-songwriter and musician
  • Ninho (born 1996), French-Congolese rapper
  • Ninja, English rapper
  • Nino (born 1981), Greek singer-songwriter and musician
  • Nirala (1937-1990), Pakistani comedian
  • Niska (born 1994), French rapper
  • Nitro, Mexican wrestler
  • Nitti, American record producer
  • Nitty (born 1977), American rapper
  • Nivea (born 1982), American singer and songwriter
  • Nneka (born 1980), Nigerian-German singer and songwriter
  • Noa (born 1969), Israeli singer
  • Node (born 1990), Danish singer and hip hop artist
  • Nodesha (born 1985), American singer
  • Noel, Puerto Rican singer
  • Noelia (born 1977), Puerto Rican singer-songwriter
  • Noemi (born 1982), Italian singer
  • Noizy (born 1986), Albanian rapper
  • Nokko (born 1963), Japanese singer-songwriter
  • Nonchalant (born 1973), American singer, rapper and songwriter
  • Noodles (born 1963), American guitarist
  • Noor (born 1982), Pakistani actress and model
  • Normani (born 1996), American singer
  • Nornagest (born 1977), Belgian singer and musician
  • Nour (born 1977), Lebanese actress
  • Nourhanne (born 1977), Lebanese singer
  • Novel (born 1981), American hip hop artist
  • Noztra (born 1982), Dominican-born American musician
  • Nucha (born 1966), Portuguese singer
  • Nujabes, Japanese hip hop producer and DJ
  • Numskull (born 1975), American rapper
  • Nutan (1936–1991), Indian actress
  • Nygma (born 1974), Mexican wrestler
  • nZo (born 1986), American rapper and wrestler


  • Oceana (born 1982), German singer
  • Octagón (born 1961), Mexican wrestler
  • Octagóncito (born 1973), Mexican wrestler
  • Octahvia, American singer
  • Odetta (1930–2008), American singer-songwriter, actress, guitarist, and civil/human rights activist
  • Offset (born 1991), American rapper
  • Oforia (born 1971), Israeli electronic music artist and music producer
  • Ogeday (born 1981), Turkish rap singer
  • Ola (born 1986), Swedish singer
  • Olamide (born 1989), Nigerian hip-hop artist
  • Olímpico (born 1965), Mexican wrestler
  • Oliver (1945–2000), American singer
  • Olivia (born 1979), Japanese American singer-songwriter
  • Olivia (born 1980), American singer
  • Olunike (born 1977), Canadian actress
  • Omarion (born 1984), American singer-songwriter, actor, dancer and producer
  • Omarosa (born 1974), American television show participant and writer
  • Omnionn, Salvadoran music producer
  • Omos (born 1994), Nigerian-American wrestler
  • Onew (born 1989), singer, dancer, lyricist, presenter, radio host, MC and promotional model
  • Onyx, American wrestler
  • Opaque (born 1976), Norwegian rapper
  • Oprah (born 1954), American actress and executive
  • Orelsan (born 1982), French hip hop and rap artist
  • Oreste (1923–1998), Maltese actor-singer, popular in «The Vagabond King»
  • Orianthi (born 1985), Australian singer-songwriter and guitarist
  • Origa (born 1970), Russian Japanese singer
  • Oscarito (1906–1970), Brazilian actor and comedian
  • Osez, Swiss rapper and dancer
  • Otis (born 1991), American wrestler
  • Outasight (born 1983), American singer-songwriter and rapper
  • Outsider (born 1983), South Korean rapper
  • Ovidie, French director, producer and pornographic actress


  • Pacifico (born 1964), Italian singer-songwriter and composer
  • Padmini (1932–2006), Indian actress
  • Paige (born 1992), English wrestler
  • Palito (1934–2010), Filipino actor
  • Pampidoo, Jamaican musician, songwriter and DJ
  • Panaiotis, American vocalist and composer
  • Pandora (born 1970), Swedish eurodance artist
  • Panti (born 1968), Irish performer
  • Paperboy (born 1969), American rapper
  • Papoose (born 1978), American rapper
  • Paradime (born 1974), American hip hop singer and musician
  • Parajanov (1924–1990), Soviet Armenian film director
  • Paraluman (1923–2009), Filipino actress
  • Paris (born 1967), American hip hop artist
  • Parisa (born 1950), Iranian singer and musician
  • PartyNextDoor (born 1993), Canadian rapper, singer, songwriter, and record producer
  • Passenger (born 1984), British singer-songwriter and indie pop/folk/rock singer
  • Passi (born 1972), French hip hop artist
  • Pasupathy (born 1968), Indian actor
  • Pata (born 1965), Japanese musician and songwriter
  • Patachou (born 1918), French singer
  • Patra (born 1972), Jamaican singer
  • Patrizia, Italian-born Canadian singer
  • Pauline (born 1988), French singer-songwriter
  • Paulini (born 1982), Fijian-born Australian singer-songwriter and actress
  • Peaches (born 1968), Canadian musician
  • Pebbles (born 1964), American singer, songwriter and producer
  • Pegasso (born 1978), Mexican wrestler
  • Peirol, French composer
  • Peja (born 1976), Polish rap musician, songwriter and producer
  • Pelé (1940–2022), Brazilian footballer, occasional actor and singer-songwriter
  • Perarasu, Indian director
  • Perdigon, French composer
  • Peret (born 1935), Spanish singer, musician and composer
  • Perfect (born 1980), Jamaican singer
  • Perla (born 1952), Paraguayan-Brazilian singer
  • Perlla (born 1988), Brazilian singer
  • Pérotin, European composer
  • Pest (born 1975), Norwegian black metal vocalist
  • Peter (born 1952), Japanese singer, dancer and actor
  • PewDiePie (born 1989), Swedish web-based comedian and producer
  • Phew (born 1959), Japanese singer
  • Philomina (1926–2006), Indian actress
  • Photek (born 1972), British disc jockey and record producer
  • Phranc (born 1952), American singer-songwriter
  • Phyno (born 1986), Nigerian rapper and record producer
  • Pianoman, British dance music producer
  • Pierrot (born 1969), Hungarian singer-songwriter, music producer and game designer
  • Pierrothito (born 1967), Mexican wrestler
  • Pikotaro, Japanese entertainer and comedian
  • Pinchers (born 1965), Jamaican singer
  • Pink (born 1979), American singer-songwriter
  • Piotta (born 1973), Italian hip hop musician
  • Pitbull (born 1981), American rapper
  • Pitof (born 1957), French film director
  • Pitty (born 1977), Brazilian singer
  • Pixinguinha (1897–1973), Brazilian composer and musician
  • Plavka (born 1968), British-American singer
  • Playalitical (born 1982), American rapper
  • Plies (born 1976), American rapper
  • Pliers (born 1963), Jamaican Reggae singer
  • PLK, acronyme for Polak (born 1997), French rapper of mixed Polish and Corsican origin
  • Plumb (born 1975), American musician
  • Pocah (born 1994), Brazilian singer-songwriter
  • Poe (born 1968), American singer-songwriter
  • Pokwang (born 1970), Filipino comedian, and dramatic actress
  • Polaire (1874–1939), Algerian-born French singer and actress
  • Poldowski (1879–1932), Belgian-born British composer and pianist
  • Pollyfilla (born 1978), New Zealand performer
  • Pólvora (born 1979), Mexican wrestler
  • Ponvannan (born 1964), Indian actor
  • Pooh (born 1974), Filipino comedian
  • Poorna, Indian actress and model
  • Poornitha (born 1990), Indian actress
  • Poppy (born 1995), American singer-songwriter
  • Porta (born 1988), Spanish rap singer
  • Povia (born 1972), Italian singer-songwriter
  • Pras (born 1972), American rapper
  • Prasanna (born 1982), Indian actor
  • Predikador (born 1983), Panamanian producer
  • Prema, Malaysian singer-songwriter and musician
  • Premji (1908–1998), Indian actor
  • Preslava (born 1984), Bulgarian singer
  • Princessa, American rapper and singer
  • Princessa (born 1975), Spanish singer
  • Pritam, Indian composer and music director
  • Priyamani (born 1984), Indian actress and model
  • Promise (born 1982), Canadian rapper
  • Promoe (born 1976), Swedish rapper
  • Proof (1973–2006), American rapper
  • Prozak (born 1977), American independent rapper and film director
  • Psarantonis (born 1942), Greek singer-songwriter and musician
  • Psicosis (born 1971), Mexican wrestler
  • Psy (born 1977), South Korean entertainer
  • Psychosiz (born 1984), American rapper
  • Pugo (1910–1978), Filipino actor, comedian, director, and vaudevillian
  • Pulsedriver (born 1974), German DJ and producer
  • Puntillita (1921–2000), Cuban singer
  • Pupo (born 1955), Italian singer and lyricist
  • Pushead, American artist and writer
  • Pushim (born 1975), Japanese reggae artist
  • Pycard, European composer
  • Pyranja (born 1978), German rapper


  • QBoy (born 1978), British rapper, producer, DJ, writer and presenter
  • QT (born 1988), singer and performance artist
  • Quavo (born 1991), American rapper, singer, and producer
  • Questlove (born 1971), American drummer, DJ and record producer
  • Quicksilver, American wrestler
  • Quino (born 1932), Argentine cartoonist
  • Qwel (born 1980), American underground rapper and author
  • Qwote, Haitian American singer-songwriter; club, pop, R&B, electronic and urban artist


  • Raaghav (born 1974), Indian actor
  • Raakhee (born 1947), Indian actress
  • Raasi, Indian actress
  • Rachel, French singer
  • Radha (born 1965), Indian actress
  • Radioinactive, American rapper
  • Raekwon (born 1970), American rapper
  • Raf (born 1959), Italian singer-songwriter
  • Raffi (born 1948), Canadian singer-songwriter
  • Raghav (born 1981), Canadian singer-songwriter
  • Raghuvaran (1954–2008), Indian actor
  • Ragini (1937–1976), Indian danseuse and actress
  • Rahzel (born 1964), American hip-hop artist
  • Raimu (1883–1946), French actor
  • Rain (born 1982), South Korean entertainer
  • Raja (born 1978), Indian actor
  • Rajesh (born 1949), Indian actor
  • Rajinikanth (born 1950), Indian actor
  • Rajkiran (born 1954), Indian actor, producer and director
  • Rajkumar (1929–2006), Indian actor and singer
  • Rakim (born 1968), American rapper
  • Rakshita (born 1984), Indian actress
  • Ramarajan (born 1960), Indian actor
  • Rambha (born 1976), Indian actress
  • Rammellzee (1960–2010), American performance artist and hip-hop musician
  • Ramón (born 1985), Spanish singer-songwriter
  • Ramona (1909–1972), American singer and pianist
  • Ramya (born 1982), Indian actress
  • Rani (1946–1993), Pakistani actress
  • Ranjitha (born 1975), Indian film and television actress
  • Raphael (born 1943), Spanish singer and actor
  • Raptile (born 1976), German rapper, producer and songwriter
  • Rasco (born 1970), American rapper
  • Rasel (born 1981), Spanish singer
  • Rasheeda (born 1982), American rapper
  • Rasta (born 1963), American football player and actor
  • Ratheesh (1954–2002), Indian actor
  • Ratsy (born 1994), American folk singer-songwriter
  • Raven (born 1964), American wrestler and occasional actor
  • Raven (born 1979), American performer and TV personality
  • Ravi (1926–2012), Indian music director
  • Ravi (born 1976), Norwegian artist, musician, vocalist, composer, journalist
  • Ravichandran (d. 2011), Tamil actor
  • Raylene (born 1977), American pornographic actress
  • Raymzter (born 1979), Dutch rapper
  • Rayvon (born 1970), Barbadian singer
  • Raziel (born 1973), Mexican wrestler
  • Razzle (1960–1984), British drummer
  • Reba (born 1955), American singer
  • Redman (born 1970), American rapper, producer and actor
  • RedOne (born 1972), Moroccan-Swedish-American producer, songwriter and music executive
  • Reina (born 1978), American singer-songwriter
  • Rekha (born 1970), Indian Tamil actress
  • Rekha (born 1954), Malayalam film actress
  • Rell (born 1976), singer and songwriter
  • Remady (born 1977), Swiss music producer
  • Remedy (born 1972), American emcee and hip hop producer
  • Renaud (born 1952), French singer-songwriter and actor
  • Res, American singer
  • Resham (born 1976), Pakistani actress
  • Reshma (born 1947), Pakistani singer
  • Retta (born 1970), American actress and stand-up comedienne
  • Revathi (born 1966), Indian actress and director
  • Reyash (born 1974), Polish musician and singer
  • Reyli (born 1972), Mexican singer-songwriter
  • Reynaert (born 1955), Belgian singer-songwriter
  • Rezar (born 1994), Dutch/Albanian professional wrestler and former mixed martial artist
  • Rhianna (born 1983), English singer
  • Rhydian (born 1983), Welsh singer
  • Rhymefest (born 1977), American hip hop artist
  • Rhymson (born 1968), Tanzanian rapper
  • Rhyno (aka Rhino; born 1975), American wrestler
  • Ricky, Japanese singer, musician
  • Rico, Scottish musician
  • Ricochet (born 1988), American wrestler
  • Ridan (born 1975), French singer
  • Rihanna (born 1988), Barbadian singer
  • Rikishi (aka Rikishi Phatu, Fatu; born 1965), Samoan American professional wrestler
  • Rikki (born 1975), Japanese folk singer
  • Rikrok (born 1972), English singer
  • Rim’K (born 1978), French-Algerian rapper
  • Rinku (born 1988), Indian wrestler
  • Riria (born 1993), Japanese actress
  • Rita, Japanese voice actress, singer and lyricist
  • Rita (born 1962), Iranian-born Israeli singer and actress
  • Rivulets, American singer-songwriter
  • Riya, Japanese singer
  • RM (born 1994), South Korean rapper and record producer
  • Robert (born 1964), French singer-songwriter
  • Robin (born 1998), Finnish singer and teen pop artist
  • Robyn (born 1979), Swedish singer-songwriter
  • Robyx (aka Savage), Italian singer, music producer, composer and businessman
  • Rocc (born 1979), Slovenian-born opera stage director, scenographer, dramaturge and performance artist
  • Rock (aka Big Rock, The Rockness Monsta; born 1973), American rapper
  • Rocko (born 1979), American rapper
  • Rockwilder (born 1971), American hip hop and R&B record producer
  • Rodriguez (born 1942), American folk musician
  • Roesy, Irish singer-songwriter and model
  • Rohff (born 1977), French rapper
  • Rohini (born 1969), Indian actress, lyricist, screenwriter, voice actor and director
  • Rojan, Iranian singer
  • Rola (born 1990), Japanese fashion model and TV personality of Bangladeshi descent
  • Roma (born 1984), Indian actress and model
  • Romanthony, American musician
  • Rome (born 1970), American R&B singer
  • Romeo (born 1980), English rapper and MC
  • Ronaldo (born 1976), Brazilian footballer and occasional actor
  • Rosalía (born 1993), Spanish singer-songwriter
  • Rosangela (born 1983), Puerto Rican singer
  • Roscoe (born 1983), American rapper
  • Rosé (born 1997), South Korean-Australian singer
  • Rosemarie (born 1948), Filipino actress
  • Rosemary (born 1983), Canadian wrestler
  • Roshan (1917–1967), Indian composer
  • Roshana (born 1989), Canadian singer-songwriter
  • Roshini, Indian Tamil playback singer
  • Rosko, American singer-songwriter and producer
  • Rossa (born 1978), Indonesian singer
  • Rowan (born 1981), American wrestler
  • Rowetta (born 1966), English singer
  • Rox (born 1988), English singer-songwriter
  • Roya (born 1982), Azerbaijani singer
  • Rozalla (born 1964), Zambian singer
  • Ruby (born 1972), American pornographic actress
  • Ruby (born 1981), Egyptian singer and actress
  • Rufus (aka Zio Vittorio)
  • Ruggedman, Nigerian rapper
  • Rukkus (born 1970), American wrestler
  • Rumer, Pakistani-born British singer-songwriter
  • RUNAGROUND, American electro-pop artist, producer, and singer-songwriter
  • RuPaul (born 1960), American drag queen, talk show host, film and television performer
  • Rupini (born 1969), Indian actress
  • Rurutia, Japanese singer-songwriter
  • Rusev (born 1985), Bulgarian wrestler
  • Ruslana (born 1973), Ukrainian singer
  • Russya (born 1968), Ukrainian singer and musician
  • Ruudolf (born 1983), Finnish hip hop artist
  • Ryback (born 1981), American wrestler
  • Ryeowook (born 1987), South Korean singer-songwriter and occasional actor
  • Ryō (born 1973), Japanese model, actress and singer
  • Ryuichi (born 1970), Japanese singer-songwriter
  • RZA (born 1969), American rapper, record producer, musician, actor, filmmaker and author


  • Saandip (born 1978), Indian singer, actor and anchor
  • Saara (born 1994), Finnish singer and TV host
  • Sabah (1927–2014), Lebanese singer and actress
  • Sabi (born 1988), American singer/songwriter and actress
  • Sabian (born 1979), American wrestler
  • Sable (born 1967), American model, actress and wrestler
  • Sabrina (born 1936), English glamour model
  • Sabrina (born 1968), Italian singer
  • Sabrina (born 1969), Greek singer
  • Sabrina (born 1983), Portuguese singer
  • Sabrina (born 1989), Filipino singer
  • Sabu (1924–1963), Indian-American actor
  • Sabu (born 1964), American wrestler
  • Sachin (born 1957), Indian actor and producer
  • Sadahzinia (born 1977), Greek rapper
  • Sadayakko (1871–1946), Japanese geisha, actress and dancer
  • Sade (born 1959), Nigerian-born British singer-songwriter
  • Sadha (born 1984), Indian actress
  • Sadhana (born 1941), Indian actress
  • Sadiki (born 1971), Jamaican-American singer-songwriter and producer
  • Saffron (born 1968), Nigerian-born British singer
  • Safir, Danish singer, musician and composer
  • Saga (born 1975), Swedish white nationalist singer-songwriter
  • Sagarika (born 1970), Indian singer
  • Sagat, American rapper and music producer
  • Sahakdukht, Armenian composer
  • Sahlene (born 1976), Swedish singer and actress
  • Saigon (born 1977), American rapper
  • Saikumar (born 1963), Indian actor
  • Sailorine (born 1979), Norwegian singer-songwriter and musician
  • Saima (born 1967), Pakistani actress
  • Saindhavi (born 1989), Indian singer
  • Saki (born 1870), English writer
  • Sakura (born 1969), Japanese musician
  • Salif (born 1982), French rapper
  • Salomé (born 1943), Spanish singer
  • Salome (born 1985), Iranian rapper
  • Saloni (1950–2010), Pakistani film actress
  • Salyu (born 1980), Japanese singer
  • Sameksha (born 1985), Indian actress
  • Sammie (born 1987), American singer and actor
  • Sampaguita, Filipino singer
  • Samsaya (born 1979), Indian-born Norwegian singer and actress
  • Samsong (born 1974), Nigerian singer
  • Samuthirakani (born 1973), Indian director
  • Sandhya (born 1989), Indian actress
  • Sandra (born 1962), German singer
  • Sandrin, French composer
  • Sandrine (born c. 1979), Australian singer-songwriter and musician
  • Sandy (born 1983), Brazilian singer-songwriter, producer and actress
  • Sandy (born 1986), Egyptian singer
  • Sangeeta (born 1947), Pakistani actress and film director
  • Sangeeta, Indian Telugu actress
  • Sangeetha, Indian Tamil actress
  • Sanghavi (born 1977), Indian actress
  • Sangtar (born 1973), Indian singer-songwriter
  • Sanjivani, Indian singer
  • Sankaradi (1924–2001), Indian actor
  • Sanrabb, Norwegian musician
  • Santhanam (born 1980), Indian actor and producer
  • Santhoshi (born 1987), Indian actress
  • Santigold (born 1976), American singer-songwriter and producer
  • Santo (1917–1984), Mexican wrestler and actor
  • Sapho (born 1950), Moroccan-born French singer
  • Sapphire (1935–1996), American wrestler
  • Sapphire (born 1950), American author and performance poet
  • Sarai (born 1981), American rapper and actress
  • Sarangapani, Indian composer
  • Sarbel (born 1986), British-Cypriot singer
  • Sarika (born 1962), Indian actress
  • Saritah, Australian singer-songwriter
  • Saritha, Indian actress
  • Sarp (born 1977), Turkish singer-songwriter and musician
  • Sarray (born 1996), Japanese wrestler
  • Sascha (born 1976), German pornographic actor
  • Sash! (born 1970), German DJ and producer
  • Sasha (born 1974), Jamaican dancehall recording artist and DJ
  • Sasha (born 1979), Russian-born American singer, songwriter, performing artist, model, choreographer, and TV-video producer
  • Sasha (born 1969), Welsh DJ and producer
  • Sat (born 1975), French rapper
  • Satchel (born 1970), American musician and songwriter
  • Sathyaraj (born 1954), Indian actor
  • Satomi’ (born 1989), Japanese singer-songwriter
  • Satsuki, Japanese musician
  • Saud, Pakistani film and television actor/producer
  • Saukrates (born 1977), Canadian rapper, singer and record producer
  • Saurav (born 1985), Indian wrestler
  • Savage (born 1981), New Zealander hip hop singer and rapper
  • Savage (born 1956), Italian singer, record producer and composer
  • Savannah (1970–1994), American pornographic actress
  • Savitri (1937–1981), Indian actress, director and producer
  • Scarface (born 1970), American rapper
  • Scarlett (born 1991), American wrestler
  • SCH (born 1993), French rapper of German descent
  • Schmier (born 1966), German musician
  • Scialpi (born 1962), Italian singer
  • Scorcher, British MC and producer
  • Scribe (born 1979), New Zealand rapper
  • Seagram (1970–1996), American rapper
  • Seal (born 1963), British singer
  • Seamo (born 1975), Japanese rapper and hip-hop artist
  • Sebastian, American rapper
  • SebastiAn, French musician, composer, engineer and DJ
  • Seema (born 1957), Indian actress
  • Seetha, Indian actress
  • Sefyu (born 1981), French rapper
  • Sehun (born 1994), South Korean dancer and rapper
  • Seka (born 1954), American pornographic actress
  • Selan, American musician and singer-songwriter
  • Selen (born 1966), Italian actress, TV presenter and pornographic actress
  • Selena (1971–1995), American singer
  • Selwyn (born 1982), South Africa-born Australian singer
  • Sensei (born 1978), Mexican wrestler
  • Senthil (born 1951), Indian actor
  • Seohyun (born 1991), South Korean singer, dancer, model and actress
  • Seorak (born 1981), South Korean singer and VJ
  • September (born 1984), Swedish singer
  • Seremoniamestari, Finnish rap artist
  • Serena, American pornographic actress
  • Serenity (born 1969), American pornographic actress
  • Sergi (born 1971), Spanish retired footballer
  • Seryoga (born 1976), Belarusian rapper
  • Sesenne (1914–2010), Saint Lucian singer
  • Seulgi (born 1994), South Korean singer
  • Seungri (born 1990), Korean singer, dancer and actor
  • Seven (born 1978), Swiss musician and singer
  • Seven (born 1984), South Korean singer
  • Séverine (born 1948), French singer
  • Sha (born 1979), German singer
  • Shaam (born 1978), Indian model and actor
  • Shaan (born 1972), Indian singer and TV host
  • Shabnam (born 1942), Pakistani actress
  • Shad (1981–2020), American professional wrestler
  • Shad (born 1982), Kenyan-born Canadian hip hop musician
  • Shadia (born 1929), Egyptian actress and singer
  • Shaggy (born 1968), Jamaica-born American singer and musician
  • Shagrath (born 1976), Norwegian musician
  • Shahid (born 1950), Pakistani actor
  • Shahir (born 1988), Malaysian singer
  • Shake (born 1950), Malaysian singer
  • Shakeel (born 1938), Pakistani actor
  • Shakeela (born 1973), Indian actress
  • Shakila, Indian actress
  • Shakila (born 1962), Iranian singer
  • Shakira (born 1977), Colombian singer-songwriter
  • Shamili (born 1987), Indian actress
  • Shamir (born 1994), American musician
  • Shammi (1929–2018), Indian actress
  • Shammu (born 1992), Indian actress and model
  • Shana (born 1972), American singer
  • Shane (born 1969), American pornographic actress and director
  • Shanice (born 1973), American singer-songwriter
  • Shankar (born 1960), Indian actor and director
  • Shanmugasundari (d. 2012), Indian actress
  • Shannon (born 1958), American singer
  • Shantel (born 1968), German DJ and record producer
  • Sharada (born 1945), Indian actress
  • Sharda, Indian singer
  • Shareefa (born 1984), American singer
  • Sharissa (born 1976), American singer
  • Shark, American composer
  • Sharkula, American rapper
  • Shashikala (born 1933), Indian actress
  • Shawnna (born 1979), American rapper
  • Shazza (born 1967), Polish singer and occasional actress
  • Sheamus (born 1978), Irish professional wrestler and actor
  • Sheela (born 1945), Indian actress
  • Sheila (born 1945), French singer
  • Sheila (born 1984), German singer (folk and schlager music)
  • Shèna (born 1971), English singer
  • Shequida, Jamaican singer-songwriter and drag artist
  • Sherin (born 1985), Indian actress and model
  • Sherine (born 1980), Egyptian singer and actress
  • Sherrick (1957–1999), American musician
  • Shifty (born 1974), American singer
  • Shiloh (born 1993), Canadian singer-songwriter
  • Shinehead (born 1962), English-born Jamaican singer, rapper and DJ
  • Shing02 (born 1975), Japanese hip hop recording artist and record producer
  • Shinya (born 1970), Japanese musician and television personality
  • Shocker (born 1971), Mexican wrestler
  • Shockercito (born 1980), Mexican wrestler
  • Shona, French singer-songwriter
  • Shontelle (born 1985), American singer
  • Shoo (born 1981), Korean singer
  • Shorty (born 1980), Croatian rapper
  • Shotzi (born 1992), American wrestler
  • Shruti, Indian actress
  • Shurik’n (born in 1966), French hip hop artist
  • Shwayze (born 1985), American rapper
  • Shyama (1935–2017), Indian actress
  • Shy’m (born 1985), French singer
  • Shyne (born 1978), Belizean rapper
  • Shystie (born 1982), British rapper, songwriter and actress
  • Sia (born 1975), Australian singer and songwriter
  • Sibel (born 1987), Swedish singer
  • Sibiraj (born 1982), Indian actor
  • Siddique (born 1962), Indian film actor/producer, entrepreneur
  • Sido (born 1980), German rapper
  • Sie7e (born 1977), Puerto Rican singer
  • Sieneke (born 1992), Dutch singer
  • Sifow (born 1985), Japanese singer
  • Sigga, Icelandic singer
  • Sigrid, Norwegian singer
  • Silenoz (born 1977), Norwegian guitarist
  • Silvan (born 1935), Italian illusionist, writer and television personality
  • Sim (1926–2009), French humorist, writer and comedian
  • Simone (born 1962), American singer and actress
  • Simone (born 1992), Danish pop singer
  • Simon-Max (1852 to 1923), French tenor
  • Simran (born 1976), Indian actress
  • Sinbad (born 1956), American actor and comedian
  • Singuila, French singer
  • Sinik (born 1980), French rap artist
  • Sinitta (born 1968), American-born British singer and actress
  • Sirima (1964–1989), British singer
  • Sirone (1940–2009), American musician and composer
  • Sirusho (born 1987), Armenian singer
  • Sisaundra, American singer-songwriter and producer
  • Sisqó (born 1978), American R&B singer, songwriter, record producer, dancer and actor
  • Sissel (born 1969), Norwegian singer
  • Sita (born 1980), Dutch singer
  • Sithara (born 1973), Indian actress
  • Sivakumar (born 1939), Indian actor
  • S!vas, Danish rapper of Iranian origin
  • Sivuca (1930–2006), Brazilian musician
  • Sizzla (aka Sizzla Kalonji)
  • Škabo (born 1976), Serbian rapper and producer
  • Skayde (born 1964), Mexican wrestler
  • Skerik, American musician
  • Skillz, American rapper
  • Skin (born 1967), British singer
  • Skinnyman (born 1974), English rapper
  • Skitzo (born 1982), American rapper and hip hop producer
  • Skrillex (born 1988), American DJ and singer-songwriter
  • Skyla (born 1991), English singer
  • Skyzoo (born 1982), American hip hop emcee
  • Slaine (born 1977), American hip hop MC
  • Slash (born 1965), British-born American guitarist
  • Sliimy (born 1988), French musician
  • Slim (born 1979), American R&B singer
  • Slimmy, Portuguese singer
  • Slug (born 1972), American rapper
  • Smartzee (born 1980), French-American rapper
  • Smita (born 1980), Indian singer, actress and TV anchor
  • Smitty, American rapper
  • Smooth (born 1970), American singer, rapper and actress
  • Smudo (born 1968), German rapper
  • Snakefinger (1949–1987), English musician
  • Sneha (born 1981), Indian actress
  • Snow (born 1969), Canadian singer-songwriter
  • Snow (born 1985), Japanese singer
  • Snowboy, British-Cuban musician
  • Sobha (1962–1980), Indian actress
  • Socalled, Canadian rapper and musician
  • Sócrates (1954–2011), Brazilian footballer
  • Sofia, Filipino singer
  • Sofiane (born 1986), French rapper of Algerian descent
  • Soko (born 1985), French singer and actress
  • Sokół (born 1977), Polish emcee
  • Sol (born 1988), American hip hop artist
  • Solage, French composer
  • Solbi (born 1984), South Korean singer and actress
  • Solé (born 1973), American rapper
  • Sole (born 1977), American hip hop artist
  • Sóley, Icelandic singer, musician
  • Solitair, Canadian hip hop MC and producer
  • Solomon (1902–1988), British classical pianist
  • Solomon (born 1987), American hip hop artist
  • Somi (born 1979), American singer-songwriter
  • Sommore (born 1966), American actress and comedian
  • Sonam (born 1972), Indian actress
  • Sonia (born 1971), English singer
  • Sonim (born 1983), Japanese musician and singer-songwriter
  • Sonique (born 1968), British DJ and singer
  • Sonny (1935–1998), American singer and comedian
  • Sonu, Indian actress
  • Soopafly (born 1972), American hip hop producer and rapper
  • Sooyoung (born 1990), South Korean singer and actress
  • Sophie (1986–2021), Scottish music producer, singer, songwriter, and DJ
  • Soprano (born 1979), French rapper
  • Soraya (1969–2006), American singer-songwriter, guitarist and producer
  • Sordello, Italian composer
  • Sorkun, Spanish singer
  • Sorn (born 1996), Thai singer
  • Sosay (born 1980), American actress, model and wrestler
  • Soundarya (1972–2004), Indian actress
  • Sowelu (born 1982), Japanese singer
  • Soyeon (born 1998), South Korean singer, rapper, songwriter
  • Spagna (born 1954), Italian singer
  • Spark (born 1992), English singer-songwriter
  • Sparkle (born 1975), American singer
  • Speak (born 1976), Hungarian rapper, model and actor
  • Speech (born 1968), American rapper and musician
  • Speedy (born 1979), Puerto Rican Reggaeton artist
  • Spek, Canadian hip hop artist
  • Spens (born 1975), Bulgarian hip hop artist
  • Spike (born 1968), English singer-songwriter
  • Spot (1951–2023), American record producer
  • Spot (born 1987), American rapper
  • Sputnik (born 1943), Norwegian singer and musician
  • Squarepusher (born 1975), English musician
  • Sreenath (1957–2010), Indian actor
  • Sridevi (born 1963), Indian actress
  • Srihari (born 1964), Indian actor
  • Srikanth (born 1979), Indian actor
  • Sriman, Indian actor
  • Srinath, Indian actor and TV presenter
  • Srinivas (born 1959), Indian singer
  • Sripriya (born 1958), Indian actress
  • Srividya (1953–2006), Indian actress
  • SSGKobe, American rapper and singer-songwriter
  • Stacy (born 1990), Malaysian singer
  • Stalley (born 1982), American rapper
  • Stanislas (born 1972), French singer
  • Starman (born 1974), Mexican wrestler
  • Starrah (born 1990), American singer-songwriter and rapper
  • Stelarc (born 1946), Cyprus-born Australian performance artist
  • Stella (born 1980), Chinese singer, actress and model
  • Stendhal (1783–1842), pen-name of the French writer Marie-Henri Beyle
  • Steno (1915–1988), Italian film director, screenwriter and cinematographer
  • Stephanie (born 1987), American-born Japanese singer, DJ and actress
  • Stepz, Danish rapper
  • Stig (born 1978), Finnish hip hop, R&B and country music singer
  • Stigma, American wrestler
  • Sting (born 1951), English musician
  • Sting (born 1959), American wrestler
  • Stoka (born 1981), Croatian rap artist
  • Stoya (born 1986), American pornographic actress and model
  • Striger, Canadian hip hop artist
  • Stromae (born 1985), Belgian Rwandan singer songwriter
  • Stylah, British rapper
  • Styrofoam, Belgian singer and musician
  • Suara, Japanese singer
  • Suave (born 1966), American singer
  • Subair (born 1962), Indian actor
  • Subliminal (born 1979), Israeli hip hop artist and producer
  • Subtitle (born 1978), American rapper and producer
  • Sudeepa (born 1975), Indian actor, director and producer
  • Sudhir (1921–1997), Pakistani actor
  • Suede, American jazz and blues singer
  • Suga (born 1993), South Korean rapper and producer
  • Suggs (born 1961), English singer-songwriter, musician, radio and television personality, and actor
  • Sugizo (born 1969), Japanese musician, singer, songwriter, composer, record producer, actor, writer and activist
  • Suho (born 1991), South Korean singer and actor
  • Sujatha (1952–2011), Indian actress
  • Sukanya (born 1969), Indian actress
  • Sukumaran (1948–1997), Indian actor
  • Sulakshana, Indian actress
  • Sulli (aka Sulli Choi)(born 1994), South Korean singer, actress and model
  • Sulo, Swedish musician
  • Sultan (born 1987), French Comorean hip hop artist and rapper
  • Sumalatha (born 1963), Indian actress
  • Suman (born 1959), Indian actor
  • Sumanth (born 1975), Indian actor
  • Sumathi (born 1964), Indian actress
  • Sunaina (born 1987), Indian actress
  • Sungmin (born 1986), South Korean singer and actor
  • Sunil, Indian actor
  • Sunjay (born 1993), English singer-songwriter and guitarist
  • Sunny (born 1989), American-born South Korean singer, dancer and TV presenter
  • Supastition, American hip hop artist
  • Supernatural (aka Super Nat or MC Supernatural; born 1970), American rapper
  • Supla (born 1966), Brazilian musician
  • Suraiya (1929–2004), Indian singer and actress
  • Susan (aka Suzan), Japanese singer
  • Susan (1942–2004), Iranian singer
  • Suthivelu (1947–2012), Indian actor and comedian
  • Suvalakshmi (born 1977), Indian actress
  • Suzy (born 1994), South Korean singer and actress
  • Svala (born 1977), Icelandic singer-songwriter
  • Swanee (born 1952), Scottish-born Australian singer
  • Swapna, Indian actress
  • Swarnalatha (1973–2010), Indian singer
  • Swarnamalya, Indian actress and TV anchor
  • Swingfly, American-born Swedish rapper and singer
  • Syang (born 1970), Brazilian musician, writer and model
  • Sybil (born 1965), American singer
  • Sylvester (1947–1988), American singer-songwriter, and gay drag performer
  • Sylvia (born 1956), American singer-songwriter
  • Sylviac (1891–1974), French opera singer, diseuse, and actress; mother of actress Françoise Rosay
  • Syreeta, American singer-songwriter
  • Syria (born 1977), Italian singer
  • SZA (born 1990), American singer and songwriter


  • Tablo (born 1980), Korean Canadian hip hop artist, songwriter, lyricist, and author
  • Taboo (born 1975), American rapper, singer, songwriter, actor and DJ
  • Tabu (born 1971), Indian actress
  • Taco (born 1955), Dutch singer
  • Tado (1974–2014), Filipino comedian, actor, radio personality, businessman
  • Taebin (born 1980), South Korean singer
  • Taegoon (born 1986), South Korean singer and dancer
  • Taeyang (born 1988), South Korean singer
  • Taeyeon (born 1989), South Korean entertainer
  • Taeyong (born 1995), South Korean entertainer
  • Taffy (born 1963), American singer
  • Tagaq (born 1975), Canadian singer
  • Tahis (born 1988), Spanish singer
  • Taiguara (1945–1996), Brazilian singer songwriter
  • Taiji (1966–2011), Japanese musician and singer-songwriter
  • Tainy (born 1989), Puerto Rican reggaeton producer
  • Taiska (born 1955), Finnish singer
  • Tajai (born 1975), American rapper and producer
  • Tajči (born 1970), Croatian singer, TV show host, published author and blogger
  • Tajiri (born 1970), Japanese wrestler
  • Takaloo (born 1975), Iranian born British based boxer
  • Takanohana (born 1972), Japanese sumo wrestler
  • Takeoff (born 1994), American rapper
  • Takfarinas (born 1958), French-Algerian singer-songwriter and musician
  • Taktloss (born 1975), German rap artist
  • Tal (born 1989), Israeli-French singer-songwriter and dancer
  • Támar (born 1980), American singer
  • Tamia (born 1975), Canadian-American singer-songwriter
  • Tamina, American professional wrestler and actress
  • Tamta (born 1981), Georgian singer
  • tana (born 2006), American rapper and singer
  • Tanisha (born 1978), Indian actress
  • Tank (born 1976), American singer-songwriter and record producer
  • Tank (born 1977), German musician
  • Tank (born 1982), Taiwanese singer-songwriter
  • Tanuja (born 1943), Indian actress
  • Tao (born 1993), Chinese rapper
  • Tara (1944–2007), Indian actress
  • Tara (born 1967), Indian actress
  • Tara (born 1971), American wrestler
  • Tarako (born 1960), Japanese voice actress
  • Tarkan (born 1972), Turkish singer
  • Tarja (born 1977), Finnish singer-songwriter
  • Tarsem (born 1961), Indian-American director
  • Tash (born 1971), American rapper
  • Tataee (born 1976), Romanian record producer and rapper
  • Tatanka (1961), American wrestler
  • Tatiana (born 1968), Mexican singer
  • Tau, Polish rapper, vocalist, beatboxer and hip-hop producer
  • Taz (akas: Taz Stereo Nation, Taz (Stereo Nation), Johnny Zee; born 1967), British singer, composer and actor
  • Tazz (akas: the Tasmanian Devil, the Tazmaniac, Kid Krush; born 1967), American radio presenter, color commentator and professional wrestler
  • T-Boz (born 1970), American singer-songwriter, actress, author, and executive producer
  • Tede (born 1976), Polish rapper
  • Teebs, American electronic producer and artist
  • Tei (born 1983), South Korean singer
  • Tejashree, Indian actress
  • Tekitha, American singer and rapper
  • Tela, American rapper
  • Temperamento (born 1981), Puerto Rican-American rap artist
  • Tenmon (born 1971), Japanese composer
  • Teoman (born 1967), Turkish singer-songwriter
  • Teru, Japanese guitarist
  • Teru, Japanese singer
  • Test, Canadian wrestler
  • Tété (born 1975), Senegalese-born French singer-songwriter and musician
  • Tetsuya (born 1969), Japanese singer, musician and composer
  • Thalía (born 1971), Mexican singer and actress
  • Thaman, Indian composer and actor
  • Tharika, Indian actress
  • The8, (born 1997) Chinese-born South Korean singer
  • Thekra (1966–2003), Tunisian singer
  • Thiaguinho (born 1983), Brazilian singer, composer and presenter
  • Thighpaulsandra (born 1958), Welsh experimental musician
  • Thor, Filipino singer-songwriter and performer
  • Thunderstick (born 1954), English drummer
  • Thrust (born 1976), Canadian rapper
  • Thulla (born 1968), Danish singer and composer
  • T.I. (akas: T.I., Tip, TIP, T.I.P.; born 1980), American rapper and actor
  • Tiê (born 1980), Brazilian singer-songwriter
  • Tiësto (born 1969), Dutch DJ and electronic music producer
  • Tifa (born 1960), Bosnian singer
  • Tiffany (born 1971), American singer
  • Tiffany (born 1985), American model, actress, stuntwoman, and wrestler
  • Tiffany (born 1989), South Korean singer, dancer, model and television host
  • Tiga (born 1974), Canadian DJ and producer
  • Tiggy, Danish singer
  • Tim (born 1981), Korean-American singer
  • Tilian (born 1987), American singer-songwriter and musician
  • Timati (born 1983), Russian rapper
  • Timaya (born 1976), Nigerian singer-songwriter
  • Timbaland (born 1972), American producer, rapper,and singer
  • Timbuktu (born 1975), Swedish rapper and reggae artist
  • Time (born 1985), American rapper
  • Timz (born 1985), American rapper
  • Tinashe (born 1993), American singer-songwriter, dancer, actress, and former model
  • Tiririca (born 1965), Brazilian entertainer
  • Titiyo (born 1967), Swedish pop singer-songwriter
  • TJP, American wrestler
  • TobyMac (aka tobyMac, TOBYMAC; born 1964), Christian hip hop artist, music producer, songwriter and author
  • Togo (1905–1952), Filipino actor
  • Tomatito (born 1958), Spanish composer and guitarist
  • Tomato, American singer-songwriter and drummer
  • Tomcraft (born 1975), German DJ and producer
  • Tonedeff (born 1978), American rapper, producer and singer
  • Tonéx (born 1975), American singer-songwriter, musician, dancer and producer
  • Tongo (1957–2023), Peruvian singer and entertainer
  • Tongolele (born 1932), Mexican/American vedette and actress
  • Tonia (born 1947), Belgian singer
  • Tontxu (born 1973), Spanish singer-songwriter
  • Tooji, Norwegian-Iranian singer, model and television host
  • Topol (born 1935), Israeli actor, singer, writer and producer
  • Toquinho (born 1946), Brazilian singer, musician and composer
  • Torch (born 1971), German rapper
  • Toshi (born 1965), Japanese singer-songwriter and musician
  • Totò (1898–1967), Italian comedian, actor, writer, and singer-songwriter
  • Touré (born 1971),novelist, music journalist, cultural critic and TV personality
  • Toya (born 1983), singer
  • Tozovac (born 1936), Serbian singer, musician and actor
  • T-Pain (born 1984), American singer, songwriter, rapper, and record producer
  • TQ (born 1976), American singer
  • Trae (born 1981), rapper
  • Traxamillion (born 1979), rapper
  • Treach (born 1970), American rapper and actor
  • Trebor, French composer
  • Trenyce (born 1980), American singer
  • Tricarico (born 1971), Italian singer-songwriter
  • Tricky (born 1968), English musician and actor
  • Trina (born 1978), American rapper
  • Trinere (born 1964), American singer, songwriter, and recording artist
  • Trinity (born 1971), American stuntwoman, actress and wrestler
  • Tristen (born 1983), American singer
  • Troja, American actress and singer
  • Tsunku (born 1968), Japanese singer, songwriter and music producer
  • Tucker (born 1990), American wrestler
  • Tulisa (born 1988), English actress and singer
  • Tunisiano (born 1979), French rapper
  • Tuotilo, Irish composer
  • Turk, American rapper
  • Tweet (born 1971), American singer-songwriter and guitarist
  • Twiggy (born 1949), English model, actress, and singer
  • Twink (born 1944), English drummer, singer-songwriter and actor
  • Twinkle (1948-2015), British pop singer
  • Twista (formerly Tung Twista; born 1973), American rapper
  • Ty (1972-2020), British hip hop artist
  • Tyagaraja (1767–1847), Indian composer
  • Tyga (born 1989), American hip hop recording artist
  • Tyla (born 1960), English singer-songwriter and guitarist
  • Tylea, Australian singer-songwriter
  • Tyssem (born 1984), French singer-songwriter
  • Tzuki (born 1974), Mexican wrestler
  • Tzuyu (born 1999), Taiwanese singer


  • Ua (born 1972), Japanese singer-songwriter, producer and actress
  • Uee (born 1988), South Korean singer, dancer and actress
  • Uffie (born 1987), American singer-songwriter, rapper, DJ, and fashion designer
  • U-God (born 1970), American rapper
  • U-Know (akas: U-Know, U-Know Yunho; born 1986), South Korean singer, actor, and a member of the pop duo TVXQ
  • UFO (born 1981), Danish singer and rapper
  • Umashree (born 1957), Indian actress
  • Uniikki (born 1981), Finnish artist
  • Upendra (born 1967), Indian actor and director
  • Urbanus (born 1949), Belgian comedian, actor and singer
  • Urna (born 1969), Mongolian singer and musician
  • U-Roy (born 1942), Jamaican vocalist
  • Urvashi (born 1966), Indian actress
  • Usher (born 1978), American singer and dancer
  • U$O (born 1981), Danish rapper


  • V (born 1995), South Korean singer and actor
  • Vadivelu (born 1960), Indian actor and singer
  • Vaï (born 1979), Moroccan-born Canadian rapper
  • Vaiyapuri (born 1968), Indian comedian and actor
  • Vajramuni (1944–2006), Indian actor
  • Vakill (born 1975), American rapper
  • Valdy (born 1945), Canadian singer-songwriter and musician
  • Valensia (born 1971), Dutch singer, composer, producer and musician
  • Valentina (born 1991), American drag performer and singer
  • Valeriya (born 1968), Russian singer
  • Valete, Portuguese hip hop artist
  • Valtònyc (born 1993), Spanish rapper
  • Vamba (1858–1920), Italian author
  • Vampira (1922–2008), Finnish-American actress and television personality
  • Vampiro (born 1967), Canadian professional wrestler
  • Vangelis (born 1943), Greek composer
  • Vanity (born 1959), Canadian entertainer
  • Vanna (born 1970), Croatian singer
  • Vanusa (born 1947), Brazilian singer
  • VanVelzen (born 1978), Dutch singer-songwriter
  • Vassy, Greek-Australian singer-songwriter
  • Veena (1926–2004), Indian actress
  • Vega (born 1979), Spanish singer-songwriter
  • Velvet (born 1975), Swedish singer
  • Venkatesh (born 1960), Indian film actor
  • Vera-Ellen (1921–1981), American actress and dancer
  • Veronica (born 1974), American dance music singer and stage actress
  • Versatile, American record producer, songwriter, and remixer
  • Vertexguy (born 1979), American musician
  • Vidyasagar (born 1963), Indian music director and composer
  • Vignesh, Indian actor
  • Vijay (born 1974), Tamil actor and playback singer
  • Vijayakanth (born 1952), Indian actor
  • Vijayakumar (born 1943), Tamil film actor and politician
  • Vijayaraghavan (born 1951), Malaysia-born Indian film actor
  • Vijayashanti (born 1964), Indian actress
  • Vijayasree, Indian actress
  • Vikranth, Indian actor
  • Viktor (born 1980), Canadian professional wrestler
  • Viktoria (born 1970), Filipino singer
  • Viktorija (born 1958), Serbian singer
  • Vinayan, Indian director and producer, mainly of Malayalam movies
  • Vincent (born 1980), Swedish singer
  • Vineeth (born 1969), Indian actor and dancer
  • Vinni (born 1976), Norwegian musician and hip hop artist
  • Violetta, German-American singer and performer
  • Viper (actress) (1959–2010), American pornographic actress
  • Virus (born 1968), Mexican wrestler
  • Vishnuvardhan (1950–2009), Indian film actor
  • Vitaa (born 1983), French singer
  • Vitas (born 1979), Russian singer-songwriter and actor
  • Vitorino (born 1942), Portuguese singer-songwriter
  • Viva (born 1938), American actress, writer and Warhol superstar
  • Vivek (1961–2021), Indian actor and comedian
  • Voltaire (born 1967), Cuban-born American musician
  • Vyjayanthimala (born 1936), Indian actress, singer, dancer, choreographer, and parliamentarian
  • Vysakh, Indian film director


  • Waajeed, American rapper and producer
  • Wafande, Danish reggae and soul singer and songwriter
  • Wale (born 1984), American hip hop artist
  • Wallen (born 1978), French singer
  • Walter (born 1987), Austrian wrestler
  • Wande (born 1996), Nigerian-American hip hop artist
  • Wanderléa (born 1946), Brazilian singer
  • Wando (1945–2012), Brazilian singer-songwriter
  • Wanessa (born 1982), Brazilian singer-songwriter
  • Wanz (aka TeeWanz; born 1961), American singer, songwriter, and rapper
  • Warda sometimes full name as Warda Al-Jazairia (1939–2012), Algerian singer
  • Warrior (1957–2014), American wrestler
  • Wax (born 1976), South Korean singer
  • Wayna, Ethiopian-born American R&B/soul singer and songwriter
  • Webbie (born 1985), American rapper
  • Weegee (1899–1968), American photojournalist and filmmaker
  • Wendy (born 1994), South Korean singer
  • Wess (1945–2009), American-born Italian singer
  • Wheesung (born 1982), South Korean singer
  • Whigfield (born 1970), Danish singer
  • Whitton, American singer-songwriter
  • Wildchild, American rapper
  • Wiley (born 1979), British MC and music producer
  • Wing, Hong Kong-born New Zealand singer and musician
  • Winta (born 1984), Norwegian singer-songwriter
  • Wise (born 1979), Japanese hip hop musician
  • Witchdoctor (born 1975), American rapper, musician and producer
  • Wolfgang (born 1986), Scottish professional wrestler
  • Woohee (1991), South Korean singer, songwriter and actress
  • Woodkid (born 1983), French music video director, graphic designer and singer-songwriter
  • Wordburglar, Canadian hip hop artist
  • Wordplay (born 1974), British musician and actor
  • Wordsworth, American hip-hop musician and emcee
  • Wrabel (born 1989), American singer
  • Wreckonize (born 1983), American rapper
  • Wunmi, Nigerian-British singer and dancer
  • Würzel (1949-2011), English musician
  • Wuv (born 1972), American musician
  • Wynonna (born 1964), American country singer


  • Xandee (born 1978), Belgian singer
  • Xander (born 1988), Danish pop singer and songwriter
  • Xander (born 1985), Dutch singer, songwriter
  • Xatar (born 1982), Kurdish-born German rapper
  • Xavier (born 1977), American professional wrestler
  • Xenia (born 1994), American singer
  • Xiah (born 1986), South Korean singer-songwriter
  • Xiumin (born 1990), South Korean singer
  • Xiyeon (born 2000), South Korean singer
  • Xonia (born 1989), Australian singer-songwriter, actress and dancer
  • X-Pac (born 1972), American professional wrestler
  • xSDTRK (born 1988), Canadian writer, producer and artist
  • Xuxa (born 1963), Brazilian TV hostess, actress and singer
  • XXXTentacion (1998–2018), American rapper, singer, and songwriter
  • Xzibit (born 1974), American rapper, actor and television personality


  • Yahir (born 1979), Mexican singer and actor
  • Yaire (born 1977), Puerto Rican singer-songwriter
  • Yaiya (born 1990), Swedish artist, songwriter and actor
  • Yameen, American hip hop producer
  • Yan, English singer-songwriter and musician
  • Yana (born 1931), British singer
  • Yangpa (born 1979), South Korean singer
  • Yanni (born 1954), Greek-American musician
  • Yanni (born 1978), Filipino singer and musician
  • Yara (born 1983), Lebanese singer
  • Yared (505–571), Ethiopian musician
  • Yas (born 1982), Iranian rapper
  • Yasin (born 1998), Swedish rapper
  • Yasmine (1972–2009), Belgian singer and TV presenter
  • Yazz (born 1960), British singer and model
  • Yebin (born 1997), South Korean singer-songwriter and composer
  • Yehonathan (born 1977), Israeli singer
  • Yellowman (born 1956), Jamaican musician, songwriter and DJ
  • Yelawolf (born 1979), American rapper
  • Yepha (born 1983), Danish, singer, rapper and hip hop artist
  • YG (born 1990), American rapper
  • Yiruma (born 1978), South Korean pianist and composer
  • Yoav (born 1979), Israeli singer-songwriter and musician
  • Yohio (born 1995), Japanese-Swedish singer
  • Yokozuna (1966–2000), American wrestler
  • Yoona (born 1990), South Korean singer, actress, model and dancer
  • Yoshika (born 1983), Japanese singer
  • Yoshiki (born 1965), Japanese musician, songwriter and record producer
  • You (born 1964), Japanese model, TV personality, singer and actress
  • Youddiph (born 1973), Russian singer
  • Younha (born 1988), South Korean singer
  • Yousra (born 1950), Egyptian actress and singer
  • Yovanna (born 1940), Greek singer
  • Yo-Yo (born 1971), rapper, songwriter, actress, entrepreneur
  • Yozuca, Japanese singer
  • Yui (born 1987), Japanese musician and actress
  • Yuka (born 1970), Japanese singer
  • Yukana (born 1975), Japanese voice actress and singer
  • yukihiro (born 1968), Japanese musician
  • Yukmouth (born 1974), rapper
  • Yūmao (born 1980), Japanese singer-songwriter
  • Yuna (born 1986), Malaysian singer-songwriter
  • Yungblud (born 1997), English singer-songwriter, musician and actor
  • Yungun (aka Essa), British hip-hop artist
  • yuri (born 1977), Japanese singer (Vocalist of m.o.v.e.)
  • Yuri (born 1976), South Korean pop singer (Member of Girls’ Generation)
  • Yuri (born 1964), Mexican singer and actress
  • Yuria, Japanese singer and guitarist
  • Yuridia (born 1986), Mexican singer
  • Yusa, Cuban singer-songwriter
  • Yuusuke (born 1985), Japanese singer
  • yvngxchris (born 2004), American rapper


  • Zacarias (1934–1990), Brazilian actor and comedian
  • Zahara (born 1988), South African singer-songwriter
  • Zaho (born 1980), Algerian-Canadian singer
  • Zalon (born 1983), British pop singer, songwriter, and record producer
  • Zamfir (born 1941), Romanian pan-flute player
  • Zara (born 1976), Turkish singer and actress
  • Zara (born 1983), Russian pop singer and actress
  • Zarif, British singer-songwriter
  • Zarsanga (born 1946), Pakistani singer
  • Zayn (born 1993), English singer and songwriter
  • Zaytoven (born 1980), American record producer, DJ, and pianist
  • Zaz (born 1980), French singer
  • Zazie (born 1964), French singer-songwriter
  • Zeba (born 1945), Pakistani actress
  • Zedd (born 1989), Russian-German DJ, record producer and songwriter
  • Zeebee (born 1965), German-born Austrian singer-songwriter and producer
  • Zeebra (born 1971), Japanese hip hop artist
  • Zemfira (born 1976), Tatar Russian singer
  • Zendaya (born 1996), American actress and singer
  • Zia (born 1986), South Korean singer
  • Zico (born 1992), South Korean singer-songwriter, rapper and music producer
  • Zifou (born 1992), French rapper of Moroccan origin
  • Zíngaro (born 1949), Spanish singer
  • Zoë (born 1969), British singer-songwriter
  • Zombo (1979–2008), South African singer-songwriter and music producer
  • Zouzou (born 1943), Algerian model, actress and singer
  • Zoxea (born 1974), French rapper
  • Zucchero (born 1955), Italian singer
  • Zulema (1947–2013), American singer-songwriter


  • 2pac (1971–1996), American rapper

See also[edit]

  • List of legally mononymous people
  • List of pseudonyms
  • List of stage names
  • Mononymous person
  • Pen name
  • Ring name
  • Stage name


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