One word is missing from each sentence what is it and where does it go





“During the week I usually wake up1 about 7.30 am.
If I don’t, my mum wakes me up. I get up2 a few
minutes later. In the evenings I go to bed about 10.30 pm, and
usually go to sleep3 straight away4. If
I have a late night5 I try to have a sleep6
in the afternoon when I get home from college.”



“I have
coffee and cereal for breakfast,
then have a light lunch1,
maybe a sandwich and an apple, and a snack2
in the afternoon. We have our main
in the evening. If Mum’s late home from work, she doesn’t bother3 to cook;
we just get a takeaway4
instead. One of us has to feed5
the cat as well.”


Bathroom routines

“I usually have a shower when I get home
from college because my sister, Rosie, and my brother, Marcus, spend so
much time in the bathroom in the morning. I only have time to have a wash and clean my teeth (syn brush my teeth), before Rosie comes in to put on a bit of make-up. In the winter I sometimes
have a bath instead of1
a shower. I like to lie in the bath and listen to music.

1 in place
of (a shower)


Fortunately1 we’ve got a cleaner2 who does
a lot of the housework, and
that includes doing my washing3. But I still
have to make my bed and do some of my ironing,
and I sometimes do the shopping
with Mum.”


When we do the shopping,
we buy food at the supermarket; when we go shopping, it is a
leisure activity and we perhaps buy clothes, DVDs, books, etc.


Spare time*

“On weekdays I usually stay
1 and watch TV in the evening. At the weekend I go out
quite a lot with my friends, either to the cinema or just to a café, and I eat
2 once a week. Sometimes friends come round3
and we chat4 about clothes, music and college.”



Find seven more expressions with have + [noun] and do + [noun] from
the opposite page.

____ a shower___









Match the
words on the left with the words on the right.


word is missing in each sentence. What is it and where does it go?

Does it cost much to have a cleaner to the housework? do

My mother usually me up around 7:30, then I get up about 7:45.

If I have a in the afternoon, I usually eat fruit instead of chocolate.

I always go on Friday and Saturday, often to the cinema or a club.

Sometimes friends round to the flat and we play computer games.

I eat at the weekend, usually in a local Italian or French restaurant.

I don’t with a full meal at lunchtime; I usually just have a light lunch,
like a salad.

I often have for breakfast – usually cornflakes or something like that.

I don’t like doing housework; I have a husband who does most of it.

When I get emails, I try to reply to them straight.


Complete the
dialogue with a word or phrasal verb from the opposite page in each gap.

A: Don’t 1______ bother
_______ to cook dinner tonight.

B: Why not?

A: We could go out
2____________ of eating here.

B: Yeah. Where?

A: Well, I’d like to try
that new Korean restaurant.

B: That’s miles away. No, I
think I’d rather 3____________  and
have an 4____________  night.

A: But it’s Friday.

Yes, I know, but I’m tired. Why don’t we ask Ryan and Charlotte to
5____________ ? You don’t have to cook, we can order a 6____________  . And we can have a nice
7____________  round the dining
table; much better than a noisy restaurant.






1 год назад

Английский язык


One word is missing in each sentence what is and where does it go
Does it cost much to have a cleaner to do the homework

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В каждом предложении пропущено одно слово, что это и куда оно идет Много ли стоит иметь уборщика для выполнения домашней работы


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2. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Continuous. (Вставте в речення дієслово з дужок у Present Continuous.) 1) She ______ a letter. (w …


There is one word missing in each line of the text. Where does

themissingwordgo? What could it be? What part of speech isit?

Last year Iwentto for my holiday. Ispent the

first week Seville staying with a couple of friends,

and then I a train to Barcelona, where I spent

another ten days. It is beautiful city and I had a

marvelous time. I stayed in a very hotel right in the

centre, but I didn’t mind spending a lot money

because it is a wonderful and very convenient hotel.

My brother recommended it; he goes to Spain a lot

and he stays anywhereelse.

1 Spain (noun)









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Главная » Английский язык » There is one word missing in each line of the text. Where does themissingwordgo? What could it be? What part of speech isit? Last year Iwentto for my holiday.

One word is missing in each sentence. What is it and where does it go? 1 Does it cost much to have a cleaner to the housework? do 2 My mother usually me up around 7:30, then I get up about 7:45. 3 If I have a in the afternoon, I usually eat fruit instead of chocolate. 4 I always go on Friday and Saturday, often to the cinema or a club. 5 Sometimes friends round to the flat and we play computer games. 6 I eat at the weekend, usually in a local Italian or French restaurant. 7 I don’t with a full meal at lunchtime; I usually just have a light lunch, like a salad. 8 I often have for breakfast — usually cornflakes or something like that. 9 I don’t like doing housework; I have a husband who does most of it. 10 When I get emails, I try to reply to them straight ​

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V. Complete the sentences with a verb from the box in the correct form.

1. Why didn’t you your bed this morning?

2. I can’t come out now. I’m the cleaning.

3. Could you the dishwasher and put the things away, please?

4. It’s not fair. I breakfast yesterday. Nam should it today.

5. Look at this bin! Please the rubbish out now.

6. Mum, I’ve my room. Can I go out now?

7. Phong, the table. It’s nearly dinnertime.

8. A: Where’s Dad?

B: He’s the car. He always the car on Sunday morning.

V. Fill the gaps with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1. Ms Lan is not in the office today. She (work) at home today.

2. “Where (you/come) from?” “I’m Italian — from Rome.’

3. “(you/ speak) French” “Just a little.”

4. Don’t forget your umbrella. It (rain) again.

5. “Can you help me with the dinner?” “Not now. I (watch) TV.”

6. In Viet Nam, children (look) after their old parents.

7. “Hi! What (you/do) here” “I (wait) for a friend.”

8. Can I look at the newspaper now? (you/read) it?

9. Can I phone you back? We (have) dinner.

10. Mr Long (work) in an office every day, but now he (help) his wife to prepare dinner.


I. Read the passage, and decide whether the following statements are true (T), false (F), or not given (NG).

Career of the Year

Fourteen-year-old Ed Bond from London is this year’s winner of the Young Career of the Year Award.

When he’s not at school. Ed looks after his mother, who is disabled and in a wheelchair. He also looks after his ten-year-old sister. He helps to do the washing and the cooking. ‘Ed’s great,’ says his father. ‘I have to go to work at six in the morning, so Ed has to help his mother a lot. He doesn’t have to do the housework but he does it anyway. We worry because he doesn’t have much free time, but he doesn’t complain.’ ‘I want to help.’ says Ed, ‘and anyway I don’t have to do so much at weekends because my dad’s at home.’


1. Ed helps to look after his mother.   

2. Ed’s mother can’t walk.   

3. Ed’s father is also ill.   

4. Ed is an only child.   

5. Ed does all the shopping for the family.   

II. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question.

Family types vary in different countries and among different cultures. In Western, industrialized societies, the nuclear family ranks as the most common family type. It consists of a father, a mother and their children. But nuclear families exist together with many other types of family units. In the single-parent family, for example, a mother or a father heads the family alone. A blended family is formed when a divorced or widowed parent remarries. As divorce rates have risen, the number of single-parent and blended families has increased.

In many parts of the world, parents and children live together with other family members under the same roof. These complex families usually contain several generations of family members, including grandparents, parents and children. They may also include brothers or sisters and their families, uncles, aunts and cousins. Even when relatives do not live together, they still consider themselves members of the same extended family includes grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins.

1. The nuclear family ranks as the most common family type .

A. an many industrialized countries B. in countries with nuclear weapons

C. that consists of more than two generations D. that leads to the divorce of parents

2. In the single-parent family, .

A. there are often no children

B. only one parent lives with his or her child or children

C. the number of blended children has increased

D. children live with their grandparents

3. Grandparents, parents and children are mentioned as .

A. the three typical generations of an extended family

B. three branches of a family tree

C. the closest and happiest relatives in family units

D. a complex combination

4. The second paragraph is about .

A. American culture B. relatives and family members

C. the relationship between family members D. the extended family

5. The word “blended” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to .

A. complex B. married C. mixed D. formed

III. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question.

The American family unit is in the process of change. In the first half of the 20th century, there were mainly two types of families: the extended and the nuclear. An extended family includes mother, father, children and some other relatives, living in the same house. A nuclear family is composed of just parents and children livingunder the same roof.

As the American economy had progressed from agricultural to industrial one, people were forced to move to different parts of the country to get good jobs. These jobs were mainly in the large cities. Now, in fact, three-quarters of Americans live in urban areas which occupy 2.5% of the national total land mass. Of the 118 million in the labour force, only 3 million still work on the farm.

Since moving for better jobs has often divided the extended family, the nuclear family became more popular. At present, 55% of the families in the US are nuclear families. But besides the two types of traditional family groupings, the family is now being expanded to include a variety of other living arrangements because of divorce. There is an increase in single-parent families, in which a father or mother lives with one or more children. Divorce has also led to blended families, which occur when previously married men and women marry again and combine the children from former marriage into a new family. There are also some couples who do not want to have children to form two-person childless families.

1. A nuclear family is one that .

A. consists of father, mother, and children living in the same house

B. relatives live with

C. there are only grandparents, parents and their children living in

D. is bigger than extended family

2. The expression “under the same roof” means

A. a house with one roof B. a house with the roof the same as the wall

C. in the same building D. under the house

3. The nuclear family becomes more popular because of .

A. more divorces B. the division of the extended family

C. fewer jobs in big cities D. an increase in single-parent families

4. How many types of families have there been in the US since the first half of the 20th century?

A. Two B. Three C. Four D. Five

5. A blended family is a newly-formed family .

A. with the combination of children of the two previously married father and mother

B. that has only father or mother living with children

C. in which there are no children

D. that there is only one couple living in with their newborn children

IV. Read the passage carefully, and do the tasks that follow.

The Role of the Japanese Mother

The focus of the mother is her home and family, with particular attention to the rearing of children. While most Japanese believe that a woman’s place is in the home, women make up almost 40 percent of the labor force. More than half of these women are married. Many mothers with small children work only part-time so they can be home when their children are not in school. The extra income earned by the mother is often used to meet the cost of their children’s education.

Japanese mothers take the responsibility of their child’s education and upbringing very seriously. They seldom confront their preschool children because they want to foster an intimate, dependent relationship. The purpose of this approach is to get the child to obey willingly with the mother’s wishes and to shape the child’s behavior over a long period of time. The close nature of the mother-child relationship and the strong parentalcommitment help to provide a strong foundation for the child’s entry into elementary school.

Mothers are involved directly in with the child’s school. Each day a notebook is sent back and forth between mother and teacher remarking on the child’s mood, behavior, health, and activities both in school and at home. Mothers attend PTA meetings usually twice a month and are involved with school committee’s working on special projects such as gardening and hot lunch preparation. School is a very stressful and competitive process so the Japanese mother concentrates all her efforts on getting her children through so they can get accepted into the appropriate universities.

Task 1: Match a word in column A with its definition in column B, writing the answer in each blank.

Task 2: Read the passage, and then decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F).


6. Most Japanese women are housewives.  

7. Taking care of children and bringing them up are of great importance to  

Japanese mothers.

8. Japanese mothers tend to be very strict to their children at home.  

9. Japanese mothers and teachers work together for the children’s study  

progress and comfort at school.

10. The Japanese mother concentrates all her efforts on getting her children  

through, so the atmosphere at home is very stressful.


Rearrange the sentences in order to make a meaningful conversation, writing the letter (A-H) in each blank.

1. ___ A. Nam: It’s not only for our mother’s benefits but it also makes us more independent when we have grown up.

2. ___ B. Nam: Besides cleaning and cooking, my mother also does a lot of other things around the house although she goes to work.

3. ___ C. Nam: I agree with that saying. All of us take it for granted that our mother is responsible for doing all the housework.

4. ___ D. Nam: Besides the relationship, we enjoy a friendlier atmosphere in our home all the time when we attend to each other.

5. ___ E. Mai: So does my mother. My father, my brother and I try to share the burden so that my mother can follow her own interests.

6. ___ F. Mai: I’ve just read a saying about household chores, Nam. It’s “Housework is what a woman does that nobody notices unless she hasn’t done it.”

7. ___ G. Mai: It’s very useful for our future life. And I think we will have better relationship when we share household chores with one another.

8. ___ H. Mai: Yeah, when we come home from school, our house is clean and tidy and lunch or dinner is ready for us to eat.

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