One word in edgewise

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

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Asked by: Heath Vandervort

Score: 4.5/5
(44 votes)

get a word in edgewise, to succeed in entering a conversation or expressing one’s opinion in spite of competition or opposition: There were so many people talking at once that I couldn’t get a word in edgewise. Also edge·ways [ej-weyz].

Is it edgeways or edgewise?

A: That’s right. Our Macquarie Dictionary confirms this by giving the entry to “edgeways” but acknowledging the “edgewise” variant exists. Conversely, America’s Merriam-Webster lists “edgeways” as a “chiefly British” meaning for “sideways” – only crediting “edgewise” with the idiom.

What does word edgewise mean?

1 : sideways. 2 : as if by an edge : barely —usually used in the phrase get a word in edgewise.

Did you get a word in edgewise?

To speak or express one’s opinion despite other people dominating the conversation (hence the image of squeezing words in «edgewise»—sideways). Usually used in negative constructions to convey the opposite.

What is a one word word?

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. A sentence word (also called a one-word sentence) is a single word that forms a full sentence. Henry Sweet described sentence words as ‘an area under one’s control’ and gave words such as «Come!», «John!», «Alas!», «Yes.» and «No.» as examples of sentence words.

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Is Demonsterized a word?

As for people I don’t love, Thomas sits Katie down, grabs her hands in a way that screams «I studied a lot of heartfelt speeches,» and begins his very rehearsed speech about how his character and integrity’s been «demonsterized.» NOT A WORD!

What is a one word substitution?

One Word Substitution simply means using a specific word replacing a wordy phrase or sentence and making it shorter, concise and clearer to understand. This way, the word becomes identical with the sentence thus providing the same meaning as the wordy sentence.

Can I get a word meaning?

From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishget a word in (edgeways)get a word in (edgeways)to get a chance to say something Once George starts talking it’s difficult to get a word in edgeways. He told her it had not been easy to get a word in. …

Can’t get a word in edgeways meaning?

not get a word in edgeways ​Definitions and Synonyms

phrase. DEFINITIONS1. to not manage to say something because another person is talking a lot. Once he starts talking, no one can get a word in edgeways.

What is reading between the line?

When you read between the lines, you understand something that’s not said outright. … Your English teacher’s comments on your short story might be diplomatic, but when you read between the lines, you can tell that he wasn’t impressed by the fact that your main character was a unicorn.

Where does a word in edgewise come from?

‘A word in edgeways’, or as it is sometimes written ‘a word in edgewise’, is a 19th century expression that was coined in the UK. ‘Edgeways/edgewise’ just means ‘proceeding edge first’. The allusion in the phrase is to edging sideways through a crowd, seeking small gaps in which to proceed through the throng.

What does get a word in mean?

It means to say something or give your opinion.

What does arrogance mean?

1 : exaggerating or disposed to exaggerate one’s own worth or importance often by an overbearing manner an arrogant official. 2 : showing an offensive attitude of superiority : proceeding from or characterized by arrogance an arrogant reply.

Would get a word in edgeways?

Definition of ‘not get a word in edgeways

If you say that you cannot get a word in edgeways, you are complaining that you do not have the opportunity to speak because someone else is talking so much.

When I talk it isn’t always easy for others to get a word in edgeways?

If you cannot get a word in edgeways in a conversation, you find it difficult to say anything because someone else is talking so much. … Jamie dominated the conversation and Zhou could hardly get a word in edgewise.

Is self efficacious a word?

Meaning of self-efficacy in English. a person’s belief that they can be successful when carrying out a particular task : Perceived self-efficacy refers to people’s beliefs about their capabilities to exercise control over their own activities. Want to learn more?

When you cant get a word in edgewise?

If you say that you cannot get a word in edgewise, you are complaining that you do not have the opportunity to speak because someone else is talking so much. Ernest dominated the conversation — Zhou could hardly get a word in edgewise.

What does put a cork in it mean?

chiefly US, informal. —used as a rude way to tell someone to stop talking and especially to stop complaining Why don’t you put a cork in it!

What does it mean to have the gift of the gab?

Meaning: Someone who has the ability to speak well. Example: Lawyers are often born with the gift of the gab.

Can l have a word with you?

“Could I have a word with you” is used when you are in a group of people, there are multiple people. … So the question “could I have a word with you” is a polite and indirect way to express to that person that you want to talk to him/her privately, away from the other people.

What does nineteen to the dozen mean?

When someone talks nineteen to the dozen, he/she speaks very fast without stopping. *Gayathri was on the phone talking nineteen to the dozen. No one is really sure about the origin of this rather informal idiom.

What words have sb in them?

If one person has words with another, or if two or more people have words, they have a serious discussion or argument, especially because one has complained about the other’s behaviour. We had words and she stormed out. I shall have words with these stupid friends of mine!

What is one word that Cannot be read by substitution?

A handwriting that cannot be read — Illegible : One word substitute.

Which is outdated or out of use one word substitution?

A thing no longer in use : Obsolete.

How do you find one word?

Hold the Ctrl keyboard key and press the F keyboard key (Ctrl+F) or right-click (click the right mouse button) somewhere on the article and select Find (in this article). This will bring up a text box to type search words into (see picture below).

get a word in edgewise

To speak or express one’s opinion despite other people dominating the conversation (hence the image of squeezing words in «edgewise»—sideways). Usually used in negative constructions to convey the opposite. When Mary paused in her monologue, I was finally able to get a word in edgewise about my own weekend! The third-tier candidate couldn’t get a word in edgewise at the debate.

not get a word in edgewise

To be unable to speak or make one’s opinion known due to one or more people dominating the conversation. The third-tier candidate couldn’t get a word in edgewise at the debate. I can never get a word in edgewise when Mary comes to the book club—she just never stops talking.

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

get a word in edgewise and get a word in edgeways

Fig. to manage to say something when other people are talking and ignoring you. (Often in the negative. Alludes to trying to «squeeze» a word into a running conversation.) It was such an exciting conversation that I could hardly get a word in edgewise. Mary talks so fast that nobody can get a word in edgeways.

McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

get a word in edgewise

Also, get a word in edgeways. Insert oneself into a conversation or express one’s opinion despite competition from other speakers. For example, So many people had questions for the lecturer that it was hard to get a word in edgewise, or Nancy loves to talk, and I couldn’t get a word in edgeways. This idiom, often put in the negative, transfers an object with its edge foremost to inserting conversation. [Late 1700s]

The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer. Copyright © 2003, 1997 by The Christine Ammer 1992 Trust. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

See also:

  • edgeways
  • get a word in edgeways
  • get a word in edgewise and get a word in edgeways
  • not get a word in edgewise
  • type
  • (one’s) type
  • be (one’s) brother’s keeper
  • be brother’s keeper
  • change (one’s) stripes
  • change one’s stripes

Asked by: Mr. Deonte Jones

Score: 4.8/5
(21 votes)

‘A word in edgeways’, or as it is sometimes written ‘a word in edgewise’, is a 19th century expression that was coined in the UK. ‘Edgeways/edgewise’ just means ‘proceeding edge first‘. The allusion in the phrase is to edging sideways through a crowd, seeking small gaps in which to proceed through the throng.

Is it edgewise or edgeways?

A: That’s right. Our Macquarie Dictionary confirms this by giving the entry to “edgeways” but acknowledging the “edgewise” variant exists. Conversely, America’s Merriam-Webster lists “edgeways” as a “chiefly British” meaning for “sideways” – only crediting “edgewise” with the idiom.

Can get a word in edgeways?

Definition of ‘not get a word in edgeways

If you say that you cannot get a word in edgeways, you are complaining that you do not have the opportunity to speak because someone else is talking so much. He spent all the time talking and they could not get a word in edgeways.

What does get a word in edgeways meaning?

Also, get a word in edgeways. Insert oneself into a conversation or express one’s opinion despite competition from other speakers. For example, So many people had questions for the lecturer that it was hard to get a word in edgewise, or Nancy loves to talk, and I couldn’t get a word in edgeways.

What is a one one word?

A sentence word (also called a one-word sentence) is a single word that forms a full sentence. Henry Sweet described sentence words as ‘an area under one’s control’ and gave words such as «Come!», «John!», «Alas!», «Yes.» and «No.» as examples of sentence words. … Wegener called sentence words «Wortsätze».

29 related questions found

Is yes used in a sentence?

The single word yes could be considered a sentence because there is an understood subject and verb associated with it, one that could be drawn from…

What does edgewise mean in English?

1 : sideways. 2 : as if by an edge : barely —usually used in the phrase get a word in edgewise.

What is a heart to heart?

A heart-to-heart is a conversation between two people, especially close friends, in which they talk freely about their feelings or personal problems. I’ve had a heart-to-heart with him.

What does fill the bill mean?

or to fill the bill. phrase. If you say that someone or something fits the bill or fills the bill, you mean that they are suitable for a particular job or purpose. If you fit the bill, send a CV to Rebecca Rees.

Can I get a word in meaning?

From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishget a word in (edgeways)get a word in (edgeways)to get a chance to say something Once George starts talking it’s difficult to get a word in edgeways.

Where does a word in edgeways come from?

‘A word in edgeways’, or as it is sometimes written ‘a word in edgewise’, is a 19th century expression that was coined in the UK. ‘Edgeways/edgewise’ just means ‘proceeding edge first’. The allusion in the phrase is to edging sideways through a crowd, seeking small gaps in which to proceed through the throng.

What does a good talking to mean?

give (one) a (good) talking to

To rebuke, scold, or berate someone thoroughly and intensely. I told her a thousand times not to take the car without asking! Well, I’ll give her a good talking to when she gets home.

What does get the ax mean?

Another common expression is “to get the axe.” Though axes are useful tools, getting the axe means to be fired or expelled! If a project or service gets the axe, that means that it’s discontinued. The American Heritage Dictionary of Idioms relates the origins this term to the axe of an executioner.

What is reading between the line?

When you read between the lines, you understand something that’s not said outright.

What is edgewise software?

EdgeWise is an as-built modeling platform that uses advanced algorithms to automate tedious scan-to-BIM workflows.

Which organ is known as heart of heart?

The heart is a muscular organ about the size of a fist, located just behind and slightly left of the breastbone. The heart pumps blood through the network of arteries and veins called the cardiovascular system.

What’s the scientific word for heart?

The heart muscle, or cardiac muscle, is medically called the myocardium («myo-» being the prefix denoting muscle).

What exactly does the heart do?

The heart sends blood around your body. The blood provides your body with the oxygen and nutrients it needs. It also carries away waste. Your heart is sort of like a pump, or two pumps in one.

What means spontaneously?

1 : proceeding from natural feeling or native tendency without external constraint. 2 : arising from a momentary impulse. 3 : controlled and directed internally : self-acting spontaneous movement characteristic of living things. 4 : produced without being planted or without human labor : indigenous.

What is edgewise orthodontics?

The contemporary edgewise appliance, known commonly as ‘braces”, is the mainstay of orthodontics. These appliances are bonded securely to tooth enamel and when used in concert with the proper archwire, provide highly precise, three-dimensional control of both crown and root position.

Whats does arrogant mean?

1 : exaggerating or disposed to exaggerate one’s own worth or importance often by an overbearing manner an arrogant official. 2 : showing an offensive attitude of superiority : proceeding from or characterized by arrogance an arrogant reply.

What’s the full form of yes?

YES. Young, Empowered, and Single.

Is yeah a slang word?

So what about yeah? It is an informal adverb that means “yes.”

Is OK a full sentence?

In English, yes, no and okay are common pro-sentences. … Pro-sentences are sometimes seen as grammatical interjections, since they are capable of very limited syntactical relations.

  • 1
    get a word in edgewise

     встрять в разговор

    My Mom and Dad were talking, and I wanted to get a word in edgewise, but then I changed my mind.

    English-Russian small dictionary of idioms > get a word in edgewise

  • 2
    get a word in edgewise

    get a word in edgewise/edgeways
    ввернуть/вставить словечко; встрять в разговор

    Англо-русский словарь идиом и фразовых глаголов > get a word in edgewise

  • 3
    get a word in edgewise

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > get a word in edgewise

  • 4
    to get a word in edgewise

    ввернуть словечко/сделать дельное замечание

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > to get a word in edgewise

  • 5
    get a word in edgeways

    вставить, ввернуть слово, словечко

    Higgins: «…When Pickering starts shouting nobody can get a word in edgeways.» (B. Shaw, ‘Pygmalion’, act III) — Хиггинс: «…Когда Пикеринг начинает кричать, никому больше слова нельзя вставить.»

    But we chewed the fat for a while. That is, she chewed it. You couldn’t get a word in edgewise. (J. Salinger, ‘The Catcher in the Rye’, ch. XV) — Потом мы немного потрепались по телефону. Вернее, Сэлли трепалась, а я молчал. Она ведь никому не даст слова сказать.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > get a word in edgeways

  • 6
    get a word in edgeways

    get a word in edgewise/edgeways
    ввернуть/вставить словечко; встрять в разговор

    Англо-русский словарь идиом и фразовых глаголов > get a word in edgeways

  • 7
    get a word in edgeways

       вcтaвить, ввepнуть cлoвeчкo

    Higgins….When Plckering starts shouting nobody can get a word in edgeways (G. B. Shaw)

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > get a word in edgeways

  • 8

    1. сущ.
    1) слово to write a word ≈ сделать запись to coin a word ≈ создать/придумать новое слово to mispronounce слово ≈ неправильно произнести слово to distort smb.’s words ≈ переиначить чьи-л. слова, исказить смысл чьих-л. слов to hang on (to) smb. ‘s words ≈ придираться к чьим-л. словам of few words ≈ немногословно She took the words right out of my mouth. ≈ Она читает мои мысли (говорит то, о чем я хотел сказать) to get a word in edgewise ≈ ввернуть словечко, сделать дельное замечание to have the last word ≈ сказать послпеднее слово (положить конец спору, распре) to take smb. at her/his word ≈ поймать на слове кого-л. Don’t breathe a word about it to anyone. ≈ Об этом никому ни слова. There was no word of the incident in the newspapers. ≈ В газетах нет ни слова о происшествии. She would like to say a few words about the incident. ≈ Она хотела бы сказать несколько слов о происшествии. not to mince any words ≈ рассказать все без утайки angry words cross words sharp words choice word harsh word hasty words high-sounding words hollow words hypocritical words sincere words weasel words archaic words obsolete words borrowed words compound word dialectal words regional words foreign words four-letter words obscene words monosyllabic words nonce words portmanteau word simple words taboo word guide word household word in a word in one word put in a word say a word word in one’s ear it is not the word take at his word on the word with the word
    2) часто мн. разговор, речь to put in a good word for smb. ≈ произнести оправдательную речь в адрес кого-л. to have words ≈ крупно поговорить, поссориться с кем-л. (with smb.) warm words, hot words ≈ брань, крупный разговор fair words ≈ комплименты
    3) замечание
    4) обещание, слово to break one’s word ≈ не сдержать обещание, нарушить клятву one’s solemn word ≈ торжественное обещание one’s word of honor ≈ слово чести She gave me her word that she would deliver the message. ≈ Она пообещала мне, что отправит сообщение. She’s a woman of her word. ≈ Она человек слова. man of his word ≈ человек слова upon my word ≈ Честное слово!
    5) вести;
    известие, сообщение
    6) приказание to give word ≈ отдать распоряжение word of command ≈ команда
    7) пароль
    8) девиз;
    лозунг ∙ hard words break no bones посл. ≈ брань на вороту не виснет a word spoken is past recalling посл. ≈ слово не воробей, вылетит — не поймаешь a word to the wise ≈ умный с полуслова понимает big words last word sharp’s the word! in so many words code word
    2. гл. выражать словами;
    подбирать выражения
    слово — primary * корневое слово — half a * полслова — to be not the * for it быть недостаточным для выражения или определения чего-л. — tactlessness is not the * for it! «бестактность» — это не то слово /это слишком слабо сказано/! — I am repeating his very /actual/ *s я повторяю его собственные слова, я дословно передаю сказанное им часто pl речь, разговор, слова — concluding *s заключительное слово — to have a * with smb. поговорить с кем-л. — to take (up) the * заговорить;
    перебить( кого-л.) — to put smth. into *s, to give *s to smth. выразить что-л. словами — to put one’s thoughts into *s высказать /сформулировать/ свои мысли — to get /to put/ in a * вставить слово, вмешаться в разговор — *s fail me у меня не хватает слов — I have no *s to express my gratitude мне не хватает слов, чтобы выразить благодарность — a truer * was never spoken совершенно верно!;
    лучше не скажешь — bold in * only смелый только на словах — «A * to the Reader» «К читателю» (введение к книге) pl размолвка, ссора — high /hard/ *s разговор на повышенных тонах, крупный разговор — they had *s, *s passed between them они поссорились, между ними произошла ссора замечание, совет — a * in season своевременный совет — a * in smb.’s ear намек (тк. в ед. ч.) вести;
    известие, сообщение — to receive * of smb.’s coming получить известие о чьем-л. приезде — please send me * as soon as possible пожалуйста, известите меня как можно скорее — please leave * for me at the office пожалуйста, оставьте мне записку в канцелярии (тк. в ед. ч.) обещание, заверение — to give one’s * дать слово;
    обещать — to keep one’s * сдержать слово — a man of his * человек слова — to be as good as one’s * сдержать слово — to be better than one’s * сделать больше обещанного — to take smb. at his * поверить кому-л. на слово;
    принять чьи-л. слова всерьез — his * is as good as his bond на его слово можно положиться;
    его слово — лучшая гарантия — take my * for it (разговорное) уверяю вас, поверьте мне рекомендация, совет — to say /to put in/ a good * for smb. хвалить или отстаивать кого-л.;
    замолвить за кого-л. словечко — to give smb. one’s good * рекомендовать кого-л. (на должность и т. п.) (тк. в ед. ч.) приказ, приказание — * of command( военное) команда — to give the *, to say the * отдать приказание /распоряжение, команду/ — * to be passed! (военное) (морское) слушайте все! — his * is law его слово — закон — sharp’s the *! поторапливайся, живей! — mum’s the *! тихо!, ни слова об этом! пароль, пропуск пословица, поговорка слух, молва( the W.) (религия) Слово господне (о священном писании, особ. о Евангелии;
    тж. W. of God, God’s W.) — to preach the W. проповедывать евангелие /христианство/ Слово, Бог-слово, Христос (тж. Eternal W.) — ministers of the W. (христианское) духовенство pl (музыкальное) (театроведение) текст, слова ( песни) ;
    либретто( оперы) ;
    текст (роли) (полиграфия) слово (условная единица объема, равная 5 печатным знакам) — 8000 *s = 1 печатный лист — a book of 160000 *s книга в 20 печатных листов (компьютерное) слово;
    кодовая группа;
    группа символов (биология) кодовое слово (в генетическом коде) > for *, to a * дословно, буквально, слово в слово > a man of few *s немногословный человек > a man of many *s велеречивый человек;
    болтун > by * of mouth на словах, устно > in a /one/ * одним словом, короче говоря > in other *s другими словами, иначе говоря > in a few *s в нескольких словах, вкратце > without many *s без лишних слов > not a *! (разговорное) ни слова!, ни гу-гу!, молчок! > in * and deed на словах и на деле > a play on /upon/ *s игра слов, каламбур > big *s хвастовство > upon /on/ my * (даю) честное слово > my *! подумать только! > in the *s of… говоря словами /по выражению, по словам/ такого-то… > in so many *s определенно, ясно, недвусмысленно;
    прямо, откровенно > on /with/ the * как только было сказано;
    без промедления;
    тут же, сейчас же > to hang on smb.’s *s ловить чьи-л. слова;
    внимательно прислушиваться к кому-л. > beyond *s неописуемый, невыразимый > conduct beyond *s поведение, не поддающееся описанию > a * and a blow необдуманный поступок, скоропалительное действие > to eat /to swallow/ one’s *s брать свои слова обратно;
    извиняться за сказанное > fair /good/ *s комплименты > fine *s красивые слова > fine /fair, soft/ *s butter no parsnips, *s are but wind (красивые) слова ничего не стоят > he has a kind /a good/ * for everyone у него для каждого человека найдется доброе слово > last *s последние /предсмертные/ слова > the last * (in smth.) последнее слово, новейшее достижение > the last * has not yet been said on this matter последнее слово по этому поводу еще не сказано, вопрос еще окончательно не решен > to have the last * сказать последнее слово (в споре) > not to know the first * about smth. ничего не понимать в чем-л., не знать азов чего-л. > he hasn’t a * to throw at a dog от него слова не добьешься > to suit the action to the * смотреть, чтобы слово не расходилось с делом;
    сказано — сделано > a * spoken is past recalling слово — не воробей, вылетит — не поймаешь > *s are the wise man’s counters and the fool’s money только дурак верит на слово > a * to the wise умный с полуслова понимает > hard *s break no bones брань на вороту не виснет выражать словами;
    подбирать слова, выражения;
    формулировать — I should rather * it differently я бы сказал /сформулировал/ это иначе — how should it be *ed? как бы это выразить?
    address ~ вчт. адресное слово
    alphabetic ~ вчт. буквенное слово
    associatively located ~ вчт. слово найденное ассоциативным поиском
    banner ~ вчт. начальное слово
    I should ~ it rather differently я сказал бы это, пожалуй, иначе;
    a beautifully worded address прекрасно составленная речь
    ~ девиз;
    big words хвастовство
    binary ~ вчт. двоичное слово
    block descriptor ~ вчт. дескриптор блока
    buzz ~ вчт. основное слово
    call ~ вчт. вызывающее слово
    ~ (часто pl) речь, разговор;
    can I have a word with you? мне надо поговорить с вами
    check ~ вчт. контрольное слово
    code ~ кодированное слово
    command ~ вчт. имя команды
    comparand ~ вчт. характеристический признак
    computer ~ вчт. машинное слово
    constant ~ вчт. константное слово
    control ~ вчт. управляющее слово
    data ~ вчт. слово данных
    descriptor ~ вчт. дескриптор
    digital ~ вчт. цифровое слово
    double ~ вчт. двойное слово
    edit ~ вчт. редактирующее слово
    empty ~ вчт. пустое слово
    entry ~ док. порядковое слово описания
    warm (или hot) ~s брань, крупный разговор;
    fair words комплименты
    full ~ вчт. слово
    function ~ вчт. функциональная команда
    ~ пароль;
    to give the word сказать пароль
    ~ приказание;
    word of command воен. команда;
    to give (или to send) word отдать распоряжение
    half ~ вчт. полуслово
    in so many ~s ясно, недвусмысленно;
    hard words break no bones посл. = брань на вороту не виснет
    to have words (with smb.) крупно поговорить, поссориться (с кем-л.)
    he hasn’t a ~ to throw at a dog он и разговаривать не желает;
    a word spoken is past recalling посл. = слово не воробей, вылетит — не поймаешь he hasn’t a ~ to throw at a dog от него слова не добьешься
    I should ~ it rather differently я сказал бы это, пожалуй, иначе;
    a beautifully worded address прекрасно составленная речь
    identifier ~ вчт. идентификатор
    in a ~, in one ~ одним словом;
    короче говоря;
    to put in (или to say) a word (for smb.) замолвить (за кого-л.) словечко
    in a ~, in one ~ одним словом;
    короче говоря;
    to put in (или to say) a word (for smb.) замолвить (за кого-л.) словечко
    in so many ~s ясно, недвусмысленно;
    hard words break no bones посл. = брань на вороту не виснет
    index ~ вчт. модификатор
    information ~ вчт. информационное слово
    isolated ~ вчт. выбранное слово
    a ~ in one’s ear на ухо, по секрету;
    it is not the word не то слово, это еще слабо сказано
    key ~ вчт. ключевое слово
    the last ~ (in (или on) smth.) последнее слово (в какой-л. области) the last ~ (in (или on) smth.) = последний крик моды
    the last ~ has not yet been said on this subject вопрос еще не решен;
    sharp’s the word! поторапливайся!, живей!
    lock ~ вчт. блокировочное слово
    long ~ вчт. двойное слово
    matching ~ вчт. слово с совпавшим признаком
    nonreserved ~ вчт. незарезервированное слово
    numeric ~ вчт. цифровое слово
    offensive ~ оскорбительное слово
    to take (smb.) at his ~ поймать (кого-л.) на слове;
    on (или with) the word вслед за словами
    optional ~ вчт. дополнительное слово
    packed ~ вчт. упакованное слово
    parameter ~ вчт. параметр
    partial ~ вчт. часть слова
    primary ~ вчт. встроенная операция
    processor status ~ вчт. слово состояния процессора
    program status ~ вчт. слово состояния программы
    in a ~, in one ~ одним словом;
    короче говоря;
    to put in (или to say) a word (for smb.) замолвить (за кого-л.) словечко
    word вести;
    известие, сообщение;
    to receive word of (smb.’s) coming получить известие о (чьем-л.) приезде
    request ~ вчт. слово запроса
    reserved ~ вчт. зарезервированное слово
    ~ замечание;
    to say a few words высказать несколько замечаний (по поводу чего-л. — на собрании и т. п.)
    search ~ вчт. признак
    secondary ~ вчт. вторичная команда
    selected ~ вчт. выбранное слово
    the last ~ has not yet been said on this subject вопрос еще не решен;
    sharp’s the word! поторапливайся!, живей!
    she had the last ~ ее слово было последним, = она в долгу не осталась
    spoken ~ вчт. произносимое слово
    status ~ вчт. слово состояния
    to take (smb.) at his ~ поймать (кого-л.) на слове;
    on (или with) the word вслед за словами
    test ~ вчт. тестовое слово
    unmarked ~ вчт. непомеченное слово
    ~ обещание, слово;
    to give one’s word обещать;
    a man of his word человек слова;
    upon my word! честное слово!
    upper half of ~ вчт. старшее полуслово
    warm (или hot) ~s брань, крупный разговор;
    fair words комплименты
    wide ~ вчт. длинное слово
    word вести;
    известие, сообщение;
    to receive word of (smb.’s) coming получить известие о (чьем-л.) приезде ~ выражать словами;
    подбирать выражения;
    to word a telegram составить телеграмму ~ выражать словами ~ девиз;
    big words хвастовство ~ заверение ~ замечание;
    to say a few words высказать несколько замечаний (по поводу чего-л. — на собрании и т. п.) ~ замечание ~ известие ~ обещание, слово;
    to give one’s word обещать;
    a man of his word человек слова;
    upon my word! честное слово! ~ обещание ~ пароль;
    to give the word сказать пароль ~ пароль ~ приказ ~ приказание;
    word of command воен. команда;
    to give (или to send) word отдать распоряжение ~ приказание ~ пропуск ~ (часто pl) речь, разговор;
    can I have a word with you? мне надо поговорить с вами ~ слово;
    word for word слово в слово;
    by word of mouth устно;
    на словах ~ слово ~ вчт. слово ~ совет ~ сообщение ~ формулировыать ~ элемент информации
    ~ выражать словами;
    подбирать выражения;
    to word a telegram составить телеграмму
    ~ слово;
    word for word слово в слово;
    by word of mouth устно;
    на словах
    a ~ in one’s ear на ухо, по секрету;
    it is not the word не то слово, это еще слабо сказано
    ~ приказание;
    word of command воен. команда;
    to give (или to send) word отдать распоряжение
    he hasn’t a ~ to throw at a dog он и разговаривать не желает;
    a word spoken is past recalling посл. = слово не воробей, вылетит — не поймаешь
    a ~ to the wise = умный с полуслова понимает
    written-in ~ вчт. записанное слово

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > word

  • 9



    There was no word of the incident in the newspapers. — В газетах не было ни слова о происшествии.

    She would like to say a few words about the incident. — Она хотела бы сказать несколько слов о происшествии.

    Actions speak louder than words. He — на бумаге сказано — делом показано. /Не спеши языком, торопись делом

    — high-sounding words
    — sincere words
    — compound word
    — hollow words
    — foreign words
    — nonce words
    — taboo word
    — words in one’s ear
    — word for word

    — upon my word!
    — say a few words
    — tell smb, smth in one’s own words
    — have a word with smb

    write a word

    — get a word in edgewise
    — coin a new word
    — mispronounce a word
    — distort smb’s words
    — hang on smb’s words
    — have the last word
    — take smb at her word
    — put in a word for smb
    — not to say a word
    — not to mince any words

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > word

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    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > edgewise

  • 11

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > edgeways

  • 12


    edgeways острием, краем (вперед); боком; to get a word in edgeways ввернуть словечко edgewise: edgewise =edgeways edgeways острием, краем (вперед); боком; to get a word in edgeways ввернуть словечко

    English-Russian short dictionary > edgeways

См. также в других словарях:

  • get a word in edgewise — • get a word in (edgewise) v. phr. To find a chance to say something when others are talking. The little boy listened to the older students and finally got in a word. Mary talked so much that Jack couldn t get a word in edgewise …   Словарь американских идиом

  • get a word in edgewise — [usu. with negative] contribute to a conversation with difficulty because the other speaker talks almost without pause * * * get a word in edgewise see ↑edgewise • • • Main Entry: ↑word …   Useful english dictionary

  • get a word in edgewise — verb To break into or participate in a conversation. Everyone was talking at once. I couldnt get a word in edgewise …   Wiktionary

  • get a word in edgewise — manage to break into a conversation I couldn t get a word in edgewise so I left the meeting …   Idioms and examples

  • get a word in edgewise — to find an opportunity to say something. Harold talked so much that nobody else could get a word in edgewise …   New idioms dictionary

  • to get a word in edgewise — Edgeways Edge ways, Edgewise Edge wise, adv. With the edge towards anything; in the direction of the edge. [1913 Webster] {to get a word in edgewise} to succeed in expressing an opinion in a conversation, in spite of constant speech from another… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • (not) get a word in edgewise — (not) get a word in ˈedgeways idiom (BrE) (NAmE (not) get a word in ˈedgewise) (not) to be able to say anything because sb else is speaking too much • …   Useful english dictionary

  • able to get a word in edgewise — adjective Able to participate in the conversation; able to interrupt another persons monologue. If Id been able to get a word in edgewise, I would have told him his pants were on fire …   Wiktionary

  • get a word in — • get a word in (edgewise) v. phr. To find a chance to say something when others are talking. The little boy listened to the older students and finally got in a word. Mary talked so much that Jack couldn t get a word in edgewise …   Словарь американских идиом

  • get a word in edgeways — • get a word in (edgewise) v. phr. To find a chance to say something when others are talking. The little boy listened to the older students and finally got in a word. Mary talked so much that Jack couldn t get a word in edgewise …   Словарь американских идиом

  • get a word in — or[get a word in edgewise] also[get a word in edgeways] {v. phr.} To find a chance to say something when others are talking. * /The little boy listened to the older students and finally got in a word./ * /Mary talked so much that Jack couldn t… …   Dictionary of American idioms

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

‘Cause you don’t let him get a word in edgewise is why.

I couldn’t get a word in edgewise.

She couldn’t get a word in edgewise.

You don’t even let me get a word in edgewise.

I tried. I just can’t get a word in edgewise between slaps.

Don’t look at me, I can’t get a word in edgewise.

I tried to apologize, but I couldn’t get a word in edgewise.

Zhirinovsky, for example, doesn’t let anyone else get a word in edgewise.

Tom kept talking and didn’t let Mary get a word in edgewise.

If I could get a word in edgewise,

Can I get a word in edgewise here?

Well, it was a little hard to get a word in edgewise between his stare and your drool.

Сложно было вставить словечко, когда он на тебя пялился, а ты пускала по нему слюни.

Can’t a girl get a word in edgewise?

Some such leaders must run the wherever they go, and no one else gets to get a word in edgewise.

Некоторые такие лидеры должны работать везде, где они идут, и никто не получает, чтобы получить словечко.

Every 30 years, Margaret lets me get a word in edgewise.

Maybe he couldn’t get a word in edgewise.

You mean that I can’t get a word in edgewise?

I listen when people talk, not like you… gabbing all the time, won’t let nobody get a word in edgewise.

В отличие от тебя я умею слушать людей… А ты только трещишь, так что никто слова вставить не может.

Can’t a girl get a word in edgewise?

Can I get a word in edgewise here?

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 24. Точных совпадений: 24. Затраченное время: 41 мс


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