One word in each group is wrong cross it out


1. Trainers



Лишнее — перчатки, их надевают на руки

2. Scarf



Лишнее — зонтик, это не одежда

3. Jeans



Лишнее — джинсы, носки и туфли носят на ступнях ног

4. Sandals



Лишнее — шляпа, очки и сандалии используются в форме множ. числа

5. Glove



Лишнее — перчатка, обычно используется в форме множ. числа

6. Scarf



Лишнее — джинсы, не используется в ед. числе

One word in each group is wrong.Cross it out. перевод - One word in each group is wrong.Cross it out. русский как сказать

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One word in each group is wrong.
Cross it out.


Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]


Одно слово в каждой группе является неправильно.
зачеркните его.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]


Одно слово в каждой группе не так.
Крест его.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]


Одним словом в каждой группе неверно.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

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  • 18 века
  • i come
  • белье и чулки
  • good made
  • уважай прошлое создавай будущее
  • i come
  • Bonjour, Nous avons reçu une réponse po
  • извини, не поняла. Номер телефона?
  • Iyi geceler ama ben çok Üzgünüm.
  • спасибо тебе за твою поддержку.я это оче
  • и плащ сверху
  • когда ты напишешь
  • рядом была часовня
  • вы здесь?
  • пока дышу — надеюсь
  • я кончила
  • я только что кончила
  • Eğer hala benim kocam değilsin
  • этот замок принадлежал графине
  • made good
  • живи мечтой
  • всю себя подарю своему сыну
  • пока дышу надеюсь
  • make good

Светило науки — 3419 ответов — 883 помощи


1 get into a car / a taxi / a van / a bus
Предлог into употребляется, когда мы говорим об автомобилях и всех подобных средствах передвижения (такси, фургоны, грузовики и т.д.). Их отличительная особенность – в их кабине нельзя встать в полный рост и пройтись.

Поэтому a bus (автобус) — лишнее слово

2 ride a motorbike / a train / a horse / a bike
Мы используем ride, когда управляем чем-то, сидя верхом на нем. Это может быть мотоцикл, лошадь, велосипед, скутер и т.д.

Поэтому лишнее a train (поезд)

3 go by foot / ferry / feet / plane
By+вид транспорта;
Когда мы говорим о способе передвижения — пешком, используем by или on

Лишнее go by feet -> On/by foot (пешком) только в ед.ч.

4 take a train / a bus / a taxi / a car
Глагол take мы используем со словами bus, train, taxi, cab, plane.

Поэтому лишнее слово a car (машина)

5 get on a plane / foot / a bus / a boat
Предлог on употребляется перед названиями достаточно больших транспортных средств, где вы можете встать в полный рост и пройтись. Это такие средства транспорта, как train, plane, bus, boat, ship и т.п.

Устойчивая фраза on foot — пешком употребляется без get.

6 get off a bike / a car / a motorbike / a bus
1. В случае с общественным транспортом:
Get off the plane, bus, train;
2. В случае, когда человек находится НА чем-то, на поверхности чего-то:
Get off a bicycle, motorcycle, horse, board, ferry, boat.

Поэтому лишнее слово a car (машина)

7 get out of a taxi / a train / a plane / a car
Get out используется с приватным/маленьким транспортом.(a car/a taxi)
Get off a plane — самолет используется с предлогом off

8 miss a ferry / a taxi / a train / a bus
to miss — опоздать, не попасть, пропустить

Лишнее слово a taxi (такси)

9 drive a car / a lorry / a bike / a bus
Мы используем drive, когда едем за рулем машины, грузовика, автобуса и т.д. То есть когда управляем транспортным средством, сидя в нем

Поэтому лишнее слово a bike (велосипед



PAGE 15 Vocabulary

A.     Complete these statements with
suitable expressions from the box

Buying habits

Economic situation

Government bureaucracy

Income distribution

Monetary regulation

Political stability

1.      Because of tight Government
company profits could not be taken out of the country

2.      Red tape and other examples of Income
hinder a company’s entry into a market

3.      The country is attractive to
exporters because it has enjoyed Political stability for the last 50

4.      The purchasing behaviour of
consumerscan be described as their Buying habits

5.      The Economic situation is improving
leading to rise in employment

6.      Monetary regulation is a term used
by economists to describe how wealth is shared in a country 

B.     Discuss these question
What are some of the main benefits
of political stability ? Political stability leads to predictable patterns in
economic policies, which helped boost the country’s

How would
you describe the present economic situation of your country compared to 10
years ago ? It can be seen from
the economic situation is getting better

Is it
possible to achieve equal income distribution in a country? Difficult, because
not all people can put the same value and consequently they can’t have the very
same income.

C.     Look at the words and phrases below.
Underline the odd one out

D.     Complete this exercise and then
compare answers with a partner

1.      Give an example of an expanding
market in your country ? Develop home-based products

2.      Give some examples of products or
services which are targeted at niche markets ? Tropicana Slim also use the
strategy of niche markets for sugar products healthy. Tropicana Slim also uses
specialist strategy of price-quality, namely high quality at a price above the
average competitor.

3.      Another name for a home market is
a  real market

4.      If a product has a design fault a
company may decide to stop it, correct the fault and relaunch it at a later

5.      ‘Just do it’ is an example of a
statement force

6.      What’s the difference between a
retailer and a wholesaler? Retailers are running the sale of goods
directly to consumers while wholesale reselling through producers to consumers

PAGE 16 Reading

A . Answer these questions.

1 . Which hot drinks are popular in
your country? Coffee

2 . What is your favorite hot
drink? I prefer hot milk compared with coffee

3 . Which five words do you
associate with coffee? Sugar, glass, water, badgers, milk

PAGE 17 Reading

B . Read the article quickly and
identify the country or countries where the statement is true.

1 . People in this country would
rather drink tea than coffe. Chile

2 . People in this country would
rather drink instant coffee. Peru

3 . In this country coffee is
usually free after dinner in restaurants. Mexico

4 . In this country people drink 345
cups of coffe a year. US

5 . In this country people drink 4kg
of whole or ground coffee beans per year. Argentina

C . Answer these questions.

1 . Where and when did Starbucks
begin? 1971

2 . How many stores does it own

a)      Norths America : 3,907 

b)       the rest of the world: 1,180

3 . How many stores does it allow
others to operate in 

a)      North America : 1,378 

b)      the rest of the world : 1,517

4 . Which overseas market did
Starbucks enter first? Japan

5 . In what of places can you find
Starbucks’ sales-points? Capital cities

6 . According to the article what
four problems has Starbucks had?

D . Which of the following verbs can
form a word partnership with a) a product, b) a market?

a)      a product : Launch, Introduce,
License, Withdraw

b)      a market : Retreat from, Penetrate,
Phase out, Saturate

PAGE 18  Language Review

A.      Find noun phrases in the
article on page 16 which have similar meanings to the phrases below.

1.      The key facts about someone who buys
goods or services. (paragraph 3)  Consumers

2.      The activity of visiting outlets
that sell hot beverages to a lot of people. (paragraph 6) Mass market

3.      Places that sell unusual products
that are different in some way. (paragraph 7) Supermarket

4.      The amount of goods or materials
used by each person in a particular period of time. (paragraph 8) Capita

5.      A group of people trying to stop
international companies controlling the world economy. (paragraph 13)

B . One word in each group does not
make a compound noun with the word in bold. Cross it out.

1.      Marketing :  campaign/
budget/ leader/strategy

2.       Market :  research/
survey/ check/ sector

3.      Product :  market/ range/
features/ manager

4.      Advertising : campaign/ exchange/
agency/ slogan

5.      Brand : awareness/ loyalty/
image/ contract

6.      Sales : figures/ conditions/
forecast/ targets

7.      Price : promotion/ rise/
product/ range

C . The words in each of the noun
phrases below are in the wrong order. Write the phrases in their correct form.

1.      Impressive figures sales really : Sales
figures really impressive

2.      Department new public relations : New
public relations department

3.      Highly research market ambitious
programme : Research market programme highly ambitious

4.      Overseas expanding operations : Expanding
overseas operations

5.      Rapidly sheet balance improving : Balance
sheet improving rapidly

6.      Extremely rate exchange volatile : Rate
exchange extremely volatile

7.      Highly marketing report confidential
: Marketing report highly confidential


PAGE 23 Vocabulary

A . The verbs below are often used
with the words relations. Use them to complete the table.

Positive meaning

Negative meaning

Build up relations

Break off relations

Cement relations

Jeopardise relations

Foster relations

Damage relations

Encourage relations

Cut off relations

Develop relations

Disrupt relations

Establish relation

Endanger relations

Improve relations

Sour relation

Maintain relations

Undermine relations

Strengthen relations

Promote relations

Restore relations

Resume relations

B.     Choose the correct verb in each

1.      Sales staff who are impolite to
customers disurpt / damage the reputation of a company.

2.      We are planning to promote / establish branch
offices in Singapore.

3.      By merging with a US company, we
greatly strengthened / maintained our sales force.

4.      Our image has been fostered
/ underminded by poor after-sales service.

5.      Thanks to a new communications
system, we are souring / improving relations with suppliers.

6.      A strike at our factory resumed
/ disrupted production for several weeks.

7.      We could not agree on several points
so we broke off / cut off talks regarding a joint venture.

8.      The success of our new product
launch was resumed / jeopardised by an unimaginative
advertising campaign.

9.      In order to gain market share in
China, we are building up / cutting off a sales network there.

10.  Relations between the two countries
have been endangered / fostered by official visits and trade

C.      Match the following sentence
halves. Then make five more sentences with the verbs in Exercise A and B

1.      Widespread rumours of a hostile
take-over bid are certain (D)

2.      The Accounts Departmenet’s very slow
paymen of invoice (E)

3.      The long-term contracts, which will
run for the next five years (B)

4.      The excellent relations the company
enjoys with the local community (A)

5.      As a result of the government’s
imposition of currency controls (C)

6.      Our company establish a working
relationship with overseas companies

7.      Our company maintain good
relationships with even the competitors

8.      Companies promote its latest

9.      So that the cooperation between our
companies continues to strengthen ties with one another

10.  To improve the country’s development
by improving the economy

PAGE 24  Reading

A . What area of business do you
think the company American International Group (AIG) is involved in? Is it
a) tobacco ? b) insurance ? c) oil? d) packaging? Skim the article quickly to
find the answare Is it a insurance (b)

B . What do the following numbers in
the article refer to?

$166bn : AIG

1992 : AIG
was the first foreign insurer to be allowed into China

1919 : In
China as with the rest of Asia, AIG’s main advantage over its competitors is
its long-standing presence. The group was founded in Shanghai in 1919 by
Cornelius Vander Starr, a 27-year-old American entrepreneur.

80.000 :
Amount of employees in AIG

130 : Amount
of countries where AIG exist

C . Who are the following people
mentioned in the article :

1.      Maurice Greenberg : AIG’s

2.      Cornelius Vander Starr : a
27-years old American entrepreneur

3.      Edmund Tse : someone who runs
the Asia operations and life assurance worldwide

PAGE 26 Language review

C.     Rephrase these comments using the
multi-word verbs from Exercise A

1.      We can’t hold the meeting
tomorrow. We’ll have to call the meeting off tomorrow.

2.      Let’s have the presentation next
week – we’re too busy at the moment. Today we are busy so we presentations next

3.      We always know our suppliers will
meet their deadlines.

4.      We have now established a first
class distribution network in Europe. in europe now we have established a
first-class distribution network

5.      Could you please prepare a contract
as soon as possible?

6.      Could you fix a meeting with them
for next week?

7.      We’ve kept the same market share as
we had last year.

8.      The new sales manager is very
popular with his team.


PAGE 99 Vocabulary

A . Different companies have
different cultures and ways of working. Complete these sentences with the words
in brackets.

1.      We don’t have to wear business suits
at the and of the week . My company has a system of (Casual Fridays)

2.       In many banks, staff can’t
wear what they like. They have to wear ( Uniforms).

3.      For two weeks each month , I work at
night . I can’t sleep during the day. I hate (part-time)

4.      We have a (shift work) system in our
office. Some people work from 9 a.m. to 5p.m. others work from 10 a.m. to 6

5.      I am so busy at the moment that I
worked on New year’s day , which is a(n) ( public holiday )

6.      How many days (annual leave) do you
get in your company?

7.      We often speak on the phone but
never (face-to-face) .

8.      He sends us a(n) (written report) in
the post each month.

9.      Our department starts everyday with
a(n) (informal) meeting. It is very relaxed.

10.  Companies have an Annual General
Meeting  (AGM) once year. It is very ( formal ) meeting, with a lot of people.

 B. Would you like to work for
an organization which has

I really want to work for an
organization or company that ordered to wear uniforms, casual Friday, and
flexible working hours. because I am very interested in working in a place that
not many rules but the goal is to stay disciplined besides many official

PAGE 101 Language focus 1

A.     Complete these sentences using
should or shouldn’t and a phrase from the box.

1.      Our online business is bad . we
(should  develop a better website).

2.      Our team is working too many hours.
We (should speak to our boss)

3.      The meeting is very important. We (
shouldn’t be late).

4.      She wants to visit a lot of
customers in Spain. We ( should stay three days).

5.      We have to cut costs. You (
Shouldn’t buy an expensive computer).

B.      Give the opposite advices by
using should, shouldn’t or I don’t thing.

1.      I think he should go to Paris next
week (I don’t think he should go to Paris next week).

2.      You should buy a franchise (You
shouldn’t buy a franchise).

3.      She shouldn’t take the customers to
an expensive restaurant. (She should take the customers to an expensive

4.      I think we should launch the new
product now (I don’t think we should launch the new product now).

5.      My boss think is too late to send
the report now.

6.      we should order online (we shouldn’t
order online).

PAGE 102 Reading

A.      Match these words to their
meanings. Use a good dictionary to help you.

1.      Franchise (B)

2.      Franchisee (E)

3.      Adapt (D)

4.      Outlet (A)

5.      Chain (C)

B.      Which of these companies do
you think have franchise ? 

C.     Read the article about a fast-food
chain in japan. Mark each statement true or false

1.      Subway has 14.000 outlats in Japan False

2.      McDonald’s is the biggest fast-food
chain in America False

3.      A lot of subway franchises failed
because the japanese don’t like fast food True

4.      The company said to Mr.Ono, ‘Thank
customers when they leave the shop False

5.      Subway run a lot of advertisement False

6.      Mr.Ono’s store was not successful True

7.      Mr.Ono took a lot of holidays False

8.      Mr. Ono has a new job True

PAGE 103 Language focus 2

A.     These questions were asked on a
plane journey. Which does a flight attendant ask, and which does a passenger

1.       Could I have  another
drink, please? Passenger

2.      Would you put your seat up, please? flight

3.      Would you like a newspaper? flight

4.      Could you show me how to turn on the
light, please? Passenger

5.      Would you like another drink? flight

6.      Could I have a chicken , please? passenger

7.      Would you like coffe tea ? flight

8.      Could you fasten your seat belt,
please? flight attendant

9.      Could you help me find the movie
channel, please? passenger

10.  Would you like any duty-free goods? flight

C. You are at a hotel reception
desk. Use the verbs in bracket to make polite requests.

1.      You want to make a phone call (Could
I use the phone, please?)

2.      You didn’t hear that (Would like to
repeat what you say, please? )

3.      You want a taxi (Could you help me
to call a taxi, please?)

4.      You don’t know the way to the
station (Could you tell me the way to the station , please?)

5.      You want to pay by credit card
(Could I pay with my credit card?)

6.      You want to go to a good restaurant
(Could you give me recommend for a good restaurant, please?)

7.      You ned a map of the city (Could I
have a map of the city?)

PAGE 105  Writing

           : New

office equipment

: 03 Januari 2017

Participants     :

Agenda item




1 . New
photocopy machine


photocopy machine has been damaged and is not proper to use.

2. New
Agree Because
computer to employed not good, must upgrade to good.
to check computer by 10/5




2 года назад

Английский язык

5 — 9 классы

find one incorrect word in each sentence cross it out and type the correct one ​

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спасибо большое) выручила


(4 оценки)


2 года назад

Светило науки — 64 ответа — 0 раз оказано помощи


6. where have you gone? it’s very late.

другие предложения я сделала на твоём другом вопросе…….посмотри


(4 оценки)


(0 оценок)


2 года назад

Светило науки — 6 ответов — 0 раз оказано помощи


4. studied — study

5. has — have

6. have you go — are you going (в этом я не уверен)

(0 оценок)

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Задай вопрос

Найди нужный

Новые вопросы по предмету Математика

School rules: составить 6 предложений с have to

Диалог о жизни в деревне на английском (короткий) пожалуйста помогите срочно надо

Помогите пожалуйста!!!!!!!!!!11

2. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Continuous. (Вставте в речення дієслово з дужок у Present Continuous.) 1) She ______ a letter. (w …


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