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Sometimes one word is all it takes to change your mood and get you going again. One-Word Affirmations are a fantastic choice for people who are short on time and need to quickly shift their focus and restore their energy.
Here are some of the most powerful one-word affirmations to instantly kick-start your motivation.
Words have tremendous power. In fact, according to authors Andrew Newberg M.D. and Mark Robert Waldman:
“A single word has the power to influence the expression of genes that regulate physical and emotional stress.”
Their research discovered that holding a single optimistic word in your mind stimulates activity in the frontal lobe and directly connects to the brain centers responsible for action and behavior. Over time, having positive thoughts changes the structure of your thalamus, influencing how you perceive reality.
These findings are supported by the latest neuroscience. A recently published study confirms that words anticipate experience, jump-starting our brains to peak activity, and shape our perceptual mechanisms milliseconds before a stimulus. Our brains use language to create predictive conceptual frameworks that allow us to act more quickly.
Science proves that even one-word affirmations can effectively shape our perceptions and behaviors. And here are some of the most effective one-word affirmations for motivation.
166 One-Word Affirmations to Instantly Kick-Start Your Motivation
- Breathe
- Onward
- Forward
- Upward
- Calm
- Peace
- Feel
- Think
- Relax
- Inhale
- Exhale
- Center
- Focus
- Easy
- Be
- Abide
- Remember
- Serenity
- Hush
- Repose
- Safe
- Secure
- Silence
- Clear
- Harmony
- Order
- Amity
- Concord
- Release
- Forgive
- Quietude
- Anchored
- Heart
- Clarity
- Firmness
- Solid
- Light
- Accept
- Endure
- Persevere
- Success
- Triumph
- Persist
- Continue
- Diligence
- Patience
- Victory
- Achieve
- Still
- Tranquil
- Quiet
- Serene
- Mastery
- Prevail
- Conquer
- Succeed
- Unconquerable
- Unstoppable
- Irresistible
- Ascend
- Rise
- Win
- Victorious
- Courage
- Arise
- Unruffled
- Undismayed
- Backbone
- Purposeful
- Collectedness
- Repose
- Imperturbability
- Self-possession
- Poise
- Placidity
- Motivation
- Worth
- Goals
- Objective
- Reason
- Plan
- Justice
- Truth
- Hope
- Intention
- Aims
- Profit
- Values
- Merit
- Good
- Practicality
- Worthy
- Dream
- Desires
- Reality
- Vision
- Expectation
- Expand
- Express
- Bliss
- Brilliant
- Delight
- Glorious
- Fun
- Radiant
- Proud
- Wise
- Grateful
- Playful
- Positive
- Eager
- Willing
- Powerful
- Precious
- Effective
- Joyful
- Thankful
- Beautiful
- Transformation
- Strength
- Results
- Abundance
- Quality
- Pleasure
- Joy
- Create
- Energy
- Intuition
- Genius
- Ideas
- Growth
- Plenty
- Confidence
- Certainty
- Love
- Talent
- Grounded
- Amazing
- Happy
- Honor
- Work
- Smart
- Bright
- Satisfied
- Fantastic
- Uplifted
- Free
- Tranquil
- Comfortable
- Marvelous
- Glowing
- Radiant
- Fortunate
- Bubbly
- Zestful
- Ready
- Curious
- Productive
- Strong
- Honorable
- Honest
- Grin
- Shine
- Self-reliance
- Faith
- Conviction
How to Use One-Word Affirmations to Instantly Kick-start Your Motivation
In many ways, a one-word affirmation may begin to resemble a mantra. While there are critical differences between an affirmation and a mantra, here are the most important thing to keep in mind while using a one-word affirmation:
Choose the Most Meaningful Word For You
Many people benefit from positive words like “peace” or “love,” but that may not be the word that motivates you most. When choosing a one-word affirmation, say each word out loud and pay attention to how it makes you feel. Then, use a one-word affirmation that resonates and energizes you.
Persistence Matters
For the positive effects of a one-word affirmation to be most effective, the word needs to be held in your mind. Sustaining a positive thoughts is the best way to reshape our brains and behaviors.
However, if you are looking for a one-word affirmation because you are short on time, remember that there are two ways to achieve this sustained persistence:
- Concentrate on the word. You can use a one-word affirmation like a mantra as part of a meditation practice where you shift focus away from the world and concentrate on your affirmation. Beginners will find it challenging to sustain concentration and focus for very long. Still, the benefit of meditation and mindfulness is that you learn how to control your thoughts and attention, increasing mental discipline and improving focus on positive thoughts.
- Repeat the word out loud. If you don’t have time to engage in a meditation session or perhaps don’t even have time to take a break and refresh your thoughts, you can still gain the benefits by repeating your one-word affirmation out loud. Saying your affirmation aloud allows it to enter your subconscious through your ears, where it can begin to affect and re-wire your brain, even if your conscious attention is elsewhere.
Combine a One-Word Affirmation With Other Motivational Techniques
For people who are struggling with a lack of energy, motivation, and optimism in their lives, a simple one-word affirmation may not be enough. In fact, a lack of motivation often indicates that we aren’t aligned with our life goals and objectives.
So, if you find yourself prone to procrastination, distraction, and delay, it may be time to revisit your life goals and ensure you’re on the right track.
Following these methods will allow you to use one-word affirmations to make powerful changes in your life.
Final Thoughts on One-Word Affirmations to Instantly Kick-Start Your Motivation
A one-word affirmation is not a shortcut but a powerful technique for reshaping the brain, but remember that it isn’t the only tool in your toolbox, and it’s not a quick fix for more profound, underlying issues.
So, while a single word holds incredible power, don’t forget to take advantage of all the methods available to create a more mindful, meaningful, and happier life.
And if you want more encouraging affirmations, be sure to check out these blog posts:
- 75 Healing Affirmations for Your Mind, Body, and Soul
- 73 Positive Affirmations for Anxiety Relief and Stress Reduction
- 75 Self-Love Affirmations to Find More Acceptance in Life
Finally, if you want a simple tool to record and recite these affirmations, then check out these 13 affirmations apps that help you create a positive mindset.
This is proving really good for congestion, but there’s a slight chance it can make your tears burn like acid,
Эти доказано действительно
от гиперемии, но есть слабый шанс, что они могут сделать твои слезы жгучими как кислота,
Happier thoughts lead to essentially a
biochemistry, a
healthier body.
Счастливые мысли ведут в существе к
биохимии, к
здоровому телу.
When a happy thought dispelled my woe♪♪ and I felt perhaps he would be a
bit less dull♪♪ if I sliced up his cyborg skull♪.
Я был одинок без моих друзей минуту назад когда счастливая мысль рассеяла мое горе и я подумал,
может он будет не таким тупым если я разрежу его череп киборга.
You know While I was devouring every single one of your happy thoughts They all seem to be about a certain friend of yours.
Знаете, когда я высасывал каждую вашу счастливую мысль, мне показалось, что у вас есть очень близкий друг.
Having left the duration of these periods, however, to the speculations of specialists, the greatest confusion and perplexity are the result of that happy thought.
Предоставив, однако, определение продолжительности этих периодов исследованиям специалистов, эта счастливая мысль имела следствием величайшую путаницу и недоумение.
Those who have bitter
are never happy, because their thoughts are not God’s
and He cannot bless them.
Те кто имеют горькие
никогда не будут радостными из-за того, что их мысли не являются Божьими
и Бог не может благословить их.
You must cultivate a happy, healthy, positive thoughts, that they realized the tree of wishes of our life.
Необходимо культивировать в себе счастливые, здоровые, позитивные мысли, чтобы именно их реализовало древо исполнения желаний нашей жизни….
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and happy to share my thoughts with you as support is so necessary at a time
when so much is happening.
Я СаЛуСа с Сириуса, и я счастлив делиться с вами своими мыслями, ибо вам так нужна поддержка, когда столько всего происходит.
Let us leave our noble prince… with these
Оставим благородного Принца наедине с его веселыми мыслями.
Results: 82,
Time: 0.0298
Are you going through tough times and in need of some inspiration to help you through it? Look no further than these powerful one word quotes! Sometimes, all it takes is a single word to lift your spirits and push you towards success. A simple word from a stranger, like “SMILE” during your morning walk, or stumbling upon a quote that says “INSPIRE” while scrolling through social media can have a big impact on your mood and motivation. These simple yet powerful phrases can help you make positive changes in your life.
That’s why we’ve put together a list of the best one word quotes that are sure to inspire you and help you get motivated. Each quote on this list is designed to uplift and energize, and can be used to quickly turn around a bad mood. Whether you’re looking for inspiration or wanting to motivate those around you, these single word quotes are perfect for the job. Share them with your friends and loved ones to brighten their day too. These short inspirational quotes are quick and easy ways to boost your mood at any time. So go ahead and use them in any situation, and get ready to feel motivated!
One Word Quotes
Here is the list of 40 powerful one word quotes to cherish your mood.
- Alive – Make your existence alive. Celebrate your presence every second.
Appreciate – To live a better life, appreciate what you have in your life.
- Beautiful – It’s not just your physical appearance – it’s the beauty of your soul.
- Blissful – Being blissful is not something you work for. It’s something you follow and take pleasure in.
Believe – Start believing with all your heart. If you believe in good things, anything is possible.
- Bless – Remember that all of us are blessed in different ways. You are blessed and you know that pleasure in.
- Brave – When you feel weak, be brave. When you find risk, be brave. Only bravery can make you strong.
Breathe – Take a deep breathe. Go outside to get some fresh air and let your body inhale the good nature.
- Classy – Be classy because it annoys other people.
- Compete – Always compete at the highest level. Be so good that no one ignores you.
Confidence – Let your body and mind speaks confidence.
- Creativity – What makes life interesting is the constant creativity of your soul. Be a creative artist and show it to the world.
- Cuddle – embrace and hold close lovingly
Dream – Have the courage to pursue your dreams. Live them and act on them.
Enjoy – You only live once. This is not a rehearsal. Enjoy it every day!
- Fantasy – Sometimes, we do need fantasy to live in reality. It’s okay to fantasize and look at the life through a different angle.
- Fly – Don’t think what would happen if you fail! Think, what if you fly?
- Focus – Ignore the noise around you, focus on your vision.
- Forgive – If you really want to heal your wounds, forgive quickly. Give yourself a gift and free yourself from negative energies.
Freedom – You’re free to go. Enjoy the air of freedom and live your life.
Goals – Have big dreams? Sketch out bigger goals.
Happy – You truly deserve to happy and cherish. Do things that make you happy. Don’t let little things steal your happiness in any way.
Hope – Look for a light of hope every day. You never know how will your tomorrow look like.
- Imagine – Ever fallen in love with the imaginations? Just imagine the story and bring it to real life.
- Infinity – My friend, it’s time to dream beyond infinity. Go limitless.
Inspire – Be the reason people look forward to you. Make a difference to other’s life by inspiring them.
- Karma – Everything you do comes back to you. It’s the sweetest revenge!
Laugh – Don’t take yourself too seriously! Find a reason to laugh every day. Isn’t it the best therapy?
Love – Love is a priceless feeling you enjoy. Not a decision you make.
- Meditate – Spend few minutes and talk to your inner soul. Listen to your heart and let it engulf you.
- Mistake – You won’t learn anything new unless you make a mistake. It’s okay to make mistakes and learn from it.
- Motivate – It’s time to be the best version of you. Get up and hit it!
- Opportunities – You only get few chances to change yourself. Make sure you avail the opportunity that come to your way.
Positive – Train your mind to think positive. Have positive thoughts shape your mind and life.
Relax – Don’t overburden yourself! Take time for yourself and calm down.
Smile – Let your smile change the world. Your smile can make beautiful conversations. Make sure you smile.
- Strength – The strongest people are not ones who show strengths by their muscles but by their hearts.
Success – There’s no shortcut to success. You have to work hard and go for it!
- Wander – Wandering doesn’t mean that you’re lost. But, it actually shows that you are alive.
- Win – Sometimes, winning isn’t everything but the want to win is.
Were you feeling depressed today? Or, if your friend is going through any anxiety, grab these inspiring one word quotes and make him/her feel happy. Sometimes, you don’t desire for expensive gifts or lavish dinners, but a word from some close friend does the magic. Do you want to motivate someone today? Pick a list of words and jot it down in a message and share it with your BFF. Use these magic words and make a small difference to someone else’s life. As the list has the word ‘creative’, use that and think how you can be creative with these quotes. If you loved the whole list, share it with your friends and family right now. Your one word can make a difference. Be the reason someone motivates today.
What’s next? Check our other collection of inspirational short word quotes:
- 50 Powerful, Inspirational & Motivational Two Word Quotes
- 40 Brilliant Powerful Short Three Word Quotes
- 33 Inspiring, Motivational & Powerful Four Word Quotes
- 30 Five Word Quotes That Will Brighten Your Day Quickly
- 27 Powerful Six Word Quotes To Take Inspiration From
Happiness & Happy Moments are very rare to feel and experience in this hectic life. One should feel so heartfelt & lovable to share their happy moments with others via social media platforms, or calls, or messages. In order to make up your happy sharing posts, stories, reels, IGTV videos on Instagram, we have furnished a list of Happy Instagram Captions for all 2021 pictures & videos.
These quotes and captions about happiness are very helpful and easy to copy-paste everywhere like WhatsApp status, Facebook stories &, etc. Short Sassy Cute Enjoyable Cool Insta Captions about happy moments are prevailing here in the below informative lists along with some happy insta quotes images & videos.
Do Refer:
- Best Clever Instagram Captions
- Good Instagram Captions
Here is the list of best happy Instagram captions for boys’ & girls’ pics. You can make use of these captions for Happy life and share your memorable moments on Instagram. This comprehensive list of Happiness Captions for Instagram engages your followers & gets more likes & comments on your posts, stories, reels, etc. Just take a look at the collection of Best Funny Cute Short Sassy Simple Instagram Captions for happy moments and create your posts so happening.
- Best Happy Captions For Bio
- Happy Quotes That You Can Use as IG Captions
- Short happy captions for Instagram
- Happy captions for Instagram for girls
- IG Caption for Happy life
- Happy Instagram captions
- Happy Instagram captions for selfies
- Happy Instagram captions for guys
- Happy Instagram captions in Hindi
- Happy Instagram captions lyrics
- Happy Instagram captions with friends
- Cute happy Instagram captions
- Being happy Instagram captions
- Funny happy Instagram captions
- Sad but happy Instagram captions
- Sassy happy Instagram captions
- Just be happy Instagram captions
- Simple happy Instagram captions
- One word happy Instagram captions
Best Happy Captions For Bio
- “If only we’d stop trying to be happy we could have a pretty good time.”– Edith Wharton
- A smile is a curve that sets everything straight.
- Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life.
- Happiness in intelligent people is the rarest thing I know.
- I feel extremely happy.
- I like what I am doing and there is freedom in doing the things that you like, so I am happy.
- Learn to let go. That is the key to happiness.
- Take time to make your soul happy.
- The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams.
- True love is the greatest adventure.
Happy Quotes That You Can Use as IG Captions
- Everyone would be enjoying life more if they just stopped looking for happiness desperately.
- One of the most effective ways to cheer yourself up is to cheer someone else up.
- Beauty is the promise of happiness.
- Once you accept that you do not necessarily need happiness, you start to become happier.
- Oddly enough, one can find happiness in possessing both good health and bad memory.
- Learning to extract happiness from the littlest of things in life is what makes a happy soul.
- Nothing like a sore tummy from laughing so hard.
- Happiness is a function of accepting what is.
- More often than not, people are about as happy as they choose and decide to be.
- Life is too short to be anything but happy.
- Just like butterflies, happiness has no intention of being caught. It only willingly alights upon those who deserve it.
- Judge nothing, forgive everything, and love everything. Practice these three and you’ll always be happy.
- If you love and appreciate what you currently have, then you actually have everything that you need.
- It’s no coincidence that grass is always greener where you water it. The same goes for the happiness that you spread.
- Count not the troubles, but the joys.
Short Happy Instagram Captions
- Cue the confetti.
- Happiness in intelligent people is the rarest thing I know.
- Happiness is the natural flower of duty.
- I choose to be happy. Be happy always.
- I deserve to be happy.
- I’m happy because I enjoy every bit of my simple life.
- Learn to value yourself, which means: fight for your happiness.
- Start your new year with a little dance party.
- The purpose of our lives is to be happy.
- You can only have bliss if you don’t chase it.
Happiness captions for Instagram Girl Pictures
- You will be exactly as happy as you decide to be.
- Sorry, even the latest update of my life does not feature an unhappy button.
- People don’t notice whether it’s winter or summer when they’re happy.
- Life is made of happy moments like this.
- If you tell true then it is not required to memorized anything.
- If being happy was a crime, I’d be the most wanted criminal.
- I’m fine, I’m just happy!
- Happiness is not ready-made it comes from you.
- Happiness found a soul mate in me.
- Happiness doesn’t have an address, it’s everywhere.
- A happy family is but an earlier Heaven.
Also Refer:
- 2-word captions for Instagram
- 3-word captions for Instagram
IG Caption for Happy life
- !!…Expect nothing, appreciate everything…!!
- “Happiness is a function of accepting what is.”
- Be happy
- Happiness depends upon ourselves.
- Happiness is a Choice, Not a Result..!!
- Happiness is a direction, not a place.
- Happiness is Everything.
- Happiness is the best makeup.
- Life is beautiful.
- No need caption
- When you are HAPPY everything is easy.
Instagram Captions About Happiness
- “Being happy never goes out of style.”
- “The purpose of our lives ❤is to be happy😊.”
- Be a flower in a world made of stones🌺
- Be Wild. Be True. Be Happy 💕
- Don’t stop to dream..!!
- Good Times + Perfect Friends = Happiness Life!
- I feel good when I am happy.
- In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities 🤍
- Life is a gift, live it now…
- Look for the magic in every moment…💙
- Make me happy I’ll make you happier!
- Never forgot, who you are.
- You decide to be happy or not…
Happy Captions for Selfies
- Attacking every single day with enthusiasm.
- Floating on cloud nine.
- Celebrating life like it’s a life-long party.
- Felicity found a soul mate in me.
- All is well with my soul.
- Expect little, enjoy more.
- Do it because it makes you happy.
- Being always happy is my kind of style.
- Cheers to the happily ever after.
- Excuse me while I kiss all my worries away.
- Each day is a new day to be happy.
- Finding joy in the ordinary.
- Bring on the endless sunshine!
- Bliss usually only comes to those who don’t chase it.
- Be happy with what you have, and be excited about what you want.
Happy & Laugh Instagram Captions for Boys
- Be obsessively grateful.
- Do more of what makes you happy.
- I make your heart laugh.
- In every life, we have some trouble when you worry you make it double.
- It’s the little things in life.
- Laugh while you have teeth 😀
- Laughing is the best medicine to make life better.
- Life Is Better When You’re Laughing
- Smile, it confuses people.
- There are so many beautiful reasons to be happy.
- Whatever you do in life, make sure it makes you happy.
- Whatever you do in life, make sure it makes you happy.
- Wherever I go and whenever I go, I just want to spread sparkling happiness around.
- You have every right to a beautiful life.
- You make my heart smile.
Happy Instagram captions in Hindi
- Kuch nahi milta jindgi me mehnat ke bagair. Mujhe mera saaya bhi dhoop me aane par mila.
- तस्वीरें लेना भी जरूरी है, आईना कभी बीते लम्हे👀 नहीं बताता…!
- एक छोटा सा फसाना…🤏
अब क्या बताना !🤪 - ना ढूंढ जवाब तू ! सवाल भी उलझे हुए है… कुछ तेरी तरह कुछ मेरी तरह॥
- Jitna pyara din hai utne pyare ham, Dikhate hai khush lekin hain hajaron gam…
- जिंदगी संवारने कों तो ज़िंदगी पड़ी है, चलो वो लम्हा सवारते है जहां ज़िंदगी खड़ी है।❣️❤️
- Jakhm Vahi Hai Jo छिपा Liya Jaaye…jo bata diya jaaye use तमाशा kahte hai.
- नजरिया बदलो, नजारे भी बदलेंगे… ये ज़िंदगी है यहाँ तेरे दर्द के भी दीवाने मिलेंगे।
- सभी अपनी ज़िंदगी के हीरो होते है, बस कुछ लोगो की फिल्मे Release नहीं होती।
Lyrics Happy Instagram Quotes
- “Baby I don’t need dollar bills to have fun tonight, I love cheap thrills” – Sia, “Cheap Thrills
- “Be young, be dope, be proud.” – Lana Del Rey, American
- “Let’s live our life, tomorrow doesn’t always come. Don’t try to hide, let’s have some fun.” – DJ Cassidy Ft. Nile Rodgers, Alex Newell, & Jess Glynne, “Kill The Lights”
- “Neverland is home to lost boys like me, And lost boys like me are free” – Ruth B, “Lost Boy”
- “Somewhere down the road might just meet up at the right time.” – G-Eazy
- “Sun-kissed, skin so hot, we’ll melt your popsicle.” — Katy Perry, “California Gurls”
- “Taste like money when I speak.” – Kiiara, “Gold”
- “We’re so late nights, red eyes, amnesia, on ice” – Zayn, “dRuNk”
- “You can’t choose what stays and what fades away.” – Florence + The Machine, “No Light, No Light”
- “You know I talk too much, Honey, come put your lips on mine” – Coin, “Talk Too Much”
Happiness Insta Captions with friends
- As soon as I saw you I knew a grand adventure was about to happen.
- Friends that travel together stay together.
- I roam fearlessly since I have my squad always geared up.
- No friendship is an accident.
- Only one player is not important. The most important thing is the squad, and it’s important to be together. You can’t just lose it over one player.
- What matters is getting the best out of the squad you have.
- When worst comes to worst, the squad comes first.
- You don’t need a King to be Queen.
- You simply cannot do epic things with boring people.
- Your vibe attracts your tribe.
Cute happy Instagram captions
- “All happiness or unhappiness solely depends upon the quality of the object to which we are attached by love.”
- “Happiness is an attitude of mind, born of the simple determination to be happy under all outward circumstances.”
- “Happiness is being contented with what you have, living in freedom and liberty, having a good family life and good friends.”
- “Happiness is not an ideal of reason, but of imagination.”
- “Happiness is where we find it, but very rarely where we seek it.”
- “Real happiness is not of temporary enjoyment, but is so interwoven with the future that it blesses forever.”
- “Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.”
- “There is only one happiness in this life, to love and be loved.”
- “You can only have bliss if you don’t chase it.”
Being happy Instagram captions
- A smile is happiness, you will find right under your nose.
- Be happy for this moment. This moment is life.
- Being happy is my favorite style.
- Every moment i am happy and spreading happiness around
- Happiness is not a good looking guy. If it doesn’t come to you it means you are not easily impressed.
- I don’t cry for a perfect life. I’m way too happy just because I’m alive in this beautiful world.
- I wouldn’t know how to appreciate happiness if I never had sad times in my life.
- I’m happy because I enjoy every bit of my simple life.
- If being happy was a crime, I’d be the most wanted criminal.
- If sadness bothers you, tell him I’m feeling happy.
- It’s nice to be important, but it’s more important to be nice.
- Life is beautiful, but you don’t have a clue.
- Smile attracts happiness like a magnet.
- Sorry, even the latest update of my life does not feature an unhappy button.
- The best way to pay for a lovely moment is to enjoy it.
- The most simple things can bring the most happiness.
- There is only one happiness in this life, to love and be loved.
- Today I choose life, I choose happiness.
Humorous and Witty Happy Captions
- Sparkling the morning sun.
- Some people cause happiness wherever they go. And others, whenever they go.
- Smiling while I still have teeth.
- Smile, it’s Friday!
- Smack yourself in the ass and seize the day!
- Putting on my positive pants!
- People are illogical, unreasonable, and self-centered. Love them anyway.
- Nothing like a free day with absolutely nothing to do.
- Normally, I don’t like spoilers. But, the spoiler that we all die in the end? Now that’s kinda enlightening!
- No one actually cares about you being unhappy, so you might as well be happy.
- Money can’t buy happiness, but I’ll take the money.
- Make today a glitter-filled bag of rainbows and unicorns.
- Life would be better if we all had a tails to wag.
- Let the wrinkles from smiling come!
- It’s just Monday, not doomsday.
Sadness And Happiness Quotes for Instagram
- “Sooner or later the rain stops and the sun rises again.” ― Abhijit Naskar
- “It is not possible to express the most precious insights,
To see all that craves to be seen,
To visit even the closest neighbors in the universe,
To learn all that needs to be learned,
To live without dying,
And I am sad about it.
But I lived
And I am happy about that.” ― Dejan Stojanovic - “This happiness was never meant for me.” ― Kristin Halbrook, Nobody But Us
- “The real you is not you, the real you is what is within you. What is behind your joy or your melancholy. What gives you the reason to ponder. What moves or stops you. What makes you you is you.” ― Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
- “Every memory becomes a golden treasure to us when we have lived our lives with tragedy and triumphs, sadness and happiness.” ― Debasish Mridha
- “Darkness is part of this life, but so is light.” ― Millie Florence, Lydia Green Of Mulberry Glen
- “Und dann fragst du, ob du noch traurig sein darfst, und ich sage ja, weil du die Bestimmerin bist, und du darfst traurig sein, auch wenn es immer Sommer ist und wir so viel Geld haben, dass wir uns alles Eis der Welt kaufen können.” ― Tamara Bach, Was vom Sommer übrig ist
Sassy Happy IG Captions
- Kinda Bad, Kinda Boujee
- You are either on my side, by my side, or in my f***ing way. Choose wisely.
- Too good for you
- She’s beauty and she’s grace, she’ll punch you in the face
- Sassy, Classy, and Bad-assy!
- People say I act like I don’t give a s***. I’m not acting
- I wear heels bigger than your d***
- I tried to be good, then I got bored
- I like to make people who hate me, hate me even more
- Go to hell? Oh honey, where do you think I came from?
- Eat, pray, slay
- Angel, with a hint of b****
- 50% Savage 50% Sweetness
Just be happy Instagram captions
- Good Times + Crazy Friends = Great Memories!
- God is really creative, I mean… Just look at me.
- Friends make this world beautiful!
- Fresh out of the shower, no makeup on.
- FOOD is my best friend.
- Find Me under the Palms.
- Finals are OVER!!!
- Filling my mind with happy thoughts
- Exams are over!
- Don’t worry, Beach Happy!
- Darlings don’t forget to fall in love with you first.
- Coffee and confidence.
- Child of the ocean!
Simple Captions about Happiness
- “Every day is a new day, and you’ll never be able to find happiness if you don’t move on.”
- “I am the king of the world”
- A great obstacle to happiness is to expect too much happiness.
- Don‘t ruin a good today by thinking about a bad yesterday.
- Everyone has a chapter they don’t read out loud… (:-D
- Fit life💪🏻is a Happy Life😊❤.
- I am the most beautiful girl when I am happy!
- I’m actually very good until you start annoying me.
- Life is much more than doing what everyone else does.
- People don’t notice whether it’s summer or winter when they’re happy.
- Simple life is a happy life.
- The universe is supporting me in ways I can’t imagine…!!
One word happy Instagram captions
- Absolutely
- Arrogant
- Brave
- Brilliant
- Careful
- Certainly
- Completely
- Definitely
- Enjoy
- Exactly
- Excellent
- Gifted
- Humble
- Imaginative
- Interesting
- Open-minded
- Organized
- Passionate
- Quickly
- Splendid
Have you ever felt that people, who talk too much about nothing, start to irritate you after a while? In some situations, it’s possible to agree that talkative people can be too annoying! Of course, sometimes we cannot bring all the necessary nuances of some cases without a detailed story.
However, it doesn’t mean that you need to use many additional words to share your ideas. It’s easy to lose the whole essence of a conversation in the thousands of words!
Everybody knows how useful words can be! In this regard, you shouldn’t underestimate the power of one-word expressions and quotes! Even a single word of encouragement can help you to cheer up a person; while a simple word, said in a heated moment, is able to hurt a man to a core. Isn’t it powerful?
Words can be used as both a medicine and poison at the same time! Words are an efficient way to manipulate public opinion as well as each individual. That’s why you should always choose carefully what you want to say to avoid misunderstanding of any kind!
Perhaps, it sounds confusing, but one word may be enough to reach a specific goal! You’ll be surprised to hear that it’s easy to get a piece of motivation with the help of only one word! It’s not hard to remember motivational quotes, consisted only of a single word, to improve your life. Find your inspiration in the inspirational one-word quotes we’ve rounded up for you below!
What do you think of the idea to use famous one word sayings about life and love are the best ideas as captions for Instagram, Facebook, and other social networks in order to attract somebody’s attention? Sounds interesting, right? That’s why pay your attention to the following 1 word quotations.
They are simple to focus on and easy to use. You don’t need to spend a lot of time writing or reading these meaningful quotes and sayings: concise, deep, useful, universal, effective. Do you need any other reasons to save some of the great images with one word quotes to live by?
Whatever happens in your life, always remember that brevity is the soul of wit! Enjoy the following one word quotes for all occasions!
Inspirational Quotes To Show The Power Of One Word
Do you know at least one person who doesn’t need to be motivated? It’s easy to predict your negative answer. Sooner or later everybody needs to get a word of inspiration and motivation!
No matter how much purposeful and self-motivated you are, you’ll definitely face times of disappointment and tiredness on the way to your goal. In the case, you feel the lack of strength to move on, pay attention to the inspirational one word quotes! Be sure, even one word from the list below will inspire you:
- Better than a thousand hollow words, is one word that brings peace. – Buddha
- Everything starts with one step, or one brick, or one word or one day. – Jeremy Gilley
- I cannot take back one word or action; the past does not change for anyone. – Charles Van Doren
- Sometimes kids ask how I’ve been able to write so many books. The answer is simple: one word at a time. Which is another good lesson, I think. You don’t have to do everything at once. You don’t have to know how every story is going to end. You just have to take that next step, look for that next idea, write that next word. – Andrew Clements
- One word can end a fight; One hug can start a friendship; One smile can bring Unity; One person can change your entire life! – Israelmore Ayivor
Vital One Word Sayings about Life
It may seem that it’s almost impossible to tell others about your life or thoughts with the help of just one word! It’s a widespread mistake! From time to time, a single word, chosen carefully, maybe eloquent!
Why should you believe us? This is because almost all elements of our life, important for people, can be called in one word: happiness, love, family, belief, encouragement, support, etc. Who knows, maybe, these one word sayings about life will become your guiding principle:
- My biggest regret could be summed up in one word, and that’s procrastination. – Ron Cooper
- What drove me and kept me going over the decades? If I had to use a single word, it would be ‘curiosity’. – Eve Arnold
- Opportunities – You only get few chances to change yourself. Make sure you avail the opportunity that comes your way. – Unknown
- Forgive. Forgiveness doesn’t make the other person right; it makes you free. – Stormie Omartian
- The meaning of life. The wasted years of life. The poor choices of life. God answers the mess of life with one word: ‘grace.’ – Max Lucado
Powerful 1 Word Quotes for You To Live By
You have already heard how powerful one word can be. However, you may think that it’s only the myth, created for too gullible people. You have the chance to admit that you were wrong with your thoughts!
Relevant quotes with 1 necessary word are exactly what you need to live by! Let the following one word quotes be your life motto:
- All the great things are simple, and many can be expressed in a single word: freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy, hope. – Winston Churchill
- Dare. Failures are made only by those who fail to dare, not by those who dare to fail. – Lester B. Pearson
- The one word that no politician will ever speak, is ‘enough.’ Enough. – Carl Hiaasen
- If I had to describe myself in one word, ‘Hercules.‘ – Bryce Harper
- I get paralyzingly nervous a lot of times, so I tried bravado. The way I dress and carry myself, a lot of people find it intimidating. I think my whole career can be boiled down to the one word I always say in meetings: ‘strength.’ – Lorde
Famous One Word Quotes about Everything
Every situation in our life can be defined with one word. It’s up to you to decide what word it will be! There are so many things that influence your choice of the word! Everything depends on the time, place, personal attitude, feelings, and so on.
In any case, famous one word quotes will interest you as soon as they reveal the most popular aspects of life!
- Forgive. Forgiveness doesn’t make the other person right; it makes you free. – Stormie Omartian
- If someone was like, ‘Describe yourself in one word,’ I would never say, ‘Handsome.’ – Ian Harding
- Encourage. Appreciation can make a day – even change a life. Your willingness to put it into words is all that is necessary. – Margaret Cousins
- Forgive. Forgiveness doesn’t make the other person right; it makes you free. – Stormie Omartian
- The one word that makes a good manager – decisiveness. – Lee Iacocca
Best One Word Quotes About Love
When people hear the word “love”, all of them associate it with something personal. As a rule, they unlikely to have the same thoughts. However, love has one meaning, common to everybody! What is love for you? Is it an innermost feeling, or a problem for you? If you still cannot define what love means exactly, don’t miss the best one word quotes about love! Isn’t it a good way to understand other people?
- One word frees us of all the weight and pain in life. That word is love. – Sophocles
- The cure for all the ills and wrongs, the cares, the sorrows, and the crimes of humanity, all lie in the one word ‘love‘. It is the divine vitality that everywhere produces and restores life. – Lydia M. Child
- Be Impeccable With Your Word. Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love. – Don Miguel Ruiz
- Love is a special word, and I use it only when I mean it. You say the word too much and it becomes cheap. – Ray Charles
- I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. This is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant. – Martin Luther King
Universal Single Word to Use in Motivational Quotes
People are used to thinking that long texts and phrases are better to use to motivate somebody. It’s a common belief that you should make up a kind of essay to persuade a person to change his or her life, move on, reach different goals and so on.
Although a thousand words are useful, sometimes this way may be counterproductive! Do you really want to waste your precious time, trying to cheer somebody up? We don’t think so!
That’s why you’d better apply to motivational quotes with a single word! If it’s impossible to help your friend with a single word, you don’t have any chances to motivate him or her even with a thousand words!
- One word sums up probably the responsibility of any vice–president, and that one word is ‘to be prepared‘. – Dan Quayle
- Action. Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do. – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
- Fly – Don’t think what would happen if you fail! Think, what if you fly? – Unknown
- Dream – Have the courage to pursue your dreams. Live them and act on them. -Unknown
- The strong manly ones in life are those who understand the meaning of the word patience. – Tokugawa Ieyasu
Witty One Word Captions for Instagram
Don’t know how to make your page on the social net popular? Do you think that you have tried everything? That’s not entirely true! You haven’t used witty one word captions for social pages, collected in the post!
The users of Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter will become interested in the short, but creative captions, used on your page! Don’t write long posts. They make everybody bored, so people begin losing their interest in your profile. One word captions are what you need!
- Grateful. I am grateful for all of my blessings.
- Kindness. I express myself with love and kindness.
- Freedom – You’re free to go. Enjoy the air of freedom and live your life.
- Question. I ask the right questions to progress in the right direction.
- Think. I create my day and life with the thoughts I think.
Great 1 Word Quotations on Universal Images
Great images with only one word are much more attractive than the same with long text. You’re surely puzzled over this statement now, aren’t you? In fact, one word contains the kind of mystery.
People can solve it, but the truth is that the answer will be different for different people. Don’t look for the deeper meaning of the following 1 word quotations on images, enjoy them:
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