One word for waiting in line

What is another word for waiting in line?

queueing queuing

What is the English word for line?

One of the words that people are looking for when they look up que is queue, a word that means “line” (as in, “We waited in the ticket queue.”) Sometimes people are looking for the homonym cue, or “a signal to start or do something” (“The lights just went out—that’s my cue to start the movie.”).

What is another word for inline?

What is another word for in line?

in accordance in compliance
in conformity in keeping
in step

Is it correct to say on line or in line?

People who say on line are posers who are trying to sound English. Unless they are actually English, then it is OK. You are part of the line, therefore you are in line. People who say on line think a hotdog is a sandwich and Die Hard is a Christmas movie, and they are all to be shunned.

Is in line with synonym?

“His development has been in line with that of his peers.”…What is another word for in line with?

following honoringUS
commensurate with consistent with
in compliance with in conformity with
pursuant to conforming to
in congruence with in fulfilment of

Is in line with an idiom?

in line with (someone or something) In agreement or accordance with someone or something; consistent with someone or something. In line with our normal policies, he will be suspended for four games. These new regulations don’t seem to be in line with the way the administration has operated previously.

What does the phrase in line mean?

phrase. If you are in line for something, it is likely to happen to you or you are likely to obtain it. If something is in line to happen, it is likely to happen.

How do you use in line in a sentence?

In line sentence example

  1. Let’s get in line or the food will be gone.
  2. Each day they changed positions in line so that no one ate the dust from all the wagons every day.
  3. Being first in line one day meant being last in line the next.
  4. I’ll help you keep your woman in line .

Are in line with expectations?

similar to, or at the same level as something: The company’s results are in line with stock market expectations.

When can we use lines?

The Uses of Line It can describe edges. It can indicate form as well as movement. It can also indicate value and a light source in drawing. When line is used for value or shading, we most typically see it used in the form of hatching or cross hatching.

What are the 8 types of lines?

Terms in this set (8)

  • Horizontal. Going straight across from side to side.
  • Vertical. Going straight up and down.
  • Diagonal. a straight line from one corner to another corner.
  • C curves. Looks like a C.
  • S Curves. Looks like an S.
  • Arches. Arc-like curve.
  • Spirals. winding or circling around a central point.
  • Circle.

What are the two types of line?

How many types of lines are there? There are two basic lines in Geometry: straight and curved. Straight lines are further classifies into horizontal and vertical. Other types of lines are parallel lines, intersecting lines and perpendicular lines.

Is every line straight?

Note: Every straight line is a line but not every line is a straight line. How can you define a straight line? If an angle arc is drawn from any point to any another point of a the same line and if it is measured to be 180° angle always then the line is defined to be a straight line.

What goes in a straight line?

A line is simply an object in geometry that is characterized as a straight, thin, one-dimensional, zero width object that extends on both sides to infinity. A straight line is essentially just a line with no curves.

What is a straight line angle?

In Maths, a straight angle is an angle equal to 180 degrees. It is called straight because it appears as a straight line. Basically, as per angles definition in maths, when two rays are joined end to end, they form an angle.

Are there really no straight lines in nature?

A “straight line” is a concept. Like any concept it’s purely an artifact of the human mind. There are approximations of straight lines in nature, but a perfectly straight line does not exist any more than a perfect sphere does.

Does God make straight lines?

“God does not build in straight lines.” That’s what the character played by Logan Marshall-Green (whom you may know as Trey Atwood from The O.C.) declares in Ridley Scott’s new sci-fi thriller Prometheus. In the scene, the questionably named spaceship Prometheus is about to land on an alien world.

What shape does not exist in nature?

What is a shape? Mathematical shapes can exist in various dimensions. They can also be defined very specifically. A mathematical circle doesn’t exist in nature because a) it is a two dimensional object and b) shapes in nature are quantised – at some point a flower is made of cells and then atoms.

What is the straightest thing in nature?

Thirty feet beneath the hills of Menlo Park, scientists at the Stanford Linear Accelerator have worked for the past half century to alter our fundamental understanding of the universe. The 1.9-mile-long structure, where electrons fly at nearly the speed of light, is reputed to be the straightest object on earth.

What is the most straightest thing in the world?

It’s no secret that SLAC is a huge facility, especially because its claim to fame is housing the world’s longest linear accelerator that is also the world’s straightest object.

What object is very straight?

From Google search: The sun is the most perfectly round natural object known in the universe, say scientists who have conducted precise measurements of its dimensions.

What is another word for waiting in line? Verb. Present participle for take one’s place in a queue. queueing. queuing.

Likewise, what does waiting in queue mean?

queue. A queue is a line of things, usually people. Queue comes from the Latin cauda, for tail. Outside the United States it means a line of people or vehicles waiting their turn, so if your English friend talks about queuing up for the movies, that means getting in line for a ticket.

Also Know, are in the queue?

One of the words that people are looking for when they look up que is queue, a word that means “line” (as in, “We waited in the ticket queue.”) Sometimes people are looking for the homonym cue, or “a signal to start or do something” (“The lights just went out—that’s my cue to start the movie.”).

How do you use the word queue?

queue Sentence Examples

  1. The queue to get in here is longer than you’d guess.
  2. The list was a scrolling queue of names.
  3. Instead of the space port theming in the queue line, the narrow hallways have been painted with fluorescent paint and blacklit to provide a mild 3D effect, and riders can purchase 3D glasses if desired.

What does in queue mean?

queue. A queue is a line of things, usually people. Queue comes from the Latin cauda, for tail. Outside the United States it means a line of people or vehicles waiting their turn, so if your English friend talks about queuing up for the movies, that means getting in line for a ticket.

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Photo search results for Wait in line

Metro station with passengers on platform From above of anonymous people in casual wear in subway platform near train Young couple holding hands while waiting for funicular Faceless woman waiting for metro cabin in subway Mature women in colorful outerwear with bags sitting on bench of bus terminal with glass wall and map near modern building on pavement in town From above side view of crop anonymous female medic in sterile glove and outerwear standing near asphalt road in town

Image search results for Wait in line

nature, scenery, s switzerland, train station in erstfeld, track climb

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Synonyms for Wait in line. 2016. Accessed April 14, 2023.

Is there a word describing this action?

What is the name of the machine that provides you a ticket with your number or priority turn? you don’t wait in line/queue in order, just take a seat and wait to be called by this number, code or even your name.

Also, need to know the name of the display where you see the last turn called.


I supposed to replicate this in a software system. The term Kiosk applies here?

David's user avatar


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asked Apr 2, 2016 at 2:39

Horaciux's user avatar


It’s a ticket dispenser. Here’s one for sale that I found on the web (I’m not knowingly affiliated with the vendor).

Dispenser noun
1.2 [usually with modifier] An automatic machine or container which is designed to release a specific amount of something: a paper towel dispenser

The word kiosk is more evocative of a booth or small room, so it’s not as appropriate as dispenser for the device itself. Ticket dispensers are often either free-standing or bolted to a wall, but if it was placed in a small room, possibly with someone in that space doing the dispensing, that room could be called the ticket kiosk. The machine itself would still be called a dispenser, though.

answered Apr 2, 2016 at 2:51

Lawrence's user avatar


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Translation examples

  • ждать в очереди

  • ожидания в очереди

I’ve never liked waiting in lines.

Мне никогда не нравилось ждать в очереди.

Celebrities don’t have to wait in line.

наменитост€м не нужно ждать в очереди.

You two sweeties shouldn’t have to wait in line.

Вам, милахам, не стоит ждать в очереди.

I have a VIP membership, so we never have to wait in line.

У меня там ВИП-членство, не придется ждать в очереди.

She should go up there and wait in line, not annoying me here.

ќна должна пойти туда и ждать в очереди, а не досаждать мне тут.

It’s like waiting in line at a club, except when you get to the end, there’s no dancing.

Это как ждать в очереди в клуб, а когда ты её выстоишь, никто уже не танцует.

She’s gonna hate waiting in line for the panels.

Она возненавидит ожидание в очереди у панелей.

If you really care that much, there are apps now that’ll let you hire people to do stuff like errands and wait in lines.

Если тебя это так беспокоит есть приложения, которые позволяют нанимать людей делать такие вещи как поручения и ожидание в очередях

wait in line

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

стоять в очереди

ожидания в очереди

ожидание в очереди

ждать в очереди

ждут своей очереди

стоять в очередях

ждать на линии

ожидая очереди

I hate waiting in line to die.

It’s better than waiting in line.

Parent number two can then go on the ride without waiting in line.

А потом второй супруг может сразу уже без ожидания в очереди пойти кататься.

Free admission, without waiting in line, is provided for all disabled visitors with certified invalidity of more than 74%.

Бесплатный вход, без ожидания в очереди, предоставляется всем посетителям-инвалидам с сертифицированной инвалидностью более 74%.

Tickets: free entrance, waiting in line is for about 10-20 minutes.

The appointment in the consulate took several hours, mostly waiting in line.

Собеседование в консульстве США обычно длится несколько часов, включая ожидание в очереди.

There are people waiting in line, you can’t just come in and…

They’re all just waiting in line.

No one likes waiting in line.

You save money and avoid waiting in line.

To reduce the time waiting in line, you can buy tickets online at the tower site.

Для сокращения времени ожидания в очереди вы можете купить билет на башню онлайн.

Then the other parent can ride immediately after, without waiting in line again.

А потом второй супруг может сразу уже без ожидания в очереди пойти кататься.

Bored now: These people seek distraction or entertainment while waiting in line at the bank or on public transit, for example.

Скучно сейчас: Эти люди ищут отвлечения и развлечения во время ожидания в очереди в банке или на общественном транспорте, например.

As usual pensioners were waiting in line.

This means no waiting in line.

Investors were waiting in line to buy these.

You waste time while waiting in line playing a game.

На сайте вы сможете скоротать время при ожидании, поиграв в небольшую игру.

As usual, pensioners were waiting in line.

The previous owners retain the right to their wives without waiting in line.

Прежние владельцы сохраняют право пользования женами вне очереди.

Additionally, 52 percent prefer self-checkout stations in order to avoid waiting in line to make purchases.

Также, 52 % предпочитают кассы самообслуживания во избежание утомительных очередей.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 507. Точных совпадений: 507. Затраченное время: 89 мс


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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200


  • #1


When there is a queue somewhere and you are asking someone to wait in the queue, should you say “please wait in the line” or “please wait in line?”. Another example, is it correct to say “I was waiting in the line”?

  • dojibear

    • #2

    These are all correct in some situations. «Wait in line» describes an action. «The line» means a specific line. If you are in a place where there is one line (and only one line) waiting «in the line» makes sense.


    • #3

    Your suggestions are perfectly okay in context, these are just some alternatives.
    A frequent polite way to indicate that a person should join a queue is to use an oblique reference to it: pointing out that a line exists, rather than directly telling someone what to do. For example,

    The queue’s here, I think.
    Excuse me, we are in line here.
    Sorry, you might not have noticed we are queuing here.​



    Moderator Emeritus

    English UK Southern Standard English

    • #4

    We’d probably say «Please join the queue» or «Please wait in the queue» in BE. If there isn’t an obvious queue there, then «Please wait your turn» could be used instead.

    But variants of «in the line» don’t really work in BE. :(


    • #5

    But variants of «in the line» don’t really work in BE. :(

    Yes, I think I knew that. Another area were Australia has a foot in each camp — we probably prefer “queue” but “line” works well too. I noticed the OP used both.

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