One word for very tired

What is another word for very tired?

Tired, exhausted, fatigued, wearied, weary suggest a condition in which a large part of one’s energy and vitality has been consumed.

Which means the same as exhausted?

dim, faded, faint, faint-hearted, faltering, fatigued, feeble, half-hearted, ill-defined, indistinct, irresolute, languid, listless, purposeless, timid, weak, wearied, worn, worn down, worn out.

Why am I so sleepy and tired all the time?

You may be too exhausted even to manage your daily affairs. In most cases, there’s a reason for the fatigue. It might be allergic rhinitis, anemia, depression, fibromyalgia, chronic kidney disease, liver disease, lung disease (COPD), or some other health condition.

What is meaning of exhausted?

1 : completely or almost completely depleted of resources or contents … crops are grown in the resulting field for a year or a few years until the soil is exhausted, and then the field is abandoned …— Jared Diamond. 2 : depleted of energy : extremely tired I mean I was just exhausted, totally exhausted.

What exhaustion feels like?

Fatigue is a feeling of constant tiredness or weakness and can be physical, mental or a combination of both. It can affect anyone, and most adults will experience fatigue at some point in their life.

What weary means?

1 : exhausted in strength, endurance, vigor, or freshness. 2 : expressing or characteristic of weariness a weary sign. 3 : having one’s patience, tolerance, or pleasure exhausted —used with ofsoon grew weary of waiting. 4 : wearisome.

Is exhausted an emotion?

What is emotional exhaustion? When stress begins to accumulate from negative or challenging events in life that just keep coming, you can find yourself in a state of feeling emotionally worn out and drained. This is called emotional exhaustion.

What does it mean to be emotionally exhausted?

Emotional exhaustion is a state of feeling emotionally worn-out and drained as a result of accumulated stress from your personal or work lives, or a combination of both. Emotional exhaustion is one of the signs of burnout.

What are the 5 stages of burnout?

The 5 stages of burnoutHoneymoon Phase. When we undertake a new task, we often start by experiencing high job satisfaction, commitment, energy, and creativity. Onset of Stress. The second stage of burnout begins with an awareness of some days being more difficult than others. Chronic stress. Burnout. Habitual Burnout.

Can emotions drain your energy?

Internalizing feelings can be damaging to your mental health when you fail to express how you feel. In addition to holding in feelings and avoiding confrontation, ruminating about negative experiences and thoughts can also drain emotional energy.

How can I stop feeling tired all the time?

Eat often to beat tiredness. Get moving. Lose weight to gain energy. Sleep well. Reduce stress to boost energy. Talking therapy beats fatigue. Cut out caffeine. Drink less alcohol.

Why is my energy so low?

Many men feel tired and overwhelmed each day, especially with the busy lives that many people lead. Lifestyle factors can cause low energy levels, such as sleep patterns, exercise, and diet. Medical conditions, such as low testosterone and sleep apnea, can also cause low energy levels in men.

How tired is too tired?

If you do not get seven to eight hours of sleep, expect to be tired and fatigued. Another is doing too much; for example, working or playing hard without resting properly. It is normal to get worn out in this way and become fatigued.

Why do I feel so unwell?

Everyone feels sick sometimes, but in some circumstances, a person can feel sick all or most of the time. This feeling can refer to nausea, catching colds often, or being run-down. A person might feel sick continuously for a few days, weeks, or months due to a lack of sleep, stress, anxiety, or a poor diet.

What can I take for extreme fatigue?

Getting a good (or at least better) night’s sleep could help you feel less tired during the day. First, your doctor will probably make sure you have good sleep habits….Some prescription sleep medications help you get to sleep, such as:Eszopiclone (Lunesta)Ramelteon (Rozerem)Zolpidem (Ambien)

How can I boost my energy?

9 tips to boost your energy — naturallyControl stress. Stress-induced emotions consume huge amounts of energy. Lighten your load. One of the main reasons for fatigue is overwork. Exercise. Exercise almost guarantees that you’ll sleep more soundly. Avoid smoking. Restrict your sleep. Eat for energy. Use caffeine to your advantage. Limit alcohol.

  • beat

  • dog tired

  • ready to drop

  • dog-tired

  • exhausted

  • tired

  • tired out

  • worn out

  • weary

  • had it

  • fatigued

  • wearied

  • kaput

Synonyms for Very tired

For more similar words, try Very tired on dictionary



1    absolutely, acutely, awfully     (informal)   decidedly, deeply, eminently, exceedingly, excessively, extremely, greatly, highly, jolly     (Brit.)   noticeably, particularly, profoundly, really, remarkably, seriously     (informal)   superlatively, surpassingly, terribly, truly, uncommonly, unusually, wonderfully  

2    actual, appropriate, exact, express, identical, perfect, precise, real, same, selfsame, unqualified  

3    bare, mere, plain, pure, sheer, simple  

English Collins Dictionary — English synonyms & Thesaurus  

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move very fast



very hungry

buzz cut


very short haircut

very newborn


a baby that is less than 2 weeks old

a far cry from


very different from

The charming and cosy cottage they moved into is a far cry from the tiny flat they were living in before / Her life with that fickle man is a far cry from being a dream life

rain cats and dogs


rain very heavily

Idiomatic expression.
«The weather was really bad yesterday. It was raining cats and dogs all day.»

go to hell in a handbasket


deteriorate very quickly

before you can say knife


Very quickly; almost instantaneously



very fast growth, scaling very quickly

on the model of «blitzkrieg» and scaling



go fast, move very quickly

he could sell sand to an arab


he is a very good seller

cost an arm and a leg


be very expensive; cost a lot

fly off the handle


become very angry ; lose one’s temper

[Fam.] Ex.: She kept a cool head as he was saying all kinds of mean and horrors about her but when he said her Chinese crested dog was ugly, it was the match in the powder barrel and she just flew off the handle



of extremely poor or unreliable quality ; very low-end

[US];[informal] I shouldn’t have bought that used car, it’s way too janky. / There’s hardly anywhere to eat other than a janky food place.
Also: jank

blue moon


expression used to designate something that happens very rarely



something described as very harmful, wicked, malicious

New York minute


expression used to indicate that something happens very quickly

like nothing


very little; very few; said to indicate that something is in a low amount/quantity or insignificant

E.g. You weigh like nothing; It costs like nothing; It is a big deal, but you make it look like nothing.

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  • 1
    very tired

    English-Turkish dictionary > very tired

  • 2
    very tired

    English-Turkish dictionary > very tired

  • 3
    very tired


    cansadísimo, bien cansado.

    Nuevo Diccionario Inglés-Español > very tired

  • 4
    he looked very tired

    English-Dutch dictionary > he looked very tired

  • 5
    she was very tired, nevertheless she kept working

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > she was very tired, nevertheless she kept working

  • 6


    1) muito

    2) mesmo


    1) exacto

    2) extremo

    3) simples

    * * *


    [v’eri] adj 1 completo, absoluto. 2 puro, genuíno. she is the very picture of her mother / ela é o retrato fiel de sua mãe. 3 justo, exato. he was caught in the very act / ele foi pego no momento exato (em flagrante). 4 rematado, perfeito, acabado. he (that) is the very devil / é o diabo em pessoa. 5 mesmo, próprio. the very air I breathed / o próprio ar que respirei. 6 simples, mero. • adv 1 muito, bastante, grandemente, extremamente. he is very ill / ele está muito doente. we had very many guests / tivemos muitas visitas. 2 absolutamente, exatamente. I am so very tired! / estou tão cansado! she is my very best friend / ela é minha melhor amiga. he was the very last / ele foi o último de todos. at the very beginning logo no começo. at the very moment no mesmo instante. that very day ainda no mesmo dia. the very thought o simples pensamento. to the very bones até os ossos. to this very day hoje, até o dia de hoje.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > very

  • 7

    adj. precies, werkelijk, waar; uiterst


    adv. erg, zeer


    zelfzelfde, juist, precies


    2   under my very eyes uitgerekend/vlak onder mijn ogen

    3   the very fact that … alleen al het feit dat …

    the very idea! wat een idee!



    heelerg, zeer; aller-


         very good/well, Sir! heel goed/zeker, meneer!

         not so very difficult niet zo (erg)/(al) te moeilijk

         oh, very well then! oh, goed dan (, als het moet)!

    English-Dutch dictionary > very

  • 8

       a. ( = extremely) très

    I am very cold/hot j’ai très froid/chaud

    are you tired? — very/not very êtes-vous fatigué ? — très/pas très

    very well, if you insist très bien, si vous insistez

    very last/first tout dernier/premier

       a. ( = exact) même

       b. ( = extreme) tout

       c. ( = mere) seul

    * * *



    1) () même (after n)

    4) () [mention, thought] seul (before n)



    I didn’t eat/find very much — je n’ai pas mangé/trouvé grand-chose

    English-French dictionary > very

  • 9



    1) muy

    2) de todo; enteramente, completamente


    1) justo, exacto

    2) del todo

    3) sólo, mero




    to be very hungry/sleepy tener mucha hambre/mucho sueño

    very few muy pocos,-as, poquísimos,-as


    were the tickets expensive? —not very ¿eran caras las entradas? —no mucho

    the very thought of it! ¡sólo con pensarlo!

    muy, sumamente

    mismo, exacto

    solo, mero

    extremo, de todo





    I ‘veri


    she’s very tall/clever/fat — es muy alta/inteligente/gorda; ( more emphatic) es altísima/inteligentísima/gordísima

    it was very hot/cold — hacía mucho calor/frío

    very much: thank you very much muchas gracias; did you enjoy it? — yes, very much indeed ¿te gustó? — sí, mucho; very well muy bien; I couldn’t very well refuse — cómo me iba a negar!

    at the very most/least — como máximo/mínimo


    a) (exact, precise) mismo

    b) (absolute, extreme)

    d) (mere, sheer) solo, mero


    1) muy

    it is very cold — está muy frío; hace mucho frío

    «that will be all» — «very good, sir» — -nada más -muy bien, señor

    you’re not being very helpful — me ayudas bien poco, no me estás siendo de gran ayuda

    very high frequency — (Rad) frecuencia muy alta

    that’s very kind of you — eres muy amable

    «did you enjoy it?» — «very much (so)» — -¿te ha gustado? -sí, mucho

    he very nearly missed the bus — por muy poco pierde el autobús

    we don’t see each other very often — nos vemos poco, no nos vemos mucho

    he’s so very poor — es tan pobre

    very well, I’ll do what I can — muy bien or bueno, haré lo que pueda


    the very best, she eats nothing but the very best — solo come lo mejor de lo mejor

    at the very latest — a más tardar, como muy tarde

    at the very most — a lo sumo, como mucho, como máximo

    the very next day — precisamente el día siguiente

    she was given her very own TV show — le dieron su propio programa de televisión

    the very same hat — el mismísimo sombrero

    3) mucho

    «are you tired?» — «(yes,) very» — -¿estás cansado? -(sí,) mucho

    1) mismo

    he’s the very man we want — es justo el hombre que buscamos

    it’s the very thing! — ¡es justo lo que necesitamos!


    the very idea! — ¡qué cosas dices!, ¡cómo se te ocurre!

    the very thought (of it) makes me feel sick — con solo pensarlo me da náuseas


    at the very end — justo al final, al final de todo

    * * *

    I [‘veri]


    she’s very tall/clever/fat — es muy alta/inteligente/gorda; ( more emphatic) es altísima/inteligentísima/gordísima

    it was very hot/cold — hacía mucho calor/frío

    very much: thank you very much muchas gracias; did you enjoy it? — yes, very much indeed ¿te gustó? — sí, mucho; very well muy bien; I couldn’t very well refuse — cómo me iba a negar!

    at the very most/least — como máximo/mínimo


    a) (exact, precise) mismo

    b) (absolute, extreme)

    d) (mere, sheer) solo, mero

    English-spanish dictionary > very

  • 10
    very *****


    very happy — molto felice, felicissimo (-a)

    very much — molto, tanto, moltissimo, tantissimo


    the very first — il (la)primissimo (-a), proprio il (la)primo (-a)

    the very last — l’ultimissimo (-a), proprio l’ultimo (-a)

    he won’t come until 9 o’clock, at the very earliest — non arriverà prima delle 9, al più presto

    her very words were… — le sue parole testuali furono…


    at the very bottom/top — proprio in fondo/in cima

    English-Italian dictionary > very *****

  • 11

    English-Danish dictionary > dog-tired

  • 12

    rendido, hecho polvo, muerto de cansancio


    1 rendido,-a, hecho,-a polvo, muerto,-a de cansancio




    rendido *, hecho polvo *

    * * *

    English-spanish dictionary > dog-tired

  • 13


    * * *


    * * *

    * * *

    * * *


    English-german dictionary > dog-tired

  • 14


    * * *


    [dɔg t’aiəd] adj exausto, esgotado.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > dog-tired

  • 15

    helt utslitt, dødstrett, overtrett, «gåen»

    dødstrett, overtrett, utmattet, utkjørt

    English-Norwegian dictionary > dog-tired

  • 16

    English-Icelandic dictionary > dog-tired

  • 17

    English-Hungarian dictionary > dog-tired

  • 18

    English-Turkish dictionary > dog-tired

  • 19

    na smrt utrujen

    * * *



    na smrt utrujen, izčrpan

    English-Slovenian dictionary > dog-tired

  • 20

    • uupunut

    * * *


    English-Finnish dictionary > dog-tired

  • См. также в других словарях:

    • tired — [ taırd ] adjective *** 1. ) needing to rest or sleep: She was too tired to do any more. My mother looked tired and ill. feel tired: He felt too tired to drive home. get tired: Kids can suddenly get very tired after playing for a time. a ) if a… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

    • tired — W2S1 [taıəd US taırd] adj 1.) feeling that you want to sleep or rest so tired (that) ▪ I m so tired I could sleep for a week. too tired to do sth ▪ He was too tired to argue. ▪ He looks tired out (=very tired) . ▪ No, Frank said in a tired voice …   Dictionary of contemporary English

    • tired */*/*/ — UK [ˈtaɪə(r)d] / US [ˈtaɪrd] adjective 1) a) needing to rest or sleep She was too tired to do any more. My mother looked tired and ill. get tired: Kids can suddenly get very tired after playing for a time. feel tired: He felt too tired to drive… …   English dictionary

    • tired — adjective 1 feeling that you want to sleep or rest: I m so tired I could sleep for a week. | She can t come tonight she says she s too tired. 2 bored with something because it is no longer interesting, or has become annoying: tired of doing sth:… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

    • tired*/*/*/ — [ˈtaɪəd] adj needing to rest or sleep Your mother looked tired.[/ex] Kids can suddenly get very tired after playing for a time.[/ex] • tired of (doing) sth not wanting something, or not wanting to do something, because you are bored or annoyed… …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

    • very — ver|y [ veri ] function word *** Very can be used in the following ways: as an adverb (before adjectives and adverbs): It had been a long day and he was very tired. I always walk very quickly. She writes very well. as an adjective (only before a… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

    • very */*/*/ — UK [ˈverɪ] / US adjective, adverb Summary: Very can be used in the following ways: as an adverb (before adjectives and adverbs): It had been a long day and he was very tired. ♦ I always walk very quickly. ♦ She writes very well. as an adjective… …   English dictionary

    • tired of (doing) something — phrase no longer wanting something or wanting to do something because you are bored with it or annoyed by it We were tired of waiting for him to call. get/​grow tired of doing something: She’s getting tired of going into that office every day.… …   Useful english dictionary

    • very — very, much 1. The uses of very and much as intensifying adverbs are for the most part complementary. Very qualifies adjectives and adverbs (very large / very slowly), whereas much qualifies past participles that are used as adjectives (a much… …   Modern English usage

    • tired — adj. 1 needing rest VERBS ▪ be, feel, look, seem, sound ▪ become, get ▪ leave sb, make s …   Collocations dictionary

    • Tired and emotional — This article is about the euphemism. For the album by Mary Coughlan, see Tired and Emotional. The phrase tired and emotional is a chiefly British euphemism for drunk. It was popularised by the British satirical magazine Private Eye in 1967 after… …   Wikipedia

    very tired — перевод на русский

    Because she was a very old lady and very tired.

    Потому что она была очень старенькая леди, и очень устала.

    You must be very tired, and I suggest you go home.

    Ты, должно быть, очень устала, и я предлагаю тебе пойти домой.

    I told you she was very tired She can’t even hear me

    Видите… Она очень устала, она меня даже не слышит.

    Mr. Jones, I’m very tired.

    Мистер Джонс, я очень устала.

    You know, I’m very tired.

    Ничего, я очень устала.

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    I mean, he’s very tired.

    Я имею в виду, он устал.

    Oh, yes. Let’s leave it for now. I’m very tired.

    Ах да, забудем, я что-то устал.

    Star Trek XI: So Very Tired.

    Звездный путь 13 Я так устал..

    Damn, I’m very tired

    Проклятье! … Как я устал…

    — I’m feeling very, very tired.

    — Я просто устал.

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    She’s very tired, poor creature.

    Она очень устает, бедняжка.

    She’s very tired after her sessions.

    Она очень устает после этих сеансов.

    Dorota is very tired And has to have the foot bothering And never sees vanya or movies…

    Дорота очень устает, и должна терпеть это издевательство над ногами и не видеть Ваню и фильмов…

    Yes… but… mother is just always very tired.

    Да… Да… вот только… мама очень устаёт.

    It’s just he gets very tired.

    Просто он очень устает.

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    You seem very tired… Thanks…

    Выглядите очень уставшим.

    You look very tired.

    Вы выглядите очень уставшим.

    He was very tired.

    Он был очень уставшим.

    Last spring, I felt very tired and I realized that I had started to get old

    Прошлой весной я чувствовала себя очень уставшей, И поняла, что начинаю стареть

    From what I understand, you feel very tired afterwards.

    вы почувствуете себя очень уставшей после.

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    Being smart is very tiring.

    — Быть умным очень утомительно.

    That must be very tiring for you!

    Наверное, это очень утомительно.

    It was physically very, very tiring, full-body climbing really.

    Физически, это было очень и очень утомительно, для всех частей тела.

    It’s very tiring.

    Это очень утомительно.

    I would think it must be very tiring to be the only wife of a young husband.

    Я думаю, что это очень утомительно быть единственной женой молодого мужа.

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    A man is not «very tired. » He is «exhausted. »

    Человек не сильно устал. Он просто выдохся!

    — No. I guess I am very tired.

    Думаю, просто сильно устал.

    I’m so very tired, but I go now to my rest, at peace,

    Я так сильно устал, но теперь я иду на покой с миром,

    I wonder if he’s very tired.

    он сильно устал.

    I’m very tired.

    Устал сильно.

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