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Person in Black Leather Boots Sitting on Brown Cardboard Boxes Brown Cardboard Boxes on Brown Wooden Floor Person in Black Pants Lying on Brown Cardboard Box Person in Black Leather Boots Lying on Brown Cardboard Boxes Person in Black Pants Sitting on Brown Cardboard Box Person in Black Pants Lying on Brown Cardboard Boxes

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business tasks, hurry up to work, idea hot fluid under pressure, warning, danger

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Synonyms for Under pressure. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 13, from

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Synonyms for Under pressure. 2016. Accessed April 13, 2023.

under pressure — перевод на русский

/ˈʌndə ˈprɛʃə/

I found myself on the brink of panic, disintegrating under pressure of a reality greater than a mind accustomed to the cosy world of symbols could possibly bear.

я молниеносно осознал себ€ на пике паники, распада€сь под давлением реальности значительно большей, чем разум ют€щийс€ в комфортабельном мире интерпретаций, может перенести.

Miller was working under pressure too.

Миллер работал тоже под давлением.

It’s a cone-shaped container for producing chemical reactions under pressure.

Нет. Это, мсье, сосуд, работающий под давлением. Он был мне необходим.

No one knows how he’ll react under pressure, Lokai.

Никто не знает, как станет реагировать под давлением, Локай.

Well, the coolant’s under pressure.

Охладитель под давлением.

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I’m under pressure to explain what all the fireworks were for.

На меня давят, чтобы я объяснил к чему весь этот фейерверк.

We’re under pressure to solve this quick because apparently

На нас давят, чтобы мы раскрыли это быстро, потому что, несомненно,

I’m protecting you. I’m under pressure to replace you with a more senior officer.

Ты не представляешь, как на меня давят, чтобы я заменил тебя более опытным офицером.

You’re under pressure?

На вас давят?

I’m not good under pressure.

У меня не хорошо получается, когда на меня давят.

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I’ve been under pressure.

У меня был такой стресс!

Stuart thrives under pressure.

Стюарту нравится стресс.

Stay cool under pressure.

Здравствуй, стресс…

Just a minute. It also tells us that he had an ability to organise under pressure.

Еще это говорит нам, что у него есть способности действовать при стрессе.

And I organise under pressure, you know?

И я действую при стрессе, ты знаешь это?

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Under pressure, you don’t always see the wood for the trees.

Да? В стрессовой ситуации можно самое важное упустить.

Congratulations, Ben. Sorry, we had to make sure you’d keep the count under pressure. Welcome to the team.

Извини, надо было убедиться, что ты не сорвёшься в стрессовой ситуации.

I’ve seen you under pressure in the moment.

Я видел тебя в стрессовой ситуации.

Well, that does make sense. You do tend to babble on when you’re under pressure.

— Ну и правильно, потому что в стрессовой ситуации ты начинаешь мямлить.

And you’re good under pressure and, most importantly of all, You do what I say.

И ты хороша в стрессовой ситуации, и, что важнее всего, ты делаешь, что я говорю.

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Under pressure, are we?

Вы в напряжении?

I know. I-I’m just saying that being so far from home for so long and under pressure…

Я знаю, просто говорю, что быть далеко от дома так долго в таком напряжении…

When you’re feeling under pressure, do something different.

— Когда вы чувствуете напряжение, займитесь чем-нибудь посторонним.

You choked under pressure in ’98.

Ты перегорела от напряжения в 98-ом.

They are not under pressure?

Они под напряжением?

Word has it you’ve been cracking under the pressure.

Говорят, что ты не выдержал давления.

Well, not unless you crack under the pressure.

Ну, если только ты выдержишь давление.

Or worse, you’ll seem like a flake or like you broke under pressure.

Или и того хуже, будут считать вас сумасбродкой, или что вы не выдержали давления.

Spires buckled under the pressure, Scott didn’t.

Спайрс не смог выдержать давления, а Скотт смог.

Eight of you will switch to an easier specialty. Five of you will crack under the pressure. Two of you will be asked to leave.

Восемь из вас перейдут на более легкие специальности, пятеро не выдержат давления, двое будут отчислены.

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Автоматический перевод

под давлением, при давлении, под нажимом, под прессом, под натиском, под прессингом, находиться под давлением, находящийся под давлением

Перевод по словам

under  — меньше, под, при, по, вниз, внизу, ниже, меньший, нижний, недолет
pressure  — давление, напряжение, напор, нажим, воздействие, нажатие, сжатие


He buckled under pressure.

На него надавили, и он сдался.

She works well under pressure.

Она хорошо работает в стрессовых ситуациях.

They work best under pressure.

Лучше всего они работают в условиях стресса.

He remained sedate under pressure.

Он оставался спокойным под давлением. / Он сохранял спокойствие в стрессовой ситуации.

She held up all right under pressure.

Она здорово держалась в условиях стресса.

Simon doesn’t work well under pressure.

В условиях стресса Саймон работает плохо.

The minister was under pressure to resign.

На министра оказывалось давление с целью вынудить его уйти в отставку.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

What is another word for under pressure?

What is another word for under pressure?tenseedgyupsetill at easeantsydisturbedkeyed uppanickystrung outunder a strain69

What do you mean by under pressure?

1 : tightly pressed into a container The contents of the bottle are under pressure. 2 : in a state of stress or anxiety because of having too much to do They both work well under pressure. 3 : being made to feel forced to do something (as by arguments, threats, etc.)

How do you describe someone who is worried?

Over apprehensive is a term you can use in the context you are describing: Anxious or fearful that something bad or unpleasant will happen: ‘he felt apprehensive about going home’

How do you use the word pressure?

Pressure sentence examplesLet me put pressure on it. They’ll keep the pressure on the authorities when any of these cases get out of the public eye. She felt the pressure of a cup against her lips. The closer they drew, the more intense the pressure, and the more unstable they became.

What does pressure mean in slang?

Pressure is slang for weed or marijuana.

What is the word pressure?

noun. the exertion of force upon a surface by an object, fluid, etc., in contact with it: the pressure of earth against a wall. Physics. force per unit area. a constraining or compelling force or influence: the social pressures of city life; financial pressure.

What is relation between pressure force and area?

When a force is exerted on an object it can change the object’s speed, direction of movement or shape. Pressure is a measure of how much force is acting upon an area. Pressure can be found using the equation pressure = force / area. Therefore, a force acting over a smaller area will create more pressure.

What do you call someone who constantly worries?

Generalized anxiety disorder, or GAD, is a mental illness. It belongs to a group of illnesses called anxiety disorders. People living with GAD worry much more than other people, and they worry more often than other people. Day-to-day worries are a normal part of life. In fact, some worry is actually a good thing.

Is worried a mood?

This has often raised the chicken and egg question “Which comes first, my bad mood or my worrying?” Worrying tends to occur in times of stress, anxiety, depression – even anger, and other negative moods that become associated with worry include guilt and shame.

Is fearful a tone?

fearful or uneasiness about something that might happen. to speak or think favorably of, to judge favorably. characterized by intense feeling; passionate; fervent; intensely devoted, eager, or enthusiastic; zealous; vehement; fierce.

Can anxiety cause mood problems?

Anxiety disorders can also affect your mood and often occur along with depression. Mood disorders may increase your risk of suicide.

Is being lonely bad?

Negative effects Loneliness and social isolation are also associated with increased blood pressure, higher cholesterol levels, depression and, if that weren’t bad enough, decreases in cognitive abilities and Alzheimer’s disease.

How does it feel to be lonely?

‘What does it feel like to be lonely? It feels like being hungry when everyone around you is readying for a feast. It feels shameful and alarming and over time these feelings radiate outwards, making the lonely person increasingly isolated, increasingly estranged. It hurts, in the way that feelings do.

How can you tell if someone is lonely?

Here are some common signs of loneliness to look out for:They spend a lot of time alone. We’ll start with the most obvious one. They are unproductive. They get stuck on the negatives. They seem to be sick or ill frequently. They seem overly attached to their possessions or hobbies. About WaveLength.

Can a person go crazy from loneliness?

Being alone might cause you to hallucinate If you take a healthy person with no history of mental health disorders and put them under great stress, their cortisol levels (the stress hormone) would be astronomical, affecting their ability to psychologically interpret stimuli.

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

On this page you’ll find 7 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to under pressure, such as: at gunpoint, at knifepoint, in a hurry, pressured, under duress, and under threat.

How to use under pressure in a sentence

In September and October, 1918, the enemy troops finally evacuated the country under pressure of the victorious Allied offensive.


The latest movement was the silo system, the burying of grass under pressure, instead of making it into hay.


They held that Elizabeth was only acting under pressure, and that her real inclination was towards the old religion.


A-7a and A-5a engines have small tubes leading from these bearings which convey the oil under pressure to the wrist pins.


She went through the first hours of the morning as best she might, though clearly under pressure of sharp suffering.



OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • at gunpoint
  • at knifepoint
  • in a hurry
  • pressured
  • under duress
  • under pressure
  • under threat

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


No wonder that retail food prices are also under pressure.

Неудивительно, что розничные цены на продукты питания также находятся под давлением.

I think many teams are under pressure this decision.

Я думаю, что многие команды находятся под давлением этого решения.

And he discovered that blood pressure increased when people were under pressure.

И он обнаружил, что кровяное давление возрастает, когда люди находятся под нажимом.

This is particularly so when under pressure.

Creatives are notorious procrastinators because many do their best work under pressure.

Творческие личности — пресловутые прокрастинаторы, потому что многие из них делают свои лучшие работы под давлением.

Outside doctors can feel under pressure from care home staff.

Сторонние врачи могут чувствовать себя под давлением со стороны персонала по домашнему уходу.

And the euro is under pressure.

I work best under pressure, knee-deep in the mud.

«Я лучше всего работаю под давлением, по колено в грязи.

I want to see both pupils in action, under pressure.

Сэр? — Я хочу увидеть обоих стажеров в действии, под давлением.

I see you’re under pressure.

Anti-corruption activists and opposition politicians are under pressure.

Активисты борьбы с коррупцией и оппозиционные политики находятся под давлением.

Profitability in non-life insurance overall will remain under pressure.

Рентабельность в страховании, кроме страхования жизни, в целом останется под давлением.

Other subterranean fluids kept under pressure include natural gas and water.

Другие подземные жидкости, находящиеся под давлением, включают природный газ и воду.

It’s no secret that consumers are under pressure.

Ни для кого не секрет, что потребитель по-прежнему остаётся под давлением.

I do expect the shares to be under pressure soon.

Мы полагаем, что акции будут оставаться под давлением в ближайшее время.

Never work on an air compressor while components are under pressure.

Никогда не производите работы на воздушном компрессоре, пока в его компоненты находятся под давлением.

Judges are under pressure to make retributive decisions on sentencing.

But they all recognize they’re under pressure.

Но необходимо учитывать, что они все находятся под давлением.

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: tightly pressed into a container

The contents of the bottle are under pressure.


: in a state of stress or anxiety because of having too much to do

They both work well under pressure.


: being made to feel forced to do something (as by arguments, threats, etc.)

The mayor is under pressure to resign.

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“Under pressure.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


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