One word for too many things

Yes, you COULD say that you “messed up the document,” as you asked in your request for a more descriptive word. But, to say that you “messed up the document” would be something more likely to be uttered verbally in casual conversation rather than to be inserted into a written document.

I also like, “over-complicated” since you mentioned that the adding of texts tended to deteriorate the document’s cohesion and cause some

One word that could be appropriately used here is, “cluttered,” since the «texts» you’ve inserted apparently have done more to clutter the document than to add meaningful content.

The word, “clutter,” could be appropriately used here as either an adjective or a verb.

VERB, to clutter:
“My adding of the texts actually ended up cluttering the document, thereby making its message LESS clear rather than MORE.”

ADJECTIVE, cluttered:
“I added unnecessary content, which ended up causing the document to become cluttered and confusing.”

IN YOUR REQUEST, YOU ADDED, “it would be great if you tell me what is wrong with deteriorated.”

What is wrong with the verb, “deteriorated,” when used with the noun, “document,” is not that “deteriorated” is an intransitive verb and cannot take an object – IT CAN take an object. The verb, “to deteriorate” can be both transitive and intransitive.

The inappropriateness of the word, “deteriorate,” in your example has to do with its meaning.

The word, “deteriorate” means to make worse or make inferior in quality or value over time, or to impair (online Wiktionary, & Merriam Webster example: “Exposure to rain and sun will gradually deteriorate the paint.”)

To say that you deteriorated the document is not an appropriate use of the verb, “deteriorated,” because when you take into consideration the element of gradual degradation of quality, it just doesn’t work.

Let’s imaging this scenario: I added some texts to a document and deteriorated its cohesion and caused some confusion.

Can I say?

I messed up the document


overcomplicate definition–Oxford

verb [with object]

Make (something) more complicated than necessary.
‘the basic idea is quite simple but some people tend to overcomplicate it’
‘an overcomplicated tax system’

Informally, you can say “I messed up the document.” You’d want to use “damaged” instead of “deteriorated” because you need a transitive verb here, one that takes the object “its cohesion”. “Deteriorate” doesn’t take an object.

deteriorate (Oxford)

Source : Link , Question Author : MFR , Answer Author : Xanne

  • #1

Hi, everyone:

I’m looking for an expression that means Even a brief talk between people with different interests is too much.

For example:

A likes movie. B likes books. Even a few words between them will make each other feel boring, and feel they talk too much.
By comparison.
A likes movie, B likes movie. Even a few hours talk will not make them feel boring or feel like talk too much.

I wonder if I could say «One word is too much between people with different interests» , IF not, could you tell me any similar expression?

More explanation:
This is an idiom in my language which partly has implication of the English idiom «Birds of a feather flock together». In particular, it means the opposite thing, that is «if people are of different interests, it is difficult to carry on a conversation for long» (three sentences are too many)

Best wishes

    • #2

    Possibly, «Oil and water don’t mix.»

    • #3

    Hi, tanager, thank you~!

    But, here I want to do a literal translation.

    Three sentences are too many when two people share a common interest or concern.

    • #4

    Hi hly2004,

    Unfortunately, I can’t think of an idiom or proverb which comes any closer to what you’re after!

    As for a literal translation, you could say:

    Exchanging a few/three words (sentences) is too much when people have nothing in common.

    (I like «words» better than «sentences»)


    • #5

    This is stretching it a bit but when you really don’t care to talk to someone or be around them because you just don’t have anything in common, you usually describe it as:

    There’s no love lost between them.


    • #6

    Hi, everyone:

    I’m looking for an expression that means Even a brief talk between people with different interests is too much.

    For example:

    A likes movie. B likes books. Even a few words between them will make each other feel boring, and feel they talk too much.
    By comparison.
    A likes movie, B likes movie. Even a few hours talk will not make them feel boring or feel like talk too much.

    I wonder if I could say «One word is too much between people with different interests» , IF not, could you tell me any similar expression?


    Best wishes


    One word is too many
    between people with different interests.

    • #7

    I’ve got it, Thank you, Tanager, AngelEyes, Judica


    • #8

    Quick mention:

    I believe the phrase should be:

    One word is one too many

    Sorry, that was my fault.

    too many things — перевод на русский

    Too many things were against us, you see?

    Слишком много было против нас, понимаешь?

    He let too many things go by-little things.

    Упущено слишком много деталей.

    I can’t remember right now, too many the things he asked but like

    Не могу вспомнить, он спрашивал слишком много. Например,

    Old Brancaleone did and saw too many things.

    Старый Бранка сделал и увидел слишком много.

    Too many things.

    Слишком много.

    Показать ещё примеры для «слишком много»…

    I’ve gathered too many things

    У меня скопилось слишком много вещей.

    Neelix does too many things to have just one station.

    Ниликс делает слишком много вещей, чтобы работать за одной станцией.

    There are just way too many things in my life that I’m having trouble accepting

    Просто слишком много вещей в жизни которые я принимаю.

    her room with far too many things, because she never throws anything out.

    Её комната и все эти вещи.. ..слишком много вещей, потому что она не может ничего выбросить.

    There’s too many things that don’t make sense.

    Есть слишком много вещей, в которых нет смысла.

    Показать ещё примеры для «слишком много вещей»…

    You take too many things for granted.

    Ты слишком многое принимаешь за должное.

    Brian, there is no «us.» There are just too many things about us that don’t work.

    Брайан, нас просто не существует. Слишком многое мешает.

    — I’ve seen too many things myself.

    — Я слишком многое повидал.

    I’ve seen too many things that make me think otherwise.

    Ведь слишком многое говорило об обратном.

    There are too many things to go wrong, and summoning the White Goddess, that may be beyond me.

    Слишком многое может пойти не так. Я могу не справиться с призывом Белой богини.

    Показать ещё примеры для «слишком многое»…

    Too many things brought us here together.

    Так много вещей привели нас сюда сегодня.

    I’m sorry I’ve been asking too many things.

    Прости, что я просила так много вещей.

    You have too many things

    — Уж больно вещей у тебя много.

    — There are too many things here.

    — «десь и так много вещей.

    After we escaped, there were too many things in this world he didn’t have answers for.

    После нашего побега, в мире оказалось много вещей, которых он не мог понять.

    Отправить комментарий

    context icon

    context icon

    There are simply too many things to consider before you can make the right decision.


    context icon

    context icon

    context icon

    context icon

    context icon


    context icon

    context icon

    context icon

    context icon

    context icon

    context icon

    context icon

    context icon

    context icon

    the pace of life, approaches to education, social roles and institutions, marriage, and professional identity.


    context icon

    подход к образованию, социальные роли и институты, супружество, профессиональное самоопределение человека.


    But as Sri Aurobindo wrote, if that came(Mother laughs),

    context icon

    Но, как написал Шри Ауробиндо, если это придет[ Мать смеется], то, возможно,

    Too many things seemed to depend on me and I wasn’t sure I handled them in the best way possible.


    context icon

    Казалось, слишком многое зависело от меня, и я не была уверена, что справляюсь наилучшим образом.




    people would not have traveled, he always puts too many things in a suitcase Arab countries.

    context icon

    Сколько бы человек ни путешествовал, он всегда кладет слишком много вещей в чемодан Арабские страны.

    This couple in love want to kiss each other as if

    there were no tomorrow, but too many things happen around them that interrupt them.


    context icon

    Эта пара влюбленных хочет поцеловать друг друга, как будто завтра их


    UNOPS prior change efforts have been

    less than optimal because the organization embarked on doing too many things simultaneously.


    context icon

    Прежние усилия ЮНОПС по осуществлению

    преобразований были недостаточно оптимальными, поскольку организация одновременно пыталась добиться слишком многого.


    Although I am generally quite

    skeptical when it comes to accepting other people’s mystical experiences as truth, just too many things started happening recently, not to sit up and take notice.


    context icon

    Хотя я вообще довольно скептически,

    когда речь заходит о принятии мистического опыта других людей как истина, просто слишком много вещей начали происходит в последнее время, чтобы не сидеть и принимать уведомления.


    It’s not much fun for the other players and too many things can go wrong with the plan if the key

    player doesn’t cooperate or his character gets hurt.

    context icon

    Это не очень весело для других игроков и слишком многое может пойти не так, как надо по плану, если ключевой

    игрок не сотрудничает, или если его герой повреждается.

    Sometimes it thinks it has to copy


    to registers and really it isn’t going to have to,

    so it may free up too many things and thus not use all the registers that it could.

    context icon

    Иногда он думает, что ему надо копировать что-то в регистры, а на самом деле ему это не потребуется,

    так что он может освободить слишком много всего, и стало быть не пользоваться регистрами, которыми мог бы.

    На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

    На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

    слишком много вещей

    слишком многое

    слишком много дел

    слишком много всего

    слишком многого

    слишком многих вещах

    так много вещей

    слишком многими вещами

    слишком многих вещей

    слишком многие вещи

    слишком большого количества вещей

    There are too many things in life that need our attention.

    If travelling for a short while, do not pack too many things.

    Sometimes I want to make too many things.

    Today too many things obstruct the realization of your plans.

    Сегодня слишком многое препятствует реализации ваших планов.

    You do not need to plan too many things for this period, and also to begin the implementation of large projects.

    Не нужно планировать слишком много дел на этот период, а также начинать реализацию крупных проектов.

    You are inclined to scatter your energies and undertake too many things at the same time.

    Вы склонны к рассеиванию энергии, пытаясь одновременно выполнять слишком много дел.

    You don’t want to spread yourself too thin by trying too many things.

    Вы не хотите распространять себя слишком тонкие, пытаясь слишком много вещей.

    Trying to change too many things simultaneously leads to disaster.

    You’re in a professional environment, and there are just far too many things that can go wrong.

    Вы находитесь в профессиональной среде, и есть слишком много вещей, которые могут пойти не так.

    Feels uncomfortable in large public crowds, in a room full of people talking, or with too many things occurring simultaneously.

    Он чувствует себя некомфортно в большой толпе, в помещении, полном разговаривающих людей, или когда одновременно происходит слишком много вещей.

    Surely, you’ve already had the feeling that, during your lifetime you’ve accumulated too many things.

    Конечно, у вас было ощущение, что во время вашей жизни вы накопили слишком много вещей.

    Do not create lengthy topics that describe too many things at once.

    Не делайте длинных тем, описывающих слишком многое сразу.

    As a result, we did too many things.

    Stress and confusion come from trying to do too many things at the same time.

    Одна из вещей, которая создает стресс и напряжение, — это когда мы пытаемся сделать слишком много вещей одновременно.

    Having too many things within reach or in your way when you are trying to work can be very distracting.

    Слишком много вещей в пределах досягаемости или на вашем пути, когда вы пытаетесь работать, может быть очень отвлекающим.

    Don’t do too many things at the same time.

    There are too many things here to fit into this suitcase.

    There’s too many things that don’t make sense.

    Neelix does too many things to have just one station.

    You unlocked too many things in my head, and now I can’t remember.

    Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

    Результатов: 699. Точных совпадений: 699. Затраченное время: 178 мс


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